Getting to know God.

    Minister Sonia Dillon showed us the importance of knowing God for ourselves and the significance of acknowledging God in all our ways.

    Proverbs 3:5-6.

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    I greet you all in the precious name of Jesus those online may also greet you those who will be watching later I greet you in The Wonderful Name of Jesus thank the Lord that we are able to come together in this house to worship Him we must recognize God love for us and

    Respond to him for his greatness for what he has and are doing in our lives it may seems it is not significant what is happening in your life but remember that God love is always there with you blessed be the Lord God Almighty amen it’s important that we understand

    Even what’s going on in the world in Israel in Ukraine the whole world is on rest and as the child of God these things can move us these things can shake shake us but we have to realize that God word is being fulfilled there’s a song that was

    Written by by Paul gers he’s a German um in the time of um and when the reformation and John Wesley interpret this song I want to read the word I don’t know how to sing it Jesus the boundless love for me no thought can reach no tongue

    Declare unite my thankful Heart To Thee and rain without arrival there to thee alone dear Lord I live myself to thee Eternal King oh grant that nothing in my soul may dwell but that thy Pure Love Alone Oh May thy love possess me hold my joy my treasure and my cown all coldness

    From my heart removed my Every Act work word thought the love oh love how cheering is thy R all pain before thy present flies cares anguish sorrow Melt Away wherever thy healing beams arounds oh Jesus nothing may I see nothing desire or see but thee the love this

    Love unwavering I pursue andless to thee Aspire oh May thy Love My Hope renewed burn in my soul like Heavenly Fire all day and night be all my care to guard this sacred treasure there in suffering be thy love my peace in weakness be thy

    Love my power and when the storm of Life shall cease oh Jesus in that final hour be thou my rod and staff and guide and draw me safely to thy side what a beautiful word that’s about the boundless Love Of Christ do we feel is love in our lives Daily is the song said oh love that will not let me go and I believe God will never let us go is only if we let him go that’s right but in this Love let us not be weary to pursue more of it let us not be weary to want more of God love let us not just be content of what we’ve got but let us pursue more of God B This Love In our lives in our circumstances in our sorrow in our anguish and in our pain let us pursue more of God boundless love for David said Paul said that to live is for Christ but to die is the gain and I believe our Brethren who have gone that they’re not dead they have

    Gained they have gained the eternal life and those who of God before they gained eternal life which is Everlasting so let love be our joy Christ love Let It Be Our treasure that we pursue of Let It Be Our pure love that we want love that will not let us hurt I just think it’s good this time to just pray a pray just thanking God for his love towards us but

    Sometimes we love others when they do us good we give a present but when things is not good and they don’t do you but you don’t love them God love doesn’t based on circumstances it’s pure it’s undefiled it doesn’t matter what condition you are in what state you’re in his love remain the

    Same his love you don’t have to fight for it some parents and children fight after their parents love they want to be in their good book so that Daddy will love me and Mommy will love me their children rival after pursuing their love for the parents there is no rival in God love

    God loves you tracing the same love s there is no height there is no depth to you know level we all he loved us the same but God love do our Heights do our de and it’s up to us to pursue after that so let us pray at this time

    About thanking name for his can we stand please bless you father thank you for today day thank you for mercies when we were deserving punishment your mercy said no so father thank you for Grace thank you for Mercy thank you for your love towards us we bless you because your love that will

    Not let us go love that is ever I thank Father bless you for given love you thank you Father for your mer as we come together today we pray you touch everyone father we PR up your name come our gra God we ex you up because father we thank you because that

    You given to us through your son you given it to all the world every human Racey father other not to tear down destroy care another Lord this love oh Jesus you did not just preach the word but you you father oh God you are will to meet us where we are thank

    You say Lord we thank you for we thank lift you up today hu come exed be exed in this place thank you we you forever father your thank you Jesus thank you for thank you this morning than you lord lord us Jesus thank you Lord hallelujah hallelujah praise hallelujah praise Hallelujah can I say God don’t like us as we is human we may like somebody but we don’t like their ways how don’t like us God love us there is a difference God love us unconditionally we have at times failing but he still love us

