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    🔴 DISCLAIMER 🔴 When beginning any fitness workout or regimen, it is important to consult your physician to ensure this program is right for you. Do not start this program if your healthcare provider advises otherwise. Any exercises or information on this channel, through videos or comments, will be used at your own risk. Kaleigh Cohen Fitness will not be responsible or liable for the harm, damage, or injury as a result of any information provided.


    Oh here we go again yeah here we go Again let’s do it one more time yeah here we go again One back stab and she’s in my kitchen with too much heat she got my flat Jack slip and no matter what I do she want to scramble legs 3 a.m. and my pot still stirring for all I know she WS Sim till the morning going round and round till she gets

    Away here we go again here we go Again again here we go again here how long you going to take my butter you steal my bread and blow it all another you won’t Escape me now and roll back again what I know is that the grease gets better when the sket H the B sticks

    Together you say the cooking’s D but it never ends here we go yeah Here We Go Again more Time here we go We Oh here we Go here we go again time yeah here we Go give me that CH we Rico big money R like burritos give me that hot sauce no P give me that give me that give me my slipers Mosa my limousine and my so don’t know Theos give me that give me that I give me That give me that Give me that next to DFT B jacuzzi and keep ping that till I say so give me that give me That [Applause] give me That I want more I got can I want more I got can I want more Give me That I well we have got a ride today so I I am really glad that you are here I was like running around wild for a second there but made it in just a nick of time so if you just got here good timing we have got a super fun ride planned today

    If you like Rolling Hills this is your ride we have got several Rolling Hills today so it’s going to be really fun also want to say thank you Mary for the super chat during the countdown timer that was super sweet and I’m really glad you’re here today um I Jason do we have

    Anything we don’t there’s nothing exciting like we have to announce like whoa where am I going where should I go here yep okay we don’t have anything exciting to announce today like last weekend no uh if you weren’t here last weekend uh we announced that uh we’re having another baby and kayle’s pregnant

    So I am you know what we haven’t actually made that announcement on the strength Channel yet so we we didn’t y oops I guess I just I I figure that if people from this strength channel are probably over on the Cy cycling Channel but then again if you’re not at the live

    Rides you also probably have no clue um but so we got some snow in central Michigan I can’t hear you Jason can you he the volume up yeah how’s that that’s good thank you okay we got some snow in central Michigan yesterday or last night

    And today so we are uh after I shovel the driveway we’re going to go sledding today with the kids yeah so that’ll be a fun time uh other than that that’s all we have it’s week three of bike and bells uh starting next week so this

    Wraps up week two we have some really good workouts posting for bike and bells Thrive next week we have two cycling workouts two strength workouts plus another live stream next Saturday aren’t there three no there’s only two strength workouts next week I was thinking there were three maybe five right you’re right

    Nope there are three there’s a five minute abs too yeah okay I’m thinking yeah we two cycling three strength y posting next week There’s a lot and yes the uh I I’ve done some of them so far for the next few weeks oh you’re going

    To love them so fun so exciting we um yeah this program is taking us to new levels and I’m glad we can do it together uh but I think I think we should get to it if you’re ready we’ve got 15 working songs today two of those

    Are for the Encore The Encore is back I feel like it’s been a couple weeks since the Encore so we’ve got that back um this week it’s going to be probably about 50 minutes of work and then you know what the cool down and the stretch we’re looking at like 55 maybe 60

    Minutes and then of course after the ride after the cool down we’re going to hang out and chat so bring your questions and malanum so with that make sure you got your water your towel and let’s do this all in all You oh here we go five your seven we’re turning it up today 7 in the80s to start what do we got who’s going to call it out we haven’t in the chat yet I’m sure we do start your watch if you would like to use that for today’s

    Workout thank you anarie there we go she’s got it all right we have got a speed increase coming I want you to give it a little little bit from where you are in four 3 2 1 go here it is take it to the living going let it on

    Your get ready say it go come on one of my favorite warm-up songs I don’t think there could be a better warmup song this gets me all fired up ready halfway long pushes too so good way to get that body warm get your mind ready too we got this

    Today AGN thank you oh wow good day then so glad you’re here thank you slow it back breathing here back in the 8S we got a little time so form to here it is head is up shoulders down Cory’s engaged help keep that chest up and open but you know give

    You power to push and pull slight grip slight Bend and we’re getting ready to go again here we go pick it Up here we go say it it’s that time everybody kicking in the my [Applause] here we are halfway keep it up give it a little bit more speed right here if you Can almost there there it is slow it back one more push 20 seconds out final speed increase reach down add one find eight this final push is only 30 seconds here than eight get ready here we [Applause] go right to the end on your Get Ready set go almost there 10

