We said the most magical Greek Islands with Navigare and it was truly the trip of a lifetime.


    All Swimwear

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/soudersam/

    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@UCtNdKyZV1z9N236kOPsPW6Q

    Poshmark: https://poshmark.com/closet/souder_sam

    Hey everyone welcome to Greece my name is Sam sder if you were new here if you’re a returning subscriber this is going to be a lot different than anything you’ve seen on my channel before I’m so excited for this trip McKenzie is working with a company called Navar and we are traveling with

    Them on a yacht for the week to different Greek Islands so I’ve never been to Greece so I’m so excited to take you guys along I will put the names of the islands that we are traveling to this week on the bottom of the screen so

    You guys can see but this is so so cool I’ve never experienced anything like this I will put videos on the next slide of like my room and everything and the Tik Tok I posted about it I’m going on a yacht charger this week as a plus one

    With my best friend and I just want to show you guys my room I’ve never been on anything like this and it’s a lot more spacious than I thought so you come downstairs and my room is to the left here is my bedroom my keny’s room’s that

    Way and there she is going in there when you close the door there’s like a full body mirror and the lighting is actually good which is crazy because we’re like semi underwater right now then right here is the bathroom and like honestly shower is bigger than I

    Thought it would be there’s storage here and storage down here um I put all like my makeup and stuff there when you turn around in the room I have a few drawers it has like a blanket in it but I put some stuff down there there’s also a

    Pull out drawer here that also has blankets and stuff in it though and then right here is where I have like all my electronics and my nighttime things I don’t have that much stuff though and there is like a hallway type of thing like this too that I probably throw some

    Stuff in or I’ll just keep in my suitcase I don’t know this is so crazy this is day one and we’re going to be on here for 7 nights so let’s do it so excited right now we are at ainaa and we are about to explore our first island of

    The trip I’m just a plus one this trip and McKenzie’s being my sugar mama we have a captain and we also have a little lady named Florence and she is helping us this week cooking and all that kind of stuff she’s actually also 22 and she’s actually from the island that

    We’re exploring today which is so so cool we have so many fun things to do guys let’s go let’s do a quick outfit of the day I really tried to pop off with fits for this trip so this top and skirt is both from Bailey Rose I just have my

    Birken socks on I really just brought sandals because I figured we were just going to be walking around and stuff so I already threw the room tour in this Vlog but here is like the outside eating area McKenzie I just have breakfast there and here is Miss McKenzie and

    We’re about to head out our next Island that we’re going to later today um nobody’s car is just on so we’re going to explore here for a little bit and then head there it’s a 4-Hour sale there and this island was a 2hour sale from Athens where we flew into so quite the

    Adventure guys and here is our boat the water is looking gorgeous let’s hit it the shopping here is also so much fun I’ve never been to mikos or Santorini but from what I’ve heard from Mackenzie it’s a lot cheaper here even though we are all on little Islands because I think that those

    Places are just like a lot more populated like that’s what you think of when you hear of Greece but everything that I’m been buying or seeing I love so like this was €8 my bracelet was € 188 but like everything we’ve been seeing is definitely under $100 where the last

    Place we traveled that was a little bit tropical or different was Tulum and it was so so expensive there so Mackenzie just got this amazing bag for literally like $28 look how cute it is Mackenzie show your purchase off guys like I was like even €33 great price but I was like I

    Don’t need it she goes it’s on sale for 28 wow look at that so cute and it’s so big it can fit all our stuff all my purchases for today Yep so what we’re realizing is that there’s very little American tourists here this is like just like a town people live in that’s like so beautiful they have some tourists but a lot of them are mainly like people from Greece that are coming from the mainland or

    Another Island that are here to visit it’s just like so cool to see the marcet people are going to every day and like how we’re just like walking by houses where people are like hanging their laundry and like to mcken this is like the coolest thing but like to them it’s

    Just like everyday which it’s just so wild how different people lead their lives you know all right guys unfortunately my camera died so I think you’re going to have some foone footage on this trip as well but we just got to our second island it’s so pretty I’ve never been to

    Thef Coast Mackenzie said it kind of reminds her of that there’s tons of like other little boats here and I we’re angry salad and some veggies yum Poes thank you you’re welcome thank you okay guys so right now we are at Hydra that is where we just stopped because of how

    The boat is right now we’re like in between two of the ships so we have to take the dinghy to get to shore just made a lunch it was so good it was like beef and potatoes and a Greek salad I usually a really picky eater but I’ve

    Liked everything that she’s prepared us so far it’s been really really good so apparently here there is like a cliff that we can jump off of like at the bay looks like a lot of like really cute little restaurants and shops and stuff like kind of similar to the last Vibe so

    How is the sparkle here huh interesting okay we successfully dinged to shore it was like actually 10 ft he told us to go right so it looks like a little bit different from the last place in a way that I’m not really sure how to describe right yet but I think we’re

    Going to go to the bay and drum off the cliffs maybe maybe not mom we’ll see okay guys I got it this part that we’ve seen so far reminds me a lot of n France if you guys watched that Vlog because it has like the hilly area and

    Then they have like the little touristy strip with the shops and stuff that’s right on the water the last one felt a little bit more rural like as if there was a lot more locals this feels like a little bit more of like a beachy town or

