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    Here it is! Our first preview podcast episode of the 2024 cycling season. The course, the sprinters, the favourites for GC, … Discover everything you need to know about the Tour Down Under. Is Caleb Ewan the sprinter to beat? Have we seen the best Julian Alaphilippe already? Is Jayco AlUla playing the Simon Yates card or will Lucas Plapp be the chef’s surprise? Yves, Hannes and Dieter discuss it all. Enjoy!

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    I’ve Got The Spar the sickness there’s be twins in my brain all eyes on Australia tour down under is about to get started so here we are with the first racing preview episode of the season the course the leaders the favorites the surprises discover all you need to know about the

    First first world to race of 2024 welcome to a new episode of the domestic cycling podcast it’s been a long time since we’ve had this composition of domestics I’m joined today by E and derer welcome back guys thank you morning sunshine how are you I’m fine the

    Cycling season is right the right right around the corner so I’m pretty happy pretty hyped see if um last year I remember you woke up in the middle of the night to watch the Australian Championship road race did you you do it again in 2024 uh not in the middle of

    The night but I had uh a little bit of a discussion with my girlfriend last Sunday when there were Australian national championships I wanted to wake up at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday and she said I’m going to make it a little bit Kinder for her audience are

    You crazy why you doing that it’s Sunday I want to cuddle and stay in B for as long as possible I said okay I’m going to put my alarm at 700 so I woke up at 7:00 then I put on the stream and like yeah plop and Harper

    Were gone four minutes in advance so I woke up woke up for absolutely nothing same so you guys don’t know what the main takeaways of the race are BL BR everyone in dri uh Harper was dying 25 times in his wheel yeah was crazy but he dnf the grit

    Today uh plop so I hope he didn’t CR or something because that would be a Pity derer mate um you’re having exams these days but still you managed to join the episode you must be excited about the start of the Season yeah it’s uh is

    That occas no I uh it’s it’s a good period now I have no exams for five days so it’s h good timing right guys um the main topic of this episode is of course two down under for a lot of cycling fans that’s the real start uh of the cycling season

    Let’s take a look first at the course um we’ve got a total of six stages and what’s interesting this year there is no prologue and there is no individual time trial so does that mean we’ll see another fight uh for GC than we used to well I if I recall correctly last

    Year was something special the years before that there were there wasn’t a prologue either so it’s the normal race situation that we will see in down under um some Sprint stages and then the battles um on wunga hill and mount lofty um but yeah I like it it will be very

    Different but the prologue last year was quite short and very slippery if I recall correctly bet all winning that one when there was some rain but yeah it’s going to be an entertaining battle this year if we had a if you had a TT this year with Ghana

    In it yeah would wouldn’t be an exciting race like it’s going to be now I think if you already mentioned it um we’ve got two uphill finishes this two round in the penultimate stage finishes on wunga Hill a tree kilometer uh climb of averaging 7.4% and a peak uh until

    15% the last stage goes to mount lofty 1.3 kilm with an average gradient of 7.3% and a peak over 13 which one is the most crucial one wunga Hill in my opinion it’s it’s tougher it’s a double Ascent of the climb of that climb in uh what is it 24

    Km they have to climb it twice and it’s yeah they can completely um yeah put the base very high on the first Ascent to get that or a break going or attacking with a full squats it’s yeah the penultimate stage is the most important one in this year to down

    Ender but the last stage is also not to be underrated I think because I don’t think the time Gap is going to be big after belonga it’s definitely the most important stage but if it’s like 5 Seconds like Simon Yates is in the lead

    With 5 Seconds um he can lose it to due to bonification seconds in in the last stage so it’s going to be a very exciting battle I think so you guys expect a kind of Mayhem in uh stage six yeah in stage six you can’t win uh two

    Down under but you can lose it I think you definitely can win it some someone like Corbin strong who’s fast if he can survive wunga Hill and uh with like minimal minimalize his time loss and maybe takes some bonies in the Sprint stages um he can win on Mount

    Lofty definitely that’s perfect finish for him if he takes 10 bonies there and he’s like 5 Seconds between Simon Yates then he won the stage he won the race on theof you know so D what I’m hearing from you now is that bonification seconds will be crucial yeah definitely

    Um maybe Simon Yates destroys everyone on on Wonga like Richie Port did back in the days that’s also possible and maybe bonification seconds aren’t important then um but someone like Corbin strong like darl imp style take every bonification second you can in the in the Frat Sprints he’s got a a very good

