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    【Story Introduction】
    During the catastrophe period, the great monk Chen Fan fell into the catastrophe, but he returned to his youth on earth. In the last life, I climbed to the top of the universe and overlooked the world, but I was not accompanied by anyone. In this life, I only wish to live up to my past and my lord.
    Popular version: The story of a five-hundred-year-old cultivator who was reborn in the city during the catastrophe period, made up for his regrets, play pig eat tiger.

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    Xiaofan Let’s not go in Waiting for the evening private to the old man to congratulate the birthday Did auntie say something to you? My mom called me last night Said the Ning family had arrived in Wu Zhou And the old man has made a decision The Su family will not help each other

    Xiaofan you are still young Don’t fight them hard Why don’t we go back to Jinling? Wait for another ten years They’ll never be your match Don’t worry Your husband has grown into a big tree Don’t say the Ning family Ji family Anyone in this world is going to steal you

    I’ll beat them all back Yo Xiaojiu How did you get on at the door? It’s like a parting of life and death Sister Su Qian Hurry up and get in The old man is waiting Mr. Jinling Chen Fan and Miss Fang Qiong arrived Is he the rumored Jiangbei Master Chen?

    Legend has it that he cast a spell that wiped out dozens of members of the Shen family Is it true or not? Here comes Xiao Qiong May the three grandfathers be blessed with a long life like the East Sea Good health and happiness Good, good, good Xiaojiu, you can pay your respects

    But this one is His name is Chen Fan He’s my boyfriend. What boyfriend? Xiaojiu, don’t be ridiculous Why don’t you send your friend away? My Su family’s birthday banquet is not for anyone to enter. I’m not only Xiaoqiong’s boyfriend And also her husband Do you have a problem with that? You

    You what you If it weren’t for the fact that you are Xiaoqiong’s elder And you are not qualified to talk to me Su Su Su Is this the son-in-law you and Fang Mingde chose? No respect for elders And not worthy of my 300 years of Su family style

    What three hundred years of Su family Don’t put gold on your face Your Su family is only supported by Su Yanghao alone. Without Su Yanghao Your Su family is a big fat piece of meat Sooner or later, someone will swallow it up Nonsense Incoming Get this maniac out of here!

    I didn’t expect a mere outsider could see the Su family’s predicament How Did I say it wrong? you even don’t know who I am where I came from And disposition if I can be with Qiong, you not go to know thrown out me when you open the mouth

    This kind of heart and mind is worthy of a family of three hundred years. Xiao Fan, don’t be so hard on yourself! I don’t want to fight with you, kid The person who is looking for you today is not my Su family Wait until you get past them first Chairman Ning, you’re here.

    Hello, Mr. Su Are you Master Chen of Jiangbei? My name is Ning Chengdong Also the father of Ning Yuzhe, who you broke his limbs I wonder what kind of grudge Master Chen has against my son To break his limbs keeping him in bed for the rest of his life? He blocked me twice.

    And set up a trap to maim me I just broke his limbs. I’m being merciful. Be merciful. If you don’t show mercy Are you going to destroy my entire family? Yes Master Chen my Ning family is not a Shen family If you do not give an explanation today

    My family will not stop until you die With you OK Master Chen You don’t fear my Ning family What about adding them? It’s Tang Jianfeng of the Tang family Why is he here too? It’s been a long time since Master Chen When you refused my entry into the Cloud Spirit Spring that day

    I wonder if you thought of today Master Ji arrived with his grandson Ji Luzhen You’re the Jiangbei master Chen I’m sure you’re young and handsome even the old man in central sea has heard of you, Master Chen The Ning family, the Tang family, and the Ji family are going to join together

    I’m afraid there’s been some kind of misunderstanding, Grandpa Ji. You’re Fang Qiong, right? You are the jewel of the Su family Old man Su has promised you to my grandson, Luo Chen If you nod your head From now on, you will take care of all the properties of the Ji family. How about

    I already have a boyfriend, Grandpa Ji. It’s just a boyfriend What’s wrong with an unmarried man and an unmarried woman? Fang Qiong is my woman What is your grandson? How dare you steal a woman from me? Shut up! Master Ji on age and seniority It’s enough to be your grandfather

    Do you know how to respect the old and love the young? Yes Master Chen Master Ji is highly respected esteemed status You can’t just humiliate me Su Su, look who you’ve got here. You don’t know any manners. This kind of quality also want to enter my Su family I

    Young man you need to be clear There are people outside of the mountains This is not Jiangbei This is not a place where you can run wild Don’t say “Wu Zhou Even in Zhonghai In Yanjing In the whole earth I, Chen Fan, can come whenever I want

    If I want to go, I can go You’re not qualified to say that to me. I don’t know who gave you the courage to dare to talk to Ji Lao and we, the great families, talk like that You think that with your little family in Jiangbei

    Are you entitled to run wild in front of us? Is that all? What? I said is that all you moved in with? Ji Luochen, Ji Luochen I really think highly of you I’ll give you time to investigate me. I didn’t realize that was all you could find out. That’s all you got.

    What do you mean? It means You’re too weak. You Isn’t this Zhao Baofeng and Qiao Luoying? Now that Chen Fan is completely dead and buried! Bao Feng Luo Ying You’re finally here I thought you were going to miss your chance for revenge. Baofeng Chief Instructor Soldier Zhao Baofeng salutes you Chief Instructor

    What Chief Instructor Naturally the chief instructor of Canglong Isn’t that right? Dear Chen Bei Xuan General Chen So young How is it possible That’s incredible! Now you know who I am Report Chief Instructor I got it. If you know you’re wrong, go back to your 10-day lockup Resign from all positions

    Start as a big head soldier Yes, chief instructor How did this happen? Jiangbei Chen master is actually the Canglong Major General I should have known Xiaojiu was so smart must have picked a horse of a thousand miles Master Chen is really young and brilliant No

    Now we should change our name to General Chen But General Chen You broke Ning Yuzhe’s limbs in public Are you using your martial arts skills to bully people? How dare Ji Shouzhuo say such heavy words It is simply to nail Chen Fan to death ah

    If Ning Yuzhe hadn’t tried to set a trap to provoke me forcing me to make the first move And then send someone to cripple me I will do this? Master Chen, this is all your word. It can’t be used as evidence. Master Ji you know that Mr. Chen is Major General Canglong

    But do you know his other identity? What identity? Chen Bei Xuan, the First Patriarch of China The one who defeated Zhou Daoji of Hong Kong Island The one who replaced Zheng Family It’s said that even the top brass of the Hong Kong government can’t interfere Impossible The old man Zheng Zhongming was

    Received by the supreme head How can someone take his life and go unpunished That’s because you don’t know. What it means to be number one in the sky What do you know about the Zhonghai Hua Family Huayunfeng? In China’s heavenly list Hua Yunfeng is only in fourth place

    And Ye Nantian, the chief instructor of the Yanjing military district’s Dragon’s Teeth battle group Also only ranked second Now you know What it means to be number one in the sky list Alright Now who dares to say that Fan is not good enough for my daughter? Ning Chengdong

    Your son set up a trap to invite me to the banquet To provoke me to my face Trying to send bodyguards and Zhao Baofeng to cripple me I broke his limbs. Are you convinced? Mr. Chen this is just your personal guess There is no evidence Uncle Ning is not guessing

    Yu Ze was in front of us Did say something about that Besides, you want to bring Baofeng in for confrontation? Mr. Chen This matter is my Ning family’s fault It’s my son who is blind He’s to blame for what happened to him. Just please let the Ning family live!

    Your son tried to set me up I’ll cut off his limbs so he can reflect on his life Are you convinced? I’m convinced As for you, Tang Jianfeng Master Chen this is all a misunderstanding ah Misunderstanding I’m just refusing you a share in Cloud Spirit Spring And you hold a grudge until now

    And you’ve been working with someone to set me up. If I let you go today Who can guarantee that you won’t come back for revenge afterwards? Master Chen, let me explain I Kneel down You Chen Beixuan, you dare to make me kneel

    My Tang family will never let you and the Chen family go You’re threatening me. Chen Beixuan Don’t underestimate the power of our Tang family in Zhonghai And I remember your mother’s company It’s in Zhonghai, right? Believe me or not looking for death Chen Fan is here! Killed Tang Jianfeng in front of everyone

    This is the young master of the Tang family in Zhonghai You’re so arrogant The arrogance of son Forget it A Life of Goose Hunting Pecked by a Goose Master Chen It’s my eyes that don’t know the real dragon Please, for the sake of my old and decrepit self Please spare my grandson Grandpa

    Shut up kneel down and apologize to Master Chen I Master Chen I was wrong I can spare Ji Luchen’s life but what is your family willing to give in exchange for his life? This Master Chen look Yes So we’ll leave first. Ji Shouzhuo knew that money was no longer of value to me

    I can’t believe he would offer full support to the Chen family That’s just right Susu Mingde It’s Uncle who is sorry for you. What are you talking about, Uncle ? This time we made a mistake about Xiaojiu A near disaster This Uncle you and I say nothing useful It’s up to Xiaoqiong

    It’s up to Xiaoqiong First in China Chen Beixuan Yes Xiaojiu, you’re here to celebrate Grandpa’s birthday. Third grandpa hasn’t thanked you yet The Su family wants me to be a lobbyist Do you want to go eat soup buns? Yeah. And I’ll have date pancakes and shrimp soy sauce

    My Su family missed out after all The Chen family has this dragon Ten years later, who in China all know the Chen family The Su family lost this dragon Will the Su family still exist after my death? Grandpa Things may not be as bad as you think From the moment Chen Fan appeared

    He always had Xiaojiu behind him Putting most of his eyes and attention Put all the attention on Xiaojiu What you mean is The Su family is incredibly important in our eyes But in Chen Fan’s eyes None of this compares to the feelings of Xiaojiu So the key to everything is Xiaojiu Saner

    You and Xiaojiu had the best relationship since you were little From now on The family supports you in your efforts to repair your relationship with Xiaojiu If Xiao Qiong is willing to assume the position of family head in the future The Su family may still be saved

    It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a satisfying meal What a great day! What else is good to eat? There you go. Don’t you just want to ask me about Chen Bei Xuan? You ask You’ve decided to tell me? Tell me who you really are. Chen Fan Master Chen

    Or Chen Bei Xuan Chen Fan is me Master Chen is me Chen Bei Xuan is also me Behind this world of ours There is an underground world that exists Not the mobsters and the greenhorns but martial artists Warlock The world of the Transcendents The Tang Yifei you know

    Do you know who his father is? Did you say Yifei? His father, Tang Yuanqing He’s a very famous leader in Jiangnan Is he also That’s right. Tang Yuanqing is a great master at the peak of internal energy And it was on his force that he relied

    The Tang family was able to take control of Jinling Xiaofan How do you compare with Tang Yuanqing You underestimate your husband too much Let’s put it this way Tang Yuanqing has to perform discipleship in front of me I was respectfully addressed as Master Chen And ah Your husband is no ordinary martial artist.

    This Chinese cleric has a heavenly list Ye Nantian only ranked second Your husband is number one So you’re number one in the world Now you know how good your husband is So listen to me on everything from now on Be good, okay? Don’t get cocky One day I’ll surpass you. Little Qiong

    I’m back Let me protect you from now on, okay? No one can hurt you in this life Even with the whole world Against all the worlds of the heavens I will not back down one bit Honey let’s go home OK Honey, I want to learn martial arts with you, okay? Yes!

    You wait I’ll pass you Then I’ll see what happens. Xue Dai Tea, please. Tang Sang Thank you very much. Miss Xue Dai is here in China. What is it about? I have a fiancé who is studying at the university in Jinling I came to ask if he would marry me

    Your fiancé is studying at the university in Jinling But Jinling has been a little unsettled lately Please be careful, Miss Xue Dai What kind of master can there be in Jinling? Anyone who comes I would use a long knife And cut off their heads What hubris!

    May I ask where Mr. Shang Zhai learned from? I am a disciple of Master Bei Ting Chuan, the master of kendo. Master Bei Ting Chuan One of the four great kendo masters of our country, J Is that so? I don’t know Mr. He Shang

    How does it compare to my Chinese martial arts masters The martial arts masters of China Always known as the master of kendo in J So, Mr. He Shang, have you heard of The name Chen Beixuan Chen Beixuan Mr. Chen is said to be the number one expert in China

    Even my teacher, Master Bei Ting Chuan also held Mr. Chen Beixuan in high esteem The always arrogant He Shang Zhai I can’t believe that this Chen Beixuan is so respected I’m afraid those two don’t know Mr. Chen Beixuan is also in Jinling and is studying in one of the universities in Jinling What

    What a coincidence! Xue Dai, take care. He Shang Jun How true do you feel what this woman is saying How false is it? It should all be fake Master Chen Bei Xuan is the number one master of Chinese martial arts How could such a great man go to college Miss

    This woman should do it for the face of the Tang family Deliberately raising the name of Master Chen Beixuan Implying that she is related to Chen Beixuan So that we in the Yukiyo family can look up to her You’re not a woman So you can’t detect it. When Tang Yifei mentioned Chen Beixuan

    Her pupils contracted The look in her eyes was inexplicable Apparently she had met Chen Beixuan And hates him a little bit. Like a jilted woman talking about her ex-boyfriend A poor woman who fell in love and didn’t know it The Tang family is run by such a person

    The future is doomed to decay But I’d like to meet that Chen Beixuan What kind of man is it that makes the always sensible Tang Yifei can’t forget Please be careful, Miss. Master Chen Bei Xuan is the number one master in China Facing him is like facing an unpredictable tiger

    It’s a very dangerous thing. You’re still there, aren’t you? My swordsmanship is too far away from Master Chen Bei Xuan I guess only my teacher is his opponent Master Bei Ting Chuan? Even though I was born with the ability to see through people’s hearts when faced with Bei Ting Chuan

    I always feel like I’m in a pool of water unfathomable I thought this was going to be an easy trip. I didn’t realize that the small city of Jinling had a hidden tiger and a hidden dragon Interesting Old Qi There are guests Boss you’re back Young master

    Xue Dai has booked a banquet at the Ginza Club. Consider it yourself Please don’t let grandpa down I will leave you alone for now What the hell is going on? You can talk to me if you have any difficulties Nothing Things at home My family when I was very young

    I was engaged to a marriage These days there are still child marriages My father’s name is Qi Dongsheng He is the chairman of the board of directors of the Dongsheng Group My father was mainly involved in ocean trading in the north. The routes were mainly J and K And my fiancée

    It’s a big family on Kyushu Island in J. Xue Dai Sha, daughter of the head of the Xue Dai family She is now the head of this family Isn’t that nice? Why the sad face? That’s because you’ve never met her. The depth of that woman’s scheming The cruelty of her heart

    All far more than we can imagine She’s better than Xiaojing. Although Xiao Jing is not as good as her in status and appearance in the end, I’m relieved Not afraid of being stabbed at any time There you go. What a small deal It’s just a meeting.

    You can just say it to your face I’ll go with you. Thank you, boss. With your Jiangbei Chen master and Hong Kong Island mega-rich identity Xue Dai Sha should not dare to be overly reckless Please come with me. Qi Jun You’re finally here. Miss Xue Dai I’m here to tell you

    The marriage contract between us was made by our fathers Since we are adults we are fully capable of choosing to end this engagement on our own. Qi Jun Our Xue Dai family is on Kyushu Island It has been passed down for 156 years

    Marriage is a very solemn vow in the Xue Dai family Once it is made, it cannot be changed Otherwise it would be an insult to our Xue Dai family But those are old traditions. We don’t necessarily have to follow it. Qi Jun is in love with someone

    So you don’t want to accept me? Just now Divine Consciousness No It’s a little different from the divine consciousness That’s not true. Xiaojing What do you mean Xue Dai Sha? Please have tea, Qi Jun I don’t give a shit! Shit He Shang Jun, stop! Qi Jun

    Are you not going to accept this cup of tea? Xue Dai sha, don’t give me that. Release Xiao Jing immediately! Or I’ll keep you from leaving China. Qi Jun Now you look like the heir of the Great Lord of the North. You were too weak and feeble before. A word of advice

    Do you let go of people Qi Jun You underestimate the power that the Xue Dai family possesses Meng Chong Get Xiaojing down. Kill all those who dare to interfere Meng Chong Didn’t you hear me? Qi Jun Now you still think you have a chance to win? You guys are in cahoots.

    My dad is not helping me help an outsider This family is making too much noise Young master His Lordship wishes you to marry Miss Xue Dai at once Dongsheng Group and Qi Family Now both need the support of the Xue Daio family What do you mean? Yang Qinhu has done it Yang Qinhu

    I think I’ve seen this name somewhere Yang Qinhu The big man at the Russian border We don’t have to cross the river with him. He’s as far away as it gets. From the Northeast to our North Bay? And so what if he does it? We’re not afraid of him

    Young master you underestimate Yang Qinhu He is a master of martial arts who is on the Heavenly List It’s him. I think he’s number 12 on the list. martial arts master What’s that? Is this Yang Qinhu stronger than you, Brother Meng? But our Qi family has hundreds of bodyguards

    We are not afraid of him, Yang Tuhu Foolishness What do you mean? You have no idea how powerful a martial arts master is. Yes young master A patriarch is a person who stands at the apex of China Each one of them was invincible Unless the same patriarch strikes

    Otherwise it’s impossible to defeat them What’s that got to do with me getting married to Xue Dai Sha? Can’t our Qi family take it? Add the Xue Dai family Sure Our Xue Dai family is dedicated to the honorable Master Bei Ting Chuan If he makes a move What Yang Qinhu

    Only become a dead tiger That’s right. Now only Master Bei Ting Chuan is doing it to save my Qi family I don’t understand You’re on such good terms. Why do you have to stare at me? Because Dongsheng made a pact with me If you marry me

    I will control the entire Qi family in the future What? Okay, Qi-kun. Now it’s your turn to make a decision Either marry me Either she dies Okay Qi Jun Now it’s your turn to make a decision I Of course you get out Liu Xiaojing Live Shit Boss watch out! No self-respect

    He Shang Zhai is the personal disciple of Master Bei Ting Chuan I can’t believe he just bounced off There’s good tea and good wine Why do you want to fight and kill? Since old Qi is not willing to accept the marriage contract Then let’s call it a day Dear Lord You should know

    This marriage was not initiated by the Xue Dai family It was requested by Dong Sheng Yes. Now Yang Qinhu with his eyes The Qi family is in danger We need help from the Xue Dai family! Boss you don’t have to stand up for me anymore Meng Chong is right

    The Qi family is in trouble I can’t just stand by and watch The Lord Your friend has made a decision Do you want to interfere? You said before that Yang Qinhu Is that the one who is ranked 12th in the sky list? Yes You know him too

    You give a message to Yang Qinhu Tell him that Qi Wang Sun is my friend I’ll keep this Qi family Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are to keep the Qi family? Looking at China The one that can make Yang Qinhu meekly back down

    There are only three in the martial arts world Which three are they? The first one is The Grand Master who has been famous in China for decades Master Hua Yunfeng Second is Major General Ye Nantian, the god of war in the northern military world And who is the third one?

    The last one is the Grand Master who is now number one on the Chinese Heavenly List Chen Beixuan Tang Yifei seems to have said Master Chen Beixuan is studying at some college in Jinling Could it be that looking for death You just asked me who I was. Now do you know?

    I pay my respects to Master Chen Bei Xuan Go back and tell Yang Qinhu I’ll take care of the Qi family As for Qi’s marriage It’s up to him to decide Yes, Master Chen Old Qi, you take Liu Xiaojing back Thank you boss Is this the difference between mortals and immortals?

    Do you know that after you speak out of turn why I left you alive? Lord Chen Beixuan As long as you are willing to spare my life I would give everything to you From now on You are my supreme master That’s not what I meant. Come out

    A mere doppelganger can’t get out of my hands Collect This What’s going on here? Look at your chest. My clothes What is this It’s just a little trick of spirit possession. Your body type is pure Yin It is the most suitable vessel for demonic possession This demonic talisman is the medium of possession

    It should have been drawn on you since you were a child. Usually it doesn’t show up But it will appear when the blood is in full bloom From childhood It seems that the family must have known about it And it’s agreed. And this divine possession

    Even the body of pure Yin can not support for long 20 years old at the most It’s my 20th birthday soon Why is he attached to me? He’s only attached to you because he can’t move normally. So it needs to go through you as a medium to sense the outside world.

    This is when you can use some of his little magic powers such as the ability to see through people’s minds, etc. No wonder Grandpa disregarded father Passing on the Xue Dai family to me No wonder after my five year old fever I had this ability to see through people’s hearts

    It’s no wonder that Master Bei Ting Chuan, who is worshipped by the Xue Dai family also support me Master Thank you for saving my life What do you want me to do? I absolutely obey your orders Good You’re very smart. The original owner of this spirit

    At least a demonic god of the Sea of God realm Just what I need to make a magic treasure Master I’ve seen that pattern before. It’s in the shrine at Xue Dai’s house. I think it’s time to go to J country Father Lord Zosu is angry at the shrine.

    Three serving witches have been killed by him What’s the panic? Yes, Father. Come with me Dear Lord Zosu What has irritated you so much? I sense that my doppelganger has been wiped out in China Who dare to destroy my doppelganger? I’m going to find him. Tear him up

    Is that the little girl from Xue Dai family? She did go to China. but was able to find and extinguish your doppelganger’s must be at least a Master of the Gods Is there still a Master of the Gods in China? This can’t be I don’t care Find him and tear him up

    Yes, adult This is the power of the realm of God Even if you die, you can use your soul Surviving on earth Turned into ghosts and gods Notify the Xue Dai family Ask them what happened to Xue Dai sha And send a message to Lord Bei Ting Chuan I want to see him.

    Yes, Father Why did you come to East Hill Aren’t you going to J? I still need to practice for a while Here it is There’s nothing there. Open This Is this where the immortals live? This is just my cave. Follow me. This is definitely the most fantastic journey of my life. That

    This is the real dragon. It’s called a white chi dragon. Formation spirit of the Green Dragon Formation It is not a real dragon It’s just a dragon spirit in its infancy But much more powerful than the spirit that possessed you

    It’s a pity that the white chi dragon has to be the formation spirit of the Green Dragon formation Otherwise, when refining magic treasures I’ll just use it as a magic weapon elemental spirit instead of going to J country Beiqiong Court Master Master this is You don’t need to know this. Tong Shan

    You take her to the guest room to rest I’m going to be in retreat. No one is allowed to disturb Yes, owner This batch of elixirs nourished by the aura of the Green Dragon Formation It should be able to make a lot of true essence pills start Transformation

    The True Elemental Pill is worthy of being a medium-grade elixir The effect is very strong This bottle is enough for a breakthrough Mid-Tongxuan Feeling closer and closer to myself When exactly will the master come out of the gate? That damned big guy didn’t say a word

    If it weren’t for the computer and TV in the room I might have died of boredom Although it’s very comfortable here I want revenge more than anything else. Are you talking about me? Master. The middle stage of the Tongxuan has broken through The Qingdi Longevity Body has become small

    It’s getting closer and closer Let’s try you first. Master Do we need to go check into a hotel? No, we don’t. They’re already here. They My sister Why didn’t you notify your family when you returned home? Kang Fu What are you trying to do? My good sister

    Do you still think you’re the head of the Xue Dai family? Grandpa has ordered you to be taken back. Be a good girl and come with me. Don’t you dare Why wouldn’t I dare You made a big mistake and offended Grandpa and Master Bei Ting Chuan Besides, He Shang Zhai is not here

    With this little white boy beside you I’ll make him die without even knowing how Looking for death Young Master Kang Fu Master Kang Fu He killed Master Kang Fu Kill him. With you guys Master I’m afraid that’s not a good idea. Since the Xue Dai family has already started to arrest you

    That means that Zosukami Has sensed that the doppelganger has been caught. Let’s go straight to Xue Dai’s house. Find your grandfather first Find out the truth about Zosujin Kang Fu has arrived at the airport He’s gone to capture Xue Dai Sha Kang Fu did a good job. Order him

    Must bring back that traitor. Slow down. Does the message say Who’s with Xue Dai Sha? There was indeed a young Chinese man with her What’s wrong, Lord Bei Ting? A message from Zosu Shrine Able to extinguish the doppelganger Must be a great real person in China How come it’s a young man?

    Lord Bei Ting Chuan When Kang Fu captured them You ask What’s that sound? What’s happening? Master Someone’s calling in. What a bold man. It’s Miss Xue Dai Sha and a young Chinese man. It seems that a Chinese master has come to our door. Master Bei Ting Chuan is here.

    What Chinese masters are garbage Let’s go see Master There’s too many of them. Go Looking for death Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Go to hell. This How is this possible Horror It’s horrible. The master is really an immortal Any more bullets? Help! Run! Monster! Monster! Your Excellency as a high ranking person in China

    Killing unarmed, ordinary people like this. Are you still a man of honor? I have killed many people but I never kill without reason Master Beiting, don’t listen to his nonsense. Please kill this evil thief! With you Good Not bad for a Bei Ting Chuan master Just now the blade broke his wind blade

    But hands were vaguely painful from the shock You’re Bei Ting Chuan, right? It’s me. Who the hell are you? You are not qualified to know my name. This kid is looking for death. How dare you talk to Lord Beiting like that? If you block one of my moves and not die.

    You naturally know who I am Go Not good Beiting Chop with one stroke Beiting Chop with one stroke Is Bei Ting Chuan dead? I finally know who you are Too bad it’s too late Lord Bei Ting Chuan Lord Bei Ting Chuan is dead Even Lord is no match for him.

    Grandpa, you’re finally here! Xue Dai, what are you doing? I’m your grandfather! When you sacrifice me to the gods How not to say that you are my grandfather? I can’t help it! Lord Chizuru of Zosu Shrine came to the door He is the Great Undertaker Another support from Lord Bei Ting Chuan

    Our Xue Dai family can’t resist him! You make me sick. Xue Dai, give me a break. I am your grandfather! Xue Dai Sha Leave him alive I still have something to ask him Yes, master. Dear Lord What is your problem? I will tell you everything No need I have a better choice

    Secret method of soul searching Zosu Shrine Here the strongest of the god realm transformed through the Shinto path Survived in the form of a divine soul God realm powerhouse who cannot step into the Ascendant Live to be at most 180 years old But the soul can live for hundreds of years after death

    Master Do you need me to serve you? How is your family taking over? Under the majesty of your master The rest of the Xue Dai family did not dare to resist at all. A few days at most The entire Xue Dai family will be in your hands OK

    I have news from the eyes and ears of the Xue Dai family. I won’t have to worry about that ghost fleeing. Master You are a godlike figure How can a left-bearded god be a match for you? Who the hell is this guy?

    The Xue Dai family was destroyed by him without even surviving a day. Lord Chizuru Lord Wu Tian This is information brought to you by my men. Who is this man? Could he be Chen Beixuan? That’s right. How is that possible? Chen Beixuan has only been on the rise for a year or two

    We have no grudge against Zosu Shrine Chen Beixuan is now closer to the God Realm I’m afraid it’s only half a step away And what does he want most at this time? Lord Chizuru What you mean is He wants to peer into the realm of God

    If Chen Beixuan wanted to touch the divine realm The best way is to try someone stronger His target is our Lord Zosu But don’t worry. Even if he’s strong, he’s not a god after all. How can he be a match for Lord Zuo Shu? Zi Ji

    You order your ninjas to keep an eye on Chen Bei Xuan I’m going to inform Lord Zosu. It’s lord Qian He. As long as Chen Beixuan dares to come I’ll make sure he doesn’t come back. Where’s the little bug? Dare to follow me all the way Come out

    It’s a ninja from the Wisteria clan. How did they get here? Wisteria Shinobi Is the whole clan ninja? That’s right. The Wisteria clan is the largest ninja clan on Kyushu. Legend has it that the head of their clan is a woman of unparalleled charm Known as Zi Ji

    She is said to be no less than Bloodskull, etc. The King of Killers of the Killer Organization I’ve come all this way Those who are following behind are your peers, right? You’re not going to get information from me. Master All ninjas are dead soldiers

    They won’t reveal information about their employers even if they die. Is that so? Then go to hell. Let’s go. Now that they’ve found us. Then we’ll go straight up the mountain and meet the left-bearded god. It’s cold! Here we are, master. Dear Master Chen Bei Xuan

    I am Qian He Zhen Hong, retainer of left-bearded god. On behalf of the entire left-bearded Shrine, I welcome you from afar. Please come in, Master Chen Bei Xuan OK Master Chen This is the shrine where our shrine is dedicated to left-bearded god. This shrine looks simple But actually many corners

    There’s a hidden scent lurking Master left-bearded god is waiting for you in the shrine OK Master It’s okay. You wait for me here. These people don’t look good. Just stay away from them. Miss Xue Dai What do you want to do Master You must be safe and sound!

    Your guest has come a long way Please be seated I am Zosu Izumi Your guest has come from the Upper Middle Kingdom I think you are here to see me. I did come to see you. I’m surprised you chose to survive as a spirit. There is no way forward

    The only option is to become a demon through Shinto faith Two hundred years ago I went east I visited the first Taoist sect in China at that time, the Tian Shi Tao Also entered Wudang Mountain China is worthy of the Middle Kingdom

    The origin of the Dao is deep, and the realm of the gods has emerged But even though there are many gods in China I’ve never heard of anyone being able to take that final step The so-called celestial and earthly immortals I’m afraid that’s just speculation You can’t take that step.

    So just learn Shinto and become a demon Not bad. After being transformed into a ghost, was worshipped with incense Spiritual solidification Can live for hundreds of years more Why not do it? You’ve come a long way from Middle Earth You ask is how to enter the realm of the gods

    I can teach you everything You have come a long way from Middle Earth You ask is how to enter the realm of the gods I can teach you everything What do you want? Don’t need anything I heard that you are the number one martial artist in China

    Only half a step away from the God Realm I’d like to give a hand Make a good karma Zosujin If the others are really fooled by you But how can you fool me with your little tricks? It’s only a matter of time before I reach God’s realm

    As for the way of the gods, it’s worthless It’s just a way to condense the soul As for you wanting to help me I’m afraid you’re coveting my flesh Trying to take over the body How did you know? Your half-assed Shinto magic is still trying to hide it from me.

    All below the gods are false gods Only the great gods are true gods Wait for me to swallow your soul Gain your memory After taking over your physical body It will all be mine With such a precious body comparable to an earth immortal

    It is not impossible to become a legendary Celestial Earth Immortal If you kneel down and beg for mercy I might be able to let your soul live. Let you be reincarnated Or you can become an angel under me Unfortunately, even if you get down on your knees and beg for mercy

    I’m going to take you and turn you into a magic weapon spirit You’re too arrogant, kid. I will now show you what the power of the God Realm is Like ants I underestimated you. The Middle Kingdom is full of strong people. Not a match for my country J But

    You’re not in God’s realm after all You’ll never know how powerful the God Realm is. In the midst of this shrine I am unkillable. What can you do to me if you are powerful? Yes? One cut is not enough What about a thousand knives? This… what’s going on here? I said

    You’re too weak. Chen Fan can defeat even Zuo Su Shen Wouldn’t it be easy to kill us? Don’t worry. Lord Zosu is immortal in the shrine. Almost unkillable The master is awesome Chen Bei Xuan You’re pissing me off. I will put your soul into the flames Burning for a hundred years Chinese

    Let me teach you what the power of the demons is Yeah? The master must win! Five Elements Magic Go It’s too strong. It’s too strong. This is the pinnacle of magic, the great real person. Chen Beixuan No spells if you can Let’s fight face to face Yes?

    Then try to catch me with a punch. Take it! Flesh Breaks Sound Barrier The flesh breaks the sound barrier I finally got to see this punch Zosukami is dead. Not true. lord can’t be defeated this easily. I can’t believe he came back to life! I said it’s in this shrine. lord is immortal.

    Immortal? Chen Beixuan I didn’t think you could throw such an amazing punch What a terrifying physical body. It’s a precious body of the Earth Immortal But what if you’re powerful? I am immortal in this shrine. You’re just an oni of the Kamikai realm. How dare you claim to be immortal?

    You can regroup once You can reorganize ten times a hundred times I’d like to see it today. Are you really immortal or not? I can’t be killed Why don’t you believe it? Zosukami is back to his old self. I want to see how many more punches you can block.

    How can he throw so many punches? His physical body can hold up Not good The speed of coalescence of the left beard god is getting slower and slower And the body of the demon god It has taken on a translucent appearance Damn.

    How dare a mere ghost of the Sea of God realm claim to be immortal? When I’ve broken you up completely When the spirit catches the Fa Bao Yuan Ling Let’s see if you still dare to shout All together Kill him for me. Looking for death

    All of you, follow me and make your seals Formation Binding Kill Looking for death Voidquake I was actually knocked back by a casual punch from him Kill! Roll Looking for death Not true Why do they come in waves not fear me I’d like to see what you’re playing at Mist of Confusion?