    More woo oh ex resistance like gets the heart rate right up slow it back slow it back in the 60s push and pull 20 seconds we’re going to take it out to Third and find nine there is only one Sprint in this song here we go third and nine right

    Now push pull elbows tucked in head up chest is up shoulders back elbows tucked In we got a long climb here before that Sprint so right here just think about that good form get the good form right out of the gate for our clim today cuz we’ve got quite a few of Them take it back right here back it up over that saddle back flat core engage again elbows tucked Incc we’re going to get ready to have a seat next Dan here we go saddle down we’re going to add one up to a 10 in the saddle here in four three two fine 10 short 10 short T because we’re getting ready for that Sprint we’re going to drop it all the

    Way down to a seven 30 seconds for a Sprint here it is find seven and Go Halfway there it is slow it back back in the 60s add two five nine out third back up Glend up thank you we appreciate that push and pull we’re going to find one more open the saddle and one more 10 get ready back it up back it up right

    Here final 10 is going to be seated in the saddle you’ll be a short 10 eight more we’re going to saddle down and turn it up right here have a seat find 10 15 out Push Pull now within the first 78 minutes we have pretty much hit

    Everything we’ve had our 7 8 9 10 Sprints heavy fine eight now time to get on put some jump and freezes so find that now in the next couple weeks I’m going to remind you time to increase our resistance so as for right now though make sure you’re staying heavy enough

    We’re getting ready four up four down here we go Up down and up we’re going to go right into a freeze from here we’ve got a couple more jumps Though now we’re going to bring it up bring it up jogging it now bre hold it low light on your mark chest is up hip T is enough you world to breathing 10 [Applause] More there it is saddle used to me down 15 out we jump again this next set Jump free all back to back jumps are coming here we go and down and up down almost to that freeze couple more here with Down we’re going to take it up up into that J and freeze it out hold it [Applause] [Applause] Low right back in J down for four and then up close here we go got down and down back up down keep it going [Applause] Down well are you glad this is only the third song in we would not have wanted this the end right now almost there [Applause] down last one settle down hold in here and green we’re going to slow it [Applause] Back in the 60s going for a climb know I’m a he still got some B my Dr n you to make a mistake we are going to focus on 10 out and thir so in about 10 seconds we’re going to go up and we’re going to turn it up and we’re going

    Heavy Push Pull feet are flat the balls of your feet here get that power here it comes cars give me bad reaction bur it down jul the the flame until C burn it all down we got this you know Saturday something special saddle and N first

    One’s get up in my business I put you down in the grave I’m should relax light on your bars when you come up I’m about to B my Hatchet so pick up the pl in your casket eight out 10 in thirds give me bad reaction catches that’s it push it hold that hold

    That me eight more feel the saddle and nice I feel the darkness call [Applause] me P right here I just want to make sure that you are with that beat so at your nine right with that beat in the 60s we’re getting ready final 10 in thir burn it all down here we

    [Applause] go flame until it catches fires rising in the black bur it down Half you got this Cates fires rising in the black down have a street find nine all right 60 second Sprints this first one comes up in 20 seconds so we drop it to a seven you’re here right now you’re not out here you’re right here Focus all in

    Sprint we’re going to try to jum double our Pace from the 60s here find seven all [Applause] [Applause] In feel that seven under your feet and work for it push and pull Halfway keep that upper body relax don’t use any more energy than you need it is the all lower body right here pushing and pulling that seven almost there here’s four three two and one back it off find nine we’re going to get ready to take it out to

    Third in Four 3 2 one Third stomp it out you see my smile come on that means a 10 5 10 all the way Upo 10 Out get ready have a seat drop it double your pace come on push [Applause] [Applause] it we’re going to take this right to the end keep your pace up you are halfway 30 more pushing and pulling those legs are burning because those muscles are working with that resistance and that speed 15 come on pick it up right to the finish line Here’s Four 3 2 hold Seven I’m at the drinking with I’m out getting French toast Tokyo up quick so ‘ 80s 9s here and then got out push heavy eight all in Pace let’s go eight got that 4 3 2 woo seven you got that thing that was awesome enough two more i’ be lying if I said it wasn’t dope imitate doing the

    Most should close 10 out we go again these come up so quick we got to be ready so that’s why don’t lose focus yeah I got I got that thing here it is I got that thing I got that thing yeah got that thing got that thing 4 3 2 one breathing 10

