Escape To The Country Season 17 Episode 4: Northumberland

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. House 1 was lovely, 2 didn't like the garden being all in front but the house was OK, mystery house was OK but I agree it's like it's on an estate rather than a country retreat.

    2. I just love the way Jules intuitively knows how to relate to people. I always enjoy episodes with him as host. And this “Escape to the Country” redux series is done right—very close to watching the original series. Well done.

    3. Oops! I've rarely seen such a disastrous reaction to the mystery house which is usually the winner! It's true that the whole holiday park aspect was not working. For viewers of an older generation, I found our lady buyer sounded just like Mrs Merton, and she had some of her dry humour too!

    4. They were both smitten by the charms of house number one and rightly so, but she admitted being swayed by the price of house number two. Such a shame. I re-watched thr tour of house one. Wow!

    5. Jules is such a lovely presenter! I'm always very glad to see him.

      I've loved the balcony with the fantastic views and the garden in house #1, so idyllic! The layout in house #2 was great, that would make such a cozy home and the summerhouse was great too! The mystery property was really nice, lovely surroundings, close to the coast, but too overlooked.

      Interesting part about Sir Humphry and Chillingham Castle and the part about Gerarde creating things from slate was super! Thanks for sharing this episode, it was very entertaining!

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