    Like a destination spot to me look how gorgeous this Is okay so I just went down and felt the water it’s definitely a bit chilly but nothing like we had in the past like we could definitely deal all right guys we’re shooting this pimple are you serious peanut butter baby next to Mackenzie is so tan like I actually

    Worked at the spray T place before I came on this trip and like I can’t even like it’s like I’m doing them so dirty because she’s so much tanner than me but I’m a lot tanner than I usually am I don’t even look that tan I’m not even

    That Tan in real life right now which is crazy yes she is she just like is has a misconception because of how tan she’s been this year okay look how pretty we’ve been shooting right here trying to get a pinteresty pick if they got any good ones we’ll put it right here

    Hopefully this pimple goes away this Sunset is unbelievable okay Mackenzie and I just stopped to get gelato I got half Bueno and half salted caramel all right hey guys what’s up back to camera footage so one thing about our boat is that we have electricity like we have lights right

    And we have charging through USB but we don’t have like Outlet Chargers you have to be in a specific port to be able to get a electricity that way and we haven’t been able to do that yet so I’ve been able to charge my phone and my portable charger but I haven’t really

    Been able to charge my camera battery very much so today we actually charged in a restaurant while we were just shooting pictures and stuff and exploring the town but this place is so cute like it reminds me exactly of all the Pinterest pictures where you see

    Like the girl getting out of the water and like it’s literally just like a pool entrance into the sea I’ll put a picture right here we swam in the ocean today or the sea excuse me and it was so cool I’ve always wanted to do that all right

    Guys the UK is so strict when it comes to is it the UK yeah yeah the UK is so strict when it comes to what size items you can have as far as liquid goes like everything that we had got taken to the side and examined even if it was just a

    Lip gloss and we were allowed to keep everything but you only were allowed to have like a sandwich bag full of all of your little liquid types of things so that means all your makeup suntan lotion my moisturizers and my serums and all that you can only have like one bag so I

    Had to throw out my soap I had to like throw out a couple things and I was like what’s more important so soap was one thing that went in the trash just because obviously soap is really easy to buy so I actually just got this soap

    From the market here and it’s like a Grease made soap and it also came with a magnet so I thought that was kind of cute and I got that for myself and then yesterday I got jewelry at agena I really like Tira it reminded me so much

    Of nce France and right now we are just like about to head to bed I just took a shower I have these Brandy Melville PJs on that I just got the other day I’ll show you guys they like this little little set here I don’t know what it is

    But every time I’m in Europe which has only been twice I’ve gone to Brandy Booth times and like kind of bald out and I don’t know I just like love shopping from there it’s pretty affordable and they also have just such good Basics and I tried to read a little

    Bit but I’m literally so exhausted so all I’m going to do right now is just post what I have to post and try and get to bed we’re going to leave here at like 7:00 in the morning and we’re driving like halfway to some kind of Bay Area I

    Think to swim I’m really excited to see that and then we’re going to continue on to an island called starts with an M hold on man Mania me Mackenzie brought out her drone today when we were in the ocean I can’t wait to see that footage I

    Think it’ll be really cool I actually got a drone guys a few weeks ago maybe even like a month ago and I’ve really been dragging my feet on learning how to use it and I know that’s so terrible I really just have to like get to it as

    Soon as I get home this Trip’s been so good so far I’m really enjoying it and I like just can’t believe this is real I can’t believe this is real life I’ve been having the best time ever so good night love you guys good morning everyone day three on the boat we’ve

    Been sailing since like 700 a.m. and it’s like 10:00 I was able to sleep most of that time about to go upstairs and see what Florence is making us for breakfast um it is a little bit shaky right now I didn’t Vlog much the first

    Day because the boat was so shaky that I got really seasick I did buy these bands that are supposed to be nausea bands to help with like motion sickness I also been taking dram Meine every morning just as a precaution because I really want to be able to enjoy this trip and

    I’m just some one who does get motion sick like I get it in the car sometimes with on my phone too much or like when I’m landing on a plane sometimes so these definitely helped but I’m so excited for today to see the new destination the first day we were like

    Oh my God like should we stay here longer and we were like well I’m sure the next place is going to be just as great and it was even better so I’m so excited today because we decided to leave a little a little bit early to get

    To the next spot sooner um but this has just been so cool so far and I slept really good last night I’ve been like kind of waking up really early and going to bed really late since London so it’s nice to catch up my rest cuz it’s like

    10:30 now so let’s get our day started people McKenzie’s up and about I’m still on my PJs Miss Florence is chepping it up over here wow and let’s check it out so this is the back obviously but guys it looks like we’re going to hit land

    Soon w we we can your literally just like on a deserted Beach diving off the side of the boat um I’ll put a video next I’m not the best diver so miss you girl because she was on the dive team so when we were in Aruba she

    Was like help me with with my form check it out like crazy Mackenzie and I are busy getting some fire shots out here I cannot believe the color of this water this is like my favorite color of all time like this aqua blue um all my swim

    This week almost is from PQ swim they sent me an amazing package and I really really like it this one has pads as we know I kind of need that and everything I think I brought not everything but most of them are Thai sides and I love a

    Taii bikini because very adjustable to all different body types so in this deserted little area but we’re going to our next Island soon I’ll put the name right here because I don’t want to butcher it just got to manasia and I are going to shoot these dresses really

