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    Here’s one of those unassuming British movies that suddenly veers off into very risky areas. Anthony Quayle plays a former army vicar who arrives in a new town (an early Stevenage) to run a youth club. Sarah Churchill throws herself at him but Quayle prefers football. Then a local teddy boy accuses Quayle of sexual assault. The movie is especially good at subverting British movie decorum – people exchanging mild gossip over cups of tea – by focusing on the sterility of life in the post WW2 New Britain of purpose-built towns. All this plus Cliff Richard making his screen debut.

    You a Larry I don’t know what is it you know well what I told you about on Thursday another time I’m got to get over to Harford to D quick brother kill is up in front of the Beats at the Juvenile Court yes I I forgot about him do you think he’ll be

    All right sure you don’t need to sweat first offense but I really must have a talk to you sometime Larry perhaps when you get back from Court yeah sure on the Espresso Bar come on and make it quick Chick come on come on so naturally as you’ve only been in this locality a matter of weeks this bench is only too ready to remand the case for you to make further inquiries about the boy’s family and background it’s very good of you sir but I would

    Like to tell you one thing though Mr Phillips in our experience and of course that isn’t inconsiderable these acts of juvenile violence well not always a matter of Environ an upbringing and it’s not all was the fault of the parents oh no a lot of the trouble lies with the lad himself

    I wouldn’t argue with you there sir but I’ve had quite a few years experience with a parachute Battalion and we used to take in a lot of young fellows of very much this age and type and I do know that if we didn’t give them a fair

    Chance well a great deal more than a fair chance we’d never turn them into normal average decent soldiers and I’d have thought the same thing held true of civilians yes I we let you wa now will 7 Days be sufficient oh yes and thank you very much the pration officer will make

    Arrangements for you thanks I push off yes I oh by the way good luck for Saturday it’s Manchester United isn’t it no we’re playing the robers oh well as long as you bait him this ju ju M link Hills you sure you want him back in circulation yes once

    I’ve started something I like to go through with it well there’ll be a couple of papers for you to sign I’ll drop them in at the vicarage for you tonight yeah all right do that but come in and have a drink only Dum belade I’ve got the youth Cloud

    Thanks I’d like to goodbye goodbye oh man yes they told me to see you oh yes that’s right we’re writing you a letter you’ll get it in a few days man is she for real bra a hot shot and get there a bunch of squares from squaresville England you know something

    They make me sick dick oh hi girl Hi man get her off fly hey what come squ do to you come on tell us what happened what happened nothing happened a lot of crummy hairy talk from four o kees sitting up on a table just like What’s

    My Line and then old L Joe from Over the I’m not here Larry’s bike I saw it outside yes he he he lent it to Me well tell him I asked for him will you thanks kly I do the same for you sometime Mary’s a nice kid why’d you have to I know I know but you don’t want someone in your air all the time do you or do [Applause] you come on

    Welcome can I have a bag of cigarettes please Just DE man you want us to buy her that for Christmas she knew French K Works across the Vicor than change for you think you’ll remember me next time you see me take it easy Larry make it easy oh so

    This is a great light Thomson quite a boy they tell Me thanks anytime you’re sharp real sharp you about my speed too have you got a date tonight yes serving out here at the youth club over there ch ch yes it’s not so bad B’s got some pretty good new disc you can rock if you want to man we’re going to rock rock

    Rock around the church tonight sure we got a great CH on of that do you have to be there mhm but I tell you this Mr Phillips is all right he’s different from the others you know with the color none of them reverence are different what should we go across

    There later Jazz it up from a bit maybe now no trouble no no trouble I want to thank the Reverend anyway spoke up pretty well for me today he did he what kly says no trouble no bicycle change no knives I’m good now what do you say get crocodile man she’s for real

    Hello Tommy good even hello VI no I think if you could get away from that little beast of a brother of his he’d be perfectly all right Big Brother’s an niy piece of work I take it oh Larry Thompson’s a real shocker he he really qualifies for that

    Word of yours what was it a a je thanks no that was naughty on me potential juvenile delinquent that’s a correct term for your young man I don’t know why he’s mine all of a sudden I’ve only met him twice well good night party thank you very much for sharing me around and

    Thank you for the strong drink oh incidentally would you like a lift next week when I call for your young Master curly thank you very much if it’s not too much trouble well she’s rather small do you think you’ll be able to fit in

    Anything you can do I can do yes I must have that yeah all right coming good night P good Night hello Miss PES hello has arrived oh yes he’s arrived and we think he’s here to stay M he’s Dreamy Too good to tet get your shoulder on Sideways that’s in that’s better come on all right good yes get on down good good good yeah but use your knuckles don’t hit without opening up all right all right good good good good boy good boy come on all you got

    That’s come on all right getting to come on Wally now you too don’t forget not all this educated straight left you got to right as well huh right go on and no black eyes Hey it looks as if you need this H love Peters missed you well I’ve been trying to get the parish magazine up because it should be at the princess right now watch his right W watch it I said watch it not sample it I’m sorry the magazine well it’s just as it

    Should be at the printers but tomorrow now that was lousy close your glove I’m sorry I’m I’m with you with you well it’s just that I was planning a new layout along the lines you suggest yeah well I think it’s time we Len things up

    A bit yes I suppose father and I did get a bit stuck in our ways hello hello John yeah well we’ll talk about it later shall we all right fine P when this is over excuse me something oh you’re doing all right bye Vicor how tricks oh fine nice of you

    To come over enjoy yourselves Michelle when youve time would you run over to the vicer to say I Shan be in for dinner yes sir certainly that’s your D uhhuh hey hey young man it’s all fixed for Monday thank you Vicor and uh thank you for today too all right it’s all

    Part of the service but I’d like you to come and see me tomorrow now it’s all right I shall preach to you and make you pray just want to S out some of the facts thank you okay come on Wally come on watch a solid beat but she’s too sweet guess take my

    Feet outside on the street again I wasn’t born out a cold but I brought up in a shack been a mean mean the day no turning back not know how there ain’t no turning Back keep your elbows in go on tuck it In Up In Me Not Hey what the hell you ask me it’s getting a bit wild let’s quieten down a bit and Michelle will you take that message for me right now please yes sir what’s the matter a bit of action never did anybody any harm and look Vicor if