    What’s going on? Help! Run! Demon! That’s what you’re after Do you think you can stop me with this spell? Who the hell are you? You are definitely not a Chinese Patriarch The spell you cast Avatars Techniques Neither is ever a young man in his twenties can have

    Are you also the reincarnation of some old ghost? You talk too much. The Great Grappling Hand Chen Bei Xuan I don’t care which old demon you are reincarnated as Now that you’re here, you can’t leave. What’s going on here? Is there an earthquake? Not good

    Your Excellency is going to open the yin and yang formation. This is the formation that my lord laid down when he was alive. Once opened, it will grind the entire shrine to powder. What? Once the yin and yang formation is opened Without the power of the divine realm No one can escape.

    Lord Zosu doesn’t care about us at all. Chen Beixuan, you forced me to do this. Enjoy my hundreds of years of accumulated spells What do you think you can do to me with a mere spell? Great Grappling Hand Chen Beixuan I will not stop with you You can’t escape Give me a break

    No Zosukami, who has dominated Kyushu Island for centuries And so he died. That’s good. Finally, we’re done. Since you are a devourer of ghosts and gods Then it should be called the God Flute Present Master What’s going on here? Wasn’t Zosukami swallowed up by the ancient flute? He’s not Zosujin.

    He is the god of my treasures My Lord I beg you to spare my life. I have All the wealth of the entire Zosu Shrine I give it all to you Qian He Zhen Hong The most powerful man on the whole island of Jiu Zhou Now it’s like

    A dog with a wagging tail On his knees, begging Chen Fan for forgiveness I ask you The entire J country except for Zosu Shrine Which other shrine is also dedicated to an oni My Lord Do you want to capture them and put them in the treasure too? Your Honor

    We have six shrines in J. Ise Jingu is the strongest The oni they worship could even leave the shrine for a long time It is even rumored that there was a real god sleeping in the Ise Grand Shrine Six? Although the Goshin Flute takes the route of precision rather than quantity

    If all six gods are present Even if it’s a real god realm would be torn to pieces, right? You’re not really going to those shrines, are you? To be against them is to be against the whole J country Even if you are a God Realm powerhouse is no match for the army. noisy

    Chen Beixuan didn’t even try to leave us alone You think I can let you sneak up on me twice? My Lord I beg you to spare my life. Mercy! For protecting Xue Dai Sha in battle I can not kill you You investigate the other five shrines

    Send it to me as soon as possible Don’t think about running away Yes, adult My Lord Zosu Shrine has been destroyed. Who destroyed the Zosu Shrine? This We don’t know. It’s Chen Beixuan. Lord Ying Long Hua Why are you here? Lord Ying Long Hua You’re here about the destruction of Zosu Shrine. Yes

    Chen Beixuan deceives me. How dare he trample on Zosu Shrine! We mustn’t let him go. Zosukami’s strength in the shrine is close to that of a god. I can’t believe didn’t beat Chen Beixuan Chen Beixuan’s martial art is almost divine

    Especially the fist that broke the sound barrier shook the sky and the earth He is said to have done it several times in a row Breaking the body of the demon god Finally, Lord Zosukami couldn’t take it anymore. So what do we do? Chen Beixuan is so good Even if we join forces

    I’m afraid we’re no match. Hei Chuan We came here to ask Lord Wugong to kill Chen Beixuan Reviving the J Martial Arts Way Let Sensei strike But the teacher is almost 100 years old Please, Lord Wu Gong All right. The teacher is meditating in there. Please take me to see Senpai Wu Gong

    Follow me Teacher Ying Long Hua came to see you Teacher Ying Long Hua came to see you You are the one who is on the kendo A very talented little girl, right? You came to see me when you were little You were only twelve years old You’ve grown up Takeshiya-senpai

    That was thirty years ago. Koichi Takemiya is also too old Yes It’s been thirty years now. Hei Chuan Sheng You haven’t visited me for a long time either What can I do for you? Teacher Not long ago an amazing talent came out of China Chen Beixuan

    He stepped into our J country and destroyed the Zosu Shrine and seems to have the intention of destroying other shrines Zosu Shrine is one of the most powerful shrines in our country Chen Beixuan was able to destroy the Zosu Shrine Could he have entered the God Realm? Lord Sword Saint

    So we would like to ask you to come out and kill this person Just your body Don’t worry Forty years old friend. I never thought I’d have the day to pull you out Three days later I’m going to fight Chen Bei Xuan, the number one in the Chinese Heavenly Ranking

    At the top of Tokyo Understood That’s the sword saint who fought in J. Hiromichi Takemiya What is he? Mr. Chen Bei Xuan Senpai Takemiya is the saint of swords in our country The status is very high You’re too liberal What are you? How dare you accuse me

    I don’t care about Hiroshi Koichi and Hiroshi Takemiya He can make a date if he wants to What kind of person does he think me? You Mr. Chen Bei Xuan This battle The J Foundation invested together A foundation was established And injected ten billion dollars into it The winner will get the foundation’s

    Full control Ten billion dollars. Okay, I’ll do it. Three Days Later Top of Tokyo We await your arrival Master You really have to agree to this battle! Ten billion dollars. get it for nothing. The more you cultivate, the more resources you need. You can’t spend less money But

    Lord Koichi Takemiya is a sword saint! Is he very strong? Very strong It is said that thirty or forty years ago Mushiya Kensei came to visit the shrine He also fought with Zosukami at that time Mushiya Kensei could not defeat the immortal Zozukami Zosujin can’t defeat Mugong Kensei either.

    In the end, he had to leave. That’s it. This Koichi Takemiya is a match for Zosukami. This shows that his strength is really strong Don’t worry about it. Be a good boy and squeeze your master’s leg When the time comes, take you to see the master How to maul this swordsman Yes

    It turns out that the owner only brought Zi Ji Let me stay and manage Zosu Shrine and the Xue Dai family May the master’s martial arts flourish Dear Mr. Chen Bei Xuan We’ve been waiting for a long time. Dear Mr. Chen Beixuan Mr. Chen Beixuan

    Senpai Takemiya is waiting for you in Tokyo Tower We have this area blocked off. No one will disturb the two lords in their fight. It’s her. Having watched me fight Hughes and others I later learned that she was from the Ministry of War You should be careful. Hiromichi Takemiya’s strength is very scary

    Enough to be compared to the top of the dark list Even half a step away from the God Realm He could break through in battle at any time Retreat as soon as something goes wrong Don’t worry. Koichi Takemiya is not my opponent Mr. Chen

    Lord Sword Saint is already waiting for you at the top of the tower Next time you’ll give me that look. I won’t show any mercy. Chen Beixuan didn’t use his true essence at all just now Purely by the power of the flesh to jump up It’s horrible. Chen Bei Xuan jun

    I’ve been waiting for you for a long time This is the tallest building in the entire country of J. You and I are at the top of the martial arts world. And only at the top of the J Kingdom is worthy of the martial arts of you and me Chen Jun

    The martial path has come to an end at your level and mine The only way up is to enter the God Realm And thus transcend this world Free and easy I’ve been crossing the world for decades I have hardly ever met anyone who has defeated me I’ve waited for you until today

    You’re really strong It’s a pity you’re not in god realm after all. Besides, I can kill even Gods. Not to mention you Fight Chen Beixuan, you’re too arrogant. The realm of the gods is not something you can imagine You’ve had a good run since your debut That’s why you’re so arrogant

    I’ve seen a real God realm fight with my own eyes. That kind of power Far more powerful than the Zosukami you killed Zosujin is just a demon god with a soul left. How can it be compared to the realm of the true gods? You’ve seen the god realm

    That was a long time ago. But the good thing is I’ll kill you today I will be able to enter the God Realm From then on, I will be invincible in the world I’ll kill you today Then you can enter the God Realm From now on, you will be invincible in the world

    With you Don’t say you’re only a half-step to the God Realm It’s the real God realm here I’ll kill Junior arrogant Broken Your cultivation of internal energy is comparable to that of the God Realm But that’s about it How is this possible? I don’t believe it Secret Method of Five Elements Immortal Sect

    Qingmu Qi Soldier True essence outflow But not the bigger the better Catch The green wood qi soldier is finally the true essence of cohesion No way to compare with a real sword I can’t believe I broke the skin This is still since I cultivated the Green Emperor’s Longevity Body

    The first time someone could hurt me This is the fun part Dragon Transformation Not bad. Come again. True Martial Arts 36 styles First stance Reaching Heaven Hammer Second style Hanging Cloud Hand Broken Mountain River Ancient Sword Ryu – Aeon Body Slash One Punch Breaks the Sound Barrier Is this still a human being?

    Who won? It’s Chen Beixuan. The breath just now A bit like a breakthrough in the Sea of God realm But again, it seems very sketchy and rushed More like a crippled divine sea realm Is this the earthly promotion to the God realm? Chen Beixuan thank you very much If it wasn’t for you

    I might not have been able to enter the realm of the gods It’s just a wonderful feeling. It was as if I had the power of the whole world at my fingertips. And now I can crush you with one punch But as a thank you I’ll leave you in one piece.

    Don’t say you’re just a half-assed god. Then it’s the real God’s realm that’s here What am I afraid of? Today I’ll kill a God’s realm for the world to see True Martial Thirty-Six Styles The fifteenth stance Sun and Moon Wheel This is clearly an immortal spell. Ancient Sword Ryu – Aeon

    Broken Thousand Armies How is this possible? Are you also in the God realm? You think God’s realm is powerful But what is it in my eyes? That’s a lot of pressure. We can’t let him fuse. This move is for my current body It’s too much of a burden But I have to

    Great Rudraksha Chop Sun and Moon Reincarnation How is this possible? I am the realm of the gods How can I lose I said even the realm of God is here I’ll kill them all for you No No Who won? The sword saint must have won He seems to have made another breakthrough earlier

    Maybe he’s entered the God realm Maybe the teacher has really broken through. We’re going to have another God realm powerhouse in J. Did Chen Beixuan really lose? What are you guys so happy about? It’s Chen Beixuan. How is that possible? How could it be Chen Beixuan who came down Where is my master?

    Chen Beixuan, where’s my master? What are you? How dare you talk to me like that? I’ll kill you. Not bad, huh? It’s a pity Am I going to die too? Mr. Chen Bei Xuan You are the one who stands at the top of the martial arts Why bother with Kurokawa-kun

    Kensei Takemiya was Kurokawa’s teacher He was also overwhelmed by the moment when he attacked you. Please understand How dare you I, Chen Beixuan, act How can a mere cleric comment on this? Since he dared to draw his sword on me He will pay the price As for Koichi Takemiya He’s dead. Lord

    Now everyone says you are not only the first in China also the best in East Asia! But I’ve always been curious Are you in the realm of God or not? And that Koichi Takemiya His last breakthrough was to advance to the god realm? I’m not in god realm As for Koichi Takemiya

    He did break through into the God realm But he was badly wounded before and prodigious breakthrough No time to fully control the power of the God Realm Can only be considered a quasi-God realm Mr. Chen Beixuan I am the administrator of the foundation, Yu Mitsui What You’re here to send money Of course

    We J-nationals always keep our word Hm Also I want to represent some people Sending a message to you You are not welcome in the country of J I hope you leave Otherwise Otherwise what Mr. Chen Bei Xuan You are very powerful Even in the whole East Asian martial arts world

    You may not even be a match for anyone But please don’t forget This is not the time for martial artists Just a puppet of the plutocrat How dare you talk to your master like that? But master Since they dared to come and warn

    It means that the top brass of J is not happy with you. Would you like to consider returning to China? I still have some things to do in J. I’ll leave when it’s done. Are you still thinking about the other shrines? There’s a problem. These shrines are really deep-rooted in J.

    Each shrine is associated with various forces There are very deep ties And then move the second one The top brass of the J State is bound to flip out But a god It’s not enough to support the God Flute. Now that the top brass of J has been alerted

    Then let’s do it quickly. Zi ji, you go make the arrangements. We’re going back to Kyushu Island. Passing through Si country I’ll take action to destroy Akatomi Shrine And then, before the J-Nation executives can react Destroy one or two more shrines Then leave immediately Yes I can’t believe it came to me

    Chen Beixuan came out to die What was that noise? Why do I feel like that voice is shouting in my head? It’s not a ghost, is it? Ghosts! Mother It’s coming pretty fast. Master Just go out and see Are these two people immortals? God bless, God bless!

    Didn’t they say that the spirits can’t leave the shrine? They say there’s a sacred weapon at Ise Grand Shrine. It can make the spirits leave the shrine Moves within a certain range Chen Beixuan has heard a lot about you This is the six-armed demon god of the Hades Shrine Chen Bei Xuan

    Are you afraid? Black wood ah Chen Beixuan is the first strongest person in East Asia God Realm Master How can he be afraid of you, a mere ghost god? Kurokijin and Tengujin Red Hitomi God Chen Bei Xuan You didn’t expect us to come, did you? Just in time.

    Save me the trouble of looking for you one by one I’m going to get you all today. I don’t have to run all over J Chen Bei Xuan My four ghosts and gods are gathered together Even if you really enter the realm of the gods, so what?

    It’s not like we’ve never killed a god before. Do it Damn it! The spiritual oppression of the gods is too strong. Spirit Refining Technique Condensation Transformation of the mind Not good Bid together Chop A single slash cleaves a demon god His sword can hurt a god Let’s kill him together.

    We must not leave this man behind. Look at me Chop Arcane Light Technique My turn The Great Tackle The power of the four demons together It was broken by him Chen Beixuan, you dare to destroy my flesh! I’ll kill you. Put your soul into the flame Burning for a thousand years Like ants

    One Two Three Four How did he get so strong Chen Beixuan Don’t think you can win against us like this With you four losers How dare you come against me? I’d like to see how many times you can recover Don’t get cocky, Chen Beixuan Appearing as a dharma

    Tengu is going to fight for his life Even the tengu is desperate What are we afraid of? No more fighting Ready to be killed by Chen Beixuan one by one? A dog and a tree How dare you call yourself a god? Chen Beixuan To kill you Let the four honored spirits and gods

    Appearing as Dharma Give up the physical body You should feel honored Do you think you’re the only ones with the undercard? Zosukami Didn’t Zuo Su Shen get killed by Chen Bei Xuan? He has been refined by me into a god who calls the god flute Otherwise you think

    Why should I hit you guys? Chen Beixuan, you have a lot of nerve! How dare you drive the ghosts and gods Go Together Let me go. Let me go. My shrine has billions of riches All for you Cut the crap Don’t Don’t kill me I don’t want to die. Don’t kill me

    Four ghosts and gods can’t even deal with Chen Beixuan Let’s go. We should go back. Why hasn’t the master returned yet? Did something happen? Xue Dai sha What can happen to the master You are back About the collection and organization of those forces How did you do? I have worked hard

    Everything is on the right track All right, Zi ji Now it’s time to deal with you. Master What do you mean by this? What do you think? Traitor When did you know that? You thought you were looking for someone to lift the ban on your body I can’t sense it?

    You’re the only one who can know where I’m going. You’re the one who contacted the four spirits Right? Zi ji The master is the number one powerhouse in East Asia How can you betray him He’s an outsider after all Not our J country’s people But I’m going to live in J.

    I don’t have a choice Zi ji I can give you one more chance Master Do it. Kill him. Find death Master Ziji has escaped. It’s okay. She won’t get away with it. I’ve already planted my consciousness in her. You go pack your things. Prepare to leave J.

    I’ll find you after I take care of the Wisteria Shinobi. Yes, master. We must flee back to the Shinobi compound immediately. Only the many traps there It’s possible to stop Chen Bei Xuan Looks like this is the home base of the Wisteria Shinobi. The patriarch has returned.

    Ziji, why did you come back alone? Where are Inuyasha and the others? I want to see my teacher. You take me there immediately. Follow me. Sir, I’m in trouble. Requesting your assistance Didn’t I say so? The Shito Shinobi clan is not in danger of extinction. Don’t bother me.

    Now is the greatest crisis for Shinobi Chen Bei Xuan is coming Who is this Chen Beixuan? Sounds like a Chinese. This person came to J and killed Mushiya Kensei He also destroyed the Four Great Demons What? Teacher Who is this Chen Beixuan? Could it be the God Realm powerhouse from China?

    Is this your last card? What are you? How dare you trespass on my Wisteria clan? Are you looking for death? Teacher, he is Ant Not good Chen Bei Xuan. Master I was wrong Please forgive me I You killed the patriarch and the old patriarch Go. Kill him. No self-respect Asshole. Run!

    The elders and the patriarch are dead. Run! After Today There will be no more Shito Shinobi. Master I only had time to bring out some cash and a bank card All the other assets were frozen by the top brass in J. It’s okay. These are all extrinsic things

    As long as the power is in your hand These things will come back to you one day Master I want to study martial arts with you I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore. You’re the sun and the moon I can’t even keep an eye on Zi ji Let she defect

    Bravo! I’ll teach you martial arts when I get back to China. You will surpass Zi ji within a few years. Is it really possible, master? Okay, stop calling me master. It’s going to look awkward when you get to China You can call me Young Master Yes, master. Young master

    Mr. Chen, Miss Xue Dai The cruise ship’s reception is about to begin. Miss Gong Zhengyu will be singing on stage. Are you two going to attend? Gong Zhengyu It seems to be a new singer in recent years It’s okay to participate Let’s just take a break Okay, you two wait.

    Invitations will be delivered soon I heard that Miss Gong was in K before. I heard that Miss Gong was in K Gong Zhengyu is a big hit these days participated in a variety show Gong Zhengyu is a big hit lately Participating in a variety show Her songs are all over the internet

    She came on board just as we were docked in K The whole internet was full of her songs She came on board just as we docked in K My boy kept clamoring to see her. Let’s find a place to sit. Yes Miss Xue Dai I didn’t expect to meet you here. Mr. Qi

    Young master This is Mr. Qi Dongsheng Qi Qi Wang Sun’s father Miss Xuedai I didn’t expect to see you here. I was recently in J I heard that something seems to have happened to the Xue Dai family Even your grandfather has passed away Are you all right?

    I’m sorry for your concern, Mr. Qi I’m fine. This gentleman looks familiar I am Chen Fan Qi Wang Sun’s housemate It’s Wang Sun’s roommate Look at this memory of uncle I’ve seen your picture Why does Qi Dongsheng look like he doesn’t know me? Did Qi not tell him

    I will shelter the Qi family’s affairs Miss Xue dai I’ve always wanted to meet Master Bei Ting Chuan I’d like to ask Xue Dai to introduce me to you. Mr. Qi Bei Ting Chuan is dead What Master Bei Ting Chuan is one of the four kendo masters of J Who can kill him?

    Doesn’t Mr. Qi know that something big happened in J recently? Recent events in J Could it be Master Chen Bei Xuan? A battle with the J-kingdom sword saint, Hiromichi Mugoya I thought Master Bei Ting Chuan was the last resort. I didn’t realize that even he had left.

    Is this the death of my group? This Mr. Qi Didn’t Qi Wang Sun go home? Didn’t he say anything to you? I went to J before he came back Miss Xue Dai, if you say yes. The Qi family will not renege on this marriage contract. Mr. Qi Actually

    Thank you all for joining us for this cruise reception I call the reception to order. I’m going to go first. Let’s talk after the reception Young master It seems that Qi Wang Sun did not take your message Tell Qi Dongsheng. Otherwise he shouldn’t have treated you like this Or maybe he told

    Qi Dongsheng didn’t believe it Forget about him Let’s watch the show Is this Gong Zhengyu? I liked a few of her songs in my last life Encore Who are you people? Fu Hai Office Irrelevant flashing away You guys You don’t want to die That’s Fu Hai’s people.

    How dare you disobey Fu Hai’s orders here? You’ll be thrown overboard to the sharks in a minute! Qi Dongsheng, Qi Dongsheng You still want to go to J to get help You think you can hide it from me? Greetings, Master Hai, Master Yang. Yang Qinhu Not bad That’s our Master Tiger.

    Master Tiger told you to apologize and you didn’t listen And you want to go to J to find a kendo master Now Master Tiger himself is here Do you have any more fruit to eat? Qi Dongsheng I don’t want to be involved in the feud between you and Fu Hai

    As long as you, Dongsheng Group, withdraw all your forces And compensate 10 billion I’ll let you go back. How Master Tiger There was a lot of misunderstanding before You are far away in the Northeast Why bother to interfere with this mess between me and Fu Hai I’m sure what you’re thinking, Qi Dongsheng.

    You opened a branch in Shen city You just want to get your hands on our Northeast? Do you think that I, Yang Tuhu, am dead? Who do you think won and who lost? Do we know each other? You’ve been sitting down there so long Not very good-looking

    But with a super beautiful woman by his side Who wouldn’t notice you? If you say that again about my young master I’ll throw you off the boat. Aigoo Young master I didn’t realize you were a rich boy. I’d say it’s definitely Yang Qinhu who wins

    Who doesn’t know that he is the number one man in the sky That’s because the young master didn’t make a move Otherwise what Yang Qinhu, Sun Qinhu all have to come and salute obediently You can brag about it. Yang Qinhu really has kung fu

    After all, he is the 12th ranked Grandmaster on the Heavenly List In a word You take out 10 billion now I’ll turn around and leave immediately Don’t blame I’m being polite if you can’t take it out Father Let’s just go to war with him

    You think you can scare us with a couple of words? The newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger Old Qi You’re a pair of righteous sons and daughters They have the same style as me looking for death Master Tiger, have mercy! Good young master This punch is far worse than yours

    Who’s talking? The old man looks awesome. But he didn’t even kill anyone with one punch How dare he call himself a master of the Heavenly List The heavens! Why should I come and stand with them? Now I’m dead. Young master I know you don’t feel good about Chidong Sheng

    But Qi Wang Sun is your friend after all If you don’t save him from death The Qi Wang Sun may not forgive you I did not intend to save him. But since he’s the father of Qi Wang Sun I can help him once Ding Fuhai Miss Xuedai is my guest.

    Just blame me for any grudge you may have. Don’t involve others I’m the one who fell this time I admit it But I didn’t fall into your hands It’s for the sake of Master Yang Qinhu Master Tiger I’ll sell you the face I’ll do everything you want Master Tiger I’m Northeast Yang Qinhu

    I wonder who are you What is this situation What is Yang Qinhu doing? What’s this kid’s story? Isn’t that young man Wang Sun’s roommate? Could he be something big? That’s right A few days ago Wang Sun called me Said he had found an amazing person Shelter the Qi family Could it be him

    Chen Fan What is this reply At least tell us where you came from I’d like to pay my respects to Elder Chen I’m sorry to welcome you Please forgive me Get up. I was just passing by Didn’t notify you in advance The crime is not yours Senpai Chen

    You just came back from J, right? The matter in J is finished There’s no point in staying any longer Qi Dongsheng’s son and I are roommates I promised him before to shelter the Qi family This is the end of the matter Yes Master Tiger we had a deal Any more questions?

    Let’s go back. Greetings to the seniors Qi Dongsheng is just a small thing Now the most important It’s to make up for the damage to the native energy It looks like I’ll have to go back and close up. Xue Daisha, get the door. Yes Senpai Chen I have an unexpected visit

    Please forgive me What do you want? If it’s about the Qi family then don’t ask I, Chen Beixuan, am a man of my word. If you don’t believe me, you can try Chen seniors have put down the word How dare I disobey

    How many people in this huge China would dare to be an enemy of you? In fact, this time I came is to ask Are you interested in the water of life? That can stimulate the awakening of the transcendent Yes It’s the water of life rumored in the Western psychic world.

    The divine water there has formed a divine spring It is inexhaustible Really? The Cloud Spirit Spring in my hand is the Water of Life This stuff is almost always available to me Please see This is a mining team hired by Ding Fuhai A sight found in the snowfields of Siberia

    Even in snowfields of tens of degrees below zero The sacred springs did not freeze at all It’s still flowing. It’s because of these pictures of Ding Fuhai that I agreed to take on Qi Dongsheng for him. Wait a minute. This is the fruit of the fetus This is definitely me on Earth

    The most powerful spirit fruit I’ve ever seen And it also contains the innate vital energy If we can get the birthright fruit Not only can I make up for the loss of my original energy and even push the Green Emperor’s Longevity Body one step further senior I wonder what you think about that.

    It is indeed the water of life And it’s very effective in enhancing cultivation Are you trying to get me involved? Senior It is said that there are wolves gathering there. A lot of people died. But even with all the danger is not a match for Chen

    Natural treasures are naturally guarded by demonic beasts It’s a normal thing beforehand Since I have to make a move Then I get at least half of this divine water And the fruit tree by the spring should be mine too No problem. Then I’ll leave you to it.

    The snow has closed the mountain for the last few days I’ll go back and prepare We’ll be ready to go in about ten days. Go. Do you really want to go, young master? The depths of the Siberian ice field can reach 100 degrees below zero. Even less

    How many of the beasts of the wilderness era have survived It doesn’t matter With my strength I can kill even if a God realm powerhouse comes. Not to mention a few demonic beasts After arriving in China You go back to the Green Dragon Formation to practice the Qing Hua Sword Skill

    If you can practice it, you will be able to reach the God realm. Yes What about you, young master? I Home for New Year’s Eve, of course Xiaofan is back Xiaofan thanks to you The Chen family is really booming this year! Little brother I have some friends who organized a party

    Do you want to join it? This It’s no fun to have a party for these youngsters. Don’t worry about it This party came with The core sons of the great families of Jinling You just have to show your face then With your deterrent Many clan deals will be negotiated much more smoothly

    Brother Chen Fan Gogo is going too Okay, then. Brother give Gogo a face The traditional families of Jinling It’s the Qiao family, the Song family, the Hua family and the Ren family. The Qiao family and the Song family are the strongest of these families But with your current status

    No one dares to offend you easily So say Our Chen family is now the fifth largest family in Jinling There are no four or five families Don’t look at the Qiao and Song families These families are now beautiful But there’s no one left to succeed them It’s our Chen family

    As long as you are still here, it will always be standing That’s why they are afraid of our Chen family I will leave the earth eventually When the Chen family loses its shelter it will be easily trampled down Want to make the Chen family truly pass on

    It seems to be necessary to pass down some kung fu martial arts to This year if there is no accident I’m afraid that the Chen family will be the first to distribute That’s not necessarily true Let’s not talk about that Master Chen if concerned about us juniors Just say the Song family

    This time they are prepared So what if they are prepared? The Zhonghai Ji family has bowed to the Chen family His Song family is not as good as the Ji family The Song family alone naturally can’t carry his Chen family But what if add a Han family?

    Are you talking about the Han family in Yanjing? Yes Someone from the Han family is coming to Jinling This is a very important family in the whole of China The Chen family is coming Who’s the man next to Chen Ning? Haven’t seen him

    Does the Chen family know that the Han family is coming Specially looking for help How is Master Chen free Coming to a party for us juniors Your name is Qiao Luo Ying, right? He is Master Chen I remember you Oh my god The Chen family so moved this great Buddha

    Can be remembered by Master Chen The Chen family so moved this Buddha here I am very honored Master Chen, please follow me. I can’t believe Master Chen is here This is the end of the Song family I don’t think so The Song family is backed by the Han family

    That depends on who the Han family is. Unless it’s Han Juntu. Or those famous young men Otherwise, it’s useless to have more people I heard that the one who came was Han Er Shao If he’s coming There’s definitely some dragon fight with Master Chen Han Er Shao

    You’re not talking about the Han family’s bastard king, are you? That’s him. Guo guo, I’ll peel for you. Okay. Just him. He’s worthy to be the chief instructor of Canglong? Canglong is really getting lower and lower The chief instructor is a brat. It’s a laughing stock. Han Shao You… you stop.

    That guy is Han Hongkun. He came up and provoked Master Chen As expected from the great family of Yanjing It’s a lot of energy. Do you know what you’re doing? Master Chen This is Han Hongkun, the second youngest of the Han family in Yanjing He came to Jinling for the first time

    Don’t know your name very well Please forgive him Yanjing Han Family What Scared? You are also worthy of being called the same as Ye Nantian? It’s a disgrace to Chief Instructor Ye and Dragon’s Teeth You don’t even know who I am. And you’re coming to me with all this talk

    What a way to get yourself killed. You’re saying I’m asking for death. Kneel down Chen, don’t you dare! Since you are so uncultured Then kneel here. Let your parents come and take you back This is not just insulting Han Hongkun It’s humiliating the Han family. Chen

    A fop like him is the one who values face. A dude like him is the most respectful. How dare you do that to me? The Han family will never let you go. Chen Fan treat him like this My Han family will never let you go It’s worse than killing him.

    Master Chen, this is all a misunderstanding Scram Chen You think you’re powerful as a major general? You don’t even have the right to enter my family. You dare to force me to kneel Just wait for my Han family to come Let’s tear you to pieces OK! I’ll wait.

    What else do you want to eat, Gogo? I want to eat a big oyster Look The Song family head is here Master Chen, you’ve gone too far. What do you think you are and you dare to question me? Okay, okay, okay. I’m Song Sun-Hwa. The head of the Song family

    Is this identity enough to ask you? Not enough Chen guy I know you’re very strong But you should know that the Song family is not to be trifled with either. It’s not enough that you’ve offended the Ji family, the Tang family and the Ning family.

    And now you want to mess with our Song family Is ready to offend all big families In Jiangnan Zhonghai I don’t believe that the Chen family has the ability to make enemies of the world Yes Even if Chen Fan is strong and the Chen family is big

    If you provoke the anger of the people How can the Chen family hold up? And the youngest Han family member, Han Juntu, is in Jinling You said that if he knew that you had forced his own brother to kneel What would be his reaction? Han Juntu is actually in Jinling

    Now we’re in for a treat This is the end of the Chen family With your clans you are not worthy of being my enemy! Well, well, well. I’d like to see when Jun is here How dare you talk so much? Jun Shao has arrived Go go go Go and meet Mr. Jun

    I’m going to go ahead My brother Chen is here. You’re dead little brother You’re being a little reckless. The Song family alone is nothing But the Han family is a Yanjing family Not to be messed with Our Chen family can not take on the Han family now

    Just a junior of the Yanjing family Not worth mentioning It seems he’s not as strong as Tang Yifei says he is. Even the strongest martial artist One day will be poor Be able to assess the situation That’s the real powerhouse Look, Han Juntu is here! Now the Chen family is in trouble

    A man with a thunderbolt in his chest and a face like a flat lake He can worship the General This man’s temperament is not simple A small family in Jinling Can raise such a character Juntu This is Master Chen Fan Chen of the Chen family in Jinling

    He recently took the Several big families in Jiangnan and Zhonghai under his feet All a bit too arrogant How dare you mess with the Han family? Just a small family Not a big deal By the way Juntu He also has a name of something called Chen Beixuan

    He was a major general in the Canglong Military Region I guess he’s just relying on the name of Major General doesn’t care about the Han family, does he? You’re Chen Beixuan. You are Chen Beixuan Why is Han Juntu so surprised? Chen Fan Major General Cang Long and the Martial Arts Patriarch

    Not enough to threaten the Han family, right? So it was Mr. Chen in person Juntu did not know before I hope Mr. Chen will forgive me So Chen Beixuan is from the Chen family in Jinling No wonder grandpa told me to be more careful Juntu’s nephew You… You know me

    What’s going on here What is his identity? To be respected by Han Juntu That’s incredible. Mr. Chen is famous in East Asia J State of Affairs Juntu heard about it from elders Just feel the blood boil I’d like to follow Mr. J. You know

    But your brother doesn’t seem to know much about it Brother Jun Brother Jun you must avenge me! I’ll tear this Chen kid to pieces To trample the whole Chen family Let him never turn over Shut the fuck up! You can not insult Mr. Chen You want to die? Brother you Mr. Chen

    My brother has always been a jerk He was spoiled by his parents at home It’s my Han family’s fault My Han family will definitely make it up to Mr. Chen I, Chen Beixuan, will cross the world What I want, just get it myself What do you Han family have to offer me?

    Besides, you should know what happens when you offend me Yes Mr. Chen It’s all my brother’s fault. My family is willing to take all the responsibility. So if I were to kill Han Hongkun Your Han family will not also stop me? This Forget it I’ll take Gogo out to play

    Don’t want to see blood As for Han Hongkun I don’t want to see him again Yes Go back and make sure that Han Hongkun completely imprisoned And the Song family I don’t want to see them in Jinling either I understand Jun young master Your Han family owes me a favor Sure, sure

    Am… am I dreaming? It’s amazing that Chen Fan was able to shock the Han family Brother, why did you just kick me? Directly catch that Chen ah Why our Han family Afraid of him, a Jiangbei turd If I hadn’t stopped you just now You’re already a dead man. I’m a Han family member.

    He dares to kill me Don’t say you Even if he kills me He wouldn’t be in trouble at all. That’s not possible. You are the heir to the Han family Won’t the family take revenge for you? Because our family can’t afford to mess with him.

