ADI – Part 2 Test. Learn to pass ADI Part-Two Test. Helping who are thinking or are training to become a driving instructor., with their driving instructor ADI Part-two Test training.

    To become a driving instructor driving in high standard is essential, and this is what you’re tested on ADI Part 2 Test. Advance driving is the most important part when it comes to becoming an ADI.

    Your ADI Part-Two Test is for you to demonstrate to the examiner that your driving is in high standards. To prove you’re capable of advance driving you have one-hour to demonstrate you can drive within 6 driver faults and without any serious fault or danger fault.

    You’ll also be asked 5 “show me tell me” questions and in these questions you’ll be asked 2 show me questions and 3 tell me questions, and for each wrong answer you’ll get a driver fault.

    You’ll also have to do 2 manoeuvres out of 4 and you might be asked to do the emergency stop.

    This video is here to demonstrate how you should drive and to show you what is expected from you to pass the ADI Part-two Test.

    Driving TV

    Abdur Instructor!

    Hi welcome to my second Channel abdar instructor my first channel driving TV where I help Learners learn to drive and to pass a driving test this channel is dedicated to those who are thinking of becoming a driving instructor or are training or training to be a drive instructor hopefully this channel is

    Dedicated to them to help them now this video is all about ad part training for you to become a driv instructor you have to do part two which is driving for an hour show The Examiner your high standard of driving basically Advanced driving it’s not like a learner a

    Driving test basically you will be tested on High level driving Advanced driving this is what I’m going to concentrate in this video drive and talk you through so that you know what the examiner is looking for on part two what the examiner is expecting from you to

    Drive the way you should be driving on your ADI part two test now the test is like I said is about an hour and in the test you allowed to have six driving Falls or six driver Falls if you have seven you will fail or if you get one

    Serious or one danger you will fail your driving test so it’s either six driving fults with no serious no danger you will pass but even if you get less than six driver Falls but you get one serious or one danger you will fail your driving test so you are allowed to have six

    Miner FS or driver Falls but you can’t have a single serious fault or danger fault secondly you will be asked five show me tell me questions two show me questions and three tell me questions and also you will have to do two Maneuvers out of the four and you might

    Get the emergency stop and the examiner is looking for high standard driving so Advanced driving it’s not like a like I said learner driving test obviously you want to become a drivve instructor so your driving has to be high level Advanced driving this is what the

    Examiner is looking for and this is the main focus in this video is to show you I’m going to drive and I’m going to talk you through so that you understand what things The Examiner is looking for what you should be giving the examiner for

    You to pass the part two ad part two test for you to pass ADI part two Test okay so for you to move up from here if you are driving a manual car this is what you’re going to be doing and obviously if you’re automatic it’ll bit different but the basics are the same so you put the clutch down go to First here okay you look around sixo

    Check meaning one which is at the back two side mirror three four five six so for you to move off you need to look around and always cover six places before you move so one at the back this side mirror top mirror front this side mirror ER and the blind spot okay so

    These are the six before you move off and then consider to put the signal on if there’s somebody around you put the signal on if there’s nobody around you don’t have to put the signal on but if you’re not sure put the signal on there could be somebody inside a car there

    Could be somebody crossing the road remember you’re not just signaling for cars you’re also signaling for pedestrians so if there are pedestrians on the road make sure you signal for them okay so there is a car here I look around again blind spot signal and then

    Blind SP again there’s a car coming I could see I’m going to wait for that car after this car blind SP again BL SP again and I’m going to move off this car looks like wants to come in where I’m parked mirror go to second gear going to

    Go next on the left Mirror Mirror signal left okay come to your position look at the front sort in second gear this car wants to go in the signal did go off I did put a back on again okay mirror that’s good now here I could see

    A door open door make sure you recognize that okay the car in front is reversing did you did you notice that okay there’s another car wants to come in I could see they’re waiting I got the Gap to go so I’m going to go mirror I’m going to go straight

