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    L writing retoric Tri order now from the academic Agency the city is Big your Ambitions are both you long into foundations now you turn it let into go the future is yours it’s waiting getting for the ride the skills that you are creating cannot be Den Foundation of Entrepreneurship this wiom takes I come down found Miss of Entrepreneurship let’s make some

    Money it is a lost start I’ll vouch for That no one expected the return of the deams vou sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure and so I think we’ve reached Peak wank deep deeply subversive hello everyone welcome um this is a little bonus stream that um I’m going to be talking about uh I’m going to be talking for about uh there’s a guy in the chat cron you think it’s it’s lame do you m

    Ban baned you made the Fatal mistake cron of uh you know if I spot you in the chat it’s usually a banning all right so you know that’ll uh that’ll teach you in it bugger off go and watch Tim pool go and watch somebody else I don’t give a

    [ __ ] uh there there’s no I have no um Toler left for anybody anymore zero like nothing uh I just uh cannot stand any any sort of uh uh you know irritation so so just don’t bother all right so today um what we’re going to be doing is uh we’re

    Going to be having a look at um uh all of the shows recently that there have been on the conflict in the Middle East between obviously uh Israel and Palestine or as it’s being called uh the Israel Hamas war and um I basically have spent since this started um I have

    Curiously basically lost all motivation to do anything apart from uh uh listen to streams analyzing this conflict and kind of play video games in the background and that’s basically all I’ve been doing um obviously I’ve been doing my usual you know father duties taking triaa out and you know uh seeing the

    Misses and all the rest of it but um you know in terms of actually doing any work it’s been very difficult for me to get motivated um I’m just kind of like addicted to listening to analysis of this war which is especially curious uh given my stance uh on the conflict is to

    Remain neutral um and almost to watch it in the spirit of watching uh watching a kind of you know sporting event or something like that uh popcorn in hand um which yes I realize people’s lives are at stake but it’s happening a long long way away and I am uh you know you

    Know a cynical postmodern man um and uh you know I need to get my kick somehow so uh I do it by watching World War III unravel so um yeah I’ve been really interested in um the way this has been shaking out uh also it’s kind of um an

    Interestingly kind of clarifying little moment where uh people kind of um uh nail their colors to the Mast um and uh we’ll be going into that in a moment but um I would want to say on a personal level it’s kind of just destroyed I would say it’s destroyed my life but I

    Just can’t do anything any spare moment I’ve got I just want to listen to analysis and watch what’s going on um and I’ve had this a few other times where I’ve just been like hooked on the new cycle happened uh um around the time of the election cycle happen around the time of

    BLM it’s kind of like kind of and you you just end up kind of just doing nothing else um and I’m sure that it’s not good for one’s kind of Health mental health well-being or anything else um I’m kind of just like in a Perpetual Haze I’m not sure if I’ve

    Slept for weeks now I have I mean I obviously have slept but it’s like it doesn’t matter because the I’m just looking to get my next hook and um my my next fix you know and um one of the uh one of the things Um one of the things that happened to me last night is that I actually finally reached the end of all analysis it’s like I have listened to every stream that is about this and I was like I need something where am I going to get it like and I

    Was I was begging around I was like watching CNN I was like where am I going to go like like bits of Al jazer you know this is not good enough where am I going to get my next fix and uh I had um I had uh I had uh yeah like literally

    Every stream every stream there is um and and um I was saved when Pete Quinones uh Pete Quinones uh uploaded a show with a guy called Lucas Gage I was like yes I’ve got something that’ll keep me going till 4:00 a.m. and then you know I was up uh you

    Know something usually wakes me up early in the morning I say early like 9 or 10 o’clock in the lodge an acorn falls on the roof I like oh [ __ ] I’ve been woking up after only having you know five hour sleep or whatever and then immediately back on oh has anybody uploaded anything

    So you know this is pretty bad it’s like being hued on drugs or something I don’t know what I don’t know what else um I don’t know what else to do but I can’t honestly I can’t think I can’t do anything I can’t write I can’t like I

    Thought about making a few normal videos or anything and I just can’t do anything it’s just kind of uh knocked me out a little bit um so I wanted to get this out of my sstem um uh yeah I’ve been I’ve been Doom watching and doom

    Scrolling and like just I don’t know I just kind of like it’s it’s been weird because you’re kind of watching this terrible situation unfur but also you kind of binge watching it like you’re watching an old box set or something this is like my box set

    No um so yeah it’s weird uh anyway um um and then there on a on a few occasions I’ve tried to like pull myself out of it by like oh Chandler Bing has died remember friends let’s talk about that no I can’t all I care about all I

    Think all I can think about is you know the situation in the Middle East so there we are um uh I don’t know maybe I’ll set up uh you know like if they do alcoholics anonymous maybe I’ll set up my own like AA like uh I don’t know what

    You’d call it like a kind of a news current conflict news cycle binge Watchers uh addiction club or something um so um so anyway anyway uh let’s uh get on with it then I did make um for my sins a political Compass of uh the various positions that uh you may find

    On uh on things uh I haven’t thought too much about this there are probably other positions but generally speaking in terms of all of the streams I’m going to look at all of the shows out there there are I mean there’s the allout zos shill that’s the Ben hero the

    Kind of like I am balls to the wall Shilling for Israel right and that’s my whole thing and there are a few of those um and I mean just to explain the all out um The All Out zos shill is uh somebody who um basically takes their talking points directly from the

    Netanyahu government you know there’s like an official line there’s an official um Israel set of talking points from that government and um you know that there’s the version of it that comes from Israel itself and then there’s the neocon version of it on this side where they talk a bit more about

    Iran and stuff like that but um you know and I’ve seen some pretty insane things out of those people um over the past few weeks I’m not going to lie including a claim that somebody was putting on Twitter I mean I can’t even tell what’s what is somebody taking the piss and

    Somebody genuinely meaning it anymore uh when it comes to this because there was one of these characters on Twitter who was claiming that um they are basically like baking children in ovens that’s what that’s what he was claiming and he was freaking out and saying oh this is what they’re

    Doing um so yeah there’s the uh the allout Zill um and I I suppose there’s the there’s also the think of the children think of the poor Palestinian children who are getting their kind of houses bombed and so on um but of course these two positions the allout zos shill and

    The think of the children are not uh mutually exclusive you you can kind of find people who are broadly speaking pro pro zionists but are still like yeah we shouldn’t kill children though you know so there’s not many of them but there are a few of them around I’ve seen um

    Then there is the allout anti-zionist um I mean that guy who was on with P konz was a pretty good example because uh straight up he just said I’m not pro Palestinian I’m just anti-zionist that’s my whole like my thing is I’m against Israel um and I was It was kind of

    Refreshing to hear how kind of blunt he was about it but um yeah so there are those people as well then uh there’s our old friend the counter Jihad I’ve been seeing plenty of that doing the round um that is your little kind of center right containment trap there

    Where you know you you don’t really have to come out and say that you support Israel but you do have a problem with there being notot of Muslims in your own country type thing um and you know focus on that basically so and then um I put

    In the middle there the take that uh you know the official line that we had on uh unproper opinions and that I’ve been encouraging people to take is that literally you know your own position on this should be that you care for your own for your own people um so don’t get

    Sucked into the propaganda on either side um and certainly uh you know you shouldn’t be up for your government’s funding any of this any of this stuff uh whatsoever um I’ll say that after listening to many many many many many hours of content um I’ve probably been sliding down this line a little

    Bit um I’m probably more I’m probably more anti-zionist than I was this time three weeks ago um due to the sheer amount of stuff that I’ve leared from all of the many streams um I’ve definitely shifted further down this way um I have not really moved on

    This line at all again whenever I see um I mean I do realize that people are being killed in this conflict um in in in Gaza and that’s a humanitarian crisis and all the rest of it but um I’ve just always been immune to think of the children type stuff maybe I maybe

    It’s because I just don’t have a heart or something I just don’t care I just honestly I’ve never cared about that um and you won’t be able to make me care with you know posters of uh you know boys crying wrapped in the Palestinian flag and all of that I mean that stuff

    Is for women uh doesn’t doesn’t I don’t feel anything when um when I see that sort of stuff and then on the other side uh you know I’ve talked about C of jih had before but uh this time it’s particularly ging of course because of all the reasons we’ve pointed out already um

    So um yeah I mean I’m not like my response really to a lot of the scenes in London has not really been oh is I don’t really feel anything when I see I already knew that there were lots of people in London who are who aren’t British essentially um so my

    Response has not been emotional it’s more been kind of faint amusement at seeing the um exact people who have argued for this stuff what like watch it blow up in their faces essentially and um you know I’ve been signal boosting a lot of friends of ours have been pointing out

    The hypocrisy of course and I’ve been signal boosting a bit of that and um you know essentially um highlighting the fact that you know this was obvious to all of us many years ago uh why do you only care now um and of course we all know the reason why

    They only care now of course um so yeah I mean that’s a that’s basically all the different positions so with that said let’s uh start on the tier list I hope this will be a vaguely entertaining uh afternoon stream for everybody got my cup of tea here and uh

    Here’s all of the different uh shows I I’ve been listening to and uh yeah we’ll we’ll make a we’ll make a start um uh all right so where should we start so believe it or not there’s this Channel with about 2.3 million viewers called democracy now which is a

    Obviously a very left leaning Channel and they have very left leaning guests on or farle guests uh they also had on Judith Butler the uh the Fe the famous feminist and I mean you got to understand how how um how how deep my addiction is I was out of

    Everything so I was listening to democracy now I was listening to like essentially like far leftist programming um because it was the only thing that I hadn’t already kind of consumed and uh to be honest I thought that Judith Butler gave some pretty good points on this show

    And one of the things that interests me is that clearly there’s a propaganda war going on and democracy Now is a is a channel that you know when you watch a video on YouTube and it automatically it autop plays the next video like if you if you’re watching

    This channel I can guarantee you at the end of this stream it will automatically flick to um uncommon un hey I’m Peter Robinson it’s uncommon knowledge with my distinguished guest Professor Thomas Saul um it will either be that or will be a Jordan Peterson lecture from about

    Six years ago that’s what you know my channel for some reason has it in the algo that if you watch this the next video will be Thomas Sol on common knowledge or Jordan Peterson um democracy Now um is basically being Auto every any video I’ve watched on Israel o over the past

    Week has basically autof flicked onto this Channel called democracy Now um and as you can imagine they’re extremely Pro Palestine um where’s my political Compass again on this Compass um on Democracy Now they’re here they’re bottom left they’re anti-zionist and they think of their very think of the children on there

    Okay um it’s been kind of interesting watching that because one thing is clear to me is that um the Israelis have completely lost the left on this issue and they they haven’t just lost kind of Fringe elements of the left they have lost the major kind of

    Thinkers and voices of the left like Judith Butler Judith Butler is not some like just some professor she is like the major gender theorist of the past 30 years I was made to D jth Butler when I was in university as I’m sure you were uh and Judith Butler is Jewish of course

    Uh she’s still at the University of uh California in Barkley there which is a you know one of the major leftwing centers in America um Jesus Butler is not going to get fired spoilers friends it doesn’t matter how anti-israel she gets she is not getting fired um the

    Left will cancel people who are against Judith Butler they will not they’re not going to cancel Judith Butler for Israel okay this this thing is a fact um so anyway in terms of the tier rankings democracy now and their coverage right democracy now as uh I mean of course you

    Wouldn’t do Judith Butler she looks like a man uh and of course she proudly looks like a she she she proudly isn’t kind of non-gendered that’s her whole thing right um so uh anyway yeah I mean I don’t particularly rate Judith Butler as a as a theorist as a can on gender however

    The point she makes in this video about what’s the situation what’s happening um in the conflict between Israel and Palestine um and specifically her focus on the Linguistics games the linguistic dehumanizing language games played by the Israeli government um as being essentially genocidal um as essentially codifying Palestinians as

    Non-human I think is actually a very interesting little bit of analysis um I also think that the I mean Judith Butler is not the only one I’ve watched of democracy Now um generally they’ve had quite intelligent content on there so even though it is farle and prop Palestinian in

