Pedestrians, cars, bike lanes and randomness.

    Music : Bleu Toucan – Hanoï Café; Skinshape – Summer ; Glass Animals – Heat Waves; Riopy – Le Rêve d’une note;

    Instagram : onecyclistinlisbon

    Lisbon, Portugal
    Jan/Feb 2022


    1. Hi Miguel can you please recommend me a bike brand for riding around Lisbon? Something around thousand maybe an
      E-bike probably better? using it for transportation of myself

    2. greetings from germany 😀 i ordered my gravel cant wait to ride in berlin ahha . as daily driving to work with my car i already know this gonna be a mess ahah

    3. There's a guy at the roundabout at Pombal who juggles in traffic balancing on top of a ladder. See if you can capture him! 😀

    4. Descobri este canal há uns meses porque comecei a ir de bicileta para a faculdade. Já tinha o passe GIRA ha uns anos mas só comecei a usar a bicicleta todos os dias este ano letivo e devo dizer que as pessoas estão cada vez mais habituadas às ciclovias. Então na avenida da república até há trânsito de bicicletas na hora de ponta! É impressionante ver videos teus de há 4 anos atrás e reparar no quão inexperientes eram os condutores a lidar com bicicletas. Hoje em dia ainda apanhas uns sustos (como se pode ver neste vídeo hahaah), mas acho que lentamente a sociedade lisboeta se está a habituar cada vez mais às bicicletas

    5. Hi, I'm an occasional cyclist in Turin, Italy (but with no videos; I'm more of a walker). I was in Lisbon in the summer of 2017 and I fell in love with the whole city (not only the central/popular parts) and its surroundings. Fantasizing about another hypothetical tour that is far more exhaustive, I watch your videos… which as a "lover of the urban" I always find interesting! 😌

    6. – Thanks for your witty insertions of the humorous raid and especially for the Ukrainian accent at the end…

      – I am subscribed and sometimes treat myself to your short travels…

      – May you have a smooth journey without obstacles and through life as well!..

    7. Great video thanks for all the content! I'll be living in Lisbon next month. I was wondering if you use a roadbike or endurance bike in the city?

      Thanks, see you on the road 🙂

    8. Adoro seus vídeos! Pedalar aí é muito similar a pedalar aqui no Brasil: vc pedala por si e pelos outros. Precisa de muita atenção, tanto com os carros quanto com os pedestres zumbis.

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