    Quick right out here because the light’s really good we haven’t been able to have electricity to plug in like a curl or anything so I’m trying to get creative with some different hairstyles I need to do this braid I think a little bit better but I’ve been seeing a lot of

    Braids on my feed recently we had dinner now we’re going to walk into town so this is definitely very interesting the way we’re traveling right now because it’s like you travel during the day and you get to your next destination at like 5 7ish and then you explore that night

    And get on the boat again in the morning so it’s very ideal for people who are like part partying maybe we will but usually usually when we’re doing stuff like this we’re trying to get a lot of content and stuff cuz we’re making like travel guides Alpha guides all that and

    We’re still having a really good time but we just like do it a little bit differently than as if I was going to like Mexico to rage per se we’re going to head into town now I definitely want to get like a gelato we had some wine

    Earlier and right now I’m wearing I honestly couldn’t tell you guys where this top is from it was in my closet I think it’s thrifted this bra is from skims and then the skirt is from City Beach Australia and I just have my thrifted coach Carl spotty so we’re just

    Going to head I might try and shoot this with like a gelato in my hand or something but if not no worries we got some time so that’s one nice thing about this trip is that it is really long so anything that we didn’t get to late

    Today or the day before we can do the next day you know it’s nice to have that full week the water with the light from the boat is just wild like see all the fish in here wow I’m so glad we traveled here to get

    To the main part of the island we had to walk like probably A4 mile but A4 mile on like literally like the most non-lit Road like up the side of a mountain and we were like should we do this but now that we’re here oh my gosh it’s so like

    Quaint and beautiful like this street is like going up on like these cobblestones looks up on trip visor and lots of good restaurants and bars they say my gosh it’s so hilly here McKenzie and I just got jelato I got s of caramel cookies and cream Two Scoops in a cone

    Today cuz we worked hard today guys well as hard as you could say people can work on a yacht in Greece but we shot a lot I should say it was really really fun it was a great day I got two scoops at the last place McKenzie only got one so she

    Literally we just walked down the street Three Doors Down and she got another one which one’s better this place is way more authentic you should come here what’s the name of this place that’s our recommendation for here guys good stuff guys so I just looked it up online

    Cuz I was curious cuz this place is very very small online it says there is 15 permanent residents that live here and I was like there’s just no way like there’s no way that’s true so I asked the woman that works here and I was like

    Do you live here and she was like well I live across the bridge and I was like so how many people live here and she was like 152 what that’s so crazy I’m like gred a lot of tourists come here a lot of people come for like the summer there

    Summer houses airbnbs and things like that but permanent people that live right here 15 like5 just completely this has to be the smallest Place we’ve ever gone right it has to be and it’s funny because we were just in London which is like actually one of the most

    Populated think there was 15 people on a cement block in London all right guys we’re walking back to home base our boat over there so that little town literally there was one it was a super super cute strip don’t get me wrong with great little restaurants and great little

    Shops but just one for the whole thing and there was probably like 10 or 12 of them and then we just walked back and we’re at the boat Port right now there’s only like five boats probably here and tomorrow morning we’re going to head to the next spot around like 700

    So here she is home sweet home you guys can’t see the incline that this board is on but literally so this board is how you get from Shore to the boat the first day I was like oh my God like I don’t know if I got that balance for that but

    We’ve been getting better at it watch ready Sam don’t drop your oh my God Sam don’t drop your electronics okay guys night three in our little matching PJs I got sunburn today McKenzie can you believe that I got like guys look at that barely see it though

    No like you’re going to look like a piey sheet of paper like insert this photo oh my God no literally insert this picture of me on the dra and I was so excited for the Str footage I literally couldn’t look whiter than a piece of paper I’m

    Like are you serious like it’s like you would think that I haven’t been in the sun once this year and I’ve been in the sun more this year than I think I ever have in my life I’ve just been like applying SPF how you should finally an

    Turn I have zero color anywhere ever but okay good night everyone we’ll see you tomorrow we’re leaving here at like 7:30 and it’s going to take 4 hours to get to the next spot we’re going to spest this we’re leaving the population of 15 people town that was really quaint and

    Cute and then we will explore our fourth island in 4 days which is literally insane the last time I did Islands as close together was on a cruise when I was like just graduated 8th grade so it’s been a while for me island hopping like this good night everyone good

    Morning everyone um it is Tuesday and we are heading to spus today we are going to stop like an hour out to swim and do some Drone footage and stuff like that guys unfortunately my phone just died this morning like actually completely died like it won’t

    Turn on and like really trying to be positive here because I’m so happy to be here and me and M Kenzie were saying I was like maybe God just wants me to be more in the moment um obviously a very big bummer as far as being able to post

    Content and I stole my laptop I stole my camera so it’s not the end of the world like obviously things would be way worse than me being in the middle of the ocean in Greece however I’m definitely kind of stressed about trying to get home and

    Things like that but it just happened so I’m hoping for the best when I picked it up it said iPhone storage full which like it was like kind of getting full before I left and I deleted tons of videos and pictures so I tried to lay

    Down and start deleting stuff and when I would go to delete stuff it just like would flash and go right back like it wasn’t getting rid of anything so I was like let me just turn it off and turn it back on so when I turn it off it just

    Now won’t turn back on and it’s like the Apple will show up on the black screen and then it goes off and then the Apple shows up and then it goes up and it’s been doing them for like literally an hour and a half now and then it said to