    The consequence of avenging my death is the destruction of the entire Han family. The lesser of two evils What do you think the head of the family will choose? Jun young Our two families are old friends Uncle Song If Song Duanming hadn’t encouraged Hong Kun to get into trouble with Chen Beixuan

    The Song family would not have ended up in this situation You brought this on yourselves. As of today I don’t want to see in Jinling Anything related to the Song family Or don’t blame me for the Han family not showing mercy Just like Yifei said. This man is indeed a god-like being

    I’m afraid this Jinling will really belong to the Chen family Little brother, you are really great Today’s events will surely spread all over Jinling From now on, all the Jinling families will be led by our Chen family. The Rise and Fall of the Chen Family Now it’s all on my shoulders

    It seems that before going to the Siberian snowfields I’ll have to teach Mom and Dad some kung fu to do that. Grandpa Mom and Dad Sister Ann I’ll take you to a place Little Fan Where the hell are you taking us? I climb this East Mountain everyday There’s nothing strange about it

    Yes, it is. It’s just a deserted east mountain ping. After you took this place before and planted the hill full of trees and stopped It’s a waste of billions. Okay, stop it. Little Fan has his reasons for letting us come on. Open It’s amazing, isn’t it? Is this the magic of immortality?

    I’ve climbed this eastern mountain hundreds of times Never found this place I can’t see the mountain from the leaf Grandpa This is what I spent months on Creating the Dongshanping medicine field For the future cultivation resources of our Chen family Let’s go. I’ll show you around.

    A cave specially built for our Chen family Xiaofan this is a cliff face You might be able to fly But we’re all mortal How to get there The road comes Let’s go. That’s a wonderful view. This can really go It’ll be fine with Fan here. Don’t worry, Mom. It’s okay.

    What is this? It’s a demon. This is a white chi dragon. It won’t attack you. Don’t worry. Xue Daisha to see you all Fan, she’s… Mom Let me explain. My Lord I am the master’s lady-in-waiting Called Xue Dai Sha Mom and Dad

    She is Xue Dai Sha, the head of the Xue Dai family in J. She’s with me now on a few things. Don’t worry. She’s absolutely loyal to our family. Yes? I don’t think it’s some kind of mistress. I’ll have to watch it again. I don’t want my daughter-in-law to be at a disadvantage

    Let me show you around The facilities in the building pavilion And then you will be taught the practice Xiaofan you really want to teach us to cultivate immortality Isn’t this nice? For the Chen family, for myself and for Fan I will first teach you the most fundamental method of building the foundation

    Foundation Building and Qi Raising Technique Not very powerful but neutral and calm Anyone can practice it We all listen to you This method of building the foundation It’s enough for Mom and Dad to train for a few years. And then I’ll pass on the real immortal cultivation techniques to them.

    After a few days of bootstrapping and here with the aid of the elixir aura They’re all progressing very quickly But I didn’t expect the progress of Grandpa and Sister Ann It went so well Grandpa’s mind has been through the world Ann sister is pure in her thinking All suitable for cultivation

    Instead, Mom and Dad are still caught up in the mundane world So can’t give it all. But there’s no rush I’ll be on Earth for many more years Now it’s time to find the fruit of the fetus too God of Life Water Absolutely is purest water of life And a whole divine spring

    The biggest bottleneck in the birth of the Transcendent It’s because we don’t have enough life-giving water. If we could get this divine spring We would be able to keep making transcendents Then the whole dark world will be at our disposal But we’re certainly not the only ones who know this news

    Do we have enough power to grab it? Although we lost King Kong Barker Thunder King Solon and Lei Chien Jie, these three powerful men But the Hongmen still has four giants Still the superpower of the underworld This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity We can take the dark moon troops with us

    To take this sacred spring. It won’t take more than a few years. We’ll be able to make up for The loss of the three giants who fell You think with just you and Dark Moon can stand up to Zeus, the god of thunder? Ola

    You fall at the feet of Chen Bei Xuan and beg for his forgiveness And finally escaped with your life How dare you talk here? You Shut the fuck up! What? Did I say something wrong? There you go. Hongmen have come to this point You still have the heart to fight

    Are you ready to break up the whole Hongmen? Jongsu can go But you can only take half of Dark Moon’s people with you Be careful with everything We can’t afford A giant has fallen anymore. Otherwise I won’t be able to explain to my ancestors Yes With the speed of Grandpa and others training

    It will take at least three years to break through the Foundation Establishment stage After three years I will have entered at least the Divine Sea realm By then I will really have the power to shelter them Even if the whole world is against me What do I have to fear? Senpai Chen

    Senpai Chen The car is ready. Let’s get going. Greetings to Master Chen I don’t like it very much. Yes, senpai Chen Senpai Chen This man was on that expedition at the time The captain who survived You can ask him any question you have. My name is Wang Baoguo, sir. Don’t be afraid

    I’m just asking you a few questions Where did you find The photo of the spring and the small tree And what are the monsters that you encountered We Found in a valley Of deep Siberia Originally to find new oil fields and minerals Who knew that the spring was found by accident

    One sip and you’ll seem to live longer. Result Suddenly a group of monsters rushed out What monsters? It’s hard to see It was too windy and too close to dark Those monsters were too fast. Every black shadow flashed by We all have one that it bites away

    By the end I was on the back of the security lieutenant’s pad and I escaped with the camera all the way out. Chen senpai According to my previous exchange with Baoguo Just know that the monster speed is more agile than the cloud leopard Howling like an old wolf Walking like an ape

    Especially with bloodshot red eyes Knowing too little information No way to tell But it doesn’t matter I’ll just smash it with one foot I’m relieved to have the words of Elder Chen This is the closest city to that valley. From here We need to walk about a thousand kilometers

    Into the depths of the Siberian ice sheet Elder Chen we can rest here for the night Hire some locals to guide the way Deep in the ice field all is white Even with a map, you may not find it Okay, you can arrange it. Yang, you’re here. Paul

    My friend it’s been a long time You should feel so boring in Siberia Yang, the people around you are This is Chen Beixuan, senior Chen Senior Chen Paul before the dark mercenary world He was a top 10 mercenary hunter Called “War Bear” But now he’s retired

    Yang, why are you so respectful to this little man? Paul, you have to stay in awe. And standing before you is the first man of the world of darkness the strongest man at the top of the darkness list, Chen Bei Xuan Just him The first man in the dark world

    Top of the Dark World When will Adam be number one on the dark list It was taken by a little yellow guy Looking for death Senpai Chen Little Guy If it wasn’t for the face of Yang Qinhu You’re already a dead man. For the sake of Yang Qinhu

    I’ll let you off the hook this time I said Senpai Chen is the first person in the dark world The myth of the day How can you disrespect He’s really good What happened in J some time ago You always hear about it, right? Do you think he’s strong? That’s him Our Lady above

    Paul We came to want to be deep in Siberia Looking for a valley How come there are so many lately People who went to the ice wolf plain There are others going too Several groups of people Even though they pretended to be tourists But I can smell dark hyenas

    On them with my eyes closed There are even quite a few of your old pals and mine Senior Is the news leaked Doesn’t matter Even if they hear something They may not find the exact location. And I’m here, don’t be afraid of anything. Let’s get going just in case. Paul OK

    I’ll get you a guide right away. Yang, we’ll have a drink when we get back. OK The number of foreigners coming here is increasing lately And they smell of the dark world. Is very strong. What does it have to do with me? Let’s go have a vodka. Dear Paul, long time no see.

    How is your retirement life? Firefox Why are you an intelligence peddler here? Old buddy There are a lot of big shots who want to buy a map to the Ice Wolf Plains They’re offering a lot of money. Enough to buy an island in the South Pacific What a big shot.

    This is my place, War Bear, Paul even the leader of the Crimson Wings is here I’m not even going to sell him any favors Really? Karl, Crimson Wing No more than Sword of God Storm Witch Society And the Hongmen and the Wrecking Crew Holy Mother of God is on top

    Seven or eight leaders of large dark organizations came There are five of them on the Dark List alone. They all seem to be waiting for someone who can make these top powers wait I’m afraid that only Zeus, the third god of thunder on the dark list Dark list 2nd Fool Adam

    First on the dark list Once the first in the dark world What’s up my good friend I told you there were a lot of big people, right? War Bear, Paul I used to be on the Underground Mercenaries list Seen your name

    Do you know the route and the map to the ice wolf plain? What are you going to do in the Ice Wolf Field, my lord? The whole dark world knows about it. In the midst of the ice wolf plain There is a fountain of life

    Do you know how big that fountain of life is? It’s half the size of a basketball court. Think about how much life water is stored inside One ton. Two tons. Ten tons It’s enough to make our whole dark world Crazy Do you understand? Damn it.

    Those two Chinese are after the water of life. I heard that two Chinese people also went to the ice wolf plain They seem to be your companions. Yes One of them is the Chinese martial arts master Yang Qinhu Yang Qinhu I’ve heard of him. A famous and powerful man from China

    It seems that this Tiger of China is scouting for us. I wonder if that Chen Beixuan met Adam and them Who is stronger in the end? It’s better to lose both All dead in the ice field And only in places like this veins and the fruits can be bred. Elder Chen

    These ten days have been seven or eight hundred kilometers deep into the ice fields We’re getting closer and closer to that valley. There’s a town a hundred kilometers from that valley. At that time, Wang Baoguo and the others It was in this town that they were resupplied. Do we want it then

    Stop in town for a break There’s a town in this barren ice field. In the time of our ancestors That town existed. The old timers called it Snow Wolf Town It was said that the people of that town could communicate with the wolf gods Harnessing the wolves

    So we were instructed never to approach Snow Wolf Town? Go straight to the valley. Don’t waste time. Yes This valley was called the Valley of the Wolf God by the older generation. It is said that a wolf god once appeared here It’s just a misrepresentation. Let’s go in. From the outside

    There’s really nothing special about the Valley of the Wolf God But it always feels dangerous. But even it’s true that there are gods out there I will also step on the corpse of a deity to get the fruit of the fetus Fountain of Life Elder Chen It’s indeed the water of life

    The fruit of the fetus has finally found you Chen senpai These springs don’t seem to be able to be taken out of the pool They vaporize as soon as they are brought out That’s the way the liquid is They’re made from the aura Once you leave the vein, it will quickly

    Dissolve in the sky and the earth can hold them in jade bottles This will hold them for a longer period of time Or you can stay here. Use them directly to cultivate Then I’ll stay here and train hard. From this current trend

    It will take at least thirty years for the fruit to ripen But I have the Aetheric Wood Aura Combined with Spiritual Formation and Life Element Liquid Can be forcibly shortened Can be matured in up to 30 days Formation start What is this, Senior Chen? Spirit gathering formation and a guard spell

    We’re going to be here for 30 days. Then we’ll be stationed where we are Luckily it’s very warm here I have plenty of supplies with me. The aura here It’s ten times more abundant than even in the Green Dragon Formation. Enough to cultivate to the late stage of the Tongxuan

    God of Life Spring Damn This is the real Fountain of Life. These are all mine. This is the real Fountain of Life It’s all mine. It’s all mine. What a buzzkill! God. Such a great fountain of life Enough to create many awakened beings What are they

    It seems to be the famous and powerful people of the dark world Two yellow-skinned monkeys Get the hell out of my way! All the fountains here belong to the Western Dark World Looking for death Garbage Shit Why is this guy’s body so powerful? I can’t believe he can resist a clan master’s blow

    Now we can only hope Chen Beixuan, the number one on the Heavenly Ranking There is a Chinese here I’ll take care of it. I’ll eat him. Black Widow, don’t choke on your bones. Come play with your sister, little one I will make you feel happier than ever What do you mean?

    Whoever crosses this line dies How dare you threaten your sister, little one! When I rip your throat out drink your blood dry See if you dare to talk like that again You don’t know what you’re talking about. This One Finger Kill What are you Hua Yunfeng Lin Tashan Ye Nantian All together

    I’m not afraid to kill him. I don’t want to get killed. I don’t care what you are. I’m going over there now. Death to those who stand in my way Great Tackle Get the hell out of my way! Chen Beixuan You are Chen Beixuan Yes It’s Master Beixuan This place

    Has been taken over by our Eastern World Get lost What to do After all the trouble to find the fountain of life I can’t just give up. Don’t worry Boss they haven’t made a move yet. How did they get here? The triumvirate of the dark world gathered Such massive strength

    It’s enough to make even the divine realm turn pale Can Elder Chen be their opponent? Chen Bei Xuan We respect you as a god-tier powerhouse You can have the largest share of the Fountain of Life Whoever crosses this line dies Chen Beixuan you are only one person More powerful

    Can stop twenty of our strongest men? Cut the crap Kill him. Forget it Today we will slaughter the gods to show the world Really want to fight ah Let me go first To be called a dark list powerhouse The power is really not bad Unfortunately, it’s not enough Royal Thunder Skill

    Return it to you Damn it! Asshole Thunder Spirit Body I didn’t know there were people on Earth Can put the lightning gift Awakened to this extent Already close to spiritual body success But I cultivated the Green Emperor’s Longevity Body is the top holy body in the universe

    Even you are a true spiritual body You are no match for me I can’t believe he took my best shot. Catch My full power thunder god body He almost broke it with one punch It’s over. Shield Luckily I caught up You call that a spell? Try mine. Go okay

    He can only release one at a time The Art of Shepherding Trees Worthy of the Fool Even such a lost spell is known That’s it. You can block one of my hits. I don’t know if you can block ten blows Up Oh, my God. How does he cast spells so fast?

    Is this the power of a god-tier powerhouse? Damn it! I’ve worked so hard on this. From the ancient Babylonian tombs The excavated guardian amulet of the ancient king I can’t believe it only got one hit Go to hell. One against two and still have the upper hand How did he get so strong?

    Both Zeus and the Fool Basically half a foot in the god class But it is under the suppression of Chen Beixuan without the ability to fight back Damn Adam If you don’t make a move We’re going to get killed by this bastard Chen Beixuan You’ve completely pissed me off. Three? Come together Die

    Another spirit body Nearly complete spiritual body minor completion And is one of the stronger of the ordinary spiritual bodies Spirit of Light Unfortunately, even if it is strong, it is only a normal spirit His physical body is even stronger than mine This guy has definitely awakened a kind of God’s body too

    And it’s much stronger than my body of light It’s even perfectly awakened Together That’s it Kill the guy who’s hiding behind the spell first Up Arrow Rain This is the real God-class powerhouse! Whether it’s spells, martial arts or physical body He crushes us all over the place.

    Can the three of them really beat Chen Beixuan? Let’s go together If we don’t defeat or kill Chen Beixuan Then we will definitely not get the God of Life Spring We might even die here. Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s do it! Coming good This is the invincible Chen Beixuan

    Chen Beixuan’s fist is even harder than steel A bunch of scattered sand Together The physical body breaking the sound barrier is very hard on the body Even if it’s a true body of God It can’t take more than a few times True Martial Arts Swordplay Dragon Transformation Witchcraft Looking for Death Too strong

    How did he recover so fast? Holy Cross Sword Art Divine Punishment True Martial Thirty-Six The Tenth Form Fetus seal Broken How come my lightsaber won’t move? Such a powerful sword It was easily defeated by Chen Beixuan It is impolite not to reciprocate. You slash me so many times and you take my sword

    Green Wood Qi Soldier Damn Blood Burning Secret Method What’s the pain in the ass, old buddy? Forget it Curse of the Ten Thousand Snakes This is the most horrible curse of that voodoo religion Go Chen Beixuan district beast My divine soul No The Dark List triumvirate couldn’t even deal with him

    This is the real invincible! The Fountain of Life is mine! Does anyone have any objections? We have no objections If you don’t have any objections, just roll Don’t ever set foot in this place again for the rest of your life Yes It’s a pity It’s good to be alive.

    Elder Chen, you are too strong This battle will definitely shake the world After today you are the best in the world These people are strong though may not represent the true depth of the Western world The realm of the gods that disappeared without a trace Who knows if they are still alive

    With Elder Chen’s skills may not be able to What’s going on? It’s windy. Remember what Wang Bao Guo and the others met? Could it be that the monsters are here? They’re not ordinary monsters. You’ll know when you see them. I didn’t know they were still alive on Earth. What are those monsters?

    I punched them in the face Surprisingly, I just staggered it but its claw tore through my astral body protection It made a claw mark directly on my shoulder It’s not clear The special hunting gun I use Enough to kill an elephant with one shot. But only to wound them. they can’t be killed.

    Their flesh is very hard. Could it be them? It’s possible. But they should have been extinct decades ago. That’s a nuclear weapon. How did they survive? Maybe it’s not a clan. How do you know, Siberia is so big Only the village that was discovered in the former Soviet Union Here they come.

    So many We can’t get out of here. Are they the legendary werewolf? Impossible According to ancient records In medieval times The Papacy had already put werewolves and vampires to the end Not a werewolf What’s that? Just the bloodline of the Dark Legacy I didn’t think

    There is still a Dark Legacy bloodline on Earth Passed down You mean What you call a werewolf It should be the descendants of the Dark Wolves but their bloodline is not pure Far less powerful than the pure Dark Wolves Now it’s just barely comparable to a Cross Training Master If have pure blood

    Or a half-blooded Dark Wolf appeared Can be captured to extract the bloodline from it Making a group of super soldiers But the bloodline of these werewolf descendants is too thin Not even worth extracting Not every one of them is this strong, right? Even if there is a difference in strength

    But it’s just a matter of nuance I’ve fought them before. It also takes a few moves to kill one Exit the valley Otherwise die Stop Respected human powerhouse Please forgive the rudeness of my juniors They don’t know They are facing a myth of the world

    These hybrid werewolves are all your descendants or descendants Yes Many of them are my children, nephews, grandchildren. great grandchildren and even great great grandchildren I am the patriarch of this tribe You can call me the Snow Wolf King Your Excellency You have set foot in the territory of the Snow Wolf Tribe

    Out of respect for your power I can allow you to leave Just what happened today Please don’t tell anyone He can leave What about us? You guys How dare you step on the sacred ground of the wolf god Then stay and make blood food for my descendants

    Only a few ordinary people were eaten before If I could eat all of you A dark powerhouse of flesh and blood containing energy Must have evolved faster. Those guides have… Surely the descendants of the Dark Wolves Repeatedly flip-flopping at every moment No trust at all It’s okay to tell me to leave

    Let me take away all the springs and the fruit of that tree How dare you covet the fruit of the Wolf God It’s a sacred object of our clan. It is a gift from the wolf gods to my people Anyone who dares to covet the fruit of the Wolf God

    Are the enemies of the Snow Wolf Tribe! Cut the crap. Roll out of the valley Or I won’t mind slaughtering your entire tribe. Kill them. Leave no one behind War Looking for death Together his flesh can’t take it many times The burden of breaking the sound barrier Yes? Five Strikes Ten Strikes

    Plus the previous fight with Adam and the others At least 20 times today I used the sound barrier Even with the power of the Green Emperor’s long-lived body also a bit overwhelmed He can’t take it too many times. The sons and daughters rush up Bite his throat. Tear his flesh and blood

    To pay tribute to our dead brothers with his soul Who can kill him Whoever is qualified to take the Wolf God Fruit Become the next generation of wolf king Hum Die. Use the leftover trimmings from the jade talisman Disposable attack talismans made by refining Works pretty well Green Wood Air Soldier

    Every giant werewolf is the best of the wolf clan Chinese Together Kill him and tear him apart. You think I don’t have help? Two half-steps of divine realm Five. Five. If Chen Fan had released these five gods earlier I’m afraid that another double the dark power It’s not enough to kill him. Chinese

    How dare you slaughter my people I want you dead! Divine I never thought that after decades apart At last, a god-like powerhouse has emerged That’s a half-step God realm demon god And much stronger than the average half-step God realm But under Gagarin I’m not surprised that they didn’t fight back at all

    Is this the real God level? It’s horrible. I can’t believe you hurt me. The power of the Snow Wolf King Several times more powerful than Koichi Takeya This is the real god class! Chinese These little toys of yours are unbeatable Is that so? You think you’re the only one with immortality?

    These gods of mine are all ghosts and goddesses Nearly immortal I wonder how many times you can kill them What Hmm. I’ll kill you. And they naturally disappeared. With just you It’s horrible. Get out of there! Ever since the cultivation of the Green Emperor’s Longevity Body It’s the first time I’ve met

    A man who can fight me with his flesh Again Come I am immortal Chinese you can’t kill me Even the immortalized gods are known Not even dare to say they are immortal You’re just a hybrid wolf. How dare you call yourself immortal? It’s a laughing stock Talented Avatar Great Vajra Mantra

    How is this possible? Spells can be frozen too! I didn’t realize that on Earth There are forces that can threaten my life. How many more times can you use a spell like that? But I just need to be here in the Siberian tundra. to draw in the endless cold

    And it’ll keep on releasing This is the gift of the wolf gods to us Something that humans like you will never be able to reach. Chen Beixuan is not a true God realm after all Compared to an old god realm like Gagardan There’s a world of difference

    You think you’re the only one with the power? Golden Pupils of Fire Present What is this? How can a man’s eyes breathe fire Is this the real strength of Chen Beixuan If you’re a pure-blood dark wolf I may not be your opponent It’s a pity you’re just a mixed-hair hybrid. You made it.

    You think a little bit of freezing cold And I can’t do anything to you? The first change of the golden pupil of fire Red Lotus Transformation This fire can burn the soul Chinese How dare you hurt my soul I will tear you to pieces Eat them one by one

    His divine soul is too strong I can’t believe he’s not dead. One is not enough Then we’ll do it again Well done Again I said Chinese You can’t kill me. You think with this recovery ability I can’t do anything to you? I didn’t want to use this power. You made me do it.

    Age What’s this? When you cultivate the Green Emperor’s Everlasting Body Indeed awakened two divine aptitudes But I was too low to realize it. The Ancient Green Emperor is the legendary ruler of time. Even in the great powers of the Green Emperor’s Everlasting Body. It also ranks in the top three

    That’s a lot of pressure. Die! It’s not working. By the time I use my powers, it’ll be too late. What’s going on? The years are a mysterious law of time. Even if I’m only at the level of Tongxuan now. But just simulate a hint of it. It would take you millions of years.

    You couldn’t even get a piece of my clothes on your back. I can’t. I have to go now. I told you it wouldn’t work. When I sacrificed my powers Everything is too late. Sword of Ages Chop The Great Avatar is still too much of a stretch for me right now

    But it’s worth it. That’s all that’s left of that amazing slash. That slash just froze time. Chen Beixuan definitely paid a great price He was able to strike the sword that shook the heavens and the earth. But how could he be unharmed? That’s not true. What’s going on? 34.

    No, no, no, no, no, no. You. 36. The years are like knives. A blade that cuts through a hundred years of time. It’s a pity that age is such a great power It requires a loss of vital energy. Luckily, I have the Fetal Fruit to replenish my vital energy.

    Elder Chen, you are too powerful. After this battle, who else in the world would dare to be your enemy? We are convinced by Mr. Chen. This trip is finally complete. We just have to wait another ten days for the Fetal Fruit to ripen. What’s going on? It’s over. Chen Beixuan shouldn’t have died.

    Not to mention the Snow Wolves. And dozens of Western Dark Lords. It’s too tempting. What country could stand it? Wiping out half of the dark list and two gods in one go. We had plans to bring him in before. It’s his own fault. Looks like some bugs survived. I’ll kill him.

    A wounded Adam is nothing. It’s just… Can Bomb Father really kill Chen Beixuan? No news of Chen Beixuan after all this time? E’s Northern Military Region has withdrawn from Wolfsbane Valley. They’ve concluded that Chen Beixuan is still alive. He may have died on the ice. Buried by the heavy snow.

    Things aren’t looking good for the Chen family these days. Without Chen Beixuan. All the other clans are secretly suppressing the Chen family Whether Chen Beixuan is alive or dead We all made a promise. That we would protect his parents and his family. Send more men around the Chen family. Yu Qing

    I’ll leave the task of reassuring the family to you. Yes, sir. I don’t know how long this retreat has taken me. I hope Mom and Dad are well. It was a close call. It’s not good. I’ll take it. Transportation That’s just a conventional bomb. If it had been a nuclear bomb.

    It’s a good thing I have the power of the Life Fountain and the Fetal Fruit. Cultivating the Green Emperor’s Everlasting Body to the realm of minor success. I’m only one chance away from the Divine Sea Realm at this point. If need Whenever I can take that step.

    Now that I’ve reached my full potential. It’s time to take revenge on them. Is there something going on at old Raul’s? Natasha. It was just an ordinary avalanche. Let’s get outta here. Let’s find some shelter. There’s a storm coming. 100. All right. But I always feel like I’m up in that valley.

    I saw a man flying in mid-air. Do any of you know what time it is? Who? Who You. Look at his feet. No. No footprints. Could it be? Your Honor, today is July 16th, 2023. It’s July 23rd. So I’ve been here for over a year.

    It’s been over a year since I’ve been alone on the ice. He’s really something else, isn’t he? Do any of you know where Jakuzk is? We’re from Yakuzk. We’re heading back. You can follow us back. No need. You’re too slow. Give me a map and directions. I’ll find it, naturally.

    Okay, just a minute. Black clothes, black hair. Could it be he is the man I saw over the valley. My lord, this is the map. You follow this direction. about a thousand kilometers ahead. and reach Yakuzk. Will you take me with you, my lord? My lord, I can see you’re looking for something.

    You can take me with you. 30. I’ve been all over E. Every city in the Far East. I know where it is. Natasha. And do you know where the northern military region of E is located? I know where it is. The headquarters and the branch know. Okay. You come with me. Get ready.

    Natasha. I can’t believe he’s in the snow. Running at hundreds of kilometers an hour. And I don’t feel the cold at all around him. Don’t lose focus. Point me in the right direction. All right, all right. What are you doing in Yakutsk, my lord? There’s a man there named Paul.

    He owes me a debt. I’m just trying to get him to pay it back. Paul. The Underground Emperor of Yakuzk I don’t think it’s him. Let’s have a drink beauty 56. Chen Chen Bei Xuan Paul my friend. Why are you so scared to see me? Your Honor, I have no choice.

    The Northern Military Region has found me. Wanted information on you and Adam and the others. I had to tell them. Otherwise they would have taken me to jail. I’ve been shot ten times for my previous sins. If you’re afraid of the North, you’re not afraid of me.

    This Red Lotus Flame will make you remember. You should fear me. Let me go. I say I say The bid is from the Northern Military Command. And Bloodwolf Guard Andrews. Very good. Northern Military District The Bloodwolf Guard and the high command of the E These debts I’m going to liquidate them all.

    Go to sleep. When you wake up, you’ll forget everything that just happened. You should have seen it. I’m going to get revenge on the Northern Military Region. You still want to help me? Of course I am. They’re the ones who apologized to you first. You didn’t hurt E country

    They’re only doing it because you’re strong. They’re attacking you with missiles. It’s normal for you to retaliate. Then let’s go. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. This town has deployed troops. Tens of thousands of soldiers are expected. They’re starting to react. Lost twelve officers in a row.

    If the Northern Military Region’s top brass hasn’t reacted yet. That’s a bunch of dumbasses. They probably thought I’d use the crowd as cover. A stab in the back. Stand still. That’s the guard zone. If you take one more step, I’ll shoot you. What? Oh, my God. Did I see an angel?

    He is the enemy. Shoot him quickly. Don’t let him get close to our position. Do you want to shoot? We may be facing a messenger of God. What a fucking messenger of God. He’s a suspect. Shoot him now. How can that be? Fire! You can’t kill me with a gun.

    Don’t you know how to use a gun? It’s a big target. What about the tanks? What about the rockets? Fire! 119. Chen Beixuan God. I can’t even kill him. My lord is a great man. It’s him. It’s him. Chen Beixuan He’s back. General. General. Please respond. What do we do next?

    Mobilize all forces. Stop him at all costs. Call for help from headquarters. Tell them we’ve encountered Chen Beixuan. Need support. Need support. Stop him. We can’t let him get into position. Break the shells with your fists. Is this a human being? Come on, don’t just stand there. Noisy. Return Retreat. Retreat.

    HQ. HQ requesting backup. Chen Beixuan is here. We can’t stop him. Chen Beixuan Get out of the way! This is Commander Varish, number two. What’s the status of the battle? Hey, hey, hey. Reporting to Headquarters We are defeated. The division commander has been killed. The enemy is heading for the headquarters. What?

    Do you need to use nuclear weapons? My lord checkmate It’s too late not to make a decision It’s too late Dial the emergency line Let’s just say that the Northern Military District requires a nuclear weapons award What’s going on Chen Beixuan came So fast You are Serkin Head of the Northern Military District

    The order was ordered to fire at the Valley of the Wolf Gods And instruct the man who dropped the father of the bomb Dear Your Excellency Chen Beixuan It is easy for you to provoke a war by doing so And you need to know Just now

    We have submitted an application for the use of nuclear weapons Are you sure you want to be our enemy It’s not me who is against you It’s that you’ve already decided This knife is for Yang Qin hu Chen Beixuan was actually alive Under the divine realm, they are all ants

    I thought it was a lie Now it all seems to be true I’m going to visit ancestor It’s not up to me anymore But my lord Ancestor commanded It is not the time when Hongmen is at the moment of life and death Don’t alarm his old man

    Now it is a life-and-death juncture for Hongmen Oh, yes Even the elite armored divisions could not stop him Chen Beixuanruo killed The huge Hongmen Gate will be overturned in an instant This is indeed Hongmen’s life and death juncture My lord There are more and more soldiers inspected on the train

    Previously, it was only checked once every few stops Now each stop is docked for inspection It’s okay I’ve cast spells All they see is an illusion Won’t find ours And we’ve come this way Seventeen of their branches were destroyed How could they not be angry and corrupted My lord

    We didn’t find any remaining members along the way They should be afraid that you will flee the city early These people are elite agents Not afraid of life and death It can’t be afraid of me I believe more They are in ambush somewhere ahead Ready to bring me a big one Also

    If it is an ambush, the location should be a larger city Easy to arrange manpower And you will definitely dock The closest to us should be Osan City Osan ah Let’s see when the time comes If the members of Osan City do not escape Still swaggering inside the headquarters

    That means they’re ready for an ambush Adults are so strong, and don’t forget to practice at any time I will also actively use the teachings taught by adults Practice Sure enough, the agents did not leave the lair Instead, they stayed inside in full armor There are many elite warriors lurking around

    There are several of them This aura is very similar to the Snow Wolf Clan Could it be that they are the Blood Wolf Guards? Let’s go Let’s go meet those blood wolf guards You are waiting for me here I’ll go back What a strong firepower actually reached the tenth floor so soon

    The adult should have fought with the Blood Wolf Guard I just don’t know who loses and who wins Don’t hide That stench on your body I can smell it even if it’s hundreds of miles away Are you the Blood Wolf Guard? What about Andrew

    Andrew and Lord Ivan are waiting for you in the capital If you can escape from us today Naturally, you can meet them Yes? Then I’ll clean you up first Go and cut off Andrew’s dog’s head again Is this the Blood Wolf Guard? Except it’s a little more ferocious and aggressive

    It’s no different from that group of mongrel werewolves The punch just now is that Adam may not be able to block Could it be this protective suit Again It’s kind of interesting A knife that can cut gold and break iron It didn’t even split the steel claw

    It is only possible to knock them off I really don’t believe it with this equipment You can stop me I didn’t even break this tights It can’t be Could it be biological armor It’s like I was once in an interstellar civilization The material of the interstellar spacesuit seen

    That kind of spacesuit is all Manufactured with advanced biotechnology Even the electromagnetic cannon cannot penetrate interesting Earth’s technology doesn’t seem to be developing slowly Even the biological armor came out If you all reach the realm of the Snow Wolf King Joining hands may really threaten me Come again

    You really thought you were wearing protective clothing I can’t help you That’s it I’ll let you guys see How did the immortal cultivators step on the scientific and technological civilization back then Creature armor is most afraid of flames Especially such a high-purity divine flame as the Fire Golden Pupil Not good rewind Farewell

    My lord Let’s go After this battle The Blood Wolf Guards estimated that their vitality was greatly damaged I’m afraid to the front of the capital None of us will face any more obstacles Not a single soldier was stationed to check My lord It doesn’t seem quite right Your Excellency Chen Beixuan

    An adult wants to see you Zhu que How do you find here Distribution from the location of the bureau you defeated It is possible to deduce your approximate route Although they cannot detect you with various instruments use elimination It’s easy to lock in which train you’re on excellency

    The adult is still waiting for you OK For your sake, I’ll go meet him Look at what other high-ranking people are in this country E Natasha It’s been hard for you along the way Zhu que You arrange for someone to place her Keep her safe No problem The adult that Zhu Que said

    It should be the true leader of the Blood Wolf Guard So I’ll see Andrew soon My lord Chen Beixuan came Your Excellency’s name has been heard for a long time I didn’t expect you to be so young Above this star It has been a long time since a new god level has appeared

    See you It was as if I saw General Ye in his youth God Realm powerhouse And not an ordinary god realm This breath Is it the middle of the Divine Realm You are I鈥檓 Nizhny Oleg 路 Nikolaevich The first leader of the Blood Wolf Guard

    Lord Oleg is a very powerful God Realm powerhouse Nicknamed “Blood Wolf King” Even in the many divine realms of a hundred years ago Also in the forefront Blood Wolf King What is your relationship with the Snow Wolf King Gageldan A hundred years ago I am very good friends with Gageldan

    But Gageldan always adhered The reclusive pact of our wolf clan Reluctance to go out of the mountains After all, it is behind this era Your Excellency Chen Beixuan You have broken the agreement between the Divine Realm and the great powers involved If it wasn’t for me to block it

    The summit is already about to drop nuclear weapons Erased you from the world If he dares, just try it you Your Excellency seems determined to make enemies of us Yes, Chen Fan I was sent here to see you take care of the overall situation Your Excellency Chen Beixuan I know you’re awesome

    But even god-level powerhouses have relatives and friends No matter how strong you are, can you shelter your relatives and friends? They are just ordinary people A single bullet can kill them You are threatening me What a terrifying momentum Chen Beixuan Are you challenging the majesty of our country?

