Oh A W Welcome race fans to Peterburg Speedway day two of the autumn colors classic let me correct myself the APC autumn colors classic presented by Toronto Motorama we are joining you partway into heat race number one you have not missed much I’m Adam Ross joining me brandan dhy Charlie toner Clinton Jeffrey will

    Be down Trackside we’ll have plenty of ools up here gentlemen it’s not time to go racing we’ve already gone racing we’ve already started racing already had the qualifying for the 167 lap uh Electric City feature race for the late models coming up tomorrow uh you the beginning of the

    Show I think it’s the second feature race in the in the show tomorrow so but right now Heat number one underway for the outlaw midgets and Larry Lawson out in front the hyp LI MC automation number eight machine trying to hold off Dave Bradley in the 15

    Machine at The Deco bels rice machine shop amb HB ride Bradley keeps try on the high side of the racetrack not able with that 15 car to work through turns one and two on the high side almost had lost and set up for move to the inside

    The last time by but not able to make that work they running on laps White Flag in the air one more trip around the par for the eight machine broudy a multitime feature winner at the Series this year out a Sunset Speedway once again took a look to the inside but had

    To get off the gas and that’s all Larry Lawson to pull away down the back straightway into turn number three final time first checker flag of the afternoon going to go to Larry Loston number eight machine Bradley for second it’ll be Raymond in the Glen Raymond 78 machine

    Coming home third Mike Bradley in fourth fourth which I believe that will clinch the championship and the 17 of Mikey holwood will round out the top five so what we were discussing before we went to air Mike Bradley was he just had to take a green flag in order to

    Basically uh secure his Championship uh finishing fourth I believe in the lineup uh in this qualifying heat does secure the championship for Mike Bradley so we’ll see how the rest of the field faes uh coming into the rest of the uh the day today and of course their feature

    Race coming up later tonight another driver who comes in is the championship leader we’re going to see later in the Oscar modifi Jason keing he is not going to be driving his familiar teal 18 he’s going to be driving Brandon fen’s car because he destroyed that thing in the

    Corner when the straw machine Chad straw blew the clutch and it took out the transmission it was transmission fluid on the track and Keen had no no no chance to it happened right on the front stretch going into the turn number one Keane had no chance he got into that oil

    Right over the bump and uh in the exit to the pits at turn one and down into a cement block in the back field and just cement doesn’t move as easily as some other things around the track it’s been a tough month for Jason Kean but he’s

    Hoping to wrap up that championship and Brandon feny good enough to give him a race car to do it with but he rised number two on the track now now tell us who’s in it all right rolling off the 98 machine that is Kevin spe uh next in

    Line will be the 29 to Jason Mecha the Flyn Spirit Leaf Pickering procon Building Supplies GSR Dr Jeff Mangin Alda shirts team Compton real estate and Rond construction board the 29 machine then the 46 machine it’s the hooligan Rob Harrison the blade Cutters entry pulling double duty this weekend I was

    Mistaken last night thinking Dayton bore behind the wheel of was familiar number one machine but it was the hooligan Rob Harrison in the mini stock NOW behind the wheel of his own law then we have the 64 I believe it be Jason simple aboard the Finish Line spray phone JDS

    Contracting Red Line signs to parel interlock Drive wall blade Cutters our Simple Solutions Georg wa services and mcon drive all aboard the 64 machine that’ll be the number 55 machine uh Fred hwood Thornberry pools and SP Best Western ride then will be the number I have a sh part look at that 77

    Will be Nick spe aboard that ride then we’ll go to 62 that’ll be Rob Mcall the link climate care Motorsports Tirecraft Ro creature designs Casey’s Motorsports H cycle n race cars and TSS top shops and rounding up the field the 46.5 be KLA simple aboard the me finish

    Line spray P GS Contracting AR Solutions Georg and waist Services red Lin signs and designs 46.5 so that would be the lineup for qualifying heat race number two talking to the Bradley Brothers after practice and they said turn one has a bump in it that is really affecting their cars they

    Said you can see where the stock cars are bottoming out there but they’re having to find some different lines to run so I don’t know if something is different with the race track this year I mean things change over a but they would have run here already this season

    They have run here this season it’s the same bump that they’ve hit every season and all season long uh there is a rough section that is down close to the inside of the track um then there where the where the pce truck is just gone through

    And where you see them kind of warming up there is a section there that is smooth and then there’s more bumps further up uh I’ve seen them hit the bumps in the low end and then hit the bumps in the high end and spin around on

    The exit the two and the Rumblers on the inside of the racetrack they’re built for stock cars yes they are these little things hit them and you really you can tear up a race car pretty good these little things hit them and they go Airborne so these drivers will try to

    Avoid that they’ll try to avoid each other and they’ll try to go out and win a race he’s outlaw midgets do not have suspension systems in them they are they are rigid rugged teeth Rattlers teeth rattling Cars track owner JP doing the Race direction for this he tried to bribe us into doing it for this class but I think he realized we are far too irresponsible better decisions were made yeah cooler heads prevailed and green flag in the air heat number two for the outlaw m r Canadian Tire

    Speed going to get the jump on the bottom side of the RAC track 98 machine here it comes the Hulan Rob Harrison the 46 the inside of me for second down the back straightway into turn number three Harrison’s been quick this year with the outlaw series really fine his

    Foot in the former Thunder Car regular working on the inside of met Casper second all over the rear bumper the 98 is speed speed for the big wiggle that’s going on meta get a run on the high side off a two and down the back straightway towards turn number three

    Met C High wide and handsome with a big bubble of his own but able to hold on to it he’ll slide down in line ahead of speed and take over the top spot Harrison still looking at the inside of the 98 machine he’ll get a run this time

    Through one and two speeds up the hill he’ll really slow off a two and down the back straight away and now Harrison with a big run down into turn number three going around meta on the outside and slide down the line in front of him as

    They come back to the start Finish Line the hooligan Rob Harrison now out in front pulling away from the field home with the 55 machine up to Second here comes the 64 Jason S 77 of Nick speeds rolling forward now into the top five R McCall working the high side of the

    Racetrack the outside of Jason Mecha going to take over the fif spot he’ll do So Meta with some problems the Flynn number 29 machine starting to slow not showing the speed he did early on might have a mechanical issue aboard the 29 car here comes Nick speed in the 77

    Going to go to Second able to shoot past the 55 on Mike Hol with the Best Western ride going to slide back to the third spot and everybody up the hill and speed with to the big wiggle that time off at two trying to close in on the hooligan

    Rob Harrison Harrison out in front going to see the csal six in the air This Time by two laps to go for the 46 machine the blade Cutters ride trying to hold on to things here for the heat wi at the autumn colors classic spe again up the hill trying to

    Use all the real estate he can to get that car wound up down the back straightway trying to close in White Flag in the air big run off of four but a car links back now for the 46 we head towards turn number one Harrison this time tight around the bottom of the

    Racetrack slides up off of Turn number two here comes speed with a run to the inside down the back straightway and speed going to launch in front of the 46 machine Harrison looking to try to get him back not able to do so speed’s going to pick up the win Harrison for Second

    Jason simple in third Homewood fourth and it’ll be Rob Mcall rounding out the top [Applause] five last lap pass can’t complain about that P is fast but he’s got some work to do hanging on to that 77 car he had some big moments usually off of Turn number two getting back to the

    Gas so so to chalk up how this weekend is going we’ve had some great racing on the track we’ve had we’ve had a little bit of of incident some teams have had some work to do we have had some alleged marriages take place in the campground last night with many congratulations

    Being shared around on social media which I think that might need to be fact checked uh don’t think anybody got married here last night no I don’t I don’t think the the Facebook fact Checkers have not got to that one yet but I don’t think they were here at the

    Campground either so are you saying Adam that you didn’t get married last night I did not I did not uh nor was I part of any wedding party but I did see the people who allegedly got hitched reading the Facebook comments with him was about my the highlight of

    My day so just just seeing them the people believe man you just you put it out there all all people want is a reason to be happy I just want to know who the officient was oh I’m sure it would have been Andy camra is there another Choice never I’m

    Just trying to think of what religion he is I think he’s past aarian where’s the colander on the head right no doubt I do not talk about religion on the air even if it’s colanders on heads Junior late models here we go lead them out the 27 Mach the c p equipment

    Prair Marsh Motorsports ride of land and sellers outside be the 12 machine that is Lucas kzo the Trent L’s Contracting ballson Lake out Fitters entry in the 11 machine the captain morg Mor and of V Homeland Auto Home Comfort our repair rest Pizza CL Maco TOS music po pry

    Restaurants Car Quest to very Advanced Property solution B SAR EIC race for Jeff’s Auto Body Toronto installations Uncle Al red Edge Ag and conving sanitation aboard the 11 machine that’ll be the 26 machine that is Lucas finan the corth outdoor decor Farm Bros racing who’s Farm 26 ride going to be the eight

    Of Gracin mckin and we have after that the 51 machine that is Cole camera of Al for the Wonder recover racing IM draft. russan petent Hamilton Next Level am exteriors Mad Rock barers simple spray foam Solutions and K andk pest control and rounding out the field 2023 Sunset Speedway Junior late model track

    Champion is Keegan Mo the SLE barge and break ball Tony One Stop Tire overdrive Automotive really done R Auto Care Canadian Car Care F roadh house a cheat metal Tron installation Classic Car Wash centry 21 wona pal a group and red line signs a parallel board the 52 and just

    Note Cole cam at the board the 51 machine he is your 2023 Sable Speedway Junior late model track Champion it’s a sharp looking car too I mean you know when your dad’s the vinyl guy it’s going to look good you should hope yeah Craig crath knows what

    He’s doing with the rat he’s figured it out a lot of trial and error over the years but more successes than uh than bad looking race cars that’s for sure Junior late model is a class that started last year here at peterb Speedway just has grown uh by Leaps and

    Bounds uh this season especially with cars coming from tracks from all over Ontario they’re little basically go-kart formats um with a a small late model body on them I I seen one of the comments wanted to know what kind of cars these were they’re fun and some of

    The times that they post are in the sub 202 laps they do they make 100 km an hour plus and there’s a lot of people as we about to go green that that have had their fun in racing and now they realize it’s time for the Next Generation so

    They’re they’re bringing the kids out and doing this and great to see the Next Generation coming along we’re not fitting in these cars you give me a ride I’ll [Laughter] fit and the 12 of course of uh Lucas Lucas kzo with a big wiggle there off of

    Turn number two holding on to that here comes finigan in the 26 machine on the high side of the racetrack going to go to the top spot side by side for third keeg Mo working the bottom side of the racetrack looking for room to work he’ll

    Go to the high side of Koo now as we head towards turn number one full cameras for him to work as on that 51 machine couple of Champions knows the tail racing in the third and fourth spot but out in front finnean with a great line defending the bottom of the

    Racetrack but he’s also keeping that car pointed in a straight line that car is handling well Lucas uh Keno running in the 12 car back in second place he’s one of four Kos that are racing in this series this year uh all racing here at Peter bro Speedway he’s the cousin the