    Seconds final inverted Sprint this should be driving that heart rate up so focus on the push and the pull last one I got that I got that Thing I got that thing I got that come on taking us right to the end of this do don’t blow Back there it is slow way back in the 70s but hold eight this should feel so good right now to be in the 70s at your eight after how we’ve been working and we are almost halfway Through we are working with leaps now so just a little reminder sadd and then start four counts it’s going to feel a little bit slower because the beat is slower so those four counts compared to jump I should say stand warri make sure it’s heavy enough

    Cuz you’re coming all the way out to third up two four and down don’t kill me only makes back up Two Ain no going to Ste almost there shettle down last one hold it Ivy thank you I appreciate you thank you so much for that and glad you’re kicking butt with us today getting strong just like this song says we’re going to go again last set know your words get so enjoy it keep that form keep that

    Push F too inin 15 Out it 1 two and four take it down don’t kill me only makes back up two and strong s Down back up steal Fight last one down here we are hold it breathe come on don’t give up we’re going to get ready reach down F nine turn it up heavy don’t give Up last Set and four down up oh you should feel that added resistance down here legs go away there it is Ste my fight you know playing with you’re making me strong you’re making me settle down and hold it we get to slow it back just a little

    Bit to that number you’re going to hear a lot of today 60s feel in my soul pushing P we’re just going to take a seated climb right into this Sprint so if you need to close your eyes and just think about yourself climbing to the top here before that Sprint do

    It what is going to bring you here to get you stronger you need to stay focused it’s coming 10 out it’s a seven it’s all in here it is drop [Applause] It 10 more you’ve got it pick it up just a little bit come on let’s break here it comes three two one slow it back back up nine right there you can feel that beat let that beat drive you along the music actually helps you with your workout if

    You let it guide you it is going to keep you on pace so just think about that music Let it push you along here we’re going to get ready for 10 and third Right here right now 10 And 30 seconds here slow that pace back keep that pace in the0 with Your halfway brings in 10 we’re going to take it right to the saddle find that seven and then you take it home here we [Applause] Go 10 more let’s pick it up finish strong with this one there it is breathe and add one bur it up going crazy like a wild eight Flames running through Emily thank you I appreciate it thank you so much thank we’re getting ready out jumps for four and then down the air but I got to find a way look up to the sky but I only see gr burning like a flame that I can’t contain love you thank you up here yay

    Week two week three is going to be Down here hold it now this is a nice song here to use as a bit of a recovery so if you need to slow your pace back here before this second set which is in 30 I’m am I that’s whatever however the black seats Le drive with it in the pain I stop I’m take There’s No Limit got the drive never TI swiching playing my in it trying to make it to the A club s this lady by the burning I can feel it I feel almost there down Halfway and down almost there last one up saddle down find seven breathe it here ride it out we’re going to take this seven into the next song so I just want you to take your recovery breathe cuz as we are close to finishing this journey today I Want You to

    Breathe yes Taran come on so glad you made it to a live I hope you are loving it we are so glad you’re here Saturday fam make sure you give her a warm welcome if you haven’t already I’m sure you have though all right oh thanks I appreciate it to change

    Anything I appreciate that you were there seean eight let’s go eight and push running running don’t don’t trip don’t let go run run run keep up right don’t quit just keep go don’t don’t trip don’t it slow it back find seven relax those shoulders breathing’s only one ands it up up

    Up your feet should feel like it is stuck in peanut butter and you were trying to move 8 seconds cat here we go find eight don’t let go let’s push give up keep up right don’t quit just keep going don’t tight don’t trip don’t keep Don’t hold eight last one let’s go eight come on push it all in Breathe hold eight grab a drink and get Ready final Rolling Hill for the day so let’s just push and pull we’re going to reach down we’re going to find nine and take it out to third right here nine and third now we have just about 20 seconds before that Sprint who Sprints this song 130 and 145 you you hear it right you feel it have a seat Seven halfway pick it up a little bit more come on this is your last song for Sprint of the day don’t leave anything on this bike there it is bre turn it up nine back up this time it’s going to be 10 and third in Four 3 2 1 Third hands out of 10 you sure I’m getting tired too so let’s just check in on ourselves make sure that’s a heavy tent if you got more added remember don’t leave anything here and that spr is coming up elbows tucked in head up touched up here we go find that seven all In per beautiful oh justtin I thank you oh8 we are getting warm then we’re sending our heat your way which we don’t really have much here on the bike anyway thank you Justina there it is reach down find eight I love this song this song is such a good reminder about what happens when you show up that was kind of our theme this week with consistency just show up don’t worry about what happened yesterday we’re here we’re now we’re