    Team there um so I think bonification seconds will be very important okay guys um let’s talk about the first stages as well um if I counted it correctly there are three or four Sprint stages depending on your capabilities as a puncher um stage one um there’s Mangler Hill with 15 kilm to

    Go that’s a small climb of 1 kilometer with an average grain of 5.2% stage two has a little kicker with 5 kilm to go okay it’s only 600 MERS um at 5.6 but still do you think every Sprint will survive these uh first two stages

    Yeah I think even guys like Sam ORD um I think he’s one of the guys who gets drops dropped the fastest but if you can’t survive the first two stages then something went wrong in in Winter training I think because they yeah they really aren’t that hard and it’s only

    Like one asent if it’s uh up and down the whole day okay but it’s like only one Ascent sprinters can really go fast up a a short climb once so I don’t think that will be a problem I disagree to be honest we’re um the second to third week of January um

    The Sprinter will not be at their top level and if they are at their top level right now then it doesn’t it’s not that good for the rest of the season I don’t know if they will have a lot of have done a lot of climbing in the winter training like the

    Guys like wellsford Etc so possibly they arrive in Australia or they will start in two down under without climbing legs and then there are possibilities that we see a wellsford or other Sprinter get dropped um in on some of those climbs I’m not saying they will

    Not come back of course they can come back in The Descent or in the line towards the Finish but still I don’t think it’s yeah it’s possible that we see a fast guy get dropped well it’s also mid January for the pure so it’s you have

    The same thing with form there if you get dropped on 600 MERS 5.6% only climb of the day yeah that’s not okay not even if you’re a PW Sprinter that’s um the start list for this first will to race of the season is looking Top Notch um we’ll have a look at the

    Sprinters first you guys already mentioned it um there’s guys like um Caleb euwan Phil bow house bam gmai Corbin strong Sam wellsford IIA viviani but there’s also Alvaro Hutch if I pronounce it correctly um the Sprinter of UAE with kind of a special but sad story um yeah am I right when saying

    This is the start of a really important season for Alvaro Hutch yeah I think this is this will be it or this won’t be it like this is Make It or Break It yeah exactly um I was talking about him in a group chat like an hour ago it’s yeah he seems

    Like such a good guy I really hope he gets back on track again after his horrible crash but yeah I he was really doubting to uh stop already after last season so he made the late decision to go through for another season so I really hope he he’s back at it now you

    Already mentioned it deer um the guy had a a training accident at the end of 2021 then he got Sur iny 12 times and addition additionally to that he had a bad infection he couldn’t eat independently anymore um yeah the guy was he wasn’t a pro cyclist anymore and

    Now he’s back so I I really hope um he can prove himself at at UA team emats yeah me too um I was looking at him at the crit today because a crit is really something for him and he finished 110 so that’s doesn’t look too good for now

    That doesn’t everything of course but yeah no he only had a couple of races last year um yeah last year was a season to just yeah be a pro Rider again now it’s the start of a new season let’s give him some time to to get in uh again

    And let’s hope um yeah some nice results will follow a bigger name is of course Caleb huan uh Team jao alula um the guy became Australian crit Champion I think it was last week yeah now there was a story about it someone can someone explain they did go for it I don’t know

    What’s what H is hinting at or do you mean the lotto Jula story um Eve mentioned he wanted to say something about a mechanical yeah there um in the there was a mechanical in the Nationals so that’s why he didn’t um get into the mix for a good result but in the

    Crits he was um attacking as well yeah you could say a sprinter like you just waits till the last um 300 400 meters to unleash his power towards the line but I think hway through the the crits he decided to to send a flyer um it didn’t

    Last very long but still was quite nice to see and it it shows that he feels good and he wants to prove himself them the the Jak jco alula team and towards every cycling fan that he’s back and that he’s among the best sprinters of the of the world

    And I need to say something uh about this Eve you wrote it in a beautiful way Caleb pan new team new Caleb huan yeah the his last period within Lotto Destiny was not how it should be and for a sprinter the mental aspect is very important they

    Have to be on one line with the team with their lead out they have to feel good to perform very strong um we saw with Kevin D as well if he feels good he performs if he doesn’t he doesn’t perform and right now he’s back uh within an Australian team he’s back

    Where he came from when he was younger and it’s a good team and he is ready to yeah to rock again again and to show the world that he’s back der you already did the first uh domestic data analysis of the Season it was about Caleb pan is that

