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    – How old are you? – 37

    – Where do you live? – Cape Town, South Africa & Dorset, UK.

    – What do you do for a living? – I’m a coach, I help people help themselves to improve the quality of their life. I lead online workshops & group coaching programs. I make YouTube videos and I’m a photographer.

    – What editing program do you use? – DaVinci Resolve

    [Laughter] Je what’s up beautiful people what’s happening what’s going on welcome to another Vlog haven’t said that in a while oo I feel like I’ve got my mojo back right now which is why I literally grabbed my camera plugged it into charge stuck an SD camera up its butt and now I’m

    Like just want to share some things with you I just want to talk to you I want to communicate some things because I’m like I feel like I got my Moji back and that means a few things that means a few things it means firstly that like yeah I

    Want to start making some videos again because like I’ve come to realize after being on this crazy long journey that I’ve been on that like what we’re here to do on this planet is offer the things that we’re good out to other people so I’ve kind of been on a

    Journey also of discovering like some other things that I’m good at other than like photography and film making and stuff like that around like healing coaching business is going really well there’s a lot that I’ve got to offer and that’s so fun and beautiful and precious and just really nourishing to like go

    And explore other ways of being and other ways of like connecting with people and discovering and uncovering more skills that I have and developing those skills so and I’m like I’m good at video making I’m good at making these videos um I’m good at being on camera

    And I feel like I want to do that again uh but obviously bringing like a new Vibe because I’m a I’m a new person I’m a different person to who I was and I think the thing that you liked about me and that lots of people liked about me

    On camera one of the things I think is still here I’ve I feel like I’ve got more energy than I’ve ever had and I feel like um more myself I feel more authentic and I have like zero fear um so it feels like the the energy that

    Came through very often in the previous videos that people were like w this guy’s like super positive and he’s got a lot of enthusiasm and he’s inspiring me to grab a camera and go outdoors and like take Life by the steering wheel and like get into it get in the game get in

    The arena like show up for your life I know that more positivity online is needed and I feel like I’m being called back onto the internet to make videos to help inspire people to stop scrolling on Instagram and to get out once again grab your camera and go out into the world

    And explore and don’t let the craziness of what’s going on in the world distract you and pull you away from living the dream Quest that you’re here to live as a human being like that is like never ending Perpetual distraction from you and what you’re

    Here to do and experience and I just want to keep delivering this message to as many people as possible because like it’s getting insane it’s getting crazy out there we all know it we all feel it we all see it it’s getting very intense and so it’s really easy to get swept up

    Emotionally and everything that’s going on and be divided and it’s US versus them and good versus evil and this this this and and and it just goes like this and the whole time you could just go okay these things are important but they’re not as important as me living

    The life that I came here to live so that’s the message that’s coming through right now that’s the most authentic message that I can deliver to you right now the thing that’s most important to me right now that I feel like I need to share is like don’t let

    That distract you from living the life that you came here to live passionate about this I’m passionate about this I’m passionate about this because I also get distracted I also get caught up in the chaos and the drama of everything that’s going on and I too have wasted so much time scrolling

    Away and getting emotionally reacting active and essentially distracted from truth and from the good that’s happening and the good stuff that we can experience that can help us grow enjoy our lives connect more with other people really understand what love truly feels like and to be creative and to dance and

    To discover the parts of us that are the most confident parts of us and to be be connected to the universe and to really show up for our lives I’ve I’ve spent a lot of time being so distracted by what’s going on in the world and I’m

    Done with it and as soon as I step away from that I can keep an eye on what’s going on but I don’t join aside it’s always US versus them this person versus that person red versus blue it’s just the same old game and we’ve seen it all

    Before War many many times it’s classic divide and conquer divide the people have them argue against each other control them don’t get to the end of your life W you’re not going to get to the end of your life wishing that you’d spent more time telling that person that

    You’re right and they’re wrong like nobody’s doing that everybody’s getting to the end of their life wishing that they’d done more of what they TR their heart truly desired to experience experience don’t get to the end of your life with deathbed regrets please do

    Your soul a favor do me a favor and do the whole of humanity a favor by not holding back who you truly are and what your unique gifts really are and this might be like you might be feeling well what are who am I and what are my

    Unique gifts and like where do I even begin take a deep breath there is no rush trust me the harder and faster you try and do this life the less you get done like the old Paradigm the old way of doing things is to bash your head