    Other three are all Brothers okay and up the hill a little bit of contact there with Keegan Mo that time through turn number four Mo going come with the top spot we head towards turn number one working the high side of the racetrack is the 52 camera looking to follow

    Through bit of a wiggle for Mo there on the high side a little bit of ground allow the 12 car to close back up sorry Brandon that’s all three track Champions cuz the 12 of Lucas kzo of course the champion here at Peterboro Mo from Sunset camra from saell and none of them

    Can catch Lucas finnean in the 26 who I don’t believe won a championship at all this year no but he has been a very fast racer in this class of racing uh Lucas finegan of course uh his dad and uh Uncle all part of the track

    Here White Flag in the air one more trip around the park for the 26 machine the only thing that’s going to stop now is a a mechanical break on the 26 to bring him back to the field big wiggle very big in contact now coming down the racetrack into the into the

    Right rear of the 51 machine and cam able to keep that car straight check the flag in the a for finnean Mo going to come home second camra in third hno fourth and it’ll be the 27 of sellers rounding out the top five Morgan Moore in the 11m finishes

    Six and and Gracin McKinnis she finishes a lap down in eight in seventh and the car number eight I feel from the count I think we got three heat to these things so oh that’s awesome so look at who do we have for media here of course Clinton’s down

    There with the video Dave Franks is in the house Ashley mccubbin I know I saw Derek Smith earlier on wandering around the pits it’s always fun to see all these people who who go everywhere they all go their own directions but for for the big events they they’re all Shar in the same

    Real estate down to Victory Lane the outdo to car Farm Bros racing who’s Farm 26 machine put your hands together for Lucas finnan do we want to just in do we want to just P him and then just leton heat race number two rolls onto the racetrack they will stage on the

    Backstretch they just keep coming and coming so lean him off the 14 machine sitting behind you there in the uh cool inspired ride that will be K kusno aboard the M yellow 14 machine 9 machine and is Mia Ford aboard the 49 the uh Bay View boat

    Entry 86 machine is Kaden B the Farm Bros racing full stream ahead whose Farm Ride 13 machine is Avery Kirkpatrick row gas Castle Building Supplies entry 77 machine is Chase Stevenson the SMS Central interior spray from ride rounding out the field the two machine is Lakeland junan the Kirk Norr stard

    And inmore automotive repair number two ride and that’ll be the lineup for Heat number two for the junior late models here on date number two 302 APC autum colors classic presented by Toronto Motorama 13 is the track CH how many track Champions how many tracks are

    There they did they did a pro and a in a rookie kind of division there you go so they so I believe KCK Patrick was on the rookie end of that end thing so I think a junior junior late division well we had the junior late model and

    The Pro Junior late model division gotcha so they had a rule of uh if you had more than 50% of a lapse of a feature race at under 19.5 seconds then 21 or 21 21.5 seconds then you were graduated up into the the pro junior l that’s a lot of MTH

    It’s good thing for race monitor that means someone to never sit there with a stopwatch technology makes things easier sometimes sometimes so the 49 and Mia for making her second career Junior Late Model start we’ll start on the outside of the front row here how’ her first start

    Go didn’t put a mark on the card that’s awesome so ran the showed up at the velocity on uh at Sunset Speedway on the Sunday and zero issues at the 49 so because you said that it was your I knew obviously you must have seen the first race

    So and that’s the thing it you you can’t teach winning but you can teach how to hold a line how to not run into the wall and other cars and you know all these little things that eventually add up to Race Craft and learning how to do it

    That’s right I keep saying 49 they’ve changed the number now to 09 it was 49 at sunset uh they’ve now changed it to 09 it’s uh I just thought my eyes were bad yeah I know they they they’ve they’ve pulled one over on me it was they’re associated with storm and Norman

    Started with the the prate model so they’re trying to get Maya to close in there on the front of the field to get that front row even up all right we’re getting critiqued by uh Doug henard who who’s not racing here today floor coverings International Pace

    Truck hits pit Ro we go green flag with heat number two for the junior late models Cole Keno Kaden Bey and the 77 of Chase Stevenson so looked like a little more experience in that inside row than the outside row so it’s going to be a three

    Car battle near near the front of the field unless Cole Keno drives away from these two all the Peto speed regulars up front no one the fast way around Stevenson looking at the inside of the 86 ofd as they race down the back straightway side by side for second Ste

    Going to come away with the spot going to slide in line maybe look at the crossover doesn’t have enough speed off of Turn number four to do so ste’s going to drive away the centr on spray home rry going to try to run down the 14

    Machine a CO Keno traffic is going to be an issue in this one they’re coming up on a couple of slower cars and you can already see Cole Kau is checked up at the entry of three and Chase Stevenson has not who working the bottom side of the racetrack two lab traffic Stevenson

    Going to the high side it’ll be side by side towards turn one with Stevenson up the hill See Saw on that wheel through one and two falls back in line behind kzo down the back straightaway as they head towards turn number three just pass the halfway point in this

    One Stevenson looking to just run in the tire tracks playing a DMI Shadow at the front of the field with kzo in the 14 machine up the hill he goes that time does Stevenson in the 77 going lose a bunch of ground off it two went down the back straight

    Away coming up on the 13 now of Avery Kirk Patrick she’ll move to the bottom side of the RAC trck Pros gas entry moved down D leaders going by doing a respectful thing going around the high side final time down the back straightway for the 14 the Mella ride of

    Kuso into turn number three off of four Checkered Flag in the air and he will pick up the win Stevenson for second Bey in third Kirk Patrick in fourth and lakel Jun will round out the top five good uneventful race again pass for the lead this wasn’t a

    Last lap pass but know good action I can’t wait till they put them all together see nowo when he came pass they were displaying the White Flag for the lap cars he did the smart thing he just kept going he got he did get the checkered

    Flag but he wasn’t going to take any chances and he was going to motor around and and take that extra lap just to be sure that uh you know he was going to get that win smart move have you ever seen someone take the white flag and

    Then slow down yes few times a few times y you’re better off to take an extra lap than not take enough Lam I recall a race at marville many years ago where the leader took the white thought it was the end of race pulled in the pits and the

    Entire field followed him in and we were figuring who’s the first one going to come back out and complete the lap and win the race it was chaotic that’s classic Jesse Kennedy the veteran did that last year in the hot rods at Delaware Speedway and cost him the race

    He checked up on the White Flag lap lost the lead and Coast it into Victory Lane just barely crossed the start Finish Line but lost himself the win down to Victory Lane they’ll put your hands together you’re heat two winner Cole keno and thir qualifying heat race on

    The track now for the junior late [Applause] models the first car lead them off that’ll be the 92 machine out of sh the ire Owens Johnny Beast FR transport tra out today moris meat Pioneer Mason industry stke energy syst Smackdown fuels Shelly McMillan suton sound realy ride of the Rocket Man Wyatt sprung

    Sprung picked up the win in the new school 20 present up at sunset took over like 1100 bucks he took home biggest payday to dat for the junior late models and a winning purse 88 machine that is Ethan Malin for the green view Graphics 88 machine

    08 is Chase kzo the coy home heating and AC bre racing tond Del racing Ryan the number 11 machine is Carson kzo the Bella Towing Co home heating AC and tond racing aboard that ride then to be the 20 machine of lla 6 out of pet the dark he conditioning premium portable toilet

    Rentals Bounty Roofing JP MotorSports number 20 machine and rounding out the field the number 30 machine out of allenford the dport B Farm Shephard docks Richard’s Auto Service Auto Trim Design a bar k k long care duk’s performance ride of Josh Davenport is that what I think I see

    Flying over turns one and two that’s the Drone Abby has arrived the most popular member of the G4 TV crew not very popular with Daryl timberman’s the tech director of the APC series I was also going to say I bet he was ducking Alex naggie when he got here this afternoon

    Too it’s possible it’s possible that that fine is going to be paid an official fine has been levied Abby is on probation with APC and he must deliver a box of 10 bits to Daryl timberman’s it has been posted it’s official it’s on letterhead that’s the

    Fine that’s the fine Timbits do you have to deliver them with the Drone we’re good well you better believe it I think we might deliver them one at a time deliver an empty box and then just start firing Timbits at him off a off a drone Floor Covering International Peter

    Speedway Pace Chu hit and Pit Road third qualifying heat race for the junior late model set to fire off a turn number four looking for the great T RV green flag green flag is out everyone on the Cloud pedal the 9 horsepower Junior late models Roar to life down the front

    Straight we head it towards turn number one takes them about 3/4 of a lap to get up to full song so they’re still building up speed here by the time they come off of turn four they’re basically full steam ahead yeah I waited to go into like your local mental go-kart

    Track just how long does it take you to get off a pit R Larry Crow jun’s got one of those who’s that Larry Crow junr has a little go-kart track crows gas so if you’re had the crow karts just think how long it takes you that’s essentially

    Where you’re at here he could have an Invitational just saying Larry so sprung out in front the strike Energy Systems now D machine looking smooth so far looking for another Crown jeel after picking up the wind up with the velocity over Sunset Speedway Lila Sigma though running in

    That second spot not letting the leader get away the they’ll reach the halfway point this time the top two separated by about four Carlins no that’s not L sikma that’s the 08 is not showing up he’s not showing up on the score no yeah so little bit trans

    Transponder issue with Chase k Sorry Chase lla Sigma still running with the leaders up there not far behind she’s in Striking Distance the home heating ac8 machine trying to close in on the Johnny B’s 92 machine and whyatt sprung with a big run off of Turn number two sprung

    Kind of finishing that car down a little not getting the run off the corner off of two but kzo able to put the power down it equals out by the time they get to the end of the straightway white flag in the air sprung with one more trip

    Around the park here see if he can hold off to Z way to kzo Koo getting that big run off the corner wasn’t quite sure what to do with it last time and I’m not sure going to be able to do anything with it this time

    It’ll take a big swing into turn three doing a great job coming down the hill as kzo and using the bank taking disadvantage but sprung going to hold on for the win kzo for second sikma in third bon in fourth and Davenport will round out the top

    Five good showing by the junior late models Wyatt sprung going to head around to Victory Lane and go into the history books autum colors classic heat race winner so just have to they’re still in the early stages of their racing resumes so every line matters so down in Victory Lane on S

    Johnny Beast frun transport out moris meets pioner M me industry strike Energy System Smackdown fuels sh McMill Su and sound realy making some noise the 92 machine of the Rocket Man Wyatt sprung these these cars look enormous after after watching Junior late models these look like school buses

    The Idol’s a lot louder too you know just a little more noise in super stocks they’re some sexy looking cars though right they some really nice schemes and some of them are simple paint schemes but they just I’ve always loved the Davenport number 30 you can’t

    Get simpler than that but just a I mean I’m I’m fond of the old Davenport with the Monte Carlo body the green yellow 100% but the White’s good the simp the less is more the look just always works same with the Han 42 that that’s a gorgeous looking race car not

    Much design to it just simple clean lines I walked at them at Sunset and I said this car looks more Camaro than the rest like it just the the color they’ve used the black it just shows off all the the angles of the body more than whatever everyone else does so it’s just