    I hate people threatening me the most in my life As you say I have parents But don’t you care about something Like the land and the army in your hands In the end, it is my loved ones who have big goals Or is their goal big Your Excellency Chen Beixuan Because of this

    Only when the worldly gods realm will be between them and the great powers There are unwritten rules Everyone does not offend each other and deters each other Obey the peace And you broke this rule You broke the rules first Unauthorized use of weapons of mass destruction

    Want to kill me and those dark powerhouses The military did not consider this matter well Poorly considered If I hadn’t survived It would be a perfect operation excellency Right or wrong no longer matters Of course, we will attack you first But you also killed so many officers of the Northern Military District

    And numerous Blood Wolf Guards If you can stop there How about we write it off A write-off Yes, Chen Fan Fighting any longer is not good for anyone It’s just going to lose both Chen Beixuan Don’t think we can’t help you Modern weapons have developed far beyond your imagination

    Now is not the time when the powerhouses of the God Realm can run amok for a while Do you think that you are the only god realm in the world? Why doesn’t everyone come out It’s not that you don’t want to, but you don’t dare So you bury miniature nuclear weapons around

    To know This nuclear explosion is not just me You’re all going to die You buried nuclear weapons That was a last resort In case I am defeated But you are not qualified enough I’m not Gageldan Oh? break Your Excellency Chen Beixuan Do you want to fight again Once the war begins

    At that time, it will not be for you to stop if I want It’s okay to write it off Give Andrew to me I turned around and left Never step into country E That’s impossible Andrew is the most powerful blood wolf warrior in our country E

    It is the leader of the Blood Wolf Guard go Andrew Damn it Die Die Good to come Is this the true strength of the God Realm powerhouse? coagulate You don’t look like a werewolf I felt like I was fighting an oriental warrior

    After cultivating to the Divine Realm, the martial arts techniques are all the same My generation’s practice is only one thing to move forward courageous and diligent is the right way Resting on one’s laurels will only perish good It’s a pity The earth has a weak aura

    You are hopeless for the rest of your life Chen Beixuan Pick me up Blood God Nine Changes This move was originally intended to deal with your General Ye I didn’t expect it to be used on you Well You also take my punch Defeat with one punch

    There was actually no wound on the chest Biological armor again What kind of move was that punch you just had This is no longer a human boxing technique This punch is nameless It’s just that I created it temporarily Temporary creation I didn’t expect you to have reached such a state Again

    You are coming with a hundred claws and a thousand claws It can’t stop my punch This creature armor is a bit annoying break A year ago, if you appeared to me I may not be able to get you At that time, killed a Gageldan almost hurt me badly But now You’re late

    A hundred years ago, there was a Lin Shuming in the country of China Fifty years ago, there was a Ye Nantian Now you are Chen Beixuan again How generous God treats the kingdom of China Finished talking? Since I am the guardian of country E

    How can I bow my head and beg for mercy Blood burning secrets Since it’s over Then go and die Innate Otogi Big Grappler Your Excellency Chen Beixuan My country prays for the end of the war Darn I can still fight The Blood Wolf Guard can still fight

    How can one pray for the end of the battle Ivan, you tell me Who the hell gave this order teacher It was the order given by the person in the palace himself Okay Since it was the one who gave the order I complied You want to stop fighting I haven’t agreed yet

    Dear Lord Chen Beixuan The battle of Wolf God Valley is to blame for us We will not pursue what you have done before And you can make a request As long as we can do it A requirement Any requirement? As long as it is within reason Our country will do it

    Since that’s the case Is that okay too How is it OK, we promise Case The moment the things arrived, I immediately returned to Huaxia Since then, my grudge with you has been written off You need to know That thing is too sensitive We can’t help you get it back

    It doesn’t matter, I have my own way teacher Teacher, if I come one minute later You’re probably going to die here today This bloodline potion After all, it was just developed in the lab Only the initial burning of blood can be terminated

    In the later stage, there is no way to do it at all It’s okay I had this realization before I came I just didn’t expect this Chen Beixuan to be so powerful When facing him It was as if I was facing General Ye again Really decided to bow your head

    I just have to fight to the death to hold him back It can definitely stop him before the nuclear weapon explodes teacher Even if you killed Chen Beixuan and so what He’s just a human being To kill him Andrew and seventeen Blood Wolf Guards have already been buried You can’t be sacrificed anymore

    Chen Beixuan, see you again What about my stuff That’s what you want Detailed instructions for use are also inside Okay, let’s go Miss Suzaku Please greet the respected General Ye on my behalf and the Blood Wolf Guard I will definitely bring your greetings to Hard work, Lord Ivan gave us a ride

    I understand your concerns the last leader of the Blood Wolf Guard,me, as a hostage You don’t have to worry about the helicopter crashing After being troubled by Chen Beixuan Those old friends hiding all over the world I’m afraid they can’t hide behind the back anymore

    It’s time for you to tell me about the year’s changes This one How is there a problem Is it the middle of the year Something happened to Joan and my parents You rest assured Under the protection of the Cang Dragon Naturally, your parents will not be harmed in the slightest

    Including your little girlfriend is fine It’s just that the Chen family has not had a good year Jiangnan Province still dares to embarrass the Chen family Naturally, it’s not when you were here before But you disappeared for a whole year Many people think you’re dead so The human heart

    Since my parents are Joan, they are fine Then all this is okay to say As for those who dare to offend the Chen family Naturally, I will get them back one by one Besides Is there anything else The rest is basically gone General Chen, please rest assured With our protection

    Your parents and Mr. Chen And Miss Fang Qiong is safe and sound That’s good Why did you say everyone from beginning to end but did not mention Sister An Sister An, how is she Miss Ann her Did something happen to Sister An Miss Anya is naturally fine

    It was just that An family came to the door and brought her back An family Aunt An Jinxiu’s An family? yes Chen Fan was furious They didn’t want my sister in the first place Now it is forcibly taken away What kindness can be reassured Listen to me, my lord

    Miss Anya, she left voluntarily It was not forced by Anjia voluntarily The An family abandoned their mother and daughter Broke up a couple’s marriage How could Sister An voluntarily return to An’s home My lord There’s something inside here that isn’t what you think Needless to say When I get to the gate

    See what they answer me I hope that this peerless powerhouse can restrain his hands a little father If I want to say that our Chen family has fallen to this end It’s all to blame for the old three family Second uncle, how can you say that Xiao Fan did this at the time

    Isn’t it all for our Chen family Yes, he is good for our Chen family So I obediently put the position of chairman of the Chen Group Gave it to Wang Xiaoyun And now what The Chen Group was on the verge of bankruptcy Wang Xiaoyun’s Jin Xiu

    It was also suppressed step by step by the Ji family and the Tang family If the Chen family goes bankrupt Let’s all drink the northwest wind Well, the second old, you don’t say two words Dad, that’s not what I want to be verbose

    But now the Chen family has indeed reached the point of life and death crisis Are you still counting on that kid to come back? It’s been more than a year He died ironclad in Siberia That the military of country E is not easy to mess with Brother Chen Fan is not dead

    He was the most powerful, how could he die Grandpa in this case In my opinion, there is only one way to go That is to bow to the Song family impossible Even if the Song family agrees Han Er Shao Han Hongkun, who stood behind the Song family

    He won’t let our Chen family go Dad, you’re wrong Han Hongkun and the Song family did not let our Chen family go But do not let go of the third uncle’s family This is not okay The third brother has lost a son The daughter was taken away by An family again

    Now Jin Xiu Group is also in turmoil If our Chen family abandons them This is driving their husband and wife to a corner This matter will be brought up again If it reaches the ears of your third uncle make them hearts cold Now the Chen family is left with Xiaoyun barely supporting

    But here you are going to abandon them You disagree now One day, the Chen family was really forced into a corner You will think of my words today At that time, it will be with the prestige of grandfather It is estimated that it cannot be stopped

    Dad, you’ve got to come up with an idea Tonight, the Song family has already released words want to get our Chen family out of Jinling Make a clean sweep of It’s too late not to make a decision I’ll open the door The family is not yet dispersed

    The faces of the second uncle and my brother are really disgusting Who are you looking for What’s wrong sister Don’t know me anymore Little Xiaofan I want to say that since this Song family is pressing so hard That Xiao An’s words also make sense

    It’s better that we throw the old third family to Song Song Song Xiao Fan What the Brother Chen Fan, you are finally back I miss you so much brother also miss you Grandpa I’m back Good, good, good Just come back, just come back Xiaofan, how did you come back

    Wei Changgeng sent someone to tell us You are under the fire of the military of country E Oh, yes At that time, the Northern Military District of country E dropped the father of a bomb It’s a pity it didn’t kill me I hid in a place and practiced for more than a year

    Just got out of customs a few days ago God forbid, what a blessing After I came out Conveniently killed the commander of the Northern Military District of country E Lieutenant General Serkin also destroyed seventeen of their secret service branches What the That E-countrymen, they didn’t seek revenge on you? It’s okay grandpa

    We have shook hands and made peace Finally, their people personally took a military plane to the border Suzaku was there at the time The handshake was reconciled My brother is the best Of course My brother is the most powerful man in the world Who dares to bully brother My brother spanked him hard

    Xiao Fan, second uncle was wrong What the second uncle said before was that his brain was in the water Don’t worry about your second uncle Chen Fan is back This Chen family won’t fall after all Xiaofan, this home makes you see jokes It’s okay grandpa I just came back

    There are many things I want to ask you Then let’s go to the study I went to make tea Xiao Fan What happened just now is that Grandpa is sorry for you I didn’t expect Qian Xing and Chen An’s hearts to be so cruel won’t mention those things

    These people have little to do with me Grandfather This incident reminded me of this Relying on external forces is not reliable after all Our Chen family has to rely on self-improvement In the future, our Chen family To be converted to resemble the Lu family Gu family Such a martial arts family

    As for people like Second Uncle Chen An Give them whatever money you want Sending them on the periphery of the power Only those who practice the exercises is the real core of our Chen family Only in this way can the Chen family be passed down forever OK That’s right

    Song family, what are you going to do I gave them a chance They thought I was dead Just run back to Jinling to humiliate you and the Chen family like this Think I’m Chen someone’s flying sword is a decoration? Grandpa, you are waiting for me here

    I will first go to meet the head of the Song family I just finished the tea eldest brother Previously, we were expelled from Jinling by the words surnamed Chen Now we’re back here On the contrary, it was the kid surnamed Chen I don’t know which snow in Siberia he died in Great

    Mistress, you drank too much Now the Chen family is completely trampled under my feet It can be calculated that the breath is bad It’s just that Hongkun hasn’t called me in the past few days Something could have happened Dad, I just heard a news

    Said that someone saw Chen Fan in the Dongshan villa area How can it be Duanming you must have drunk too much The man surnamed Chen died early in the snowy plains of Siberia Who said I died in Siberia Who are you, you Don’t think you’re a little capable

    Dare to bully our Song family Our Song family in this Jinling City is recognized as the first family If you dare to kill me, the Song family will wait to be been Shut up Song Shunhua had seen Master Chen You didn’t you die in Siberia Oh, yes The missile didn’t kill me

    I came back alive again Everyone sits Keep eating Don’t delay eating because I’m here The lady just said it very well The Song family is the largest family in Jinling It would be a pity if such a family were destroyed General Chen Xiuli was all gibberish just now Don’t go to your heart

    Since you know me, you should know I, Chen Fan, have never spoken a word I said I didn’t want to see your Song family in Jinling Why see it again now Master Chen Chen You listen to me explain It seems that I have been away for too long

    You have forgotten about my means you thought I was dead Words don’t work Master Chen, all this is my Song family’s fault My Song family will get out of Jinling Please spare us Dad, why are you so afraid of him He Chen Beixuan is powerful

    I still don’t believe that he really dares to destroy our Song family The Han family would watch him do this? Yes, yes, yes, Han family The Han family will not sit idly by Han family Five days ago I beheaded the commander of the Northern Military District of country E in the Far East

    Would the Han family not know about such a big event But the Han family didn’t tell you at all What do you say the Han family is planning What the I’ve only been gone for a year Your Song family broke the agreement also wants to drive the Chen family to extinction

    Almost killed my grandfather You say what should I do I me Before, I was kind enough to spare your Song family The result was a big mistake Now I won’t make this mistake again Sword comes Guiyuan How dare you How dare you kill my Song family How dare you Why wouldn’t I dare

    And the Ren family Flower Family and other families in Jinling Although you are only accomplices However, capital crimes are avoidable There is no escape from living sin I, Chen Beixuan, am a person with clear grievances Jian Lin What the hell is going on Gather us all Fourth Uncle, I just heard a news

    Master Chen who said that the Chen family is back Master Chen of the Chen family has not been heard from for a long time I don’t know where he died And such big news There is no wind at all in the whole Jinling Don’t scare yourself Don’t be afraid

    That Master Chen is a person who has been dead for an unknown amount of time We should immediately attack the Chen family Take the opportunity to beat the water dog Chen Chen Beixuan really came back dead The purpose of summoning you here today It is to discuss the next step of the family

    The Chen family is now powerless to return to heaven We must take the share of the Chen family as soon as possible The head of the household It was Chen Beixuan It was Chen Beixuan who returned After refining this Gui Yuan Sword, there is no need to come to the door

    It’s a lot more worry-free It’s a pity that it can’t be refined into the body like a real sword fairy This sword is just a sword embryo after all There is only this last family left in the entire Jinling Dad, you’ve been standing here for a long time It’s so cold

    If you are blown by the river breeze, you will catch a cold Have a hot cup of tea Silly girl Your father and I cultivate to step into the half-step realm What is the river wind I’m really worried Wait for Master Chen to come back

    How can I explain it to his old man? Dad, I don’t blame you Chen Fan didn’t know if he was alive or dead Without his repression Those opponents of his lifetime came to him Our Tang family can only barely keep ourselves I didn’t know that Master Chen was back

    Would you like to hear us explain What an explanation Yuanqing meets Master Chen You’re finally back Get up I came back five days ago You don’t know My status To put it bluntly, it’s just a dirt lord in Jiangnan Although received these two days News from some friends in the martial arts world

    But there have been many similar rumors before So Yuanqing didn’t dare to believe it too much What you hear is true Chen Shi powerful One man breaks 10,000 armies This news once it comes out The whole world will be horrified What the All right I’m not here to listen to your praise

    Things that happened during the year If you don’t give me an explanation Chen someone’s flying sword is not recognizable Before coming to the Tang family, I had already slaughtered the Song family also beheaded the heads of the sixteen family patriarchs of Jinling I don’t want the Tang family to be the seventeenth

    Master Chen, listen to my explanation Chen Fan, after you disappeared Hongmen invited Lin Tashan of the Lin family in the southeast It unified the whole of Jiangbei You are under those in Jiangbei All bowed down to his door Just one Xu Ao was killed by him when he was not convinced

    Jiangbei in hand He is also a grandmaster What can our Tang family do If it weren’t for the military and Miss Suzaku I’m afraid that now the entire Tang family has been leveled by Lin Taoshan Xu Ao died At that time, Lin Tashan came with the power of Hongmen and Grandmaster

    Even the Wei family had to retreat by three points Everyone else in Jiangbei immediately changed their doors Only Xu Ao insisted Killed on the spot by Lin Taoshan Xu Ao died That Xu Rongfei This life I thought I could make you happy and secure for the rest of your life

    But because of my implicated negligence Your father died You go and take everyone in Jiangbei All the information including Lin Tashan was found for me Yes This is all the information of Lin Tashan and others Lin Taoshan Born in the Southeast Lin family Lin Tatian’s younger brother The early days of the realm

    He was invited by Hongmen to sit in Jiangbei Except for him There are also some people from the Hongmen Dark Moon Army Several of Lei Qianjue’s disciples and Zhou Tianhao of Chuzhou Han Tiansheng of Tianhe Jiangzhou’s weapons line and others

    Under the coercion of the grandmaster, if you do not rebel, you must die I understand that What I hate is these people after Xu Ao’s death No mercy Divide up all of Xu Ao’s family property also take away many properties in Jiangbei I left before included in the cloud and mist spirit spring

    Since they chose betrayal Then there must be a determination to bear the consequences Guiyuan father You said that Chen Beixuan was going to do something You already know the answer Why ask me I’m afraid Lin Tashan and others didn’t even expect Master Chen will kill it back Jiang bei tonight

    It is destined to leave many people sleepless It’s just a pity Xu Ao is such an iron-clad man Found you Master Hong This time, the Tang family sent someone to provoke Thanks to your shot and retreat Everyone is under Grandmaster Lin I have a duty The Tang family except for Tang Yuanqing

    Others are not worth mentioning And it won’t be long before Grandmaster Lin will personally make a move Leveling the Tang family At that time, this whole Gangnam will be yours That’s good, that’s good There are still people coming to the door so late You go and see Don’t be so cautious

    It was Tang Yuanqing’s suicide that came to the door I can take care of you too You are My name is Chen Fan You should know me Two years ago I told you through one of your subordinates called Brother Jun I’ll come and visit Today I came as promised Master Chen Chen

    You are Chen Beixuan But you’re not dead How could you possibly escape from under the father of bombs noisy Rest assured Soon you will be able to drink the blood of the master Soul Search Secret Method I didn’t expect that I had only been gone for a year

    The whole of Jiangbei turned out to be like this Zhou Tianhao Liu Guodong Han Tiansheng And Wei Laosan Use your blood today Come to pay homage to Xu Ao’s spirit in the sky This time thanks to you In order to calm the plate of Jiangbei I will not forget your kindness

    Commander Jiang was polite The Southeast Lin family and the Hongmen have always been in the same spirit This little favor is nothing It is a pity that Chen Beixuan actually survived from the father of bombs As a result, our business here has fallen short Now Headquarters urgently summoned us back

    I am afraid that Chen Beixuan will be in big trouble when he comes back Commander Jiang can rest assured Chen Beixuan wanted to come back At least pass the level of the Blood Wolf King That was a God Realm powerhouse We have plenty of time What the gentleman said is reasonable

    Wait for Chen Beixuan to come back We went back to Hongmen and Lin’s house Forgive that Chen Beixuan They also did not dare to kill the Hongmen headquarters and the Lin Family Mountain Gate What people Zhou Tianhao What kind of person actually killed Zhou Tianhao

    I’m afraid the person we’re most worried about is coming You are Lin Taoshan Chen Chen Beixuan Sure enough, he looks very similar to Lin Tatian Are you coming to Jiangbei to avenge Lin Tatian? Lin Tatian defected from the family It already has nothing to do with our Lin family

    Dear Your Excellency Chen Beixuan I came to Jiangbei this year Not a single hair of the Chen family was moved This is just an invitation from Chairman Hongmen Your grudge with Hongmen It has nothing to do with my Lin family He picked it clean Yes, you didn’t hurt my Chen family

    But you killed a friend of mine Who is it Xu Ao he Your Excellency Chen Beixuan We are martial arts grandmasters That Xu Ao, Zhou Tianhao and the others are just ants How can such a person enter the eyes of you and me Oh, yes

    Xu Ao is just an ant in your eyes You can kill it at will But aren’t you also an ant in my eyes? excellency You really want to be an ant Offend our Southeast Lin family Is the Lin family remarkable Lin Tashan you Can run away Guiyuan Fly flying sword go

    This sword originated in Jinling All the way to Chuzhou Finally, the blood of a grandmaster is used as a sacrifice to enter the sheath It is also worthy of your Xu Ao’s advice back then And this is the word Yuan Xiao Fan Mom, I’m back Don’t worry

    No one above this star can hurt me Don’t worry Xiao Fan, let’s not repair this immortal Just stay in Gangnam The family lives in peace, okay? Mom, Now the fate of everyone in the Chen family It’s all tied to me alone If I don’t cultivate immortals, I won’t master power

    What happened during the year It will happen to the Chen family again I know, I just feel sorry for you Okay wife Now Xiao Fan is back In the future, no one will dare to bully my Chen family It’s better for us to practice well

    In the future, we can also share the burden for Xiaofan That’s right, Mom Ann sister her This matter is that I can’t stop Xiaoya At that time, the Ji family put pressure on Jinxiu Just in time to find An family Originally, Xiaoya could not return But An family put forward conditions

    As long as she returns to settle down, she will keep Jinxiu safe In the end, Xiaoya hid from me and went back with them Don’t worry, Mom I will go to An family to bring my sister back safely Grandpa Mom and Dad Although the Chen family was suppressed this time

    Also let us see clearly Which families are worth deep friendship with We can make a charter This time, as long as it is good for my Chen family We must all win over and support Those who are not deeply offended are knocked one by one and then wooed

    As for those who have always been hostile to my Chen family Just expel Jinling Only that’s it Only then can I truly establish the status of my Chen family in Jiangnan Province What are you going to do in terms of the Fang family and the Su family You leave the year

    Joan often came to comfort us Mingde and Susu also called from time to time But I heard that the Wuzhou Su family seems to have the meaning of repentance The Su family, that Su Zhengde, seemed to want to contact the Ji family again Mom: What I like is Joan

    As for the Wuzhou Su family If they look for their own death, I will not show mercy It’s just that I’ve been going for more than a year No news at all I don’t know if Xiao Qiong will blame me Little Joan I specially ran over to accompany you

    I went with you to find your husband Why did you come to the library? I didn’t let you come.” And since he’s back Wherever I am Xiao Fan will naturally find me Disappeared for more than a year At a time when everyone thought he was dead Bounced back again You don’t know

    What kind of trouble the whole Jinling and Jiangnan was made by him Now I’ll see what the Su family will do The Su family forces you to marry Ji Luochen every day The juniors of the Su family are especially those called Su Qian Nothing to sneer at you

    If it weren’t for Joan, you would have stopped I wanted to her What the Su family did really chilled me bastard Why are you only coming back now I’ve been waiting for a long time I’m sorry It won’t worry you anymore Did the Su family force you again

    I thought Su Yanghao was a wise person I didn’t expect to be so confused Let his son do whatever he wants Since that’s the case Don’t blame me for being ruthless Chen Fan, you don’t know Those people in the Su family are so hateful Especially called Su Qian Often embarrassing Xiaoqian in public

    Well, none of that matters If only you could come back safely In two days, I will accompany you to Wuzhou OK You go back I’ll go shopping with Yaoyao again Suddenly disappeared for a year The forces that were previously suppressed all fought back It seems that a force has to be built

    Even after I left can shelter the Chen family, the Lu family, and the Zheng family And even everyone There is a lot to do during this time But the most important thing is to pick up Sister An back Judging by the information given by Suzaku The An family took Sister An back

    It is very likely that she was used as a marriage tool The previous Splendid was just prosperous and was annexed by Wan Rong It is estimated that An family did not think of it There is also such a bloodline that flows outside

    If the An family is concerned about the old feelings, they want to compensate Sister An I’m not good yet But if want to trade Sister An as a cargo Don’t blame me for Chen Fan’s flying sword being merciless Build a large villa in the city center It’s so bold What a majesty

    Sir, please stay Do you have an invitation I don’t have an invitation It’s coming to find someone Who are you looking for? Please register there We’ll let you know I’m looking for Anya Anya I’ve never heard of that name lad

    The gate of Anjia is not something that anyone can enter if they want to Mr. Huang, you are here Quickly inside please Sir, we may not have a family called Anya You guess you’ve recognized the wrong person She was inside and I could feel it

    If you mess around, sir, I’m going to call the police.” You look for Sister Anya Could it be You are a relative and friend of Anya’s sister over there in Jiangnan Xiaoxi Don’t talk to strangers Be aware of who you are But sister, he knew Sister Anya

    It must have come from the Jiangnan side Maybe it’s Sister Anya’s friend Yu Qing Since Xiao Xi spoke, let’s take him in If it’s fake, then rush it out this My brother-in-law is the best for me What a brother-in-law I’m not married yet Sister Anya is weird and pitiful Usually alone

    It is rare for a friend from Jiangnan Province to come and see her You just let people in All right This gentleman Since you said that you know Anya Then come with us But don’t run around Are you Anya’s sister’s boyfriend? That’s not right Fang Yu Let you see the joke

    Xiao Xi is the youngest in the family was spoiled by my grandfather and parents since she was a child It’s okay By the way, Yu Qing The Anya you said earlier Could it be the one who wants to marry the Fu family in the northwest That’s her Northwest Fu family

    It’s a real big family Especially Fu Zhenting Known as the dragon among people The ability and wrist are excellent Fu family Fu Zhenting Compared with Yanjing’s top brothers None of them are necessarily inferior Anya can marry him It’s like a sparrow flying up a branch and becoming a phoenix

    You really are a friend of Sister Anya I have the best relationship with Sister Anya Don’t lie to me My name is Chen Fan It was her younger brother Sister Anya seems to have a godbrother But I haven’t seen it The little girl is na茂ve and romantic, and her heart is not deep

    Three or two sentences can be used to paraphrase the sentence The marriage was indeed Sister An An Jia plus the Fu family is really a huge force If only the average person can only watch you succeed Sister Anya, look who I brought Who did you bring here, Xiaoxi It’s your brother

    Sister Anya, come out soon.” Little Xiaofan It’s me Sister An, I’m back Is Xiao Fan really you You’re alive Sister An, I’m sorry Makes you worry Oh, my God It doesn’t look like a younger brother It won’t really be a boyfriend How old are people and still like children

    Xiao Xi definitely laughed at you when she saw it You are my sister I’ll hold you for a moment Sister An, I have heard about you and the Fu family Did An family force you Little brother, don’t be impulsive I can’t say that they forced me

    Grandpa promised to keep Jin Xiu before I came back with him Besides, An family is my home after all What to say about the Fu family Fu family It’s just talk How normal blind dates are these days Besides, Sister An is so old should always find a husband

    Sister An, don’t lie to me You live so far away They didn’t intend to bring you back at all An family was sorry, Aunt Jinxiu, sorry for you If they welcome you back Do their best to compensate you Then I have no words But now what I report your name

    Even the doorman at the door doesn’t know you They’re just keeping you here Think of it as a canary with odd goods Always ready to sell Don’t worry, little brother I didn’t agree to the marriage in the first place Even if you don’t come, I want to tell my grandfather tomorrow.”

    This is to coerce you while people are in danger Dare to offend my sister Chen Beixuan Then don’t blame me for the three-foot blue front Who is this, Anya In this nonsense Grandparents Uncle and aunt Who are you How did it blend in I don’t know if our Anya status is noble

    What about security How to let people blend in for no reason He is the younger brother of Sister Anya I brought it in Xiaoxi, You’re still young don’t know that some people have bad intentions We have a big home many people want to climb in Sister Ann

    They are the ones you have in Yanjing The so-called relatives Well It was also forcing my mother to die Drive away my father Abandoned me again The people who made me almost die on the streets I am Sister An’s younger brother Chen Fan I came here today to take Sister An back

    What the Our family Xiaoya is going to marry the Fu family The Fu family will arrive soon Both parties are about to agree on a marriage contract How can go back Anya We agreed at the time Keep splendid at home You follow the arrangements of the family Have you forgotten

    Uncle, I haven’t forgotten You haven’t forgotten I see you’re ready to repent Leave it aside when you’re done using it really thought we were a bully I I just promised to come back with you did not agree to the marriage contract with the Fu family Anya To this point

    You are Sister An’s grandparents Aren’t you ready to come out and say a fair word You should be from the Jinling Chen family Anya is the junior of my family Life events are naturally arranged by me Besides, it’s a good thing for her

    What a figure is Fu Zhenting, the son of the Fu family This marriage contract we finally fought for her Being old and not dying is for thieves An Jae-sung Back then, you could watch your daughter die I should have thought about what kind of goods you are Who are you talking to?

    No big, no small Boy, this is not Jinling It’s not your Chen family Moreover, your Chen family is difficult to protect itself Dare to spread wild here Oops, bad The little brother surnamed Chen offended An Zaicheng’s old man It’s going to be bad luck

    I had to hurry to find my father and grandfather Only they can persuade this old man licentious What a big movement What happened Dad, is Anya’s yard Let’s go over and take a look worst Xiao Xi just took that person to find Anya It’s not going to happen Don’t worry, Yu Qing

    This is the mansion of the Settle Down Xiao Xi will be fine The An family inheritance is rich in the end of 100 years Don’t say furry thieves in general It is the master of internal strength who comes At this point, have to back down by three points Yes They confused me

    But let’s hurry I’d rather see if it’s the kid He dared to offend my sister and disrupt An’s home I will definitely not let him go I care who you are With his loud voice, he dared to come to settle down and spread wilderness The security guard, coming soon Xiao Fan

    Don’t be impulsive These people are not enough for you to poke a finger Now you know to be afraid Anya, you disappointed me so much It’s you who disappointed me so much I wanted to give you a chance So there was no direct killing at the door

    I didn’t expect your home to be even more rotten than I thought In that case, don’t blame my men for being merciless Less nonsense, get out quickly You what do you want to do It’s An’s home You can’t be allowed to sprinkle it You dare to hit someone Go

    Take this madman down for me Get lost I gave you a chance before It’s a pity that you didn’t cherish it Don’t blame me now Stop it Chairman Tianshu Chen family boy The head of the family and An Dong came See how rampant you can be Look at the good things you did

    You think they can save you On your knees My leg big bold It turned out to be a master of internal strength But boy You think with a little martial arts Can you make me a home? Brother Xing Leave it to me An Dong It was Xing Shouqiang

    It is said that his martial arts have been cultivated to the peak of inner strength Uncle Xing, he’s going to do it That little brother of the Chen family brat You shouldn’t Come and settle down and make trouble I will not kill you today Just waste your two legs

    Let you remember this lesson Slowly This little brother You are the Chen family Grandpa, this little brother, is the younger brother of Anya’s sister Don’t let Uncle Xing embarrass him Smelly girl, you still dare to help People from the Chen family in Jinling

    As far as I know, Anya has only one younger brother It seems to be called Chen Fan But news of his death had already been reported a year earlier I am Chen Fan Chen Fan Chen Beixuan The Great Saint splits the door Xing Xing Shouqiang Meet Mr. Beixuan

    It turned out to be General Chen in person No wonder Lao Xing was so respectful Before, it was a faux pas by his subordinates The old man An met General Chen in the Qing Dynasty Now that you know it’s me Why do you dare to attack my sister?

    Do you think that I, Chen, dare not move your An family? General Chen Anya is the An family We brought her back to her mother’s family It was also with her consent The marriage contract was also for her good Good for her Imprisoned her here For the benefit of your home

    Forced her to marry the son of some Northwest Fu family General Chen, what do you mean by this? The An family first broke up Sister An’s parents abandoned her mother after forcing her to death Now it’s time to take advantage of the fire Coercion lures her back to marry

    If you don’t give me an explanation Then I’ll let you all account for it here Chen Beixuan, I know that you are invincible across the south of the river But you have to know that this is the East River, not Gangnam In this

    It was the dragon that coiled me, and the tiger who gave me a lie down Chen Fan’s horror is what you can imagine Even An family is more stronger No matter how powerful it is It couldn’t stop Chen Fan’s sword

    What kind of person dares to come to the East River to settle down and spread wilderness? Fu Zhenting Why did he come Zhenting you are here Old man An Uncle An I just arrived at the East River I heard that someone was making trouble in An family Just rushed over Good, good, good

    He is the one who makes a big fuss This person is so familiar He is Xiaoya’s younger brother People from the Chen family in Jinling wants to take Xiaoya back We don’t listen to any advice He also injured Xiaoya’s uncle Jinling Chen family Isn’t the Chen family already decaying Since Chen Beixuan’s death

    The Chen family is also not very powerful Northwest Wusheng Lake Meet Mr. Chen I don’t know that Mr. Chen forgives his sins in person Uncle Wu, what do you mean by this Wusheng Lake Wushenghe, ranked eighth in the Heavenly List What relations Shenghe is my younger brother Could it be It can’t be

    He wasn’t a year ago Already died under the missiles of country E As soon as Mr. Chen returned Kill the commander of the Northern Military Region of country E among the ten thousand troops He even forced the great powers to bow down with the power of one person Shocking the world

    I just didn’t expect Mr. to come so quickly I thought my husband had just returned to China Just kidding How is this possible Sister, what are they talking about? Anya is my sister But was forced by the An family to marry the Fu family You said I should have come or not

    What the Fu Zhenting, this bold guy Simply looking for death Mr. Chen, this is my martial artist’s fault The Fu family dared to insult the myths of the world I will ask the Fu family to give you an explanation Uncle Wu You do this mess with things Even implicating entire families

    Don’t say slap you It’s enough to kill you The head of the Fu family can agree to let the illegitimate daughter of the An family marry With his toes, knew that Fu Zhenting was the ghost If it weren’t for Fu Zhenting’s fancy to Anya

    An family was full and ran to Zhonghai to find someone Chen Beixuan must know the reason I just hope that it won’t affect our martial artists.” No need I’ll go to the northwest Let the Fu family personally give me an explanation Zhenting dares to covet myths without knowing

    The price deserves to be paid Martial master What are your words Mr. Chen is a divine realm It is a myth of the world Anyone who dares to insult Mr. Chen will have to pay the price He is the Divine Realm It turned out that the Divine Realm Immortal Master came

    An Zaiqing has eyes that do not recognize immortals Please forgive sins, Mr. Wan father The bastard still does not kneel down to plead guilt to Chen master I Forcing the An family to kneel and hurt the heir of the Fu family Is this the power of the Divine Realm?