    Going to make this Happ and when you do that listen to these words okay you ain’t see nothing we’re getting ready to jump 10 out work on keeping that pace in the 90s challenge yourself for this song keep it up let’s go and down down keep going down left left

    One settle down you ain’t see Breathe nice job I Got seconds two more seconds that pace right here it is Quick here we go you ain’t seen nothing Down G so glad you are here Longest Ride you got this I know you do you made it that far we’re doing this you a’t nothing yet once you hit this ride thank you Alison saddle down breathe one more my heart my soul my f come on fight for it we are not Stopping F getting ready 15 seconds say it Time you won’t stop you won’t quit you will come back every time here we Goin Down if you want what you’ve never had you got to do what you’ve never done don’t forget that you got to walk that wire you got to start that fire come on there it

    Is hold it and push Breathe now this song hold my word beds so well into this next song You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet you are Limitless we’re getting ready look no limit still stand I want you to get that PA 7 think you falling show them your balance show them your passion move for back go

    Eff keep going to the very end till you win got to try again Ain’t No Limits we going to get it in hey Start it off we finished let’s do this never running out of energy it’s starting now keep it going till we finish it going out to third coming to get it and pushing the limits you better PR a on the miss you turn your vision now I can’t didn’t believe that need now they

    See what time it is infinity now you can see Minding taking you just in way Limitless SP chasing Rel you got to do what you’ve never done F i want you to give it 5 10 RPMs from where you are finish keep it going till we finish keep it going limit it up Limitless start it up we finish Limitless never running out of energy Limitless keep going till we finish keep it going till we finish keep

    It going I am limitless Limitless start it out we finish Limitless never running out of energy Limitless keep it going till we finish keep it going finish keep it going n down one more set like that third 10 over and pick it up we’re getting ready for

    Third no end no limits here we go third nothing is easy and everything is earned be the last one standing up to 10 next be the best out let’s be it final speed over Right to the end on this one here we go Limitless start it up we finish P Limitless never running out of energy Limitless keep it going till we finish it keep it going till we finish it keep it going I am limitless Limitless start it up we finish Limitless never running out of

    Energy Limitless keep it going till we finish keep it going till we finish keep it going I find seven breathe we are not done that just concludes the first part of the workout we’re going to breathe and then we’re going to hit the Encore so Jason mentioned at the

    Beginning two new rides for you this week and so I wanted this Saturday live to kind of bring in last week but then also this next week has a little bit more choreography with the Rolling Hills you know we’re heavy we’re working speed we’ve got a in the next week then the

    Ride has a little bit more ups and downs and all the little fun Pops that really work the quads so we’re going to get a little taste of that for The Encore we’ll breathe let’s do it about another 30 seconds and then we’ll grab these two

    Songs the two songs we’re going to work are inverted Sprints and then switchbacks we’ll talk about switchbacks are going to come up quick we’ll talk about those when we get there oh you’re doing awesome all right we’re ready when I actually stay on time you see how quick 30 seconds goes by right

    Usually I’m like okay we’re going to take 30 seconds and it’s like 3 minutes later I’m like whoopsie all Right seven here pick your pace back up we don’t want to hold it off too long we don’t want that heart rate to get too low right here because we are going to push for these last two songs so this is a song from Monday and Wednesday’s ride

    For you for next week so here’s a little taste of what we got 8 seconds out inverted Sprint are here we Are there it is drop it back it off seven here check your form relax those shoulders two more now I said it earlier when you get your upper body going and trying to pull you along you’re using extra energy that your legs should be working with so make

    Sure think about that’s why I keep that tight keep this up and open we’re not using this that’s for we do that all legs with this push and pull at eight here we There it is seven one more now we don’t get quite as long the break so we’re going to get ready to go again 15 out out coming here it comes final Sprint happy aore Emily thank you we love you here we go love you em thank you so much there Is hold eight hold eight we’re going to slow it back in the 70s all right so for our switch back this next song I kind of want to show you first so just make sure you’ve got that heavy enough eight on for this first set they are short but they’re

    Going to be quick I’m going to say one and two and we’re going to switch and Marie come on the strings might be man the accepted D the way that I gotom incab put the down now Che out I’m just here I’m the greatest the greatest of

    Back and two and up and two back it up forward here we go back and up take it back this is the greatest of all out the box I can never be something I came for a battle it’s looking like King the get ready to take

    It back up to third I know thir I got I know you king myy take really put the lights down now check out I’m just here to take what’s mine I’m the and two and up and two back and two up and two back it up Take It Forward back it up

    Last we’re going to go right back up to third hold nine up to third we got a little pause before we go on this one so just hold it with me until we go here we go up and two and back and up I’m the greatest of all time it upward back it