    Looks a lot nicer so and then got the old school Monty Carlo got like a metric Monty with uh the 15 of Rob Richards there but we’ll run through the intro here the 17 Machine lead them off former Sunset sedway super stock TR champion at New Market the 95 custom wa fre Speedy

    Autom machine s Suns windows and doors Fork transmission ride of Garrett Tamma 63 machine is co Bros 2023 Sunset Speedway super stock rookie the year winner the foxes Baker dely tjd Graphics BW toing house Automotive climate control Northern meets Del be Automotive H Guru PA Associates epic racer stream

    Line race products aboard the 63 ride 26 machine former Sunset Speedway bone stock Champion making a super stock debut this week in the big Mar Sunwing centry M conru JBS Landscaping Overkill Enterprises ride of Jacob Booth the dread knot aboard the 26 machine 42 machine HS Gold by Daniel Han 2023 quick

    Quick uh can Series champion out of Barry the Tire Depot smms 8con motor and chass FL machine chop Str strr fabrication 42 R 30 machine of hard body T down for of Allen for 2008 autumn colors classic winner in the Thunder car now super stock division the Elmer fting shepher dogs Auto Trim

    Design very rich Auto Service Electric 4 transmission shells while racing R then we go to the 36 machine about fast forward Mustang of bton the best for is probably Lesly Ford motor back Hing and holl Bader day lighting Shel be Roofing r&p welding and fabricating ride up the

    Thrill Billy Lane zardo z7 machine is Dan AR Bal centry Bas construction Bulldogs 12 gate showing recover Red Line sign ride 12 machine is riding l the GL star facing JSL electric Academy construction ride at the 15 machine the use Collision ride of RA Richards aboard the metric Monte Carlo rounding out the

    Field floor coverings International Peter Speedway pce truck hits Pit Road superstocks coming to life off a turn number four we are racing with heat number three for the super STS good even start but Garrett in the 17 Rockets into turn number one and clears Burrows boo going

    To follow him through so was that for it burrow trying to find his putting on the high side of the racet trck first time here with the super stock and uh archal throwing a little wide there and getting Burrows uh a little nervous moving him up the hill

    There Z looking to get around Archer ball as well he backs out of it stardo wasting little time he’ll look be inside of the 07 down the front straightway into turn number one Arch ball going to slam the door shut stard going to keep the nose in Arch ball sideways they’ll

    Drag race the par built Motors going at it down the back straightway side by side in turn number three zard going come the spot Arch going to slide in line ahead of barose behind the 36 but out front it is all gar toirma booth has a Mir full of the Elmer fighting fly

    Number 30 machine of hard body Tod Davenport looking High looking low is the 30 machine one of the fastest cars in the property yesterday through qualifying now looking at the inside of Booth down the front straightway Bo with a big run able to uh hold him off but

    He’ll overshoot turn number one and up to Hill he goes side by side for second now here comes the 30 dport looking like he might have a shot at fast qualifier and zardo sticks nose in there he might have a right front flat and he will a

    Right front flat unless the Ford Motors V Forest product Shel be Roofing 36 machine Z going to Li that car no he’s not I thought he Li that car to the Outfield pit area but he will come to a stop what and what are the rules on a live Pit

    Road in the heat a late weight you mean no no is Pit Road live can you go in and change your tire and return to the track not on a qualifying heat okay uh karo’s biggest problem was that he was going to have that the gate was

    Close and when he got there he wasn’t going to be able to exit the track regardless but well he he could have exited around the back behind the ambulance the other problem for him is though he’s going to be dragging the sway bar so the smart move by zardo is

    To stop that car from doing any further damage with the flat tires so let the Peter bro Speedway tow truck do the work to get him back to the pit pad properly without uh shearing off the the sway bar on the front of that thing an additional

    Problem might be that he made Dan Archer Bal angry and he didn’t beat him you need to get Donovan price is done for the weekend from what we Hear so word for word Donovan price is done for the weekend he’s coming out in the next race he was supposed to come out in the next race yeah we were close trying to say yeah we got there we got there eventually he you see zardo out of the car

    There are the assist looking over the right front making sure the suspension is where it needs to be OB and that’s the big thing right you can you can change a right front tire the big thing is guys I got him Lane what’s the story

    Here uh just try to just try to make a little bit of a move on a I think he’s a little bit of a rookie probably uh didn’t know that I was going to try to be there and right front tires sticking a little bit too much and now we just

    Have to come from the back and try to put on as good of a show as we can get in the pits Lane Lan zardo everybody trouble is here to get things rolling I mean zardo’s been snake bit here at the autumn colors classic it’s uh the last

    Few years he’s kind of been the the driver to look at every time they roll around that 36 car unloads here at the autum colors classic coming off the the quick Wick Series championship a few years ago and you know gets cleed up in an accident early on that’s not of his

    Doing you know ends up sidelining out knocking the ride out of it so just this is one that he wants on the mantle at home so bad and every time he shows up it just finds a way for bad luck to find him you know late race late season races

    For him haven’t gone all that well last year at the end of the quick quick series was a drive shaft issue this year the end of the series the car just wasn’t right for him at Delaware brok a motor at sunset for the velocity so Charles and tribulations the best Forest

    Products team but right now it’s going to be Garett toirma and ton dport coming to the Great Canadian RV green flag off of Turn number four be will trying to get the launch the way fre 9 out five custom 17 machine down low trying to stay to the inside D

    For as they race off at two and down the back straightway D for able to slide down in front of the 26 machine sliding into second see if the 30 has anything for the 17 now Tamira had uh clean sailing ahead of him and pulled away

    From the field but now he’s get downport all over his rear bumper cover down p a bit of struggles that time through one and two lose some ground on sideways in the back of the field allowing R laps Swit to get past in the number 12

    Machine last lap and i’ keep my eyes on the back of the field there’s been a lot of Wiggly race cars and I’m not sure what caused it but we’ll see if there’s any more action here as this one winds down in three off of four Garrett

    Tamir’s beening to score the Heat win down P for second booth in third Burrow’s fourth and AR ball just barely able to hold off lapic at the line as laich was uh pushing him across the line looking to see if archal maybe was upset with something as he drove past

    The field on the back stretch but I don’t think so kind of wondering that but uh not far enough ahead of everybody that he he had Tamir was nowhere near him at any point in that race so process of elimination said he was just wanting to get back to the pits quickly you

    Always watch the cool down lap you can learn so much about what’s about to happen by the pace they run through one and two on the cool down lap and the other is a Dodge minivan cavy Dodge vehicle cavy 841 uh these cars need to be removed

    ASAP you are blocking cars in at the back of the pit area you need to move your cars if not they will be tow uh please move those cars as soon as possible so makes a noise for your heat winner Garrett T MMA next Heat of super Stock’s going to

    Roll out through one and two and Take Shape on the back straightway looks like E’s and goell may need a push to get going there the 11 machine having some issues this weekend it’s been a character building weekend so far that it has been but the real question is do they

    Have the gas cap on this time that’s the if you’re watching last night started tail of the field had to pull off under the pace laps and get the uh the fuel cap put on so hoping this time starting at the front the pump my tank Dante

    Number 11 machine of Ethan cons out of berry has the uh old gas cap on going to be the 49 machine your 2023 Peter bro Speedway super stock track Champion the shorts equipment Tyson Contracting Ry a miles Tyson 56 machine a three-time winner of the autumn colors classic in

    The Pro late model and limited late model divisions D the sment ry’s home service nrd by products Kota caner streamline race products ride out of Mount Forest with deler dancer Shawn mcder 21 machine out of petero the r Brooking Tree Service Jims Auto Repairs T equipment Curtis setic custom mobile

    Watch Peterboro CD da ride of Marley Owen the 29 machine out of North Bay the H partscity Trails Red Line science trail ride of Paul Pepper got the Kevin Harvick scheme on there paying tribute to the closer as he finishes out his season with the cup series the old

    Budweiser scheme inspired scheme with hum view on the quarter panels six machine is Brad Laval the dance class transmission Norwood Auto record Kings Kingsway Auto Center number six machine beautiful looking Monte car look at the old school chrome rims on it and everything like that 08 machine on cerg

    The Elma mechanical Mark green for AO Center Crown whiy Port Perry Salvage Bounty Roofing R A Port Hope ride of Paul boundy and it’ll be the 88 machines The Check Casher her Walters the ID supp app Auto Part screen view Graphics Michelle’s top soil ride so looks like

    More trouble for cull the window net down on the 11 machine that car appears to have shut off and he’s already taken the helmet off yeah it’s got to be a frustrated driver and it’s exaggerated because everything takes so long this weekend you know you go out in your practice and

    Then you wait quite a long time go out in practice and you wait an even longer time to run your heat so when you have that long a delay then you go out and your gas Cap’s not on so you’ve got to pay it just a a frustration especially

    After all the downtime yeah and conable like that car they shook it down him and his dad Ken cell shook it down at Sunset a few weeks ago just doing some T this weekend and of all race cars a pavement modified every cockpit is a little bit

    Different so Jason Keane it’s not just a matter of okay it’s got a steering wheel a brake pedal and a gas pedal he’s got to acclimate himself to that car and the only upside is is is kean’s car while I I don’t believe it’s a true terrar I

    Kind of feel it’s something they built themselves but the I can tell by the way the roll cage is it’s based off a Troyer at the very least so hopefully a lot of the setup and stuff he can go to work here tonight obviously not a lot of time

    This afternoon but uh he can spend some time with that car and try to adapt some of his setup ideas to that car for feature race time tomorrow afternoon but right now AJ M’s out in front TJ Edwards trying to take advantage and gain as many points as possible the Edwards team

    Uh that car that team uh owned by Don tremble tremble is the one offered uh a loner car they have a spare car at Troyer chassis they offered to someone to send someone back to Durham for it for Jason Keane but Kean got a ride that

    Was here on the property so kudos to TJ Edwards and Don tremble team here comes the 34 looking at the inside of the 14 of ajm hem trying to hold onto the top spot the former UTM color classic Champion again Edwards with a big run

    That time off of four and down the front straightaway ‘s going to slide back in line so TJ Edwards doing what he has to do try to close the points gap on the 18 machine of Jason Keane Checkered Flag in the air Edwards with the win a ajm did

    Enough steering between one and two on that last lap to run a whole heat race did you see the front wheels on that thing he was Saw the Wheel so TJ Edward doing what he has to do make as many points as possible little bit of a history on that car the

    18 that Jason Keane has uh borrowed from uh Brandon feny Brandon FY was saying that that is an Old Dan price ride yeah so it was a chassis that and kovak put together and uh I believe brought up in like the bed of his pickup truck and uh

    Dan price got it off of him and then put it together himself uh and then Dan raced it for a little while before selling it it went to the4 oh yeah it was it was in the it was actually in the dawn tremble stable for

    A little while there as a second C to TJ Edwards and uh they eventually sold that they put Jade Franklin in AUM colors a few years ago and then her Balter picked it up just like that how you put them all together welcome to encyclopedia Brandon pretty impressive we try you

