PCF show telling the cyclist is not allowed to cycle on the path that’s funny oh Cambridge University Book Shop here Cambridge University press is on fire Freedom’s delayed red internationalism late Soviet Britain why materialist Utopias fail a rule of law for a New Age of Anxiety you can’t always say what you

    Want on the Paradox of free speech social science of qanon look at that and my favorite one let me pick up my coffee and move over not the Genesis of rebellion although I’m sure it’s a good read but to me where is it Sparta and the commemoration of

    War look at that almost like a temple but it’s just the offshoot of the library here as Helios shuns down shuns down shines down Freudian slip there um just think about how grateful you are for all the things in your life my health my children My Sunshine my

    Ability to walk around and make videos and earn money and provide uh the fact that love exists Justice exists Brotherhood exists truth exists Freedom exists families exist very grateful I’ve just been brutally violated in pretto I just paid £380 for a coffee 380 that’s like $5.50 statue of King Henry VII looking

    Down upon us proudly from his home here in stone at King’s College the daddy of the colleges so yeah we’re here at the Eagle where cck and Watson discover the double helix are at least celebrated with a few points many viewers calling me out Charlie why didn’t you talk about the

    Francis cek race Scandal that happened a few years back when he was a very old man um he was asked in an interview about the IQ differences between races or something and I quote Francis quick he says that he believes that the explanation for that is genetic and for

    Giving his opinion as a learned man of science from Cambridge University he got cancelled cut he’s he’s been he’s canceled boy now so viewers what’s the latest thing that’s destroying the planet yep contact lenses guys your tiny little contact lenses are killing those polar bearss so interestingly enough you’re in

    Cambridge Cambridge County Council the Central Library is in the shopping mall Amaze balls it’s the Raspberry Pi shop welcome to the Raspberry Pi store Cambridge you can go in there and I don’t know take down Skynet oh hi allowed to Pi pictures sorry what was that I’m I’m not what you’re not allowed

    To Pi pictures loud yeah oh come on how you doing sir I’m very well um sorry to you my colleague just said obviously take phot of professional camera um we to ask have you had permission from our marketing do that with all due respect

    To both of you I just want to be left alone to walk around freely I’m not here to answer your questions I’m not here to discuss whether so good day to you both thank you guys you being filmed at so are you you’re being filmed too you’ve

    Been filmed the whole time why you filming say something yes we’re not being all right with you you’re being all right with us I’ve not this all been recorded sir I’ve not been all right why are you lying i’ I’m not being irate it’s been recording the whole time right

    Sir with all due respect you have have permission yeah go to do that um and you haven’t and you’ve you’ve got permission to film me yes sir okay okay all right um tell you what if you guys want to kick me out why didn’t you just kick me

    Out I’ll leave you can kick me out I just wanted a shot of the Tesla thing if you officially ask me to leave you can kick me out you wouldn’t bu leg pleas no that’s not you have to officially kick me out you cuz would I not I’m officially asking you to leave

    Now please sir okay I will leave because you unfortunately as a small aarnik of the kind of ridiculous State you’re a small you’re a small weak man I am leaving you are being extremely rude as you can see I’m leaving no one has been rude to you today sir yes you have tried

    To engage with you your body language and the way you are is ridiculous you’re a weak small man and you should be ashamed of yourself okay please leave me I’ll say you’re an apparat of the corporate I am leaving can you not see me walking Community Support Officer

    What’s he going to do arrest me he’s a pcso you are starting starting to be aggressive dude you’ve got it recorded as well you’re insane have you lost you could have warned me Jesus you wanted me to fall over that’s aggressive you could have warned me I am leaving

    That’s why I’m walking towards the exit standing sir you’re a ridiculous little [Applause] man you got to Gig a Chad your way out of here just going to I thought you going to get the pcso to come and sort me out as a member of the public sir you have had a right of access we are now revoking that I know I know I know

    Within a certain amount of time yeah you will be trespassing how long is that certain amount of time well I’ll give you about 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 your problem to I’m out thanks boys oh wait sorry I was mistaken sir as you can

    See my intent was not to trespass I don’t know where I am sir where is the exit where’s the exit where is it is it there show you yes please show you yes please yes please where’s the exit on that line S after the silver line after the brain no I don’t believe

    You I think I think is here thanks mate you can go call the police if you want I think I’m outside leave the premises please I’ve left the premises mate I think uh I think I think the silver line is uh Sufficient he’s saying I’ve been very irate he’s getting well stressed out you horrible little man you’re a horrible little man telling control all these lies about me I have been a horrible little man you have been a horrible little man There He Go he’s telling the pcso okay we’re at a different entrance

    Exit whatever um it takes me right back going back 10 15 years to the early days of my experiences on YouTube getting kicked out of a mall he did give me 10 seconds though but again bored board staff a big security incident because a guy was taking shots of the Raspberry Pi

    Store I could make a big song and dance and do a 10-minute rant about it but it is what it is isn’t it it is what it is back in the Square back in the Square the uh overzealous of uh enforcement of rules is uh even getting a guy here he’s got his

    Ticket hi mate and he’s quite clearly as you can see doing a delivery I’ve just spoken to the driver who got the ticket turns out the parking attendant came and warned him he says I’m sorry no I have to deliver all this and the parking well

    I’m going to have to give you a ticket there’s no Humanity no British Cricket no fairness it’s just so uh much to my surprise I had no idea at the Cambridge magistrates Court was just an offshoot of the mall that I’ve been kicked out of we’re in the same block as the

    Mall and I’ve I lived here before and I never knew that the Magistrate’s court was over here let me sit on the bus stop let see what we’ve got You you know what you is it in focus it better be in Focus that’s some very vibrant conversations happening to my Left so interestingly enough that section there bit posher it’s called the Grand arcade that’s where the horrible little man kicked me out and banned me but across this little silver line we are in the Cambridge City Council public run Lion’s yard the slightly cheaper end although being Cambridge it’s not that

    Cheap you’re not going to get utter budget Brands but uh it’s very funny how the Armistice line here is what keeps me legally safe and prevents me being accused of civil trespassing or even criminal trespassing so ain’t that a thing okay everybody this is a big goodbye from me Charlie Beach your host

    From Cambridge from Helios the Sun and from uh all the ozone in the sky making it reflect blue cuz those are the photons that rejects so see you on the next video


    1. It’s a pity Charles doesn’t give security enforcement the benefit of the doubt. They have a job to do and are committed to following the rules. Insulting them in a personal manner does little to gain you respect from many of your followers, including me. It’s a pity you let yourself down on so many occasions. Be it a church, employment office, shopping centre, or a police station, they have the right to protect the rights and privacy of the public within these boundaries.

    2. The only "horrible" person i saw was Charlie. I used to enjoy his videos but he comes across as more and more obnoxious, antagonistic and unreasonable these days than anything else. This made me read up on him and many people who have known him personally dont have a lot of good to say about him.

    3. I think Charlie does some great stuff but not for the first time he kind of spoils all his wit and humour when he homes in on a person's physical attributes and basically insults them for something they have no control over. This guy was targeted for his stature, but there's other instances. Cut that out, Charlie, because you don't need it, and you've got the tools to get the better of someone without resorting to it.

    4. kind of funny(notfunny) how they take it right back to the 80s when theyd throw us punks out of the malls and food shops tho as if we weren't 'the general public' 🤷‍♀️😂

    5. Now Charlie doesn't like mall security. Short memory after they saved him from a group of "little pussies". Good at name calling is our Charlie.

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