    You’re going to rock then you got a rock it’s all right I have nothing against rocking only take it easy that’s all n let’s get out of here this churchy stuff square with a round collar they a bunch of creeps and sisses anyway who are you calling names then easy Buster unless

    You want to play R nice oh come on Smash him I tell you smash what are you waiting for come on what are you waiting for boys come on come on now you stay where you are if you don’t want your little friend’s arm broken it’s better now listen to me

    Officially I’m a man of Peace but if you Bunch don’t throw down those ornaments of yours on the table there right now I’m going to give myself the great pleasure of throwing you one by one through that window and believe me it’s quite a drop we were just going anyway

    Yeah I sure you were going but not carrying any of that Cutler to help you settle scores in a dark alley on the way home how about it fell come and do what he say whose side are you on anyway on yours only you don’t seem to know

    It and so the rest it seemed that’s fine all right come on up you again oh come on let’s get out of this smashing nightclub anyway before it’s raided does it matter you’ve forgotten something I’ll pick it up come on let’s get out of here come on how about you curly no contribution

    To put on the table I wasn’t carrying anything straight I wasn’t good I’d hate to start something on your behalf and then not want to finish it good night Vier night well there you are what did I tell you come to the church Hall and see life

    Shall I you old do anything is better than this silence what is it got to get out of that Larry Larry where are you going ah the show’s over so we’re taking you with us doll is it finished they’re dead strictly dead Ville England well all right I’m pre for the

    Of what we’re waiting for let’s take a hike Mike come on let’s go to the pool no not for me I’m Sal oh here let me help no no I can Mage you know I love this room of course it’s very different from when we lived here

    You’ve made it very Charming so artistic if you know what I mean well hard has a fair amount of taste I’ll give him naps though way get it from the Lord on the nose his father and I were just a couple of Philistines oh really Mrs Phillips

    You do say the most surprising thing you mean because I don’t behave like a clergyman’s mother well thank goodness I don’t my child I suppose Howard the vicer told you what happened at the church Hall earlier this evening he raced in and out besides he knows better

    Than to discuss his work with me to start with I’m not the ministering Angel type and I’m terribly likely to say what I think at the wrong moment to the wrong person before you know what’s happened I’ve put back religion A Thousand Years cigarette I aren’t you lucky ghastly

    Habit at any rate it’s high time he got married most figers have a house full of screaming half starved children by the time they’re 30 yes I suppose they do now I’m not a possessive mother I don’t believe in them I suppose you don’t know of any eligible

    Females home more coffee no thank you no peace to the Wicked the viage oh yes Howard oh no of course you can’t we quite understand we are still waiting well come as soon as you can goodbye hard sorry but he’s been delayed his girlfriend keeps him so late girlfriend let all bitterness and

    Wroth and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake have forgiven you you oh going so soon via is so Mrs wife fell asleep on me again oh dear she

    Never did De with old Mr beers oh there you are obviously I have the right way with women good night M good night VI thank you for coming but vica keep on trying the old folk need you just as much as those young rians

    You know nice of you to say so I’ll keep trying good night good night keep the noise down fellas not so much noise come on quick hold to me go away go away are you sure you won’t have a drink quite sure Mrs Phillips do you like

    Me of course Miss Peters oh please call me H don’t say of course like that because I like you very much I admire you tremendously and envy you envy me your whole outlook on life the way you think I know you must feel I’m how old do you think I am for

    Start will really his go on tell me honestly no I will not I’ve always found that whenever I’ve been asked to guess people’s ages I’m so terrified of saying the wrong thing that I go to the Other Extreme and say something quite ridiculous I’m 30 oh what’s wrong with

    That oh let me do that you thought I was more I really hadn’t even begun to think about it how would you had everyone does but I suppose 30 is quite old really for a girl still not to be married oh I’m sure some nice young man

    Will come along at any time and pop the question one oh one did once 10 years ago it was very romantic we were up by Longwood of course that was before they built that awful New Town you didn’t accept him oh yes yes I accepted him my

    Father didn’t you mean Mr Peters didn’t find him suitable you see my father expected such a lot of me when my mother father died he made me take such an active part in Parish Affairs and then it’s funny I know exactly what Bellington thinks of me the old vica’s daughter the local

    DOA Sunday school teacher without a sex life they’re quite right of course but it needn’t have been like that if my father hadn’t been so ill I I’d have gone away years ago years and years ago oh I’d have gone away all right H 30 really isn’t old you

    Know it is when you feel as I do you don’t know how I dread the feeling of becoming a dried up old spinster full of frustrations and loneliness you see I really despise that sort of person oh that’s him now excuse me Hester hello daring still hitting the

    Bottle I see you look awfully tired young man a bit I’ve told Michelle she go out for the rest of the evening but she’s left everything in the kitchen oh just a cup of coffee please darling I’ll make you some fresh won’t take a moment by the way Hester’s still waiting oh cu

    Say I’m tired had to crawl upstairs to bed all right I suppose she’s not a bad sort really if you could see the smug look on your face Mar about to be thrown to the ls strictly out of kardis you’re quite wrong that’s my expression on easterday when I’m counting the

    Collection coffee W going to make it hard hone M Peters hello hello terribly sorry to kept you waiting I hope you haven’t been too bored well of course not your mother’s an awfully sweet woman oh about sweet she’s mad man’s a Hatter we usually lock her up first Sunday in

    Advent and let her out till Christmas down well let’s see what you’ve cooked up to the unsuspecting Burgers of Bellington that’s nice of course I could put the acknowledgements on another page in the list of advertisers to the back you know what I really ought to do is to

    Read through what you’ve written before we discuss layout in them well that would be a help and I wonder if we could get in something about youth club activities such as they are you mean Vicor Quill’s teenage gang rat far hoses and tear Gest have being stor in the

    Church Hall I’m so sorry do this wor you no of course not I love the smell of tobacco it’s such a man about the house sort of smell yes suppose it is tell me Miss Peters I I want to know what you think what do you make of young Thompson lar

