Want to follow my parkour/cycle journey to Australia this year? – subscribe, be part of it! 😀

    All 10,000 miles of this journey will be filmed, cycled and homeless. Due to this, I am raising £10,000 for homelessness, if you’d like to help, please see below!

    HELP RAISE £10,000 😀




    Music is all royalty free from Birocratic!

    Guess I got start moving we out Here making distance sh today is the day and we are making distance F what I’m cringe we need to unring the world this looks to me like you’re making that effort let’s go Sriracha a lot for Sriracha a lot for truly together we doy going on PE right

    Now we are cycling and making distance towards Mexico we have to bike very very trusty bike whenever you do a trip like this you end up making that connection with a piece of aluminium and rubber and metal what’s up Liam guys we out here making distance we’re pushing towards

    Mexico got a lot of love for anybody that follows the journeys trying to build something much bigger than just Me Look at this beautiful scenery very happy to bring you in here on what is beautifully tarmaced long straight piece of road some kind of way leads to Mexico eventually might take a month but there’s no doubt we’re going to make It what are people doing on this wonderful Saturday oh Liam big love big big love Liam I hope that you have a bicycle and if you do send it as far as you can on it let’s go we are on a mission out here to spread the movement of expedition the movement of cheap travel

    With a bike you can pick up a bike off a gum tree or Facebook Marketplace for 20 quid $20 and it can change your life that is exactly what happened to me exactly why I’m out here right now I’m actually getting too hot which is insane because recently it has been

    Snowing but just today it started getting too hot to wear this rain coat I going to have to strip off a layer in fact that’s happening right now we are taking off a layer that is quite a magical moment actually cuz for the past 3

    Days I have been so hot and it was crazy what is actually mental is that I took off a layer a minute ago and I’m now taking off another yes saracha noodles but we’re taking off a layer it is way too hot which is such a pleasant

    Surprise guys we are making a film the whole way which will be released on the channel just like the Australia trip we’ve met loads of lovely people already connection is out there it’s only out there if you go and find it I know it sounds cheesy but people can’t find you unless

    You find them right let’s go I’m taking off this ler oh my goodness I’m actually taking off my hat as well guys what I thought was going to be a pleasant cycling live stream it’s just turned into me stripping clothes off cuz I’m too hot Cy okay the gloves are staying on there

    That wind is chilling what are people doing on this beautiful Sunday oh my gosh what is my hair doing that is horrible I think I showered just a few hours ago I’m already looking like that oh oh no I’ve just lost the live stream guys that’s bad news I actually

    Don’t know where that’s gone you’re about to witness me finding the earpiece which is the only way I can talk to you where does it sound like it’s coming from someone give give me a point now there we go we’re going to keep on this and go like that that’s

    Good the only problem is is where is that earpiece um okay well we’re a bit screwed now if I can’t find that I can’t talk to you guys do you know where the earpiece is I have another one hang on confused from where you are cycling I

    Am cycling from the northern border of California and we’re going to Mexico that’s where we’re going right I’ve just found the other a piece can you hear me again are we connected Give Me A Sign in the chat if you can actually hear what I’m saying I’m looking for the other earpiece right

    Now cuz that has just vanished into the abyss um um this this live stream has not gone to plan but that is okay cuz I think that’s just a metaphor for life is it not um I don’t even know if you can hear me ah I found it it’s here

    Oh oh oh oh yuck there gravel in the air piece it’s wet that is nasty that absolutely nasty I’m going to try and clean it out as best as possible but an ear infection may be on the horizon for me can people actually hear me can can

    You a thumbs up in the chat or something along those lines cuz right now I’m unsure whether or not this is actually working is it is it in the snood no actually it was was in the snow on the ground yes loud and clear lovely all right

    People okay so I’m going to start making some distance on the bike but I I actually can’t wear this coat today it’s too it’s too hot which is crazy this is the first day that it’s been too hot and you wouldn’t believe it because if you look around there is snow and ice

    Everywhere where are people signing in from where are people listening from oh check this Outlet I left this lovely little little hotel just earlier today they have given me some homemade ham and cheese pastries plus the cinnamon buns Australia 400 a.m. katang gled what are you doing awake at 400

    A.m. what are you doing awake at 4:00 a.m. Frankfurt in the house ah guadara forgive me if I pronounced that wrong Mexico rather embarrassingly Essex England as an English person I can verify that is embarrassing right let’s see here what are we doing guys I’m currently taking off some

    Layers because it’s too hot out here in the snow which I I almost can’t believe it myself but that is what is going on Burgen Norway what is good so bloody hot and stuffy here just turned on the airon there’s no need for airon out here look at

    This okay guys this is the bike look at this stunning piece piece of Machinery as you know being someone that is on the bike for so long it hard for me not to have a fascination with bicycles all right let’s go quick check make sure I haven’t left anything all of

    The gear is critical we are traveling lightweight first few Pedals come on Billy in the house you know on the way over here I uh on on the first trip where everything of mine got stolen if you don’t know about that there will be a video being released about that on that trip out here I did

    Stop off at Philly and I got a world-renowned Philly cheese steak which I thought would be a steak turns out it’s more of a sandwich could not have seen that coming even if I’d wanted to but nonetheless it was delicious let’s do it let’s do it let me