    Peter denied Jesus but Jesus did not hold it against him amen because Jesus loved Peter and he saw the future for Peter and knew what the future was going to be oh love that will not let us go hallelujah thank you Jesus oh love that will not let us go but hold

    Us let us pursue after that let it be our joy Let It Be Our crown and pursuing after God’s everlasting life this time and to Sister TR we bring our worship just pray for her in Jesus’s name you did not plan this and the theme of this worship this morning Is love is a very tangible thing when someone loves you you feel it to your core because they show it in the way that they speak to you in their actions and you know as a as a child knowing that my parents loved me they didn’t have to tell me every day I

    Knew it because there was a roof over my head there was always food for us to eat they always looked after us and they cared for us and in that same way our father cares for each and every one of us he sent his son to die us his

    Love there’s a scripture that says in Isaiah 40 verse 31 it says those wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up on wings like the they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint as I was talking there about the

    Fact that those who put their hope and their trust in God that their strength will be renewed and they will s like evils we’re going to start our worship this morning telling the Lord how much we love him back so we’re going to say father in Heaven how we love you we lift

    Your name in Earth may your kingdom be established in our Praises as your people declare your Mighty word Father in Heaven Earth kingom esta in all pra as your people Might bless be the Father in Heaven how we love You the Earth kingom be EST our Prais as your people de might God mightyy To blessed be the Lord might you forever Father in Heaven how we love You Earth our pra I Mighty word blessed be the Lord Mighty you are to come Blus God Alm mighty To forever blessed be the Lord God to come blessed be the Lord Gody For forever to Forever Bless father In God’s love is f God is called father in the Old Testament as well as the new and there are lots of examples of this in Psalms and Isaiah and Malachi and his name is mentioned obviously throughout the New Testament Jesus taught his disciples to begin their prayers with our

    Father in Matthew 6 to realize what that name father means we look at what Jesus said in Matthew 7: 9-11 which of you if your son asked for bread will give him a stone if he asks for a fish will give him a snake if you then though you are

    Evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him thinking and Faith closely intertwined when it comes to our faith faith is thinking positively instead of negatively hopefully instead of cynically and lovingly instead of

    Suspiciously in Corinthians 1 Corinthians 13 and verse 13 which we hear so many times it says three of the most important elements in our Christian walk are faith hope and love and the Bible says the greatest of things is love we’re going to go into one next

    Chorus now that says Lord you are everything to me you’re my treasure you’re my Hiding Place and nothing compares to you for great is the measure of your royalty of Morning Star you truly are everything everything everything Lord you are everything to be everything Everything you are everything to me my Tre My to you for great is of the Roy oh Lord It’s You true we are Everything everything everything glor everything to me everything oh everything The Lord you are everything to be oh my my priority who can to you for your oh you we Are everything Everything everything to me every day every day GL everything to me my My the the GL GL to true we Are every day every day you everything to every day every day you are everything to be my who can come to you for the of your Ro we Are my my priority you can for great we are one more time my my my for you Can the is to you we are Everything oh you we Are Everything everything everything you Everything you are Everything are everything my help my Everything Hallelujah Are hallelujah amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah songs about the love God is going to fast the steast love of the Lord if that isn’t love then ocean is right and we know the Lord to be a lord of forgiveness a lord of boundless and Limitless love Lord Our God’s love is

    UN just as a child we may not always understand what our parent is doing or might make sense of what’s Happening we know that there’s always a purpose yes in the same is true with God actually times our limited human comprehension doesn’t quite get what is happening when we experience things like family

    Tragedies Health crisis or financial setbacks but God promises us this I will never leave you or forsake you all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and in John 4 verse 8 it says God is love am God’s love is forgiving amen

    Fores and he forgets the sins as we confess them to him it says he pass them into the sea of forgetfulness and how wonderful it is that he promises that I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more in Jeremiah Psalm says as far as the East is from

    The West so far as he removed our transgressions from us we are going to finish up this morning’s worship with a song that says yes I I’m overshadowed by his boundless love I have protection from my Lord above because Jesus walks beside me every night and day and I know he’ll

    Guide me all the way there’s times when you know there’s that um the story about the footprints and it says all you know when there was only one set of PRS be left he said no no no I just having you and there’s times when we in our walk it