    Thompson Howard I think that boy is evil really evil still on likes to show off he’s a bit of a troublemaker but I wouldn’t say evil throwing Michelle around with her legs like that it was really indecent oh come on go to the swiming pool you see

    Plenty more legs in there oh you know that that’s quite different anyhow I hope you won’t let him go to the club anymore I thought the object of Youth clubs was to attract the Larry Thompson of this world not keep him away you forget I’ve known him since he was a

    Child and I tell you hard if you treat these people like that they’ll just laugh in your face I think I’ll survive that you see I think that this boy and the others like him I think they need help all the help I can give them it’s as simple as that

    Hey keep it quiet shh quiet look at me Army he stand clear darling Larry do you think you are sure why not give me one please thank you Larry don’t never to please ask not to make so much noise will [Applause] you goodness how fast this place is growing job would have been too much for father even if he hadn’t got

    Sick you’re s going to have your hands full coping with all this yes but only if I can manage to make some sort of sense with the youngsters if we don’t get hold of them and 20 years from now you can shut all the churches and people like me will be

    Out of a job oh I think it’ll make sense all right I hope so you see these Lads of 17 and 18 today they almost earn a man’s wage and they want to prove that they’re man they don’t know how to accept through violence and showing off

    Yes I know the trouble is that they resent all advice from any of the other 30 how can anybody that old possibly understand what they feel you you think of us that way Hester you you and me just a couple of crummy middle-aged squares I may be but you not I’ve seen

    The way they look at you in a funny way they respect you just as I do only of course not in a funny way I respect them too in fact you know something it’s a regular Mutual admiration Society murder [Applause] Larry can have a tow a scram thank

    You tell me yes how come I haven’t run into you before because I have not been here very long H straight from sexville aren’t you why you have to use that funny American dog all the time I mean what’s funny about it the gang like it

    Well I think think it’s silly you’re a nice boy you shouldn’t go around like you do how do you mean well always making troubles like you did tonight my father is very strict on anything like that you didn’t know what I’m a father is you had a load of Mine He’s a ruddy

    Terror when he’s on the war path and weeder that belt of his then I’m halfway down the road Larry you speak so funny things and so quickly I don’t understand you mean your father eats you with a belt no not anymore he don’t alar is learn her to

    Keep out of his way curly poor curly he didn’t even dare come here tonight went straight home he hits girlly with a belt you little bother you’re quite something Michelle I’m quite something what you’re for real you’re you’re beautiful oh you speak so very nice sometimes me so very very

    Nice there been no one in Bell with speaking like that to before no one worth bothering about and now yes Yes get that t to go s back in the morning well that’s all right I can walk over would you like a drink I think there’s something in the house no no thank you I must be getting back well good night then good night eser it is you I hope oh hello

    Father oh dear I do hope I didn’t wake you up no no I was reading you were much later than usually I was a little worried that’s all oh Father I I’ve never spoken to you about this before and well it’s 9 and a half years ago now

    But Peter Burton you remember well when you said that I shouldn’t marry him I always felt a certain bitterness inside me even myar oh but it doesn’t matter now it’s all over you see I’ve suddenly realized that well there was a reason for it all I know all these years that

    I’ve been helping you to run the parish there was reason for that too so that I could help someone else someday to do the same thing and be a part of their life too you mean Howard Philips yes he’s not married thank heaven and Wella does need a wife and

    And I certainly do think he likes me well anyway there’s no one else who knows the place of the people as well as I do it’s way past your bedtime gone upstairs sleeping oh Hester I do hope everything is going to be all right why shouldn’t it be good

    Morning my the early one good morning I suppose she got to to give her a lift back that’s right did she attack you she what not that You’ have known if she did you’re hopeless I don’t know what you’re talking about eser is a very

    Nice girl and I quite like her and thank you for earning those no no no no no now will get paint on them I’ll have to pack them in the bag as supp you realize she’s after you after me she wouldn’t repeat everything I say Hester is in love with

    You madam Madame uh this SWAT fers this what where do I find him y you just asked Mr Price the grosser he’ll give them to you yes soap flakes thank you Madame swap don’t you think she dresses somewhat racy for a girl who’s just going out shopping you have an evil mind

    Mrs Browning for the agency say she comes from a very nice family wish I did come from a nice family I mean brute now H oh h I think it’s rather sad thiry and very frustrated sex rearing its ugly head Madam have you no respect for my cloth

    Not a drop you ought to know The Facts of Life as well as I do and if you don’t then you ought to go around a bit without that dog collar of yours and learn all about them what’s all this inade of cheuck me that rag would you do

    It ever occur to you that hesta might imagine she’d make an ideal vicker’s wife yes I’m sure she would so long as it wasn’t mine Howard if it ever comes to telling her that be careful oh be so careful how you do it Hester the woman scored Hell hath no

    Fury though hell sounds more like your territory forgive me trespassing oh go and if I don’t see you before I go make LS of gold to hear is to obey and remember if it did happen it wouldn’t be all her fault number nine there it’s hard Philips for the

    Quietly unusual these days to find one in a professional football team who’s the well his team is the one with white shirts I don’t know about the other admirable concentrating on only one of the sides must make it so much easier to follow now neat pass down the line and

    Farmer has moved over to take it looks dangerous for robs no Splendid interception by Cent half Williams now R attack and Peters is beaten in the air and mvin makes a wonderful save corner to RS well cleared by United right away up field to web two RS Defenders a tangle

    Outside right Smith to Brown he shoots and Philips diverts it into the net he’s scored he’s scor yes Phillips has scored after 2 minutes I thought for a moment that he might have been offside that movere didn’t you hear he just scored the first two minutes what you make that

    Make it that in 90 minutes play he should score exactly 45 goals stop it Defenders oh what gone wrong hello good morning good morning Vicor I was watching out for you wanted to save you having to get out of the car well that was thoughtful of you getting

    In is the problem though good game on Saturday it’s not bad I thought you were offside of course yes so there about 4 million other people on the Telly and should I tell you something so did [Applause] I I know what you’re thinking no no men drivers women drivers is all the same to name liar all right I’m a liar I didn’t realize you were the Soccer Star Crow didn’t seem to think so in the second half no but it’s useful in your job especially with the youngsters you