    Know don’t ask me anything important in life you know where where chassis came from we got that kind of figured out welcome back to our fans on gForce TV you haven’t missed much a couple of heat races have come through just watched TJ Edwards pick up an Oscar modified heat and Gain some

    Points on points leader Jason Keane now we’re set for heat race number four for the Oscar modifi first two Heats were last night second round of Heats is here this afternoon just a quick mention I’m just like race teams our GeForce guys we come out of the garage prepped and ready but

    Sometimes you get track things don’t go all right we had our major generator blow up this morning so we’ve been scrambling with power issues all day so we appreciate everybody’s uh patience as we working on our fourth generator of the day no the the team works so hard and we

    We’re fortunate we’re fortunate that as well as things have gone because Speedways by nature and that has nothing to do with power but Speedways are out in the in the sticks for a lot of time so you deal with internet connectivity and you deal with power challenges and

    Well the upside is is uh I knew the motor change record at autumn colors was said at three by herb Walters so GeForce has now beat that with four in one day so uh new record right there nailed it so 35 C Machine the Wonder Recreation racing seat instructure VI parts. CA

    Route 19 Auto Parts Shan Chen with race car CM prision welding ride hits the MD on Shan Chen without a drumbone 99 machine a multi-time winner of the autumn colors classic out of Hawk Zone driver car owner Allen Adams PBS pumps and motor store TD Building Supply sport

    Heating cooling all Family Movers TSS St shops here to cheating contractors Rich general property Restorations Moka Tio renovation home renovations and Morton medals it’s the upgrade Rick Spencer Walt sub machine is Al mcnickle the rks electric Roy more demolition just uh foet spray foam installations just hunt and Sons of concrete 51

    Machine that is Dale Reinhard at shelver on the Rob Bale Farms Sr Plumbing flat Jack Express Scott Reinhardt trailer sales of BW to winner last week the series out at flamb BR Speedway 48 machine that is Dave Mathers the London duck metal London metal duck Supply ride

    Then we have the 81 machine it’s the recipe Toler L on new the over Enterprise modu Solutions trar Mechanical North 90 machine picked to the win last night the ataro modified racing series geny electric or transmission TN Performance Products all in nothing brew house ride of Rick Warren and the 46 machine has

    Tyler Bull on the Gorski Roofing Ray Hobs electric or Ray Hobs garage and Carl’s Racing Engines number 46 machine last your lineup qualifying heat race number four for the just fit Oscar modifi tour looking to come to life off of Turn number four green flag in the

    Air Shan gets the jump Walt out a second in the 99 machine McNiel to third Reinhardt fourth get spread out fairly easily here a big slide off of four from the seven machine of mnol that’s open door for Reinhardt down the bottom side of the racetrack Reinhardt trying to get the 51

    Car rotate down the bottom the ra Bale Farms 51 machine trying to pull alongside the just hunt number seven machine up he’ll do so this time to three and four able to get clear of him that’ll put the rese tler Lis on the rear bumper now seven Nicholas they

    Racing to one and two Lis has no in there a little bit through one and two down the back straight where we go M we going to slide the door shut as they head in turn number three M ni run up the hill just a little bit leaving a

    Little bit of daylight down on the bottom for the overkill Enterprises number 81 machine of liscom up the hill goes with nickel again but liscom unable to put the power down out front is all Shan T so far the one in recreational racing 35 C Machine out in front Rick Spencer Walt

    Runs in second Lum still trying to find a way p with nickel in the number seven machine for the fourth spot as we run and nck again a big slide off of Turn number four slides up the RAC track at one and two but L is not able to get that car to

    Rotate down to the bottom like he needs to to put the power down to get to the inside and he put the Nerf Bar to him and both cars going to go for the spin in three and four um Nick will drive through the grass but Lum walks that car

    Down and he will back up and get rolling once again the overkill Enterprise turn a solution try Star Mechanical 81 ride pull back onto the RAC track the best way to know the frustration level of a driver is how many times it bounces off the rev chip before they grab the next

    Gear I would say Tyler lisam is slightly unimpressed yeah I he just he just didn’t have enough and I don’t think he was you know mad at M nickel because he’s the one that drove in M nickel but just mad he didn’t have enough car to

    Get by him just the hole was there but he just can’t get that 81 car to to fire off on the bottom of the RAC trck like he needs it to when it comes to racing there’s so many things to be mad at drivers can get mad at other drivers

    They can get mad at their equipment and they can get mad at themselves for not being able to do what they want to be able to do with their equipment yeah and sometimes it’s all of the above but I want to talk about that 90 car rick

    Warns in a race in career that spans more than 40 years is there going to be a better story this weekend than Rick Warren’s getting his first career feature win after 40 plus years of trying it it’s quite impressive and how you celebrate you go to work converting

    The car over from Ms rules to Oscar rules to go racing here again and uh continue on with your weekend and just continue to support the event and uh support racing that’s what Rick put on his Facebook you know just continue to support short track RAC and he’ll have

    More to say on Monday when he gets to the weekend after uh racing the same car in two different divisions but so here we go set to fire off once again six lap six laps complet with two laps remaining down down so 5 down three to go that’s the answer for the eight

    Lap heat race and firing off once again with the Great Canadian RV green flag CH again with the jump Spencer wal D heart move slides into second able to put a little bit of distance between himself and Dale Reinhardt in the 51 machine here comes Warren up to Fourth

    Getting past Dave Ms but nle going to follow through down the bottom side of the racetrack to the inside of the 48 ten withth Contin to do what that 35 car has done whether it’s him or cath behind the wheel and let’s drive away from the the field this year White Flag

    In the air so that car with Andy Cam behind the wheel has won three straight autumn colors Classics 19 21 and 22 when we skipped 20 for uh Co there so Cheno got some big shoes to fill looking for an autumn colors classic win he’ll get the checkered flag here Spencer Walt for

    Second Reinhardt in third Wars fourth and McNichol will round out the top Five you it’s fun to watch these cars because you can see the tires take three to four laps to come up to temperature to where they’ll really perform yeah so watching them slide around on the racetrack manipulating the cars to do what they want them to do before the

    Temperatures come up and then they really start to perform but that 35c seems to always perform s has got it figured out here this weekend down between the One racing am group of companies HW Parts out R 19 Auto Parts seat structur 35 SE machine put your hands together for the mastedon Sean

    Chenowith so chenowith looking for his fifth autumn colors classic win uh winner last year in the super St division 2015 in the Pro late model 14 back in superstock and 2010 in the Pro late model and he is determined to come out here and win this

    Race this weekend had a wind strip from him in technical inspection last time out it that really frustrated the race team they Pride themselves in bringing cars to the track that will always pass through Tech uh that time it didn’t and a small overate just a the top of the

    Air breather all it was right has to be solid and they had a they had one that was not and is what it is right like hey that’s the rule I mean it’s you know the internet as always was uh quite popular people saying that it’s not a performance Advantage it’s actually a

    Hindrance but at the end of the day it’s what the rule book says right so that’s it that’s it so frustration all around but they’re determined to come out here and perform take the win and get through Tech and so far it looks like he should be able to do that impressive looking

    Ride and here we go it will be qualifying heat race number three for the outlaw mid presented by nville Canadian Tire got to make sure I turn the right mic back on It’s always important having a sheet of paper over mine really hides it very well so no you you do you Brandon

    Yeah I don’t need to do truck for him so that’s not good all right so lean them out the be the seven of uh drik milman the B&B steel BNB detail retail Design Group Michelle Russell real estate number seven machine the 846 Dave Eng out of bar the BW to Towing MCI Finish

    Line spray pH GDs Contracting Red Line sign interlock drywall PL Cutters number 846 78 de Glenn Raymond the Falcon fire Services Raymond contracted to end each 24-hour towing ride then we have the 53 which will your 2023 Outlaw champion at of Thorton The Deco ambient air HVAC Ryan’s

    Machine shop ride of Mike Bradley 17 machine is Mikey H at brand for the mosaics be and family quality proing throwing Berry pools and spawn Best Western ride 15 machine multitime feature win this year with this at the ambient a h Takeo belts Ryan’s machine shot 15 machine of Dave brownley eight

    Machine is Larry loss in the bw2 MCI automation Hypertech Li ride and the 48 machine is Richard W on the bw2 MCI automation entry so that will be your lineup heat race number three for the out M the entire day to Bel Falcon fire and services and NDT group

    As they will run a full card here this afternoon two sets of Heats and a 20 L feature race I believe it will be later on Tonight and I believe that uh there’s still that b& Towing uh thing up for grabs 500 bucks to anyone who can sweep their weekend yep winning all of their Heats in the fature trying to think right now I’ve got chenna with with two heat Wis I think anyone’s super stock no one

    I don’t think put back to back what about so the Pure Stock still could bone stocks rain stocks hot rod still could so and so can these guys they’re bone stocks on this side of the 400 they’re pure stocks on that okay yeah just remind me two or three more times that’ll be

    Good see when I when I they’re pure bone stocks yeah see pure stocks what very Speedway used to call their mini stocks so it’s kind of one of those everybody kind of had a different name for it eventually everyone got to minock it took a few years sunset with

    Four-cylinder road runners actually for the for the early years of the division there our bone stocks used to be called the four funds yeah right and there’s been so many iterations and there’s places like bright and Speedway who still have stingers comp fors and minis they all look the same

    All look the same all sound the same people complain about light model and super sauce looking like try figure out a four cylinder you know call it what you want there’s lots of classes here with lots of cars in them we saw some great action in the first round of Outlaw Heats sure

    We can expect the same here in round number two so they’ll come to one to go this time by light to extinguish on the floor coverings International Peter Speedway Pace truck it be milman in the seven machine and englas in the 846 looking to lead the green off turn number

    Four so nice and slow down the back straight we tuck that nice and tight starting to slowly maybe pick up the pace come to the green flag Great Canadian RV green flag off of Turn number four and we are racing with the outlaw midgets English gets the jump on the high side the

    846 doesn’t slide down in line in front of milman into one and two that’s going to open door for the seven machine and going to call that one back as you probably heard yeah the 846 going to be put back a couple of spots that’s the rules here Peter bro

    Speedway you jump the start you move back a row you can see on the restart the PO Setter has to fire first cross first and that did not happen so good catch by the officials over the start line first all I’m saying is that I would her

    That sounds like I’m sure you could hear that over the PA you might have been able to hear it without the use of radios and there’s there’s a reason they chose her instead of us to be race director we would not have that sort of authority with them I would do as

    The as the lady says Y and it’s not like they you know like one of us were we going to you know say something in the radio to them they’re never going to see it they’re going to face her when they get back to the P too so you better

    Listen you get a talking to on the radio and talking to back in the pits so I know JP’s pretty nervy walking in here with food that smells really good probably the first M he’s ate today I would have to guess he’s been on the go all day he drank he drank

    Dinner all right better that time no man first one back to the strike Rond working the high side of the RAC trck the 18 machine we going to try to slide down in front of Mike Bry down the back straight away but he’s got a head of

    Steam didn’t know where to go as he came up on nman when they got to turn number three so Rond going to work the high side of the racetrack to three and four nman up the hill little we had to work turn number one Bradley looking for room