    Contact Apple support go to iPhone restore and we went on there and did all the things that told us to do and just nothing’s happening there so it looks like just me in the Vlog this week keny want to shoot these sets really quick that she threw in my room so we’re going

    To do that and then I might re for a little bit and try and Swim’s very generous with her and devices I have all her passcodes and stuff so I’m probably just going to use her phone a lot she going to help me take some pictures and

    Then worse comes to worse I’m just going to like post all my grease content when I’m home next week and have access to a phone so obviously not the end of the world we’re going to get ready and then shoot those picks all right Mackenzie and I are shooting

    Our matching set look at us I deleted like over th000 videos from my laptop in hopes that my eyecloud will clear up a little bit of space phone is still out of commission but we just got to our swim spot and the water’s so so blue check it out wow so

    Pretty we are at this swim spot and we just shot a couple pcks we’re about to jump in so there’s a couple other boats here in this Bay but it’s really chill and the water is like a different kind of blue than yesterday but still really good

    Blue sorry I don’t know if you can hear to my voice I’m kind of bombed about my phone cuz it’s just like not turning back on so I’m just like getting a little bit stressed besides that everything’s good obviously Mackenzie took a really cool shot of me jumping off the boat so she’s

    Making me feel better about my phone she’s being a good friend I’m trying guys if it I can’t imagine so it’s like we’re just in this together it’s going to be okay we’ve been looking at all the positives though like on on the positive side it’s MacKenzie’s collab not my

    Collab so at least like she’ll be able to get the content she needs for the people she’s supporing with we’re still getting the content just going to be posted delayed which is okay because it gives us more time to live in the moment even means and we have collectively

    Between us five cameras right now so like we it’ll be F and I had like probably like five PID campaigns to post while I was here but luckily the four have been posted already and the fifth one I do have the video on my computer

    So worse comes to worse if I don’t get my phone back at least all my paid deals I’ll have to Care by the end so at least we can be professional all right it’s 2:17 we just jumped in the water like 18 times to try and get it um like a

    Jumping picture and I think that we did get it um we’re going to eat lunch soon and then head to our next Island but the water was so nice to swim in super salty but um it’s such a perfect day it’s pretty warm outside so might lay in the

    Sun for a little bit too so Mackenzie and I both recently invested in drones I don’t know how to use mine yet but she just got some footage of me and once we both know how to use it it’s going to be a real game changer this is the first

    Time I think that she’s launched it off of a boat I know it’s a little bit trickier to do that I forgot to take horizontal footage so it’s it’s it’s funny because like all the Drone videos that you guys see unless someone’s like manually doing it are like the whole

    Video is like you trying to figure out zooming in zooming out anchor intermission here to try to get some work done and like the view behind me guys hey spes guys the boat next to us it’s like an island hopping boat looks more like a pirate ship like the logo says Discover

    The World by boat and bike so all these people are like biker people look so I guess they like have these bikes at each port and they’re able to bik around the island which is a really cool way to see it you know so in lie of

    My phone dying it only feels right to probably get drunk tonight because we really haven’t been drinking at all on this trip like literally at all we had like a glass of wine yesterday and besides that I drank a little bit in London but like not even really there

    There was one night where we got a little bit tipsy but like nothing crazy at all and usually when we travel we drink sometimes during the night so you know what guys Bottom’s Up Lawrence made us chicken pesta with brown rice okay guys we’re heading to explore the town Now oh TD I’m wearing this pretty little dress from Bailey Rose and my Lulu clutch my Lulu clutch the purle one we’re just going to like shop around probably get dessert cuz we’ve been doing that every night hang out a little bit it’s so picturesque here and really

    Pretty like I’m going to show you guys my view right now it’s so amazing to see all these different islands and be able to like compare them because I’ve never really traveled like this so it’s so interesting they’re all very similar and yet very different at the same time

    We’re looking at this vintage style makeup by La bomb the bomb the bomb the best quality thank you got cremet and Pereira rochet look how good cheers bestie it’s really good so basically since the slow season all we’ve been able to do really is eato but

    We’re having a good time I got to think just pick real quick guys look how cute this little umbrella is silly but like that’s like part of why I’m okay guys I just woke up from a nap it’s like 9:00 my phone we found out is

    Stuck in a boot loop and that happens sometimes if you have overused storage basically so right now it’s downloading this thing it literally told me to like press the volume up button volume down button and the like the side button sorry my retainer in and wallet’s plugged into your computer

    And then something came up and it’s like in recovery mode so fingers cross it works is saying it’s going to take like 45 minutes to go so hopefully this will be all good but oh my God I’m going to be so excited if it works I haven’t had

    A phone all day and honestly it’s been kind of nice but it will be nice to get it back too it’s been a day guys but we did end up shooting some really cool pictures today regardless of the circumstances I will put one of the jumping pictures of us right here if my

    Phone ever turns back on I will be posting it on Instagram if you guys want to check it out but McKenzie I think is going to post it as well I was thinking about us maybe doing a dual post but considering I can’t log on I don’t know

    If that’s going to be the case maybe another post we’ll do together the strip good morning everyone here is our breakfast spread today my phone is still dead but we are doing something to try to fix it it keeps crashing but it’s getting a little further each time so I have some