    Across so this is a closed Junction I can’t see anything I’m going to go and stop here okay and I’m going to see both way going to see both way going to see both and I’m going to go mirror second gear good at the end of the road I’m

    Going to go left Mirror Mirror signal left again Junction closed I can’t see anything mirror cover the brake in the clutch and I’m ready prepared to stop clut down first gear roll the car roll the car there’s no one coming good now because this was a giveaway line what does that mean

    Remember the examiner will be looking how do you deal with the giveaway line the giveaway line is only stop if there’s somebody around if there’s nobody there you don’t have to stop I’m going to drive on my side of the road giving them door space now if the road

    Is closed which means you can’t see you reach the line prepared to stop and just before the line push into first GE which I did and roll the car and then as I’m rolling I look both way there’s nobody there carry on going because that’s what the giveaway line

    Is I’m going to slowly here this car wants to go in very good herea third gear traffic light going to go left Mirror Mirror signal left but not now because there’s a road before the traffic light remember there’s a road Road here okay let’s keep clear on the

    Road do I have the space on the other side I do mirror clut down and when you stop don’t go too close about here I’m bre on neutral don’t go too close because if they break down you need to have the space to go around okay so you don’t want to go too

    Close and so giveway line means always prepare yourself to go if there’s nobody there don’t stop if it’s closed then approach as if you are stopping and just before the line go to First GE let the car roll look both way nobody there go if there is stop if it’s a stop line

    Though then you have to stop by low make sure if you don’t you will fail your test so especially when you are doing your ADI part two test make sure you stop make sure you recognize is that Junction with a stop line and a stop sign because if it is make sure you

    Stop going to go left on the traffic light I didn’t signal like I said before that road there was a road there make you recognize that if you signal before that road and you don’t go into that road you go after you’ll fail because you signal wrongly you know you didn’t signal on

    Time you should have signaled after the road because people’s going to think you’re going to go into that road and that’s a problem okay remember the examiner is looking for high standard driving Advanced driving you want to become a driv instructor which means that your driving has to be better than

    Learners they’re not testing a learner so your test is not going to be same as the way they do or the way they test a learner test this is an ADI test which means your driving has to be high standard it has to be according to the roads rules and regulation obviously as

    A learner it’s the same but because you are becoming a driv instructor you it’s expected for you to drive better than learner drivers like I said this is my second channel uh on my first channel I do have many driving instructors use my channel they use my channel to help

    Their Learners to learn to drive and many of them they do ask me to help them with their part two part three and standard check test so I thought I’ll have another Channel second Channel because if I share anything on the other channel it will be confusing for my

    Learners my viewers on the other channel so I thought I’ll have another Channel which is only dedicated to instructors so this is why this channel is born so do subscribe if you not if you haven’t subscribed already and there will be many videos coming just to help driving instructors

    Who are thinking of becoming a driving instructor who are maybe training to be a driving instructor hopefully this channel is going to help them I’m also in the process of creating a course for part two and part three also standard check test Mir mirror so look at the mirror that mirr

    Mirror and that mirror behind cyclist motorcyclist mirror second gear always going to the left lane mirror what’s the speed here 40 so try to go to 40 if you safe the co front keep two seconds behind try not to go two seconds how do you know that K is

    Two seconds so I’m going to wait for that car to reach the lamp post that’s the lamp post only a full breaks the two seconds rule perfect so if the coin front reaches an object say to yourself only a fo breaks the two seconds rule that cost two seconds to say if you

    Reach early it means the Gap is too small and if you reach on time you know as two keep both hands on the wheel and be in your lane always look at the mirror I would say look at the top mirror every five to 8 seconds so that

    You know okay if the kind front is doing 40 I’ve got the Gap I’m not going to ch change lane if the car in front is doing less than 40 and the road is safe to do 40 I’m going to change lane and then come back to my Lane again remember you

    Always drive on the left lane the other lanes are to overtake okay if you want to go right you could use the other lanes or the car in front now the car in front was breaking so I looked at the mirror I start breaking what’s the speed now 30