    Right yeah um I analyzed Jans plow rides uh whats in the in the crit and he got gapped Like Hell by Yuan and he put out like a lot of I think he peaked to 1,400 and had like 1200 wats for 20 seconds so that’s that’s a big sprint and he could

    Get by youan by like five lengths Sam ORD was in the mix he’s one of the fastest guys on Earth he got gapped um so yeah y y is insane for him I think like if says if the man’s feels good he’s like insane I remember him

    Attacking W vard on the pojo um he was sred over the camel B inam this year in the pouring rain behind laort and vard people forget moments like that fast but yeah he has those crazy moments where he just just see his amazing talent does that mean Caleb huan is the Sprinter to

    Beat at this two down under I don’t know wford is also here with a with a really fast train but he got gapped in the crit so I would say yeah it’s it’s just going to be interesting I don’t know to be honest but you and DNS the crit today so I hope

    He isn’t ill or something maybe he’s just saving some energy he won he won the grit five in the row or something so I don’t think he DNS for for nothing so um if derer made a beautiful bridge to Sam wellsford um there was a take of

    Yours in the group chat Sam wellsford will win a stage at this two down under with Dan Van Poppel as his lead out well deer mentions Wellford is one of the fastest sprinters on Earth right now and uh the wheel in front of of him

    Is one of or is the best lead out in the world right now so that combination is lethal um knowing if I recall correctly um Ryan Mullen is in that Sprint train as well he’s going to be the guy in front of Danny van poppo so that three

    Guys is so strong and yeah wellsford just has to follow the wheel of danan pole till the last 250 200 Mees and then loue and he wins but I’m a bit disappointed in his results in the Australian National crit race um and in the crit um earlier this morning he

    Seems like he’s not capable of getting in the mix um to win the Sprint or he get gets gapped of course in the crit he didn’t have Danny Van Poppel um in the Australian Championship he didn’t have Danny van Popple in front of him um right now he did although I think Mullan

    Was last man but yeah I if he has good Fitness he will win a stage because that combination Danny and Sam is lethal the break one in the t under classic so a lot of sprinters don’t take a lot of risks anymore so that’s also important um but in the National crits

    Um Sam W had a bad last corner corner um and after that he seemed to not be able to pick the speed up again he seemed to be really cooked which isn’t crazy because it was a as a tough grit with a lot of altitude Meer for a crit uh but

    Still that didn’t look too good indeed yeah he looked yeah the winner of um stage one last year is at the start again Bahrain brings Phil BOS to Australia do we expect him to win another stage he he won the group Sprint today behind the break but besides that I

    Still don’t see him as a pure Sprinter he’s more of a guy who can survive a tougher like a 2 3% drag to the line where he just can use his power towards the line but a flat Sprint I don’t really see him as a competitor for you or wellsford

    Uh I agree that he’s faster on on a fast flat drag but he’s definitely a competitor also on flat like I remember him in the tour to France last year who almost won a stage uh that field was 10 times better as we have here so I

    Wouldn’t rule him out for for a stage and also in the Sprint you need a lot of luck like wellsford and Y aren’t going to be positioned perfectly every time so there are a lot of opportunities also at the start of two under is Bam gay do you guys agree with

    Me when saying 2023 was a rather disappointing season um when it comes to gay although the guy had yeah some bad luck in in the classics but still in my opinion we can expect a little more um of the guy but 2024 is a really important season for bam gay in my

    Opinion yeah I agree I think we saw one flare of the real bam gay last year and that was in tour the Swiss the way you won that Sprint was insane and the wats also were insane there was like a Von thing about his wats and yeah that was

    Was an insane output um but yeah we also expect him to not only Sprint but also do very well in in in the classics um and he didn’t do that also due to the fact that the weather was very bad last year and you really can’t

    Handle that so let’s hope the weather is a bit better and that he has a lot more look so that he can show himself again um der you say it already um the main target will probably be the Classics for GMI um being bam would you consider this

    As a pure preparation race or do you do you expect to be in the mix for a stage win uh I would if I was K I would look at it as a preparation race but if uh opportunity shows up take it uh he’s he’s fast if he’s I don’t know what

    Raining he did because he’s a real Enigma you can’t find anything of him um but if he’s in form you can definitely pick up a stage yeah I just said uh I just talked about the to the to the Swiss stage if he’s that form yeah he can definitely pick up

