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    In this situation I accelerate answer a I slow down answer B I maintain the speed answer C my speed is higher than that of the truck I can overtake it on the right yes answer a no answer B I slow down answer a I maintain the speed answer

    B I overtake this user who is traveling at 30 kmh yes answer a no answer B I honk and overtake this cyclist answer a I slow down to stay behind him answer B I wish to use the next exit I finish overtaking answer a I give up on overtaking answer

    B I can overtake this cyclist yes answer a no answer B I continue straight from now on my speed will be limited to 70 km/h answer a 90 km/h answer B 130 km/h answer C placed where I am I can go to the right answer a on the left answer

    B my safety distance is correct yes answer a no answer B the signs force me to move into the right lane yes answer a no answer B I pay by check I can move to the right now answer a at the level of the thick lines answer B after the very thick answer

    C if I do not give way to the blue vehicle I risk one point answer a of points answer B 4 points answer C 6 points answer d I must stop if a train is coming yes answer a no answer B if no train arrives yes answer C no answer

    D at the next intersection I could turn left yes answer a no answer B I will encounter traffic lights yes answer C no answer D it is forbidden here make a U-turn yes answer a no answer B to turn left yes answer C no answer

    D this sign limits the speed to 60 km/h answer a requires users to travel at a minimum of 60 km/h answer B puts an end to the ban on driving at more than 60 km/h answer C I can take this route if I tow a low trailer

    Yes answer a no answer B if I have a bicycle on the roof rack yes answer C no answer D the checkers red and white positions an emergency lane answer a a space reserved for parking answer B a bus lane answer

    C I am traveling on a municipal road answer a a departmental road answer B a temporary route answer C a diversion route answer d I am traveling on a major route answer a on a motorway answer B in the direction of the motorway answer C I can meet cyclists in contsens

    Yes answer a no answer B pedestrians on the road yes answer C no answer d in front of these signs I can stop yes answer a no answer B park yes answer C no answer d it is possible to stop on the right for a breakdown answer a consult a

    Road map answer B answer the telephone answer C feeling unwell answer D in the space after exiting the town I can park yes answer a no answer B as a general rule near an intersection I can stop yes answer a no answer B park yes answer C no answer D

    When I check the tire pressure it is good to check also the spare wheel yes answer a no answer B I have to use the hazard lights when I am traveling at very low speed answer a when I park in double line answer B in the event of significant slowdown when I

    Am last in the queue answer C when my vehicle is stopped on the road answer d a tire blowout is mainly caused by over-inflation answer a under-inflation answer B I am taking a level 2 medication the pictogram is orange yes answer a no answer B

    I must seek the advice of a health professional to drive yes answer C no answer d to adjust the backrest with this wheel the arms placed at the top of the steering wheel are stretched answer a slightly bent answer B following the start of a fire in a tunnel I entered

    A shelter I immediately take the evacuation corridor answer A I read the instructions and I wait to be asked to exit answer B carpooling is a park and ride at the end of the line tramou answer to the sharing a vehicle by several passengers going to the same place

    Answer B an electric vehicle rental point answer C I have to deactivate the cruise control yes answer A a no answer B watch carefully towards the rear yes answer C no answer d ce heavy goods vehicle footprint the exit towards word I could start to

    Fall back before the end of the marking to my right yes answer a no answer B if the light now turns yellow I stop answer a I pass answer B 200 m into the car park I could call a friend

    Yes answer a no answer B call for help yes answer C no answer D to get out I am now adapting my speed to 90 km/h yes answer a no answer B I am in a good position yes answer a no answer B stopping in traffic at a

    Bus stop is prohibited yes answer C no answer d in this area I drive at a walking pace answer a I use the sound horn answer B I use the light warning answer C I am ready to stop answer D

    When you are overtaken you must maintain your speed and keep to the right as best as possible so as not to disturb the overtaking user and not slow down or accelerate so as not to surprise the driver who is carrying out the

    Maneuver place where it is this heavy POS continues in its lane and I am heading towards another motorway branch so I am traveling on a selection lane which allows me to overtake this truck on the right while observing what is happening behind I notice that I I am about to be