    Confidence in it this guy is the main character walk the [ __ ] so funny how to get on and off these Yachts like it’s literally just a plank board if you don’t have good balance like I really don’t I was so nervous to do this the first time and

    I’m still nervous but like jeez it’s like a little bit of an incline there Grace is just so beautiful there’s so many places for us to shoot pictures like we have trouble deciding there’s all these beautiful blue doors and all kinds of variations of blue like this is

    More of a bright blue and then yesterday we shot on more of like a royal blue door but I just love all the blues here blue is my favorite color okay guys k and I are sailing to our next Island we keep calling it sailing because like it

    Has an engine obviously but I don’t know what the other term is like voting just left speis and we’re heading to our next place it should take like an hour hour and a half everything from now on is going to be shorter trips to get to each

    Place which is cool the longest that we’ve done is like probably 4 4 and 1/2 hours um I’m still working on my phone update so I probably tried to do this like 15 or 20 times and it takes like 20 minutes maybe each time so like since

    Last night I’ve been like really working on this and it keeps crashing but people said in the comments of the YouTube video I watched that some people tried it like upwards of 50 times and then it worked so hopefully that’s not the case but hopefully we’ll be able to get it

    Back on at least like all the photos and everything that we’ve taken on the boat that was on my phone got on to my laptop so worst comes to worst um I have everything which I didn’t even expect if the phone wasn’t going to turn back on

    So that’s great and I just want to see if I can try to get it on just for the purpose of getting home but I have this bikini on from PQ swim everything I think I’ve worn in this video besides my bikini yesterday was from Hollister is

    From there I will link them down below I know that I can like the Hollister one I’m not sure about these because this is like a brand new launch but they have great great flattering suits it’s a little bit hazy today but we’re going to do some swimming again and then head

    Into the next Village so a lot of the islands we’ve been going to is more like Villages than like an island that you probably would think of like they’re a lot more locals and authentic Greek like authentic Greek food and shops and stuff like that and I do think that’s really

    Really cool cuz I’ve never been to Greece um I do think it would be really cool for me to see sand serini and Mos too just to be able to compare so hopefully one day I’ll be able to go there as well but we’re having a really

    Great time so far I can’t believe we’ve been on the boat for this long like we got here on Sunday and it’s Wednesday and it’s weird I’m like adjusting to boat life like I’m kind of used to it which is really interesting just looks at me and goes tough day in the office

    Like the way that we’re actually just like it’s Wednesday and we’re just out here on our laptops on a boat like I can’t believe it let’s have a day we shot some pics if I got any good ons I’ll put one right here I’m sure there’s

    Got to be cuz we took like 500 and if there’s not then like Jesus we’re going to play this game that I brought um I showed this before in another Vlog it’s called let’s [ __ ] date by Serena Carrington St it by acquired style when we were in New York Fashion Week we were

    At a dinner together and she um had these at the table and I was like cool so it’s just like a good game to get get to know people I think and like um we don’t know each other at all or just like it asks questions that you really

    Have to think about and even if you’re playing with your best friend it will ask you things that you might not have asked them before or like not that you wouldn’t know about them so me and my boyfriend have played this and I’ve known him forever and there was a lot of

    Things in here that we didn’t know about each other so guys Florence made us a little snack look at us like I never thought I’d be living a life anything like this I’m like not a fancy girl like you guys know but I get placed in a lot

    Of settings with fancy things and I have to say I do really enjoy them Guys I wanted more wine and there’s like this window right here into the yacht and I was like wine window Miss Mackenzie please look at that service thank you honey cheers I’ve really only been like a two glass girl this trip I’ve been becoming a wine girl over the

    Past year since I went to Italy last November red Wine’s really been growing on me and my dad actually makes red wine so we have a lot of Pina Noir at home and that’s usually what they have with dinner my parents are like we’re not Italian but they drink wine with dinner

    Pretty often and um we go to byobs and stuff a lot and like Phil and I will get a bottle of wine we go out to eat and I really want to go to Tuscany to do like an authentic wine tour but I don’t know I’ve been into red and white it doesn’t

    Really matter I just kind of like the the glass and the aspect of it about we’re almost there everyone close close dude I just said to Mackenzie it’s like I’m actually a mom in the 80s and my only device to like capture this trip is this camera so I’m like I’m like

    McKenzie’s like taking videos on her phone and I’m like I’m like snap snap on my camera no it’s not no it’s not guys you know how clumsy I am and I literally like I just spilled a whole glass of wine and like almost sold MacKenzie’s white linen shirt Mackenzie

    And I are probably going to go get chilato like we do every single night as I’m gaining like a pound to day here in Greece and then tomorrow I think in porest we’re going to go out tomorrow’s our last Island I’ve been trying to tell Mackenzie that and she keeps telling me

    That there’s two more and I knew that that wasn’t true we’re going to dinner and drinks tomorrow night and and poros and then Friday night we’re going to Dock and we get to sleep there till Saturday and then we’re going to have to find somewhere else in Athens Mackenzie

    We have to book our hotel I know McKenzie and I are getting gelato for the fifth time in Greece everyone was like how was your gree triping I was like I got gelato every day and looked at the water and it was so fun gelato or a different dessert let’s see

    You know that I never get chocolate legit anything and this woman was like bitter chocolate and I was like all right bet I should have got a comb I want the crunch we’re like be coming we’re be coming to the lot stores never gotten truck with anything guys and the fact