    Stage I would actually like to see mes Michels get the chance in a Sprint that they I don’t know the guy is fast he’s young um and it’s not like gai is the pure Sprinter so maybe one stage mes Michels can get a chance I hope he gets

    He gets a chance at least because he’s fast as hell at the Finish as well not for a win of course but he can sneak in the top five top three and then if you have a bit of luck you can always get that stage win like d mentioned about

    Bohos BOS is stronger than Michels of course but still if the luck is there he can get close as well and if he gets the chance um Michels is is a bit the same as as gai I think he’s also better when there’s been a tougher course and on an

    Uphill drag so it’s yeah you it the two aren’t they both aren’t the pure pure Sprinter I think you know so but yeah I remember Michels uh winning his stage last year I think it was in deut lour insane he he kept everyone there on the

    On a false flat drag so yeah I would love to see him get a chance to if uh Kai isn’t in his in form for example two more sprinters to go the first one um you already mentioned deer Corbin strong you even consider him being an outsider for GC yeah yeah

    Exactly do you agree with that I don’t know it’s it’s a long shot it’s if he gets the bonification seconds in those first four flat stages and if he gets as much as possible and can keep the Gap in check on W longa Hill but that’s a lot of ifs um but is

    It possible um yeah it is possible he showed he is fast and that he can climb a bit last year um so yeah he can surprise me I’m not putting him on my list but is this is this a take based on a training analysis of Corbin strong yeah like

    That he is clearly peing for this race um I think if everyone is in in form the guy has no chance to to win t under he’s getting dropped on belonga Hill um but it’s like a guy as like Simon Yates he’s not peing do this race he’s just doing

    It with with pure talent but Corbin strong seems to be really peing to this race he’s done insane training lots of hours lots of intensity um is in some of some of his intervals were ridiculous like doing 402s for 10 minutes and still getting like six and a half wats per

    Kilo he’s he’s really informed and like if says if he can do it terl imp style take some bonification seconds to get himself some more freedom on Wonga Hill would yeah then maybe drop back a bit on will longa and then take it on Mount lofty or something because the mount

    Lofty stage is perfect for him so he can maybe win GC there if he keeps the Gap small on on on belonga um yeah I’m I’m curious to see it maybe I’m overrating Corbin strong uh that’s also possible we’ll see I hope he’s as strong as you see I hope so too

    Un intended all right um inas gradas brings an old Fox to the start of two down under IIA viviani is uh becoming 35 years old in February but last minute the guy took a stage when at tour of Guang Shi the end of the 23 season he beats the Le koi yonathan

    Milan there do you think he’s in the mix for the top spot on the podium in one of the stages here I I he always does something crazy when you when you don’t expect it like he’s not a guy who Peaks very high so you you wouldn’t say he’s

    Super fast but he’s so Arrow even mid Sprint that he’s so fast so and he’s got uh in inos has a potential Great lead out trainer so yeah I also don’t rule him out for for a statement to be honest are there sprinters that you Ru outed

    Did no that’s the that’s the thing with Sprints not definitely not always the the fastest guy wins like if with with some look even Corbin strong strong could win a Sprint here while he’s not even fifth fastest you know so that’s that’s the beautiful thing about Sprints

    In my opinion next up the GC favorites and did I know you have another top favorite but Eve picked Simon Yates I think can you explain e why Simon Yates just looking at Raw Talent and climbing capabilities he’s the top favorite here um it’s an easy pick it’s a boring pick

    But it’s just he’s the best on this start list and if he gets yeah close to 70 or 80% of his best shape he’s even able to to win it and do we need to take climbing capabilities into account for 100% if derer says Corbin strong can he even win two down

    Under it depends on a on on a Yates how he performs on Wonga Hill if Yates is very strong he can yeah screw the the plans that strong has in GC it all depends on how good Yates is and if Yates is good a fast man will not win two down

    Under and is also that Yates a spop in his team I don’t know how they going to use him maybe I I see two options I don’t think plop is the leader of alula together with Yates but they can use him in a very good way or he goes long on

    Wonga Hill like from the bottom so other teams have to chase or plop puts uh puts an insane pace for Yates and Yates attacks with like one kilometer to go um so yeah that’s really yeah there is no opportunity to screw fast guys like strong uh over yeah that’s definitely