    Overtaken I must maintain my pace so as not to distort the estimates of the vehicle passing me I am traveling in an urban area on a two-way road no signs prohibit me from overtaking, overtaking would therefore be authorized but in this situation the visibility to the front is insufficient

    With a bend looming it would in fact be too risky to overtake at this point the warning line does not prohibit overtaking but it is impossible here because I am arriving at a crossroads roundabout it is therefore useless to honk it is also prohibited in built-up areas

    Overtaking such a heavy goods vehicle does not last long and only requires barely 300 m the signage announces an exit 2000 m from here which makes me leaves plenty of time to complete this overtaking in

    Progress I am traveling in an urban area I must therefore leave at least 1 MRE to overtake this cyclist by holding the line tightly I therefore have just enough room if he holds his right well I pass with caution on the road under construction the traffic was on a single lane the

    Speed was therefore reduced compared to the general regulations the sign on the right puts an end to this speed limit since the traffic is again on two lanes I could again travel up to 130 km/h if I wish to exit I present myself at

    70 km/h at the start of the lane when an arrow is painted on the roadway divided into a traffic lane, users must place themselves in the lane from the first arrow lane corresponding to the direction they want to follow here I am placed to turn

    Left whether I am traveling on a divided road or on a motorway I must leave two lines of the emergency lane with the user who is in front of me which corresponds to 2 seconds I am much too close to the exceptional convoy I slow down to increase the

    Frontal distance where I overtake as soon as possible I must carefully observe the signs the red and white chevron signs direct traffic to the right but not completely to the right the right lane is reserved a priori for the directional crossing

    Because the thickness of the lines is greater than the others so I do not have to place myself on it for no reason the line is for the moment continues which prevents me from changing my voice now when the line becomes discontinuous I arrive at the junction of the tracks and I can

    Actually start to position myself to reach the ticket office to the right of the station I have 300 m to position myself all driver approaching a roundabout is regardless of the classification of the road he is about to leave, to give way to users traveling on the roadway surrounding the roundabout,

    This contravention automatically gives rise to a four-point reduction in the driving license. driving this level crossing without a barrier or half-barrier is however equipped with a stop signal this requires stopping for a time even if no train arrives at forceori if a train is announced I do not take the risk of

    Pass in principle the danger sign is placed 50 m away in built-up areas this is not the case here where the lights are located approximately 150 m away the sign should also be located under the danger sign as it exists under the turning ban left at

    The intersection with traffic lights I cannot turn left the sign prohibits making a U-turn but also turning left from the sign and unless otherwise indicated until the next intersection a round sign at white background crossed out with a black line puts

    An end to a ban here this sign puts an end to the ban on driving at more than 60 km/h the sign which limits the speed to 60 km/h is also round with a white background but it is bordered

    By a red border the sign requiring you to travel at a minimum of 60 km/h is round with a blue background the signage prohibits the passage of motor vehicles and vehicles whose height, including loading, exceeds 2 MTR if I am towing a trailer low there is no height problem and I can

    Pass if I have a bike on the roof I will hit it on high structures limited to 2 m I will have to learn to tell the difference the white and red checkerboards announce in fact a distress voice allowing on long descents to stop in safety vehicles in

    Braking distress the roads are classified into different categories we recognize them by their color the yellow terminal and the letter D indicate to me here that I travels on a departmental road the direction signs to the left of the gantry have a green background which

    Corresponds to a major route the one at the top however has a motorway symbol which indicates that by following this route I will join the motorway leading in Paris when entering this meeting zone I must expect to encounter vulnerable users such as pedestrians or two-wheelers without motors in this zone I must not

    Exceed the speed of 20 km at the wheel of my motorized passenger vehicle /h I must also systematically give priority to pedestrians and cyclists in this one-way street, although I am likely to encounter cyclists going in

    The wrong direction, this being authorized to take a prohibited direction, I must therefore be extra vigilant in meeting areas as well as in zones 30 where the situation can be identical any stopping and parking is considered inconvenient therefore prohibited when it hides the visibility

