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    00:00 HOMELESS MAN Kicked Out Of CHURCH
    08:41 Recommended Video To Watch Next

    Executive Producer: Dhar Mann
    Idea: Ruben Ortiz
    Writer: Ruben Ortiz and Greg Ernstrom
    Director / Cinematographer: Samuel Delfavero
    Senior Managers: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini, Christopher M. Brown
    Assistant Director: Anish Saini
    Editor: Leonita Zhdrella
    Assistant Editor: Javier Martinez
    Composer: N/A
    Colorist: Mario Pantin
    Sound Editor: Leo Trejo
    VFX Editor: Fabian Perez
    Trailer Editor: Brian Burkhardt
    Casting and Locations Manager: Alisha Watson
    Casting Associate: Kevin Svec
    Pre Production Managers: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz
    Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
    Bookings Manager: Kevin Acciani
    Bookings Associates: Nix Villarubin, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala, Lea Leysis
    Gaffer: Saket Raut
    Key Production Assistant: Siddharth Chawla
    Makeup/Hair: Brittany Fontaine
    Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Marcus Ricaud
    Production Designer: Marco Chiong
    Set Dresser: Cory Maracle
    Props and Inventory Manager: Manuel Alcaraz
    Props Associate: Armand Bashar
    Inventory Associate: Joshua Bogert


    Pastor Ken – Jerry Boyd
    Homeless Man – Keither Biondi
    Sandra – Tatiana Turan
    Homeless Extra 1 – Lucia Lopez
    Homeless Extra 2 – Jackie Green
    Homeless Extra 3 – Estela Mercado
    Homeless Extra 4 – Neil Wachs
    Homeless Extra 5 – Jason Stratton
    Homeless Extra 6 – Bill J. Witter Sr.
    Churchgoer 1 – Trace Bronson
    Churchgoer 2 – Eliza Bolsh
    Churchgoer 3 – Gary Manrique
    Churchgoer 4 – Yvonne Houston
    Churchgoer 5 – Stevan Todorovic
    Churchgoer 6 – Ganna Bilyk

    Uh nope no no no we are not running a soup kitchen here you need to leave now I’m just here for the sermon ma’am if it’s not any bother it is a bother you stink and you need to go now is everything okay over here SRA no

    Everything is not okay he just came barging in here stinking up the church I was just hoping to hear you preach Reverend oh okay and I’m the Pope I think there’s a way to work this out for everyone what don’t tell me you’re actually falling for this act

    Reverend act just two weeks ago the church down by Oakridge was vandalized and robbed by street thugs posing as worshippers I’m telling you this guy is nothing but trouble not looking to Rob nobody mhm Sandra this man has just as much of a right to be here as you do

    Really did he donate thousands of dollars to help fixed the church roof well no no right that was me and my friends oh wait I know he helps organize the Christmas church parade every year not wrong once again that was me Sandra don’t Sandra me Reverend I am a

    Parishioner who gladly gives my weekly tithing and then some and it’s not so I can sit next to some foul smelling Street rat if he stays I go and I guarantee you the rest of the congregation will follow it’s okay Reverend I didn’t mean to cause any

    Trouble I’ll just be on my way go on now you think I can borrow this I promise to bring it back go right ahead thank you Reverend you know he’s just going to end up selling that right God bless you God bless you thank you for coming spare from change spare some food get a job jeez how did it go did you get us some food how about medicine I’m sorry everyone I didn’t get any food hor supplies today we appreciate you trying but I didn’t come back

    Empty-handed you said you wanted to hear a sermon and by gosh you’re getting a sermon Matthew 25: 35 and 36 for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat for I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger you took me in I needed clothes

    And you clothed me I was sick and you looked after me I was in prison you came to visit me Glad to see you still using that sorry for keeping it this long I was planning on bringing it back soon keep it that’s not why I’m here today oh and why are you here I took up a collection in church yesterday and I thought you folks might be able to use

    This you have no idea what this means to us great everyone help yourselves this is quite the flock you have here they’re good people well how did they all wind up down here lots of reasons Jim lost his family to a car crash about 3 years ago the accident

    Left him with a bad leg that meant he couldn’t work in the warehouse anymore Sarah’s been here longer than me she used to be addicted to pills messed her life up real bad she lost everything and everyone but with the help of the Lord above and a lot of support from the good

    Folk right here we got her through it good Tracy’s husband died from cancer about a year back oh no she I broke trying to keep up with the hospital bills which along with losing her husband put her into a deep depression she lost her job friends eventually her house we’re doing what we