    Should cash in on it wear shorts and football boots in church instead of a surplus and Cass a smashing idea no but seriously children worship athletic hero you’re useful a lot more useful if I could swivel my hips and H like a broken down hound dog oh that’s a passing phase

    Won’t last not even 5 years maybe still I sometimes wonder if we’re doing any good well I’m not doing any harm sh is there’s my unfinished business come on K well we can always find out Poli lece evidence proves that this lad was a member of a gang who were involved

    In an or this window smashing I know we didn’t catch any of the others but there’s very excellent reasons why this lad should be sent to an approved school if it’s only to act as a warning and I’m intenser with difference to your great experience that if he is sent to a

    Bostel this boy is on the way to becoming a proper criminal I don’t know him well but I would say he’s well worth his extra chance I know many of them aren’t but I would say this one is might be it’s a very difficult position we’re anxious to try to help

    Now then if you can if you can persuade within 10 days these shopkeepers were involv to withdraw the charges and if you will personally act as shorty for this lad’s behavior in the future then this court may be able to quash the charge well thank you very much sir I

    Thank you all of you if that’s order well it’s not but uh no matter uh next case oh Mr Phillips uh nothing to do with this case of course but uh Saturday where here Offside hello hello oh let me take there thank you dear it’s astonishing the amount of rubbish one takes with one even if you’re only going away for a week oh you better leave that Michelle we can manage well and you better run off if you want to catch that bus of

    Yours thank you m I’ll take that Michelle no way yet bye-bye well that hair don’t you think a dress is a bit oh and it’s her day off she didn’t wear What She Likes with any reason well but hard won’t stay alone in the house with will he well Really but hard will be alone t i what will he do about food he’ll manage rustle up something for himself I expect but I could pop over and cook him a meal oh good gracious I wouldn’t hear of it as a matter of fact Howard rather likes foraging for himself have a good

    Time goodbye take care Of no no this will do spendly I have an enormous shopping list and I’d better get on with it goodbye see you before next week all right goodbye miss Lon thank you so much hell today everything all right for you yes thanks can’t complain excepted by the size of the congregations they’ll

    Grow with time I hear you had a spot a brother at the church Hall the other night those dumpson Lads I imagine oh they’re all right wasn’t really much bother you saw him off nice and proper Commander I say was he well parat tropers actually I was only a part

    Remember well they make them jump just like all the others don’t they don’t fancy it myself well nice to see you via anything I can do to help all right time goodbye bye Joe hello Mary I’ll have U oh 2 of those apples please and uh give me half a

    Dozen of those oranges they nice hello what’s the matter it’s nothing Vicor nothing at all must be something pretty girl like you doesn’t cry for nothing at all it’s nothing really would you like to tell me something about it I can’t I might be able to help you now I

    I’m much clever than I look can’t can’t tell anyone well you know where I live and if you’d like to come along anytime you’re very welcome well leave it to that then shall we hello Mary it’s you come on in oh what a horrible night go on in there’s a fire in

    There there’s no one in here go on in that’s it there’s nobody here ticket goes off and against by the fire feel better what about a cup of tea eh I think it’s still one yes no do you mind if I do come on come sit

    Down well it’s a long way from where you live you wouldn’t have come all this way andless you had something very important to tell me would you if you w’t talk I’ll have to it’s obvious that you’re in some kind of serious trouble so let’s get to the

    Bottom of it have you killed anyone no that’s a relief All Those Tears I thought it must be at least that have you um have you robbed a bank of course not oh we’re getting on you haven’t killed anyone you haven’t Dred a bank it’s probably something quite simple

    Then you going to have a baby is is going to have a b good Heavens is it as tragic as all that you’ve seen a doctor I suppose I went into carford I didn’t want anyone here to know does the young man who’s responsible know about it I’ve tried to tell

    Him somehow I can’t he doesn’t see me anymore perhaps I could tell him who is it I can’t your parents know about it I couldn’t face dad alone he’s always been quick tempered I don’t know what he’d do he could even even kill Larry and is it Larry

    Thompson Mary you’ve got to tell me now is it Larry Thompson I shouldn’t have told you if laring you I told you he hates you he say says horrible things about you no let’s not worry what Larry Thompson says or thinks about me it’s you we’ve got to worry about you you and

    Your baby I don’t know I don’t know what to do it easy for everybody if I was Mary I’m not going to have you talking like that Mary stop it I don’t want to go I stop stop stop it stop it I was dead can’t face it you can face it and you

    Will can’t face it yes you can face it I don’t know what to do if you do anything to yourself now you’ll be taking another life as well you understand that you understand I suppos all right then are you going to swear to me you’re going to

    Swear to me before God to put all thoughts of death out of your mind now you swear that I swim and I’ll come around to your home after supper that do well Dad goes to the P at 9:30 I’ll be there at 9:00 okay thank

    You now you leave it to me I’ll have a talk to your father and then you’ll have to do the same I don’t want anyone to see me like this all right come on you follow me down to the kitchen thank you VI thank you God bless

    You h knower Hello Howard what on Earth are you doing here oh my you look worried know I’m all right well I brought you some food some eggs and things I thought I’d get you something to eat oh it’s very good of you you shouldn’t have troubled oh well I’m

    Quite sure you haven’t bothered to get yourself anything yes it’s all right H really I’ve had a father I told your mother I’d be over later in the day really I I I wish you wouldn’t here just as I thought well it’ll have to be an omelet it’s most

    Thoughtful ofby but I’ve got an appointment oh not your old Mrs White again go on and sit down and letar it take a minute really I mustn’t be late well I’m sure whoever it is won’t mind waiting oh Hester I wish you wouldn’t get you know something if I were your

    Wife I’d see that you were properly looked after and not left alone like this yes oh Howard oh my dear girl oh I’m so sorry I I don’t know what to say I think you’d better go Hester go you want me to go by which door

    I I don’t know what by that door the one that your last caller left by evening [Applause] Mary Dead Mary dead but I was just on my way to see her Larry did everything the doctor the ambulance now wait a minute what do you mean Larry do you mean Larry Thompson yes Larry Thompson what’s he got to do with it well we were on the SE