    Against the wall and just and yeah maybe sometimes we have to do that maybe you have to do that maybe you have to just try 10 different things to find out what you love to do and then just go for it each time there are two things that need to happen

    That I’ve discovered there are many things but two of the main things I want to talk about right now in order for the universe to fill up your cup you first have to remove yourself from it and some people will be like I know exactly what you mean by that other

    People it might take a little bit more of a journey to go on to understand what I mean by remove yourself understand who you are ask yourself who am I know thyself who are you not understand the ego understand what the higher self is understand that we actually don’t

    Know a lot remove yourself from the cup the other thing that is required for the universe to fill up your cup whatever that means to you with love relationships Community Connection creativity inspiration flow you got to hold it still right you can’t be having a shaky cup otherwise

    The universe is like this so you got to learn to steady the mind this whole thing is a mind game and this is how what I help people with when I’m coaching when we’re doing our group coaching this is what I talk about as often as I possibly can meditation you

    Don’t have to sit and become a professional meditator you just have to understand what meditation is and connect to Stillness you can meditate whil it’s walking you can meditate whilst doing the washing up I bet you meditate when you drive there are things that get you into

    Flow State when like when you’re in the shower you’re not thinking oh right armpit left armpit and then this one I’m about do this that’s when your good ideas come in in the shower have you ever noticed that that you have good ideas in the shower because you’re not

    Thinking about it you have good ideas when you’re driving cuz you’re not thinking about it you’re in a meditative State and so you’re holding your cup still and then suddenly you can receive what you need to receive and what you need to receive that’s always available

    Is guidance for your next step in life whatever your next step in life is it’s waiting to drop in you might even know what it is already empty the cup of yourself and hold it the still learn to be calm learn to have a calm nervous system

    This ain’t easy for everybody if you suffer from anxiety and things make you feel anxious you got work to do you got work to do and to have work to do is a blessing it may feel like a pain in the ass like why do I have to have social

    Anxiety why do I have to be scared of crowds why do I have to be scared of what other people think of me all of these things are the per perfect blueprint for you to learn about who you actually are it’s so deep and infinite and so unique to you this journey that

    You’re on I can only share like sprinkles of insights that I’ve experienced that hopefully might help you some way but really I don’t have a clue what you need but you do you know what what you need deep down and if you don’t know what you need hold

    That cup still and you will receive it slow your nervous system down slow your breathing down get out of your head and into your body and you’ll know things will become very clear and from there you can really start to build some trust and some confidence not only in yourself but in

    The whole of the universe and know that it’s in your favor everything in life everything is either giving you life or taking it away that’s it it’s such a big lesson and it’s so simple from the food we consume to the information that we consume to the

    Thoughts that we tap into the belief systems that we sign up to and align with the music we listen to I don’t know if I mentioned that already the content that we consume everything has a certain vibration to it yeah I get it it’s art and everything like that but it’s at a

    Certain vibration you have to start respecting your body and yourself and your own vibration enough to have some boundaries up around what is it what you are allowing into your field into your energetic field and what is a no at some point you may be here in this

    Journey already or maybe you’re just getting to this point where you’re like oh I’m starting to realize that alcohol brings me down in my vibration it’s not adding to my life like it’s draining my life force energy and it’s harvesting my Consciousness into the TV your life is worth way more than that

    Start getting real about your boundaries if you are hanging around people who just complain and gossip and talk about other people the whole time and like oh life’s so oh the government’s so terrible oh this system’s just out to get us Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble it’s just like

    Oh it’s such a low heavy dense vibration put some distance between you and those people there’s going to be a phase where gets lonely if you’re transitioning friendship groups there’s going to be a phase and some of them you’ll meet on the other side but probably not all of

    Them not everybody is here to go on this journey coming into peace and Alignment so that we can receive guidance around who we really are and what we’re really here to do and what our most highest expansive expression authentically of who we are looks like or feels like what

    Does it feel like it feels good it feels like I’ve got a lot of energy because I know where I’m going and I know what I want to create and I know why what my intention is around these things so when all of those things go in alignment

    Guess what let’s go I’ve got the energy and it’s this is a decaf coffee when you’re in alignment the energy is abundant and you believe I deserve to have this energy and I deserve to create the life that I want to create the universe is like cool hold