    To work Raymond way up the hill might have went a little too high that time to one and two da Bradley with a big wiggle just outside the top five with the 15 machine TR to work his way forward Mike Bradley though through on the bottom

    Side of the RAC trck to Norman going to take over the top spot that’s the door here comes Raymond and the 78 Raymond with a big wiggle and there goes milman eventually as well synchronized spinning in turn number one nman with nowhere to go with the 70 78 of Glenn Raymond there

    And that will draw the caution I give him a 9.8 for that pouette and turn turn one and Two they were in perfect lock step sorry Brandon yeah Raymond has started to move but uh very quickly stop we got the replay here big wiggle around you go oh we get did only got one of them yeah but interesting to me Mike Bradley little little inside baseball here Mike

    Bradley does all the work on both race cars for Mike Bradley and Dave Bradley of course along along with their dad Dave doesn’t do anything he shows up with a helmet under his arm to driv it Dave Dave very very much points that out

    A lot of the time he does he does I’m not I’m not saying anything that that’s not common knowledge but what strikes me as interesting is Mike Bradley’s car fires very well his car looks great from the start of the race to the end where Dave Bradley the car looks really

    Uncomfortable the first couple laps and he’s usually the fastest car on the track in the later stages of the race oh here we go the drones got it one two beautiful and a spin itself it’s nice that when they ended their spin they were directly facing each other so

    Raymond might have knock a belt or chain off whatever he’s got for the drive line on that 78 machine so to catch people up to speed Adam Ross up in the booth with Brendan dhy Charlie toner Clinton Jeffrey is down following the acents we’re going to put Ben to

    Work a little bit later on he’s had he’s had a light workload so far this weekend but business is going to pick up for Ben we got a big big crew on hand here this weekend of course Abby giving all of us all of our aerial footage where’s he working from where’s

    He uh oh we can’t disclose that no no no sure uh I believe he is probably down near the GeForce trailer I know at Delaware he worked from the roof of the tower Clint Jeffrey knows Abby is right uh waving there he’s right in the first section of grand stands off of Turn

    Number four on the ground all right we might need crowd control now that we’ve given his identity and his location well he waved this time last Del where he went and hit so well Delaware did thousands of dollars of damage Mike Bradley gets the jump Larry Lawson now to Second K brownley trying

    To hold on to third Mikey Hood looking to his inside not able to make the pass to slam the door set down car the they B Ambi air H back Ryan 15 machine up to third everyone chasing Mike Bradley your 2023 outlaw Champion tell you Dave Bradley has the most aggressive

    Line he’s coming right up to the wall on Corner exit and he had been dive to the bottom of the racetrack he had thoughts of making a swing to the outside I’m sure he regrets that now yeah I think started bouncing the basketball all

    Three one and too much or how he held on to it it was still bouncing but a quarter way down the back straight away just when you hit those bumps if you if you try too high into turn number one you seem to find the bumps and it’s just

    Over from there but the 15 car if you can find the smoothest line it’s a clean racetrack likely the fastest car out there right now just nowhere to go once he gets there he gets the run down the front straightway and into one but just nowhere to go that car really bouncing

    Over over the bumps in one and two he’s trying to find the sweet speed into turn one he’s aggressive into the corner and in three and four it works great for him one and two has been a challenge but he’s got a good run here white flag is

    Out and this qualifying heat that time right around the curb down around the bottom side of the racetrack and he might be able able to steal second following Mike Bradley through but Larry lawon up on the high side of the RAC trck lawon trying to make the move work

    On the high side off of four Mike Bradley able to hold them off at the line Loston for second Dave Bradley in third Homewood fourth and the English rounding out the top five nice move at the end of that [Applause] One so that’ll do it for qualifying heat for the outlaw midgets for this group we’ll have heat race number four so yeah I should have spoken more clearly that’s the last we’ll see of the Bradley brothers and the rest of this gang until feature time heat race number four rolls

    Up well there’s a secret when you work these big shows you eventually lose crack of where you are in the program it happens often I I don’t I don’t know where I am most of the time thank you [Applause] JP now now now JP hears me it’s this is

    Hilarious cuz 2 minutes ago I mentioned how good the food you had smelled and didn’t he didn’t even Flinch I talk about not knowing where I am and and he turns to give me the what for that’s selective hearing you and my wife are [Applause] experts all right I think we have everybody

    Now what a good time last night was the live band great weather for it so to hang out afterwards do some bench racing wonder how Colton everingham came to be in a wheelchair wonder who needed to be in in the wheelchair the Colton everingham was Wheeling around these are the things

    That make you question yeah it’s uh I’m trying to think it’s been several years since I’ve gone to the barn dance as it’s formly known here I got smart I I skipped out I checked into the hotel I found food I fired up the laptop and I just I relaxed

    For a little bit I did the well behaved smart things the wise choice yeah I I’ve camped here many years I’ve learned many lessons and uh the talk at the uh continental breakfast at the hotel this morning was how everybody rolled back in at 3:00 a.m. so that seemed to be the

    Time yeah everyone was between 3: and 5:00 a.m. today from what I heard it and everything was fairly calm I mean Clinton and I did a bit of a campground walk we wound up down with Jan withth and cam wrath and Paul Pepper we missed the wedding Ceremony what you call the after part we did get the Afterparty so we got the important part pepper was doing the math for me on on uh on uh you know the casualties down there it was uh there some big numbers thrown up so uhoh it

    Was not good I’m sure there was a lot thrown up last night somewhere between 3:00 and 4: in the morning all right here we go lineup for your final qualifying heat race for the outlaw M presented by initial Canadian Tire 462 that is Kayla simple he fin find sprone JDS Contracting ride going

    To be the 62 of Rob Mcall the link climate care buyers motorport TI traic R ride 77 that is Nick speed 55 that is Fred holwood corber Pool Spa Best Western entry 64 is Jason simple then we have the 46 blade Cutters entry the Hulan robod Harrison 29 machine is Jason

    Mecha the Flynn Spirit Le pick ring ride and the 98 is Kevin speed making the lineup here for your final qualifying race for the outlawed by in Canadian Tire Great Canadian RV green flag in the air once again again and eight Laps on the scoreboard to settle this

    One k simple gets the jump the 46 but we see speed with speed in the first round of qualifying going to take to the high side of the racetrack side by side with the TOs spot off of Turn number four at the line Taylor simple by a nose that time at the

    Line he’s though working the high side of the racetrack going to power out down the die half the back straightway into turn three and four going to come in with to spot K simple back to second now Jason simple to 64 up to third met C runs

    Fourth and Hulan Rob Harris look for room to work in the 46 machine the runner up in the first round of heat races this afternoon he Led Led the whole race up until the last Corner didn’t he the middle of three and four is where it

    Went away Nick speed did uh made short work in a very short period of time at the 46 car and uh the hoan way up the hill that time in turns one and two going to lose from ground to MEAP really try to make the high side of the race

    Shack work is the blade cutter 46 machine great run through three and four yeah that was a fantastic corner almost a two for one deal again those bumps just down at turn number one not really working for the outline just from the high side of the

    Racetrack but if he’s able to get a stay ahead here of meaf and a great run into three and four once again hooligan got three and four down but everybody strugling with the bumps down in turns one and two if he cannot lose ground in one and

    Two he’s good enough in three and four that that would be good for a spot a lap almost yeah and I mean that was the same problem with Dave brownley in the last qualifying he race great through three and four but the bumps in 1 and two got

    Him and it didn’t matter where he went high or low he just seemed to find the bumps s open the door here comes ra Mall in the 62 machine fure designs ride working on the inside of the late Cutters 46 machine he’s got aead of

    Steam gets Nerf Bar the 29 met cap down the back straight away wait flag in the air for Nick speed as he’s looking to possibly cash in here and go back to back and sweep his heat races and and uh set him up for a possibility of a big

    Payday come future time Cy of B&G Towing in recovery checker flag in the air for Speed he’ll sweep his heat races it’ll be Kaya simple the 46.5 holding on to Second Jason simple in third ra Mall fourth and we met c number number five now right now and got 77 [Applause] Nia [Applause] Round to the RAC track Wech and Red1 full [Applause] ma number machine 26 Ma number four [Applause] internal our [Laughter] Tru That we on 6 we On All [Applause] Thir Back not too happy Window put your hands together your cor winner call [Applause] Camera to number [Applause] two f them all CAU up the last one sure a good one the driver should be commed they put on some exciting heat races and they’re not to racing a lot of [Applause] dri should be shaking fist is better than straight [Applause] Behind never Know the inside C Here I didn’t de time for St Min STS and hot RS heat braces future time throw Heats and a whole weekend chaos but certain divisions come in and just run one day shows it’s like a big box CH that’s exactly om RS modified they ran their full show yesterday that outlaw they’ll

    Run a full show today internet Legends Legends just just to screw up the formula they run yesterday and today there everything else oh the Legends are on tomorrow okay so they run a feature today and a feature was doesn’t take much to confuse me we fin on track now performance

    Out the heat and air conditioning premum port Bounty Roofing number 20 machine then we have that will be the number 11 it will be of Carson kzo the Bell to coting home meeting in AC tonal racing rid Z8 machine is Chase AC racing racing entry then go the 88 and Ean M GRE

    Graphics ride andamp do first round of qualifying the tell this tire Owen sound Johnny transport IND St St Energy Systems M fuels sound realy of rocking wi strong so getting them field lined up doubled up here they’ll come to one to go at the line This Time by light to be

    Extinguished on the floor coverings International pet Speedway Pace truck in the first round of Heats this one was very much a pack race nobody was able to really drive away from it we’ll see how it goes with everything in the opposite order dport started tail the field

    Wasn’t make any progress in the first qualifying see they do from the front of the field this time time forcement fast everywhere he’s gone fast at Sol picked up future win at sunset this year first time bringing the junior late here to pet Speedway look the green flag off of Turn number

    Four and there we go racing once again DAV for with a big jump down to one and two everyone else still stacked up second back to sixth d p out front Sigma to Second Theo side by side for the third spot 8 machine that’s Chase go working the high

    Side of the racetrack to the outside of the 11 of Carson Koo the R racing entry side by side e out the 88 machine looking for some room to work runs in the fifth spot trying to see where how that battle is going to sort out in

    Front of him and round goes to 08 mercifully just missed the 11 just missed that was uh almost ug but Mercy just missed the rear of the 11 machine as that 08 car spun around and might be in a position just with the banking there not able to get that car rolling

    Up the banking and having the the covering there looks like we’ve got some vehicles that need to be moved here so these are the ones that have already been announced uh so we have a looks like a Chev pickup I’m going to say with a plow harness in the front of it 5654

    RS 5654 RS and a red Dodge Caravan cavy 841 Cav y 841 both of those need to be moved if not we got three tow trucks in the infield we’ll move them for you so you are blocking people in you’ve already been asked to move once if we

    Ask a third time it’ll be with a tow truck I I think they should be towed to the infield just just put them in the grass so they nobody can say they couldn’t find their vehicle after yes we we will know exactly who they are when they come get their