    Orientation uh I’m going to put democracy Now as an a I think it was really good I think it’s really good okay so uh yeah I I even though it’s a far-left channel and I probably would hate them under normal circumstances uh the coverage of this has been a pretty good

    Counterbalance or counteract to a lot of the stuff that you see uh coming out with the American Media in particular and kind of right-wing Zell Outlets um I will say in this country the media has been a lot more balanced or they tried to be uh BBC a kind of soft Pro

    Palestinian I would say Sky News and in fact a lot of the British media has been more on this end of things and um frankly I think that um that that shows that certainly within on the left Israel has lost moral legitimacy and it’s going

    To be very very hard to recover that so even even if they win this conflict let’s just pretend they wipe out Hamas as they say they they’re going to do um I don’t know how they win back the the room if you want to put it that

    Way the room uh I mean they’re pretty much down to Boomer Christians in America and kind of Boomer right- Wingers in this country and Boomers in general um but of course in terms of social capital and status that’s the kind of scraping the barrel that’s kind of the lowest of the

    Low in the current order you don’t want them they’re rubbish that’s like Donald Trump’s crowd you don’t want them what you what who you want is people like Judith Butler who you want are the professors and the intellectuals and the journalists and the opinion makers and the um you know humanitarian

    Organizations and the and the United Nations but they’ve lost all of those so it it I really do wonder how Israel is a brand and Israel is a kind of uh as a thing that people can kind of openly support is going to come back from it I wonder it’s going to because

    Their PR has been shockingly awful uh to the extent where I reckon most people would watch that Judith Butler left or right I’m talking about would watch that julith Butler video and say probably got a point you know got a probably got a point anyway the next

    Person I’m gonna uh I have here is is that highly respected I think it’s highly respected that’s Scott Greer uh he’s done a few streams on this um now now now Scott Grier has been um Scott Greer has been I mean he’s broadly Dr I would say in

    His in his in his takes but Scott G is a bit like um Patrick Casey in a way in which in which he sits at a intersection between Washington or like mainstream politics or what’s going on in in Washington and the Dr uh I don’t quite understand what his deal is um

    But as far as I understand it that is what um that is what he’s been doing um and those streams his streams on Israel have very quickly gotten into the weeds of American American domestic politics and what’s going on kind of um inside the kind of uh the the belt way there so

    Yeah that’s kind of his Focus um which is uh you know it’s all fine and dandy but uh I don’t know I I didn’t remember much from these streams other than um other than looking at the domestic impact within within American uh Republican politics and stuff like that

    Um he does make some pretty nuanced distinction between you know the the Dr and Republicans um but in general I’m put him as a c um the next person here is Vox day now now this I I should mention by the way this is not a tier ranking of the

    Overall value of any of these channels this is a tier ranking specifically of their coverage of the Israel Middle East crisis going on right now okay so the next person here I’m going to uh uh rank this is Vox day on his dark stream uh um and for some reason

    Uh uh for some reason um for some reason Vox has not really been that much on fire on this topic he’s not he’s not provided much Insight really um I get the impression he’s not that interested in it or he’s his mind is elsewhere so I kind of like Vox most

    Of the time but on this occasion he’s he’s on the he’s I put him bottom tier um I didn’t use the one with f but yeah you know D is the standing F here okay so um yeah I mean he he’s just not it’s not been that great um so let’s move on

    So then we have um maybe I should have had an F tier maybe I should is there possible to add a tier can I add a tier add row below oh here we are oh here we are look F I do need a tier below D I just

    Realized because the next person here is Harry angiv who did a 4-Hour stream I listened to about half of it called laughing at the guardian with some women part 80 gaza’s 80 IQ Q military uh this is a straight F and I’ll let me explain why let me explain why

    Okay um and uh we just here we go right it’s now it’s all uniform um Harry and G’s uh stream here on uh you know basically laughing at gaza’s AQ military I thought was uh the the kind of very worst in Tory Bo nastiness you know he’s a Tory boy he is

    A you know just a coward basically um and uh you know he he read this Guardian article where they were kind of like pointing to some of the humanitarian crisis and so on and his I mean I I don’t know I just don’t understand where somebody like unless Harry angiv

    Himself is like you know both parents come from Tel Aviv or something and as far you know as far as I know that is not the case I just don’t understand where he gets off laughing at uh these people I just don’t get it like I

    Mean why is he doing that and I think he’s doing it because his kind of Spidey senses tell him that power says that it’s all right to do that it’s all right now that it’s safe because rishy sunak has put the Star of David on Downing

    Street and you know you you you have a little bit of permission to engage in a bit of kind of low tier bigotry like this so ha ha these people have only been um you know locked in an open air prison for the past 30 years denied you know basic uh basic

    Things um you know casually shot once in a while um you know uh they had to kind of endure this the whole lives and your comment your kind of insight is to make fun of them for being low IQ I mean it’s just it’s just [ __ ] worthless isn’t it it’s just kind of

    Like all you can say about that is Harry Ang is not a very nice guy and lacks any sort of kind of understanding of anything it’s just a stupid it’s just it’s just not I mean it is kind of just like repellent to me because in normal circumstances this piece of

    Work this Harry and G is the sort of person who’s on Twitter like calling Mor gotha Nazi or having a go at me or you know you know I remember the whole fracker over the um this was many years ago do you remember when those three are

    Three Lions do you remember all of that with the England team and they other the three black players and I was like you know how can you why are you cheering this [ __ ] on when they’re taking the knee har um so here is here is just the absolute

    Worst kind of sniveling worm I hate this guy um so I had to include a um I had to include a Tory boy because I I mean it doesn’t matter what the issue is they find a way to be the most repulsive people anywhere in the Spectrum like I

    Respect Haring Eve less than Ben ofo on this at least you can say bench ofo is for his own people harrian no he’s just sniffing the wind oh what’s power doing now oh yeah of course yeah I support the vaccine yeah yeah oh what’s power doing now oh

    Oh oh yeah yeah we I hate the Russians hate the Russians me oh what’s power doing now oh oh right oh yeah bloody Muslims low Palestinians getting killed [ __ ] hate it what a little [ __ ] so yeah he is like he is the worst of all of these streams I listen to Har

    Angl is the absolute rank bottom um so the next um next person uh was countercurrents this is Greg Johnson and his whole Outlet um in fact there were two videos that counter Curren put out um and um um Greg Johnson did I think the guy is

    Called vox populi who’s who now I don’t know what’s been happening at counter Curren I think Greg Johnson’s been away because it sounded like he’d been away and that this guy vox populi had been hosting the normal podcast but Greg Johnson was coming back just to do this stream and

    Um Jim go also put out a video which was pretty hard-hitting I I shared it on Twitter um and you should check that out because it goes through through the history of how Israel acquired nuclear weapons and uh something called the Samson option which is their Doctrine their alleged Doctrine it’s never been

    Official their in fact their nuclear program is not official um and go goes into basically how how they acquired this and basically how insane the Samson option is uh you know basically just involves dropping nukes on people who were meant to be their allies you know European cities and things like that um

    Essentially if if they lose any conflict any military conflict or if they look like they’re going to lose they’ll blow up the whole world basically or they start like a nuclear Armageddon so that dream code video i’ say goes hard I’m not I’m not always a

    Fan of Jim C he’s a bit kind of like um Gen X darier on the best of times in my opinion um and I mean that in a bad way not good way but on this occasion Jim go dropped a hard video on Israel nuclear stuff um the uh the actual

    Countercurrent podcast with uh Greg and so on had good information um it was they were kind of interested in uh there was a little moment when Alex Jones start was moaning about like please let us have our own voice and things like that and um the uh

    You know that was good I I thought Greg had some pretty decent take overall he was uh generally warning people not to get kind of drawn into C of jiad and all of that so on the whole I would say Greg Johnson um and counter currence have had

    They get an A from me I don’t know why why does it do that okay well anyway there an a as well that was pretty good pjw um he’s only really had one actual video on this and he’s kind of been like skirting around it a little bit we

    Kind of like um and I get it right pjw is a guy with a huge following probably doesn’t want to divide his audience he wants to stay in his Lane you know having a go at the woke and all of that um there’s been a few times where pjw

    That there was that video of his I played on uh unpop opinions that suggests that he’s a bit more clued in than you’d imagine and he he was surprisingly like in terms of where he landed on the old Spectrum here he has been squarely in the middle

    Here he’s been in that Center Square I’m only for my own people don’t try to make me don’t try to make me kind of love Israel here um just because it’s Jews ding now uh you know he didn’t I mean he more or less said that because um that

    Was really if you remember right the start of this what was they were trying to make you kind of feel rage and anger about it rather than their usual thing which is light a candle Don’t Look Back in Anger let’s go to a vigil you

    Know um so I think pjw had the same kind of response that a lot of people did um but I would say that in general he is not really covering this issue he is um almost kind of sitting it out so on that basis he’s kind of going to go down here um

    So uh yeah um yeah I mean and I I get it right this is a difficult issue to talk about uh pjw has got a lot of people to watch him you know he I I I understand that he wants to play it safe on this which is fine uh

    Next has been Rudy Giuliani um now I subscribed to a whole bunch of channels from uh back in the like the copium den days and like um there’s a whole like there’s a megasphere right they do Trump stuff it’s all Trump Trump trump and juliani is part of that now one thing I’ll

    Mention is that in general the magas spere have also been kind of not bothered about this they’re just not interested um there’re in fact there’s a whole bunch of magga channels who haven’t even mentioned the war I’m talking about like V like all of those lawyers they’re just watching the Trump

    Trials they’re just following like Trump blowby blow what’s going on in these trials okay when everybody else is watching Middle East stuff they’re still focused on that so but interestingly um interest yeah I mean I’m not saying that pjw in general is a d I think he’s

    In that I think he’s a net positive to I’m just saying he’s sitting this one out I’m not having a go at pjw I’m saying he’s his coverage of this has been lukewarm at best anyway juliani as you can imagine has just been all out all out zos shill like just just hideous

    All out zos shill uh lacking any sort of insight or Nuance he is just basically raah R Rah R ra America let’s have war with Iran and all the rest of it so uh juliani has been absolutely terrible absolutely terrible so um yeah uh let’s carry on uh

    Here’s Steve Turley and there’s look that’s that’s a Turley video basically saying um um the headline says Trump just got incredible 2024 news thumbs up thumbs up um probably just a poll saying Biden’s not doing well or whatever but anyway turle did make one video on this

    On on at the very start of the conflict made one video where he addressed what was going on um and actually it was it was like a clip from some longer stream that he done and as I mentioned before there’s um there’s the typical Steve Turley and

    Then there’s serious Steve where he’s a bit more somber and he’s he’s not doing the high voice and all the rest of it and on this occasion he was serious Steve and um he actually gave a pretty nuanced take on because the question was there was there was a there was a either

    A Zionist Christian or or a Jewish uh lady on the stream with him and she was like uh I’m not going to try to do the accent but you know that kind of squawky American Voice that some of these types have you can imagine um but she was like

    Oh you know I don’t understand why uh how can so many people be supporting Palestine you know why aren’t they supporting Israel blah blah blah and um basically Steve Turley G gave 10-minute um monologue on you know explaining why people support pal Palestine in the conflict which was

    Pretty good I thought he was surprisingly nuanced and um My overall impression is that this is not like a core Maga interest and they’re kind of setting this out as well so on that basis I give chy same same rank as PGW um next we have uh

    Uh um podcast of the lotus eers or the Lotus Eaters uh Carl Benjamin who’s a good buddy of mine of course um and I I I would say that their coverage has been it’s been creeping over to being counter Jihad I would say they’re over here I get the impression that they

    Don’t want to touch this rung at all and they’ve been I would say they’re drifting over to be en counter Jihad um they did do one stream I saw Dan did a stream with uh where they were kind of going into the history of the conflict

    And so on but they were starting like 3,000 years ago um rather than the obvious place to start which would be you know about 1890 or something like that uh so yeah I mean uh I would say that they’ve been trying TR to use this conflict basically to um further other political

    Ends uh you know victories against the woke and so on uh for example this um this headline here says in in the image it says queers for Palestine and the and the caption is who’s going to tell them so uh I mean I I kind of get I get