    It turns out that he is such a powerful character Even we can’t afford An family Immortal Master All the grievances of Ms. An in the past two months My martial artist will definitely get justice for you Please put away the wrath of thunder for a moment

    Let me wait for a chance to make amends Yes yes yes My An family will definitely give an explanation to the immortal master For Sister An’s sake I don’t want to kill more in An family You’d better give me a satisfactory explanation Please rest assured An family must do its best

    Make up for Miss Anya for these two months No It is all the grievances of these twenty years Sister Ann Well Since Sister An agreed So be it Immortal Master, please move to the main hall We sat down and talked slowly Why is my family lineage better than hers

    The husband I found was also powerful Smooth sailing since childhood And she’s just a family outcast But she actually has such a powerful brother Even the head of the house had to be careful next to her Master Chen Xian, please take a seat Chen master doesn’t know what kind of explanation you want

    From now on, half of the assets of the An family will belong to my sister An That’s impossible Shut up Just according to what Chen Immortal Master said OK Remember Within three days, these assets will go to my sister An Otherwise, don’t blame me flying with a sword Don’t dare, don’t dare Father

    Half of the assets are divided This An Group may change owners Mess around with things If it weren’t for your dad, I just promised to be decisive I’m afraid your life won’t be saved He had already deposed Fu Zhenting of the Fu family Do you dare to do anything to me? Brother An

    I just got the news Last night, Chen master was angry More than a dozen big families in Jinling have suffered In the end, it was Suzaku of the special department who came forward to clean up the mess What the Oh my God The myth of the world

    This is the myth of the world Tianshu You immediately transfer half of your assets to Miss Anya There is no room for delay Yes, father Copper Mountain The host has been in retreat for three months You said there would be no problem? Never mind You’re a robot Ask you for nothing

    The owner has been missing for so long and finally came back As a result, when I met in a hurry, he said that he wanted to retreat Could it be that something is wrong? This is Condensation into clouds, crown cover kilometers, crown like a cover

    This is a sign of achieving the Divine Realm But Isn’t the divine realm recorded in the ancient books covered with a hundred meters How is this cyclone so big Ten times larger than the Divine Realm Come on in master Master, did you break through successfully Reborn back for three years

    Day by day, penance Today is finally a sea of gods I have cultivated the Divine Sea today Soul Building It can be rebuilt It doesn’t matter if it’s physically destroyed Now it’s time to find the Ji family and settle the account well Fan’er, you succeeded in your retreat

    It seems that more than a year of grandfather’s hard work has fallen I’m just doing a little bit of work It’s not as powerful as Xiao Fan, your towering powers I finally stepped into the sea of gods can free my hand to clean up the Ji family Speaking of the family of Zhonghai

    You are not in these three months The head of the Ning family personally came to the door to apologize The head of the Tang family knelt down and begged for mercy they are willing to do their best to make up for our Chen family and Jinxiu

    It seems that they were not lightly frightened When did the Zhonghai family become so well-behaved Could it be that he heard something that could not be done Naturally, it is because General Chen’s divine power is as mighty as the sea Tang Jianing’s family is so small

    Do not obediently bow down and beg for forgiveness Is it impossible to prepare for the extermination of the family? It seems that something has happened during my retreat for three months Old man Chen Since you have something to do, then I won’t bother you What’s going on General Chen, please take a look

    God like What do you mean? Why am I the only one on it? This is the list of god-level powerhouses of the Overseas Special Management Department We colloquially refer to it as the God List Everyone above They are all familiar to the upper class

    It must be remembered that the existence must not be provoked However, nuclear weapons came out more than seventy years ago There is no more god list in the world Until the God List was reopened three months ago And above this It’s just your name

    The news that you are on the list of gods In high society, it is estimated that it has spread You understand now Tang family, why are they scared like that? This is to put me on the fire and roast ah

    Yes, the powerhouse of the God Realm at that time was not General Chen But you’re the only one listed This is to make you the target of attention Anyway This little trick is in the face of real power It’s just a joke This Ji family is estimated to have found some backer

    Thought it could compete with me It seems that I should come to the door myself meet the head of the Ji family General Chen After all, Zhonghai is an international metropolis You’d better be a little more restrained Don’t make it difficult for us I have my own measure

    Young Master, let’s go directly to Zhonghai Ji’s house No Go to Splendid Group first I went on retreat for three months I haven’t seen my mother and sister An yet Yes It is worthy of being an international metropolis My mother seems to be very good at mixing in Zhonghai

    Such a building cannot be taken down without billions Is that If it weren’t for Splendid Group’s shot Ordinary companies can’t take it This prime location in Zhonghai is not just a matter of money You know Splendid well Our company has a lot to do with Splendid Embroidery

    I often see Wang Dong and Assistant An A few who want to find I’ll look for your Wang Dong and Anya I’m so sorry See the chairman and assistant An, both need to make an appointment Brother This Zhonghai who chase the An assistant Enough to line up from Splendid Mansion to Gangnam

    You still have a long way to go Feng Shao, you are here Hurry up and go to my office for tea Director He Does Assistant An have free time? I was about to ask her to talk about the company This Feng Shao, you also know

    Assistant An assisted Wang Dong in managing the entire group Busy transactions But since Feng Shao, you are here I will definitely arrange it for you This one is This is the president’s elevator Could it be that Wang Dong came down Strange Isn’t Wang Dong presiding over a board meeting Wang boss, Assistant An

    An assistant: I’m Feng Xiao Fan Sister Ann mother What the This is the prince who is coming What a thing It can make the chairman run without even opening the meeting Could it be that some big man is coming? Even Assistant An followed Everyone, let me introduce you

    This is my son Chen Fan Hello everyone No wonder I hadn’t seen Wang Dong bring him here before That’s it Nothing like a big dealer It is estimated that he was pampered from childhood If this splendid embroidery reaches him in the future To be defeated Okay, let’s move on

    About the third phase of the Splendid Garden project of the second ring road It’s been delayed for months An immediate return to work is required to strive for a repair by the end of the year Catch the October Golden Week closing date Wang boss, about the third phase of Splendid Garden

    When the district government always in the name of incomplete inspections We are not allowed to start work Yes, Wang boss I heard that the Dongcheng District Government has been making things difficult for us It is said that behind it is the people of the Ji family It’s the Ji family again

    Wang boss, or let’s apologize to Old Master Ji Let’s bow our heads The Ji family should have raised their hand Yes, Wang boss The Ji family is one of the few large families in Zhonghai Our strong dragon does not crush the ground head snake Really annoyed the Ji family

    It’s hard to do business This one The Ji family is still alive or dead Mom, don’t worry I came to solve the Ji family this time I came to solve the Ji family this time OK, ji family will be handed over to you Don’t be too ruthless

    It’s not good to make a big fuss What the The chairman is usually shrewd It’s just that he dotes on his son too much Sooner or later, something will go wrong like this You came specifically for the Ji family this time The Ji family is just a minor problem

    I mainly want to see you and Sister An I’m going to go out and have some travel It is estimated that it will take a year and a half I’m afraid you’re worried Wang boos, sorry Today the revolving restaurant was packed Or I’ll arrange a VIP room for you Packaged

    I asked the secretary in advance when it was booked you didn’t say that the restaurant was packed Is that what your hotel does? Call your boss Wang boss, listen to my explanation That guest is a friend of our boss We can’t help it It turned out that Aunt Wang came

    I said who dares not to give me face Seeing so many bodyguards in this also dared to break in It’s Yi Cheng The Yi family has recently been very close to the Ji family Aunt Wang I am entertaining a few distinguished guests from Lingnan Sorry you Yi Cheng

    This is the richest woman in your Zhonghai Sure enough, it looks beautiful It’s smooth Find death You dare to hit Qiu Shao The bodyguards, don’t shoot yet? Scram you Aunt Wang What do you mean by that Get lost you Good, good, Wang Xiaoyun Today, this loss is remembered by my Yi family

    One day I will double down Let’s go Your mother and I are usually not so overbearing But he dared to disturb me and my baby son to dinner Don’t blame the old lady for being angry The old mother is mighty Wang Dong, the group of people you just hit

    They are all big young people with heads and faces on the Lingnan side I’m afraid they won’t give up Nothing It’s just a few Lingnan’s big and young Qiu Shao is okay Lao Qiu is fine It’s just that the face is swollen The face bone also seems to be cracked

    That woman was too ruthless This is if in Lingnan The old lady killed them in minutes Don’t be impulsive This time we came with the prince There are great things You can’t spoil the prince’s plan because of a little thing Yes Brother Broken Army took us to Zhonghai

    It is the force that is ready to put the hidden dragon group Expansion to Zhonghai and Gangnam However, Lao Qiu was beaten Brother Broken Army will not sit idly by No wonder my old man said He is the most outstanding figure of his generation This Lin broke the army is incredible younger brother

    Mom just called The company has something, can’t accompany us tonight Also state the Hua family tomorrow Is going to prepare to entertain guests at Bajing Mountain Let’s go for her Hua Yunfeng of Zhonghai Huajia I’ve been a great name for a long time It’s good to see each other Leave nothing else

    Let’s go finish that food street tonight You Mr. Li, you are also here Who dares not to be invited by the Hua family You heard that the Hua family held a cocktail party this time What’s going on? It is said that it is related to the people from Lingnan

    The head of the Ji family is here There is also the Tang family Ning’s family Old man Hua has a big face There were actually more than a dozen big families at the helm Wait a minute Who is that young man standing in front of them? I’ll tell you about it

    This is Lin Pojun Mr. Lin from the Lin family in the southeast Guys The purpose of breaking the army is to integrate the various chambers of commerce in Zhonghai Establish business alliances In this way, we fight against established conglomerates overseas There is the power to negotiate

    To set up the China Shipping Chamber of Commerce That must at least be led by the richest man in Zhonghai You’re a hairy boy Mr. Lin’s words made sense I Shi is in favor That is Shi Hongyi, the richest man in Zhonghai What is the origin of this Lin Pojun

    The prince really turned his hands over the clouds and the rain Shi Hongyi came forward This half of Zhonghai was taken in an instant The prince has long integrated Lingnan Now just subdue the Hua family This China Sea business community naturally belongs to us Zhonghai Hua family Tiannan Lu family Jiangnan Tang family

    Take these three under control The entire underground world of East China is in my hands Only integration Half of China’s business and underground world Only then can he fight with the Yanshan Ye family Just the prince Jiangnan Chen’s side Chen Beixuan although Megatron Huaxia

    But my Lin family also has a divine realm in the world I think Chen Beixuan should sell my Lin family three thin noodles That’s that Not good If this China Maritime Business Alliance is to be built We, the small and medium-sized families, will let them slaughter teacher

    It seems that Lin Pojun’s big event has become a big deal I didn’t expect the Lin family to have such a deep layout Why is he here Teacher, who is it? Big shot Earth-shattering big shot Someone you’ve always wanted to meet I didn’t expect it Even he came

    The Lin family’s chess game was wrong It’s him Splendid Group A few please come in Xiao Fan Xue Daisha attends the banquet Also bring a sword for what I am the attendant of the master Naturally, it is necessary to carry weapons with you at all times Protect the owner

    She was cultivating the Qinghua Sword Technique Need to communicate with the sword at all times In this way, she can train into a true land sword immortal Isn’t that Anya from the Splendid Group She came too The prince of the Lin family wants to form the China Maritime Business Alliance

    The days of Splendid will be hard in the future Yes, the Tang family originally did not deal with Splendid Group Now he has the Lin family as a backer Prince of the Lin family China Shipping Business Alliance I said where did the Ji family get the guts

    It turned out to be hugging the lap of the Southeast Lin family That’s what they hit me yesterday Did you hit my partner I was looking for you I didn’t expect you to send it to the door yourself If no one offends me, I do not offend Your Excellency wounded my companion

    Now, if you can apologize and get my companion’s forgiveness That’s the end of the matter Forgive me, yes Let that girl accompany me for three days and three nights I forgave her It’s really looking for death On your knees Who dares to provoke my Lin family I’m southeast Lin family guarded Wang Qishan

    I don’t know what the honor is A dog is not qualified enough to ask me licentious Uncle Qi: He is Boy, wait for me to take you and go to the prince to ask for sin See if you dare to say wild words Tiger Roaring Fist Get on your knees too

    He is Chen Chen Fan He really could resist Lin Pojun No, a person who confronts the Southeast Lin family As soon as he came Unless the ancestor of the Lin family is here Otherwise, Lin Pojun would not be able to return to the sky

    In the fifth generation of the Xialin’s family, Lin Pojun Great-great-grandson of the Duke of Shuming I don’t know who you are What kind of grudge with my Lin family To make this heavy hand Such a strong sword qi Dare to be an enemy of my Lin family

    Could it be that he was from the Yanshan Ye family This question If Lin Shuming came to ask me, it’s OK You’re just a junior and not qualified enough daring The name of my ancestor is also what you can call Crown Prince He is Chen Fan Chen Fan Chen Beixuan prince

    You once promised to shelter my Ji family Chen Beixuan is here Please do justice to my Ji family Chen Fan is a divine realm The Lin family also has a divine realm Since it is equal strength It has to be resolved through negotiation, right? I’ll host your sister

    However, in full view, we must not back down Otherwise, these Zhonghai families behind them will inevitably jump back It turned out to be Chen immortal in person My ancestors also repeatedly praised the immortal master I heard before that the Immortal Master and the Ji family had some contradictions

    I don’t know if you can see the face of my Lin family You are something Even Lin Shuming didn’t dare to speak like this in front of me Good, good, Chen Beixuan You are determined to make enemies of my Lin family My Lin family has a divine realm

    Now there is more than half of Zhonghai behind me The power of my Lin family is strong It’s far beyond your imagination You’d better weigh it It’s up to you Or by this group of chickens and dogs behind you Do you want to be my enemy Chen Beixuan?

    Chen Beixuan, you don’t have to work in vain You are strong though But how do you know how powerful my Lin family is Xia Lingfeng of the Xia family of Zhonghai met with General Chen The head of the Xia family The Xia family was originally the opponent of the Lin family

    Gao Chengxiong of the Zhonghai Gao family met with General Chen Zhonghai Chu Chu Zhaofeng met with General Chen Zhonghai Yuejia Zhonghai merchants Tang Jia Tang Jianmin prayed to General Chen for forgiveness Ning Jianing Zhengze Kneeling and begging General Chen for forgiveness You guys Zhonghai Hua family, Hua Yunfeng What the

    Lead the disciples, children and grandchildren to greet Chen Immortal Master The Immortal Master’s visit to the Hua family is really brilliant Yun Feng has missed a long way to welcome, ask for forgiveness You are Hua Yunfeng cultivation is good The fourth on the list of heavens has wronged you I, this cultivation

    What is it in front of the immortal master He could actually see through my cultivation at a glance But I can’t see through his realm That’s it I just came to the banquet for others Hua Lao, you are Good, good, good Chen Bei Xuanhua Yunfeng And you wallheads

    Wait for me to go home and pray to my ancestors None of you can run away Ignorant children Even Shu Ming Gong has to salute three points here You act like this Does your father know Does Shu Minggong know Thank you Hua Lao for dialing I understood

    I will definitely remember it in the future Future You should think about how to get out of Zhonghai today Chen Fan actually wanted to attack Lin Pojun He is the sister-in-law of the Lin family This will inevitably trigger the battle of the Divine Realm Chen immortal Please look at my face

    Spared the life of the broken army Needless to say I’ve decided Boy: I don’t bully you either my maid has only been learning the sword for one year and nine months If you can defeat her, you can leave safely If not Just stay alive Let Lin Shuming come to me

    Well, I have been learning the sword for thirty years Enter the realm of the grandmaster with kendo Even if I look at the younger generation, it is difficult to meet the enemy You even let a maid torture me Teacher, she cultivated to the peak of her inner strength Can beat Lin Pojun

    Maybe Chen Beixuan has some special method I’m not clear Teach Your Excellency’s tricks Imperial Sword Art Pick up Qinghua swordsmanship How can it be How can an inner martial artist defeat a grandmaster You lose Die Stop it Who dares to hurt my Lin family children This is

    This is the distraction of the powerhouse of the God Realm It’s Shu Minggong Unfilial disciple Lin Pojun visited the ancestor I’m defeated at the hands of the enemy Smear the Lin family Lost the Lin family’s century-old prestige Ask the ancestor to wash away the shame of the Lin family You stand down

    Enemies with a god realm doppelganger You’re still on fire Yes I didn’t expect you to value this person so much even made a rune token for him to wear But don’t say a wisp of distraction Even if you are really here, you are not my opponent The Sword of God

    Slash the Nine Ghosts and Slash the Heavenly God Taoist friends, please listen to me go That’s the end of it The myth of the world That Lin Family Divine Realm It is worthy of the myth of the world Even Chen Fan couldn’t stop it How can it be The ancestors were invincible

    How can it be defeated It’s impossible Go underground and ask again Lin Pojun’s life After all, it was too smooth Ignorance of current affairs It is inevitable that this will end up here Under the divine realm, they are all ants I didn’t understand it originally Chen immortal invited to the main table

    Let me wait to treat the Immortal Master OK Chen immortal You can visit Hakkeisan The Hua family is not very honored I toast you Chen immortal Teacher Those kneeling outside the courtyard, the Lingnan family and the Lin family How to dispose of it Since it is the territory of your Hua family

    Then it’s up to Hua Lao to decide Everyone was expelled from Zhonghai Teacher, This is to offend all the families in Lingnan Do as I say Yes Hua Lao is unique here Hua is here Only overlooking the Middle Sea Which is comparable to the Immortal Master being on the list of gods

    A breathtaking view of the world Hua Yunfeng, you leave me behind I’m afraid there is something important Let’s just say it Immortal Master You hit too hard this time Others are nothing But Lin Pojun is the Qilin of the Lin family Shu Min Gong valued him very much

    The Lin family first sent people to cooperate with Hongmen to coerce Jiangbei He also sent this Lin Po army to integrate the forces of Zhonghai Support the Ji family If I don’t make a move There is also a splendid foothold in this Zhonghai?

    Do you have to wait for him to fight Jiangnan in the future? Kill my Chen family Moreover, even if Lin Shuming came Think I can’t cut the Divine Realm? Shu Ming Gong is different What’s the difference Shu Ming Gong was born in the middle of the eighteenth century

    After failing to complete his studies, he entered the Qingcheng Mountain monastic path Entered sword Immortal Avenue It was not long before he attained the Divine Realm But it is not yet recognized as the number one in the world Until later The previous generation of sword saint Takeo Watanabe in J Country

    Cross the sea to the west Within half a year, he defeated the Lu family, the Gu family, and the martial family Baji and Tai Chi Finally, the sword came out of the sword Defeated Watanabe Kensei This is respected as the number one master of Huaxia Shu Min Gong only needs to move

    It will definitely be thunderous and fatal in nine days with one blow Truly extraordinary But it’s not enough to be afraid Chen immortal, you are indeed mighty in the world But if you continue It is easy to cause the Lin family Hongmen Even Kunlun’s attack

    At that time, aren’t you afraid of being killed by Ye Nantian? Danqing shut up Chen immortal asked for forgiveness for Danqing’s disrespect She is still young don’t know the power of the divine realm If it weren’t for Hua Yunfeng’s face I will not spare you

    Don’t think that you dare to be presumptuous with your little physique He actually saw through the secret of my physique Hua Yunfeng, I understand what you mean But as long as they didn’t cultivate to the innate realm Even if it is come together I’m not afraid in the slightest Hua Yunfeng

    At this time, your cultivation is only a line away from the Divine Realm If I help you to enter the realm of God You promised me how about sheltering the Chen family for fifty years What the The difficulty of the divine realm It’s as difficult as the sky For a hundred years

    That’s just Ye Qingcang and you Chen Beixuan How is it possible to achieve casually You don’t care what I do As long as you promise me to protect the Chen family for fifty years I’ll help you Enter the divine realm Teacher, don’t listen to his nonsense The Divine Realm is not easy

    I have never heard that the Divine Realm can also be created by outsiders Okay, I promise you good Words are not evidenced by oaths If you disobey It is bound to be condemned by oath and destroyed What a strong contract If I betrayed This talisman

    It is estimated that it will take my soul and body All blown to smithereens Chen immortal The contract has been made When do we start Whether you need heavenly treasures or elixirs? I, Chen Beixuan, want to enter the Divine Realm alone What panacea is needed It’s now

    I help you enter the divine realm Formations Run the exercises Silence the mind Cut out distractions Yes Immortal Master, almost reaching its limit open Nine Spirit Needle Method Stimulates potential Spirit, energy, and spirit in one Today I help you enter the realm of God Condensation into columns The crown covers 100 meters

    This is the legendary sign of entering the divine realm You haven’t seen my master enter the Divine Realm That momentum The crown covers kilometers The crown is like a cloud How can it be compared now Life and death Today I enter the realm of God Disciple Hua Yunfeng See Master

    Master Xie helped the disciples to enter the gods This is a favor The disciple will never forget Get up You are not qualified to enter my door and receive my true biography Be a named disciple now The disciple thanked the master By the way, you also have a master sister

    I’m about twenty years old this year Get started two years before you Now in Zhongzhou You have time to take care of her a little more Those who have learned without succession are teachers A disciple must treat senior sister like a teacher The teacher did not only worship a twenty-four-year-old master

    There is also a twenty-year-old senior sister Xiaoqing, ready to come to see your master Yes Chairman Ji family knew it was wrong want to come to your door and apologize Chairman All inspections of the third phase of the project have been qualified Work can start immediately I know

    Unexpectedly, Xiao Fan went to the Hua family Just got things done Worthy of my son Now Zhonghai has Hua Yunfeng No one dares to provoke Splendid anymore The strong of the Divine Realm are guarded Even Lin Shuming has to be afraid of three points

    I don’t know that the Linzhou Lu family that returned to me before Medicine God Valley and Hong Kong Island Zheng Family how are they doing now There is also Yu Wenjing Axiu and Xu Rongfei Hopefully, they are all safe and sound Otherwise What for

    No casual parking is allowed in front of Lu’s house Mr. Chen Chen Are Lu Yanxue and Lu Yanwu still there? Yes Miss Yan Wu is still there It’s just the head of the Yan Xue family What happened to Lu Yanxue The Lu family visited Chen immortal

    May the magic power of the immortal master extend for a thousand years They are all deceased people and do not need to be polite What about Yan Xue Why not come to see me The Yan Xue disappeared about half a year after you Taken away by a passing woman What the

    The woman was wearing a Taoist robe She took a fancy to Yan Xue at a glance It is said that Yan Xue has an ice spirit root that is rare for thousands of years It was the seed that they dreamed of in the Snow God Palace

    Just let her take away your own master Immortal Master forgives We have to do it, too You were long gone Legend has it that you have There happened to be a Lu family enemy Cultivated Grandmaster and came to seek revenge Our Lu family simply cannot resist As a result, the female Taoist appeared

    It scared off the grandmaster She promised to shelter the Lu family Yan Xue decided to leave with her Later we analyzed That person may be a great master Or a higher divine realm Snow God Shrine Female Daoist Divine Realm That’s it Since she was brought as a disciple It should be fine

    I’ll ask Suzaku later Immortal Master, you have come from afar Allow us to entertain the Lu family No I’m also going to see the situation in Medicine God Valley I want to find the hidden sect of the Snow God Palace

    It is estimated that only the Medicine God Valley has been passed down for hundreds of years Only the sect with a wide range of friends has been recorded How come there are so few people here The Valley of the Medicine God was closed

    The elders in the mountain do not accept people asking for medicine Naturally, no one came to town Seeing that the two young ladies also went to the Medicine God Valley to ask for medicine Go back quickly Otherwise, entering the mountain is also a closed-door soup The mountain is closed

    Medicine God Valley has been passed down for hundreds of years The mountain has never been closed Meet Chen immortal Meet Chen immortal What about King Dan, why didn’t he come to see me Valley Lord passed away a year ago What Pray to Immortal Master Chen Shortly after the news of your death

    The Southwest Ghost and Witch Sect united Blood Witch Sect, Spirit Witch Sect and other sects Attacked the Valley of the Medicine God Valley lord fought one against three Fought with his life Only then did they force back the witch cult coalition army He died that night Before the death of the valley lord

    Jingyi has been designated as the next generation of valley owners Ghost witch cult Back then, I killed the young witch master of the Ghost Witch Sect I thought it had deterred the Ghost Witch Sect Didn’t expect that It’s not to blame lord

    All generations of clan wanted to seize the old witch gods of the Black Witch Sect Treasures left in my Medicine God Valley What a treasure Back then, the old witch god had a request from the Medicine God Valley Therefore, not only did he help Medicine God Valley arrange a mountain protection formation

    The Black Witch Cult was also left The town sent one of the seven weapons as a reward That witchcraft was a cauldron His name is Diwuding It is said that he was a great witch who had cultivated to the realm of earth witches Alchemy vessel Diwu Ding

    The earth witch of witch clan is comparable to the existence of the earth immortal A congenital cultivator’s furnace of alchemy It is indeed an incredible treasure It is a pity that the Wuding has been taken away by the Ghost Witch Sect and others

    Otherwise, I want to dedicate it to Chen Immortal Master later.” This kind of immortal ding is also only in the hands of immortal master to unleash its true power It doesn’t matter, wait for me to kill the Ghost Witch Cult Pick it up in person

    I am ready to cultivate the Medicine God Valley as my own branch church Would you like to Does the Immortal Master want to establish a sect? My Medicine God Valley is naturally willing to join the Immortal Master Sect What is the name of the Immortal Master Sect? This sect is called Beiqiong

    Now Beiqiong has sent me as the door master There are two disciples under the seat One is called Ah Xiu About the realm cultivation One is called Hua Yunfeng You should know Not long ago, just stepped into the divine realm You Medicine God Valley

    It serves as an alchemy hall on the periphery of the Beiqiong Sect Jing Yi became the hall master of the Alchemy Hall Several of you are the deputy hall masters and Dan masters of the Alchemy Hall Master, what am I? Be the protector of the sect Same level as the parishioners

    Thank you host We don’t have too many rules in the Northern Qiong faction But into my door wall, life and death are up to me I built this door Preach your ways It is to protect the Chen family So the Northern Qiong sect first iron law The Chen family must not commit it

    We understand The disciples of the Alchemy Hall greeted the door master Pray to the door master What you said earlier about the Snow God Shrine The disciple vaguely remembered It seems to have sounded like the old valley master of the previous generation What is the origin of this Snow God Palace

    The Snow Shrine is deep in the big snow Mountains The palace is full of women They become ordinary every few decades Search for suitable disciples Where is that snow shrine I don’t know The Snow God Palace is extremely mysterious I just know that their appearance is peerless And the cultivation is extremely high

    The door master is about the Snow God Palace I imagine the Dark Witch Sect Heavenly Master In this way, the great religion has been passed down for hundreds of years Surely know more I know If you treat Yan Xue well, it is naturally easy to say

    If there is a little bit of bad for her Don’t blame Chen for stepping on the mountain gate of your Snow God Palace The next few days I’ll teach you some The basic alchemy methods and exercises of the Immortal Cultivation Realm and give each of you a Soul Token Soul tokens

    If anyone dares to betray the Northern Qiong faction I can manipulate the token to instantly destroy it If the token is broken out of thin air I will also know where this person died Avenge him Thanks Chen Immortal Master Host where we went

    Go to the Bai Mansion in the southeast corner of Rongcheng At that time, Yu Wenjing followed Bai Wuji to the southwest I didn’t know that she was in the six major magic families in the southwest How’s it going Now I have created the Northern Qiong School If Wen Jing agrees

    You can also let her worship into the Northern Qiong Sect How is there no Yu Wenjing’s breath Only Bai Wuji is here The two are private and are not allowed to trespass Confessing Wuji said that the old people from Jiangbei were visiting My surname is Chen OK Su family master

    People were lost in your house You have to give an explanation to our Bai family Wen Jing is a disciple of our Su family She was snatched away You think our Su family is not distressed? But the Ghost Witch Sect is powerful

    The old witch lord personally came to the door to ask for people Our Su family can’t help it That’s it Isn’t it just a little girl What about the body of Xuanyin Anyway, the witchcraft has been broken The Ghost Witch Sect can’t create a second real person

    Not bad, you can’t do it for the sake of Yu Wenjing Let’s go to war with the Ghost Witch Cult You guys Do you know who Yu Wenjing is? Isn’t she a cottage girl in Miaojiang in southwest China Yu Wenjing is the person entrusted to me by Chen Beixuan Chen Chen Beixuan

    If Chen Beixuan came to the door to ask about the crime What did my six major families in the southwest explain to him Lord of the household Outside the door, a man and a woman asked to see each other He said that it is your old man in Jiangbei

    By the way, his surname is Chen What the Could it be that the man really came? I didn’t expect Yu Wenjing to come so big It was my Su family who gave her to the Ghost Witch Sect in the first place If only Chen Beixuan knew No way

    I had to quickly think of a seamless lie Patriarch Bai The deceased visits That’s how you treat your guests The junior Bai Wuji met Chen Immortal Master See Immortal Master Welcome to the Immortal Master Patriarch Bai Back then, I handed Yu Wenjing over to you And said

    Yu Wenjing was hurt in the slightest Take what you are asking I Your name is Su Yunzhi The head of the Taiyin Su family Wen Jing is to worship under your door So what about her now this It was the Ghost Witch Sect that came to the door

    Said if didn’t hand over Yu Wenjing They are going to destroy my family We can’t help it either You have the ability to go to the trouble of the Ghost Witch Sect Yu Wenjing was taken away by the Ghost Witch Sect All right Dare to attack my friend Chen Beixuan Live impatiently

    Immortal Master don’t angry Chen immortal Yu Wenjing, no one wants to see this don’t blame my six major families If Yu Wenjing is okay, forget it In case of eventuality I will level your six major families Where did this rule come from It is obviously the person robbed by the Ghost Witch Sect

    Why blame our six major families My Chen Beixuan’s words are the rules If you disobey Cultivate to the Divine Realm first Yu Wenjing is in trouble I’ll take your Su family first In front is the main altar of the Ghost Witch Sect Chen immortal My six families came to help

    May it be a pawn Rescue Yu Wenjing Immortal Master Wait for the junior and the others to catch the old witch lord Ask the immortal master for sin Blow this stone wall We will be able to reach the lair of the Ghost Witch Cult open All right Everyone back off

    Shi immortal’s Imperial Land Technique became more and more exquisite We can’t catch it Let’s go in too Yes What’s going on There seems to be the sound of explosives opening mountains What happened at the foot of the mountain Not good The six major families in the southwest jointly attacked

    The six major families also dared to attack the main altar of my Ghost Witch Sect Immediately pass the order down Order all disciples and guards to fight the enemy together Elders Follow me to open the Ten Thousand Ghosts Array This time let the six major families There is no going back Array

    Not good It is the mountain protection array of the Ghost Witch Sect Ten thousand ghosts kill the heart That’s so many ghosts What to be afraid of Many of the heads of the family are here There are also immortal masters sitting in town

    Even ten times as many evil spirits are not enough to kill kill I have long seen that the Ghost Witch Sect is not pleasing to the eye On ah formation kill Be vigilant Beware of their spells Fire control No way There are too many to fight at all Chen immortal

    We couldn’t resist it Summon the Divine Flute this This turned out to be a top-level ghost god of the half-step divine realm No, not a statue It is the five top ghosts and gods go The ghosts all dissipated This is by no means the means of the old ghost of Shi

    He doesn’t have the ability to do that yet Able to control ghosts and gods It’s hard to do fast Summon the Ancestor immediately The Ghost Witch Cult is suffering a great disaster today The disciple is invincible Ask the grandmaster to intervene Let’s go, let’s go up

    Grandmaster, are you going to give up on us? Who is it Dare to invade my Ghost Witch Sect It’s the grandmaster The ancestor appeared The ancestor is dead This is a half-step god god Where is Yu Wenjing You are Chen Beixuan Prayers to Your Excellency, Yu Wenjing Great Elder

    Are you going to betray our Ghost Witch Cult? noisy If you tell me the whereabouts of Yu Wenjing I can leave a little Miao for the Ghost Witch Cult Otherwise, don’t blame me for stepping on the entire Ghost Witch Sect Prayer to Your Excellency

    Yu Wenjing was already taken by the old witch lord went to the Wumen Conference Wumen Conference Chen immortal The Ghost Witch Sect members outside have all surrendered Well Leave these people at your disposal Do you know about the Wumen Conference? Wumen Conference

    Yu Wenjing was taken to the Wumen Assembly by the old witch lord What is this Wumen Assembly for? The Wumen Conference is similar to a martial arts event Each congress elects a Witch King Rule the Witch Gates All Wu Dao sects participate Where is the address of the Wumen Assembly?