    Vehicle hey Adam I got a bit of housekeeping here I want to get out I just got a message from Bild the thrill Willard how about that says his daughter alici and six of the grandkids are sending out turn four at Peter bro Speedway so hi hi Mr Willard grandkids

    Up there is that so we saw someone last night at the Afterparty with a Merrittville Speedway hoodie but a Peterboro Speedway t-shirt winning both Saturday races are they there you go so uh welcome Alicia and all the kids uh grandpa says hi not not that he’s keeping tabs on you or

    Anything but he knows where you are at all times he paid me to watch keep my eye on them from the infield so I’ll make sure whether they get on the na or nice list this year for Grandpa Bill all right so apparently our message did get out they’ve moved their car they

    Didn’t want to find them in the infield see perfect it’s all how you frame it happy 40th birthday to Mel Lindsay enjoy your your birthday present she’s turned the big 40 did they say what the birthday present is is coming to autumn colors instead of fishing wow yeah so

    Happy obviously the greatest birthday gift ever absolutely so of course that’s from her man is what who’s from there is the pond out back if they do want to do some fishing I don’t know if it’s stocked but definitely definitely grabed some frogs out of that there you go so that

    Is the pond right there isn’t it that’s the pond yeah yep the one that that Ken Carter tried to jump we were we were talking about that just last night y it’s on YouTube you can draw your conclusions on that one how that one ended but anyways

    Nonetheless set to fire off once again Great Canadian RV green flag back in the air down for trying to get the jump in sand right well drillers number 30 machine and he’ll do so sikma back to Second little B Speedy Drive put down over there on the back straight away from the 08

    Machine Davenport again getting great starts able to open up an advantage and Ethan M hold a handful of wheel saw on that car on the high side coming off a turn number four working the outside of Carson Keno trying to make the Highline work in that 88 machine great run down

    The back straight away for the 88 but it’s four start behind the wheel of a junior late model couple starts at a full draw on Motor Speedway couple starts at Sunset and now I’m working to the high side of the racetrack that car got pictures very interesting way it came to

    The racetrack stack nose first stra to the ceiling of the trailer herb Walters her Walter’s uh trailer you do what you have to do yeah it was about Thursday at 10:00 they realized the junior late and the super stock both weren’t going to fit as planned apparently the tape measure was

    Broken so but out front it is all down for it so far s by doing what you can though closing the Gap not a big of a lead as dport had in the earlier portions of this race really R defensive line down around the bottom side of the

    Racetrack now that may be hurting a little bit riding down around the bottom taking the short way around not letting the car run up to the wall and just kind of pinching off the momentum sikma doing what she can and the number 20 machine over the bumps through one and two bouncing her

    Way down from Two and down the back straightway trying to close in on the 30 Davenport but going to run out of time off the four Checkered Flag in the air Josh dport going to pick up the Win It Be Sigma for second Malon in third Koso

    Fourth and sprung will round out the the top five so it’s interesting to see some drivers able to figure out the passing so far some not you know sprung started on the pole won the first heat race now we’ done roll reversal Davenport wasn’t able to make any many inroads from the

    Uh tail of the field in the first round of qualifying heat races this time starts from the pull and wins so some drivers kind of able to Mas for the passing so far some just kind of get in that spot and that’s where they ride and that’s entirely what this class is for

    To learn those things develop the skills I think that’s going to be one of the most fun features of the weekend as Davenport rolls into Victory Lane down in Victory Lane the Davenport bee farm Shephard do Richard Auto Service Auto sh designer bear k k long care Dukes performance stand right well

    Drillers number 30 machine put your hands together for Josh Davenport what did we say was next a feature mini stocks Min stocks go and again just just like some of the other classes that we’ve seen just great to see some of the cream of the crop from all the different

    Racetracks out here racing we saw success from various racetracks here last night I expect we’ll see more of that here today where did the 28 finish in his heat race last night second so he didn’t okay he didn’t win it so he’s not eligible I knew he came through the field a long

    Way didn’t what he can do but uh Nolan Gold 2023 pet Speedway mini stock track Champion driving the bin auto service number 28 machine this be the 46 that’ll be Wade Thorne CH action sport ride 81 machine is Carl salty Discount Auto Parts Blue Street Contracting ride going

    To be the 83 machine that is Bob Stewart the family garage minor Auto Supply Discount Auto record math three 28 machine that is uh Dylan Wills the Creations wire Roofing trip cocktail Titan H back for Mustang 84 is Rob cck we side Mobile Tire sft voice Services

    Right 10 machine that is uh will Gib the nor fast Lo Speedy autom machine number 10 Honda CRX 22 machine it’s Chandler boss out of venville star for lumber trust m l sunri Burger Station Kel’s Garden City k for CD exting Blake Cutters property maintenance number 22 the one machine

    The holigan Rob Harrison pulling double duty this weekend and we got that one sorted out back driving the one for Daytona Bob finore this weekend the tar lber trust ml sunri Burger Station kills Garden City can CDX feing blade Cutters part R and the 97 machine L entry here

    This weekend it’s the de man Dave watchorn for his familiar Toyota Celica So made the Long Haul up for those who don’t know what what is the story of Daytona Bob Fenimore I I honestly don’t mean okay I I heard went to Daytona once I I would I would I would assume so and sorry for putting you on the spot yeah it’s one

    Thing i’ I’ve it’s he’s been day a bob since I was a kid and I don’t some nicknames are catchy but some of them you just know have to have a really cool story attach yeah so I mean like as far as I know like you know up until DJ

    Kennington the only Canadian that around the 500 I think by the Earl Ross I know Vic Parson’s had a top 10 finish you know I I know Earl Ross like he won but I don’t know if he ran a 500 or not he won a Martinsville but I know like Vic

    Parsons was you know the only Ontario driver to go and and finish top the Daytona 500 but he was not Daytona Vic so uh I I don’t know why he’s known as Daytona 5 the one we’ll have to ask Bob if find out the story on it we will we

    Will have that answered and then we set this up to make sure you tune in tomorrow for feature day where we will re reveal the meaning of Daytona Bob finore and I have a feeling my Facebook Messenger is about to blow up

    Y and when I say that I say I I hope my face messenger is about to blow up with answers like you dummy all right so here we go floor coverings International Peter Speedway pce track hits Pit Road Nolan G the inside W Thorn the outside

    Of the front row great St RV green flag in the air once again gold knows his way around here in the 2023 pet Speedway Min stock track champion on the bottom side of the race track hor trying to make it work on the high side Carl Salt looking put the nose

    In there trying to take second away from Thorn and keep him trapped in the high side of the racetrack d one car looking sporty here this week in the an Discount Auto Parts ride looking to take over second going going to slide back to third bomb scart up to Fourth trying to

    Hang on to that match to three D Ms though with a big run down the back straightway in the Ford Mustang up the fourth spot here comes the 10 machine will GI looking the inside to Stewart mugan Rob Harrison s those in there as well B Stewart that 83 car the rear end

    Bouncing all over the RAC trck trying to hang on to that man to three a little bit even just a little bit he’s falling back now outside the top five he’s got rock KCK to deal with but out in front though noan G run away with things Carl salt and Wade Thorne both

    Versatile drivers they run both pavement and dirt but Wade Thorne has a rental car program he’s in introduced a number of asphalt Racers to dirt racing this season yeah I think this is about the second time this year I’ve seen Thor behind the wheel of his own 46

    Machine usually shows up driving someone else’s car and somebody in his Jeremy Hughes was in the 46 the all liking cup of a sunset yeah there’s a lot of moving Parts with that race team and it’s mostly the seats two lasts to go for Nolan gulo out in

    Front trouble for Dylan Wills the 28 machine off the pace still rolling down around the bottom side of the racetrack see if he can get to the infield if that car is still running final time down on the box straight away for no the 28 between the robins Auto Service Ride trouble with

    The 28 of Dylan Wills he’s slow on the backstretch pulling it into the infield pits as The Checkered Flag flies R With the Wind s for second th going to come home in the third spot fourth will go to GI and at the line the hooligan Rob Harrison While Ed Jo ch their [Applause] boss more owns it Yeah so pulling down in Rich Lane driving the Batman auto service number 28 machine put your hands together your heat winner no and G so it’s kind of impressive is this whole minock field that is assembled here there are only two previous winners of the autumn colors classic in the field uh going by my records that would be Doug Butler back in 2009 and straight pipe Ryan Babin in 2013 hopefully Clinton aide

    Well Clinton’s got the camera I think Ben’s got the microphone so somebody down there is going to know what they’re going to say so soon as Rob Crick gets out of the car we’ll hand things down to Ben track side and he can uh let everybody know what’s

    Going on and why Rob crick’s down in D heating air conditioning Victory Lane down here with Rob cck who is a dedicated driver here at petero Speedway he’s been very competitive all season long and he’s going to be presented with a plaque if you want to come over here

    She’s going to explain what this plaque is for hello everybody some of you might remember us from last year for those of you who don’t uh my name is desz and every year we present a trophy in memory of my grandfather Eric Downer uh my grandfather used to race out here at the

    Track for many years and after he retired he became a photographer dedicating a lot of time both on and off the track so every every year we do dedicated trophy in his honor to the most dedicated driver and it’s with great pleasure that me and my family dedicate it to Rob [Applause] cck thank you thank You all right Rob so in receiving this plaque what does this mean to you uh it means world to me I honestly didn’t expect anything like this I’m decied to have a good time with my team and well at least I want something all right P

    Let’s give him a round of applause for Rob Cck that might be the quote of the weekend at least I won some something dedication award and we touched on that that’s such a big deal Rick Warren has been coming to the races for 40 plus years yeah 42 years had never won a feature till last

    Night but still you keep coming back cuz it’s what you do I mean that’s dedication it’s something that you that you love it’s not always just about Victory Lane might always be about the dream of Victory Lane our next mini stock heat is ready to rumble they’re out on the front stretch this

    Time and we’ll just wait for the Entourage to leave Victory Lane head back up that 78 or 76 into the grand stands of will be ready to roll with heat race number two of the day for mini Sox which is actually heat race number five on the weekend the first three

    Heats being run yesterday Evening 10 cars scheduled to take the green flag I believe there were supposed to be 11 cars in this one based on conversations happening in the officials Row in the tower here so Ryan Babin often go um scratch on the field in this one so I don’t know

    If Spencer has the picture or not but I did send it to our group uh to send on I was down at the the um fa and team this morning uh that car sat on jack stands no engine no transmission just suspension and CV oxa sitting there and two engines in the trailer

    So the team pulled the motor out last night he turned two laps the engine overheated uh they felt it was some sort of problem with the engine then he got it someone left water in at some point and uh had warp The Head and the head gasket

    And all that fun stuff so uh basically took two Motors and made one and put it back in the car with the Trans transission and everything and I believe they made practice this afternoon I know I seen them rolling around before Min stop practice so the bin team a lot of work

    Late night getting that car back together lead him off to the 18 that is Dave Dipple the Dipple family the garage total homes Energy Systems ride say the 88 machine that’s Tiffany vanderbelt the sell’s Contracting entry 57 machine is Chris Eng stand autut AC plus Lo holl P Tire H&R Block bton ride