    Feels so hard but we know that we can rely on a God who never fails he is and I might all All the way all the way My the all the Your all the My Might one more Time My Pass and I know all all The and I have protection of my Lord And I my Jesus All We have Something we have protection bless the name of Lord bring back memory that’s Jes you know what is good to hold on to the holy spirit because that song relate to a word the lord gave me to what to be said to you today and we give God thanks for that

    May I welcome again but I welcome Brother David my good good friend I salute you salute you it’s nice to see it’s been a long time thank you for being here um so many um young people is not here but we’re going to have some testimony we still going to

    Have church amen we can have church there was only 12 of disciple Jesus at church yes even when there was two Elijah had the woman and himself and he had Church in the house so does not deter how many if Jesus is there in the midst we are having church and that’s

    All that matter amen I like to um open the floor and I Disappeared pleas will be back he need to give to give his testimony but Um I’d like to open the floor to anyone who like to also give their when um after brother iron come back there’s a song that said I don’t know if you know it good he a good good father there’s a song said and yes you are you’re perfect

    Perfect in all of your ways you are you’re perfect in all of your ways you are perfect in all of your ways can we agree with that yes even when we don’t like what is happening he’s still perfect in all of his ways you are and now I’m going to jump on David

    Immediately but I like him also to give his testimony um and whether you know we are going through some storm we still have a testimony yes I said on on Wednesday we should always have we’re may be going through stuff you know that we can’t even express but we should still have a

    Testimony and talk about it they are advertising and encouragement about talk do you see that good to talk and that is to do with mental health and sometimes it good to testify and share it helps to release you know when the Widow when the woman came to

    Elijah he said you go and give me a son and all that she was really angry but Elijah never responded to a anger he resp respond to our need and God sometimes we are upset and he don’t respond to how we upset he looked at our need so the song said

    You’re perfect in all of your ways you are you’re a good good father that’s who you are amen um I’m going to open the floor for Brother David if you like to give a testimony short I know call upon you to just give a short oh whatever the spirit of the Lord want

    To so if you want to to come for I always blind the Holy Spirit a testimony while Brother David prepar to give his testimony let me let me you want to testimony I want to give my testim okay come forward you’re short testimony I go on long is that right sister La I

    Go on Long praise God praise God I have a testimony I I was praying last night not the night for this morning Saturday Friday night Saturday morning up middle of the night just praying to say Lord I really want to do better I I really want to do better and um I

    Want Christ to see be see more in me you know I surrender all to being you know the prayer got up in the morning got busy got um said right I’m going to go on my bike and r on my bike got all my

    Stuff on on my bike r on my six seven miles ride and when I got back looked down and it was my watch was gone I’m thinking oh my gosh I’m sure I set off on my bike with my watch on and I’m thinking oh my gosh where did

    I lose this watch it could have been lost anywhere absolutely anywhere on this seven mile trep around Milton Kings so I’m thinking Lord I’ve lost my my good good watch and I haven’t even got a clue so car was saying put on the track

    At this and that and I was like a b with a sore head trust me is it either I was like bear with a sore head because I’m thinking somebody would have pick it up it’s gone I’m not seeing this watch ever again so we put on the tracker and I

    Found my tab and I still couldn’t find my watch so I’m thinking lord it’s gone I was getting more Grizzly and more BR you know unbearable unbearable yes that’s the more unbearable and I just thought let me get busy and I started helping Eva with uh washing clothes and then this man

    Runs out of nowhere I was actually I was about to lock my lock the watch because I could do it from my tab from my phone and I thought if I don’t lock it anybody can pick it up and get access to my data so I’m about to lock it but I got

    Distracted to help either in the utility and we got a phone call not on my mobile but on the house phone the house phone don’t ring for joke and when it does usually don’t answer because he Know answers the phone well she didn’t answer it she it rings and then it drops out Karen decides to find out who rang on the phone and she Rings him and she says I found this watch I found this watch I’m thinking Lord how did that happen it was

    Unprompted no matter what was going on in the house no matter what was going all the turbo that was going on in the house this man found my phone on the street went opened it up and started going saying I’m going to send it back