    Politically what what they’re trying to go for here but I’m afraid we’ve seen we’ve seen how this goes before um you think well let’s make common cause with the zionists on this and maybe we can use the issue to highlight the problems with immigration and and to use kind of counter Jihad

    Arguments to get some action from the elites on getting these people out of the country okay I get it right I get the Gambit I get the Gambit trouble is it doesn’t work we’ve seen it all before counter Jihad doesn’t work um and in fact what will happen is

    That they’ll use this moment the elites will to bring in even tighter restrictions on speech hate speech and whatever and then they’ll use those exact laws that they bring in they the exact measures they bring in using the cover of this crisis they’ll then use to crack down on your caner Jihad rhetoric

    When it all dies down over there guarantee it you can’t make common cause enemies or enemies no matter what you can’t make common cause with them this is why can G here doesn’t work so so uh you know not having a go uh Lotus Eaters I

    Get what they’re trying to do but in my view it’s just not going to cut the mustard in 2023 so I’m going to put them as a d as well now in terms of uh the pro-israeli stuff that um the pro Israeli stuff I’ve seen by

    Far the most hardcore Zionist that I can bear to watch because I I can’t stand Ben I can’t just even as interested as I am in this I I can’t watch Beno I just can’t stand it um and many other people are just sitting this out like I’ve noticed

    Uh like Aon Aon McIntyre say he’s staying in his Lane you know he just wants to talk about woke stuff or um um you know I’ve seen wash to a few like kind of where were you doing all the anti-white stuff dunks but they’re trying to use it you know he’s trying to

    Use it for his own his own kind of causes I I get all that that’s fine um what I’m focusing on is coverage of this conflict and this woman here is called Carolyn Glick and uh she’s listened to by a lot of the hardcore kind of Netanyahu fans and so on kind of

    Hardcore Pro isra uh she had an interview here with uh Victor um Victor Davis Hansen uh who’s pretty neocon I would say and uh is I actually think that she is um not bad in term if you like if the aim is what are the Israelis saying what

    Is the is what is Israel’s thinking what are the talking points that they that they’ve got how are they processing this um pretty much Karen and Glick um gives you a kind of sober analysis of what’s Happening um although I would say that even she has

    Been on the verge of tears at times uh since this began um I get the impression that they’re very rattled over in the Zionist Camp um so on all of those BAS sees I’m giving her a b uh not that I agree with her position just in terms of

    Like what is the coverage here see it’s a kind of interesting thing because if you have a look this Victor Davis Hansen uh interview is called Biden is not with Israel um Biden is not with Israel Biden isn’t with Israel their whole thing is basically criticizing in America for not supporting them

    Enough that’s the whole play like you’re not supporting it doesn’t matter if you put the White House in the Star of David it doesn’t matter if you give a 16 billion dollars it doesn’t matter how much lip service you pay you’re not doing enough basically and that’s always

    There kind of you’re not supporting us enough because the thing is with the learned with the hardcore zist is that 95% isn’t enough for these people they want 100% compliance with what they want and if you don’t give them that they react like like that guy was

    Reacting in um like that guy reacted in the United Nations you know the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations basically had a like a like a hisy fit in front of the entire world uh calling for the UN um Secretary General to resign um because he

    Dar uh suggest that there was any sort of wrongdoing on Israel’s part um so they um they demand 100% compliance with them and if you’re if you’re only 90% or if you’re lukewarm it’s not enough you’re an anti-semite you hate Israel and um this is basically where

    They are with Joe Biden Joe Biden is too tepid he’s not like gung-ho enough he’s not supporting them enough um and that’s where a lot of the lot of the talking points on the Karen and Glick show are but it’s a good the reason I’m listing here as a be

    Here is that it’s tolerable it’s listenable unlike Shapiro and stuff where I just can’t make it through can’t even make it through 10 minutes of him um next person here is uh David Katan uh his video was called Israel Palestine call for a ceasefire and he’s done several others um now considering

    Uh he’s got his own political party and so on ktan I would say is surprisingly based on this issue um and has more or less had the same kind of take you know really don’t get drawn into this don’t let yourself be propagandized um and uh you know is basically kind of

    Called out the the kind of little trap that’s laid for people here where you know they want you to both support this war and then on the flip side support the the the the refugees when they eventually come from Palestine down the road um so ktan I would say generally has been a

    Good solid C on this okay Patrick Casey had uh UNS on he had um Ron UNS on who is a very well- read guy knows a huge amount about this topic and um I would say the interview with UNS is is is a is is a must listen right so if

    You haven’t listened to any of these shows the interview with UNS you know lot of good stuff in there um so Casey himself like I mean Casey himself um you know he’s a bit like Scott Greer where he kind of has a lot of um kind of inside baseball takes on

    What’s going on in Washington and so on but I mean mainly this interview is uh is just on is just him interviewing ons and ons laying out a lot of the history behind this conflict a lot of what has happened um I thought he was very good

    In terms of where UNS is um I’d say he’s probably he was quite think of the children but he was also he’s down here somewhere I I would say um probably a bit more invested on the anti on the kind of pro Palestine side than I would like but

    Uh in general I thought he he gave a pretty good um gave a pretty good interview there uh sticks hexenhammer actually has been surprisingly nuanced on this um now now now sticks I find frustrating because after all these years he still very much sticks to his kind of soft

    Libertarian you know his libertarian talking points and then every issue comes down to team r and team blue with with sticks it’s always still kind of oh the Republicans and the Democrats the Republicans and the Democrats so I mean I um I often don’t like you know sticks up lows like three

    Times a day I I often don’t click on him um but I have been recently because I’m I’m interested in this and yeah I mean he’s not up for NE he’s not up for the neocon stuff basically um and he kind of sees it and uh he’s been

    All right he’s been all right so I’m going to stick him with kanatan here when it comes to his coverage of this um he’s he’s been he’s been fine um no I I look if you notice I’m not I am not ranking this for neutrality right ANS is far from neutral

    But he provided a really good stream Judith Butler is not neutral and Carolyn Glick is not neutral they’re in fact on polar opposite ends of this of this debate um a lot of the neutral people have been down here in terms of the actual streams they’ve

    Done um the only actual [ __ ] tier have been these ones down here so um yeah it’s not neutrality and what I’m going for is what I’m rating this on is how good was the coverage how important and vital was the information how good was the in level of insight and the

    Intelligence with which they discuss these things regardless of where they were coming at it from um so yeah this is what I’m writing things for okay uh p konz uh has had on I think two guests on this from memory there was um Matthew rapael Johnson who had a superb interview with

    Him I think he presents radio albian or something normally um which is a show I don’t listen to but I did check out but I couldn’t really find I was begging around on radio albian looking for Israel stuff but he mainly just said the

    Same sort of stuff he said on on konz um and then there was another stream with Lucas Gage um which I think was a bit more variable in its quality um I didn’t agree with a lot of Lucas Gage’s kind of strategy stuff um like he was uh he was very

    Engaged with the the kind of Keith Woods Lot I think is is my understanding and um I just uh I don’t know I thought he was a bit incoherent on strategy bits uh which is fine you know um he was uh he was all right I would say and Matthew Rafael Johnson

    Was at least 8er so splitting the difference I’ll say Pete’s coverage has been right around here um I would listen to the math to the Johnson show before the G guge so if I was you but if you have time listen to them both because there there was good

    Stuff in the in the gauge in the gauge show um there was a there was good stuff what was refreshing about him is that he was just uh Gage was just like straight up my position is I’m against Israel and that kind of made me laugh he

    Was just like I don’t care about Palestine but I’m again like my whole thing is I’m again say this and I and I I I dug that I dug her refreshing that U dug her refreshing that was but um yeah I would say that out of the two of them

    The better info was in the Matthew the Matthew Rafael Johnson show uh he is a guy who seems to know awful lot about this in general um and about the history of it and so on and so forth uh from uh get the impression he maybe Orthodox or

    Orthodox Russian or something like that Russian Orthodox um he just seemed to know off a lot about like Eastern Europe and you know history and where they came from all that sort of stuff so that was interesting uh next person here this is fro and Mark web the guy culture um on

    The weekly Roundup now that happens 8:00 p.m. every week just before unpopular opinions so I very often have to catch it on the replay because I’m usually preparing for uo when it goes on sometimes if I really got things together I can listen to it as I’m preparing for unpopular opinions

    Um generally it’s a very good show it’s one of my uh regular rotation shows that I listen to all the time um I think I’ve listened to every single episode of that show since it started um but Mark Weber he knows a lot about history and in fact

    His he’s a kind of World War II expert really and uh and a revisionist historian and you know knows a lot about the Cold War and just knows a lot about different things been around a long time and um as you can imagine uh his coverage of this with fro

    Has been excellent uh fro has also dug up a lot of history that the Israelis would like you to forget about um you know he’s been playing clips of like President Truman and you know the various kind of attacks on the British that happened and that you know they they they right from

    The very start of um the nation of Israel kind of being born in its current form um they they kind of fit in all of the all of the gaps really um so I would say that uh they have been pretty they’ve been pretty s here as well to be honest um

    Can I zoom the screen a bit let’s see is that any better is that any better is that better can you see a bit more okay maybe I’ll make myself yeah there we go or uh yeah there we go we can do it like that we can do it like

    That okay so yeah that is uh guide to culture weekly Roundup um I don’t know if there’s a podcast you I listen to it I watch that on Odyssey but um yes I think there’s it goes out on dve and various other things as well but uh yeah

    Weekly round up with Mark Weber has been absolutely s tier I would say as well um and basically since the conflict began they’ve done very good kind of they’ gone into the history because the thing is about this conflict you have to know the history of how it came

    About what it’s been what what they’re actually fighting about now what their aims are and that has been you know um you know if you if you just listen to Weber and UNS you you’d get it in you’d get most of it in two or three hours so anyway let’s

    Continue the next show the next one here is this is eichel Jones e Michael Jones now eichel Jones has just written a book about the Holocaust that he Shilling um so he’s trying to tie everything back to that and focusing he’s focusing a lot on how much much the the pro-israeli

    Side are bringing up uh the Holocaust to justify what they’re doing at the moment uh this was also amazingly highlighted by the uh Guardian did people see this uh I thought you Michael Jones was uh was lying when he said this uh or I was

    Or I did a double take but let me just find that headline cuz I was like whoa something’s happening here yeah hold on a minute uh um let me see if I can find this give me a second folks sorry why is it getting dark bloody

    Clocks went back that’s why it’s so dark um have a look at this the guardian Israel must stop weaponizing the Holocaust by Raz Sagal who is a scholar he’s like a holocaust specialist this guy R Seagal he’s a scholar of genocide so like I said I I think something’s happening uh

    I really do I think something interesting is happening uh in terms of the discourse because the pr campaign has gone so badly that you know they’ve they’ve lost a lot of the room and for the guardian to put that out in the middle of all of this is kind

    Of remarkable now they got serious push back they got serious criticism for that but it’s like we have a situation I mean we’ve literally got a situation where the guardian are using eichel Jones talking points on their front page that’s an e Michael Jones talking point on the front of the

    Guardian so that that was kind of remarkable um so anyway in terms of uh eichel Jones himself um he’s had like various different appearances um trouble is with e Michael Jones is that he’s always got that kind of sneak sneaky Catholic agenda thing going on where like in their

    Discussion they were trying to say like oh the only really Safeguard against all of this happening is Catholicism just clear just bollocks isn’t it it’s just just not true um so yeah unfortunately quite too much of his interviews I thought were taken up with that sort of stuff you going on about

    The logos and you know like it it really is that what we really want like the more more like two when you’ve got like um Netanyahu talking talking about being the people of the light versus the people of the darkness and um uh erigon talking about you know it’s the cross versus the

    Crant you know basically biblical rhetoric here you want more like crazy religious people thrown into the mix cuz I don’t I made a call for Rich Dawkins to like redouble his efforts at the moment like uh I think Richard Spencer said there needs to be a new new

    Atheism I mean you know I’ve seen enough like crazy Zionist Pastors in America this past week to last me a lifetime I just I mean I don’t think we should be running countries like this or running foreign policy based on what 2,000 year old books said in 2023 call