    Okay and this is why they were breaking okay try not to break without the top mirror and like I said use the top mirror every 5 to 8 seconds okay also there was a camera so if I was speeding I would get a letter coming to my

    Door which is not going to happen because I’m not going to do it mirror keep going 30 mil per hour that’s fine make sure you be aware make sure just know what’s happening around okay now over there I’m going to going left okay I’m going to be going left Mirror

    Mirror okay and now signal left I’m going to go in where the slip Ro Starts Now Okay so if you want to go left and there’s a slip road going to slip as soon as it starts unless there’s a problem otherwise soon as it starts that

    Way the car behind is not going to come in and it’s not going to be a problem for you to come in okay now here the traffic light is not for us because we have we using the slip Road and we have a giveway line here okay so giveway line

    Means see if there’s anyone coming okay now I could go here we go mirror second gear that traffic light wasn’t for us if you’re going to go left then we have a slip road which takes us to another way the traffic light is not for us make

    Sure you recognize that because if you go there and stop thinking traffic light is mine you will fail your driving test Mirror Mirror going to go left first exit on this roundabout look on my right I’m looking early roundabout look early am I anyone there there is a van but I

    Got this SP to go that’s that’s the thing about roundabout or Junction with giveaway line always look early and look for the gaps if the Gap is there you should be going roundabout is another where if it’s safe you shouldn’t be stopping if it’s safe you should be going okay

    Traffic light could change mirror cover the brake just in case when I’m here mirror give gas now if it does change I’m not going to stop what’s the speed here 20 it’s 20 here so make sure you recognize the speed don’t miss the speed what does the sign say stay on my

    Side well this is giving an order to stay to your side which is towards that way okay good mirror keep going keeping here okay there we go giving one door space when you see part cars give them one door space okay mirror there we go traffic light could change mirror it

    Could change and give gas now now if it does change I’m not going to stop anymore okay good traffic like could change mirror now give gas good the bus is moving try to read I always say I’m on my other channel when I’m teaching Learners I

    Always say the more you read more you will know what’s happening so when you’re doing especially your Ada part two driving test make sure sure you read the road make sure you know what’s happening there’s a crossing here zra Crossing was there anybody there there’s a road here there’s a road here there’s

    A car are they going to come the more you read more you will know what to do mirror the kind front is going slow the TR like could change is it changing this person is opening the door can I go yes I can mirror good the bus now there’s a road

    Here I’m not going to go there now because I don’t want to block that road why because if somebody wants to go in if you block that road you will fail your test so make sure there’s no space on the other side I’m going to go to

    Neutral uh sorry hamon and just wait here I’m just going to wait okay you could have your car in gear if you’re driving a manual car but I’m just going to wait cuz I know I could just get ready the bus is going to go now first

    Gear look all the mirrors all the mirrors and I’m going to go I have the priority but just watch out if they come out the car on my left coming from that Junction I’ve got the priority but just look out in case they just come front of

    You you are ready for it okay mirror keep the distance from the kind front keep reading there’s a road on my right are they going to come so think about those things okay if I was going to go right the Middle where there was a

    Marker here speed is 20 um to go right like I said there’s a marker saying for me to go into that space to go right make sure you recognize that to go right use that space there’s a road on my left is a car waiting are they going to come

    Person wants to cross the road I’m going to let them cross I’m going to let them cross I’m going to wait go to first gear Mirror Mirror Mirror no one overtaking keep clear the car wants to go in I’ve got the priority I’ve got the priority the bus is there Mirror Mirror signal

    Right I’m going to go around the bus go around the bus there we go I with the space to go Mirror Mirror come in again by signaling signaling good the bus is waiting maybe because they’re picking up and dropping off it doesn’t mean I have to wait behind them because I’m not a

    Bus so I’m going to look early and make the plan which I did look at the mirors put the signal on and then go round okay traffic light is red do I have the space on the other side or am I going to block the road I’ve got this space mirror good

    And there first here Mirror Mirror Mirror and carry on do we have the space to go are they going to stop I’ve got this space okay you don’t want to be stopping in the middle of the crossing so keep clear Crossing always keep it clear if you got this space go