    Together you know and Mari came across and there was the accident you and Larry were together and Mary saw you is that what you saying all right going on in Well Done Mrs Williams you did splendidly just splendidly I’ll try and come in and see you later this afternoon

    Thank you Vicor goodbye Vicor come on love sad business VI there yes funny how Mr Thompson can manage to give Larry a hand you can never find the time when young Cur is in trouble I wouldn’t have said the young Larry was in any trouble this time besides the

    Whole world knows who’s the apple of Bill Thompson’s eye still no accounting for Taste come along Michelle goodbye siden you know where to find me if you want me right move along there Got up cry and talk and sleep and walk 11 got to do my best to Brea and just cuz she’s living took her over ey and that is wife she said my soul got the one and only walking talking Liv take a look at her hair it’s don’t

    Believe what I say just feel lock her up in a trunk no big H Ste lar the outside he wants to see you well what’s old early want I don’t know just what’s it all about he didn’t say why she satisfi my Soul I’ve got a date you know you may not want to keep it come on go and sit down you mind man quite a place you got here what the matter vicer staring at me like I was dirt just looking at you wondering what makes you tick what you thinking about after that

    Inquest this afternoon now listen I’ve wasted enough of my time on that blem inquest already I’m getting fed up with all this s yes the inquest was quite a strange wasn’t it no I don’t know I didn’t mind not really it take more than

    A flip and Conner to scare me was got a hand at you you’re the hell of a fellow aren’t you all the same I don’t think you told them quite all you know I told them what I saw that’s all they wanted to know what else could I have told them

    You might have told him that you were responsible for the girl’s death say that again I said you could have told them that you were responsible for Mary’s death all right we’ll have witnesses to this Michelle Michelle you’re wasting your breath Michelle’s out all right your mother then I’m not

    Going to let you get away with this there’s no one in the house if you want to have witnesses get your little friends over from the coffee bar I see no I don’t need any Witnesses always could take care of me H was it shock to you this afternoon

    When you heard that Mary was pregnant I get it now you’re trying to say I’ve been Ming about with Mary you’ve got it in one my friend that’s exactly what I’m saying now listen to me sit down Mary told me that she was going to have a baby and your name slipped out

    She’d say any name but she said yours and I believe her you’ve got no evidence so if you was a blasty sure yourself why didn’t you speak up today eh Mary was dead it was cruel enough it had to be mentioned at all that she was going to

    Have a baby you saw what he did to her father and mother you saw that didn’t you yes well I just want you to know that you killed her as surely as if you’d stuck a knife in her back that’s a bloody lie she she was

    Frightened and and she ran in the road oh no it wasn’t fright that sent her running out into the road it was seeing you that father of her unborn child with another girl in your arms you’re enjoying this aren’t you I know why you’ve got it in for me

    Cuz I’m not one of your little fan club stupid bunch of kids you think you’re great CU you kick a football aart a Saturday afternoon well not this one so long Vicor I haven’t finished with you yet there’s another thing you’re going to stay away from Michelle I suppose you

    Want it for yourself oh you’re lucky for you you’re not big enough to hit now look here Mister you can’t stop me seeing her if I want to I think I can what could you do tell her the whole story on the police doesn’t frighten me

    No I think I know something it does what about your father Yes yes I fancy he’s the one to deal with you now get out so that’s how it’s going to be he all right what’s the hurry I told you to get out you frighten someone catching me with

    You alone in the Vic you D then you stay if you want to hear me talk to your father people might think things might they especially when I tell them how you got me here when you knew there was no one else in the house it’ll be your word

    Against mine only I’m going to get some real about you young down have you out of your you wait till people in about this come here you Dam little what do you think you’re doing take your hands off may your fo this SW what do you think

    You’re playing at little idiot have you got off your head leave me alone oh miss Peters l want n’s the matter he tried what happened I’ve got to know I can’t tell you you’ve got they tried to they tried to interfere with me lying I’m not Hester oh let me get out

    Of here for God sake listen to me the boy lying oh no he’s not Howard yeah Hester what Hester will you listen to me Hester Would you go and if it’s Mr Phillips would you tell him that I’m not well I can’t possibly see him oh good evening Mr Peters I’m sorry to disturb you this time of night I wonder if I could have a word with Hester I’m afraid my daughter not

    Feeling very well I I shallan keep her a few minutes I’m sorry Phillips it’s not possible she doesn’t want to see anyone I can’t let you In you may as well tell me you see Hester’s a fine woman all her energies will be directed to the parish to the community to myself so much so that perhaps it’s been to her own disadvantage but I can’t tell you how upset I am about this this this

    Difference that has arisen between you my daughter stubbornly refuses to confide in me Phillips Phillips I do beg of you to tell me what the trouble has been oh dear all I can say Sir is that I’m not a married man which makes me a fair Target for anybody I see

    Yes I think I know another way of putting it that someone was very much alive to the fact that the Vicor was a single man what do you mean father well you pretty well told me that you wanted to marry yes but there was more

    To it than that I think I understand you my dear you offered yourself to him the unfortunate thing was that he refused you who told you that I’ve just been to see him and he said that not exactly in those words my dear in fact he was most reluctant to discuss

    The matter he was very tactful but I but I think I understood his implications oh Father you’d never understand never do you think I’d resign from all my Parish duties from the Sunday School from the youth club from all that I made a part or rather that you’ve made a part of my

    Life just because a man turned me down in marriage my dear child oh of course you’re quite right how it did turn me down F but after the little scene I saw I know he’ turned down any woman alive what you said isn’t it and isn’t the word your own daughter good enough

    You Mr Peters yes of course I’ve always been taught to keep my mouth shut about that sort of thing yes I appreciate your silence Larry but this is a most serious charge and for a man in Mr Phillip’s position the implications are most most disturbing to put it

    Mildly thank goodness I can take care of myself that’s all I can say I mean some other young fell well stands to reason I’ve read the Sunday papers if you know what I mean you trying to tell me we’ve got one of them down at the victorage and he tried his tricks on

    You Dad will it be all get out curly this is no place for you I said get up go on you didn’t mention a word about all this to me I told you Dad uh I didn’t want to make any trouble the lad’s motives are quite correct Mr Thompson