    On the border of China A place called Wushan Town really I had heard that it was in Wushan Town Case I set off immediately The Wumen Assembly is not only a gathering of all the great witches of the world And there is also the ancestral legal array guard of the Wumen

    Chen immortal is going Can it really work If Chen immortal was defeated and died in Wushan Can’t come to us for trouble Wouldn’t it be better Hold it Two Wushan town recently The Wumen Festival is being held Guests are not welcome Please come back Buddha-figures come to the conference

    You dare to stop it I don’t know that the Wumen seniors have arrived Forgive sins Senior, please come in Master, why are you entering through the main entrance? With the strength of the two of us, it is directly attacked I felt a strange breath in this valley Don’t startle the snake first

    And this trip is mainly to save people Save people first Seven real people who practice the law More than three hundred warlocks This witch gate is really prosperous Got it There is the mark of the red lotus tinder It must be the old witch master of the Ghost Witch Sect Yu Wenjing

    How is there no breath of her Is it dead That’s impossible If she dies, I will feel it Could it be that she was hidden by the secret method? There are also spells on earth that can hide from my divine thoughts Since Yu Wenjing is not there

    I don’t have to worry too much Hold it This is the Wumen Stronghold No invitations Trespass dies I’m looking for someone Find someone Old seven What do you feel about these two people? If you say you come looking for someone, you can enter

    What do you feel about these two people? Then I’m not a cat or a dog Dragon Brother Then I’m not a cat or a dog The boy Can go in There is no internal strength or mana at all Just ordinary people It’s the chick with the sword on her back

    It seems to be an amazing kendo master When are we Wushan Here comes such a powerful master But this chick is so tender If only I could catch it and tweak Brother Long: You don’t want to This is not a problem to sell for twenty or thirty million dollars

    No matter how strong her swordsmanship is, she can withstand electricity What’s going on What the She she dares to kill the people of the witch gate daring dared to kill my Wumen disciple in Wushan Town Stay alive who insults my master die Blood Coagulation Claw

    It was You Tianpeng, the third disciple under the Blood Witch Sect’s witch lord His cultivation had reached the middle stage of entering the Dao The Blood Coagulation God Claw was practiced perfectly It seems that the little girl is in trouble It’s terrible It’s impossible Let’s go together Kill them Qinghua swordsmanship go Master

    This woman turned out to be a Transformation Realm Grandmaster She is not the master of the J Kingdom Kendo, Ying Longhua No way Ying Longhua is in his forties Where is this girl young Let’s go Inside the venue, there are nineteen veins of the witch gate There are also many cultivators and elders

    These two people are really not afraid of death Dark Witch Lord You are under the age of thirty Ascend to the position of the Witch Sect Witch Lord Take charge of the Great Sect Megatron B Country It’s really a shame for us old men Ghost Witch Lord

    This time, you join forces with the Spirit Witch Lord and the Blood Witch Lord Captured the Earth Wuding from the Medicine God Valley God Father was delighted Especially the Xuanyin woman you offered It turned out to be a virgin With her It can just complete the Father’s seven yin divine laws

    What do you want to pay for your great achievements Doing things for the Great Witch God is an honor for my juniors How dare ask for remuneration It’s just that I accidentally offended Chen Beixuan before teaching If only he could invite the Great Witch God to come out Just say it

    What did Chen Beixuan count My Father was on the list of gods Now he has been practicing hard for another 60 years In addition, the Seven Evil Yin Divine Law is about to be completed Even if you meet Ye Qingcang, you can also fight Why be afraid of Chen Beixuan daring What people

    Dare to come to my Wumen territory to spread wilderness Old witch lord The deceased visits Why not come out and greet you It’s you You are something I also dare to break into my Wumen Assembly Take your life Find death Let’s go up and take down this chick

    As a gift to the Witch King Where is she Don’t say Come on Get lost Where is she When did such a strong master come Martial arts Techniques Spiritual power Almost everything And still so young Could it be the green dragon of Kunlun’s generation No way

    Although Qinglong is known as a double cultivator of law and martial arts But never so young Ghost Witch Lord This man is your enemy You should know who it is He is Chen Beixuan What the Chen Beixuan I have no grudge against you Why did you come to the door

    Think I’m a bully? Where is she Chen Beixuan: You dare to ignore me noisy Witch King be careful go This snakeskin drum However, it is one of the top magic weapons of the Black Witch Sect Second only to the treasures of the seven witchcraft Where is she Chen Beixuan

    There are dozens of real people in my Wumen Nineteen Veins There are thousands of disciples under his command There are also witch gods sitting in town Do you really want to be an enemy of my witch gate? Chen Beixuan Didn’t you ask where Yu Wenjing was

    She has been sacrificed by me to the Great Witch God At this time, I am afraid that it has been sucked dry by the Great Witch God Practiced divine law What the You you what you are going to do If Yu Wenjing was in trouble I will step on the witch gate

    Let your souls be destroyed Completely wipe out the witch gate from the world Even the soul burned out It’s terrible Chen Beixuan Aren’t you afraid of my Father’s revenge? Hmph, I’m afraid Blood Explosion Chen Beixuan yes daring Ah Father God chop Ah, how dare you Ah go master

    The people in the venue have all been solved Well This group of people at the border does not know how many sins they have committed Death is not a pity harvest How to find the Black Witch It depends on these souls to lead the way Host What do we do next hum

    Of course, step on the witch gate Brother Long: You said what happened in this field At first, the killing was loud But soon it quieted down You’re stupid Naturally, the man and woman killed it The elders shot out and took them down

    They can hold up for several minutes under so many witch lords It can be seen that he is definitely a master It’s a pity that the chick died If can catch and sell It must be sold at sky-high prices Dragon Brother What’s going on

    In the venue, the high-level leaders of the Nineteen Veins witch clan gathered How could they be allowed to leave safely Guiyuan What is it Host Where are we going next Kill the main altar of the Black Witch Sect Find the Great Witch God If he really killed Yu Wenjing

    I’ll let the whole witch gate For her funeral You stay here and wait for me to come back I’m going to save people too burdensome to carry you ay I was disliked by the owner Who is it Dare to kill my children and grandchildren Destroy my doppelganger

    Aren’t you afraid of the revenge of this god? Go and check Find out for me that person I’m going to crush him to ashes to relieve the hatred in the heart Yes, grandmaster yes There aren’t many fat sheep coming in today Usually, at this time, many Chinese businessmen will come in

    Can get a lot of benefits from them You see, what that is Is this the border of country B? Uh yes OK What to do, sir? The whole level was overwhelmed by that man What else can be done Report the enemy attack immediately What’s going on You report according to the front line

    It seems that a super strong person from China has entered How could the super strong of Hua Country come to our country B And it’s also a head-on collision level I will immediately report to the Minister and the President And inform the Venerables of the Black Witch Cult Pass me instructions

    General Leon, who sat in the northwestern frontier, was ordered Organize the army right away Be sure to stop that Hua country powerhouse If necessary, he can be killed by force Yes, Your Excellency Hmph The strong man of the Hua country dared to invade country B

    Don’t you know that Country B is the territory of my Black Witch Sect? Jin Venerable: What about your opinion? The new witch lord fell to the Kingdom of China The witch god was furious Now there are Chinese powerhouses killed in the country I really thought my black witch cult was muddy

    Mobilize all troops at once Annihilate that man at all costs I’ll also let the wizards of the local altar Helping you Yes, His Holiness The enemy will be in ten minutes Enter the preset position Artillery preparation Tank preparation Sniper ready Fire at any time fire Hahaha Please rest assured, Golden Venerable

    Under my artillery battalion Not a single mosquito can fly in Not bad The Ministry of Defense is a little fussy A few hundred people can deal with it had to mobilize the army Doesn’t this army need gas money? General: Look quickly Ah Volley Walk in the sky This is the Divine Realm

    Open fire Everyone opened fire at once What about the tank battalions, bring them in at once Be sure to surround and kill this man This is also terrifying Everybody fired Military law disposition that dares to back down The year That’s how the Great Witch God crisscrossed the battlefield

    Bite off more than one can chew Ah, it hurts Thank you, Your Holiness His Holiness: Please strike and kill that Chinese man It’s late Then His Holiness, what should we do? Chen Beixuan came here It may not be coming for our black witch cult Maybe it’s just passing by

    You don’t need to be afraid You are from the Black Witch Cult Under the Great Witch God Throne of the Black Witch Sect Wuxian Venerable Jin Wuxian meets Chen immortal I don’t know if it was the immortal master who came here and asked for forgiveness

    The people of the Black Witch Cult deserve to die Black Witch has finally arrived The visitor stopped immediately You are provoking the entire country B If you go one step further, we’ll open fire immediately fire this This is the incarnation of the gods The gods come into the world The golden-bodied Arhat descended

    The gods come into the world Please forgive the Gods Hua country Chen Beixuan came to visit the Black Witch Sect Great witch god You guys say something is going on outside That old monster on the altar today Much more irritable than usual I don’t know how many months I’ve been caught

    The old monster usually does not wake up once in half a month But since this Chinese girl came He wakes up often I listen to their people It seems that people have already gathered together The ceremony will begin soon You you say What will the old monster do to us

    It was obviously to cultivate some evil method Or perform sinful rituals Wen Jing: Aren’t you sad I have been raised as a sacrifice for more than ten years since I was a child Nothing to fear It’s just a pity After all, I never saw him again

    Did you keep saying that he, was your boyfriend No, he’s my former classmate A very mysterious person Xiao Fan I’m afraid in this life I never got a chance to see you again Chen Beixuan of Hua country came to visit the Great Witch God of the Black Witch Sect Ah this is

    Lord Witch God Chen Chen Beixuan is coming Mess I don’t have ears? want you to remind me You are here I went to meet Chen Beixuan Did someone really come to our rescue? I’m not dreaming Listening to the man’s language seemed to be a Chinese Chinese Do you know what he’s talking about?

    It seems to say Hua country cheng Beixuan Come and visit the Great Witch God of the Black Witch Sect No, he was talking about Chen Beixuan That was Yu Wenjing She’s alive Chen Beixuan You dare to kill my descendants and break into my altar I will never let you go Great witch god

    Jinni This is definitely the true God coming into the world Chen Beixuan You are a myth for the Chinese nation I am a witch god Why did you kill my disciple? Destroy my heirs Break into my main altar Among the people you catch There is a girl named Yu Wenjing It’s my companion

    What the For the mortal woman of the Xuanyin body You are going to attack my Black Witch Sect Altar The person I Chen Beixuan want to protect Even ordinary people It’s not moving Good, good, good Chen Beixuan Don’t you think you’re the only one who can run amok in the world

    I’ll let you see today A true divine realm Black Flame Poisonous Palm Ah He was in his twenties How could True Qi be so strong Back then, except for your General Ye Qingcang You are the second person to put such pressure on me Ye Qingcang Ah wind break fire Chen Beixuan, you

    Mountain come Black and thunderous These seven black thunders It took me three years of hard work to make it It’s that the entire Black Witch Cult doesn’t have a few of them Thunderbolt summoned What the Ah Top-grade spells Thunder True Tips How it tastes Chen Beixuan You dare to hurt my flesh

    This hatred is hatred It is difficult to wash away the water of the three rivers and five lakes You talk too much nonsense Chen Beixuan The world says that you are invincible in the flesh Can break the sound barrier with physical body

    But I was fascinated by the horror of the Divine Soul Law It’s also far beyond your imagination Is it That’s more than double the speed of sound That’s twice the speed of sound Chen Beixuan I practiced penance for decades These seven Qi Yuan Gods condensed How could it be killed?

    I am far from the Seven Evil Yuan God Dacheng Just one step away Unless you can kill my seven Yuan Gods at the same time Otherwise, you won’t be able to kill me in this life The small skill of carving insects also dares to claim the title of Yuan god break Ahhh

    Damn it How is he so strong Alas, after all, it’s a point short With what I am capable of now Break the sound barrier seven times at the same time It’s still a bit strenuous You forced me Quasi-Horcrux Chen Beixuan This is the Seven Treasures of my Black Witch Sect If you retreat

    Our grudges are wiped out Otherwise, the seven witchcraft are on together Don’t blame me for not being able to hold back If an Earth Immortal is here to control these seven magic weapons I’ll back three points As for you hum Mixed accounts Seven Evil Yin God Array rise Hahahahaha

    You Chen Beixuan is no more than that Guiyuan chop It’s a flying sword No You bastard Chen Beixuan I will avenge this You think you can get away? The Great Witch God is dead It’s impossible The Ancestor will never be defeated so easily Hand over Yu Wenjing

    Or I’ll crush the Black Witch Sect Quickly, activate the Mountain Guard Formation! We can’t let Chen Beixuan rush in! Seven Deadly Miasmas Formation Activate Even if the formation arranged by the Great Witch God I cut through it with a single stroke of my sword Just the Black Fury Shield Want to stop me?

    You’re so stubborn Guiyuan Chop This is the end of the Black Witch Sect. Chen Fan Let’s go. I’ll get you out of here Ok. President, what are we going to do? The Ancestor has come out Let’s leave it all to him Teacher, in this video on the internet is the Ancestor?

    It’s supposed to be a battle between the teacher and the Great Witch God Help others become gods and kill god with one sword Has this Chen Beixuan surpassed the Divine Realm? Are you Wen Jing’s companion? I’m Andy She’s my good friend You look so young But you’re so powerful Your Honor

    Thank you so much for saving us The Evans family will never forget your kindness I’m here for Yu Wenjing It’s nothing After a night here then you can go Your Honor His Excellency the President with Ministers and Generals came to see you They’re waiting downstairs to be met Let them up

    President Wu Dansheng of country B pays his respects to His Excellency I’m here for the Black Witch Sect But you sent troops to stop me What do you mean? This is all on the orders of the Black Witch Sect The Black Witches have ruled here for decades.

    I had to follow my ancestor’s orders Really? My lord To compensate you my country is willing to devote one tenth of its financial No thanks The younger Hu Shibo was the second elder of the Black Witch Sect I came to meet the Immortal Master Chen May the Immortal Master enjoy his power forever

    Have thousands of years of life I killed the Great Witch God and destroyed the Black Witch Sect How dare you come to see me? the power of the Divine Realm I couldn’t escape from you even if I wanted to And the Immortal Master now has one of the greatest fortunes

    You need me to help you control it Tell me about it The Black Witch Sect and the whole of country B the Immortal Master Chen The Black Witch Sect has been rooted in country B for 60 years The branch is still there Just send someone to take control

    We’ll be able to control the whole country quickly You’ll be the best of the best It means nothing to me I’ll give you one more chance If it doesn’t move me You’ll just follow the Great Witch God l I have another message It involves the secret treasure of the Earth Immortals. Tell me

    What’s the secret treasure of the Immortals? I heard the old man say It’s the cave of an Earth Immortal who practiced a thousand years ago The old man found this place by chance At that time, the Earth Immortal had already dead There must be many treasures inside But it’s guarded by a formation

    We can’t get it to open But just some time ago The Southeast Lin family sent someone to talk to us It seems that the Lin family has found a way to open the cave Skeletons of fallen Earth Immortals, pills and elixirs, and so on It’s all I need

    Especially a place where an Earth Immortal trains It must be a spiritual vein Okay, give me the address I’m not only sparing your life And I will make you the head of the Black Witch Sect I’ll let you join the North Star Sect as the Master of the Black Witch Hall

    Thank you so much After today the Black Witches will follow the orders of the Immortal Master Master, the secret treasure of the Immortals is in Borneo Borneo? Southeast Asia? That’s right. The Earth’s aura is drying up spiritual vein collapse We can only go to the barren land to find the spiritual vein

    Report to Immortal Master Chen There’s an unprecedented formation in this Earth Immortal’s cave No one can break into the formation once it’s open It is said that every twelve years this formation can be affected by astronomical tides The force is minimized It’s the only chance to break in

    This year, it’s the twelve-year mark again Calculated by time It should be after ten days Okay, we’ll leave after ten days The six men you were with I’ll order Hu Shifan send them back What are you gonna do? staying here until I get back or I send you back first

    When Lord Ghost Witch came to take me Grandma was killed by him I don’t want to go back to Tai Yin Su’s house either I want to stay here and help you It’s a good thing the Black Witch Sect is such a big place I don’t trust Hu Shifan alone

    I’d feel better if you were here to keep an eye on things She’s my third disciple She will take my place in the Black Witch Sect While I was away her word is my will l can’t I’m only in the middle of Rudao Great Elders, their cultivation are higher than mine

    How can I get on top of them? The rules of my North Qiong Sect The sect master disciples are higher than the hall masters You are my disciple You can control their lives There’s no need to be afraid This is their Soul Jade Token If they get into trouble

    You can crush the token Even if they reach the Divine Realm they will lose their soul too You take the Soul Jade Token from now on, the Black Witch Sect will be at your disposal Ok Greetings, Master Greetings, my lady After today We’ll follow your orders

    Next, I’ll teach you how to manipulate the Soul Jade Token And I’ll pass on the “Tai Yin Refining Sword” for you to practice Ok Master, this time we’re going to Borneo That’s right If we can find the Immortal Cave this time With the veins inside

    I’m good enough to take my cultivation to the next level With the increase in cultivation My need for Reiki is getting stronger It’s the old man coming out Ungrateful grandson Hong Qianfan pays his respects to the Ancestor Get up I’ve been in seclusion for so many years

    You can maintain the foundation of the Hung Clan That’s hard to do Brother Lei died at the hands of Chen Beixuan Other giants have been killed and wounde The Hong Clan’s authority has been swept away I’m sorry for you It’s not your fault

    Even the Great Witch God died at the hands of Chen Beixuan! It’s rare that you can deal with him for so long What is it that you’re doing this time, Ancestor? It’s time to open the door to the Earth Immortal once every 12 years

    Brother Lin sent a message inviting us to gather in Borneo and open the Earth Immortal Cave together By the way Kill Chen Beixuan Twelfth Master of Dragon Hall See you, Dragon Lord May the dragon Lord live forever So the Dragon Hall has been passed down to the twelfth generation?

    Master Dragon, are you here for Chen Beixuan? Old places reopen and old people invite l have to go Dragon Hall and Hung Clan the Lin family Traditionally, we have always been on the same boat Just for a woman Chen Beixuan killed The Great Witch God Can I just sit back and do nothing

    Waiting for Chen Beixuan to step on our door? Greetings to the Ancestor This time I will not stop until I kill Chen Beixuan Welcome We offer all kinds of adventure services here Whether it’s a deep-sea dive or a primitive jungle adventure all one can think of is on hand

    I’m looking for a guide who’s well versed in the geography of Borneo Borneo? It’s easy Arrange a guide for me to Borneo We want someone with experience Manager There are too many people going to Borneo these days Nowadays it’s just a couple of guys with a guide. Well Looks like there’s no guide.

    Let’s go to the next one Wait a minute Not without a guide I just wonder if you two can team up Team up? Yes Recently it is the peak tourist season Guides are in short supply There’s still one team left If you don’t mind Ok

    All we need is a guide to point us in the right direction When we get to Borneo Then we can search for the secret treasure of the Earth Immortal by ourselves That’s great Guides in charge of tour leaders definitely the most experienced in our club He knows the whole of Borneo by heart

    But there’s a lady in the group who’s a very distinguished lady It’s our Dato’ here Please try not to offend Otherwise, you’ll be flogged The honorable Dato’ The Dato’ is our nobleman here Don’t be rude in front of her His Excellency the Honorable Dato’

    I don’t know if I can get them on your team Let’s get them in Our destination this time is the Valley of No Return in central Borneo It’s the most dangerous place in Borneo Can it be with the two of them? The Valley of No Return

    Isn’t this where the secret cave of the Immortals is located? Our purpose this time is also the Valley of No Return Just you guys If you can beat my bodyguard I agree to your participation Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought you two His name is Sasha If you can beat him

    I’ll allow you to join the adventure Xiao xue Ok You want a woman to fight Sesha Let’s get started. How did she get so strong? This girl who looks so weak and feeble She easily broke Sesha’s hand Do you want to fight again? Miss, that woman is a martial arts expert

    The ordinary person can’t beat her Ok You guys passed Your honored guests, prepare to depart Ladies and Gentlemen! We’re just a little further into the jungle You really don’t carry anything into the jungle? It’s just a little jungle Who the hell are these two people? Take this distance

    We’re getting closer to the Valley of No Return Three hundred kilometers at the most Master, is there really an Immortal’s cave in here? Will it be fraught with danger? Don’t worry about it Even if the Immortal is still alive there’s nothing he can do to your master Stop Who are you?

    How dare you come into this forest? Aren’t you afraid to die? The Malay Guo family is here to see the King of Spirit So he’s a son of the Guo family In that case I’ll spare your lives Uncle Xie This is one of our four masters in Southeast Asia The Spirit King?

    His mount is a white tiger Looks thin He is the Spirit King But Uncle Xie Why is the Spirit King here? It is said that there is a treasure of immortals in the Valley of No Return Unfortunately, for centuries The people who went looking for the treasure were all killed

    The Spirit King is obviously heading for the Valley of No Return as well We’ve met countless powerful people along the way Looks like they’re all about the treasure Nuannuan, let’s go back It’s too dangerous We’ve all come this far At least take a look at the Valley of No Return

    And those powerful people will give our Guo family some face Is this the Valley of No Return? Miss, we’ve seen the valley of no return Let’s go back No We’re all here We’ll at least have to go to the valley and take a look This is the Valley of No Return

    What a formation! The Valley of No Return is known to the world as a dangerous place Fail to return You really want to go into the valley? Spirit King, stop pretending We’re all here together just heard the news Is this the secret place where the Immortals fell? That’s right

    I did come here because I heard the news But I don’t know how it got out The Earth Immortal It should be the ones that the God Realm powerhouses are thinking about It’s none of our business You think about it Did someone put this out on purpose? Deliberately put out the news?

    For what? Attract people to death Someone else is coming How dare a bunch of ordinary people come here? Do you think this is a playground? Oh, my God Spirit King Venerable Red Snake Ancient Thai boxing Champion So many powerful people are here Something big is definitely happening

    The secret treasure of the Immortals is in here It’s time to try to get started It’s worthy of being an Immortal’s secret stash This formation is not simple I can only use my mind to analyze the operation of the formation That guy What are you doing? Looking for death?

    Uncle Xie, is there any way to save him? Miss He’s asking for it It’s none of your business So it’s three large formations connected together A formation within a formation I get it You were calling me What’s going on? Isn’t that just an ordinary guy? What is Venerable Red Snake afraid of?

    Could it be that…? Nai Zakai, Indonesia Greetings, Master Beixuan Greetings, Master Beixuan What the hell is going on here? I should have thought of that With a sword-carrying maid Chinese with the last name of Chen Except for Chen Beixuan Who else? You just told me I was looking for death

    No, no, no, no I was wrong Please spare my life Your snake tried to bite me I killed it Do you have a problem with that? No problem. No problem at all It’s the beast that wants to die Good job, Master I’m going into the Valley of No Return

    Do you have a problem with that? No problem at all Only Immortal Master Chen a powerful man at the top of the world Only then will you be eligible to obtain the Earth Immortal’s secret stash You know the secret of the Immortals Shouldn’t this information be top secret of top secret?

    The news broke in the last few days That’s why we came in such a hurry Looks like someone spread the word to lure me in Chen Beixuan, you’re finally here Another God Realm It seems to be the legendary ancestor of the Hongmen Sect You alone How dare you come to fight against me?

    Chen Beixuan, you’re really strong I’m not as good as you at fighting alone But since I dare to set this up get you inside Why am I here alone? It’s a Special Forces plane You’re late, Mr. Xie Remain unseen for a long time I went to see some old friends. Slight delay

    I’m glad I didn’t miss anything Xie Jingtang, a member of the Xie family, pays his respects to the Dragon Master I can see you in my life I died without regrets Get up! The peak of the middle stage of the Divine Realm He’s slightly better than you But just the two of you

    Trying to kill me? That’s impossible What if add me? So it’s really a conspiracy We’re just some poor wretches drawn to the bait They set up this ancient killing game It was to target Chen Beixuan Coming from the sky Standing in the air It’s like something out of a fairy tale Lin Shuming

    It doesn’t look like him My master you’re not good enough to get him out My sword is enough to kill you Chen Beixuan If you can make a vow of soul Swear you’ll never be our enemy We can let you live Otherwise, don’t blame the three of us for joining forces

    Bully you together I have a grudge against the Hongmen Sect and the Lin family But I don’t know what entanglement I have with Dragon Hall Why are you here? Old friend asking for help I have to come And you’re too strong It was the Great Witch God who died today

    Tomorrow it could be the Dragon Hall Ok Today, I’m going to kill you Let the world know I, Chen Beixuan, cannot be messed with You are too arrogant! I’ll sacrifice your blood to my sword today Oh no! Back up Let’s go away, too Once the war of the gods has begun

    We’re just like ants We’ll be torn apart by the fallout in an instant Xiaoxue, you go with them too Chen Beixuan, you should be honored You’ll be able to get us to join forces and attack you You’re the second person after Ye Qincang Really? Ye Qincang didn’t get rid of you

    Let me finish it for him today Damn it! He stepped on the weakest point of our aura Mo Yun Hand Kill Big and useless Collapse at the first blow Bad at swordplay Ten more years of study This is the best sword I’ve ever made It was broken at the waist Well

    An inventive approach There is something to learn Between Chen Beixuan’s fist, palm and roar Surprisingly, he broke through the joint siege of the three God Realms! Chen Beixuan, I did underestimate you With your current level of cultivation even compared to Ye Qingcang fifty years ago, you were no less impressive

    The previous armistice is still in effect Stop talking nonsense! Come and fight It’s an absolutely amazing spell We can’t let him get away with this We act together Seven Phantoms A thousand magic clouds Swimming Dragon Sword Thousand Thunder Technique Chen Beixuan fought one against three

    Surprisingly, he defeated three Divine Realms in a single strike! What kind of power is this? It’s a pity I’m only at the early stage of the Divine Sea The power is spread too thin One blow is not enough to kill them

    What does Heavenly Master Dao Great Heavenly Master Yao Daoyi have to do with you? I don’t know him He doesn’t even know Yao Daoyi Thunderbolt magic has always been passed down from Tianshi Dao It never gets out Forget about it Let’s go all out Otherwise we will all die here today

    What else do you have? Go ahead and do it So it’s this primitive and backward combining technique Kill The power of this Combination Technique Enough to rival four or five early Divine Realms This Chen Beixuan has broken through by himself! Again! Sun and moon cycle Be careful

    It’s the same move he used to kill Koichi Takemiya in J-country You made me do it The Art of the Blood Sword Go! United! The cycle of the sun and the moon Chen Beixuan must withdraw to avoid this move! What? How can that be? Why don’t you hide?

    The heart and sword are one That’s the full force of the blow I paid for Lin Langya’s body If we can’t kill Chen Beixuan Then there’s really nothing we can do Chen Beixuan You have to trade one life for another Is it worth? We’re all powerful in the God Realm

    What can’t we talk about? I’m afraid I’m gonna have to disappoint you He is still alive Icy skin and jade bones Glazed jade body He’s become an Earth Immortal Buddha Since the physical body has become a great success You’re the first one to hurt me You can be proud of that alone

    I’ve been training my sword with the blood-refining method Not only was l body severely damaged My soul is damaged Chen Beixuan, I will definitely come back for revenge Let’s go, too You think you can get away with this? Heavenly seal Where to run? Are we doomed? Thank you very much, Brother Xie

    You dare to stop me? Aren’t you afraid to die? An old friend for a hundred years I have to save Besides, even if I don’t save them And Your Excellency will let me go? Now that you know Then come up here and get killed Your Excellency wants me dead

    Come and get it from the Valley of No Return I’m in the valley of no return He was able to defeat three Divine Realms with his own strength This battle will definitely shock the world For the safety of my parents Either I kill the Dragon Lord Either subdue him

    We can’t let him escape This guy has been in this area for decades I’m afraid I’ve already understood the non-returning valley magic circle. It only takes me a quarter of an hour to break this magic circle. But after a quarter of an hour I don’t know where the Dragon Lord escaped to.

    Let’s break the formation first There are three formations in this Earth Immortal Secret Treasure. The first fog circle Sword Qi Thunder Sound open This is Original Five Elements Array If it were any other formation, I would have to work harder.

    But what I practice is the supreme art of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. Qingdi Immortality Body bring it on It’s you I’m waiting Ancient Qing Emperor Yimufuzhao Order to surrender The Five Elements Array is connected to each other Was broken for a while The other magic circles were immediately confused.

    Those two magic circles Several of us gods join forces It took decades to find a way to crack it But Chen Fan cracked it so quickly You passed so quickly Yunlong Killing Formation and Five Elements Formation It may take decades for you to crack For me

    It’ll just take a little effort at most. This is the third magic circle the owner of the cave is… The cave should be the last earthly immortal in China Hidden Sword Master’s Cave The last formation of the magic circle It’s this sword array Master Hidden Sword used these nine flying swords to

    Defeat all the invincible opponents in China want to break this sword formation It is estimated that it will take nine gods to join forces But this world How can it be so easy to gather nine gods? I see These nine flying swords all contain surging sword energy. Once activated

    The power of each sword I’m afraid it’s not inferior to Lin Jianpu’s blood sword skills. This sword-raising gourd was the magic weapon of the Hidden Sword Master back then. Could it be The ancient divine sword listens to my command receive Could this be the sword gourd used by Master Hidden Sword Master?

    Didn’t he disappear? I also got it accidentally on Hong Kong Island come in with me Don’t try to escape It seems I can only listen to him Hidden Sword Master is still alive More than a thousand years have passed Even the golden elixir will fall How can a mere innate person be alive?

    This is just his earthly immortal body Innate Dao Body Ice Muscle Jade Bone It will not decay for thousands of years His spirit has long since disappeared. He is holding an ancient scripture in his hand The fairy gate is closed and the road to heaven is dead what does this mean

    This is where I become an Earthly Immortal Four hundred and ninety-two years old The deadline is approaching There is no way to leave this world yet There seems to be a fairy gate in that place It’s a pity that it has been closed for a long time The road to heaven

    It’s over now The Hidden Sword Master should be the last earthly immortal on earth. He couldn’t find a way to leave and passed away. Now it seems There are about three ways to leave the earth The first It’s to find the location of the Immortal Gate mentioned by the Hidden Sword Master.

    Reopen the gate of immortality and embark on the road to heaven The second type It is to cultivate the golden elixir and physically cross the void of the universe. Fly directly out of the earth But this is too difficult The last option is to wait ten years

    The teacher took me away when passing by the earth But this is all a matter of innateness. I am only at the early stage of Shenhai now We should consider how to enter the innate talent That ancient scripture is probably the secret book of Hidden Sword Immortal’s skills.

    It’s a pity that I am not Chen Beixuan’s opponent. You also entered the cave. Earth Immortal, you’ve met me too It’s time to make a decision Do you want to live or die? Please let me live, please I would like to make a soul oath

    Never again will I be an enemy of the Immortal Master Let the immortal master drive you OK Conquer this person The Chen family will definitely be able to keep it Then make a soul contract Thank you Meet the master May the master be blessed with eternal life and long life.