    Me uh call me a modernist friends but I just it’s I mean it’s just ridiculous so um yeah so I’m kind of I’m put off by that element I would say that Jones has been about see uh but a be but be about the same as uh the Karen and Glick and the

    Quinones um next um the now right I I’m going to have to rant a little bit here the next is is The Spectator is The Spectator and um The Spectators The Spectators coverage has been [ __ ] awful it’s been just I I just have no words for how much I

    Hate the center right at the moment I mean they okay they’ve been doing a bit of like Douglas Murray kind of jiad stuff but like I mean let me let me just show you um what was this called this was one that came up on my feed earlier today it was

    Called um where was it Yasha mo why won’t the West support Israel and then they ran a story the other day um basically saying oh Britain is not doing enough for Israel so this like the The Spectators whole stick now um is basically to push Pro like Israeli government talking

    Points and call for more help and funding for Israel um like for example this like any normal person would look at that right this Yasha monk interview with a spectator only air a couple of hours ago it starts off with the the guy yesha Mo saying oh I remember back in 911 like

    You know the world like everybody in the west responded with horror at 9911 why aren’t they doing the same why aren’t people responding the same to the Hamas attack as they were responding to 911 and the interviewer did not did not come back with the obvious point that

    Any sane and normal person would make which is that the reason that responded people responded to 911 the way they did is because it was in [ __ ] New York and and many Americans you know were like oh this is an attack on my country the reason that people did not respond

    In the same way to the homass attacks is because Israel is a foreign country as simple as that people would just be like yeah it’s 3,000 miles away in the Middle East that’s just just just an obvious Point these people are meant to be you

    Know the highest IQ of all time and this doesn’t occur doesn’t occur to anyone that they’re not going to respond the same to that as they did to 911 just kind of boggles my mind so anyway the The Spectator have been doing I think the worst job of any major

    Outlet covering this story um because if you listen to this interview this interview with uh um yesha right he’s he’s just written a book against right he’s just written a book this guy against identity politics okay so so the whole interview basically tries to use the current conflict in an

    Attempt to show the dangers of woke ideology the dangers of I quote unquote identity politics minutes after yesha Mo asked with a straight face sitting in the middle of London why British people don’t respond to um you know the deaths of Israelis in the same way that they respond to

    British people he then wants to shill this anti-woke book He’s written about the dangers of identity politics and then he argu his thesis is that basically it’s this is where it’s ended up with the left being pro Palestine because of critical race Theory the left support Palestine now on its face that thesis

    Should be de facto in absurd to everybody listening to this show the left do not support Palestine because of because they woke the left do not support Palestine because of critical race Theory the left have always supported Palestine for one and the second reason that they don’t support it because of that is

    Because in their eyes the Palestinians are a dispossessed people being smashed by a fully armed uh well-funded modern state right so I mean you don’t need wokes wokeness identity politics critical race Theory or anything else to see that when you look at this conflict the left were always going to

    Support Palestine in this and they always have done so so so I mean I I again I understand that channel like The Spectator you know they they’ve got to find an angle or this guy has got a book to Shell or whatever but please treat the audience with a little bit of

    Respect put a put a you know you have to um you know they’re trying to use it as an angle now to attack like left wing politics you know because uh people support uh people support Palestine because of the [ __ ] people support Palestine because I mean it’s just rub it’s just rubbish

    Um it’s just rubbish it really is so you know I mean I I understand right it’s an opportunity to put the woke away and that’s what they’re going to try to do this is the call I made for many years my bet with Aron McIntyre but ironically that is not happening because

    The Israelis have captured the part of the apparatus that has no respect right they have captured the people who end up talking with using their Enemy talking points in five years time so I don’t think this is going to work I really don’t and in fact I think if

    Anything the arguments they’re using are so bad that they’re going to turn most people who aren’t idiotic Boomers away right most people listening to this show should be sympathetic to this idea that um you know the lunatic left the lunatic left you know they’re destroying this country that’s why all these

    Foreign as a here or whatever but they are not they’re not going to be sympathetic if it comes wrapped up with this kind of disingenuous analysis um that they’re trying to you know that they’re basically doing the it’s just another version of the David Bal Jews don’t

    Count and I call this coming a myof that they would try to use this and I think the uh it’s accelerated since the since since the Hass uh attack it has accelerated but I think it’s not working I really don’t think it’s working um and in fact I think it’s doing the opposite

    I think it is giving the left a moral legitimacy it hasn’t had for many years the left when they’re just down to you know where the left were down to transgender [ __ ] and BLM and all the rest of it the left were losing the room the left were had no moral Authority

    When the left is just kind of um you know you’re a colonial oppressor you’re BLM um you know we’re BLM and you know we want to tear down your statues and um we hate the orange man B orange man bad and all the rest of it and you know you didn’t take the

    Vaccine so you know I wish death upon you and all of this when the left is that the left is losing the room when the left is sticking up for kids who are being bombed and you are basically saying like yeah we stand with the bombers you’re giving them moral legitimacy I’m

    Afraid you you I watched for the first time ever Getta thumberg do something authentic Greta thumberg remember she’s a she’s an absolute puppet of the regime under normal circumstances but now you’ve got wealthy powerful billionaires accusing her of being a anti-semite because she has a octopus plushy that’s how you lose that’s that

    Is how you lose the room and and and unfortunately what I’m what I’m seeing happening in real time is moral legitimacy draining away from anyone on the right who supports all any of this stuff and the left gaining power gaining moral power I’ve never seen them as vital as this since probably

    2016 which was a major loss for them this this I would say is going their way so um yeah I I think it’s a I think it’s a tactical error uh for any of us to be throwing in our lot with the spectator and people like this at this moment

    Um they are uh you know it’s it’s bad it’s bad because this this issue this single issue of uh of Israel um uh I can I say it’s it’s like a kind of um it’s like a kind of wrecking ball for everything else if that makes any

    Sense um so yeah we we’ll we’ll we’ll come back uh to that in a moment because uh oh yeah I have to so The Spectator gets an F The Spectator is is currently morally and intellectually bankrupt in a way that I’ve never seen it before it’s just

    It’s just hideous I mean you look at this conflict going on now and you use it to shill a book about why identity politics is bad and and this is meant to be your kind of Center rate oh it’s just hideous here turns my stomach so so the next person

    I’m going to mention here uh has been Dicky Spencer um and him and Mark Brahman do a show on substack called called Alexandria they never actually call it that the channel is called that but they just kind of do a show every week um and usually it starts with uh Dicky giving

    About a 20-minute monologue and then he opens it up and other people start you know calling in essentially um in fact Dicky if you listen to this I reckon you just just do away with the members just have it you and just why don’t you just have it you

    And Mark and [ __ ] everyone else I don’t know what they bring they don’t bring anything to the table uh the other guest on that show um but anyway they have had some extremely interesting streams on this and uh I I would say it’s a major

    Return to form for him uh you know he’s been spent like the few years like Shilling Biden he was like a Ukraine shill you know just generally speaking like pretty much like becoming a leftist in all in all ways basically kind of racist liberal um I always I always

    Maintained I’ve always listened to Spencer show by the way um because he he always has intelligent analyses of the Boomer cons and the conservatives and magga and stuff like that which often end up coming true in the long run that’s why I’ve always listened to Spencer I know everybody hates him right

    But he always has stuff that ends up coming true in six months like he’s he’s usually there about a year before everybody else he’s got a way of seeing stuff coming down the pike that everybody else misses and then like Fast Forward I don’t know 18 months and

    Everybody’s now got Spencer’s line but they no nobody gives him credit for obviously um so that’s why I’ve always listened to listened to him because of the number of times that has happened uh I will say there’s a number of times that has not happened as well uh Ukraine

    Being probably the major one um but yeah he’s been very good on this I think um being a little bit older than me he he lived through and this is what I found a lot of the people who lived through the Iraq War and neocon on George W bush

    Neons are pretty well clued up on this issue in general like well read about the Middle East um and uh I mean Spence has been very good at highlighting the religious elements of this conflict um and he’s been very good at looking at the um the kind of social

    Status the the social dynamics uh you know all that stuff I was saying earlier on about jth Butler was the sort of thing that Dicky has been saying as well um now his he’s also done a number of Twitter spaces and there’s a guy on YouTube I don’t know if he’s connected

    With Dicky at all but he he then uploads the the Twitter spaces to YouTube so you can listen to them afterwards um it’s called angel dust or something I don’t know if that’s like a pirated show or what but that’s how I that’s I very rarely listen to Twitter spaces but I

    Usually do the the catch up on YouTube um and really I would say that Spencer’s big call on this whole conflict is that in a few years time he thinks that the Star of David that the blue like the Israel flag will be thought of in the same way

    That people think of the SWAT sticker and the mid-century Germans he is convinced that the people in and around Netanyahu are so mad and so governmental that and the West is in a kind of spiritual and moral place right now where it’s kind of it tends to go

    With what the left says and tends to go with the the liberal moral values rights human rights and all the rest of it that um he thinks basically that it’s almost inevitable that in a few years time support for Israel will will be seen almost like support for the mid-century

    Germans which which I which is a very bold provocative take which is sort of thing that he’s good at um Brahman has had been good values on these shows as well um Brahman big thing has been that um uh Brahman uh big take has been uh that

    Uh Israel is losing legitimacy the state of Israel is losing legitimacy in real time and I I think these two two things whether you’re pro-israeli or anti-israeli um are basically true I mean this is just like a value a value free take on what is actually happening

    In the media what is actually happening in the in the chattering classes what is actually happening in real time um even in conservative circles and center right circles uh I I think they’re I honestly think Israel has lost the room I really

    Do um and um yeah so a lot of the a lot of very good analysis from uh Spencer and Brahman I would say they have been ster as well um um they now they’ve done a lot of streams right and you’ll see they’re like two or three hours long usually

    What happens though is that the good stuff is in the first hour and then for some reason Spencer has like a lot of spaz dicks who come on come on and just ask like [ __ ] questions um I don’t know why he does that I don’t know why he likes having

    Like like other people on the call um there is one Epic moment where he he finishes this kind of monologue and somebody asks him some some like stupid question and he just goes AP [ __ ] and goes on like a 10-minute rent and bends them from the core that was cool cool I enjoyed

    That do I mean if he did more of that I would I would dig it but um in general the good stuff is in the first hour so you could probably like once once he opens up the show a lot of the time you can probably switch to the next one if

    You if you’ve got limited time so um let’s uh let’s carry on uh and the next person here oh yes uh black pilled um now he I would say is um hold on a minute he I’m GNA have to open up a new tier for him because he has been SS

    Tier all of his streams have been [ __ ] phenomenal on this show uh on on this topic um I kind of you know I don’t know how I’ve yet to kind of figure out his schedule but he’s done like five five four or five shows um and they’re all just amazing um history

    Clips hidden history um just just phenomenal stuff I would say so he has had the best coverage of anybody blackpilled um I’d put him up there uh and then I’d put uh I’d put Spencer and Brahman and uh would be the next if I had to kind of rank

    Them like that um okay so yeah I mean that is the absolute tops uh if you’ve only got a few hours to spare just watch his streams in order I would and you’ll probably know anything and everything there is to know about um this conflict I would say with prior

    Warning that he is pretty anti-zionist um uh which is you know putting it mildly and uh he is not on YouTube and therefore has license to uh speak openly as it were um so yeah I mean if you’re uh sensitive to that sort of thing probably not for you but uh I

    Uh I mean I don’t care about any of that sort of stuff I just think it’s um the information is brilliant and here is probably one of the major reasons why I’ve been kind of slight like The more I’ve learned about this issue stuff I didn’t know stuff

    Um I don’t know he just kind of he he uncovered a lot of info on this topic that was new to me and I thought I knew a lot about this topic but I turns out there’s a lot more I didn’t know um there’s this whole like BBC documentary

    He digs out about the nuclear program for example um very interesting stuff and um honestly it’s it’s kind of like I mean I’m sticking to my line of being neutral on this of being like on the basis that this is not like my conflict right it’s not um it doesn’t really

    Concern us it only concerns us to the point where the British government is funding any of these things right but the more you learn the the more difficult I think it is to be uh pro-israeli I have to say I just don’t understand like I understand it if