    To this whoever owns the watch I am a founded by what God did through that man because it wasn’t me it wasn’t the household wasn’t anything that we did it was just him and and it’s like Lord was saying I’ve got this yes you you lose it

    Too often I’ve got this no matter what the situation may look like I’ve got this and he was actually just within 5 minutes walk from me yeah and dropped it as soon as got on the bike and was riding past his house it virtually dropped in front of his house and he

    Picked it up he didn’t yeah okay this is my sh this is my God has got us no matter what we see in the house no matter what we see in the house even today my heart’s believeing today but God has got this amen amen this is my few words in Jesus name Amen that I supposed to follow man like I’m going to do two things can I do two things oh three can I do two things yeah first one is just simple um strive to enter in at the Straight Gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter

    In and shall not be able to strive yes strive yes work hard yes do what you have to do do what you have to do what’s the title today your theme love love and you know if I was to say if I was to put a a a a

    Pinnacle or a them around what I’ve just said strive to enter into the love of Jesus Christ yes strive to enter into his kingdom yes where there is love yes it’s love of his kingdom yes it’s love of what he stands for it’s love for what

    He wants but strive to enter in is that all right are we going to strive no matter what it takes might lose a leg might lose a arm might lose a eye might lose a brother sister yeah but strive friend family strive to enter in

    You might lose a loved one but we’ve got to they have stried they they have they have did what they have to do we now have to St you that are hearing this song For the First Time live what sign it online of never sung it l yeah and with

    A lot of the stuff that’s going through my life at the moment a lot of situations a lot of circumstances needs [Applause] Toow [Applause] Bow Ang 10, times 10 thousands of angels Proclaim they have been Triant in battle for him might it is he has coner death By sh all power all Auor the Angels [Applause] Cry All right bow down bow down Bow Down All Praise God Amen bow down Bow Down the Great and Mighty do you know that is permission do you know that BR feel presence in this place i f i moderate and I right and when I come I just tear it out as by the power of the Holy Spirit me bow down there is something significant about bowing down because that’s worship week before was about worship I believe that the presence of

    God the spirit of God is calling his sons and daughters to worship Do matter what the situation no matter what is going on just worship Me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I just feel we need to just spend some time just Med Jesus is SP Toly His he comes like the fire of Love to You hallelujah hallelujah Hal hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he com like a fire to you all [Applause] Holy Spirit holy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah holy holy hallelujah hallelujah oh Hallelujah spirit of God hallelujah oh Hallelujah Holy Hallelu God W me up was Saturday morning at 300 p.m. about 2:00 with that same scripture that sister Sandra brought last week in a devotion I went downstairs didn’t want disc my husband and I took my typew um computer and I begin to type by the direction of the Holy

    Spirit I never finish so I couldn’t go till 3:00 in the morning And I finish it yesterday but it’s very short Sandra can you turn to Proverbs 3 verse 5-6 the amplifi version please it is two verses that I’m going to read and the topic the Lord said get to know me in your life get to know me God in your life

    First five is that the lean on trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own Insight or understanding verse six in all your ways know recognize and acknowledge Him and he will direct and make straight and plain your

    PA that’s the word three Tu he gave me I like us to look at some significant keyword in those two verses Trust when you trust someone you have confidence in that mean you are secure you don’t feel threatened you don’t feel that you have to worry about anything all right cuz you trust me if I say let’s go here you going because you trust me some parents will not let their

    Children go with Tom or certain people because they don’t trust them that they will take care of their child but there are some people that you trust with your child you trust some people with your money you trust some people to stay in your house because you know that they

    Will not destroy or or whatever so now God is saying in this he saying in order for you to know me in your life you got to trust me what he said to me you got to trust me you got to be confident in me me God you got to feel secure in

    Me you got to understand that when you trust me I have your back I have everything in control but you have to do this exercise first so when you trust me then you will Now understand in verse he said you’ll have be confident in me Lord that you can’t trust God with your

    Mind you can’t trust him in the things you see you got to trust him with your heart this is a heart to know God this with your heart so when you trust him you will understand and his ways you will grasp and the awareness of him am I right so when you understand