    Let this be your entry-level gift. this Master, you gave it to me A mere Nine-Level Sword Classic is nothing You do your job well I may not be able to teach you the real immortal cultivation ceremony in the future. starting today As the protector of Beiqiong Sect, you

    The status is the same as the disciple of the sect leader second only to me It’s the door owner The gate master’s secret treasure of the Earthly Immortal is not worthy of its name. Except for one ancient book No treasures were left behind. Too poor What do you know break

    This is the real value of earth immortal Cave Mansion a spiritual vein true spiritual veins is ten times larger than The spiritual spring in Bilang God Valley Several herbs around this spiritual vein They are all top-grade elixirs. In addition, the Earth Witch Cauldron obtained by the Black Witch Cult

    I can refine a furnace of real elixirs I’m going to retreat for a while Just stay here to protect me. Yes, door owner Oh my god, the great Celestial Master Yao Daoyi was born. Li Changsheng of Wudang Ancient Dao Lineage was also born And the surrendered king of country C

    This is the big ghost of country J Why are these powerful gods like carrots? popping up one after another Because they can’t sit still Chen Beixuan even kills the gods Completely superior to ordinary gods These old monsters are ready to gang up on him

    And there are many powerful people in the divine realm Peep into the territory of Beiqiong Sect door-to-door attack Who dares to invade my Beiqiong territory? Hua Yunfeng, you have actually entered the divine realm. But if I’m not mistaken, this is the Chen family’s territory. Why should you mind your own business?

    I, Hua Yunfeng, have become a disciple of Chen Beixuan Became a disciple of the Northern Qiong Sect I advise you to stop Don’t cause unnecessary casualties Hua Yunfeng became a god and worshiped Chen Beixuan as his teacher. What Xue Daisha actually killed the God Realm Lord of the Fall

    And this little girl named Axiu He is actually Chen Beixuan’s top disciple Hua Yunfeng’s senior sister More than these Yao Shen Gu also announced that he would join the Beiqiong Sect. Renamed Alchemy Hall The Black Witch Cult also announced that they have become the Black Witch Church of the Northern Qiong Sect.

    When did this Chen Beixuan Create such a powerful Beiqiong sect I am the Dragon Lord of the Dragon Hall going to be turned into fire boy Use land Wu treasure Plus ninety-nine and eighty-one days of training This furnace of elixir is finally ready Master, this is The elixir is ready

    Master, could it be that this elixir has become a spirit? Top grade elixir How can it be compared to the elixirs on earth? At this level A trace of spirituality has been born Want to run actually made nine of them. Great. I thought it was five at most.

    Sect Master, what kind of elixir are you making? This pill is called Red Flame Spirit Pill It is one of the most precious elixirs among the top-grade elixirs. Is it any different from the elixirs we usually make? What do you call elixir? A real panacea requires more than just precious medicinal materials

    And the refining techniques are very harsh You must at least reach the Divine Sea to refine it. But once refined One is enough for a person to break through to the divine realm One can create a god With this red flame elixir Coupled with the spiritual energy in this spiritual vein,

    It’s enough for me to cultivate to the middle stage of Shenhai And these nine red flame elixirs Enough to practice another magical power Just which one should I practice? I only have an innate body at this time But there is no magical power or magic weapon to protect the body.

    There is no way to carry nuclear weapons The cultivation environment on earth is too barren It’s almost impossible to find the materials for refining I want a defensive weapon is difficult Then choose the magical power of body protection. Nine red flame elixirs Enough to repair a low-grade bodyguard

    That’s it, the Red Flame Armor. I’m going to start practicing Nothing can disturb me Yes, door owner The sect leader has started practicing I also quickly went to study the Nine Li Sword Sutra. Today The Nine Li Sword Sutra is finally completed The sect leader breaks through again

    Why did my breath linger for a while and then go away? The spiritual pool was actually sucked dry by the sect master I originally wanted to break through to the late stage of Shenhai in one go. It’s a pity that the liquid is gone

    In the end, I can only cultivate to the peak of the middle stage of Shenhai Doorkeeper How long have I been practicing You have been practicing for about a year and a half In the blink of an eye, it has been a year and a half

    The main purpose of this training has been accomplished It’s time to go out and take a look yes Finally out Not released for a year and a half Changes in this world I wonder if they have forgotten me Doorkeeper There is a Xie family manor in the nearby Kun City

    Is longtang branch helm Please let the disciples entertain you Xie Yan is the master of Dragon Hall Chen family can be found easily with just one order Okay, let’s set off stop fighting Why are there sounds of killing inside? Strange, why does the smell feel so familiar? It’s that Guo Nuannuan

    One more move and it’s over Stop Since it is Nuan Nuan Of course I have to obey Why did you change your mind? I will never go back with you Leng Tong Huang Jing Did you also join the Leng family? Sister Guo, your engagement with Brother Lengtong

    It was agreed by the elders of both parents Uncle Guo also nodded. Why should you resist? My dad was forced to nod by you. But I won’t agree Nuannuan, you said it wrong It’s not us who forced your father It was your father who took the initiative to marry you to me otherwise

    How do you think I knew you were here? What The Dragon Lord has been killed by that Chen Beixuan Dragon Hall is crumbling What else can your Guo family rely on? You’re talking nonsense. The Dragon Lord will never die. At that time, the man named Xie rushed into the Valley of No Return

    We saw it with our own eyes Haven’t come out for so long He is dead Dragon Hall is destined to be owned by that adult. Nuannuan, as long as you marry me I guarantee your family will be fine Even it’s that man who occupies the Dragon Hall

    He also has to rely on great master like my father. Leng Tong surpassed me in cultivation at such a young age If you really can’t do it, you can only fight to the death. I found an opportunity for the lady to escape. Who said I died in the Valley of No Return?

    Dragon dragon lord Xie Jingtang, a descendant of the Xie family Meet the ancestor God bless and let our ancestors return safely Get up Thank you It seems you are not here during this time Longtang doesn’t seem to be very peaceful. Lord, it’s my fault please allow me to clean up the portal

    Ask for the truth go ahead Since you are my protector If there’s a problem, I won’t stand idly by. How is this going Aren’t Dragon Lord and Chen Beixuan enemies? Dragon Lord, have mercy on me Dragon Lord, have mercy on me Your name is Leng Tong Your father is Leng Jianfeng

    Back then, your ancestors of the Leng family worshiped in the Dragon Hall Pledge to be loyal to Dragon Hall forever Never rebel Why are you attacking my Xie family manor today? I Attack the Dragon Lord Family of Dragon Hall regarded as betrayal of Dragon Hall Offenders die Xie Jingtang

    Tell me everything that happened in Dragon Hall during this period. Yes, Dragon Lord Damn Thaksin and Suhabi How dare you suppress Dragon Hall? Who are these two people? Da Xin, the descended king, is the uncle of the current king. The master of head-dropping techniques in the world

    Can be called the patron saint of the royal family of T country And Suhabi is the priest of the ancient temple It is said that he has the inheritance of Poseidon So he calls himself the spokesperson of Poseidon I have only been in retreat for a year and a half

    These gods have been born one after another what else happened after When we suffered consecutive defeats and suffered heavy losses, A powerful man in the divine realm who called himself Wu Guanchao came to the main altar Claiming that as long as Dragon Hall surrenders to him He can keep Dragon Hall

    The head of the family strongly protested He was killed with one palm It is said that repay you for the revenge he received from you back then. I beg you to avenge my Xie family. What a great Wu Guanchao Who is this Wu Guanchao?

    He was the number one master in Nanyang sixty years ago The unique genius of the Wu family once challenged me After being defeated by my palm, he disappeared Afterwards, the Wu family surrendered to Dragon Hall Became the pillar of Dragon Hall Unexpectedly, he appears again now Still want to destroy my Xie family

    No wonder the Wu family rebelled so quickly Because Wu Guanchao is the ancestor of the Wu family But sixty years ago Wu Guanchao is just the peak of transformation Now he has reached the divine realm There must be some adventure It doesn’t matter, I’ll go with you Meet this Wu family god

    But you have to be careful to hide your figure If the news is leaked, Wu Guanchao will escape early That would be big trouble What the sect master said is absolutely true Thank you sir The disciples of Zhanjian Hall listen to the order Quickly seal off the entire Xie family manor

    Seize all mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment No news is allowed to leak out yes As for you Stay in the manor first Wait until the chaos in Dragon Hall is settled before going out Mr. Chen, can you take me to Xingzhou? My father is also in Xing Zhou

    I don’t know how he is now why should i take you there I, I beg you, can you? Stay still and don’t run around Chen Beixuan I have a private jet Just stop at Pontianak City Airport I can take you there

    This way, it won’t attract the attention of Dragon Hall and the Wu family. private plane Mr. Chen, ancestor The lady does have a private jet When I bought it, it was listed under the name of the Guo family. People from Dragon Hall probably won’t investigate. That’s okay We will arrive in Xingzhou soon

    Is Wu Guanchao in Xingzhou? should be in But this smell is weird My spiritual thoughts don’t dare to get too close Afraid of alarming him We are going directly to Dragon Hall headquarters. Find out that Wu Guanchao and Leng Jianfeng Or set a trap to catch the turtle in the urn? not us

    It’s me and Xie Yan without you you I am from the Guo family Come to my father Guo Shoukang Hold on Verification completed But you can only enter with two guards You two follow me Dragon Hall is quite impressive. In order to develop this foundation

    Most of the old brothers who came with me were killed in the battle. In the end, Dragon Hall was allowed to establish itself here. Isn’t this Guo Nuannuan? Why is she here at Dragon Hall? Could it be that I figured it out? I’m willing to be Uncle Leng’s daughter-in-law Hello Uncle Leng

    Nuannuan, you are back dad I just discussed with your Uncle Leng When will get married to you? Now Dragon Hall is under the control of the new leader A lot of waste is waiting to be done After you married Leng Tong Just happened to be involved in Dragon Hall affairs.

    Congratulations to Hall Master Leng and Mr. Guo The union of the Guo family and the Leng family is definitely a great event. The union of the Guo family and the Leng family is definitely a great event. By the time You must treat us to a wedding banquet

    Dragon Hall has always only had the hall master When did an extra faucet appear? Damn, who do you think you are? Do you know where this place is? Even a mere guard dared to interrupt Guo Nuannuan takes care of your servant. Wu Longtou is the most popular dragon head in Dragon Hall

    Respected status He’s more presumptuous Don’t blame Uncle Leng for enforcing Dragon Hall’s criminal laws. Leng Jianfeng, Leng Jianfeng Your ancestors died fighting for the foundation of Longtang How tragic and heroic I didn’t expect that the younger generation would be so miserable Who are you Look who I am again Dragon Lord

    Didn’t you die in the Valley of No Return? I, Xie Yan, have spanned the world for hundreds of years How can the valley stop me? Leng Jianfeng How dare you betray Dragon Hall? According to criminal law Die no, do not want Dragon Lord, have mercy on me Dragon Lord, have mercy on me

    Wu Guanchao, get out of here who is it Dare to call the leader by his name This is Dragon Lord Really the Dragon Lord Bros The Dragon Lord of our Dragon Hall is really back we see the Dragon Lord Congratulations to the Dragon Lord on his return

    Even if the Dragon Lord comes back He may not be able to defeat Wu Longtou. And there are them Dad, you are wrong As long as he’s here, it won’t matter if there are more divine realms. Wu Guanchao has reached this point Why don’t you come out to see me? Xie

    I never thought you could come out of the valley of no return Wu Guanchao, I treat the Wu family well Why do you want to occupy my Dragon Hall? Kill the descendant of the Xie family Without further ado Come up and die Don’t know what is good or bad How can it be

    During this period of time, you have made progress instead of retreating in your cultivation. suffer death Damn it, why did his cultivation level rise so fast? And doesn’t he practice sonic skills? How do you know how to fly a sword? I haven’t cultivated to the realm of thunder yet No match for him

    No matter what, let’s fight go Lord Xie , will everything be okay? rest assured A mere early stage of the divine realm If he still can’t solve it This year and a half of hard work is just feeding the dog. Why did the wave suddenly start? Dragon Lord is invincible

    Dragon Lord is mighty That blow just now You no longer have the ability to use it again Die now Xie Do you think I can take over your Dragon Hall by myself? not good I didn’t expect such primitive and alien species to exist on earth. The strength of this black-scaled snake

    I guess has already entered the realm of gods. It’s Da xin, the king of surrender and Suhabi, the high priest of Poseidon Brother Xie, long time no see It turned out to be you Three gods This is a sure-fire situation. Brother Xie, you have always been known for your resourcefulness.

    Decades of research valley we anticipated that you might escape So I specially set up this game to wait for you to exploit it. Brother Xie, if you swear that Dragon Hall will never leave Xingzhou, How about we just give up and make peace later? If you just give up

    Vow never to offend Dragon Hall I might spare you What a loud tone by you alone How can you be the opponent of the three of us? Just use whatever trump card you have. Three gods Is our Dragon Hall going to die today? His trump card is me this dad

    Master Xie Long has become a disciple of Chen Beixuan Become the protector of the Northern Qiong Sect Our Longtang now also belongs to the Beiqiong Sect. What? He is Chen Beixuan Chen immortal I have no enmity or grudge against you On the contrary, Xie Yan once surrounded and killed you.

    What do you mean Xie Yan has become my disciple Naturally, dragon hall belongs to our Beiqiong sect. What Go quickly hateful In front of me, Chen Beixuan you can escape? What kind of spell is this? This is the power of the gods He can’t hold on for long

    We just need to hold on until the barrier disappears. you’re right I really can’t hold on to this lockdown for too long. But it’s enough for you Fire Thunder Fist You have no idea what real thunder and lightning is Palm thunder What kind of spell is this? This is the real Refa

    A god realm Just like that, he was killed with one palm. This old monster is so scary Must escape useless This is the power of the realm of gods You can only escape by waiting for it to disappear automatically Take the move Naga Chen Beixuan Just taste the poisonous mist of Naga inside.

    Even if you are steel will all be corroded by the poisonous mist Don’t take it lightly Chen Beixuan is not that easy to deal with. How can it be He was unscathed Ten Thousand Poisonous Gu Insects Void shock No This big snake still has the aura of Daxin in it. The second soul?

    Give me another punch Such a fierce punch even the most powerful secret artillery boxing of Xingyi fist Not even one-tenth innate Great grappler do not come According to legend, favored by the sea god Poseidon priest with the power to control tsunamis Just die like this See Chen immortal See Dragon Lord

    Hall Master Wu dragon dragon lord Wu Jingxuan You betrayed dragon hall and led the enemy in To be killed according to law Disciple knows his mistake Just ask the Dragon Lord For the sake of the Wu family’s decades of hard work, Let the Wu family go

    It’s not up to me to decide whether to let them go or not. It is determined by the laws of dragon hall The ancestor is out of seclusion The ancestor is out of seclusion Look, it’s the ancestor The ancestor must have broken through to the Earth Immortal The ancestor is finally born

    Since this time As Chen Beixuan became famous, The Beiqiong Sect was born The Lin family is under increasing pressure. As long as the ancestor can break through the realm of heaven and man Become an Earth Immortal What does Chen Beixuan mean? This is See ancestor Get up

    Ancestor, have you broken through to the Earth Immortal? what does this mean Where is Chen Beixuan? Report to ancestor Chen Beixuan chased the Dragon Lord of Longtang into the Valley of No Return Haven’t shown up for a year and a half But the Beiqiong sect he left behind is still in the world

    Set off for Beiqiong sect I don’t know when the teacher will come out Don’t worry, the master is an immortal who has come to the world. The mere earthly immortal magic circle cannot trap him at all The master might be doing some retreat somewhere. Yes

    The teacher’s cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the human world It’s only half a step away from the Earthly Immortal what’s the situation Lin Shuming came to visit the head of Beiqiong Sect Lin Shuming Could it be that swordsman from the Lin family? What Sure enough it was him

    Hua Yunfeng, the second disciple of Beiqiong Sect I’ve seen Mr. Shuming I don’t know why Mr. Shuming came here Brother Hua dominated Zhonghai and was proud of China Unexpectedly, the descendants would actually make dogs for Chen Beixuan If he knew He must be furious

    Mr. Shuming, I respect you as a martial arts senior. Just three points of salute But this does not mean that you can act recklessly in front of my Beiqiong sect. snort Yeah? Then let me see how much skill you have inherited from Chen Beixuan Burning Cloud Palm Huayunfeng is a divine realm

    Unable to stop Lin Shuming from pointing his finger Come again If you practice for another sixty years Maybe you can block my sword ah Teacher, are you okay? Lin Shuming, you are the most dignified swordsman in China. Don’t go to my master

    What’s the point of coming to the Beiqiong sect to show off your evil intentions? You are Xue Daisha The man who killed my descendant Pojun ah You can actually block my finger and not die Come again stop You are a strong and powerful person from Beiqiong Sect. Yes Can you take my sword?

    This Lin Shuming is so scary Two gods were defeated by him with one finger and one sword. Could it be that he has already entered the realm of earthly immortality? Lin Shuming, don’t bully others too much. Don’t blame Master Chen for coming back when the time comes

    Tread down your Lin family’s mountain gate snort Okay, I’ll let you go for now. three days later I made an appointment with Chen Beixuan on the shore of the East China Sea He won’t come for a day I will kill one of your Beiqiong faction Could it be that Lin Shuming

    Will destroy the huge Beiqiong sect? Hum I can only hope that the teacher will come back soon There is news Master Chen Xian has left the Valley of No Return And also killed three god realm masters The teacher really came out True news

    Master Chen Xian showed his great power in Xingzhou last night Destroyed three gods in one breath And he also surrendered dragon court Now the Beiqiong faction is saved Xiaofan may not be Lin Shuming’s opponent, right? Please rest assured, Grandma The strength of the teacher is beyond our imagination

    Almost all the masters on the Heavenly Ranking List are gathered together. Ogusi, the spiritual master of T country He actually came too Wait, isn’t that Adam? Unexpectedly, it took several years Saw him again Look, Beiqiong is here! Why is there no Chen Beixuan? It’s the great Celestial Master of Celestial Master Dao

    Yao Daoyi, didn’t expect that he would come too Brother Lin Hahaha Sure enough Everyone says It’s Li Changsheng from the Wudang Ancient Taoist Sect. Only fame can’t be forgotten Takeo Watanabe J country’s previous generation swordsman I didn’t expect that he was still alive Your Excellency Shuming

    It’s a pity that it’s not me in this battle I can’t understand your 60 years of swordsmanship It’s a pity It’s from Kunlun they are finally here I saw Zhu Que Is that Ye Qingcang next to him? No, he is less domineering than Ye Qingcang

    Old Qinglong didn’t expect you to be still alive And he has broken through to the divine realm You old monsters are not dead yet How could I go first? Lin Shuming, when you fought against the general, there was no winner or loser. Agree to close the mountain Why was he born again today?

    Stirring the situation in China Chen Beixuan killed my disciple Cut off my Lin family bloodline This revenge must be avenged Lin Langya is seeking death He and three people named Hong teamed up to besiege Chen Beixuan Skills are not as good as others should be willing to accept defeat.

    Why do you have to stand out? The murderer must pay with his life Lin Shuming now in a very peculiar state I can’t take action casually I can only wait and see what happens. Chen Beixuan Come out and die Isn’t it possible that Xiaofan didn’t receive the news? Don’t worry, Aunt Wang

    Xiaofan will definitely come Master is here Is that human being Just like a sea god It’s Master Great, Xiaofan, he’s fine Substitute one’s own heart for Heaven’s heart regarded as heavenly beings Really amazing Senior uncle Chen Beixuan is really so strong Able to control such a powerful storm

    Chen Beixuan just took advantage of the storm Just a little traction But this is amazing It is estimated that he is only half a foot away from the realm of earthly immortals. Chen Beixuan, you are finally here The aura on Lin Shuming’s body has been the most powerful since I was reborn.

    But Lin Shuming is still a little short of an earthly immortal. And this point is the chasm If there is no chance Eternal life cannot be entered only Why does he feel like a threat to me? Is there any hidden magic weapon or trump card?

    Chen Beixuan, I have been waiting for you here for three days. You are indeed the most amazing and talented young person in the past hundred years. Without further ado Lin Shuming, how dare you hurt my maid? Bully me Beiqiong sect You should be able to think of the consequences

    Yes, the moment Langya died the two of us are destined to live forever I thought I would be released from the mountain after 60 years of seclusion It should be a showdown with Ye Qingcang. But I didn’t expect the world More of you, Chen Beixuan Take the move Jian Ning go roll

    Give me another punch Zhenwu thirty-six postures dragon transformation Pure Jun Sword Unsheath sword domain Don’t know Chen Beixuan how to break this perfect sword realm? No, rewind quickly Ha ha ha ha happy watch out Brother Shuming is going to be unstoppable. turn out to be

    Lin Shuming was unable to completely receive Chen Beixuan’s attack. had to transfer my fist strength to the tide-watching stone at my feet. The tenth punch Come again Go back far Oh My God This requires at least another thousand meters of retreat. Only then can we watch the battle in peace.

    Fortunately, we closed this section of the road in advance. Otherwise, with the two of them fighting like this, I don’t know how many people died yet. Master, come on We must defeat that old monster Lin Shuming, show your true skills. With this sword skill You can’t even warm me up OK air swordsmanship

    Yes Taoist boxing Master won After all, Lin Shuming’s cultivation level is not as good as his teacher’s That punch is unrivaled Any skill in front of that punch All look pale and weak Lin Shuming was defeated like this not necessarily snort Chen Beixuan

    You are worthy of being a peerless talent that only appears once in a thousand years. The true energy is as vast as the sea and is not inferior to the Earthly Immortal Boxing and martial arts are even more transcendent than the world, almost like gods. pity You finally disappeared into the immortal world

    Today Doomed to die here oh I see This is your trump card No wonder you dare to challenge me Substitute one’s own heart for Heaven’s heart Brother Lin has finally entered this realm. Immortal Brother Lin actually entered the realm of immortality I really want to understand it This is the immortal

    Every gesture has the power of heaven and earth break How could Lin Shuming suddenly become so powerful? It was clear that he couldn’t hold it any longer before. Because Lin Shuming stepped into the immortal world What is immortal Immortal as the name suggests is the immortal among humans

    This realm lies between the realm of gods and earthly immortals Can display part of the power of the Earth Immortal No need to use any force Can control the world Easily crush the divine realm Unfortunately Although immortals are strong Not an earthly immortal after all There is still a lifespan limit

    No matter how powerful When longevity comes Have to turn into dust Wouldn’t it be dangerous for a teacher to say that? go Taoist boxing Come again rise Aoki Qibing break condense go Power of heaven and earth How can you, a mortal, control it? Lin Shuming

    If you hold on any longer, I’m afraid you won’t survive today. Killing you is enough Although I despise this opportunistic paradise, within a few hours He can unleash the destructive power of the Earthly Immortal Realm unscrupulously Come on then ah Divide the sea with one sleeve break

    This is the true power of the Earth Immortal. My generation has been pursuing for thousands of years Isn’t it just to control such power? From now on transcend the world carefree It’s a pity that Brother Lin’s body is about to collapse in less than three hours well

    Unexpectedly, Brother Lin wanted to kill Chen Beixuan Not willing to die snort Lin Langya is the future pillar of the Lin family Chen Beixuan killed Lin Langya to cut off the roots of the Lin family. Lin Shuming can’t become an immortal Only three years left to live After three years

    Who will protect the Lin family? Might as well fight to the death Revenge for Lin Langya Useless, Lin Shuming You don’t know the innate method Don’t understand innate skills Rough manipulation of these heaven and earth vitality Just wasting your time and life No matter how strong the power is, it cannot be condensed

    What’s the use Damn it watch out snort Come again ha no Unbreakable Not so much time to waste Lin Shuming Everyone in the world calls you a swordsman I don’t know if you dare to take my sword What do you mean Thousands of years ago Hidden Sword Master’s Nine Flying Swords

    How about I use these Nine swords consult your Lin family’s swordsmanship OK The sword rises This sword array condensed by sea water The power of controlling heaven and earth Using Qi to Control the Sword Therefore, it is called the Great Thousand Sword Formation go gather Hey Hahahahahaha Raising a sword for sixty years

    Can finally take it out today Chen Beixuan You Take my earthly immortal sword Well Lin Shuming’s sword The culmination of his sixty years of skills Coupled with the promotion of the realm of immortality It’s comparable to the real Earth Immortal sword. I don’t know General Ye Can you take this sword?

    Nine swords obey orders Return to Yuan sword array Finish This formation is called Shifang Qiushui I use this sword formation Compete with your way of immortal swordsmanship OK Take the move Heard the truth in the morning and died in the evening It is enough to see this sword in this life go Look

    Lin Shuming’s sword It actually bypassed Chen Beixuan’s sword Yuanshen Yujian It turns out that this is Lin Shuming’s real earthly immortal sword Everything before was just a cover This is the real killing move shield open master ah This is Chen Beixuan it’s over I lost after all Langya master I am so sorry

    Chen Beixuan won Donor Lin has been practicing swordsmanship for sixty years Achievements human immortal But nothing can be done about Chen Beixuan What a pity snort Immortal sounds good But entering that realm you have to trade your lifespan for strength What is the use but Chen Beixuan learned about this battle

    Indeed no one can cure it It seems that we need to summon all the gods Discuss strategies carefully Infinite Light Buddha Ye Qingcang fifty years ago There is absolutely no power like Chen Beixuan Chen Beixuan used the power of the divine realm to Blocked the Earth Immortal’s sword Unbelievable Can’t understand

    After this battle The teacher is afraid that he can reach the top of the world There is another Ye Qingcang But nothing to be afraid of Although Lin Shuming passed away he has the bearing of a master Send me orders after today Anyone who insults the Lin family

    They are enemies of our Northern Qiong faction. yes I underestimated Lin Shuming I didn’t expect him to be able to carry a sword with his body Sixty years of accumulated skills Just to strike out with a sword But this can also be seen want to cultivate to the innate level on earth

    How difficult is it With Lin Shuming’s unique talent, Still couldn’t take that step Could it be really until ten years later Teacher pass by the earth and take me away The teacher is really terrible Xiaofan, are you not injured? mom Don’t worry, I’m fine A visitor is here

    Why don’t you come out and see me? Hahahahaha Very fragrant tea I am Wudang Li Changsheng How dare you, an old man, come to see me? Ha ha Others are afraid of you Chen Beixuan but I know As long as I don’t provoke you You won’t take action without reason

    You’re the most discerning person in the world Now that we are here Why don’t you sit down and have a cup of tea? You come to see me why your cultivation I’m afraid you’ve already entered the realm of immortality. I really can’t hide it from you No wonder they all say

    You are the reincarnation of an old monster omniscient Became a human immortal What’s the use Not earth Immortal All are false Then what do you want from me? Let me tell you frankly I’m not an immortal either It’s just the magical powers of cultivation stronger than you so

    Only in order to fight the earthly immortals with the divine realm I know this I have been studying martial arts till now Already one hundred and forty-two years But we are still far away from the Earth Immortal. I understand now I want to break through the realm of immortality in this world

    I’m afraid it’s impossible unless Unless what Unless you transcend this world Chen Beixuan Do you know immortal gate? Immortal gate The founder of my sect All generations have been searching for the location of the Immortal Gate Deep in Kunlun, on the coast of the East China Sea

    The top of the Qinling Mountains in the hinterland of Shu Mountain One of these four places It’s probably where the Immortal Gate is these four places They are all in ancient Chinese mythology The place where immortals retreat Sure enough, myths and legends are not false Although the exact location of immortal gate

    We do not know But according to records Someone from the Immortal Gate once came to the mortal world Records in ancient books The ancestor of my family have had contact with people from the Immortal Gate It is said that the skills and magical powers they practiced Extremely powerful Can fight across borders

    Similar to you And they call themselves Immortal cultivator Calculated by time It’s almost time again for the Immortal Gate to open I just don’t know the specific time Immortal Gate opens do you know A sect called Snow God Palace Master Chen also knows about Snow God Palace

    This Snow God Palace is indeed the Taoist tradition within the Immortal Gate It is said to be composed purely of women descendants of each living generation All of them are at least divine realm cultivation level The strength is also unfathomable I have a friend two years ago

    Taken away by people from Snow God Palace What The people of Snow God Palace appear in the world Doesn’t this mean that the Immortal Gate has been opened? The opportunity to become an immortal appears Chen immortal I must find the fairy gate Otherwise wait until next time Maybe hundreds of years later Um

    Originally looking for Immortal Gate Just to break through to the realm of golden elixir Now it seems We still have to find the location of Snow God Palace Lu Yanxue is just living a good life. But if they dare to bully her and treat her lightly I will never show mercy

    The Secret of Immortal Gate Already informed Master Chen I will leave I just want the immortal master to find the immortal gate Let me know I will always be remembered OK I have to seize the time to practice. Cultivation into innateness That’s my most important task right now Innate It’s the Earth Immortal

    I’m not afraid at all Sister An has broken through to the Tongxuan stage Sister An and Xiaoqiong’s cultivation speed is the fastest Although my mother is busy with work after all, in Zhonghai When she has free time, can come to Beiqiong Sect to practice. On the contrary, my father still stays in Chuzhou

    Can only come to Zhonghai during holidays Chuzhou How many years have I gone back? Xu Rongfei Jiang Tanqiu Jiang Churan And the Wei family a year and a half ago The Wei family thought I was dead Seized the cloud and mist spring Joined Hong Gate Although I don’t know

    Is this Wei Laosan’s decision alone? But no one can take possession of Beixuan Immortal Lord’s things Still able to be at ease Now It’s time for me to seek justice with my own hands Why are there so many cars? Senior Are you also here to attend the tenth anniversary celebration?

    Today is the school anniversary What a coincidence Many former classmates will come back Yes, senior Come on in I’ll take you to the school anniversary auditorium OK Senior My name is Lin Lulu what is your name My name is Chen Fan Lin Lulu Who is this person? This is Senior Chen Fan

    Also here to attend the school anniversary. Senior Chen Fan On our school anniversary invitation list There is no such person Senior Chen Fan Sorry You are really not on the list or I’m going to ask the school leader for instructions How about adding a location for you No I feel something

    Just came to my alma mater to take a look No need to worry It’s seniors Si Yingxia and Yang Chao. It’s really here They are the pride of our school ah It’s a pity that Senior Xu didn’t come Senior Sister Xu is my idol ah That person’s back looks so familiar Who, Dachao?

    Can’t remember It just feels a little familiar Maybe it’s an old classmate? Since he doesn’t meet us We don’t have to force it By the way, Mengmeng Is Churan here? She didn’t come to the school anniversary It seems like she has gone home these people to me are all insignificant passers-by

    Let’s go to Yunwu Mountain first. Fast forward three or four years Oops, strange I didn’t ask anyone to clean it. This breath is her Chen Fan Long time no see, Jiang Churan Yes, long time no see I see you haven’t been back for a long time

    The clouds and fog around here have dispersed again I’ll just come up and help you clean once in a while. fine this villa I am preparing to give it to Aunt Tang I promised her that I would wait until I had money.

    I want to buy her a villa on the top of the mountain ah Do you still remember that’s true You are a big shot now Lives in Zhonghai and Jinling Rarely come back You seem to have disappeared in the past few years I heard Feifei said that she can’t even contact you. well

    I have either been practicing in seclusion these years Or on the way to retreat to practice Things about Xu Ao I knew it was too late I can only avenge him I didn’t go to Feifei to say sorry. It was my fault It’s fine She will understand you

    I saw a screenshot of a video online The gods of country J appear in the world is it you Chen Beixuan You know me pretty well A fairy-like figure appeared among the classmates Of course I want to understand I’m not a fairy If Must say Just on the way to the gods

    Sit down I’ll make tea Wow You said you’re not a god The magical power of this hand to pick things out of thin air Is it called Qiankun in the sleeve? Just a little trick Um ah what are you looking at Jiang Churan, you go home first

    The further away from Yunwu Mountain, the better ah Praise to the Infinite Light King Longevity Buddha This lady Just stay here as a guest for now Wait for us Discuss over with Donor Chen It’s not too late to leave I’m Li Changsheng met Master Chen Xian well longevity

    After all, the world will never be able to transcend this word Yao master Immortal should know As for the other three Let me introduce you to the immortal master This is Ms. Tantai It was the Republic of China period The goddess invited from the secret religion Extremely high level of cultivation

    Met Master Chen Xian This Guru Rama is the first guru of hinduism Ranked seventh on the God List a century ago Has the power of dragon and elephant As for the last Mr. Damon Blood Demon The third one on the God List a hundred years ago Bloodlord Damon Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen Beixuan

    You’ve even heard of my name ah they Could it be that they are here to trouble Chen Fan? Li Changsheng I told you The fairy gate has opened People inside have come out why do you come to me Fairy Gate is dimly discernible It is unknown whether it exists

    This is the theory of Snow God Palace How will we know Is Master Chen immortal deceiving us? But Chen immortal’s magical power can’t fake it As long as Chen immortal tells the location of the Immortal Gate, Or share the technique with us I can swear Let Chen immortal leave immediately snort Just you

    Without further ado Chen Beixuan Hand over the secret We will let you go Hum good We have no enmity or enmity with Master Chen I just want a way to eternal life and liberation snort snort I, Beixuan Immortal Lord, travel across the universe Relying on the indomitable fighting spirit and strength

    So what if the seven of you join forces? I’ll kill you with one sword Everyone come together Just take him down Asking for secrets snort You just retreat I can spare your life Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude. Thunder Control Technique You asked for this after today

    There will no longer be a realm of gods in the East what’s up Why is there thunder on the top of the mountain? It’s not raining Could it be that Chen Beixuan is back? break ah Royal Thunder Seal Spiritual weapon I have it too go not good

    My strength has not been restored yet can’t stop this sword at all Brother Yao can’t hold it anymore save him go I cast the White Lotus Patronus Charm taught secretly in the sect. couldn’t even block Chen Beixuan’s sword go Cut through the sky with one sword Dragon Transformation How is he so powerful

    Return to Yuan He and I are both at the peak of the divine realm But why come his skill is several times better than mine? cut go lotus formation Hahaha Well come break ah Everyone take action together This is indeed an unprecedented enemy So many strong men Can Chen Fan win?