    You’re Israeli right or if your father is or if you have both parents who are and I possibly even understand if you’re like a Beno type okay because they you know you got to stand for your own people at the end of the day I don’t

    Understand it if you’re if you’re not I really don’t um while I do understand why people don’t like seeing children killed and things like that okay even though I am I am immune to seeing like oh think of the children look at the suffering look at

    The bombing and all that I mean I just don’t I mean you know I don’t care about that sort of stuff but I understand why the leftist types take the positions they do right so I understand intellectually and emotionally how people can become Pro Palestinian I do not understand intellectually or

    Emotionally how non Jewish people can take a kind of ardently hardcore pro-israel stance I just don’t get it um and I still don’t get it I still don’t like what makes Douglas Murray tick for example like why is he so in the tank for them and uh I can only conclude it’s

    Cuz he’s paid off or he’s blackmailed or something there there’s no other explanation because on pretty much every issue um if you if you dig into the history if you watch those black pill streams it’s just it’s not justifiable it really isn’t um the only way that you

    Can justify it really is with a kind of all out n and Will To Power right netrium Will To Power um I would say all right you could say well might is right okay so you could kind of justify it from a from a n point of view but that still wouldn’t

    Explain siding with them right it wouldn’t explain siding with them um it would only explain being kind of okay this sort of thing happens it’s always happened right and I get I get that point of view what I don’t understand is becoming the allout zos shell when you’re not one of

    Them don’t get it um all right so let us uh carry on um so see the thing is is that I’d also respect the israelies more if their stance was just will to power but it’s not their stance is not that right I mean on uh the the black pill

    Stream he’s got like this little bell little noise that goes off every time they mention the Holocaust and it’s I mean some of these interviews are just insane like like we’re talking like 12 15 times in the space of three minutes things like that

    Um it’s kind of mad it really is kind of mental um so yeah usually I can intellectually understand both sides of an issue on this I just don’t I mean and the more I learn about it the more I don’t understand where Douglas Murray is coming

    From and I can I mean I can only assume he’s just on the on the Mossad payroll at the end of the day um so yeah I mean there is another angle of course course um there are the crazy American kind of Christian Evangelical types who you know are you know

    Millennialist or they believe they want the Third Temple to come or whatever [ __ ] um like I kind of understand okay right there are some you have some nutty religious views and therefore you support this um but you know I’m I can only that’s that’s still a kind of that’s not

    Something that anybody rational can get behind right you have to kind of be indoctrinated into some crazy religion to to oh it says in this bit says in this bit of uh the Bible that you know all of that sort of stuff I mean any normal same person is going to be lost

    By any of that sort of stuff um and um in fact I’m interested to know how Netanyahu quoting the the Bible or the Torah has gone down like what who is that for is it for his domestic audience or is he doing that just for like the kind of the American Boomers uh

    So yeah I mean I just don’t understand those those are I mean to me they may be your like they may be your people but I just don’t recognize like I have always found that stuff alien to me it’s just I just don’t get it at all um don’t don’t

    Get it uh I mean to yeah let’s carry on um next person here is Jeff Taylor who I have I have wanted to make my Steve Turley of this conflict uh let me just zoom in a little bit so you can see this um here’s Jeff Taylor

    Look U un sides with Hamas unhappy unhappy Jeff um Jeff has basically got on allout Boomer iist on this he’s just an allout he’s just kind of and what what kind of staggers me about this guy right Jeff Taylor is that Jeff um was like you know Pro brexit he

    Was kind of um anti uh he was kind of anti-lockdown he was you know generally speaking he’s on the rights of many issues and yet on this he’s like no on this one I’m going to go with the regime on this issue unlike on all any every

    Other issue I can think of I’m just going to go with the regime on this so Jeff has been [ __ ] woeful to be honest he’s been terrible um because you watch these videos and I see this is the difference on this right this is the difference on this

    You watch the black pill stream or the UN or the any of the ones I’ve put up there and they go into history and they go into you know real detail about this you watch this crappy video down here and it’s just kind of like incoherent emotion basically and kind of

    Raging and kind of you know trying to get you into engage in a bit of low IQ bigotry or whatever it’s just crap it really is just crap there’s no like and that’s why that’s why I put Glick up there by the way because Glick is the

    Only one really on that side of things who actually goes into a bit of detail and actually kind of tries to explain what’s happening and so on and so forth I mean she’s still pretty one-sided and blinkered but at at at the very least she’s she’s giving you

    Something I mean this stuff coming out of like The Spectator and Taylor there’s nothing there for you um that’s not going to persuade anybody who’s not already on your side right I mean Jeff Taylor’s presupposing a lot of things in that video a lot of things that the people on

    The other side of this conflict do not take for granted so yeah the tailor Taylor stuff is just rubbish um and I can only imagine that uh various other people like that like this you know couple of hundred thousand sub types uh who’s that guy I met him once Iranian

    Dude May mayy what’s his name he came on proper I mean I can I can only imagine him producing this sort of stuff as well crap rubbish I mean it’s not even um it’s not even red meat because I just don’t know who it appeals to other than like other other Boomers essentially

    This is kind of Boomer material um it would be interesting to know um in fact I might double check to see if there’s been a drop off or an increase in Jeff Taylor in Jeff Taylor views since this started um because uh you know uh okay so they haven’t they haven’t

    Done great these videos of his um okay yeah but his I mean his stuff has been just really really bad on this probably one of the worst I’ve I’ve ever seen so uh sorry Jeff I don’t know if he watches he probably doesn’t isn’t not even aware of me so

    Um there okay so the next person here that we’re going to look at is no more news this is uh Adam green now for whatever reason I have never really been able to get into um Adam green stuff there’s something about him that doesn’t chime there’s something

    About the way he approaches things and that whole kind of I don’t know there something there just something off-putting to me uh about Adam green um and I just can’t like I don’t know I I very often kind of lose focus when I’m listening to him and things I think it’s

    Because possibly he goes on like I’m someone who analyzes arguments and I I like information and I can kind of rearrange those things and I can track arguments and I can kind of rationally analyze what’s going on and um I don’t I don’t know there’s just something about that

    It’s a bit conspiracist it’s a bit kind of um like I mean I I did watch his streams though because of course I have to get my fix um you know he’s gone more on the EM he’s gone more on the kind of think of the children stuff um yeah so

    This this is not this is not like a personal attack on Adam green or any of these people people but I have not I have not resonated with his uh material on this he’s pretty anti-zionist as you can imagine by the way he’s you know he uh he does not like

    U you know the uh a lot of his content is about uh these people let’s just put it that way um but of all of the ones I listen to I just struggle to engage in that sort of stuff it’s too like it’s a bit too out there for me

    Uh I’ll be honest um so I’m putting um I’m putting Adam green uh he’s probably like bottom bottom of the D down here okay uh next I’m going to um and you know this is just a bit of fun like like any of these people could make a similar

    Thing and be like that academic agent his coverage has been [ __ ] I listen listen to unproper opinions they didn’t bloody say anything in three hours blue pilled so I mean I get it don’t worry um I I can I can take it if any of these

    People want to say yeah well your stuff was crap on it as well mate that’s fine not nothing personal um all right so the next person is there’s there’s a channel called um it’s called redacted redacted it’s got like couple of million subs and um this channel has people like uh Douglas

    McGregor or like Scott R like it has like it’s it’s a it’s it’s a show that can highlight expert guests in that way and um they have had Um yeah they they had had they have a lot of that kind of how could you put it like populist it’s like the kind of retired General show you know hey it’s I I I’m on redacted and here’s a former member of the CIA to talk about talk us through

    Why the regime is so full of [ __ ] or here’s Douglas McGregor to tell you why the Army is awful you know it’s basically what it is um so really the question with redacted is how much do you rate Douglas mcgreer pretty much or similar type guess like Scott I’m pretty

    Sure Scott R was on there and you know this is where a lot of those interviews take place is on this channel redacted um I would say that they’re pretty much in and around this area here they’re on the B tier um the the problem uh in a way with

    McGregor is that uh yeah okay he knows his military stuff and so on but he’s got a habit of overr or underrating the extent to which um foreign leaders have domestic political uh concerns with which to balance their foreign policy against right and uh McGregor’s got this idea

    Basically that turkey could go kind of go hot in this war which is just not [ __ ] going to happen right erdan has to resp right when hundreds of thousands of people going on the streets of turkey to protest erdon as the president has to be out there and kind

    Of like be like yeah I’m with you guys uh you know all the crowd is being like we hate Israel yeah I hate Israel too yeah because he has he has to say that he’s he’s the president he is not going to jeopardize turkey’s place in NATO by

    Attacking Israel it’s just not going to happen not going to happen he will contain that energy he’ll give a couple of fiery speeches he’ll you know it’s just not going to happen I’m afraid um and it’s similar with many of the other um Nations and as as this conflict has

    Wor on my own take and I’ll I’ll talk about this on unpopular opinions as well is that even if the US want to escalate I don’t think the other countries Iran any of the Arab Nations or turkey are interested in uh committing troops for Israeli uh for Palestine um they just need

    To I mean it’s it’s almost like the um West has been over Ukraine right yeah we’ll send them money yeah we’ll you know linski but they’ve never put troops on the ground have they they’ve just kind of given moral support and you’ve got to understand that a lot

    Of these Middle Eastern leaders are full of [ __ ] right oh we have this to they never [ __ ] do anything so I mean okay maybe McGregor’s maybe in a couple of weeks we’ll be in World War III and McGregor’s right I just don’t see it happening I’m afraid so you know it’s good it’s

    Interesting it’s good and it’s interesting um but I do not uh I do not think McGregor I just think he’s there are times where when his analysis is so Fantastical that you should just kind of check yourself and think mate that is not going to happen you’re not going to get it I

    Mean for a moment when the emotions were high it looked like well okay we could get an amazing kind of um Israel versus like the entire Muslim World turkey the Arabs and the Iranians budy up for for the first time ever in history type thing um but they haven’t done anything have

    They Israel have gone in to Gaza and they haven’t done anything and they continue not to do anything in fact Iran has been very quiet indeed so I would uh I don’t know I just I I feel like as the more this goes on um the less this conflict is going to

    Escalate into major Regional Crisis or even World War uh even if the neocons want Even though even if the neocons want that to happen um I don’t think it’s going to um possibly Russia and China are the reason for that possibly the the the Russians and the Chinese are in the ears

    Of the Muslim leaders at the moment um next we have um Alexander murus uh in fact let’s do the Duran first where’s the Duran oh I haven’t got the Duran on their own uh do I have the Duran so um well I should have had the Duran on their own

    Um okay so let’s just make this quick and easy okay I’ll put murus up in the a I’ll put um Christopher on his own as B and where’s Duran I’m gonna have to make Duran uh and Duran together as s okay and I’ll explain I’ll explain why in a second Um um okay let’s try to get screen grab of the dren uh uh okay so let’s talk about these a bit so one of the things that these guys is that they’re very consistent they put out a lot of content so for a junkie like me who’s been wanting to listen to

    A lot uh the Dr have been very good because they put out a lot of stuff right so um by far these are the people that you’ll end up listening to the most uh see if I can add okay I’ve added actual Duran now so there’s actual Duran um

    So the reason that uh they’re ranked in this way is that as I said on Twitter earlier on the dynamic between murus and Chris and uh how do he say his name Christopher Christopher anyway there’s Alex M let’s say and Alex C Alexander M Alex C the dynamic between those two is that

    Murus is this kind of like politics machine or geopolitics machine who processes a lot of information quickly talks a lot he’s kind of got this particular manner of talking and you know he he does a lot of the uh what they call the readouts of you know official statements put out by the

    Government what’s going on in the UN you know and he kind of tracks all of that detail very well in a way that you know most of us wouldn’t even have the time to do right and he gets it all together uh the other Alex Alex C I

    Always get the impression is much more of a kind of you know he’s much more like a kind of frog poster uh [ __ ] poster he’s a bit more like one of us type thing he bit more kind of dissident bit more populist and um he’s got AIT

