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    Hey gang welcome back to the videos and welcome back to our intro with honor warming up on the turbo as per usual this week there is no London League races and the eastern league race we’re planning to go to was cancelled last minute so we’re in Leicester leester baby my legs feel

    Awful I’m like struggling to hit the numbers for my warm up so that’s good this is how the pro Sprint how is the course it’s like it’s it’s quite different it’s interesting there’s a lot of straight lines not an overall technical course it’s just got a couple of like really technical moments and

    Then the rest it’s like a lot of power some straight lines and some climbing uh it’s not going to suit me the start is like my worst nightmare because it’s just a straight line and then a drag up so I need to tell myself to not like get

    A caught up in that initial acceleration cuz I know if I do that I’m going to pop before it even starts climbing if I can be be sensible and ride into it I’ll probably have a better race and a better result overall you’re probably going to

    Be at the back of the grid so just to add even more spice but that can kind of remove that like idea of wanting to do really well you’re kind of out of contention anyway so you might as well ride conservatively at least to start with and some Wheels you’re going to put

    Me behind some Wheels I’ll use them yeah I’m looking forward to it cuz we’ve not had a proper race in a while it’s like a new unfamiliar League New Riders everyone’s been really friendly so far which is nice big up to Craven apparently he lets everyone race here

    Every year it’s just her back Garden it’s like a big Mana house but it’s her back Garden she’s like yeah do you know what let’s have people riding bikes in it racing bikes in it if this was my back Garden I would share it what’s the

    Time how are we doing oh I need to get off up [Applause] soul lift up my soul It yes yes yes come on Legs are no good you’re doing all right on It Up Yeah not B just feel weak I always feel weak but I feel I felt especially weak can you put tea and like a be on probably not this looks gous use this every day having some tea out of an angry Pablo bottle Felix you want some content of

    This we’ll hand it over the course is fun I like the design of it but it’s not for me no way no sir I thought that my power was down it wasn’t it I’m I am just weak that Old Chestnut oh me I was having a really rough time out there as

    You can probably imagine because like I wasn’t where I could be but on this course I couldn’t I don’t think I could have done any better without being stronger no and you know what I like I nearly fell off a few times so I was

    Really happy because I was like I’m I am pushing myself I’m like sliding out and saving it I felt comfortable at the times when my bike was out of control and that’s something I really want to work on there was just a lot of long straights draggy uphills the like main

    Climb after the start I think that was the real kicker for me is it’s just like I got nothing to give you know the hard part about it was I really like the entrance into it and that like initial from tac through the rut like I would

    Kick there because that is a fun good time to kick but then like oh but now I’ve got to push it up here so really hard really depressing because it was just well it is hard because like I I come here to have a fun time but then

    Courses like that I do end up spending 40 minutes thinking about how I wish I was still strong and resentful of you know being ill the usual you there’s nothing you can do about it ex except just like wallow as your riding around and then try and like find the positives

    In the technical section there was also some negatives in the technical sections there was like a a BM you know the BM I really want to do that I want to be able to like rail that on a cross bike but it’s just not something I’ve ever done

    They give you support through the corner but in order to ra a BM you have to rail the BM like you have to do it you have to give it 100% fully commit to it and like hope and like the BM should hold you cuz I’ve never experienced it before

    I was like now’s maybe not the time you lost this SP do you want like a contact lens packet yeah sure might be a bit salty talk to us about your pre-ra nutrition some rice pudding with a contact lens packet we’ve transition to rice pudding pre- race because it’s a

    Lot easier to digest cuz it’s pretty much already digested don’t do the thing a really cute miniature tree over there can you see it Bonsai might be worth millions way bigger than a bonsai Corner that you fell off on at open course yeah yeah I fell off on the

    Corner on open course it shows that I’m trying despite getting on the inside of that corner perfectly fine on the open course every time in the every lap I ended up in the leaves apart from one time cuz there was a girl already struggling in the leaves and I was like scoot around