    That I just did is wild I saw this dog when we pulled in and I’ve been wanting to say hi to it all day oh my God there’s two that look the same came to gree and I’m the dog patrol h Hi how are you it’s like these dogs like I know

    You’re not supposed to touch St dogs but he just looks so sweet and nice like look at him he just wants some love Ken’s putting a friendship anglet on me like I’m Cinderella let’s see if it f dude my calves look so pink on camera

    Like as if I’m just been in the sun too long it’s the way I’m going to make M keny by this sweatsuit guys I just love these little dinosaur dishes I know they’re for little kids but like you know how I love dinosaurs so much I wish

    I could wa them home I just filmed like all my outfits and I was doing my makeup but I was like kind of in a rush and I totally forgot to put on mascara I just realized when I put on my Vlog camera but good morning what’s up what’s up

    What’s up everybody it is Thursday happy Thursday and we were about to eat breakfast Florence is chefing it up so this island that we were at yesterday is called ammonis and we are headed to poros for our last stop guys how is that possible weather’s is not looking too great right

    Now um kind of Cloudy and stuff but we’re going to make the most out of it guys the water is so choppy right now look at this fat behind us I’m like I hope this isn’t be look like like they’re swaying back and forth man look at that oh my gosh we’re

    Here all righty we are ducked in pors I have my cherry little rare Beauty Lippy on and this dress distress is the one that I was most excited about for GRE I got this at funny pretty nice in New York City Fashion Week and I’ve been

    Like really wanting to wear it so I’m hoping to get a cute pick in it Lawrence made us a nice little spread before we head off for the day um so Mackenzie was telling me yesterday that when she was little she always used to eat like cream

    Cheese with pesto on it like on bread or toast or something I’ve never had it so we’ll have to try and see what we think McKenzie is not a z Drinker at all but I love like an afternoon glass of wine so I’ve been having them um throughout the

    Trip so cheers just me and you guys I can see where you’re coming from it just like it makes sense I’m like not a cream cheese person but this is like as long as it’s like light cream cheese it’s because the cream cheeses with the pesto it just kind of tastes like a

    Spread it just kind of changes the texture of pesto I don’t feel like it changes the taste that Much this building right here it’s kind of dark it’s really hard to see but this is really what I pictured when I thought of coming to grease was like these Blue Shutters with that kind of floral against the wall all right guys St give a hug check out the Tava Phil would want

    To come here check out that view guys everything just looks like a postcard here we’re tricking up to the clock which is like one of the main sites to see here in poros especially after look how beautiful this little old church is like wow oh my gosh guys this view is

    Crazy from up here all right guys let’s go into that little church here wow this is crazy everything’s in Greek obviously there’s about there’s about 20 seats in here and there’s a candle it so it’s obviously used often cute little Tavern sign wow okay so there’s another church

    Here and they all have candles lit inside wow look so cool so John and Florence told us that we had to come here and that the view was amazing the clock we were going to come here in Sunset but we kind of were passing it on our walk anyway so we

    Decided to check it out early too John Florence and Mackenzie and I had the best dinner last night we actually like all sat down and ate together and it was so nice I’m going to miss that but like it’s been like really fun having the MS

    Part of our journey this week and I loved having Florence as our Hostess too both really helpful we had so many questions cuz we’ve never been to any of these places so it was really nice to have people so close in proximity to be able to ask everything to that like know

    The area well and here it is my gosh it’s Rocky and wow the view is just wow I’m on about the tallest rock at the tallest point in poros almost there’s some taller but feeling very thankful for this trip and to be here this is our last stop but I’m just so

    Excited excited I got to experience this with MacKenzie own or not this has been the most incredible trip and just very eye opening very awesome and I’m so excited that I was able to see grace this way I would love to come back I definitely fell in love with the here

    And we still have the full day but just wanted to say I’m really grateful for you guys and thank you for watching if you watch this far guys this is a school look how cute we found the Sun so miss Florence said we were just in time for dinner

    Yum and lemon chicken pasta It’s only ready to end this trip exactly how we started like a fat ass and getting more gelato before it gets dark I’m going to get a gelato really quick it’s our last night on the island tomorrow night we’re going to be at the Port but we’re still

    Going to be on the boat so today I got for rochet and Kinder because I figured there’s like two things you really can get at home ice cream wise but oh my God this thing is huge like for $4 that’s $4 I spent a whole time I can’t believe how different the

    Prices are in gelato here for one scoop versus Two Scoops they charge you double like in Italy they charge you like a 50 to a dollar more here it’s like literally like you might as well have just bought two cones too 480 versus one scoop was $ 250 in other places there

    Was like some J for like $7 like $480 for this much seems like a good deal there’s the droney there she is oh my God she keeps losing it there she is so we’re going to have a drink with John and his Skipper friends and honor were last night

    Together yeah cuz they’re leaving tomorrow and then just Mackenzie and I on the boat I don’t know why we’re allowed to St on there but we are I told John I’ve been having a war with mosquitoes every night cuz I didn’t know that we even had a door on our boat and

    It does have a door so he’s closing them now who’s calling you now John’s always on the phone this is our Skipper draw guys tell her to come is it way we’re having family dinner we’re having a family dinner with our crew guys so tell us what you’re eating it’s