    Of the signage I could neither stop nor park in front of this sign for this I risk a fine of second class and an impoundment of the vehicle the shoulder on the right is an emergency lane this chosen name is quite explicit to only authorize the

    Breakdown and the discomfort that is to say the emergency it there are rest areas to consult a map or use your mobile phone the signage indicates that parking is prohibited from the sign until the next intersection stopping remains possible

    But the profile of the shoulder does not allow it probably not near an intersection if I mask visibility stopping and parking are prohibited because it then represents a nuisance and a danger for other users it could possibly cost me TR point on my

    Driving license in the event of puncture the spare wheel will have to place the wheel to be repaired it must therefore be inflated to the highest tire pressure I therefore check its pressure quite regularly because there is always a small loss over time

    The hazard lights are not on only use them in case of absolute necessity, so I must turn on when I arrive at a slowdown and I am the last in the line when I am traveling at a significantly reduced speed or when my vehicle is immobilized on the road due to

    A breakdown, for example when I am on a double lead for a single stop it is good to report it but parking is then prohibited and it is in fact equally prohibited to use the lights to apologize for the inconvenience before getting into my vehicle I must always

    Visually check the condition of my tires and at least with a device once a month an underinflated tire leads to excess fuel consumption and poor handling finally the tire will tend to overheat to the point of bursting overinflating a tire is not dangerous

    The new signage printed on the boxes of medicines is made up of three pictograms the level 2 pictogram is orange in color and the accompanying notice invites the patient to consult the pharmacist or their doctor I do not drive without having requested the AV viis

    Of this health professional I must be able to turn the steering wheel without having to lift the back of the chair I will therefore place one hand at the top of the steering wheel and with the other adjust the wheel

    So that the arm is not tense then I check the position while passing both hands at the top of the steering wheel crown if the arms are outstretched the position is bad the survival shelters in the tunnels are made to protect the users who have taken refuge

    There posters explain the behavior to follow after reading the instructions I evacuate through the isolated corridor if this is specified where I wait for the emergency services to invite me to do so this sign is not official but it indicates the carpooling points it is a place

    Where people meet you to make the same journey in the vehicle of one of them this practice contributes to individual savings and to reducing collective pollution in this situation the highway patrolman alerts me to an imminent danger the traffic jam announced to me requires deactivating the cruise control because the slowdown

    Caused by this traffic jam is likely to be brutal. This will require increased control towards the rear because I risk surprising other vehicles behind me, which is why I do not Don’t forget to turn on the hazard lights if I am the last in line on this type of road.

    The warning line authorizes overtaking and does not prohibit pulling back after overtaking. It only prohibits moving from my lane to the exit if this heavy goods vehicle actually leaves here I could start to return to the right before the end of the

    Close lines, looking in my interior mirror I see a user who does not respect the safety distance between our two vehicles if the fire comes to change to yellow I will not hesitate to cross the intersection otherwise by stopping suddenly the vehicle following

    Me could hit me the signage indicates that a car park with a public telephone booth is located 200 m from this booth I can actually call a friend but just as easily call for help by dialing 15, 17 or 18. If we put up this speed limit sign right now it’s because the

    Exit deceleration lane is too short to enter it at 130 km/h it is even probable that the next sign limits entry to it to 70 km/h so I watch at the rear and I put on the indicator from now on only stop to

    Charge or dropping off passengers or packages is prohibited on a zigzag I must normally travel on the right and the users in front of me should be stopped at the traffic light on the right however it is not prohibited to leave this place free on the right in case where

    A bus would arrive since there is space on two other lanes equipped with selection arrows in this area with a high concentration of pedestrians I must remain vigilant and adapt to the presence of other fragile users pedestrian or wheels

    Use of the sound horn is prohibited in built-up areas except in cases of immediate danger. which is not the case here the use of the warning light serves no purpose except to be perceived aggressively

    I drive at a walking pace ready to stop at any time so as not to risk a collision with a dreaming pedestrian


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