    Can to help bring her back from the darkness you know I had no idea that so many people living so close to my church had such needs it’s not your fault Reverend we try to keep out of sight around this place neither the people north of cops around here take kindly to

    Us you know I just might have an idea that’ll fix that but I’m going to need your Help you what are you doing here I already explained to you last week that you can’t be here no Sandra these are my guests what you invited them why because it was the right thing to do no it’s dangerous is what it is no these are good

    People just like you and like you they want to hear the word of the Lord and who are we to deny them this is outrageous Reverend what has gotten into you a good friend of mine reminded me of Matthew 25:35 he said for I was hungry and you

    Gave me food for I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink for I was a stranger and you took me me in and that verse is about compassion for strangers in need and I know this community has compassion and just last week I ask all

    Of you to donate clothing food and medical supplies for those who are in need and you happily delivered so look around these are all the people that your donations helped but but I ask why should our charity and goodwi end here we are able to donate food and

    Clothing to these good people but we can’t share our pews with them for too long we’ve ignored the suffering of our fellow community members we’ve sha them forced them into the Shadows so that we can pretend that they don’t exist I say no more amen amen

    We will no longer judge these people we will not avoid them we will embrace them and invite them into our house of worship come on be good neighbors and introduce yourself to our latest parishioners make them welcome come On you sir I am so sorry for the way I act this be with you brother and also with you thank you I’m sorry too maybe we could start over thank You thank you Reverend for all of this no thank you for what for reminding me of why I became a pastor in the first place to help people not to judge Them


    1. This is sad when somebody becomes homeless through no fault of their own. There are some fake homeless people out there. One day I gave a homeless man on the street 5 dollars. He goes what am I going to do with this. Two days later, I am at a convenience store putting gas in my car. About 2 miles away from where I gave him the money. He walked into the store shortly after I did. He saw me and went Hi there buddy. He was putting gas in a car that looked newer than the one I drive.

    2. Proverbs 15:3Β –Β The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.πŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈ

    3. Matthew 7:1β€œJudge not, that ye be not judged.β€πŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈ

    4. Mathew 25 verse 45: Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye didΒ itΒ not to one of the least of these, ye didΒ itΒ not to me.πŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈ

    5. Luke 15:10Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.β€πŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈπŸ™πŸ½βœοΈ

    6. Sadly, this is how 80% of church going Christian’s act in real life. I believe in God and go to church every now and then and the people there are extremely stuck up, rude and judgmental. I worked as a restaurant server for years. Every Sunday I dealt with the after church crowd, mostly elderly people. All were very mean, demanding and treated me as if I owed them something lmao. Never tipped well either.
      I just think it’s ironic that these people claim to live by and for the lord, but still act like this.

    7. 6:38 King James Version (KJV)
      give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. As an evangelical Christian myself I agree with this person be kind to one another there's homeless people all over the world we shouldn't judge people based on their race nationality or so on. That could have been me I could have been homeless sometimes I wish I can do shelter work that would be something good for volunteers. I believe in the word of God. I trust in the Lord without him I would have been lost believe that this is what every person should do and understand

    8. This is a major problem in slot of churches today….people parading their money thinking they have more rights in the church becΓ use they donate or tithe more when in truth God doesn't see it that way….your $ doesn't get you to heaven….your salvation with God gets you into heaven…..sounds like this lady needs a Bible lesson on Lazarus and the rich man

    9. Matthew 7:1- Do not judge others or you will be judged!!
      Helping others in need is not only a responsibility of life, it is what gives meaning to life!!
      Judging others doesn't define who they are, it defines who you are!!

    10. God said for us to come unto him just as who we are because we all are his children. He never turns his back on his and died for all of our sins Amen πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ™ŒπŸ½. We should never judge a book by its cover

    11. Everyone is invited to church because church is a place to talk to the lord and worship him and NO ONE and I mean no one is allowed to judge them based on just there appearance

    12. I was homeless for 6 years bcuz of my addiction, I waited 2 years to get section 8 housing, God saved my life I have housing now and I've been sober for 1yr and 3monrhs. Stop the judging, addiction is real, But God is a miracle worker, he saved me. He can save anyone.

    13. As a 3 year old fan i really wanna ask for this
      Would u guys make a video about other religions book same is this
      Like the jews or muslims books!
      I’m sorry for my bad english!

    14. If a congregation is doing this, then they are not sincerely following God. Christians' love for God is what makes them go out in the streets and and everywhere they are at and help the less fortunate. To give a word from the bible, to show God's love. That's what Jesus did. True Christians give to missions and organizations that further His kingdom. Not one congregation ive been in, looked down on people coming off the street. If they do, run from that place.

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