Join me as I cycle up the The Cat & Fiddle in Macclesfield on a ride to the the highest village in Britain! A cold and windy day, but I’ll take any opportunity to go for a ride in the Peak District, so come and join me!

    Am Migos Buenas Diaz Thursday 11th of January 2024 and right Yonder is Manchester just see that Metropolis in the skyline so I’m going with the cam fiddle and I thought it’d be awesome following the Len j a grow series to get a current video up apart from the kit

    Review in between all the backlog of editing I’ve got first time in the Peaks this winter although I’ve cranked out a lot of miles to stick around my name is Russ hope you enjoy adios just had to put my glasses on as blinded by the sun there it looks pretty

    Ominous and beautiful at the same Time you won’t be able to make it out but there’s the first glimpse of the cat under shrouded but shrouded by that clout it’s very windy up here uh I’ve been up here a few times recently the last time was in September and it was hella windy it literally moved me being

    Such a lightweight there’s the cat right in the uh top L bridge line 45 seconds ahead of my PB wers uh had to stop it traffic lights but last time I came up here I wasn’t giving it some I’ve already pushed at the end it’s been proper windy but I’m nearly

    There 500 M more SE level the top of the car FID all views for days and I’m up here on the old what has now become the winter bike and I never thought I’d say that when I bought that 6 years ago uh and absolute views for days on a clear

    Day and it’s usually hammered up here with motorcyclists at the weekend it gets really busy but it’s hardly any on up here now and due to the temporary lights at the bottom it was quite good for the flow of traffic so I wasn’t constantly getting harassed or overtaken

    By cars but when the wind picked up this had to go away cuz I needed both hunts all right 7% looks like we’re climbing into the clouds 485 M and Counting above sea level but it’s the Peaks midweek fantastic Amigo so it’s an awesome little road

    This just off bom Road where the C and Fiddle is which is all the way behind me uh I’ll stop at the top cuz it’s on the chest harness and it’s windy I don’t want to take it off but yeah it’s great and on a clear day

    You can see from miles around there it’s fantastic I would recommend it so we’re pretty much at the highest we’re going to be on this ride that would be a spectacular view if it was not for being shrouded by clouds still spectacular for my eyes

    But I don’t the go through there just as SM oh that’s windy oh yes suck it up buzzball jeez we’re go right here that sheep needs to stay there frano appro ction wa wailo the Sheep around here understand broken Spanish so it’s all good in case you’re wondering they get me s

    W What fast enough right I don’t want to be wobbling Stu sh turn into flush so this is apparently the highest Village in England now we can be that no drama the new in where’s the old in hey he there all week oh no wind awesome right yeah here’s the

    Sign here’s the sign that that vindicates backs up my my statement there not about the new In 1500 ft highest Village in Britain so let’s have a scout of this Village and see what amen amenties it offers I think I’m losing the ability to speak so I think there’s a village hall there there’s a pop very B through here a couple of times the NY graveyard not today for

    Me left there it’s got a little village vibe to there I think he’s got like a corner shop or anything it’s awesome up here though I think last time I was here I came up the way and descended I from that direction is what I mean right steady she blows on there

    Don’t know what’s around the corner it’s like be back in mea will happen w it’s pretty chilly up here my face is cold see the sun over there awesome oh this would be an absolutely amazing place to live now I could do this yeah I could do this little cottage on my

    Right okay so I think we’re nearly all the way down yeah we’re 265 M of go sea level so we were double that just 5 minutes ago wasn’t really a sketchy descent just took it with some portion given the temperature and the conditions of the road and not being over familiar with it

    I can’t say it’s one it’s a ride I’ve I’ve done before I’ve gone the opposite way but yeah I’m always a bit cautious on desense when it’s wet this looks deep this looks deep plus they see it as well momentum can you see this gear pleas sir no more

    Gears right my guess on guess the gradient today 15% we’re at 12 colors changed back down to 11 come on don’t do me like that I mean I don’t want it to be 15 stay at 11.7 okay 12 there we go 13 it’s going up any more 13 any more I see low

    Battery jeez now the highest spe goal is 13.8 300 wats ouch ah there’s another Tickler after this it’s all good we’ll get up it you always do nice nice completely mate way to now mindful of this corner no idea what’s on to side little cheeky lean oh the p district

    Where don’t do it just this actually think I caught those birds on camera very R for right so you might be able to pick out the road winding up to that pillar that pylon uh that’s where I’m going I reckon and I can usually see that pylon

    As I say every time a m pretty much anywhere around here I’m just I’m into a wind air break at the minute just taking me down from 34 is down to 28 27 I’m not breaking it’s already just leveled out I hope that’s not nab’s Head nab’s

    Road if I put that in on this ride and not being able to stand up then I’m going to regret that cuz that is a tough climb all right the good news is I’m not doing nabs road hill climb I didn’t think I’d put that in this

    Ride uh the bud news is I’m going all there and I’m taking no momento with me cuz there’s a bit of a side wind here so this is ginger Le down here oh didn’t get out the suling time that hurt that wasn’t too bad could have been

    Worse 4 minutes to the com what’s this F onwards and upward why have I got this start no more Gears as soon as it started I was like two seconds behind the com I’ve never done this it’s not showing me my PR I don’t know why I’ve started then it’s not a top 100 looks like a get though a mile to go all right I’m just

    Spinning not trying to break any records today not that I could anyway just for context final push 240 behind the com no context of that no doubt some machines got that comp sh he’s an hour timid but safe get on the uh correct side of the road that’ll help

    Hope you enjoyed the ride and the Cloudy view of the Peaks stick around plenty more to come adios

    1 Comment

    1. Hahahaha I used to almost live on this road – last time I went up it on a bike was on a Suzuki GSXR 1100 RR…. now to be fair, it was great to see the road again, really well shot Russ, great views and good content – not an easy climb is it? I hope that you continue posting these especially of the surrounding countryside! Keep it up mate:-)

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