    A fried feta honey sesame seed concoction we don’t know the name it’s like a family style meal what’s that called what it no it’s called good Keepers for the for this season for all of us to the end you have the same smile in his eyes you think

    We’re talking about we miss you so much Julie we miss you Julie I hope you’re turning butter so tonight we went out with everyone from navigar the crew and we had the best time made us wish that we went out every night to like experience like true greatek dining like look how

    Cool the stuff is really delicious just like we weren’t eating because we had already eaten earlier but they had us try some of the stuff and everything I tried I really liked a lot good night boat life good night boat Mackenzie and I were saying that we like love the boat let me

    In and we want to do this again ASAP good morning everyone it’s our last morning sailing so I decided to come out here and get some sun and breathe a little bit if I can if it’s not too like you know if it’s not too Shak I’ve been

    Reading Carrie sto is back so I’ve been doing this challenge you guys know that I’ve been reading at least a book a month and I’m on track right now so that’s good because it’s October so I’m 10 books in and it might be 11 actually

    I think it might be ahead and I think I’ve been liking this book I mean I don’t have my phone so I’m getting through it a lot quicker than I usually do I’ve read this whole like half this week usually it takes me like 2 3 weeks

    To get through a book but I’m not a huge reader I’m becoming a reader so I do like this a lot I love Taylor Jenkins re she’s my favorite author so I am enjoying this if you’re an athlete I think you’ll like this look a Lot check out the Greek Countryside everybody sorry we’re shaking a little bit guys this compound that we’re looking at oh my God it’s like literally so gorgeous I don’t know if you can see but there’s literally like just a hammock look there’s like a beach and oh

    Wow guys there’s a beach club here maybe we can go get a drink M Kenzie let’s swim to shore look like wet seals and go get a drink maybe yeah they also have like this like oh my God all the way up from this house there’s a trail and

    Stairs that lead all the way down to jump in the ocean like how cool this reminds me of what I would think in like the Italian Countryside I’m like what am I going to do when I have to go home and Florence is cooking me breakfast every

    Morning like I’m going to miss her she’s been the best guys so cool like we went out to like an authentic re dinner with them like I told you and it was just so fun to see like actual Greek people at an actual authentic Greek restaurant and

    Like get to experience that with like the culture I love that breakfast time you go John yeah I’ve been eating so much on the trip like genuinely inhaling food and today I’m finally like not really that hungry I think I’m just going to have like an egg I have have one of these

    Already so it’s not like I haven’t been eating but I feel like the freees sometimes where I’m so hungry and then other phases where I’m not as starving all the time you know what I mean and it’s like I feel like a few days to a

    Week where I feel like that like I’ll go through phases where I eat so much and then where I don’t as much you know part cycle but I’ve been having horrible wood eggs every day on this trip so far eggs here are really good hard blood eggs

    Aren’t like my preference if I’m cooking eggs but I like when other people cook them and I just think they’re like like convenient and easy so just had breakfast and today is our last full day out at at the boat at the first island

    We went to on the trip AGA and we are on the opposite side though so we are just in the bay swimming and hanging out taking some last few pictures and just trying to S up the sun because I know when I go back to Jersey it’s going to

    Be cold tonight Florence and John are leaving us and we are spending one last night on the boat at the dock and then one night in Athens and then heading back Sunday I actually have a direct flight home which is so great because my

    Phone I don’t think I’d be able to do a connecting flight um with no cellular device trying to like run around the airport but I’m on an Emirates flight actually I’ve never flown that Airline I’m excited to see it and it’s just a direct 11-hour flight home to nework and

    Then my parents are going to pick me up from there not really sure how they’re going to find me I can’t believe this trip is like already almost to a close I feel like this is one of those ones that I’ve been thinking about and prepping

    For for so long and like so excited for for such a long time and it definitely was more than I expected in so many ways I really have enjoyed it here and I definitely want to come back to Greece as well but just seeing like all the

    Islands and the culture and stuff was really really special so yeah I’m just going to try and enjoy the day read a little bit more and just hang out yummy all right guys we’re heading back to our dock today was like actually the best last day we ever could have

    Asked for the sun was amazing this area is literally so beautiful we finally filmed a few Tik Tok and you we mean one yeah one t up just such a great trip this is a 56 foot boat by navigar we are on a 49 foot boat yeah

    This we’re getting closer so next year when we come to visit John again we’ll be on this boat because he’s driving a bigger one next year so we’re going to have to have more friends come so if you’d like to go with us if you’d like

    To be our friends let us know so we can book the bigger boat and get our Captain John back again and just like that we’re back where we started our last little lunch guys guys we just took a family photo because like it was like We Were Strangers a week ago

    And then we just like lived with John and Florence for a whole week and now John’s about to leave thank you for getting us everywhere safely don’t leave us John I know we’re like sad girls okay guys so Florence and John just left us I can’t tell you guys like

    How much I enjoyed this experience it was literally so cool it’s definitely a little bit on price to your side considering we’re in Greece but I mean if you have the chance to book something like this I highly highly recommend obviously when you split it between more

    People it’s also a lot more affordable so for gas for this trip so we also to pay for the fuel for the boat and that was $820 our groceries were about 1,000 um and then docking fees you also have to keep in mind so we didn’t know