    True I think you pronounce the name of Lucas plap in the most Dutch possible way Lucas plop all right d onto your favorite for GC you mentioned Finn Fisher black which was to be quite surprising to be honest Simon Y is also my favorite is I think

    If everyone’s favorite but it’s as if says a bit a boring pick and I don’t like boring picks um but I have also to be honest uh Finn Fisher black wasn’t really on my list for this race um but another guy from domestic erro putina who was yeah knows a lot about cycling

    Came up with the came up with the name and then I started thinking about it you had valta stage last year where he finished second behind um finger uh the Sicilia jir Sicilia stage win H he won a stage in New Zealand somewhere who which looked exactly like Wonga

    He has he has that type of effort in his legs um I he doesn’t share what’s on on straa but he uh has been collecting amazing voms and amazing coms um so he’s definitely doing intensity um so he’s also wants to Peak for this race so yeah I think that’s a very interesting

    Name if you were curious about the performances of two of his teammates the youngsters Antonio Morgado and isak Del Toro um the first one um gets 20 in February if I recall correctly the other one isak deloro is already 20 do you expect them to show some really surprising performances already in this

    Two down under or is they just um a race to get used to racing at the highest level yeah priority is C certainly is to get used to the the level in World Tour um on Pro level but still I’m pretty hyped to see them they both were outstanding in youth categories they

    Were um yeah much stronger than the opposition or they showed um especially Del Toro in the T laan last year he dominated that race and yeah I don’t expect things from them in two down under but I’m pretty stoked to see them race in the UAE kit kits and you never

    Know um if they can help Ani or Fisher black on first Ascent of ringa Hill or the mount L the stage um is deloro was in the breakway in the crit this morning as well it doesn’t says a lot but still it shows that you have good legs

    Otherwise you wouldn’t be there so yeah I’m curious to see how they will perform but I’m not really expecting something from them I I think it’s more like yeah H said that they that this is a learning experience for them um but if one of the

    Two is going to perform good on Wonga Wonga and lofty I think it’s Morgado because he’s so explosive I expect yeah if one of the two is going to do it it’s Morgado because I don’t think deloro was explosive enough and Mado is really like yeah I remember the junior World Champs

    Against Herzog yeah it’s the guy just can dig full gas on on every Hill with like two minutes rest and he can go again yeah that’s that’s crazy on to bahin Victor I on their start list is Jack H is he the leader of the team or can Tor Tran surprises I don’t

    Know I have difficulties to say who’s the big leader and and who has the best capabilities to to be in the mix for the GC win here I think Jack H already isn’t that explosive but try try to tr I don’t know how I don’t know how to pronounce

    It but it’s even less explosive I I think he when he’s in good form can get nice results but isn’t going to win it and I think for TR it’s definitely not a RIS I do agree with that in my opinion um both of them needs um longer higher

    Mountains um to show their best performances um but Julian ala Philip he’s going back to two down under as well no tour this year for the Frenchman but jro Italia um with his capabilities this course should should really suit him we we mention with um Hut is Make It or

    Break It um season for 2024 but it’s exactly the same for Ola phip yeah and to the is his first race to prove to prove that he’s back it’s uh something completely new for him is the first start in down under or it’s a long time ago he started in

    Down um so I sincerely hope he will be in the mix because that will give us an indication that Olaf Philip the good old Ola Philip will be back this season but the seasons the last season two seasons he had um yeah a lot of questions mark question marks for me

    Right now well um Patrick Le was even in doubt to keep him at the team this offseason but ala Philip he said you know Patrick um give me one more winter to prove myself so yeah the guy will without doubt be really really motivated his one of his big goals this

    Spring is T of Flanders and as a world champion he crashed out of it I think it was in 2021 do you guys expect him to be still battling for the win in in such a big monument in my opinion the best ala Philip is already behind us or am I

    Wrong s such an enigma you have zero info about him like we don’t know how good he is no straa he doesn’t say anything in interviews he could win on Wonga he could finish he could finish 113th on on Wonga like he yeah such such

    An enigma but I to be honest I don’t see him battling in in tour of lers for the win again like like you also say uh I would love to see it but I I yeah I don’t think so and what about here in in

    Toand I have I I just kind of lost my my trust in Al FIP I think last moment he had some good moments like winning F rmer fardh won of the two I can’t recall um like in the the Canadian Classics he was good so it’s not like he’s riding

    Around [ __ ] all the time he still has those good moments but he’s just not the old ala Philip anymore I have the feel and I don’t have the feeling that he’s coming back but I hope I’m wrong next on my list of next on my list of potential GC