    He’s a bit more emotional so the other Alex is almost like your kind of point of view character oh yeah he’s literally me Alex C and Alex M is just this kind of like robot almost this kind of politics machine um so the um the reason I’ve ranked them like this is that

    Because of that murus uses his own channel to do a lot of like information dumps okay now a lot of these streams are like an hour long an hour and a half but when you actually listen to them it’s usually an article that he’s reading or it’ll be

    Something like that he’s reading through an article and then giving his commentary on it or something like that that’s why they’re so long um Alex C on his own is much more uh oh here look at this thing on Twitter or here’s what like it’s much more like oh look at this

    Telegram post type thing and because of that Alex C often makes little he often uh puts things on there that are a bit too hot for the Press right I.E stuff that was doing the rounds on social media that hasn’t fully been fact checked yet and I and this

    Week I’ve seen a few times where he’s made a video and then the next day being like Oh actually I got this bit wrong the other Alex came and told me oh you know here’s the actual info so he occasionally makes mistakes murus is a bit more being the lawyer that he was

    You know the barister is a bit more careful about stuff like that so that’s where the difference is between them um even though I personally find Alex C is a bit more personable and a bit easier to relate to um whereas uh you know as I said on Twitter you get the impression

    That Alex M hasn’t fed that dog that’s barking in the background for like 10 days because all he does is kind of read speeches from the Kremlin or whatever so um and uh anyway on the Duran which is the main show that they do together it that basically gives you a

    Kind of uh a Elite cut of the material that he’s been covering on his own show or that they cover on their own shows filtered out and kind of made it’s like the kind of final edit um and on that show I think they do a good job of you

    Get the balance of the two of them because mercurious on his own doesn’t half go on I tell you like you know you talk for 90 minutes straight without coming up and then like what what I kind of love his I love his kind of um

    Uh his autism in a way because he’ll he’ll literally speak for like 90 minutes without pausing dog barking in the background a fire alarm going off you know and then he’ll just uh he’ll stop and you’ll be like all right I’ll end the stream now

    Good day and that’s it that’s the end of the stream it’s kind of like you know there’s no like natural pause there um and I kind of like there’s def there must be some level of autism it in murus so in a way he needs a more human kind

    Of friendly normal person to be with and Alex is pretty good in that role um also as time has gone on there’s a bit more like Alex C’s got a lot of little in jokes and things like he always calls Biden Professor Biden um and you get a

    Bit more passion out of him like you I really think that uh he uh Alex C hates Joe Biden like he really hates him and I kind of get a kick out of how much he hates Joe Biden so um yeah I mean I really like the Duran I really like it

    It’s a great show um and they deserve all their subs and all the rest of it uh but uh yeah um uh that’s how I would rank them and then next we have uh the new culture Forum uh actually appeared on that show a while back un fortunately they have

    Also gone pretty counter jiad um they’ve kind of flitted back into 2015 mod mode pretty much um I get the impression that uh they’re pretty like pro Israel on that channel that’s fine you know that’s fine I mean um but yeah their content has really been kind

    Of they’ve been doing the same sort of thing as Lotus K G had um and like I like I said before it’s just not a very not a very good tactic uh hasn’t worked before hasn’t worked before won’t work this time and um pretty much it’s been

    Disappointing to see the old kind of playbooks back again I know morgoth has uh been complaining about it as well he uh he made a video morgoth did called once more up the Garden Path um basically I just co-sign everything he’s more gotth the said on this issue I’ve

    Got an old video um called tactical bigotry which you can dig up um it’s just like counter Jihad is a trap right because it locks you into a moral frame where you end up critiquing Islam from the left from a Liberal leftist Liberal point of view and it’s very hard to square that

    Circle with Dr talking points um there are reasons not to be like there are good reasons to be anti-islamic right which are basically that’s something that happens over there not here this is not of the West this is of the East I am of the

    West I am not of the East therefore I am not a Muslim right end of when you start going into Um typical kind of GAD stuff all you’re doing is strengthening the regime and uh other civilizational enemies let’s just say within the regime and furthering their ends you’re not furthering your own ends you know if you think for a second that this issue is going to get uh those people that you

    Saw in London deported or I don’t know uh going to get the Tory party to think again about whether they’re going to allow sadik khah to be the mayor of London you got another thing coming all it will do is give them the tools in which further to control you

    It’s all that ever happens with Canter Jihad so yeah I I really don’t believe uh the strategy works at all um and also I think that it it leads to um kind of nastiness that then will be used at a later date against you you know all this stuff about oh you

    Know like you you’ll end up with the old talking points you know oh did you know Muhammad was a pedophile and all that it’s just like all right so now on top of everything else you have to now start trying to be like disrespectful about a religion that over a billion people

    Follow I mean it’s kind of come on dudes you know so anyway it’s a trap it always was a trap it always will be a trap um I will credit the person who really opened up my eyes to um caner G had was actually Jonathan

    Bowden um he has a speech so I can’t remember the exact speech but he he starts talking about how um they’re the only group really who can’t be assimilated into like liberal into like liberalism um and why the regime will always keep what he called the far right and

    Islam it’ll always kind of keep them on retainer to act as a kind of civilizational enemy for the for the regime for the gay right um and um I uh yeah I mean ever since ever since he said that something clicked in my mind then I read

    EV then I really kind of started un understanding a lot and you know it’s like uh I don’t you’re not going to you’re not going to achieve many political Ends by raging against like bus drivers who or whoever these people are going to these Pro Palestinian protests in London and

    Elsewhere um or just like you know you’re not going to further any end um by essentially when the regime gives you permission um you know to have to engage in a bit of red meat bigotry against these people you know for Zionist ends that I mean essentially all you’re doing is

    Uh I’m trying to put the best way of putting this uh I remember I quote tweeted morgoth uh was it yesterday or the day before um with a with a you know do remember um Bolton in uh Game of Thrones when he has that sausage and he’s kind of waving it

    A reek to go on take the sausage reek take the sausage reek that’s all you’re doing when you’re doing the counter Jihad right and and it’s just incredible to watch everybody shift back into this mode now the Israelis have said now like you know the uh the center right

    Basically have given you permission to do this again and then like in another two years when it’s all day down oh now you’re an islamophobe like how many times you going to walk into this it’s like watching somebody walk into a rake over and over and over

    Again it didn’t work the last 15 times why is it going to work now it’s rubbish really is I mean it’s like kind of Tommy Robinson over again over and over and over again so yeah I’m I’m I’m always I’m I’m really against uh I just think it’s

    Stupid counter Jad as strategy um I I also think a lot of I I also think a lot of um a lot of wrong headed and silly talking points start getting made uh when you start engaging in counter jiad right um the fact of the matter is is that

    Many many many of these people not all of them some of them are from a from a different uh for for a different reason which I’ll get into in a second but many of these people are only here because America bombed the [ __ ] out of their countries I mean they wouldn’t they

    Liter I mean um all of those syrians who end up cutting your hair why are they here they’re not here here because Assad was guessing children they they’re here because America [ __ ] up their country why is why are all the Iraqis here or or or bloody libyans or Lebanese people or

    Kurds these people are here because America has destabilized that entire region because of their irrational support for one particular country in that region and there are videos I I don’t have the time to pick them up now uh but they used to do the rounds a

    Lot back in the day of neocons talking about this as an active strategy of being like oh well you know if we keep if we keep this area bombed and unstable that will create a constant stream of refugees and immigrants um that we can then use to you know prop up the

    Economies in the west or however they want to put it you know whether it’s a benign reason in their mind or a malign reason it doesn’t matter does it because the net result is they end up coming over here so I mean this really is I mean

    They talk about s pins movement or a sandwich it’s always being the same it’s always being the same and it’s like oh right well these uh the these great uh civilizational enemies they were I mean they weren’t engaging in Acts of kind of Terror in you know 1928 were they you

    Didn’t get like you know stabbings in Paris or suicide bombers in London in 1928 the actual cause of it is American foreign policy it’s always been American foreign policy so so it’s it’s a kind of [ __ ] topic that every single aspect of it is something of the regime’s

    Creation so when you go full counter Jihad all you’re doing is strengthening the regime’s own moral freame especially if you end up attacking Islam on liberal grounds I mean there’s a good reason they’re not my people I don’t want them here is strong that’s good and I think

    When Carl calls these people colonizers that’s not a bad moral frame because they shouldn’t be here let’s let’s face it they shouldn’t be here um the trouble is is when you direct the ey at those people themselves rather than at the people who made this happen as long as you’re directing all

    Of your energy and attention on the people who are who are here rather than the people who made it happen the people who made it happen are winning it’s a simple point but nobody grasps it and if those people who made this happen were ever kind of

    Removed in some way the rest of it would sort itself out the rest of it would sort itself out quickly or if for example the Middle East was stable again a lot of these people would just end up going home many of them would many of them would end up going

    Home you think the average Syrian wouldn’t rather be like back in Syria safe like in his tea house uh eating his eating his rice and Babs or whatever of course he’d rather be back home he doesn’t want to be sitting in London sticking a rainbow dildo up his

    Ass so I really do think that the counter Jihad ends up um basically penetrating the discourse pun not intended with [ __ ] and low IQ talking points basically and often historically and factually untrue talking points because essentially they’re working in the service of a lie uh that’s my honest view on it so uh

    Yeah I mean I I do I mean I get the worry about Islam taking over right I get all of those concerns um but uh how can I put it it wouldn’t be such a problem in my view if it wasn’t for the undying and unwavering support for a

    Particular country in the Middle East that is basically the source of a lot of this both in terms of the ultimate source for the immigration in in the first place and the ultimate source for why these people are angry at you in the first place because they don’t in in the same way

    That uh you know people of a collectivist mindset don’t see the difference between this you know this Israeli and that Israeli and the other Israel they also don’t make a differentiation between this Westerner and that Westerner and the other Westerner they just be like oh yeah you’re all part of this thing that’s

    Bombing my people essentially and then we’re going to be so stupid to bring them here so yeah I mean I do I I really think that if you’re going to ever break out of like kind of Boomer talking points and the kind of same old neocon

    Trap of uh you know you have to break out of Counter Jihad as a frame because it can’t it doesn’t lead anywhere it leads I mean well it does lead somewhere it leads to Douglas Murray and um what’s her name uh what’s her name old and Tommy Robinson and who’s that one who

    Went on The Apprentice KY Hopkins and you know it leads to that and in the end it’s impotent because it doesn’t have its finger on the actual problem the actual cause of these things you understand it’s a second order effect so um yes not not a lot not a lot else

    To say about it um oh yeah and the final uh uh the final stream here the final show is a podcast called uh it’s called um what’s it called uh it’s called our interesting times our interesting times and um I’m going to put it

    Uh that’s about a b as well I would say um now there’s a lot of interesting information on that show they cover some things that aren’t covered elsewhere um there’s a guy called Tim Kelly who does it there’s another regular guy on there called Joe something I’m not exactly sure the now the

    Trouble the trouble is uh with the r interesting times coverage on this is that uh how can I put this they want to talk a lot about the Freemasons on there and for whatever again it’s the Adam green thing again whenever people start talking about Freemasonry and oh you know to really

    Understand what’s going on you have to go back to the 19th century and have a look at what Lord paliston was doing as a 30 as a 33rd uh rank your grandmas Freemason you know in 1852 yeah I mean all right fine uh I mean I I don’t know I I

    Have I kind of um there’s just you know I have limited uh bandwidth with that sort of stuff as I’ve mentioned before because you then start asking questions and it’s like well this doesn’t make sense like the the framework where you’re saying well actually it was just

    The like it’s this one group and they kind of their way of thinking and their way of being that kind of makes sense now I have to think well actually forget about all that because secretly it was British Freemasons behind all of this so right okay so now

    I have to work workout framework where I’ve got like 33rd degree Mason W paliston and uh Lord like Roth TRS or whatever and I I don’t know my eyes glaz over I can’t I I’ve never been able to get into that stuff um maybe it’s my own failing

    My own blind spot or whatever but I just I just can’t go with it so uh that’s why it’s a bit I know it’s a b because there’s a lot of good info in there despite that element in there um and in fact there are a few times where I’m