    Give me a slap Didn’t expect the earth There are actually strong body-refining experts You also take a punch from me your body actually has the power of gods and demons Grandmaster Don’t fight him physically Chen Beixuan has cultivated the body of an earthly immortal

    If I could wipe my body with your essence and blood Absorb the power maybe Can break through the realm of gods and demons in ancient Brahman legends snort Then come and try it lotus flowers scattered rise Infinite Dzi Beads Stepping on the sky Blood Demon Lead Thunder is everywhere open

    Chen Beixuan, you are indeed unparalleled in power. Can catch the combined attack of seven of us But such a blow How many more times can you catch it? Brother Chen Just give it up Hand over the secret We can turn conflicts into friendship Chen Fan really couldn’t bear it anymore otherwise

    He can definitely protect his clothes and villa ah Take Aunt Tang away Beixuan Donor What do you consider snort Send the irrelevant people away I can finally take action with all my strength you are the first Dragon and Tiger Secret Mantra snort Dragon and Tiger Secret Mantra

    It was actually broken into pieces by Chen Beixuan’s punch. The power of a punch So much so I can handle you joining forces But How many punches can you take from me? Take action together cast spell Limit his body shape Can’t make him move It can’t be hard-wired this time.

    These seven people join forces to strike Enough to rival the power of an earthly immortal I still can’t bear it now The sky is broad at my speed It’s hard for these seven people to hit me at the same time amulet clone This magical weapon that pretends to be dead

    How many times can I let you escape? This punch breaks the speed of sound horrible Fortunately, I react quickly snort stop him I come ah Why does it feel like hitting cotton? Hahaha Everyone says that the ancient Wudang Dao lineage Combination of law and martial arts Don’t know

    How many moves can you block me from? Taoist boxing ah Haunt him Give Mr. Li a chance to regain his temper Endless The sword comes Let you see it today What is a real swordsman? ah wielding a sword ah The power of this sword actually lost seven of us in a row.

    This Chen Beixuan is simply terrifying to the extreme. My sword Can come again ten times How many more times can you carry it? Chen Beixuan Do you really want to fight with me? I said after today There is no more divine realm in the East

    Only the last two pieces of the spiritual weapon are left If come again twice I’m afraid I’m going to die completely Lhasa Mosa Hey These old gods Everyone has a trump card Not easy to deal with But once not work Just come a few more times can always solve them Come again ah

    No If this continues We are all going to perish here Take my sword again Arrangement Not broken This formation is This formation is called the Immortal Killing Formation Specially established for those in the Immortal Sect Could Kill Earth Immortal Master Chen has been the first witness since the creation of this array

    Be proud of Master Chen once asked me why I dared to come This is the reason snort What Immortal Killing Formation It’s just a Beidou magic circle You dare to do in front of me snort This formation I can break it with one sword protect cut ah With my current level of cultivation

    Forcibly activate this superior swordsmanship Still too forced can only play One-tenth the power so far so good This phantom-replacing magic weapon is secretly passed down in the religion. saved me I’d better leave immediately Escape far well Only four people were eliminated with one move

    If I enter the later stage of the Divine Sea You three can’t hide Too scary Seven peak gods Even the Earth Immortal can be killed who are you this problem Go to hell and ask Chen Beixuan That sword before I’m afraid with your ability

    There is no way to strike out with the second sword. Why don’t you and us make peace? just want to beg for mercy now late I said it before You just leave I can forget about it You must be stubborn now Nine Li Sword That’s all At this point

    Only fight to the death Otherwise, we can escape Can the Taoist disciples escape? war Why Disciple, I feel sorry for all the ancestors of Tianshi Dao. go Front view of me Daoyi, you cover Mr. Damon close attack Heavenly Thunder Jue snort you can’t kill me ha you Come again no

    I can’t stop him Support it a little more court death Run away quickly Three punches until the soul is destroyed escape how dare you With your longevity Can activate immortal power for up to three hours When the time comes No need for me to do anything You will naturally explode and die

    I once told you I am not a member of the Immortal Sect I thought you could restrain your greed I didn’t expect you to actually come to die. Hahahahaha Immortal Immortality Current who can bear it My master named me Changsheng place hope Wish me a long life Master Light Gate snort

    I didn’t expect it until the end It’s still inevitable that I will die. Not surviving the catastrophe Not transcending this universe Where can real immortality come from? Just live longer Li Changsheng Stop fighting in vain This will only make you die faster How long can I live? Master Chen is not worried

    But before dying I have to watch Master Chen go first What other trump cards do you have? Although the body of the Earth Immortal is strong Not immortal Wait for the old Taoist to capture Master Chen Then suppress it with a huge mountain weighing ten thousand kilograms Or thrown into lava

    There is always a way to kill you snort Li Changsheng you talk too much Look what’s going on Could it be There are gods fighting? go The sword comes Can’t delay any longer Otherwise, let Damon run away. Li Changsheng You are lucky enough to see this knife Die without regrets This is

    This knife is for me when I enter the divine sea realm With my spiritual thoughts Made of true essence Named Shenyuan Knife The nemesis of the soul Usually hidden in the sea of gods Never started Today I will kill the immortal to celebrate go did not expect i finally Still lost

    Sure enough, the Shenyuan Sword cannot be easily revealed That knife just now This makes the Shenyuan Sword less than one-third wasted months of hard work Sorry to bring you into this Need not You Just be fine Apologize to Aunt Tang on my behalf Later A real villa will be built on the site

    Give it to her I have to leave beforehand Ran Ran He is really Chen Fan Fortunately, on Blood Demon Leaves a mark of consciousness I should be able to catch up with him soon. not good This direction seems to be heading to Sishui County dad oops County Magistrate Chen somehow

    Just now a red light flashed Sudden serious illness life is in danger It is said that experts from the provincial hospital are on their way over I don’t know if it’s too late Mr. Chen You must hold on Who are you dad dad Xiaofan Dear Mr. Chen Beixuan Your strength amazes me.

    But people survive in the world There is a weakness after all As you can see I’m in your father’s body make a blood curse This is one of the oldest spells in the world It’s an unsolvable curse You don’t have to waste your efforts trying to undo it

    The power of this curse will accompany him throughout his life Deep into the blood and marrow must constantly use the vitality of the top powerhouses Build up strength for him Only then can he survive certainly Mr. Chen can also abandon your father’s life Keep chasing me How to choose It’s all on you

    In a moment Hahahahaha Bloodlord Damon You dare to hurt my parents and relatives I, Chen Beixuan, swear by heaven and earth Go up to the poor blue and fall down to the underworld Even if I chase you to the end of the universe I will find you too Take out your soul

    Burn with fire for a hundred years As soon as this oath is made Never regret it If I don’t kill you Never enter the innate Wanfa Zong Seven Killing Curse become Bloodlord Damon Even if you lose your soul reincarnation I can always find you Chen Beixuan

    You didn’t expect me to have this trick, did you? They all say that a cultivator like you Definitely desperate How could you surrender for your loved ones? but i know You value your parents very much If I kill him directly You will definitely chase me madly. But I put a curse on him

    You Just be obedient Use your own energy Save your father Hahahahahahahahaha What’s this ah you Damn Chen Beixuan You don’t care about your father anymore get out don’t let anyone in yes Stop looking. Stop looking. It’s all gone Call Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Huaian immediately The situation here yes

    Master has already set up a formation We can’t get in Ke Xing grandma Don’t worry The master must have cast a spell inside to save the grandmaster. Master is a person like heaven and man Just a curse Not a problem for him But I still want to go in and have a look

    Well Ke Xing is too stubborn If he had listened to me earlier quit this job as county magistrate How could we be like this now? This blood curse is really difficult to deal with I scanned my father’s body inch by inch with my spiritual thoughts. Discover the power of this curse

    It’s rooted in the blood Unless the father abandons this body Reincarnation or death Otherwise it will never be eliminated and will be passed on to future generations But why this curse Makes me feel a little familiar This is Bloodline Source Curse of the Vampire Clan Many sects of various races

    There are records of how to break the blood source curse. There are dozens of solutions that I know of alone But in line with the current earth environment and my cultivation There are only three kinds The first Just looking for a purebred vampire Use his essence and blood to make a spell-breaking charm

    Not to mention the earth If can find a purebred vampire That’s innate life my current ability Not enough to kill him The second worry-free mantra of Wanfa Sect Claimed to be able to cure all curses But this casting time It will take at least seventy-seven forty-nine days too long The third kind

    The Yimu Life Spell of the Wood Clan Requires the blood of the Wood Spirit Combined with Yimu spiritual energy to form a spell Specialized in breaking all kinds of vampire spells My Qing Emperor Immortal Body Inherited from the ancient Qing Emperor Even if I am only a small success now

    But it’s enough to replace the wood god’s blood With my current level of cultivation Write this mantra with spiritual energy Still a little reluctant Talisman done go Xiaofan, how is your father? Don’t worry, Mom Dad is fine Xiaofan where are you going revenge snort Running very fast

    Ran out of the country in three days. Hello Suzaku? I want all the information about Damon the Blood Demon What You want to hunt down Damon the Bloodlord OK Information is available I’ll pass it on to you right away But you have to be careful Bloodlord Damon

    As a super strong man who has survived for hundreds of years Is the person in charge behind the scenes Of the three major dark organizations in the West I see Bloodlord Damon Proficient in countless secret techniques and martial arts He also awakened the power of his bloodline possess near immortality

    The strongest man in the dark world of the West The controllers of the three dark organizations Suspected to be a human immortal It seems that he had hidden his strength before snort But even if you have great power It can’t stop me from killing you Damon’s aura began to appear faintly.

    Are you trying to cover up the Seven Killing Curse with a secret method? It’s a pity that the Seven Killing Curse is a life and death curse. Unless you are wiped out Otherwise, even you escape to another world. Also cut off the connection between us Mr Damon you are too timid Arthur

    My friend you need to know Chen Beixuan is very powerful beyond your imagination Even the seven peak gods join forces They were all killed by him one by one Mr Damon You were frightened by Chen Beixuan And slept for too long Don’t know the power of modern technology This is

    This is our Poseidon Sect and Dassault The first generation of holographic armor jointly developed Although mass production is not possible due to raw material issues But dozens of sets have been made These high technologies can contain Chen Beixuan Even though you are getting angry But there is a way out That’s good

    Got you Bloodlord Damon Get out of here Chen Beixuan You found me so quickly What kind of spell did you put on me? snort this problem Just ask Satan go ah snort You can’t kill me Then try it save me quickly Mr. Chen Beixuan I’m lord Arthur of Poseidon Cult

    Please listen to me The things between you and Mr. Damon we already know western dark world is willing to make amends Compensation is at your discretion And let Mr. Damon lift the curse. how Step aside Otherwise I won’t be polite Chen Beixuan, we are not afraid of you This is our territory

    No matter how strong you are Don’t even think about acting wild here go not good Activate the protective array immediately cut I’d like to see How long can you last? not good The protective cover will never hold up. Let’s take action together cut ah Immortal family swordsmanship not good body and sword

    Stop him ah Damon deserves death. Stop you can’t kill him you can’t kill me Do you know who I am I don’t care who you are Anyone who stands in my way will die Who are you I’m Black Duke have met Mr. Chen Beixuan You are the guardian here That’s okay too

    I and my companion Indeed protected this ancient empire Nearly three hundred years pure blood dark blood clan No If it is a pure blood race Your hands will never get hurt You are a half-dark vampire Mr. Chen is indeed a powerful man from the East also know our dark blood clan very well

    You shouldn’t stop me Even a real adult vampire here Can not stop me from killing Damon uncle This guy chased me all the way from China to here And he seems to be related to people from the Immortal Sect You must capture him shut up Dear Mr. Chen Beixuan

    I know you are the invincible strong man in the East But Damon has noble blood He is the descendant of that lord protected by us Please stop here as compensation I will provide the Oriental Earth Immortal’s magic weapon exercises Or give you the sacred vessels of the saints of the Holy See

    Everything you want I can give it to you Step aside Otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences Your Mightiness You may not know Lord Black Duke’s real identity You talk too much No you dare This body alone can stop my sword As expected of a half-blood descendant catch me another move

    You go first I stopped him terrible escape where to go Chen Beixuan I have already laid a dragnet here Just leave it at that There are dozens of special warriors holding electromagnetic rifles here And the fifty-three blood warriors I personally trained Stronger than the Blood Wolf Guards of Country E

    In addition, there are many missiles and laser cannons aimed at this place. Even the earthly immortal body can’t bear it Sure enough Countless weapons in the sky and on the earth are aimed at me There are even weapons that threaten my life

    Chen Beixuan, as long as you are willing to bow your head and submit, We can let you live Even the ancestor of the blood clan is here he doesn’t dare threaten me like this Shen Yuan knife go stop him I am immortal Even if I hold this sword hard, I won’t die. No

    Damon is immortal How can it be Chen Beixuan, do you know what you are doing? This is the fate he deserves very good The Seven Killing Curse is lifted I will advance to Xiantian in the future I will never encounter the inner demons again kill him Come

    See how much you can hurt me break kill A bunch of mixed bastards You dare to act wild in front of me go Black Duke, do you still want to fight? Chen Beixuan How dare you kill that lord’s descendant? We vampires will use all our strength to kill you.

    As long as you dare to come I’m always waiting Go Your Excellency, you are indeed in great trouble. Damon the Blood Demon is a direct descendant of the Blood Ancestor. The Black Duke is one of the Thirteen Blood Guards of the Blood Ancestor. In addition, he has four companions blood ancestor

    Rumor has it that he is the last vampire in the world Yes Legend has it that he sleeps in an old castle Will wake up once every few hundred years to eat Every time I wake up, there will be a heinous murder Although the existence of blood ancestor is doubtful

    The five-headed blood guards headed by the Black Duke are the real deal. These five people control the entire Western world Have huge influence I see Chen Beixuan knew we were coming So what if he knew This will not affect the outcome of his death Don’t underestimate Chen Beixuan Died by his hands

    Not much less than our arbitration department so what Won’t the saints’ essence and blood be swallowed up by us in the same way when they are reincarnated? Chen Beixuan We represent the Dark Arbitration Tribunal sentence you to death death penalty death penalty death penalty Just a few of you

    Want to sentence my master to death Let’s practice for another thousand years How many years has it been No one dares to contradict our arbitration department like this. Just a few of you half-blooded little mice Not qualified enough Call your master You are not worthy enough to let the master be born

    You killed your master’s favorite heir We will chop off your head Offer your blood to the master Get them Arrangement Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation interesting Just a little bit They can’t last long But it’s the big guy next to Chen Beixuan It seems to be the realm of Henglian god difficult to solve

    I’ll take care of him Come again It’s our turn You go protect Axiu and the others I’ll take care of them yes You can come together go try my sword The Guiyuan Sword was actually knocked back by his sword. But that’s it Guiyuan sword is unparalleled in the world

    The weapon in the blood knight’s hand can actually withstand the Guiyuan Sword It must also be a spiritual weapon You can catch my sword I wonder if you can take my ten swords? The art of sword light differentiation not good Although I am immortal my current state Definitely not Chen Beixuan’s opponent

    Worthy of being a half-blood dark vampire But if you take a hundred swords Can you still be resurrected? One sword can transform a hundred Claude can’t stop it Let’s take action together Decades later We can finally join forces to kill the enemy. Horror aura kill Kill Look at my Angel Thirteenth Scale

    Fist of Nirvana withdraw Chen Beixuan, your artifact is almost scrapped. What other means are there? Just use it Yeah? Do you think you are the only ones with spiritual weapons? Yao Daoyi only knows how to activate it to summon thunder and lightning What a waste of resources go This is a thunder artifact

    Can’t carry it hard Horror aura open not good break Come on, Lei Yin is being held back. take advantage of now Dark power don’t delay Go together Deal with him directly Fist of Nirvana Overestimating one’s capabilities How come you have such a powerful body? It actually surpasses our bloodline body you won’t understand

    The eldest and the third child can’t hold it any longer. Chen Beixuan is indeed very strong Maybe can become an earthly immortal in this world It’s a pity that he provoked our Dark Arbitration Department today Let’s use Chen Beixuan’s blood to announce our return. weak go suffer death Thirteen tones

    This spiritual weapon has too many curses Can’t carry it hard thunder seal go You can’t kill me Blood Curse slow senescence blind It’s my turn Although their curse can only control me with a snap of my fingers it was enough for them to cooperate tacitly and get entangled again and again.

    Copper Mountain is not strong enough to defeat the Undead God of War I must end the fight immediately Get out of here This sword mark contains the curse and power of the spiritual weapon It has affected my speed He has begun to slow down We continue to pester him

    Wait until Bal’la is over This is the day of Chen Beixuan’s death court death open Lihuo Golden Eyes now Look at the power of this flame burning up the sky If he gets burned I’m afraid my spirit will dissipate Open it for me No The teacher is so awesome Demon Blood Holy Grail

    Go Chen Beixuan, this is the supreme artifact of my blood clan There is enough demon blood in it to fill a small lake. can you burn out The power of Lihuo Golden Eyes is about to be exhausted. you crazy again we win, we will win.

    The Holy Grail of Demonic Blood is a completely refined space magic weapon. At least it’s a top-grade spiritual weapon So far I have killed at least ten tons of demon blood But still no end in sight Chen Beixuan, haven’t you begged for mercy until now? When the demon blood bathes your whole body

    You will fall into darkness forever No more reincarnation teacher Chen Beixuan, today I will use the blood of your Beiqiong sect. declare to the world The majesty of my Dark Arbitration Department cannot be provoked I am a powerful person for the human race How can I beg for mercy from a foreign race?

    Tianleiyin Great. Teacher is fine. Is Chen Beixuan trying to break through before the battle? Failed to be promoted to Earth Immortal Everyone come together Can’t let him break through kill What? didn’t split? I was able to break through to the late stage of Shenhai a month ago

    Just to deal with possible earth immortals on earth It’s just deliberately suppressing and not making a breakthrough. I never thought a few half-blooded bed bugs could hurt me. You asked for this stop him What happened to the teacher? Today I reached the peak of the divine sea When overwhelming the world death ray

    How can this be Yimu Xiantian Great grappler No Lavinci Chen Beixuan I swear I must crush you to ashes Revenge for Lavinci True Martial God Fist Is this Chen Beixuan a human or a god? Why is it so scary Even Barr couldn’t stop him from punching him You became an earth immortal

    Earth Immortal I’m not yet But the Earth Immortal is here I can also solve it with one palm Go Flowing Light Phantom Technique The magic weapon is good It’s a pity that it can’t hurt me Go to hell now you Taoist boxing we won Chen Beixuan

    How dare you kill Lord Damon and the four Blood Guards? Blood Ancestor will definitely not let you go. Breakout from all sides wake up master Revenge for the Blood Guards Go must not be allowed to escape The Black Duke escapes Always a hidden danger Precautions must be taken first

    To prevent something like my father from happening again Blood Origin Curse practice Only the Black Duke is left He is protected by the Holy Grail I can’t move him yet This is On the other end is a powerful and evil aura This is the breath of the dark blood clan

    His breath is steady Apparently sleeping Black Duke, you’d better not act rashly Otherwise you’ll be the next Damon Dear Lord Beixuan I’m Lower Charles On behalf of the Western Alliance, I request you to stop. I’m just cleaning up the remnants of the Dark Arbitration Department What’s bothering you? Your Mightiness

    Western countries are deeply involved with the Arbitration Department More than a dozen ancient nobles have been implicated If this continues Will inevitably lead to riots It’s okay if you want me to stop. The condition is that the Beiqiong faction Fill the power gap left by the Dark Arbitration Department

    We also want the Northern Qiong Sect to have unimpeded access to the West these conditions I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to negotiate. In this case Then I will stay in the West for a while It just so happens that the Black Duke is still here He must be dealt with

    My Lord If this continues I’m afraid there will be no one left in the entire Western aristocracy. I’m going to discuss this with you adults right away. Will definitely reply to you Teacher, why don’t you go after the Black Duke? The master wants to raise Kou to respect himself

    The black duke is here There is still a glimmer of hope for Western countries Will not be forced to take risks Don’t worry about Black Duke He is the key figure for us to find the Blood Ancestor Please take these weapons Master, you gave us all these artifacts for ordinary people

    These may be the artifacts of dreams But as my disciples, Chen Beixuan, To know From now on, these things will just be a pile of junk. Thank you master (teacher) This is my happiest harvest The background of the Dark Arbitration Department is indeed very deep It’s a pity that I got it cheap

    Teacher, what is this? This is a magical crystal There are many marks imprinted on this crystal It’s obviously the key to a large magic circle Let’s go, I’ll take you to the Dark Arbitration Department Teacher, should you just break it open? This bronze door is enchanted Integrated with the entire secret library

    Unless you can destroy the entire treasure trove Otherwise, the bronze door cannot be broken. Oh my gosh, there are so many spiritual weapons here. Wait, this is Power Crystal There are actually hundreds of them these crystals It’s comparable to the spiritual spring in the Hidden Sword Master’s Cave.

    Can push my cultivation level even higher There are so many magical crystals Maybe this time I can break through the innate Then the ten blood ancestors will arrive I can crush them too Pack it all up and take it away Leave no one behind yes

    I don’t know how long it will take for the master to refine the artifact. There are more and more of these spies lately almost countless The teacher’s power in refining magic weapons is too great How can those world powers not panic? I hope the master can refine it as soon as possible

    Put it off any longer Maybe those big countries will use their troops to attack by force. The golden divine flame was released continuously for three days and three nights. Invested countless natural materials and treasures obtained from the secret vault finally Five Elements Gods, listen to my orders

    The thunder of the nine heavens gathers here This is Today’s magic weapon is completed Be a shocker to the world This divine seal is based on the thunder seal of Tianshi Dao Condensed countless artifacts Although the five elements of communication it is better at controlling thunder power

    Just call it Five Thunder God Seals teacher Miss Anya flew here from China I thought Axiu and the others were lying to me I didn’t expect you to be in the West, little brother. Sister An, you come here for the life essence liquid break into the Western market?

    Yes, we’ve been here several times Negotiations have never been successful. Sister An, don’t worry this time They will definitely agree to our conditions The West said that the composition of the life essence liquid has always been unknown and rejected or even smeared Order us must disclose the formula How is this possible?

    This is my assistant Ai Jingqi Mr. Chen, no matter how powerful you are, you are still in the country. They are an alliance of more than a dozen established powers. Very tough You will naturally know by then There is a banquet at Windsor Mansion in the afternoon Chairman of several banks

    And the patriarch of the big family invited me to attend You go with me Well Sir, Miss, please come inside Dear Ann You finally came Xiaofan, this is Viscount York President of the Royal Bank of Country E This gentleman is My brother Chen Fan Hello

    It turned out to be Mr. Chen from the East. Please come here quickly Let me introduce you to some big figures in the West This is the president of the International Bank sir brad This is a member of the House of Lords Earl Downey

    This is the deputy director of the Department of Economy and Industry Mr. Kirkell You are the Beiqiong Group of the East The company that produces Life Essence Liquid Yes Mr Kirkell I remember that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry passed a resolution before ban Life Essence Liquid from entering our market. Yes

    We detected a hormone in the vital essence fluid Very harmful to human body May cause cardiac arrest What serious nonsense Miss Anya If you can cooperate with Kangde Pharmaceutical Company Let’s work together to produce a new, harmless life essence liquid. We can also reconsider We cannot accept this condition

    Life Essence Liquid is the core product of the company Will not cooperate with others That would be a pity Miss Anya Want to open up the market here You have to make concessions But my old friend You should know It’s impossible for us to hand over the life essence liquid formula.

    Can you think of other ways? For example, if we pay more It’s not about money The effect of life essence liquid is too strong once in here will have a devastating impact to Western pharmaceutical companies as a whole Your opponent is the entire pharmaceutical industry If you don’t compromise

    Then they will use all their strength to prevent you from entering But today there will be a distinguished person coming If Beiqiong Group can get his support Then it is possible to convince officials who is it You’ll know right away Dear Mr. Eddy you are finally here Mr. Eddy

    I heard the MP you support Already elected governor congratulations he is Eddie Langster Current Chairman of the Golf Association of Country M Are you talking about the Lanster family in country M? this beautiful lady Is he the one who controls Beiqiong Company? Yes, Mr. Langster

    Your company’s Life Essence Liquid is a very good product It’s a pity that no heavyweights came forward to promote It is difficult to enter the market here Then Mr. Eddie Do you have any idea? Why don’t we have a drink first? This is a party after all sorry sir I can not drink

    Miss Anya you must be clear Some things have to be compromised I just want a glass of wine And some people want the entire Beiqiong Group Which one do you choose All right They don’t want it now In the future, they will come crying and begging us to sell it to them.

    Who are you Xiaofan, I’ll just have a glass of wine and it’ll be fine Sister An You don’t know what kind of chips you control Someone Who can control the life essence liquid Then he can hold the key to future human evolution shut up

    You are speaking to the great heir of House Lanster. How dare you be so presumptuous Then do you know who I am? I don’t need to know It doesn’t matter who you are Miss Anya Looking forward to our next conversation with you if you change your mind Please feel free to contact me

    Miss Anya No nod from House Lanster There is absolutely no way Beiqiong Group can enter the Western market. Since the West does not welcome us Nabei Qiong Group will temporarily suspend All business in the West What Don’t you think about it? No need to ask the board of directors for instructions No

    This is our chairman’s decision High-level officials from Western countries unanimously decided Allow the forces of the Bei Qiong faction to enter And open the market to Beiqiong Group exempt from all taxes What real This attitude changed too quickly What about the pharmaceutical companies that objected? Just some small companies insignificant

    What about the Lanster family? This is not country M His words are not important Dilute the life essence liquid sold to the West twice Ten times higher than domestic prices Whatever they buy it or not OK That Chinese woman won’t last long Losing the Western market means losing the way forward

    By the time Congratulations to Master Eddie for winning both the formula and the beauty. Wait a minute, I’ll take a call What The West allowed Beiqiong Group to enter How can this be Mr. clare You promised me definitely not let Beiqiong Group Entering the Western market? That’s because you didn’t tell me

    Behind Beiqiong Group is Chen Beixuan Chen Beixuan demanded that Beiqiong Group be put into the West as a condition for his departure The heads of state naturally agreed I warn you not to provoke Beiqiong Group again Chen Beixuan Mr. Chen I’m here to apologize for what happened before. Let it go No

    I’ve gone too far before And offended the distinguished Ms. Anya Please give me a chance to apologize I gave a banquet at the Queen Victoria Hotel Please be sure to come Fine I want to see what other tricks you want to play he came Look at me That’s it solved

    This is the specially made God-killing No. 1 rocket launcher Even those who are powerful in the divine realm may not be able to survive. But Chen Beixuan is not an ordinary god. Otherwise, our God of War team would not be used. God of War team Is this your code name? Go tie

    With the abilities of the two of you, You dare to attack me Overestimating your capabilities Just you two You will never dare to come to me What about the rest Hiding and not daring to come out You’ll see them soon break The earth already has such advanced electromagnetic guns How can it be

    That’s a god-killing weapon. A blow that exceeds ten times the speed of sound He was actually stopped by Chen Beixuan Go Get away He was not blown away by the true essence This alloy shield was able to block my punch Come again The attacker is definitely a spiritual master No At this

    You got Fooled not good seduced by a wise man The other two wise men delivered a killing blow plus god-killing weapons Chen Beixuan is dead This is hateful I’m so careless If it weren’t for the golden flame armor, Even I have the Qing Emperor Immortality Body I’m afraid I’ll be hit hard too.

    It seems that I am too kind There are still people who are not afraid of death and dare to provoke me. not good cut condense break First not good The three wise men are in danger Nick, I’ll stop him first. You lead the God of War team to arrive later ok clark

    You have to be careful sir Set off the second what How can this be This weird robot is okay Come again what the hell is this refuses to die The silver armor on its body Like a flowing liquid cut damn it What kind of devil is this? My Ares Arms

    He almost scratched me That bastard Nick He won’t come again I’m going to be swatted to death by this guy as a basketball. This is the real God of War team, right? emission Five Thunder God Seals open This is impossible If even the electromagnetic gun can’t hurt Chen Beixuan

    Wouldn’t we go in vain? stop him I want to use the god-killing spear Everyone come together at all costs Hold back Chen Beixuan Try this trick Little Five Elements Divine Thunder What’s this now you Want to hide not that easy With this order All five thunders arrive

    I’ve been waiting for you for a long time A god-killing spear capable of killing gods Just disappeared The third Please stop. This is a misunderstanding. late This is impossible This is impossible Go to death Little Five Elements Divine Thunder Want to escape Glimpse of Light sucker Punch Comers stop

    This is the coast fleet The 17th Special Mixed Formation In the name of our navy Order you to stop Comers stop This is Coastal Fleet Task Force 17 In the name of our navy Order you to stop a battleship formation Your Mightiness I’m Commander Coster of the Seventeenth Fleet.

    Our ship has been ordered to pick up your Excellency. Where are the other lords? my other partners Already fallen into the hands of Chen Beixuan What It’s that person outside I need you to contact the command in the west immediately Mobilize fighter jets and aircraft carrier formations to come and require nuclear submarines

    Also dispatched together with strategic bombers Please don’t worry This is the coast fleet any country any race No one dares to provoke our great country What’s more, he’s just a person General, you underestimated Chen Beixuan Believe me, Your Excellency He would never dare to rush in enemy attack enemy attack

    All fleets open fire together Never let him get close Dragon Transformation How can it be How dare he Broken Mountain River Stop him, must stop him Unstoppable Even the God-killing Spear didn’t stop him What about these missiles? Damn it all fleets mobilize new weapons attack stop him I said you can’t escape

    If you offer this armor and tell its origin I can spare your life Want the God of War Arms Then come and get it What it’s useless by your strength Even with this armor Not my opponent Come with me to see God This is not good energy bomb

    I didn’t expect that he actually had an energy bomb on him Is he ready to blow himself up at any time? This is This armor was not destroyed It seems that its level is higher than I thought Now it’s time to settle the score Lord McCain Is it really okay?

    Don’t worry, little Eddie There is an angel there It can’t stop the siege from Clark and others. look Is the good news coming? What The God of War team was wiped out Chen Beixuan is not dead It’s over, it’s over How can I explain this to my family?

    No, I have to return to headquarters immediately Submit the matter to the Director What’s wrong Chen Dear Mr. Chen Some things may be misunderstandings Eddie Langster You invited me to a banquet But set up a trap to kill me What do you think I should do?

    I had planned not to argue with you It’s a pity that you don’t know how to cherish it Go back and tell your bosses for me Once the war starts It won’t end easily I will go and visit you when the time comes This country M is too much

    It really made us anxious At worst, we’ll have to fight him. not that simple Country M has thousands of cities hundreds of millions of people how do you fight Now just see in the hands of the gatekeeper Is there any power that they can be afraid of? Although Xiaofan is strong

    There is still a long way to go before reaching nuclear weapons level. Then there’s no way We can only see if the top management of country M is scared to death. Chen, you are here Being willing to give in to us is a very wise choice. I’m here

    I just want you to watch some fireworks. fireworks are you kidding me or Do you want to see our missiles? My fireworks you will not How can this be How about it How about these fireworks? General, do you want to watch it again? No need, no need In this case

    Please tell your bosses again for me This is the first and last time Don’t ask me to come to your door in person Then many things will be difficult to handle teacher Doorkeeper Xiaofan, are you okay? Don’t worry, I’m fine The matter has been resolved That’s good

    I’m going to retreat and meditate for a few days Don’t let anyone disturb me for now This god-killing spear doesn’t look like a magic weapon. I don’t know if I can control it Let’s try it first It really activates Then try your power go good Stronger than Guiyuan Sword

    The God-killing Spear is already so powerful What about this silver armor? The strength seems to have been enhanced at least twice And its defense is also very strong These two pieces of equipment are at least enough for me to use to innate realm

    After all, relying solely on the power of the artifact is not a problem. Improving your own cultivation is fundamental Your Excellency Beixuan According to information from the KGB and Blood Wolf Guards The Black Duke seems to want to awaken the Blood Ancestor Confirm that the Blood Ancestor is still alive

    Can not be sure He survived too long after all may even die from exhaustion of his lifespan while sleeping. So what if the Blood Ancestor is still alive? As long as he dares to come I took him in Refining elixir


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