    Him then you know that you have Insight of who God is sometimes somebody asks us why we serving God because God is good in what way because he’s God now how would you describe somebody who don’t know me to somebody about me how would you describe me now you might describe the outer

    Person son is whatever height you know she need glasses you’re describing the outer person but you’re not really describing the person who you are now let me give an example in I like criminology maybe I should have like if the Lord and come back I want to be detect you know and

    Those who answer you know and and CIS and all those but in the lab in the lab I like so and then they have you know the they have what do you call it profile people who when they they these murderer these people murdering or they calling a

    Profiler the profiler give a description of the mind of the person how they are all right and then by that the detective they be able to look for those type of traits now for you now to understand God you have to understand his traits you have to understand about him yes so

    Things come as Pastor gave his testimony and I think that’s so excellent he begin to panic now the profile of God he don’t panic in any situation even when Jesus was here and Jesus had to go through death and when the time came for him to die and Saul sold him

    Out and kissed him and a soldier took him away the character of Peter is to kill so he took a sword Jesus had to remand that you know get r that there are things in our lives in order for us to know God God have to remove work at our character to remove

    It so that he said now in all your ways he said in all your ways so not some of your ways to know God as I say God to trust him not with your mind you must rely Not Your Capacity not how accurate or your understanding of someone or something

    Neither but in Romans 91 said who has known the mind of the Lord who has been his counselor or who has G as first given him and it shall be recommended unto him for him and through him andto him are all things to be glory forever you may try to grasp God ways

    But it’s very difficult at the beginning of the chapter here Solomon advis his son my son do not forget my teaching but let your heart keep my Commandments he said so God is saying he wants to teach you you’re Sons and Daughters his command his ways his life how can

    Somebody teach you not just verbally but practical in all his ways Solomon was writing in this particular verse about wisdom we should know about wisdom and understanding because God gave it to him Solomon didn’t receive it by himself God he offer it he received it you know

    The story of King Solomon yes but God gave him wisdom what knowledge and understanding yes now in all your ways acknowledging how can we acknowledge God how can you acknowledge God you can’t acknowledge Somebody you don’t know how can I acknowledge when I see past on the road I know him I said hello how are you but I can walk past him like I don’t know him ignor him now in the things that God doing in our lives we can ignore God in it walk past

    It and don’t understand that God is in it yes and we walking passive so this is wisdom for we to know that in all our ways everything we have in all our ways we must how do we acknowledge we must accept we must admit that God

    Existence is true that God is in it yes in my life in my ways in my understanding in my trust God is in it yes and then he said when he does that he will direct you yes and I believe that in the life that we’re living today

    We need direction even to do with all the government they need direction clear Direction he said he will give you he will direct you so you make your path straight and plain clear yes God is not a spirit to confuse children so when your mind is confused

    Go back to him go back to trust him go back to understanding and then he will direct your path because he does not confuse his children I remember when God gave me this particular scripture over how many years ago because I begin to go through lots of

    Stuff the Lord show me and saying about Brokenness which is surrender to me it’s fine I can surrender this and to me I can surrender my final don’t matter but I never realized it was so deep because our character God want to reform and make and we have to surrender that to

    Him so when I had to do that there’s a lot of things God have to dig out and get rid of even my thinking yes and how I perceive what God should do in my pray life how I pray because sometime I’m telling God what to

    Do yes instead of that’s in my prayer life and I’m praying and I’m declaring and demanding we we call it the proud declaration or we to God to do this so I didn’t understand that then God brought this scripture to me he said trust me yes

    Rely on me now don’t demand from me yeah because if I trust you and I know you and and I have an Insight of God then you know that the Lord knows our need before we even heart said then the scripture that came to me said if your father know you need bread

    You won’t give you a stone that’s right so there don’t need to be a demand from the God so remember the typle of get to know God get to know him in your life so there don’t have to be a demand from the father I need I want this I need this so

    My prayer Life Begin so when God say have to break down Brokenness is in our prayer life or we pray and we perceive him so then he said if he bring it down even closer to home when I said to way we going on we’re going on holiday here and I hear