    Like you know um and there’s one show that he does with eichel Jones Tim kley does and um I think he got a much better show out of eichel Jones than this Catholic dude did here uh um he eichel Jones was better on this podcast and he

    Was on the one he highlighted there so uh yeah all right uh I think that’ll do um I will I will also say uh I mean I’m I’ve not been watching uh watching chat don’t care uh and um I’m not uh uh I haven’t seen I haven’t watched the

    X22 report on on this uh I don’t know what his uh takes are um I also yeah I mean okay raum I get it right obviously I’m not happy about what happened in R and it’s a absolute tragedy what’s happened and that is that is obviously the worst excesses of

    Political correctness ever seen and you know the complicity of the British state in that happening was an absolute disgrace obviously obviously that’s you know goes without saying okay but um there is a limit why do you think it is that so many people who came into this upset about

    That end up pointing out the limits of caner jihad why do you think it me why do you think so many people take that view that’s my question to you are they all mad do they all like suddenly like stop caring about girls being raped because I don’t think they

    Did I don’t think they did you know so then you have to start looking like well who facilitated this how did it happen who pushed for the who pushed for those policies what happened when people tried to do something about it what happened to the whenever anybody

    Tried to organize against it who were the specific individuals who you know moved as a fance against them was it always the was it sadik Khan and the Muslim Brotherhood every single time or was it some of the exact same people who were who were who were saying

    Oh how did it get to this point Jews feel unsafe on the streets now multiculturalism has failed everybody or was it some of those people so you have to look past the tier one sometimes to see what’s really happening um I should mention by the way that those people who did rotheram are

    Nothing to do with they are not there because of wars in the Middle East I should mention that uh they are there because of something called The Commonwealth act that uh was passed in the 60s in fact in tandem with the Immigration Act in in America uh can’t

    Remember the exact dates now was 64 I think 65 um but um I think just after the war there was something called The Commonwealth act under the atly government where they basically said oh anyone who was part of the Empire can just like automatically come and move

    Here which is a stupid thing to do and then um then they explicitly passed anti-discrimination anti racism laws in the 60s at the same time as civil rights uh maybe one day I will do um I will do a stream on that but as with all things

    That happen you have to then look into who were the individual act activists involved which groups were involved who fund who funded this who wanted this within the labor party and within the Tory party what happened to people who tried to do something tried to speak out

    Against it what happened to the good British Patriots who died uh or served in World War II the guy like you know these guys who wrote these books uh these books I’ve been writing and they they made the kind of pro British Empire league and all that what happened to

    Anybody who tried to you know act be be um organized against any of these things happening who shouted them down where did the organization come from whether I’ll be even able to do such a stream as that on YouTube I don’t know but these are the things you have to ask

    Right these are the things you have to ask so you know you can have a look at that book I’ve got here about the uh Decline and fall of the British Empire what was the name of that book uh I read a few few weeks ago so

    I mean pakist right let me just let me just do a little bit of history for you everybody right you saying Pakistan’s not part of the Commonwealth I’ll just do a little history lesson for you when India was under the British Empire okay and they then connived behind the

    Scenes to prop up gandi to get the country off the books and to get the the kind of nationalist Independence move movement going and you can look into that as well by the way and see who was behind that which people what their background was look them up on Wikipedia how that came

    About always the same all throughout history um when uh India got its independence um very quickly they discovered I fact it was before uh I think he was even before the independence I think this was a still under the still like one of the last things the British did is they figured

    Out that um the Indians and the Muslims can’t stand each other the Hindus and the Muslims to this day they hate each other that’s why um there are so many like Indian zos shells on Twitter because the Hindus just hate the Muslims always have done always will do um and

    So they they had the partition and you should read up about the creation of Pakistan uh I think it was initially East and West Pakistan and then uh there was some can’t remember the exact details but there was some sort of war and Bangladesh became Bangladesh at that

    Point um and it was one of the biggest uh kind of exoduses mass migrations of people in history when they created Pakistan they created a new Muslim Nation um so there it is so there we are all right let’s have a look uh yeah apparently Apostolic Majesty has got a

    Good stream on uh on um the creation of Pakistan right so when you say it’s not past the Commonwealth I’m pretty sure that when they did that Commonwealth act anyone who was a subject under the original under the original British Empire uh at the at the time that they

    Wrote that rule would have been allowed and I and I’m fairly certain that if you’re a Pakistani you could you could come over that could that now that could be different now maybe that’s changed but at that time there was a huge influx of Indians and pakistanis uh into the

    Country in the 60s and the 70s and I’m fairly sure under those that’s the reason that there are so many of them here was was that Commonwealth act um correct me if I’m wrong uh yeah okay so it’s not true anymore it’s not true anymore but it was

    At that time um I don’t know when that legislation changed so there it is okay let us now have a look at some super chats uh I’ll have a look on entropy first takar says are you surprised that Hamas doesn’t appear to be catching much Flack for their self-serving provocation of Israel’s predictable

    Retaliation um well I mean they did initially Hamas did catch a lot of flack as you put it um there was uh you know every government in the world issued some sort of condemnation and the Israeli flag was uh beamed over the White House and beamed over Downing

    Street and beamed over uh uh you know what’s Canada’s capital city called I always forget cber and uh probably every other capital in the world did the some light display of the Israeli flag right in the west not in the world in the west um the trouble is is that uh the

    Retaliation by Israel has been huge you know let’s say Hamas the Hamas attack killed, 14400 Israelis I mean how many Palestinians the Israelis killed now they’re not all Hamas Fighters they’re women and children it’s just normal civilians and the trouble is is that the Israelis do not make a distinction between Hamas and

    Normal Palestinians they say that every Palestinian child is a Hamas in waiting right is Hamas in Waiting basically the Palestinians voted for Hamas so there’s no real difference between Hamas and the Palestinians now how do I know this right how do I know this

    Um how how do I know this uh oh cber is the Aussies it’s Ottawa sorry about that I always get confused with the uh I always get confused between uh Ottawa and cber because they’re weird right you think oh well it’ be Toronto and Sydney but they’re not they’re these kind of

    Weird I think that was a design thing they did it in America they were like in America the capital of every state and the capital of every and the capital of you like Washington DC is designed as a political center it’s not like the biggest city it’s never the city you

    Think it is right um and I think they did that by Design in Canada and in Australia as well osawa sorry um um yeah okay let me carry on uh yeah do I know that the Israelis don’t make a distinction between Palestinians and tamas it’s not just because Judith Butler told me it’s

    Because I watched the same interviews on television as everybody else did of former prime minister what was his name Bennett former prime minister Bennett ranting and raving about how he’s going to destroy Russia well in that in that rant he explicitly said that every Palestinian child is Hamas in waiting so

    There’s no difference between them he’s the former prime minister when I listen to the Israelis talk they don’t make a distinction between Hamas and Palestinians that’s how I know and everybody else can see this right everybody else can see this so there comes a point where the the

    Response to the original attack whatever sympathy was garnered for Israel by those original attacks now pale comparison to the ret to the retaliation Which is far above and beyond what the original attacks justified in the first place and the the the phrase I’ve seen in on BBC and on Sky News and on

    Mainstream media is this is collective responsibility you’re trying to you’re trying to basically kill like children for something that hassed that that that’s why um takar says does recent media coverage take you make you consider any revisions to your octopus model with the chest at the top uh no it

    Does not because if you remember in that original talk I drew a distinction between the neocons and the technog globalists and um it’s always been clear to me that the pro Zionist voices uh are centered in Washington and they are somewhat different from the um the kind of financial

    Globalist I mean if you notice some of those guys have been a bit quiet right like Bill Gates is not like ra RAR Israel you just sit this out they a rival castle and that was part of my original analysis and if you watch my original Talk on it I was focusing on

    The financial bit not on the uh neocons who in my view um Co was the globalists on top Ukraine and Israel are the neocons back in the saddle and there’s a kind of subtle Ving for control between those things um and that so many Avenues of the mainstream media

    Are against Israel in this conflict or our soft key kind a low pal Pro Palestine uh shows you actually the accuracy of what I was saying in the octopus model I always said the the gay is not what people used to call the Zionist occupy government not the same

    Thing and I think that you can the tensions between those two are on full display for everybody to see and if I was to make a prediction the uh the globalist the technog globalists will use this uh um conflict to further their ends to increase United Nations power to increase non-governmental oversight of

    The United States government and um kind of tricky for us because it’s like well who do you want to win that battle the the zionists or the the globalists I and in my neutral value free analysis I say the globalists will win in the long run and are winning heavily in the Optics

    B takar says what is glub pasha’s Saron rank of Palestinians um I will I will have to double check on where he places the Palestinians I know they’re low down though the Palestinians are low down and this is um now somebody in the chat saying U the UN is coming to an end

    That’s possible I I think that um I think the opposite I think that all of us watching this will outlive the nation of Israel that’s my view I I I don’t think that the Israelis will uh survive this um and in fact I I had a look at the

    Israeli Ambassador who was in the United Nations calling for the UN to um calling for the UN Secretary General to resign he sounded like a raving lunatic and he he did that in front of the entire world and sooner or later the fact that the Israelis seem like Nutters is going

    To catch up with them and that the American government now weaker than it was in 2003 will in the end have to yield and when it happens probably we may see a passing of the torch um to China who increasingly are becoming the mediators and the peacekeepers in this

    Scenario um I mean it’s very telling that if there was a proper peace negotiation between Ukraine and Russia for example it the Chinese who would be the mediators and increasingly people are looking to China to be the kind of uh the neutral party the Peacekeeper that means they’re the de facto

    Superpower and um it’s entirely possible that America will lose that position purely through uh supporting Israel through their unwavering support of Israel um so yeah I mean I I don’t know I I my view I mean I wouldn’t want to make a bet on this because obviously

    It’s anything can happen but at the moment it looks like Israel is delegitimizing and um may not be a nation in a few years time that’s what that’s I mean if I was an Israeli what I would do right now is I would uh um uh

    If I was in Israel I mean Liam you’re saying that uh emj’s position has never changed theology isn’t your thing stay in your lane I mean I’m not Catholic dude so I mean I don’t know what do you want me to say I just like whenever he

    Starts you know chilling for the Vatican I just be like yeah okay now I have to ignore all of the [ __ ] Catholics have done in America since like since like the turn of the century okay I will just call out [ __ ] when I hear it and emj turns a

    Blind eye to that part of the ls Island Coalition it’s just [ __ ] and I’ll call it out as [ __ ] so you know I whenever anybody starts like kind of Shilling for like an actual institution or an actual thing they end up in my experience um all liing true things and

    I’m afraid emj does that for the pope okay um let me just carry on then uh with super chats um uh taker why do you think might is right is such a universally unacceptable messaging for the plebs why do rulers justify Conquest in terms of irredentism or religious or human rights

    Um well really might is right um is is not a very good political formula there usually needs to be uh something that legitimizes power right it’s the question of legitimacy um and unfortunately for Israel I feel like they are not acting like a legitimate government they’re acting like a government who cannot be

    Trusted with uh high-tech weapons or nuclear bombs um and and in fact uh I think that uh the longer that they the longer that this goes on the more the world will come together and be like we can’t have this effectively Rogue Nation trying to

    Hold the rest of the world to Ransom Ju Just just can’t do it too many billions of people’s lives are at stake so um yeah uh how it resolves I don’t know how it all resolves I don’t know but uh if I was Israeli what I would do Pronto is get rid of

    Netanyahu if they could replace Netanyahu and be like right that dude was a religious Nutter so we’ve got rid of him now and now we’ve got someone who’s just sensible right who talks like any other normal leader and doesn’t like go on rants quoting like ancient scripture to justify massacring

    Children and um if they could say something like oh we’ve listened we’ve understood and we’ve he you we’re not going to do that anymore we’re going to like I don’t know we’re going to set up a a neutral Administration to look after Gaza and the West Bank or whatever and if they

    Could do that maybe Israel would survive into the kind of bright new future uh the route they’re on I think that um I mean it’s basically make or break and I I just think the way things are going it doesn’t even matter if they win minut arily I think they’re

    Just done I just think they’re done because I mean if you look at the trajectory of where things are going okay and they’re relying on essentially like Boomer support in America the boomers are going to die the day of the pillow will come right and once they’re