    Nobody wants to make trouble but sometimes it can’t be avoid it yeah you’re right but you mean the police but you wouldn’t do that Dad would you I’ve got to but if I had my own way EAS take it easy before you get all steamed up have you

    Seen the Vicor of you ask your Len if I got new I don’t want to know that though look as a friend I’ll walk over with you and we’ll try and sort things out all right yes yes part of what you say is true I I did have a struggle here with

    Mr Thompson’s son and Miss Peter did come in and see the end of it only she didn’t see that the boy deliberately staged the whole thing yeah Del liely wrecked the room the whole thing was a frame up and Miss Peters fell for it she made the perfect witness

    The only witnesser and a reliable one at that you’ll forgive me for saying so sir but you knew to us and we’ve already had certain talk about this girl is French Maia oh now look here Sergeant First is the boy then is the girl have you got anything else

    Oh miss Peters now we know her we think she tell us the truth and I might be yes it’s my word against one of the most respected women in Bellington is that it that’s how it looks now what do you want me to do get up on myind legs

    In the pulpit and shout out to all Bellington that it’s a lie now what did you mean dragging my son over here in the first place yes VI you must have had a reason oh yes yes I had a reason right and I’d hope to keep it to

    Myself all right if you want it your son Mr Thompson was responsible for Mary Williams pregnancy Mr sit down sit how do you know this sir because Mary came here herself the night she was killed and she told me did anyone else know no py py why well sir she comes to

    See you the night she was killed you’re alone in the house can you prove it that’s all prove it do I have to prove every action in life yes you do no no no sir after all this wasn’t the first time this sort of thing had happened what

    Sort of thing now come on now Sergeant what sort of thing well you say this you say that sir no one else seems to know about it but he must admit it’s rather strange that you didn’t say anything about it until bill here came to see me that’s

    Right Mary spoke to me in confidence as a priest I couldn’t tell anyone after she was dead it was better left unsaid could only have made trouble between her family and Mr Thompson’s here may well be so yeah now look here Sant will you listen to me a minute the

    Coroner inquest decided how Mary died not why and I knew and I accused your son Mr Thompson right here in this room of having put her in the family way now did you or didn’t you I didn’t dead honest I didn’t and why does that vior say you did he had to say

    Something the first thing that came into his him first thing that what he had to cover himself what else could he do why should a priest cook up a story like that he had to what’s the matter mom tell him dad got him up against the wall and

    Lying was his only way out tell him M it’s you that’s lying you Little you know the taste of this you know what I said if I ever caught you lying again you know don’t you I’m not telling no lies dad I didn’t say anything I didn’t start no trouble it’s a terrible thing when you can’t take the word of your own son what about her

    Then what about the Peters woman do you think she’d lie for me do you ask her dad go and ask her before you start taking it out on me all right then that’s that’s all I need to know no Thomson wait now Hester are you sure you’re not mistaken Howard Phillips entire

    Reputation lies in your hands if this goes any further his whole life is ruined wasted now I ask you before God put all personal issues out of your mind are you sure you’re not mistaken I can only tell you father what I saw with my own eyes right no wait Thompson wait And uh oh i’ better have a pack of those kippers please and uh get your Void to deliver them before launch will you I’ll drop them in myself sir it’s all right I’ll collect them as I come back no man one everyone he’s mad let’s Go Good morning sir sleep well I’m good probably something you had to eat sir it can’t very often happens like that maybe your tumb is upset No sir your egg it’s getting cold I you take it away but sir I’ll take it away it it probably make me sick I’m sorry Michelle forgive me I I don’t feel well sir do you want me to call for the doctor what makes you think he’d come [Applause] All right H give it a rest we’ve made the gesture anyway I’ll be glad when the regular B pullers come back again I don’t know when that’ll be surprised to see you here what paid for the job done I come on we’ll hold the service anyway at

    Least no one can cough during the summon Le vior what is it first time the old lady’s been here in years we go late Mrs W what are you I’m sorry we are so late give was a mix up over the deex Mrs W what are you doing you would to be

    Here at all you to be tucked up in bed M how could you let her come she insisted upon coming insisted and you oh I’m quite good at insisting too P time Miss Peters please miss Peters I must speak to you please H I’ve got to talk to you not

    Out here somewhere we can talk privately now please you’ve got to do this you’re making me very conspicuous Mr Phillips and yourself even more so if that were possible come here Tommy you mustn’t do that come here I’m very sorry Sir [Applause] Melle [Applause] Michelle oh VI good evening I’ve come to take Michelle away she’s upstairs pecking I’m sorry about this but my agency is responsible to the parents and seeing how things are so you See my soul Do my best just she’s a 11 such a ring eye and that is why she satisfied my soul got the one and only walking living Yeah good night Charlie going to have a word to you Mr Thompson but over there Vigor is are [Laughter] yours somewhere we can talk quietly I got nothing to say to you nothing you like anyway I appreciate your feelings Mr Thoms keep the hell out of my way I I

    Just want to talk this matter over sensibly if you weren’t hiding be that dog color I ible thing I’d do i’ take you outside and give you the sort of iding that might do you some good I don’t think that chance gentle please not trouble I don’t

    Think that’ll do any good to anybody but I want to talk to you outside just the same go on show him Bill all right come on now listen I just wanted to talk to you alello and in any case I have no intention of starting a fight with you I

    Knew it what did I say look can’t we go somewhere without this stupid mob you’re going a m you know I can’t hit a pass night in behind a black shirt front that’s a pretty cheap remark Mr Thompson I know you didn’t mean it nah you’re right I

    Didn’t now wait a minute take it easy I was just trying to you are I keep I keep trying to explain to you that someone’s going to get hurt only people never will never will listen now anyone else want to go all right well you better take care of your

    Friend come on let’s go get it how do you hello Mother anyway you’re here and I’m very glad to be back with you there’s no need to look at me like that s darling I suppose you’ve heard about it all so you’ve got one of those Anonymous that’s what they called it

    They didn’t spare the juicy details I bet they didn’t huh now it’s my turn to write the details who too the bishop why why because of no alternative I’ve made a fool of myself let myself get involved in a cheap brawl what’s worse I enjoyed it if I