    Up the greatest of time now I want did you get a taste of that one because when it comes up it’s quick so you got a little step up for that ride that ride let’s find seven is Wednesday’s ride so that one really has a lot of that choreography in

    It breathing you can see that moves quick really gets your heart rate Up so let’s keep our forarm head up shoulders down nice slow pace we’re going to cool down we’re going to stretch together we’re going to cheers and chug and then we are going to chat the cheers and chug will come somewhere here probably sooner rather than later

    Because so if you’ve got some hydration left let’s find six breathing and this song Another Day really fits in with what I said earlier about don’t worry about yesterday this is another day for you to make Great I’m hugging you Kathy I love you we’re going to be thinking about you we’re going be sending you our prayers hoping everything goes well keep us updated if you don’t mind I know I’m not trying to be nosy but I love you and I want to make sure boom everything goes

    Great but I know it will thank you Kathy we love you and no I’m telling you anytime you need a little boob you just grab one of these playlists and one of those songs is going to be like oh nope I got this I’m doing it going for

    It all right I think now would be a good time for cheers and CH so if You’ got your water if you’ve got your element grab it Shelby thank you yay I’m so glad oh and thank you I appreciate that so much I really appreciate the prayers thank you I love you

    Shelby all right grabbing the water I am doing my or who’s got their element today what flavor you hydrating with all right well that came off easy thanks Jason for not like he always gets my water ready because I’m like uh you know I’ll be he’s like you need to be

    Out here at 8:45 and I was literally running through the house at 8:45 to get in here before it was 8:46 what’s up Jeremy Jeremy what’s up I’m glad I saw that thank you Jeremy we love you too oh my God all right sorry element is in hydration

    Activated Myra thank you we love you thank you for always kicking butt with us on Saturdays what are we cheers into today let’s just cheers to another day y’all let’s remember that going forward don’t worry about what happened yesterday don’t worry about what happened 30 30

    Minutes ago right now just make the most of it you have the power to change your mind on what you’re focused on I told that’s my word for the year is focus because that can change a lot cheers to kick and butt let’s do this I love you let’s [Applause] CH so good All right we’re going to get ready to Stretch heart rate should be coming down and we’re going to get ready to press down on the break if you want to keep pedling and catch up with the stretch feel free Annie thank you we’re really glad you could be here all the way to the stretch with us so thank you

    So much we appreciate that opening up here good and let’s take it across keep the shoulders Relaxed go and let’s open it up other side here again keeping the shoulders relaxed did everyone have a chance to check out all of the new stretches that we had hope so because oh my word so good CHR oh Christian thank you thank you so much Christian we appreciate that

    Thank you for being here with us and let’s take in class behind opening up the chest keeping the shoulders down breathing we made it Amber we did I’m so glad it was there were a few times where I was like wao we did it thank you Amber

    I’m so glad we could kick butt together all right and let’s hop it off stretching the lower body now so you know the drill handlebar seat or right in between for our hamstring stretch or you can take it out Leah thank you for being here by the way I

    Always have to mention Leah is if you if you do the strength workouts Leah is our armpit he lady she made the little Stella arm eggs to help us get more out of the chest press and chest flies all those chesty exercises thank you Leah Carrie we love

    You love you Carrie you all are a blessing so thank you so much we are so thankful for you oh my word hugging you Carrie good let’s switch it over and Fold It Forward Karen thank you one year that is awesome oh and you love them thank you

    I’m so glad you enjoy the new desserts if you don’t know I like to call the desserts or that I like to call the stretches the desserts because it’s like you know this was the main course if I can relate something to food I’m going

    To do it so thank you Karen we love you Greg happy Saturday thank you so much Greg we love you thanks for kicking butt with us today and now we’re just oh enjoying the stretch I really don’t want to come out of these stretches today quad

    Stretch next so we’ll hold on to the top of the foot here standing up nice and Tall relaxing the shoulders keeping those hips tucked under and breathing the little trick with this one I know some of you know it but if you don’t squeeze the cheeks when you do

    That deeper stretch through the front and that’s what we want so just think about squeezing the glutes now everyone that’s on here is squeezing their cheeks and we know it just kidding I know I’m weird I’m sorry it comes out sometimes most of the time Jason’s like every time every time it comes

    Out I would be more shocked if you weren’t weird than if you were is probably oh my God we’re going to do our glute stretch our calf stretch Jason if you want if there’s any questions we can we can chat now oh yeah there’s questions oh cool