    The spirit of the Lord said did you ask me and I thought don’t need to ask need to pray that’s not a part of so I thought no no is is is is my mind do you know God of a voice and he just speaks right so so I ignore it as

    Usual son you ignore it so I went to bed and I couldn’t sleep I tossed and I turned and I still hear it did you ask me and I thought so my said what you on about I like turn around go like way so then I got up and then he he woke

    Up to go to he said to me what is wrong with you I can’t sleep he said why you why you done that God ask you to do I got up and I went downstairs and I wet my face and I Repent you know we

    Need to do that I repent and ask God to forgive me that I didn’t say it’s his voice I reject his voice I didn’t acknowledge Him that’s what he means so I didn’t acknowledge Albert hello son I walked pass so I have to repent go back to I’m

    Giving an example but so sorry but I ignored you yes that’s right so sorry past I ignored you so I have to say to God so sorry I ignored you yes so I said do I need to he said but you said in all your way your way

    You you’re going to acknowledge me so then you never asked I said I’m so sorry Lord do you want us to go on holid day and where you want us to go he said no so I said to him he said W will we vote for to go here Co came flight

    Cancel everything I never Shear this And I thought but God I buy all the things we were going to Jamaica for and you all that he said no God knew what was coming but I was upset cuz sometime when the father said no we upet as a child we say no and g a

    Tantrum and then he never said the word again but the Holy Spirit said to me did you not say in all your ways you’re going to know me you’re going to recognize me it and then your path will be straight if we did fly up there we’ll

    Never get back because they locked down yeah do you understand yes so some things happen and we’re saying is God in it look if God you’re going to have know God in your life you’re going to trust him you’re going to understand that he’s there you’re going to grasp his his

    Wisdom in your situation in your life is wisdom is wisdom in your situation then you know you won’t have difficulty the path will be straight yes when we have difficult is not straight we struggling you know when you’re going over the road isn’t straight for us so in this few

    Verse These two verse he said in verse six in all your ways how can you know God acknowledge you how in all your ways you’re going to recognize not only acknowledging but you’re going to recognize Pastor was God in that when you lost your watch he was

    In the man found it was he in yes from the beginning beginning to go out for right and the watch did he knew that the watch going to be lost yes he did you know beforehand we must recognize this this ver yes it is recognize and acknowledge that God is directing my

    Ways my path that’s how you get to know him the other way of things of knowing god sometime you have to strip us naked these are intimate experience that he will take us to some deep height and depth so some intimate relationship with him to know him me knowing

    God my husband have to know him for himself yes come based on my experience he got to know him all of you in here have to want to know God want to trust him not based on anyone standing here and telling you you must want to know him yes for

    Yourself you must want to get your life that is so wrapped up in God for yourself that is wisdom yes Solomon knew he needed wisdom to lead God people he David didn’t give it to him David left the plan to build a temple let me come here straight to build a

    Temple but in order to build God’s Temple and God have to build we are the temple of God there are some stuff that need to come out for the Holy Spirit to dwell and be there and it’s present be there day and night remember the Candlestick

    Light the the light day and night the fire must burn day and night yes so you can’t have the Holy Spirit today and tomorrow you know day and night now recognize that when you have the Holy Spirit he speaks but sometimes we say it’s our mind how can we then

    Differentiate is not on mind when we have a relationship with God intimately I do believe Karen recognized her husband voice from David if she’s in another room and David called and her husband called she must differentiate the voice we hope so because if you’re living with someone you must know their ways the

    Only way you don’t know the way of God you’re not living with him 24 hours that’s right so when you’re living with someone 24 hours you are there with that person you must know his lights and this lights yes so where I’m coming from you must know what God love from what he

    Don’t love yes because he knows you you must know what please the father and don’t please him right but if your relationship example with your husband is or wife is good or your brother or sister is good you don’t care that you give rubbish to your sister true if that

    Relationship isn’t there you give what you feel is right is rubbish but when you have that love relationship that you love you want the best for your sister your brother or your husband you’ll give the best to them doesn’t matter how much it cost that’s what Christ is saying God said he

    Wants he wants the best from you to him so then so when you give him the best when you trust him so then everything you have which is your ways your manners your wear everything you’re going to now acknowledge that God is controlling my life so the topic the Lord