    If not like keep clear here I’ve got this space I’m going to go if there was a que here I would have stopped okay clut down and leaving in our space I’m bre on neutral now what do I have on my left I have a cycle Lane did you see

    That that don’t go in there try to stop in your lane Mirror Mirror Mirror and go okay mirror again second gear mirror again give gas so any change of speed whether you are going down going up changing gear always look at the mirror first mirror again because I might have

    To break over there they’re breaking mirror keep breaking keep breaking keep breaking here we go put the clut down and leave enough space again okay I’m repeating so that you understand okay I’m bre on neutral the whole purpose of this video is to help you to understand

    What’s in my mind so that you know what you should be thinking what you should be doing so that when you go to the test the test becomes easy for you it should be just walk in the park for you you’ve been driving I mean if you want to

    Become a driving instructor that means you’ve been driving for a while you know how to drive the car all you’re doing is just brushing on things and becoming an advanced driver you’re know I’m not helping you to learn to drive I’m helping you to pass your driving test

    ADI PA through okay so just think and read and do the things that you need to do hoping hopefully you’ll pass your test I’m waiting here both hands on the wheel it’s in hon neutral if you’re driving automatic obviously you don’t have to change gear or anything but put the hon

    While you wait eror okay I’m driving now third gear mirror okay there we go here again okay could change there’s a car traffic light it could change car could just come I’ve got the priority but I’m still going to read the road in case they just come front of me okay mirror

    Again remember the more you read more ready you’re going to be in case something happens it’s not going to just happen automatically or unexpectedly because you read it you knew there was a car waiting mirror it could change you could change now give gas see the

    Traffic light even if he did change I was ready for it because I I read it I knew the traff light is green and I said to my mind it could change so if it does change doesn’t matter it’s not going to be a surprise for me it’s not going to

    Be unexpected because I know the traffic light to change so the more you read the point I’m trying to make is the more you read more better you’re going to be ready more it’s not going to be nothing going to be unexpected for you remember I always said on my other channel is

    That the problems are not coming from the sky problems are in front around you if you don’t see it that means you missed it it doesn’t mean the problem just came from the sky as an alien that car in front if they break I’m going to look at the mirror

    I’m going to start breaking okay they didn’t come from the sky did they okay second gear I’m just edging edging mirror again and there good Rec on neutral it’s green now mirror mirror mirrror and I’m going to wait until the kind front starts to move again mirrors mirrors okay mirror again second gear

    Good mirror again you could change make sure just look as you’re passing the junction so when you are going through a um Crossroad just look both way in case there is a problem in case somebody’s breaking the law going through the red light or maybe ambulance police just

    Look what’s happening in the junction as you’re going there’s a road here this car wants to go in I’ve recognized that I’ve got the priority but I’ve saw it I saw them traffic light to change can you see the traffic light okay mirror good is there’s a car here are they

    Going to come see I recognized it I’ve got the priority but I’ve seen them if they do come I’m ready for them there’s a person walking here are they going to cross the road traffic light is green mirror there’s a road before it is anyone coming from there I’ve seen the

    Road so I’m breaking I’m reading there’s a car coming okay second gear now what do you think are they going to come no traffic light is green are they going to is it going to change the car in front do I have the distance from the kind in front read

    Think the more you know what’s happening more easy is going to be for you to drive the car for you to pass see Ada part two going to go third except on this round about coming up third on the right third on the right so how do you

    Approach always remember the MS PSL routine mirrors signal position speed and look okay so going to go for third on the right Mirror Mirror signal right okay check my position and then check my speed so I’m going to look on my right I’m going to maintain this speed around here off gas

    And no gas now start breaking start breaking look on my right I’m looking on my right I’m reading I’m reading can I go yes I can here good Mirror Mirror I’m keep signaling right I’m looking at the mirrors looking at the mirrors cuz that’s first I’m going third