    That ahead of time but docking at each Port there’s a small fee and it ended up being about 174 for the entire trip so that on top of the price for the boat is like what you have to keep in mind but um this is definitely something that I

    Would do again I think that it was so relaxing and beautiful and just a really cool way to be able to explore because I loved the fact that the ship was so close we had all our stuff like there was one day where it was like raining a

    Little bit we went back and just like got a sweater on an umbrella and it just like so nice how accessible things are and how many different Islands you get to see um in a week’s time so I really liked it we had a really really great experience and the sunset right

    Now guys is insane okay so we just kind of packed up a little bit um I’m trying to fit everything back in that carryon that I brought so I am doing a pretty good job so far but I do have like an extra little beach bag but I I am like

    We’re here for another day and a half so I just like left some stuff out so it’s going to be a challenge to close up everything but I think I’m going to start writing out my postcards I got so Mackenzie and jeules everywhere we go they write out a postcard about like how

    The trip was and I I just thought that was such a good idea because we’ve been traveling so much and I don’t know I want to like get something from every we go but like I I’m not like a I love photos but collecting physical things like hasn’t really ever been my thing

    But I think postcards are good because like they’re this big so we could definitely keep these somewhere so I’m going to start writing those out starting with London and I think then we’re going to watch Mama Mia good morning everyone it is our last morning here on the boat I’ve been sleeping so

    Good honestly on this boat MacKenzie’s just finishing up some postcards I think I’m going to do mine on the plane because I’m going to have 11 hours with just sleeping and no phone so I figured it’ be a good time to you know write and

    Reflect but um I don’t know if in the beginning of this video I gave you guys like a boat tour okay but so out here just you get the idea this was our eating area um and then we had an inside eating area it’s kind of a mess right now

    Because we’re packing kitchen here two cabins down those stairs and then down these stairs was Mackenzie and I’s cabin so mine was down this way and you walk in and bed here I actually slept so good in this bed I really liked it in here honestly um some storage down here

    There’s a pull out drawer there and then my bathroom was right here shower sink all that and yeah I definitely would do this again it’s like really um made me excited about the possibility of doing more boat types of things at the shore or in general so I definitely was a

    Little bit nervous to go on a cruise before this because I’d only been on one once and you know the ocean’s kind of scary but I think I definitely will be down for one now um but yeah so today I think we’re not really sure what we’re

    Going to do yet we’re in Athens today and either like do a little bit of something and then go back to the hotel and chill or we might just like go back to the hotel and do work cuz we have so much editing to do and because my phone

    Broke I have so many things to get off of McKenzie’s phone and um camera onto my computer so we have a lot to do also I’m going to make a Tik Tok about this but these were the things that I used for motion sickness I only had to use

    This about one time this is like a nausea relief gum I used this every morning I took two of these and then every time the bit was moving I put on these nausea rela bands I don’t really know if they worked or not but hey I

    Only got seasick the very first day so this combo really worked for me oh my gosh guys Mackenzie I have literally just been editing and I’ve been like literally moving pictures from her phone to my computer all day long um we checked into the comfort in stays um

    Right outside of the airport and MacKenzie’s flight’s like in the middle of the night and mine’s not till tomorrow afternoon so we’re just going to be chilling here until then but we are going to walk and get something them to eat really quick um but this is like

    A cute little place the weather’s been great today oh my gosh all I want to do is like lay out in a bathing suit even though we just did that for a week but I don’t know how we’re going to go in an adventure guys so Google Maps is taking us down

    This dir Road let’s do it guys look at McKenzie’s fit my fit’s also like I’m wearing weing my um Philadelphia Phillies tea that I brought because they were still in the playoffs when I got here and it’s a double XL and I thrifted it from Goodwill and I have my fashion

    Nova Valentine’s Day collab satin pajama shorts on and my birin STS all right guys here’s the three restaurants we can choose from Pizza fan a Greek one up there and a Greek one across the street guys a white barbecue Philadelphia oh my God and a white chicken Philadelphia we

    Got plain snacks woo I got a white pizza and a Choco cart I’ll show you guys when we get there it’s like the walks we get here is giving very much Tulum with the rubble roads I can’t wait to eat this I’m so hungry look at this fruit tree I

    Love it all right here’s the choco car freaking McKenzie’s feeding these cats and they’re coming out of nowhere I’m like get them away bro I’m a big animal person I just know that when you feed a straight cat that like 10 more come I

    Saw a lady get bit by one at dinner the other night so then I kind of got a little nervous all right we got the we brought the party inside because we got joined by more cats and we got scared so here’s my white pizza what’ you think of your choco thing pretty

    Good oh wow yours is big I don’t really like when they have like the rotta cheese underneath I kind of like when it’s just plain regular cheeses hot all right guys I’m about to shower and head to bed wish me luck to tomorrow getting home on an international flight

    With no cell phone I think that I will be fine my parents are so stressed and like really worried about where to pick me up and stuff but I was like listen just go to the baggage claim of where my flight will be I have a carry on but I

    Will meet you there and hopefully fingers crossed it all works out so 11 hours flight tomorrow on Emirates uh straight through so at least I have a direct flight that’ll be great best week literally ever oh my God we ended it by watching Mama Mia and just chilling and

    Literally one of the coolest weeks of my entire life thank you guys so much for watching make sure to like And subscribe I love you guys so much and I will see you next time


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