    Just say right now that name is possibly one of the best YouTube names I’ve ever seen I don’t know your channel but just from the name I want to go and look at it because we are out here doing it right now I am cycling to Mexico from the Northern California border

    So what that means is we have 1,000 mil in our way pardon me if I’m out of breath it is getting a bit warm again oh people this scenery is so wonderful I need to stop in a second and show you but yes we are traveling from the

    Northern border of California all the way to the southern border it is a rather long trip [Applause] oh controversial opinions in the chat roast pork is the better Philly cheese sandwich or Philly sandwich inside of knowledge coming from Catman there which I can only assume is Batman’s better

    Half Catman I do have a question for you are you related to Batman or was it just a name you’ve chosen got to come to Ireland and try chicken filet roll that does sound fantastic oh guys I realized there’s only a few more hours until we’re at our

    Destination however let me bring you in on this stunning view who would have thought that California would look like that snow everywhere I had no idea but it does make sense to be honest because California just span across the whole of the western side I mean not the whole of

    It you know a large chunk of the western side of Australia um I can’t talk I’m out of breath large part of the western side of America is California and the north is near Oregon and Oregon connects California to Canada I believe someone correct me for my geography is wrong but it’s my

    Knowledge but yes this is what California looks like and I did not expect that I could not have predicted that California would be covered in snow but we are in the northern most part of C California here so it does make sense okay we’re going to get get back

    On the bike I do have a long a long long journey today we’ve got 6 and 1 half hours got 6 and 1 half hours on this bike today it’s mostly uphill don’t know if you guys can see here might look like a straight road but this is actually rather rather hilly

    That is a big uphill right there in front of me you know last time I came to California I ended up getting all of my things stolen in San Francisco all of my things were stolen in San Francisco which was just mindblowing so I came out here and we

    Rented a bike and this was in this was in November last year start of November so we rented this bike and I set off towards the horizon past Oakland so we got on the ferry over the bay landed in Oakland and then progressed over the mountains we were heading to this place

    Called Turlock and there was a mural being painted there by a man named con and he was a an artist in the mental health space wonderful guy my mission was to travel 100 miles to meet him so I filmed this documentary this amazing it’s amazing documentary and I even had to get a

    Hitchhike because I wasn’t going to make it on time and I was sat in the middle of the road just in absolute despair call the whole thing on camera then this wonderful man shared a story with me called Mark he uh he was in a relationship for 8

    Years and they were both using drugs both him and his partner he gave me consent to share his story by the way and he was talking to me about his his difficulties how um he decided to get clean and she didn’t and yeah it was very very painful

    For them both and they ended up separating but he was still there for her and I wanted to share his story because all of this footage all of Mark’s story that he wanted to share with me with the world it’s lost so it’s my duty to share the absolute

    Selflessness of Mark who was still there for his partner despite the difficulties and um yeah he gave me his jumper he gave me his jumper off his back which was crazy could not have I couldn’t not take it I said to him I said Mark I can’t you know I can’t take the

    Jumper and he said no you’re probably cold I said Mark I’m from the UK of course I’m not cold and then he gave me his jumper anyway even though it didn’t fit in my bag so I still have his Jumper in my wardrobe I didn’t take

    It I didn’t take it on this trip cuz it is quite a large jumper it did keep me warm but yes oh my goodness people the view just keeps getting better and better look both sides right now are you ready for this look at that there’s the road look at that oh my

    Goodness if that doesn’t want to make you get on your bike and send it to the horizon I don’t know what does look at that oh my word no doubt there’s a mountain line out there just looking at me and thinking God that’s dinner you can’t reach Mexico

    From very very very very good geography skills there real TI however right now we are in California I might be an English fell we’re cycling from the northern border of California all the way down to Mexico PR Tangled absolutely get some rest it’s 4:00 a.m. why are you wake at 4:00 a.m. you

    Never gave me that answer but only you know stay safe Washington is between Oregon and Canada Washington is is really nice lots of mountains yeah I’ve not been there but sounds amazing we are out here right now is it hard to cycle and read the chat you know what it would

    Be if I hadn’t been cycling for so long but because I’ve been cycling for far far too long I’ve actually gotten pretty felt pretty good at using the bike with no hands I know that sounds like a weird flex but like if you cycled for so long

    And I cycled from the UK to Singapore you start to learn how to live on the bike I started cleaning my teeth on the bike I started I started just doing everything on the bike I’d eat dinner on the bike I’d call people on the bike you know one of the most

    Important bike discoveries almost that I made was these little headphones with a microphone in without the microphone it’s so hard to keep in contact with the people you love it’s so hard sleep sleep on the bike just there no I wish I could sleep on the bike maybe in the fting

    Electronic Contraption but the thing is is I don’t I I don’t know what it is with these trips there’s something lovely and wonderful about not having the electric battery because yes it helps you go further but it means you’re tied to electricity you have to get electric everywhere and your body is

    More than capable more than powerful enough to get all the way to where you need it to go oh it’s so silly I I’m most worried about is Mountain lies so silly I know they’re out here but I’ve checked the statistics like so few attacks but you know when you just look

    Around and like it it just looks like there could be a mountain line oh my on right it’s getting steep here we’re not messing around how long do I think this will take me I think this is probably going to take around 6 weeks it’s not very far but

    We’re going to be stopping off in a few places along the way maybe I’ll learn to cycle and sleep at the same time


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