    Yes lots of questions I love it when we can chat all right so glute stretch holding on to the bike sinking down and if the legs are too shaky you know you can always take this seated and just keep that bottom leg bent and that leg crossed

    Over Laura said new plants real or fake love them either way I’m not going to say if they’re real or fake but these will they’re going to last we don’t have to water them they’re not going to die okay well there he said it so we kind of yeah we went an adventure

    Yesterday before the snowstorm the snowstorm I just I felt so bad most people go out for bread and water we went for fake plants we did yep that’s what we go for sorry kids we’re going to go hungry for the we’re going to rough it Leah thank you

    Wow I love the thank you I’m so glad yeah go it goes both ways y’all I get so happy when we get to do our workouts together I will tell you what though yesterday I was I was supposed to film two workouts well I had it on my

    Schedule and my I knew the the workouts and I was like not not before this and I’m really glad I didn’t or I would have been so exhausted for this ride but any who Allison said what is element so Allison element is an electrolyte mix

    It’s um no nothing added to it it’s just magnesium potassium and well there’s no no like artificial sweeteners no artificial sweet yeah cuz there is um there is Stevia in it okay but um if you look at last week’s live ride I some who

    Who who was that sorry I missed it I did I didn’t see it either hold on dang it someone will tell us in the chat um hold on now I have to scroll let’s go we’re doing our calf stretch by the way switching sides suen maybe it

    Was sullin because I didn’t say that name okay and I didn’t see that so s thank you thank you senen we appreciate that thank you so much uh let me go back to so element if you go to last week’s live ride that that live was sponsored

    By element and you can see the code in there to get a free eight sample pack with your order Miss o Miss o thank you thank you well thank you for being amazing we love you I always have to edit with the mo thank you Miss o uh Hillary’s sorry go

    Ahead I was just going to say element makes a huge difference after your workout because it replaces uh your electrolytes that you’ve lost which you know all come out through here so super helpful I I I really cannot do the rides without it now now that I know the difference it makes so

    Anyhoo uh oops I just muted myself to unmute myself uh Hillary said how tight should the clips be for the cleats they should actually be very tight so you’ll if you get new cleats you’ll see that the screws that go into the bottom of your shoe have a little bit of blue

    Stuff on the threads that’s like a that’s locked tight to keep them from coming back out but you do want them tight enough to where when you unclip from your cleat that it’s not going to turn the um or when you unclip from the pedal that it’s not going to turn the

    Cleat uh there was another question in here about cleats too uh Jacquelin said I also have a question about the cleats I’ve tried um three different shoes and I have the SPD cleats and they never seem to tight on the pedal so so go ahead Jason there’s two different things

    That could be um or I’m going to say three different things maybe two that could be causing this um number one remember that SPD cleats do have some float so they do go side to side just a little bit so your heel may move side to side a little bit and that’s because

    These are designed for mountain bikes and you do want that little bit of play Mar marget thank you so much is it Margo or marget Mar Margo okay hea is silent thanks Mar correct us if we’re wrong Margo um so you do want little bit of um

    Float where your heel goes back and forth what you don’t want is your foot to feel like it’s coming up and down on the on the cleat or rocking back and forth like if your foot is this way it shouldn’t Rock back and forth this way

    But it should move this way um second thing is your pedal has a tension screw in there that takes a really small um Allen key you’re going to want to make sure that the the tension screw is adjusted enough to where it holds your cleat in while you’re pedaling and you

    Can still uncp and clip in so check those two things and then number three is make sure your cleats are uh tightened down on your shoe very tight I was just going to say I I could show you the photo I just took this shot you can

    See the tension screw is right there it’s got like a little plus and minus on it go up with it just okay oh sorry hold on I think you might be too close there you go right there so see that little circle there’s plus and

    Minus I’m not very good at that I would never be right there so look for that on your pedal hopefully that that’s that was my first guess as soon as you said it I was like oh that’s probably not tight uh Emily said is Saturday the only day for

    Lives yes Saturday right now is the only day for lives we go live on the strength Channel at 9:00 a.m. and cycling Channel at 10:00 a.m. every Saturday and if for some reason we can’t make it or we’re planning on not being live on that Saturday we will have Facebook Instagram

    And Community post on all the socials so yeah we do um if you are in the membership we also do a live ride once a month on zoom on Zoom yes live ride a zoom live ride so it’s really fun cuz you get to see everyone I mean you can

    You don’t have to you can put your camera off but I’m just saying I love it uh see I will work on that we usually do it towards the end of the month Melissa said what’s the best thing to take for soreness and Muscle Recovery Beyond stretching and foam rolling or can’t