    Gone like you know Pedro in Texas I’m not talking about Pedro Gonzalez talking about a generic Pedro in Texas or I don’t know Al in Leicester or whoever they’re not going to give a [ __ ] about any of this if anything they’re going to be Pro Palestinian if you look at the United

    Nations votes they’ve even lost France even France have broken ranks on this already Israel are down to literally about 10 allies in the entire world and increasingly it’s basically just Britain and Amer and America and even the British support will start to waver as the reality of the fact that a lot of

    Muslims now live here kiia while this has been going on has been facing a massive Revolt within the labor ranks not just from Muslims but from like left wiers basically of all Stripes who just like we’re not going to go along with this um so I really do think that unless

    Israel changes course and some finds a way of dumping that in Yahoo um I think he will lead them to ultimately Israel no longer being a state I really do uh so and this is one of the problems in a way um with the Israelis which is that they let emotions

    Lead them a lot of the time which is strange because they’re meant to be like high IQ chess players or whatever but they never do that and um to me ever since the Hamas attack happened Israel has been like a poker player playing on tilt you know what that means playing on

    Tilt they’ve been like saying stupid things doing stupid things you know that guy Bennett who went on TV and vowed to destroy Russia right when that happened the legendary mosad or whatever should have just been like dude you can never go on TV again put him in jail kidnap him get

    Get just get rid of him issue a statement saying listen Bennett does not speak for Israel he’s a [ __ ] Nutter okay they didn’t do that Netanyahu didn’t do that instead he came out and made biblical speeches it just I mean you have to face the reality it’s

    2023 you just can’t get away with it and they won’t they in the long run I think they’re done honestly so let’s carry on um I think the the uh the kind of Aura of invincibility around criticizing Israel around you know their kind of super weapons that they had the cultural social and

    Political Capital they had from Boomer truth from World War II from the mid-century Germans from the Holocaust all of that has gone in the space of a few weeks because they’ve overplayed their hand they’ve overplayed it and they and they’re doing it to people who increasingly don’t care so all of these

    Things mean that in the long run they may even get away with wiping out Hamas and getting you know do it like carrying out this cleansing of Gaza that we’re seeing they may like get away with it in the short term but in the long term I think they’re done I really

    Do um I I I I I heard somewhere that 80 years is the there’s never been like a like a Jewish State that’s lasted longer than 80 years and um I thought like oh that’s interesting but then I can’t remember who it was who mentioned like I think of the USSR if

    You see that as a Jewish State didn’t last more than 80 years and um Israel’s coming up I think it’s 75 years right now so you know if he can quote ancient scripture maybe I can and prophecies maybe I can too um takar says sorry I meant Hamas catching Flack from their

    Own people no Palestinian is asking why did you provoke them oh right okay I mean the thing is is that um I think it’s probably a bit difficult for Palestinians living in Gaza to sit down and have a debate about this because they’re literally having their houses

    Bond I mean they’ve been shelled like continuously for three weeks now so I think it’s a bit difficult to start asking questions of the leadership when you’re under siege right I mean the uh the reality has changed for them um uh The Wider Arab world and the wider

    Kind of Muslim world I mean I don’t know because their debate shows happen in Arabic and so on so I don’t like you know I don’t watch their TV and whatnot um my dad occasionally watches Iranian stuff because he kind of keeps ey on what’s going on so I’d like to know if

    Those sorts of debates go on like uh I don’t know because I don’t like I you know there’s a limit to even the stuff that I can watch and you know I’ve watched all these hundreds of streams I’m going to start like watching Arabic TV to see what they’re talking about you know

    Um you’ve got to understand though that in lots of that part of the world they just see Israel is bad right so that there I think that a lot of people and this is also a position that I’ve seen on the left um people like Judith Butler and so on articulate as

    Well they think that the Palestinians um are just pure victims in this right they are the victims of like they live in an open air prison and they are just mistreated by the Israelis routinely um mistreated in a way that is analogous to how you imagine the Jews

    Were treated by the mid-century Germans right this is this these are kind of leftwing talking points and what they would say is is that um they have no other hope they have no voice there is no way out for them so in a way the only way to give a voice to the

    Voiceless is through something like the Hamas attack as a kind of cry for liberty or some something right that’s the sort of thing that you’ll hear on Democracy Now for example right so possibly I’d imagine a lot of the Muslim world would agree with those sentiments

    I.E they wouldn’t see oh my God how could you do this terrorism they’ actually shed a tear of joy that uh the little guy was able to get one over on the big bully Israel that’s how I I think that’s how they process it and um I’ve actually seen a few clips of

    British uh Muslims uh have like articulating that sort of reaction there was one uh the people were dunking on the other day you know look at this girl basically uh you know she’s like a teenager on a bus or whatever doing a Tik Tock selfie thing

    You know happy kind of happy that uh what happened on October the 7th um and I think that that’s very common that kind of frame right um so let’s carry on with super chats uh ec90 says I don’t know but have you checked the britisher recently but I did

    He is at the point of if the defense of liberalism requires a dresdon then so be it and of of course he thinks the far right are evil well yeah I mean that’s how liberalism always goes Webster says AA I don’t think this is a Fed post here but as time moves on

    It is vital for us British to learn self-defense weapon handling and home security prepping uh I mean especially if you live in a major city you should probably have uh you know uh probably have something I mean I know many people who as a matter of course like keep a baseball bat under

    Their bed or whatever just in case uh yeah I mean do we got everybody has to do what they need to do uh Les Gman says the best sort this the best source for me is something websites garre websites and not safe for work Reddit okay

    Ec90 says there will be no peace until the Lord returns uh R Phillip says please list in community notes I can’t read it um okay I mean um take a screen grab and try to decipher it maybe I don’t know uh Devastator says Hey AA Devastator is now

    Devast also can you do a stream on the who pandemic treaty going through the Western governments right now there’s a huge power grab implications from the treaties laid out um okay white talk says I he the populist illusion was used as a textbook as a textbook

    Where is a textbook for what it it is a textbook for my hit course foundations of politics which you can buy now at the academic agency friend Lee says here’s a tweet from the Israeli PM in 2018 basically broadcasting the will power rationale there’s the tweet I don’t I

    Can’t I cannot uh you can have a look at that uh in your own time I can’t grab it um Malcolm McKai says give Adam and sit their own worse than F tier well naturally I don’t watch Adam and sit and uh you know I never forget never forgive

    And you know I’ll never forgive uh that pair of clowns uh cynical skeptic said something I observed about Saron of aad he’s always 10 years behind the curve at best great stream AA uh well I would say Saron is is uh not 10 years behind the

    Curve he is you know being a friend of mine I talked to him he’s you know I would say he understands a lot more than you understand um but uh um on this particular issue I just feel that he may be making a strategic error although I also understand that he

    Needs to make shows every day and can’t exactly um take like a it’s it would be difficult for him I think to take an kind of openly uh anti- Zionist take on his channel for obvious reasons um or um uh you know I think within the framework

    Of what he’s trying to do I understand what he’s trying to do uh Coastal reaction says can my Twitter Coastal folk be unblocked victim of mass uh blocking from months ago well what’s your Twitter handle Coastal reaction post your Twitter post your Twitter uh reaction uh I mean I I have

    7,000 people blocked on Twitter so I won’t ever be able to find it unless you give me a direct link Um um Edward colling said I thank you for the War of 1812 disc finished it this morning your insights with a great guest made for a very enjoyable stream all the best uh me 12 says Mason pill is worse than a JQ sorry Mason pilled is worse than the JQ as a

    Skizo terium so there we go um well I mean you see the thing is is that those two things are not equal either um because there is a question in the second case and there is tangible things you can point to the Mason stuff is like I don’t know I just have limited

    Patience with it because it always goes back to oh look at this deal that was done in 18 1860 odd between L broths child and palm blah blah blah I mean it’s just [ __ ] hell God sake I mean I don’t I don’t know uh all right

    Let’s uh now uh I think we’re pretty much done I’ll be back uh later on with uh cigar stream reading through Britain’s blunder I’m starting through Britain’s blunder um I actually pre I think I uh pre-recorded it and my nose starts running so I had to cut the stream short

    Uh unfortunately but uh catch that later on and uh I will see you uh later goodbye get out what goes on in this town is none of your business as long as I’m living here it is then maybe you


    1. What do you think the chances are that the American and maybe also the British government will let things get out if hand to the point where there is a couple of deaths. Then use it as a reason to implement marshal law, there by giving them the ability to suspend the election. The British may do it for other reasons.

    2. So you've come to agree with your original bias, as pointed out three weeks ago.

      Post Hoc Rationalisation for the win.

      I'm starting to wonder if the famed American lack of self-awareness was actually inherited from the British.

    3. Counter jihad never works because the laws bought in to combat Moslems extreme behaviour is also used against the native population of Europe or White nationalist in North America including french speaking Quebec one young Jewish chap in London confirms this fact he said quote for us Jews the far right is the biggest danger to us then the Muslims are Jew hate and islamophobia are the same thing we share the same enemy we Jews and Muslims do let's sand together and fight the far right end quote

    4. Terms like racist islamophobia and anti semitism are pavlor terms intended to get a certain response from European peoples out side the orbit of the west these terms mean nothing I speak from experience with my wife who' is Moroccan but grow up in Spain her and her girlfriends would consider a well to do Moroccan man or a rich gulf Arab for husband's or a European men from Spain or Italy they don't find white men from Germany or Scandinavian men appealing they don't find black African men even if they are Muslims from sengal attractive

    5. You should look at some of the content from the anti-Islam side as well. Gad Saad, The Pouch, Robert Spencer, Islam Critiqued, and David Wood among others. There's a reason why Indians called the embassy to volunteer for the IDF immediately after the news of the attacks broke. The global Ummah has a blood feud with everyone they've come in contact with, and the Palliestan cause is their flagship Dschihad. It's probably the reason why the dissident right on the continent is much more Zionist, including people like Orban. People there see this conflict as a civilisational one just as the Muzzies do. Erdogan's recent speech reflects mainstream Muz opinions on this. It should also be noted that Douglas Murray is probably invested in this conflict in a very personal way, considering what they do to people like him in Islamic lands.

    6. OK STOP. I will not watch the rest of this video (yes it is now a video not a stream). Ten minutes in and it's all whacky this and ooooh arrrrrr that. AA snap out of it please.

    7. RE: Lotus Eaters – "But they were starting three thousand years ago rather than the obvious place to start which would be, y'know, about eighteen ninety, about something like that."

      What a truly absurd criticism. Utter nonsense.

    8. When you mentioned Democracy Now my jaw involuntarily clinched and teeth started grinding. Growing up in a liberal household where NPR was on a significant part of the day Democracy Now was the absolute worst program that would come on. It and Mother Jones are the most smug and self righteous lib media that is broadly available in the US. A analog in the UK would be if The Guardian did a radio show but turned up their progressivism to ‘11’.

    9. AA, if you haven’t already attempted, can you invite Devon Stack AKA Blackpilled onto a stream for a conversation? He’s always a much requested guest in these circles.

    10. "Maybe I'll set up my own AA"

      I thought this was your own AA? Academic's Anon.
      Or is that the OG Rat? He's under-cover (anon). Or perhaps it's Gold. Or perhaps it's that famous reclusive director, Morcar (I hear he has given up filmmaking having decided that audiences and critics are contemptable, so all he does is play video games in his old age).

    11. The BBC has to be Pro Palestinian because they have to sell the importation of the Palestinian Migrants to the British Public in the coming weeks. We're taking Israel's Trash off them.

    12. Thanks for the recommendations AA. Unz chat was great. Google autoplayed me some random Indian channel on the same subject after that, first listening for the novelty, actually developed into something pretty special too (ANI news 106)

    13. Only 20 mins in BUT if ryan dawson isnt mentioned then this stream gets a "D" rating, that man has awoken 70% of " la based" to the true evil in this world WAY before any of us even considered globalist a thing. I rememeber going on MYSPACE in 2004 and seeing him AlReady on target in regrads to 9/11. And somehow he hasnt gone "Fed" pushing flat earth, jesus, etc. He is a true morphus.

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