    88 machine is Ryder White the Lous Bakery SMC geown Chevrolet B GMC Jackson jills Pama beachburg Bridge North Deli Green Tree Auto Honda Civic then have the 22x that is Tyler crof The Go transport ride 52 machines R Robbie syes s AutoGlass ride 38 machine is Carol Dawson the ilm industries bin

    Auto Service Pete Hamilton auto 38 ride 10 machine St but the lcdc coding RS Auto Parts Highway 90 signs ride 80 Ma corge with Burger Station entry and rounding out the field the B Auto Service Ride of straight pipe Ryan Babin aboard the 89 great RV green flag in the air once

    Again off racing with the mini stocks and we got contact vanderbelt around Tyler crof now to go duck Butler based mve to the high side of the racetrack and vanderbelt still o found the Culvert down in the grass on the back straight away That’s one of those spots where you might as well just let go of the steering wheel and hang on to the ride Sometimes the best thing you can do is point to the infield and mash the throttle not always looks like it’s going to be a complete restart so they’ll stack the

    Field up one of the things to consider is as they come out of turn number two and down the backstretch that first part those shadow are very long they’ve got sunshine bright and shiny right in the middle of their windshield you couldn’t sing that no no

    I could I mean it was screaming I know but it it does make it very hard to set up for turn three yeah I mean I think at this point it’s really just off of two is the worst part you can see the Shadows y long way

    As the Pace truck moves down the back straight away about there they’re in the shade now so about the battlefield uh cat rental sign about the Midway point of the back straightaway and you can get a great idea from this speed shot on the front stetch so this

    Is the same direction drivers are facing once they finally exit turn two so you can see where that glare is and how low in the sky it is but halfway down the backstretch they drive out of it you’re into shade once again so say vanderbelt and engas going

    To be put to the rear as involveed cars Toler COC in Rous spot as he had nowhere to go making the contact with the spinning rides so he’ll uh Merc his spot not much damage done on the front end of the 22 Dodge Neon so no laps complete come back to a

    Complete restart here eight laps still remaining on the board qualifying number five for the mini stocks so getting everyone where they need need to be in order so complete restart just minus the 88 and 57 so we’ve got many stock Heats we’ve got Oscar hot rod Heats then we’ll get

    To the first feature of the night that’s going to be the outlaw midgets then we’ll come back for some bone stock Heats then it’ll be time for the junior late models feature and the Legends feature those should be two fun races excited for the bone stocks a lot

    Of good racing in the bone stocks mhm some of our best action has always been in the bone stocks at autumn colors the hot rods have been so good so far just everything it’s just just so good so say they’re just trying get 22 out where he needs to be

    Maybe Robie syes up to the outside of the front row there we go Starter has had enough now for for my dumb question of the night we don’t run a oneway radio here no no okay some of the classes the visiting classes do like the Legends and uh and I believe the as we heard earlier y I wasn’t sure if they did and the drivers

    Just don’t listen or if if they don’t and I think we’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t listen anyway that’s a fair point 38 38 oh getting some moving here there we go as the great Rob Schneider says you can do it I think we’re there mercifully the

    Starter went down and pleas in some sort of Sanity with these drivers to get a lot up we got there I chatted with him last night while the band was playing talking about the black shirt that he wears he has reflective on his legs he says well the

    Idea is I don’t want to come down out of the flag stand sometimes it has to be done and he’s looking pretty fresh out there he he says there have been days at autumn colors classic that that flagging with a hangover is a challenge he was sharp as attack last

    Night he’s looking fresh out there today probably wishing he was drunk these officials put in long hours get into these three days two and three day shows and just uh it’s nonstop it doesn’t doesn’t seem to ever want to end so just when you think you’re done

    There’s more work to be done so getting set to fire off once again try this one take number two beat number five for the mini stocks Dipple with a big jump in the 18 machine going to go to the top spot the crop working the inside of the

    88 down through one and two R right up the hill getting a big run off two went down the back tra we going to slide that Honda Civic up and into the second spot Doug Butler on the move and the inside of Robbie Sykes now looking at the

    Outside the 22x to Tyler CR gives him a little shot down the front straight away the Nissan 240 to the high side of the RAC track offer number two cross squeezes Butler down the back straight away and then cff Robie Sykes Sykes with a big hit to the wall destroys the rear

    End of that Ford Mustang all started by the 22 and you can see the steering wheel has come off he has thrown it inside the car so it despite him being frustrated that’s a great sign driver has climbed out of the car folks big round of applause and Robbie sake’s not

    Happy and I mean he would have he had the bird’s eye view of what happened and he’s already walking towards Tyler cross 22x machine so he knew he knows where to lay the blame on that one and that is a car Robbie Sykes does not own drive for car owner Ken englas

    But Croft did the same thing down the front straightway Butler looked at his outside and came up in the two made contact Butler made the clean move down to one and two to the outside of that neon and uh the starter there to stop syes to see the replay here coming into

    Frame cross down the hill catches syes RI the whole right rear wheel off that Ford Mustang and P’s getting W back to his 52 machine and that’s just wrong place wrong time and I believe Doug Butler from what I can see no still on the back straight away there

    So Butler’s going to have some suspension damage as he was looking to sweep the the heat races there and now he’s going to have some work to do see if he gets to retain his spot or not that’s how the officials call it I mean the constant was for the

    52 and the 22 so the 10 with the damage though see if he’s able to continue on stopping over there having a chat on the back straightway might be one of those uh getting some ins SES onto what damage is done on the front end of that 10 car

    From a fellow competitor there now as per the rules of Peter BR Speedway the drivers that are involved in a red flag must be checked out by paramedics that is a requirement even though off no speed even though he climbed out of the car with no problem he’s still going to

    Have to have uh a full checkout by the paramedics and it’s a great chance to cool down too well the trouble is a driver often doesn’t know how they’re feeling you know adrenaline is pumping your anger is going so you need to be looked at by a

    Professional on a hit like that nobody would question the fact that they want to assess him and folks you’re going to see this 52 car is going to get towed down past the grand stands and there’s not going to be much of anything behind the driver’s door to the left rear of that

    Car it is shortened up turned a mini stock into a micro stock [Laughter] I mean that’s that’s a I don’t think I’ve seen a mini stock T up that bat in quite some time that was an awful big hit usually they’re tore up that bat after a hit and turn four

    Wall yeah yeah true enough but like Brandon said there there really was very little scrubbing off of speed there as we’ll have one more look at it and I mean Sykes I mean knew it was coming probably on the loud pedal just trying to get clear as you seen the 22 come

    Down the racetrack I mean P’s a longtime veteran in the mini division spent uh several years in the super sxs made some super late model series starts so knows what he’s doing behind the wheel of a race car and looks like we’re going to have our first cradle of the weekend to

    Get that 52 car off the racing surface as you said he’s accelerating to get through the situation so it’s not like is even trying to slow down he’s trying to speed up to get away from it and really I mean the way turn three is here it’s it’s very sweeping you can

    Drive a car deep into turn number three and really get that run off of four so it’s it’s really one of the faster corners of the racetrack as much as it tightens up off of four two’s the one most are really careful about those Jersey barriers off the two you know you

    Drift up a little too high it doesn’t take much to clip them and you’re long for the ride as much as Butler and crof did there I mean Butler was up on top of the jersey barrier being squeezed up by the 22 2 machine and you can see the rubber Mark

    If you look on the backstretch just where the blue and white stripes end just past the Peterboro speedway.com lettering that is almost always the trajectory when you get your right front into that wall you slowly go up up up and sometimes it’s a soft landing and

    Sometimes it is not but we see it here there is more views of that area where different cars have gone up in different places but it’s always the land that causes the biggest problem sometimes if you do it just right you can get a lot of speed off of

    That no thank you ask ask jbj I’ll take the slow way let’s take a quick break on GeForce TV and when we come back it’ll be time to go back to our minock qualifying Heat custom boat RV or camper mattresses made for your comfort at Bestway betting odd shapes any size made in St Catherine’s with Canadian components best way betting mattresses for both and RVs visit our showroom or see us online N Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory potato sides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a main or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste get ready to experience the NASCAR penty series Power Hour join your host and wingman

    Cam K every Monday night at 7 pm on GeForce TV for an hour of non-stop excitement and in-depth analysis of the hottest racing series around from the latest race highlights to expert analysis and Insider commentary you’ll get an exclusive look at everything you need to know know about the NASCAR pinty

    Series tune in for the NASCAR pinty series Power Hour the ultimate destination for race fans everywhere you’re so tasty me crazy crazy crazy Ain nothing I can do welcome back to Peter burough Speedway where we have been rehearsing our lines up here in the tower

    It works well I think he’s going to nail it the the dry run sounded great so remember you get your peter bro Speedway Autumn colorage classic 30th annual t-shirts and hoodies down at the Peter bro Speedway souvenir Booth as well inside tracks got their Booth here

    Toronto Motorama as well so head on down check them out when you get some time you know just going back from an extended red flag we could scratch your legs so next time we got one you can head on down and check those out so we’ll try this one again looks like the

    Tenant Butler being put to the rear as inolved car with the 22 of Croft so Dipple and white going to lead the field back to green once again Dipple able to get the big launch last time takes rder white a second or two to get that Honda moving and Ryan Batman from the tail of the field the Batman Auto Service any ey machine going to

    Take advantage going to stick the nose the inside of the 88 machine after the motor swab that car looking strong so far Butler on a tear from the tail of the field trying to find some room to work vanderbelt and C Ridge Vore side by side ahead of him for the fourth

    Spot Butler sort of pinned in back there you can see the leader dicing it up he just can’t find the lane to get up there b to the bottom side of the racetrack and here comes Butler making the Bonsai move up to the fourth spot notice it’s

    Go time now the Bin’s got to the lead and again trying to F that 10 car out this is going to be his last chance before feature race action to make make sure everything is good on the front of that 10 car after the contact hoping

    It’s just body damage and the way that car is moving I’m going to say it is here comes Butler to the inside two for one deal as Dipple goes up the hill the 10 car on a tear butler two for one through three and four now up to the

    Second spot trying to run down Ryan Babin that was a big move by Butler he’s actually got a chance to close in on Babin in the lead and 15798 to 15711 through traffic Butler not that much slower than Babin passing Cars This Time by 1557 210 a lot quicker than the 89

    Machine but he’s going to have some work to do here in the interim it’s they’re going to run a lap very quickly here coming to Pops six at the line This Time by two laps to go for Ryan Babin out in front Doug Butler trying to close in the

    Lcdc color and coings PSS Top Shot number 10 machine he’s going to catch him at the White Flag going into one he’s going to catch him can he do anything with it that’s the big question White Flag in here this time by no I was wrong Babin Babin picked up

    The paase big time that he did 15633 his fastest lap of the race that time by Butler down on the curb that time in one and two going to lose some ground off of four Checkered Flag in the air Ryan bman going to pick up the win Butler for