    You just K it’s a big fi today which is really really nice if you’re new to watching us because you’re the Leer cyclocross League subscribe yeah if you are new here um we should we come back to the Leicester cyc cross League again again it good experience so far we

    Always say like where should we go and it always comes down to where wherever is the shortest Dy post race nutrition um the legs seem fine my my knee does hurt banged on the Omni I’m going through some gates maybe like week and a half ago and it’s not really been

    The same since just annoying you should try banging it on a brick at H Hill thanks to SAS keeping us caffeinated oh here we go big watchs big watchs it was a rest after my 115 Watts oh not a small W i’ be excited one of

    Those starting in the back and see how far up you can get however based on the quality of honors field I probably won’t get that far up I think some like pressure off racing is going to be good for me yeah bit too focused on like

    Doing well and who I’m near and kind of nice to everyone’s unfamiliar and yeah and like I’m signed the B don’t got nothing to prove just to have some fun racing might be quite nice might be what I need we’ve seen Kieran Kieran I’ve seen someone else who I know it’s fast

    And then there’s other people in like fancy kit it’s got sponsored on fancy that man’s got a sticker of banana on his helmet so I’m [Applause] worried Oh [Applause] Well done You W good Job good can you put it open you’re good keep going buddy sorry good tactic e what up good job come on keep pushing good job n You feel sick I didn’t get him crossing the line so this will do instead at least he’s suffering like usually he makes it look too easy you’re ready for your post win interview Tim giving everything for the finish that Rob wild finishing finishing well hard

    It he offered to wait for me I was like like no like this is yours now where did you punct at the top yeah as you go long like the top of the hill and then you cut right and drop down there’s loads of rocks right before you

    Cut right I caught one I went just to the right of it and it it went flat immediately and I managed to ride it like down the hill a little bit up the other side and then only had to run like up to the pits didn’t you have fun yeah

    You see my start again eh of starts I got a good start and then I got puncture I I filmed the start so you’ll have that yeah but don’t don’t have a muddy bun this time oh is that was my honestly that was like the highlight of last year look at this guy

    With his money buom he’s terrible why you go behind him second into the first corner see you a that’s a big hole these your new tires oh je I like how the tail poked out the front was even better than the back how is your race uh really good actually yeah

    Stronger than I thought so oh there we go I missed my placing in the grid so I just ended up at the back I nearly ended up in the wrong race I didn’t realize they did the vet women separately to the senior women then they all overtook me

    Anyway cuz I was Stronger than Me Yeah I had some good racing with a few people and then managed to get ahead I just stop and clear out here was caught and buzzing along so really like this course yeah it really good yeah good it’s really good did you stay on your bike

    Yeah all the way he I thought I was having a bad day but we just overheard someone say don’t go in the van and she said why and he simply said punami so how was your break it wasn’t amazing I can’t be that upset about it to be honest I didn’t feel particularly

    Strong I didn’t feel like I rode the course particularly well I think there was sections where I was good and there were sections where I wasn’t amazing I didn’t feel like I was riding really well and I didn’t feel like I was riding really strong so I was kind of happy

    With where I was and then I punctured were you trying Max effort or like yeah and like people were coming past me and I was making myself follow them cuz I’m very good at giving up I think also the field was pretty stuck because it had like two leagues worth of hits

    Thanks for watching the videos guys thanks to Leicester Cyrus league for hosting us you did very very well and we would definitely consider coming back again if you live in Leicester you should definitely race this league or near to Leicester you should definitely race this league it’s very very good

    Please like the video because it feeds the algorithm and it shows the videos to more people and we just want to share cyle across to more people subscribe to the channel leave a comment um and we’ll see you in the next One


    1. There’s two more rounds of the LCXL in Jan if you fancy more 😁 ps think tag should be Misterton not Mallory? 😁 Mallory is next week, still time to enter 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

    2. Nice to meet you guys!
      That race for me always seems to have a load of fast people in it, so dont worry, not just you.
      Keep it up, maybe see you in kenilworth for boxing day cross 😁

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