So this times on the bike where you want to get up onto or over an obstacle without actually having to slow down and that’s where our Bonnie Hawk technique comes in now the bunny hop is using weight shift to actually get the wheels off the floor chances are you’re gonna

    Be going fairly fast for this so I’m in a nice high downhill type of gear and I’ve actually got my seat down because whenever I ride downhill it’s more fun to drop that seat and go as fast as you can so the bunny hop comes in two parts

    The first part is where we’re going to use weight shift to get that front wheel up in the air and once that front wheels up there we’re going to do what we did with the rear wheel lift so we’re going to point the toes to the floor and

    Physically lift the back end of the bike using our feet whilst also throwing that weight forward slightly it’s really important when you’re coaching the bunny hop that you make sure people don’t do a speed hop instead so a speed hop is where both wheels simultaneously leave the ground and come back down

    A bunny hop is two very distinct movements so the front and the bike is gonna lift up followed by the back of the bike and then the to come down aligning with the ground as they come into land as this is a high speed skill it’s really important that people

    Looking way ahead down the trail to anticipate what might come up after they land their bunny hop it’s also vitally important that you’ve got one thing and hanging on both brakes so that you can use them whenever you need to to get the front wheel up it’s a big weight shift

    Upwards and backwards so you’re gonna compress the forks and spring on up out of it straight arms and up high on the bike the back wheel is much like your rear wheel lift so you’re going to point those toes to the floor push back hard into the rear pedal and then actually

    Lift the back of the bike up and that’s what gets that back wheel up following the front wheel into the air as this is a high speed skill you’re already gonna be in the attack position ready to go so the arms and knees are gonna be slightly

    Bent ready to spring up and out when you need to

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