    Yeah the one coming up is second so mirror mirror okay this is second Mirror Mirror again signal left fly spot fly Spot Lane change good as I’m coming off look at the top mirror side mirror side mirror and come off just to see who’s coming who’s following me who’s overtaking me

    Mirror signal off fourth exit on the right Mirror Mirror signal right there’s a car okay I could see a gap now blind spot blind spot then change good good okay I’m looking on my right now I’m going to leave the signal on because it’s just

    There look on my right look on my right the kind front look on my right kind in front look on my right kind in front look on my right good good going to Fourth exit on the right so this is First Signal is Right excellent I’m looking at the mirror looking at the

    Side just be aware what’s happening around okay keep signaling right if it goes off put it back on again you went off didn’t it put it back on this is second the one coming is third Mirror Mirror Mirror just keep looking what’s happening that’s signal went off put it

    Back on Mirror Mirror blind spot blind sport blind sport change good signal off okay now I’m going to go first left Mirror Mirror signal left cover the brake and the clutch good I’m not going to break yet now stop breaking stop breaking look on my right

    Stop breaking look on my right look on my right okay look on my right nobody there I just go good keep signaling if it goes off put it back on again mirror third gear okay so I hope you understand here the round but the way you approach is

    Mirror signal position speed and look and this routine is for junction as well so you’re dealing with Junction you’re dealing with roundabouts always deal with mirrors signal position speed look and you do one by one mirrors put the signal on check the position check the speed and then look

    If it’s safe and then you go okay so I hope this approach the way I approach Rand about I hope looking at that I hope it helps you how to approach a Rand but mirror keep going okay keep it in the middle of my Lane I

    Don’t want to be too close to oncoming traffic because otherwise I’m going to push them to go on the pavement so I need to be on my side of the road same way I don’t want to be too close that I am hitting or touching the pavement

    Good just stay in the middle always every now and again look at the side mirror to see how far I am from the pavement look at the mirror cover the brake and the clutch break break break look at the mirror again look at the mirror again put the clutch down and

    Don’t go too close like I said okay keep the distance hand break neutral rest my feet okay no signal here because I’m going straight and I’m keep repeating keeping the distance and all that so that you get it so that you remember when you go to the test so that

    Hopefully my voice is going to come when you were doing your test I’m speaking with you and you are so if you keep watching this video hopefully the video is going to help you with my voice when you are doing the test and like I said you’ve been driving

    For all that time all you are doing is just brushing this video is here to remind you what the exam is looking for why you should be thinking how you should be doing things in the test that’s all I hope the video helps um like I said this channel is dedicated to

    Driving instructors especially who are thinking of becoming a driv instructor so uh stay with the channel do subscribe if you haven’t done it already and to give a thumbs up if you like the video also please do make a comment what you think of the video hopefully it will

    Help me to understand what you were thinking and also do let me know how I can help you to become a dver instructor and I will try to give you those tips I will try to make those videos that you are looking for Mirror second gear mirror

    Again good keeping the distance from the kind front good staying on my side I’m going to give them door space those part cars give them door space okay if the road is quite wide then one meter from the pavement or give a door space to a part car and

    That’s all you need just because the road is white doesn’t mean I could just drive too much on the other side I still have to be on my side of the road okay here we’re going to go right on the traffic light Mirror Mirror going to go

    Right because we know you’re going to go right stay on the right hand side don’t signal yet now signal so why not signal before that because there’s a road here okay Mirror Mirror good now just to remind you over there there was only one

    Lane for me and I was told to go right on the traffic light which meant as I approached the traffic light as I was near to the traffic light it became three lanes so what did I do I drifted towards right and I signal after the

    Road because there was a road before it so make sure you understand that make to you know cuz if one lane becomes two three then whichever way you’re going you take your position according to that if I was going straight or left I would have been the left lane because I was

    Going right from over there I drifted towards right I didn’t change lane I just drifted and then it became three lane and then I signal after the road on my right Mirror Mirror Mirror go to the middle now they go the priority so I need to go to the middle and wait until

