Live Well Wakefield offer a programme over 6 weeks for individuals who have completed their cancer treatment. The programme is focused on what the next steps are for individuals following treatment including for families and carers.

    For more information including upcoming programme dates, please visit

    This video was created with thanks to funding through the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance and with support from attendees of the programme and volunteers of Live Well Wakefield.

    We know from those we’ve talked with that getting back to a full and active life again after successful cancer treatment can be difficult when you’re in treatment your focus is all about getting through that regime and the difficult emotions that go with it but often when the treatment’s finished it

    Can feel like a massive step picking up normal life again sometimes other people expect you to bounce back quickly but that’s not so easy as cancer has such a big impact on our well-being in so many ways that’s where our six- week program cancer thriving and surviving can really

    Help you get back on track as you work towards your recovery it’s a great opportunity to meet and share with others who’ve been affected by cancer whilst learning some practical skills together as a group to re adjust to life again although everyone in the group may have had a

    Different type of cancer everyone finds they share similar issues and difficulties after treatment and that’s why the program is so successful in the program we call these common difficulties our challenges to thriving cycle as they do just that things such as living with uncertainty pain fatigue and difficult emotions like

    Fear and frustration for example can stop us from moving forwards by creating a vicious circle of symptoms that affects the way we feel making it difficult to get back to doing the things that we want to enjoy again so to help tackle this cycle the program offers a self-management toolkit a set

    Of practical skills we can use in everyday life both now and long after the programs finished it can be difficult as well talking about feelings with family and friends after cancer and sometimes you might feel guilty or down about the fact that you’re struggling so the toolkit has skills to help you

    Tackle all these issues on a daily basis and we practice all of these together throughout the six weeks I’m also one of the group leaders and come to the program as someone whose husband had cancer and I can really relate to how it affects not just the person themselves

    But the whole family so we also welcome Partners or carers who are supporting others after cancer we’ve had really positive feedback from people who’ve been on the program telling us afterwards that they feel more positive about the future and that the programs helped them learn how to be kind to

    Themselves by breaking things down into doable steps so they’re starting to achieve what they want to achieve again as they really begin to move forwards as well as those things you might make some new friendships along the way too which is always always good the group’s just a

    Comfortable space to learn discuss and practice skills together in a friendly and supportive way and there really is something for everyone on the program for more information on how the program is delivered have a look at our all programs Video being a part of the council thriving and surviving has made me feel so much more positive they gave you the tools to help you help yourself I was going out and doing more things which made me feel better himself cuz obviously your family’s going through these things as well and you don’t

    Always want to talk to them about it and it were nice having other people everybody else were going through the the same things the first day of the course they started talking about things and everything they said I’d been through it I’d gone through all them

    Emotions I’d had the brain fog I’d had the faue F and I just felt gosh it’s not just me it was the best thing I’d ever done really at that Time

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