    Seem to kick past it um one making sure honestly sometimes when you have that sluggish Tire feeling you can’t if I don’t know if you if you’re trying any sort of um H like electrolyte replacement that actually can help because that will help make you just kind of feel like blah like tired

    And um not able to fully recover so there’s that and water alone does not have all the electrolytes I know sometimes you can buy water with electrolytes in it but the other thing is uh protein making sure that you’re getting enough protein make sure that you’re refueling after your workouts

    That is going to be huge um and the other thing is making sure you’re getting enough recovery on those days so I always put two recovery days in our training schedule a week however if you need more by all means feel free to take more so those are kind

    Of like the big things that I would say check in on those areas to see if something there needs to be adjusted but definitely fueling after your workouts ideal if you can eat within like 30 minutes to an hour after with some good protein that would be best closer to the

    30 minute Mark man there are two times there where I thought you were done but you started again keep going if you want no I’m just kidding um so SK uh skaria says how do I increase res uh increase my mileage on her spin bike I’ve been doing indoor triathlons

    And no matter how fast I pedal she can’t so I’m not sure what type of bike you have but I would Kim thank you very much thank you Kim so glad you enjoyed it thanks for coming we love you thank you um I would say that if you increase your

    Gear or your resistance or whatever uh however your bike works or increase the wattage and pedaling the same way that you’re probably going to get more mileage I don’t know I’m not sure how your spin Bike Works uh kayy’s is just a resistance snob there’s no gears it

    Doesn’t track distance um so yeah sure my first thing it’s not always the speed because even if you think about like on the road if you’re on a you know a bike where you can adjust the gear and you have no gear on at all you could be

    Pedaling as fast as you want but you’re only going to move like this where if you add that resistance and then you work on building that power that’s going to push you a lot further so I would say check on the resistance and make sure that you’ve got that going too

    Yeah um let’s see Kathy you haven’t slowed down at all I hope your na nausea nausea is better uh what’s your working heart rate supposed to be when pregnant uh and it’s been 39 years for me since Kathy’s been pregnant when she said it’s been

    39 or yeah 39 years for me okay um I don’t know what I think if you’re if you’re accustomed to working out and keeping your heart rate up you can continue doing that yes yeah I did just review that and um they a while it was a

    Few years ago I think maybe more than a few years ago they used to have like a certain number that you shouldn’t pass but they’ve um more recently gotten rid of that so B basically what Jason said that you can maintain what you’ve been doing so I’m always just listening to

    Make sure that I’m feeling okay but you have sorry you have been sick oh every day so filming hasn’t been going as planned it has been hard but that’s okay I I we’ll still keep up I I just said I don’t want to like get my myself

    Cuz I know how important it is to make sure your calories are up and the fact that everything is gross everything is gross why last night though we did get um okay we did Mexican takeout Kaylee sent me to go pick up Mexican food in a

    Blizzard well listen I said I feel like the only thing asley thank you Ashley thank you so much oh so sweet it was very good it what I mean because if you know like I can’t just eat beans cuz that’s not going to be a complete

    Protein you have to have beans and rice or there’s certain combinations of food if it’s not like a complete protein such as meat or something um and I don’t really like to do a lot of soy it’s just not I’m not super keen on that so I was

    Like okay beans and rice the only thing I could think of was like refried beans and rice and I was like I cannot make that because the smell is going to just knock me over so I was like please go and thankfully we just made it cuz Jason

    Was like they were closing I was yeah when I went in they were I just like ate that last night so the rice and beans was a hit last night uh Lisa says do you know how much this community respects you and appreciates what you are doing thanks

    Lisa wow that’s so sweet I appreciate that we really enjoy what we do we do we love it and we we just are so glad that you all want to come along for the ride and that you enjoy the workouts and that we’re not too weird for you we’re not

    Too weird for you well no one said that but not yet I’m kidding um thank you for that Lisa that was very sweet Kathy said she needs a recommendation for a new bike oh what do you recommend we do have an Amazon storefront yes uh and in there

    We have a section of bikes for any budget so Kaylee went through all the bikes that were on Amazon Suzanna thank you thank you so much good seeing you again you have a great weekend we love you thank you um so in that in the bikes bikes for any budget um uh section

    Kaylee went through the bikes and found um basically like the features that she thinks in is in a solid price um and as you go up in price you’re going to see some of those like more features that you like like a computer um that will

    Track RPM and things like that so Kaylee rides the stages SC2 and that’s what she’s been on for a while but um I know that the Schwin IC and the Boflex bikes are both good they’re both made by the same they’re both the same bike just a