    Favorites is people Gana the guy has a decent Sprint he already showed that last season he can survive uh a small climb so why not he’s preparing the the nation cup of uh on the track in um in Australia that’s why he’s riding toward and under

    So I think due to that that we don’t have to expect too much from from G here it’s more a preparation race with ey on on those strike championships so you don’t expect him to pick a moment e and have some fun that’s definitely possible but um if

    We’re talking about GC he needs to be in top top shape to for for Wonga and and LOF and I don’t think that will be the case uh but yeah maybe I’m wrong if you don’t expect anything of people GH is there anyone else at any as grenad you expect

    Something from yeah the winner of the grid today inde n um is he’s also yeah I used the word before today but also an enigma like it’s a guy he he can be in in top shape like I remember the yeah yeah I was going to say he’s

    Not only an an enigma he’s also Eve’s man crush yeah I’m a pretty big fan of the guy it’s it’s always nice nice to see uh someone like narv in on the cobbles um and he likes to race he if he explodes with 50k to go he doesn’t really care he

    Was good in Glasgow as well until he crashed um yep in that was held up as well he was in that front group um he could have got a nice top five or maybe even better he can handle a lot in a race but yeah as as we already mentioned

    A lot will depend on that pure climbers ho they will perform on Wonga Hill and then yeah how can they limit the loss um in that stage and can they still battle it out on M lofty but I think he’s um the main guy for GC within

    Inus a course like glasgo suits him perfectly is is that guy who can handle all those all those short burs bursts um of Whats that’s that’s what his best at but I think yeah Wonga maybe is is a bit over the over the top yeah it depends is

    He peing for this race is he just using it as a preparation we don’t know if he’s speaking for it a lot is possible I hope he’s not peing for it because it’s yeah small peak of course and not an altitude Camp before two under DM is putting all of its trust in

    Oscar only also quite a young guy yeah what about him he’s also in in amazing shape uh he um blasted up uh wunga Hill uh in in a very nice time but he he he closed his once and um so I sent him a DM on on

    Instagram asking how much what he did and he kindly uh responded and I think if I remember correctly did 7.2 wats per kilo for seven minutes on on Wonga so that’s that’s very nice on training also was doing pretty nice intervals um I that’s a bit the same

    Story as as as strong I think I don’t yeah he climbs better than than strong but I with only it’s maybe the uh yeah the all way around that he maybe has a bit too less explosivity for for will longa Hill but 7.2 watts per kilo is

    That what it takes to take the stage win on Wonga Hill or you need better performances I was reading uh an interview of of Rich port and he said that uh he always had uh seven minutes at seven wats per kilo on belonga but that’s yeah we’re comparing a a fresh

    Training effort with with with the with a racer of course um so yeah it’s it’s stuff I think also the level has risen since Richie Port was winning on on Wonga so maybe they do a bit more it’s also only January so it’s very tough to

    To say to be honest yeah if only we knew something anything to add about Oscar only or do you want to talk about Milan Vader I expect more from Milan V than uh than Oscar only um GC wise um V is a Hidden Gem who his progress was um

    Stopped due to a very big crash was it two years ago um but he if you have to believe vizal bike directors he has exceptional exceptional data V3 Max uh V2 Max wise so the guy he’s not that young anymore um if you can say that he’s 27 um it’s not old

    Either but he gets his chance he’s the leader for the team um so he can prove himself and it’s something that suits him he’s a Mot biker so he has to be explosive he has the explosiveness and like we already mentioned in this podcast it’s need

    Needed um to be a bit explosive in this year’s 200 uh talking about um V’s data um I heard I I don’t have I don’t know if it’s true but I heard that V last year was um five minutes wats per kilo was in the top three of yumbo visma and there

    Are quite some guys with who you would you who you would expect to good five minute power off so to be top three in yimo visma 5 minute power guy that’s insane you guys both wanted to add something about his young teammate johanes mitted who’s also lining up

    There yeah uh johanes is um one of the next big things um he’s 21 he came over from the development team um he did some races for the first team at the end of last year um like in the tour of Norway he was um with

    The with the main team and it’s yeah I expect a lot from him not to win but he’s a a very nice Prospect for the pro palatin are you as excited about him Eve as you are about Morgado and deloro no but don’t ask me why because I