    Could i’ have beaten a Daylights out of the whole grining stupid lot of them I’m of a fine clergyman that makes me doesn’t it wonderful gentle tolerant example I it around the place worse than a bunch of hoodlums I’m trying to clean up perhaps I want to carry a bicycle

    Chain be like every well-dressed clergyman carry a clerical C and after that long speech tell me did you did you win does it matter who won did you oh I knocked him cold but I wouldn’t call that winning what else would you call it don’t laugh at my

    Mother don’t laugh but what I’d call winning is something a double of a side harder something they tell you in all the Sunday school books just turning the other cheek that’s what a clergyman preaches it’s what a clergyman’s supposed to do only I’m not very good at turning the

    Other cheek which means that I’m not a very good clan which means that I never will be so it as well I found it out right now listen to me now Howard and listen carefully I’m not a Church Girl as you know perhaps not even a Christian in the

    Accepted sense of the word but I like to think I understand what my son represents whatever people say or think however much a story is distorted beyond recognition however much the Larry Thompsons of this world are allowed to poison other people’s minds however much you judge your own limitations let’s face it your

    Inexperience at least I know your God understands the hurt you’ve suffered if he doesn’t you must be a very narrow-minded [Applause] God you’re still going to write that letter I must if the bishop receives it you’ll only have one alternative I’m in his hands what I don’t

    Understand what I can’t believe is why Bellington should accept such a story oh didn’t you know Larry Thompson had a very reliable witness her reputation is beyond reproach a woman Hester oh may I come in well oh I do hope I’m not disturbing Mr Peters no my father’s

    In hospital he’s had to have some more treatment for his arthritis well Hester dear things have certainly been humming since I went away oh I suppose it was inevitable the only thing I blame you for is the clumsy way you did everything I don’t think I quite understand yes it really was

    Clumsy if You’ handled everything better not hurried everything so much you you might even have pulled it off Mrs Phillips it’s quite useless for you to stay now do let sit down Hester you’re talking to another woman not to one of those helpless males who can’t discuss anything important or private without

    Staring out of a window or looking confused I don’t wish to be rude no you can my dear because I’m going to be extremely rude to you you see you don’t fool me a bit not one little bit but why should I want to fool you or anyone for

    One very obvious reason you see I know you had your eye on Howard and if you’re as honest with me as I know you are with yourself you’ll admit that it wasn’t because you wanted to be able to carry on with all your good work in fact far

    From it you simply wanted Howard to make love to you don’t you think you better go Mrs Phillips there’s no good that can come from all this I don’t agree anything would be better than the way things are no you want to go to bed with Howard and

    I don’t see anything wrong in that but when he grew scared poor dear and behaved not in the way you wanted him to you know the details better than I you turned against him and did everything in your power to do him harm oh Mrs Phillips this you must believe because

    It’s true I never wish to do him any harm and yet you’ve hurt him as much as it’s possible to hurt any man how could I possibly want to hurt Howard he’s everything in the world that I admire he’s everything everything in my life that I

    Want oh yes Mrs Phillips I love him and why why allow this hideous slander to be believed it’s the last thing on earth I want I know I did wrong to give it a meaning but how could I possibly know that was it a little bitter remark made

    Here in the privacy of this house grow and grow until the whole of Bellington used it in judgment against Howard I think I understand but I’m sure you’ve suffered too but H are you going to let it go of that it’s you they all believe not Larry

    Thompson oh they believe what they want to believe neither Larry nor me no oh Hester you are the only person who can really help now and I think hard’s worth helping you say you love him is this what you call love all right Mrs Phillips all

    Right but you’ll have to tell me the details the exact details tells of what really happened that Night hello lar come on in evening Miss take a c is everybody out yes father’s away until tomorrow here I’ll take this what’s all this about I’m sorry I had to ring you at the coffee bar I hope it didn’t embarrass you but I had to see you tonight that’s

    All right Bob was dead anyway bunch of creeps if you ask me help yourself to a drink no thanks can I fix you one yes I’ll have one what do you have same as you Sher fine just tell me what gives why did you get me here tonight well this business at the

    Vicarage I I’m afraid it’s going to end up in court that it I just wanted to make sure that we’ve got our story straight mine’s straight enough what’s your trouble well I didn’t really want to say anything just tell the truth can never go wrong if you tell the truth yes but I oh I get it I think I dig you now

    You mean you might possibly understand one of my problems sure you got yourself all steamed up about this fer but it didn’t work out I could have told you you were chewing concrete anyway you played your cards too fast well from the top of the pack you seem to know an

    Awful lot about cards I know a lot about lots of things lots of things people don’t know about in Bellington believe you me yes you’re quite a boy sure tell me I was just thinking of that bunch of kids back at the espresso oh what about them they Could See Me Now oh

    But surely you wouldn’t want them to I mean if someone else came in here someone who knew you you wouldn’t want to be seen alone here with me would you why not I don’t know it’s just that things have a way of looking strangely different when somebody suddenly charges

    In don’t they I don’t get your number no but you did get somebody else’s didn’t you a little while back and in the same way if I really wanted to I could make things look pretty bad for you too couldn’t I have you gone crazy oh no not really this is

    A perfectly innocent meeting there’s nothing wrong with you being here alone with me unless of course the hell that’s how it started wasn’t it oh yes and then I believe the flaws came next I get it I get your little game you’re quick at catching on aren’t you

    That’s where you framed Howard Phillips isn’t it and you think you can fix me do you think anybody’s going to believe all this they believed it before didn’t they oh no you don’t get me that easy you haven’t let me finish this came next I think aren’t I right and then why you

    [ __ ] take it keep away from me I may not Larry take your hands off me I may not want to now you wouldn’t D oh wouldn’t I you started this didn’t you you thought you get away with that Coral trick a second time when I finish you won’t want to

    Tell anybody because because because what because what Larry oh all right I’ll go unless that’s Peters will you say I’m busy I don’t want to see anybody oh well the vicker’s not seeing anyone but I suppose the law is different well I’m here unofficial like man well how might have know that come

    In Mr Thompson I’ll go into the sitting room and I’ll tell the vicer Howard Howard you’re wanted what is it Peter no the law Sergeant Harrison nothing I could do about it all right I’ll see them I haven’t done those plates I’m afraid darling you’ll have to morning