    Says get to know me get to know me yes but you must want to get to know God coming here on a Sunday is not getting to know God that’s right getting up and going to work is not getting to know God it’s about spending time with him

    Intimately and me you’ll try transform you in such way you never seen before God Bless you that’s my few words know God in trusting and relying him in all your ways in everything you do acknowledge God don’t walk past it don’t walk past it a knowledge

    God even all what going on in your workplace your family even here in the church get to know God acknowledge Him recognize feel It and then we can worship we can worship God Bless you that’s my few words in Jesus’s name ask brother Aon TOS everyone good his what his Beauty it’s wonderful PR short testimony share you um he’s he’s done a lot for me over the past years I don’t know what what I do

    About one for me have been faith and trust in him as well I believe towards him I don’t know if I’ll today but just give God the praise and thanks um this this Friday uh finished work and was coming home about I I work in ches so local

    About 20 15 minutes drive from here um was only about 5 minutes away driving even from work and the roads so bad P holes and everything there was a big p hole on the left side on the left side so we see was I was going down the little country there Country Roads

    Um and it was 60 speed so I was about 50 um obviously I couldn’t Avid the P to Swerve it cars coming in the opposite direction so I just had to try to slow it down Go Firm it and um PP my tile so yes I obviously pulled

    Over and was in like this little village there was a lot of forest around so I was stranded I had a spare tire i l me but I’ve never it’s my first time obviously changing my tire so you find SP yeah yeah that but I was like man I thinking

    Can’t be that hard to change you know take out BS and that so but I was just looking watching videos and how to do that just in case but um there was like was a little Ro where where I was parked inside there was a few houses there um

    So I heard some people so I just went to just like PE to see if there was anyone there and there was a a a wife husband so I just went last excuse me sorry to the stur I just back from worked wondering if you able to leave

    Your hand and um the man was so blessed very nice and he helped me show told me yeah so but it’s just good you know just it’s always there when you need him even when you don’t need him always be there to look down protect to you so yeah luckily well done quickly

    Because L pouring it down I think on Friday so I change it yes very nice man wife thanks Lord pray from your lord name [Applause] am I need to share this with Arend from Wednesday the youth service and I went on and I said about today and he said he has a testimony but he’s not sure don’t really have but he want to give a testimony so I rang him oh you have so I

    Rang him yesterday and he said I have one now so I said you see spoke it in the atmosphere God will God I think thank you today for being with us and the Holy Spirit for directing us and before I ask sister car to come forward to give a notice um at

    The end if you all like to just put your um offering in the envelope in the basket of the back yeah um and I’m going to do the POS of I’m going to ask Pastor um sister Tracy and sister Sandra to come to the front for me please as

    Some of you may know that these three beautiful sisters and brother are doing the mdp ministerial development program this is from with the um from the international office that is run by Timothy School of ministry and I want to say congratulations to them they have passed unit one with flying

    Colors so I’m today going to present their certificate on behalf of the Timothy School of ministry Bishop tropman ask me to do so I want to say congratulations That’s so can we give this is open to everybody Enough so Everybody 100% I know I’m not saying the the pass colors they they wouldn’t get that they didn’t and and some would not send it to me the names yeah thank you very much I just want to um I just want to um you know our sister Lawrence if she can pray the closing prayer for us giving God thanks and also bless with the off just to give God thanks today for leading Us in such a wonderful Way Thank you for being a caring father providing you give us strength from day to day you feed us with your grace you cover us with your mercy yes and we bow our hearts to you today we’re saying thank you Father for your words than you your words that bring Comfort to our

    Hearts the words that point us the way yes to righteousness I pray today Lord that you will give us peace Lord and you will continue to direct us father Yes Lord you said all your ways we should acknowledge you and you will direct our paths sometimes it is hard sometimes we

    Low but Lord pick us up and today Lord God as we about to leave this place Rock us in your hearts Lord Jesus and point us way yes God that we should live for you and you only Jesus bless us today we pray father Lord direct your

    Path and keep us in tune with you we pray God and touch every heart as we come to acknowledge you we love you yes and we bow down before you holy hear us now as we pray in Jesus name Than

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