    That cup still a little bit and you’re like and then it just energy comes straight through and that energy is there all the time you align with it how we align with it starts with the mind you’ve got to change your mind if you want to change your life you’ve got to

    Drop the negative selft talk you’ve got to drop the negative thoughts about yourself you got to drop you got to all of these things are also vibrations and your thoughts and the words that you speak are either adding to Your vitality and aligning you with that high energy vibration

    Or they’re draining your energy conscious ly become aware start to notice start to notice these different parts of your life start to notice what music makes you feel a bit what food makes you feel a bit switch it up what food makes you feel good what

    Kind of drinks make you feel good what kind of water makes you feel good like what kind of conversations make you feel good what kind of content makes you feel inspired and good and cut the rest the out please if you want because I’m telling you from my point of

    View you can’t compare the difference between like a normal lifestyle that is like conforming with social norms where you watch the TV you believe the news you eat whatever you’re advertised to or whatever’s in the supermarket you drink lots of tap water and you just do what

    Normal people do that takes you on a normal people route you got to start choosing your life for yourself and when you start doing that you will literally Quantum Leap and shift into a completely different reality and you’ll see other people in their realities but you’re like wow

    That’s not my reality anymore it’s not my reality anymore people reacting and responding to the news and what they hear on the TV and the radio they’re like in fear because that’s how the nervous system has been trained to react to what’s on the news and then as soon as you start

    Realizing there’s a pattern emerging here there’s a I don’t mean to laugh but it’s so obvious once you see it and then you’ll see someone who so believes the narrative that their nervous system is responding to it like this and you’re like wow I don’t live in that reality anymore more I’m

    Calm I’m peaceful and you know what even if there is something to be scared about I’d rather be in a calm expanded State of Consciousness where I can discern what the correct course of action is to be taken rather than going ah ah a

    What do we do what does the TV say to do a it says Panic it’s like like come on if you’re watching this far into this video you know exactly what I’m talking about and the reason that you’re here watching this video and the reason that you’re here on Earth is not

    To around with all of that other you’re here to you’re here to do something very special you’re here to do something very important you’re here on a mission if nothing else for your own Soul’s growth and it’s awesome it’s ridiculous like the difference life can be just insanely

    Good and that’s the end of the message that’s the end of this video thank you for listening share this with someone who you think it might resonate with or that might receive something that they need to receive from this video and let me know how you going where are you in your

    Journey right now what helps you get into alignment and what pulls you out of alignment share in the comments so other people can see I love you so much thank you for being here Peace


    1. Hi Ben!! Long time follower here, think I started watching you in 2018? Anyway I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing your journey of life online. I think of you as a catalyst for my own soul journey. I remember when you messed up your arm from a motorbike accident and how that set things off for you and I had a similar experience at a similar time (in terms of how it brought things up, not a crash!) Watching you grow has had a profound positive impact on my life. For example, just today this video popped up on my timeline right when I needed it. Watched it once then again with my notebook, grabbing some notes. “Don’t get to the end of your life with deathbed regrets” is going to be with me for a while.

    2. Agreed my friend. The irony is that by living authentically and truthfully to who we are, we bring so much light to the world and it changes the dynamic. But if we remain as passive observers who absorb all the negativity, we can never change anything. Much love <3

    3. I’m fully aware that I am a toxic, negative person. I don’t want to be like that but just cannot make myself change. There is too much needed to fix me that it so overwhelming. 😢

    4. Love the hold the cup still metaphor! Looking forward ro more Cape Town vlogs, that's what introduced me to you many years ago. Ex-Capetonian living in Cusco, Peru here 😊 Looking forward ro a trio back with my family next year.

    5. Thanks Ben. Your videos help me stay calm, peaceful and reasonable. They help not to be overwhelmed by aggression and hatred. I am sure that your words that reach people make the world a better place, open their eyes to the simple truths of life.

    6. Thank you Ben! This message was seriously divinely received. I’ve been in and out of loops and catching myself, but this video just woke me up.

      What helps me come back into alignment is journaling, eating nourishing whole foods, sunlight, breath work, exercising, creating, and consuming content like this.

      I really appreciate you for sharing your light ❤️

    7. Different Ben…

      I am a random person who used to be a regular viewer of Ben.

      There are no videos for a couple of months.. unsubsribed…

      Subscribed again ….

      For me, Artic adventure is still a gem of video….

      Thank you Ben…

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