    Morning well whatever you’ve come for I hope you you’ll make it short have a lot to do we uh hoped as how you wouldn’t mind uh if we came up to see you said sort of apologize as it were I don’t mind anyone at all coming to apologize anything

    Else no no OD feelings are Vier as far as you’re concerned none at all your car outside I take it that you may not be leaving us half I take it quite wrong Sergeant I’m leaving as soon as I can get things arranged Howard sorry I was late Philips had a puncture

    In my tire quite an epidemic around here lately well if you don’t mind I have a few private and professional matters I want to talk over with Mr Peters you’re sure Vicor there’s nothing absolutely sure thank you but I’m grateful to you for coming Mr Thompson goodbye to you goodbye

    Sergeant Mr Peters I want to know if you do me a favor if I can naturally I I’d like you to take over the vicarage if you would act as my loc till the bishop send a replacement it’ll be a matter of a few weeks at the most my boy

    You you mustn’t make such a such a hasty decision no it’s nothing Hasty I’ve had plenty of time to myself you know these last few days to think in you see the people in this town have asked me to they want me to tell you that they’re deeply distressed about this business

    They want you to forgive and forget what’s happened to forget if you can you mean they actually want me to stay oh yes they they want you here my boy believe me they want you very badly they do well unfortunately I don’t want them people who’ stoop to the cheap tricks

    That they’ve done who’ write the fthy abene letters that they’ve written and never the guts to show their face or sign their name oh no sir I don’t want them let someone else take on this flock and he’d better watch out or his sheep will tear him to pieces now excuse me

    I’ve got some packing to do my boy you must believe me I know you’ve suffered but oh not as much as you’d think probably but you must learn to forgive you must learn you must learn to forgive these stupid blundering people like myself for instance that’s

    Just it I can’t forgive I don’t want to I that’s why I’ve got to get away from here before I say or do something it would make a f of the clock we both were I still say you should come and talk quietly to me before you take such a

    Look I know you’re trying to help me and I appreciate it believe me but at the moment I I can’t be helped at the moment I’ve lost all faith in myself as a priest I have nothing but contempt for these people here so how can I stay in

    This place and preach what I can’t even begin to practice that God is love oh no naturally I’ll act as locom for you but won’t you give the bishop and yourself a month to see if you change your mind it would only be postponing the issue goodbye

    Goodbye Howard yeah what is it you haven’t finished yet well what’s it name Hester Hester how did you get in here I smuggled her in well you smuggle her right out again no you don’t young man if only to go in and say thank you very much for having sorted things out

    It was quite something she did for you almost a fate worse than death I expect she thoroughly enjoyed it get on and you can tell her from me she ought to do it more often suit sir you really are she looking very pretty this morning hello Miss Peters eser

    Hello I heard what you you said to father so the speech i’ prepared isn’t of much use any longer except to say that I’m sorry really truly deeply sorry I hope you can forgive me I’m sorry too I realize I must have hurt you also you did only I asked for it

    I said I heard what you said to my father would it help do you think you might change your mind if I offered to clear out instead you’ve lived here all your life where would you go that’s not the problem neither is your staying here look

    It it’s not a question that I can’t take it here any longer I’m afraid of being an anally all over again it’s simply that I’m not cut out for this sort of life I’m not the right sort to be a Vicor how do you know you haven’t given yourself much of a

    Chance to prove it have you no I’d be better off in the Army as a padre I can always go back there well how about all the kids in the youth club how about all the other you were going to drag in from off the streets and out of the coffee bars what

    About them those boy Illusions I’ve lost them I tell you those kids need you no they they don’t need me they need someone like me but anybody could do it your father for instance well he’s my own father so I’m the only one who can say it but

    Considering the way the people around here have behaved these past few weeks and that goes for me too his own daughter I’m not sure that he really did such a wonderful job after all it’s too late for me to change my mind but it’s a terrible pity we didn’t get

    To know each other earlier I agree but then shyness is a terrible Affliction good Heavens that probation officer you go and get him well I can’t on time look we’re terribly late already I see look will you explain tell her we’re leaving oh pay no attention but he

    Can’t he’s she says you come you’ve a very important meeting of the juvenile court yes ask her to come in I can tell her what to do Howard what is it it’s no use she says she’s stuck she can’t get out of the car H in Vicor we just got time I’ve got

    Your unfinished business in the back well if I do come will you promise to bring me straight back yes but we are late you know where do you get on with the packing Here lucky she turned up when she did tipped the scales one man against three women he never had a chance now you leave those kisses alone nothing’s changed nothing all right dear all right pay no Attention put them where you like all right here let me take those books you know there’s nothing wrong about that young man of mine that a good woman won’t cure but from what I’ve heard of your recent carryings on you’ve no longer qualify well I I could always

    Reform not too much my dear not too much h you’re St young damn a young man goes for cir why you out of your what do you think you’re doing take your hands off me it was the beginning of the trouble serious trouble from which arose a serious charge oh miss

    Peters Larry was the matter they tried to get H what H will you listen to me come what are you waiting for boys come on officially I’m a man of Peace but if you Bunch don’t throw down those ornaments of yours on the table there right now I’m going to give myself the

    Great pleasure of throwing you one by one through that window and I was brought up in a shack a mean me the day water now there ain’t no turning back not know how there ain’t no turning back these are the people involved in a serious charge what is the reason behind

    It and what is the Truth the whole truth behind the damning accusation you offered Anthony Quail Target for hideous slander and Scandal Sarah Churchill as Hester put all personal issues out of your mind are you sure your are not mistaken I can only tell you father what I saw with my own eyes irenei brown as the mother

    Shocked by her son’s dilemma I know you had your eye on Howard and if you’re as honest with me as I know you are with yourself you’ll admit you simply wanted Howard to make love to you lovely young French star lilan Bruce as Michelle the pretty provocative Ma at the vicarage

    Andrew Ray as Larry Thompson fast with a flick knife flash with girl keep Away Larry take your hands off me got up cry and and sleep walking 11 got to do my best to just cuz she’s 11 got the one and only walking talking Le yeah


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