    Don’t know it’s just a feeling I have it’s made me more more because of the Jersey no it’s maybe more hype about the Morado and deloro in the media we saw maybe a bit more from their performances but yeah they are on similar level they are all very young

    And ready to prove themselves in Pro ranks of of cycling I think stone aditt is too much of a pure climber for this I have the feeling that he isn’t that explosive um but I also think that the because of the races he did we he never

    Got to show it last year so maybe he has some hidden explosivity um but I have the feeling that he’s a pure climber okay um little track has Juan pel Lopez he’s not the guy you expect um to battle for the GC Podium I think but what about

    Juane little TR invested a lot this winter in their team but they aren’t bringing any um new guys um to Downer to Downer um I think their prior priority is uh Quinn Simmons and Tess fion to get a good stage result mgc wise I don’t

    Think they they will do a lot oh I I agree okay there’s six more names on my list um of worth a mention the first two of them are a Duo of Israel premier George Bennett and Stephen Williams and especially the second one Eve you wanted

    To say something about that you you were pretty curious to see him in Australia yes Stephan Williams is a it’s is he an enigma I don’t know if yes yeah pretty weird is he a climber what is he when you never know how he will perform when he’s at a start line

    Does he have good legs does he have bad legs you never know till we’re in the final of that stage then he exactly he’s extremely strong or he’s just gone already um but the two down under stages should sue him it’s not the very long climbs and it’s explosive and

    Yeah it’s yeah it’s an interesting name and I wanted to mention him because he can surprise and get close in the GC fight but he can get um over the line at the end of 200 in 105th position as well exactly no clue I mentioned him so if he does

    Something uh we’ve got a trio we’ve talk we’ve talked about for Israel Premier Tech next to Stephen Williams and Corbin strong there’s also the new guy in the team George Bennett um how will the how will the team play out those three cards yeah I

    Was talking with Derek G the day uh yeah who was a guest of the of the podcast very friendly guy um and uh by the way if Z said the exact same thing about Stephen Williams so GG for your knowledge there um and we were I was

    Talking about how strong the is Israel Premier Tech team was because normally a guy like Derek G would have the opportunity to go for GC in t um but with such a yeah such a strong team I think three guys who can potentially win to under um yeah it’s it’s stuff they

    Were just going to um look at who’s in form and just yeah go with battle more horses so they are not going to pick one guy for GC so you talked to Derek G lately leer yeah was yesterday evening I think and what are his own expectations

    For this two down Ender because he’s there too right or isn’t he yeah yeah yeah he has the fastest time of of w this year on straa even um yeah he was also saying Stephan Williams if he’s on his day he could grab the win on wunga

    Hill which I agree with and if he’s not on his day like he said he can finish 103d um Bennett is also super interesting he also said that Corbin strong was indeed going for for GC um so yeah that’s that’s a super super interesting team what about his own

    Ambitions yeah he’s um yeah if I was him I would find that pretty shitty that I wouldn’t be able to go from my own GC but he has no problems with it uh he said that he um likes it more that he WR writes for teammates who can win the

    Thing than riding for a Zone and finishing 10 which is an amazing mindset in my opinion did you talk about his 2024 schedule uh yeah he’s doing uho and a lot of Flemish Classics so a big Flemish Classics block and then he’s hoping to go to the to the

    Front stage winner to the France the darkkey jungle of Ottawa um next on the list is yeah a name Eve mentioned but the first problem is I don’t know how to pronounce his first name is it Roger is it Ro Adria I don’t know can someone help

    Me uh I can’t help you but I know he but I know he can write uh a bike pretty strong um he was um within the eipo can FMA team from 2020 till 2023 uh yeah and he had to wait quite a bit till he could move on to World T

    Level right now b h signed him and it’s an interesting guy he always shows himself in that Spanish stage races at the start of the season and then in breaks Etc he was one of the leaders within the karma team always um and he has some good results he always finished

    Quite close to um the top 10 or get in the top 10 um it’s yeah I mentioned quite a bit of names that I’m just curious to see um in a world tour kit and yeah just pump to see them in another team and to see what they will

    Are capable of and throughout the season and down under is the the first part of a a long 2024 season I think last year you already had a strong year uh with a small team like kipok and Pharma so if he now goes to World Tour to a team like Boran gr noral

    Normally the performance is better the bikes the traing normally you would expect him to be even better this year so yeah I’m also curious to see where that brings him okay next on my list um team movar is going to war with Ruben Guerero um another Enigma yeah well speaking of an enigma