    Different name mhm um yeah go ahead Kay I was going to say Kaiser is also a great bike these are like a little bit the Kaiser and the stages are kind of like the top end but both really great bikes if you can get them used even better um or refurbished

    Really good option uh yeah like Jason mentioned the Schwin that one seems to have really good reviews sometimes the petals are a little bit quirky so you got to just switch those out but that’s like kind of the mid-range I would say so again kind of depending on what your

    Budget is now if you do go to the Amazon store some of the cheaper bikes are that are like23 $400 they have a computer but they don’t show RPMs which annoys me I’m like why do you not but I think you know the manufacturer does not understand like the point necessarily maybe an

    Indoor bike so with those just keep in mind just make sure you look at what the computer offers cuz it usually just shows your speed your calories your time not your RPM the speed and RPM unless it says RPM it’s not the same it’ll show it in miles per hour or kilometers and

    There’s no easy conversion for that so just wanted to say that before you get it and you’re like oh I thought I can convert no it’s like a whole math equation yeah um hey Mom Mama June says which bike brand do you recommend for a starter bike um probably the Schwin

    IC for the Schwinn yeah twin is good yeah it’s really sturdy um let’s see and Trimble said when she grows up all she wants is a Stag’s bike so and just Peak because honestly sometimes you’ll find them like refurbished and it’s like well over half

    Half off I know you can’t it’s hard to find them online anymore but um maybe eBay I feel like Ann when you came to Dubai I feel like you got didn’t I feel like you wrote it for a little bit tried it out I can’t remember when you and

    Amry I was trying to remember but it is it’s it’s very it’s a smooth bike yeah so like if it’s if if you think cycling is something you’d stick with you want to make the investment in we have not once had an issue with the bike

    So all right okay was like where did he go sorry um looking back up sorry Tim Tia says you skipped my important question I don’t know what your important question was I didn’t see it so I forgot to say put a q in front of it cuz that actually helps Jason like a

    Capital Q and that helps Jason uh let’s see so we I did see in the chat that a lot of people got some snow and some frigid temperatures so I know it’s it’s getting cold in here I know is it yeah and I during the Sprint

    You know sometimes I have to text Jason during the Sprint like I’ll be like turn the music off or whatever and today I had to tell text him and say can you please turn the heater off cuz it was making my throat so dry and I was like

    The last thing I want to do is get out of coughing fit which I do get on of coughing fit in one of the workouts at the end coming up this week I was like Wow cool so sorry but anyways Laura said it was a rude one Jason yeah so our Channel

    Moderators if if it’s rude just um delete or block lame I didn’t see it delete and block thanks um let’s see so I think that’s the end I think we are actually going to uh get ready and we’re going to go plow the or snow blow the driveway we

    Got a snowblower um some friends of our were sold it to us for really cheap because they upgraded their snowblower so I’m going to go teach Eli how to snow blow the driveway and then once we can get the car out we’re going to go sledding yay I’m excited all right well

    Thank you for being here and getting warm with us today we thank you for the super chats and for piing but with us so this next week coming up for bike and Bell strive by the way if you’re not in bike and Bell strive it is never too

    Late so you can always find that in the description of this video and all of the most recent videos so or on the website that’s where it is um but with that I think we shall kick I uh I guess I’m ready all right you’re you’re all in on

    This kick now huh I’m all in thank you all so much we love you and we will see you very soon on Monday for our brand new ride go enjoy this amazing weekend and go kick butt


    1. This confirms that I am Team Rolling Hills. Loved the songs, every one. And the workout. I'll be coming back to this one. Thanks K&J, for an awesome ride. Thanks ButtKickers for being such an awesome Saturday Family!

    2. Thank you so much. I needed this today. I did not want to do anything but you’re so inspirational I pushed through and finished. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me but these rides always pick me up and make me feel better.

    3. ❤🎉 Congratulations! I missed the live last week out of town so I was so lost! I got my hubby to join me on Saturday's so it has been great motivation to do the lives! Thank you both these workouts mean the world to us!

    4. Sweaty ride on a -40 Celsius day here in Winnipeg🥶🥶🥶🥶question… my calves ache when we do over the saddle work. Any suggestions? I am wearing cycling shoes. Thanks!

    5. Thank you Kaleigh for another fun and challenging ride!!! I started riding with you when I couldn’t leave the boys alone to get out during the pandemic! Back then I had a grandma stationary bike. Back when you taught in tennis shoes!!! Love you all! Keep kicking butt! ❤

    6. Challenging ride right from the start! Whooo! I’ll be away recovering from surgery for the next month so I’ll see you soon! Can’t wait to get back to buttkicking!

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