    Around here okay here why here so they have 50% I have 50% this is a crossroad if that car wants to go right they need to have the space and I need to go right I need to have I mean can you see that car now what if I want bit more what

    Would have happened then I would have been blocking them you see so make sure you only go 50 they have 50 and that way we both use the junction okay now green I waited until cars now I go the Gap I’m going to go mirror second

    Gear good mirror again speed is 50 so I need to do 50 remember if the road is safe then you have to show The Examiner that you could reach the speed TR light is red mirror breake that’s it make sure the brake is smooth don’t break hard as

    If the examiner is going to just go flying through the window okay so I stop here now nice let the break go bit little bit and gently put it back on break neutral rest my feet good I’m waiting CL down Mirror Mirror Mirror and I go mirror again second gear

    Good mirror again Off cast cover The Brak break a little break a little break a little put the clutch down now okay and at the end release the break little bit so you don’t get that jolt smooth break smooth break and break neutral give the examin what they’re looking for

    And it’s not just for the examiner it’s for you I mean you want to drive in a high standard you are a driving instructor okay you are teaching people to drive and if you don’t feel happy with your driving imagine how can you be a good driving instructor you need to be

    Happy with your driving the way you drive you need to feel happy you need to be happy okay mirror third gear right even though it’s 50 but I can’t do 50 because the car in front is not going 50 there are plenty of part cars sorry uh plenty of cars on the

    Road Sor not Park I see Park didn’t slip my time okay going go straight on that’s it mirror that’s it mirror again good good good mirror again okay there we go okay our tropy light is green you could change Mirror Mirror Mirror keep going mirror again good

    Lovely okay mirror now the problem in front there’s all also problem could be behind as well so that’s why you look at the mirror all the time okay the kind front is breaking I need to break but what about the kind behind me okay there

    Could be a very close to me I need to think of I need to consider how I break I need to consider if I break hard they could go behind me unless I look I’m not going to know that you see so just before you break look at the mirror to

    Know who’s there and if there is a car maybe you’ll think of breaking slow first and then break hard that way you give them a notice if you break hard in the beginning without looking and there’s a car behind or what could happen they could go back over

    You un break neutral press my F okay if you are watching is your test coming up do let me know if your part two test is coming up and if there’s a way if there’s something I could do or make a video to help you do let me know that way um it

    Gives me an idea to make a video for you and hopefully it will help others and by you commenting your problem it will help others to learn from you as well so it’s not just me helping you will also help if you make a comment of your problem

    The problem that you’re going through so then if I make a video on that it will help also others on that subject mirror traffic light is green press GE okay before I go Mirror Mirror Mirror and I go mirror again second gear okay I’m going to go left I’m going

    To Signal around here press left okay and I come off tropy light is green there’s a tropy light here many learn many they missed that actually okay good CU this roundabout was controlled by traffic light and many Learners they do miss that many even doing the part

    Two test they missed that because they because obviously they’re nervous and they just miss there’s a traffic light there and obviously the examiner will break and you will fail so remember some roundabouts are controlled by traffic light make sure you know that it’s 40 I’m dead on 40 I’m

    On my Lane I’ve got I got the distance from the kind front so I don’t need to change lane I’m going to stay in that lane because I’m going straight I’m not going left I’m going as you can see here the road marking if I was going left then I

    Have to be on that lane I’m not going left so I’m going to go straight so mirror again give going keep going put the clutch down and stop hbre cor neutral rest my feet good and just relax just wait and relax and know what you need to do before you

    Go so what do you do you going to look at the mirror look at the mirror look at the mirror before you go okay so just to remind you are allowed six driver Falls if you have seven you will fail and you can’t have a serious fault

    Or a danger fault so whether you have six or less if you get one serious or one danger you will fail okay the test is going to be about an hour long so you’ll be an hour 1 hour you’ll be driving the driving has to be high level meaning Advanced

    Driving and regards to the show me tell me questions you’ll be asked five questions three tell me questions and two show me questions the ex while you are driving the examiner might say put the wiper on okay he or she might say clean the window you clean the window like I just