    And but I have the feeling this is not a race that really suits Ruben Guero I have the feeling it it does to be honest uh last year I have the feeling that he had uh you can’t find anything uh about it I was talking about it with

    Tino uh and yeah he has had this an insanely [ __ ] season uh for a rider of his capabilities I remember him doing insane wats on vtu like he he raised do one day rest and then he won vtu with six wats per kilo for an hour one of the

    Best performances of the whole year uh wats wise so he he has it in him and then last year had such a bad season so maybe he had uh yeah long sickness or something um but yeah we just don’t know is he back at it now is he going to

    Perform well then he could potentially win two under he has the capabilities for that I think but if he’s at at the same level where he was last season yeah you’ll finish 115 every stage so you really don’t know what about Sano I think the sparker is too hard for him

    Now well I don’t know it’s Wonga Hill it’s explosive the guy is explosive might be a little bit too long um yeah I think so yeah but I I remember his win in in the walli yeah exactly yeah and that was very impressive it wasn’t as

    Long as Wonga but still I remember it very well because I beted for him to win it in 2022 and then he won it in 2023 ouch right guys um there’s one team we didn’t mention yet opas in the king D you put two names on the list you really

    Wanted to mention first one is Jason Osborne second one is Luca verito um yeah two interesting names in my opinion I think Jason or Osborne yeah he not going to win it but if he’s in form he can get a really good result um but he’s like a tough guy because I

    Looked through SAA and he didn’t do a lot of intensity but I think he will still perform pretty well because he’s just yeah an insane talent and Luka he won the zwift academy uh had a pretty good year to be honest last year in under 23 races and lower level races he

    Has been doing some intensity on on on on straa and I think Wonga is is a hill that suits him pretty well so I’m really curious to see what that guy can do on on the highest level all right I think everyone can see about your behavior you can’t you’re shaking

    You can’t sit still anymore that means you must be very curious and excited about luuka falito I’m curious to see falito he became as with champion in 2023 then or 2022 um then went to the dvo team for alerson um he’s not that young young anymore he’s 26 um so he

    Didn’t participate in U23 races like you mentioned D but he went into that point doac races and strong there um he certainly has the power the wats um otherwise you you aren’t the winner of the Swift Academy um exactly um he even won a general classification last year um in U

    Austria and the fact that op in theing promotes him to the main team um shows um first of all that his power and his wats are there and second of all that he’s in a top- notch professional otherwise you’re not getting through that dvo team that fast because you have

    To know before that contest uh from zwift he was just um a normal cyclist um or a normal cist he was just riding his bike without a contract or isn’t wasn’t paid for it and two years later he’s in one of the best um world tour teams um in the peltin yeah insane

    Story yeah right my dear domestics um we will end this episode with one tour of the virtual table um I invite the audience to do the same and put in the comments who they think will win the GC at two down under But first you guys can mention your

    Names H so the winner of the general classification yeah exactly uh mine is Milan Vader V I’m going to stick to Simon Yates ni D is going to make this episode five minutes longer by thinking yeah s it’s it’s so hard uh I’m going for for the long shot Corbin

    Strong strong all right guys is there anything else you would like to add you forgot a name I forgot the name Michael Storer I don’t expect anything from him to be honest mean me nether it’s not explosive on yeah but still it’s a it’s a new team he’s not riding for his team

    He’s riding for the national team um he’s going to he’s within Tor if I recall correctly um yeah that’s true and still it’s interesting to see how that new environment he trained with them he went on training camp winter with them how it yeah how it will go he was 17th

    In the road race of the Australian National Championship nothing impressive but still he he finished it he could have said I’m not finishing it um 118th in the crit um it was just a name word mentioning because last year the fact that you mentioned it eeve what do you expect from him result

    Wise well if it’s really um if if Yates is on top level then the climbers will um come um on the to the front of that race and then he might be that’s true top 10 um then if it turns out to be a climb Fest climb Fest um but that

    Depends a lot of Simon y but still it’s really hard he will get close to a top 10 in GC I think judging from both this I DT and road race performance is not in in amazing shapee yet to be honest was a name word mentioning definitely okay thank you

    Guys for joining me in this two down under preview and thank you for our audience for tuning in don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and I think we will see you back in uh in 10 days for the two down under review and if you can’t wait then just watch side

    To cross right exactly thank you you bye byee got the SP the sick twins in my brain

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