In this episode I will take apart the engine and discover why it seized. 2003 Yamaha YZ 450 F . Motorcycle restoration and rebuild. More money than brains club.

    Hey welcome back uh if you’re new here thanks for tuning in going to keep working on this uh YZF 2 uh 450 I don’t know why I keep saying 250 I’ve had a look at part Zilla and I’ve realized I’m missing some parts so down here I’m missing a cover of some

    Sort I’m missing a clamp here looks like I’m missing a plastic uh clip to guide these uh Fork protectors I’m missing uh two skid plates I think what I’m doing there is just get some sheet aluminum make my own they are Avail available from yamha but the problem is you start

    Buying all these little brackets and parts and and the price skyrockets pretty quick so I’m missing this clamp other than that I was able to find the paint coat on uh on the internet so hopefully my local Body Shop Supply can can find that code and mix me up some

    Spray cans I think it’ll be a base clear for sure it’s like a metallic uh what else I did decode the VIN number and uh it is a 2003 so the more I look at it the more I realize I’m missing stuff but that’s what kind of happens when you buy a an

    Older bike going to start working on this engine here I have a quick look at the head this one spins nice this intake cam off but the other one when you tighten this down it gets tight and you can spin this uh this cap for the intake valve but this one’s

    Tight so I’m assuming I need to uh shim that again I see it’s got a little decompression lever there probably for kicking it over uh it’s definitely a hot start on the on the handlebars there so I’m going to take this part here uh I’m going to kind of do it

    Slowly I’ve got every I’m going to label every single bolt in its own little bucket because I’m not super familiar with this well I should I should say I’ve never had one of these apart so it’s not like a CR bottom in where I know where most of the bolts go so

    Anyway um get going on this and see if it’s uh salable okay so I’ll probably time lapse this I’m not I’m not doing a how-to video on yzf450 engine because I’m learning as a go so I’m just kind of more trying to give you an idea of the

    Process of restoring a bike what’s involved so this will probably get time lapse I’m going to start on this timing cover N A Well it wouldn’t be a project if you don’t slice yourself once in a while it’s not that deep a that it’s bleeding like a stuck pig so got out the old electrical tape I did manage to get this loose finally one nice thing about a video is

    At least I can go back and watch the footage of how it came apart if I get confused wonder what’s happening here supposed to look like that or not I don’t Know said in the manual to move this back and forth and make sure it’s not too sloppy but I’m a little concerned about all these marks is that factory or was it rubbing on something that doesn’t seem right this shouldn’t be all sloppy so that it’s missing something in there it’s missing a

    Bushing bearing so that’s what’s making all these marks just flopping around here I’m wondering if the oil pump if it got out of time and the oil pump quit spinning and that’s why it seized very high likelihood that’s the cause of the problem because there should be no reason for that wrist pin

    To seize like that it’s kind of damaged the oil pump gear it’s kind of damaged this gear can see where it was almost like skipping each other so I bet you that’s what happened I don’t know if somebody in the past took this apart forgot to put the little bushing or bearing back

    In I got to go on Partzilla now and see what I’m missing there but I would definitely say that’s the cause of the failure of this engine is this oil pump probably quit spinning so whoever did the clutch in this he didn’t do us any favors okay so I printed this off with

    Uh Partzilla this is showing the back side of the gear hopefully you can see it looks like there’s a c clip on the inside of the case and then there’s supposed to be a bushing in there and then I found this washer was down here and it’s missing a cir clip I know

    There’re supposed to be bushing in there because I went on uh eBay and there’s a guy selling quite a few guys selling used oil pumps and on eer gears for about 50 bucks and I can I can get the cir clip from uh Yamaha still but what I’m worried about is that

    Groove they’re screwed because it’s been running with no bushing or whatever so I don’t know I guess I’ll keep taking this apart maybe we’ll find more parts in the center case but it’s getting harder and harder to uh justify this bike cuz I’m going to be into it

    For an oil pump and then the other real problem is what the heck do I do with this do I risk running that those are supposed to be nice round like sedges do I risk running that or do I get another clutch was used clutch which is going to

    Be another 100 bucks you know for a used one so I don’t know I guess all I can do is keep taking it apart and then make a decision later okay I’ve got my case splitter set up I think I’ve got all the bolts out I’m going to put a little bit of

    Pressure on here to see how hard it’s going to be to come doesn’t look like it’s going to be very hard at all plus of course I miss a that one come pretty easy you always want to make sure you didn’t get a a washer hitchhiking on the bearing

    Here most of them usually have a extra washer to well there’s your pooched crank right there look at that okay so I got these cases apart and the good news is there’s nothing broken I did find these chunks of piston down in in here but there’s nothing really wrong with it bearings feel

    Okay crank bearings come with a new crank so I’ll just replace those I’m going to leave all this together cuz it all works I tested it before I took the engine apart and everything shifts they don’t shift once you’ve got the cases split they’re pretty hard to do anything with this

    Bearing’s got a bit of strap on it but I’ll replacing that probably take this off and and blow all these passages out but I think I’m going to leave this together don’t really see any reason to pull it all out of there I’ll clean it all up with varsol

    Somebody had this apart before for some reason this obviously isn’t the original gasket material they put way too much on it’s all gooped in everywhere anyways the good news is the cases are okay so I’ve been thinking about this I slept on it overnight and I’ve decided I’m going to fix this

    Engine um I ordered a new clutch basket it’s coming out of England it was just the cheapest one I could find I also ordered a used uh I should say that’s a used one coming I also ordered a used oil pump with the idler gear and the cir

    Clip and all that stuff I did get this right side case cleaned up and I’m working on the left side case want to get that cleaner and shinier I kind of wish I had a vapor hone but I can do it old school just with the scotch breake pad I haven’t decided

    Quite yet what I’m going to do with this bike whether it’s going to get the full treatment there just enough to run and look a little better I did print up all the parts groupings I’m going to go and go through the bike and highlight each

    Thing I’m missing or it needs to be replaced and then make a decision later how far I’m going to go on this bike so if you made it at the end of video I really appreciate that uh if you’ve enjoyed this content um drop a like And subscribe it helps the channel

    Grow like I said that’s going to be it for this episode but uh stay tuned and we’ll keep plugging away at this uh bike in a future episode thanks again

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