    Did okay when you’re doing that make sure the car doesn’t move it doesn’t shake okay um because if it does you will fail okay so you should be able to put the wiper on or clean the window without shaking without going out of space from

    Your from your lane okay and this is the reason why they’re checking can you do it um without losing control of your car losing control of your steering that’s the reason why they asking and um you’ll get to do two Maneuvers you’ll be asked to do two manuvers out

    To the four okay and you might do the emergency stop might meaning you might get you might not Mirror Mirror Mirror and we go what are the Maneuvers there’s two in base one is to reverse forward out one is to forward reverse out and then you have the

    Parallel parking and and then you have the stop on the right hand side reverse to car and move off so these are the four out of the four you have to do two in the test okay going to go left mirror mirrror signal left okay very good I’m going to go to second

    Gear go in to this mini slep road soon as I can okay try not to slow down too much because it’s a dual cage way try to slow when you see the slip Road okay Mirror Mirror good I saw the car coming so I stopped if they stopped for me make

    The decision to go quickly okay so this video was just on driving I mainly concentrated on driving so I hope you understand on driving the things the exam is looking for for okay on on another video maybe the next video I will show you more on the parking the

    Maneuvers that you need to do okay but this one I just want you to focus on the driving side so I hope this driving helps and I hope the commentary the thing that I said helps you to understand what the exam is looking for and the things that you need to give the

    Examiner for you to pass your ADI part two Okay and like I said this channel is dedicated to instructors if it does help please do give a thumbs up and please do make a comment what you think of the video and if you’re new to the channel

    Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any of my future videos and hope to see you again on the next video bye for now


    1. Always great lessons and great teaching. I was alway watching your learner videos. Now I got ADI lesson videos. Really helpful and easy to understand. My part 2 test coming in 2 months. Thank you ❤

    2. Thanks for your video. It’s very helpful. At this moment I am preparing myself for ADI part 1 and 2.but my driving licence will be 3 years at the next July.I want to give exam in August but at this moment i can't book exam because of my licence age. Can you tell me the waiting time to get a part two exam date?or if i want to give exam in next August what can i do
      ? Please give me your valuable opinion. Thanks.

    3. You are amazing. Could you please talk about all kind of faults what are very common (so that we can limit these by 6); lists of all serious and dangerous faults. My ADI part 2 test is beyond 2 months. Please talk more about show me and tell me. I am a defensive driver for automatic car (I have manual driving license). Please show practicality those four manoeuvre you mentioned. Thanks Sir.

    4. Salaam bhai, thank you for such informative video. I am about to embark on my (second time) journey to ADI qualification. First time was 16 years ago before I gave it up. Quick question: what camera system do you use? I find it so helpful, especially the A-pillar one. Thank you!

    5. I’m currently preparing for my ADI part two and on my lesson I was told on a quiet street moving from a parked position, you should not use your indicator signal to move off because you might obstruct traffic coming from behind you as they might have to slow down or not sure of your intentions. Can you please confirm if this is correct.

    6. Very Good information and excellent presentation. Please advice can I use my personal car for ADI Part 2 test? And what type of insurance do I need to use car ?

    7. Great video , thanks . My part 2 is coming in . I worry about not recognizing bus lanes out of hours of operation open for drivers’s hard to read those hours of operation plus to pay attention to everything else ..any tips ?

    8. Assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
      Zajakallah hu khairon
      Apnar video in sha Allah ama k onek onek help horbe
      Allhamdulillah ami onek video dhek c kinto apnar ta best of the best Allhamdulillah
      Zajakallah hu khairon

    9. Do you have to use handbrake at junctions or when you stop driving automatic? I have my part 2 test(automatic)in 2 weeks time. I also have concern about sidcup spiral round about. Thanks for your videos

    10. Aslamoaleekum bro thank you can you also make a video on the rural road driving as i failed my test on the rural road please. This video is very helpful. JazkAllah khair

    11. at 15.59 i agree with you singnaling to overtake a bus and comming in when there is no road on right. however i heard it wrong on test and you will get fault.

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