    Second dip going to come home in third it be cdge over fourth and ryer white rounding up the top five an impressive finish good charge through the field for Doug Butler and Ryan Babin picking up the Pace when he needed to one more trip down to Victory

    Lane the motor swap last night paying dividends as the 89 car from the tail of the field going to go to Victory Lane ladies and gentlemen put your hands together the 89 machine of straight pipe Ryan Babin oh and they did confirm they still partied last night too swap the motor

    And party oh you got to celebrate yeah to celebrate your achievement looks like our final qualifying heat race with many stocks taken to the track So leading them on the 16 machine the Box fight Tera safety boost ride that be Mike Thompson the pson the 2023 mini stock track champion of FL Speedway with that Ford Mustang going to be the 88 machine that is Tiffany that is uh Chris tub we got like a whole bunch of idiots

    This weekend top of board the investor group Tony Bowen Lakeside Mobile Tire how electric ride 27 machine that is Jacob Su Cliff out of Georgetown your spring velocity winner up at sunset speed by the aut service center McMillan Motorsports Ford Mustang 46 machine the BW Enterprises Ryan that’s Tyler MCM the

    Pet Speedway regular 20 machine is Ryan Edward kiss the MJM toar radar Auto Parts Asher Media Group number 20 Honda Civic 2 machine it’s Bobby Mercer former flam BR Speedway track Champion had D Blue Street Contracting sh day clay bar Contracting Ry number seven machine that is Matt Young again Blue Street

    Contracting aboard the number seven car still not sure exactly what that car is but the very unique body stylings of Matt Young in the 76 machine picked up the ugly last week at a flamb bro Speedway the G GW electric PW Hager crane rentals kangaroo trailers Nissan 240SX that is sea

    Taylor Taylor’s always quick that driver out of Burlington and I love Bobby Mercer’s station wagon it’s very unique it is that it’s a Honda a CT wagon I think it reminds me of were the Fairmont the Ford Fairmont what were the little station wagons back in the early 80s you don’t know no it’s amazing what happened to cars

    Cuz I can remember riding around as a kid we had little datson but then we had a Dodge that was the size of a ship like cars went from Tiny or from huge to Tiny and then somewhere in between and then the SUVs came along things really got weird minivans and

    SUVs took over we had a Buick Buick station w a hot and it was like one of those ones with the wood fake wood paneling on the side you could sit in like the the trunk looking outward the rear window that rolled down all that fun

    Stuff we we took trips like that I can remember sitting in the very back yeah we we just beg their D every time going to the dollar store across town but heck we want to sit in the trunk we want to look backwards and W with people all right here we go final

    Qualifying heat race for the mini stock set to fire off floor coverings International pet Speedway P truck hits Pit Road Mike TOS the inside Tu the outside looking for the green flag off a turn number four Great Canadian RV green flag in in the air THS the Ford

    Horsepower going to work getting past the Honda that’s going to re Jacob suck lip with him McMillan Motorsports 27 machine up to Second up in the field of Speedway regular slides into third Ryan Edward kiss runs fourth at 20 machine Bobby Mercer looking for room to work in

    The two machine up to the fifth spot sh Sean Taylor in the 76 machine can to be quick com the rear field he pick up the heatman in the first round of qualifying last night now has to pay the dividends on that one and start at the rear after preo starting position last

    Night see what he can do trying to pick cars off one by one right now Thompson has compan at the front of the field with the 27 of suck knock knock knocking on the back door in the 27 machine looking High looking low mostly the low side though down into three and

    Four Thompson just up off the RAC track just a little bit showing a little bit of daylight and just what suck wants and just want to be able to enough to slide the nose in there Thomson taking late Arc in a one and two really trying to

    Open things up there of uh must so equally powered seemingly down the straightaway neither one with an advantage over the other suckless not really able to wind up and power up to the inside but here comes Ryan Edward kiss radar Auto Parts number 20 machine they going join the battle at the front

    Thompson up the hill this time to one and two that might be all suck Liff needs here comes the the McMillan Motor Sports autot Tech Service Center 27 machine up to the top spot now Ryan ever kiss looking to follow through in the radar Auto Parts number 20 machine

    Tossing the ter work 16 machine back to the Third third Spot tman runs in for Shawn Taylor and Bobby merer side by side for fifth Taylor working the high side of the racet trck almost looses the nose of that car and catches the outside ball that last time by off the four slides back in line behind Bobby Mercer Mercer

    Was quick last night but not able to advance positions here in the second round of qualifying here he this white flag in the air for Jacob suck Cliff driving the 27 machine down the I straightway for the final TI into three off of four looking to pick

    Up the heat wi it’ll be the 27 at Jacob suck clip Edward kiss going to come home in second Thompson third Tubman fourth and Mercer going to round out the top five sha Taylor the winner of his heat race last night only able to get to the

    Sixth spot tonight again I think these once they accumulate these results from the double Heat it is going to be a tightly stacked field for tomorrow’s feature event of course tomorrow the mini stocks are the first feature on the track 67 laps the distance going down Victory his first

    Visit to Peter bro Speedway picking up the Heat win the auto tech service center McMillan Motorsports 27ch put your hands together for Jacob Su cliff and Suli who uh wasn’t able to practice that car this afterno believe Blair Wicket uh turned some laps in that 27

    Car Suli had a funeral to attend here attend this afternoon and Mis practice but able to make it back here for the qualifying heat race as uh the other half of the English race team Chris englas going off on the hook so the 52 and 57 57 with some lesser problems I

    Believe clearly than the 52 got us well we’ve been flanked once again by all the Oscar officials that can only mean one thing it’s time for the nightwork designs hot rods for their second round of qualifying heat races and here we go lead him off driving the Packer that is Kyle Woods

    And that ride to his outside former Peter bro Speedway limited late model track Champion out of Bowmanville by way of the ajk race shop in Hampton on the 1974 Chevrolet C foral Racing Lux be classic Towing fix of females 90 waterc Caron Automotive Hampton General Store am Roofing Route 19 Auto pars quick

    Quick fire ser and GTA race designs hits Amanda balson looks like third will be Shawn Walker The Walker Mar snap of Pine Ridge oshw CDT H back TP Contracting Redstone quaries and Wing House omimi chevrol Camaro 38 machine is Brandon fi D for car owner art Rogers this weekend out of

    Verona The Big Three Auto C lashes and Mohawk Auto Body Dodge Dart 13 machine is Ryan cow at Port Perry the 1959 Pontiac baville the KCM metal stink path designs Michael Kelly Z scog transmission Brown the automotive entry and the 48 machine in the newly acquired ride the fort Fairlane prec specialized

    Wild spring.com Tracy lspc 275 y CTE repair McNichol welding and fabricating rkf paralal Redline chevel parts that is Conor Ellis Rookie of the Year winner last year with the hot rod series look like a couple eight entries the 88 machine he is Jeremy mlan out of North

    Bay the 1968 chal for TSS top shops zero machine that is Bill Clark J of the 1966 Pontiac perisian for John stowing and the double zero machine picked up the Heat win last night in 1971 Camaro at Glenn Allen the Thompson Autotech bridin terminals El me is

    Harvey FAL quch buggy R Roots brewing elmy auto supply and ason Tool and machining of Trevor Thompson chatted with Trevor in the pits earlier on and and said you were Lightning Fast last night but last time we saw you at Delaware you were struggling he said we we discovered they

    Went down to Brighton and ran on the dirt something went a Miss with the front end they were racing at Delaware with about 1 in of Towing how do it you want about a 16th of an inch of tow so they they were way towed out and uh that

    Affected the speed of the dble zero but he will be fun to watch if you’re not sure what you want to look at in in this heat race might want to keep an eye on the double zero coming from the back cuz he was fast last night and Thompson’s

    Had a busy year SPL in his time he’s been out at Delaware Speedway with a late model out there on the regular Friday nights and uh back behind the wheel to Camaro with the uh nightworks Design’s hot rod tour a bit so busy summer for the D zero team

    In these tires before we double them up get set to turn them loose qualifying heat race number four for the N Hot rage ter an’s heat Races is Brandon feny in the former Rodney Rutherford ride uh the 38 machine yeah uh so that I don’t the A on that but art art hot dog Rogers uh Brighton Speedway guy from years and years he set a couple of different hot rods um this is one I

    Think he ran out of Brighton Speedway earlier this year with but uh Brandon f is driving for him this week I don’t know if Rogers built that car or where he exactly got it from built that one all right Da Game forth with the answer I like It field doubled up they’re going to come to Green off of Turn number four Kyle Woods down low Amanda balson on the outside that beautiful Packer going to lead the field to Green Great Canadian RV green flag in the air off of Turn number four racing with the night work hot

    Rods bson the Peter Speedway veteran former track Champion knows that to get it done up on the high side of the racetrack little bit of contact at 06 sideways in front of the field Jeremy McLean going to make head Headway down the bottom side of the racet trck to

    Clear the 06 and shoot to the second spot Brandon fi up to third Conor Alis looking at his outside for the fourth spot Trevor Thompson up for the tail of the field already up to fifth Kyle Woods getting on the binders that car almost head to the outside wall off of Turn

    Number two great Racing for third though Ellis working the high side of the RAC track of for Fairlane king of Brazil and North Bay Cana that car at the Sunset Speedway this year Conor Al picked up after an issue at Delaware a few weeks ago anding his primary chevel and that

    48 car with a big run down the back straight away on the high inside of the RAC track put the power down really starting to get comfortable behind the wheel that for fair Lane big slide that time off to four though eligible on double duty he’s got the bone stock here

    As well this weekend me on face up the high side of the RAC trck now losing ground Ryan C able to get by cross legs in the air for the rec race from racing 16 machine of Amanda ballson so far smooth sailing for that 1974 Chevrolet Camaro out in

    Front Trevor Thompson pressure in Conor Alis now the 48 Car up the hill getting into turn number three that’s going open the door down the bottom the El Elmyra Harvey Swiss Chalet D zero machine let take over the third spot now let way up the racetrack of one and two Ryan cow

    Trying to take advantage her full siiz car is battling out now for the fourth spot count with the run to the inside now Pontiac baville down the bottom side of the racet track wide Track Performance going to take over the fourth spot and that will slly that was back to

    Fifth white flying in the air out in front though the 19 auto parts cochan automotive 16 machine of Amanda Boston looking to cruise to a Heat win here and set herself up to a good starting spot feuture tomorrow afternoon final time off of four Checkered Flag in the air Amanda balson

    Going to pick up the win jery McLean’s got the 88 car rolling pretty good going to come home in second Trevor Thomson tail of the field third Ryan cow fourth and scor round top Five Bill Clark and Brandon feny getting into it on the last lap Brandon feny pulling up I think to express that he didn’t like how that went but Amanda balson brings that beautiful number 16 Camaro down into Victory Lake one in recreational racing L BT classic toy fix the females 90 w.ca

    Co Old Hampton general story and Roofing R 19 Auto Parts quick Wick fire starters and GTA race designs put your hands together your heat winner Amanda Bon well the sun is no longer an issue for these drivers it just dip down over the horizon that’s going to help things greatly off of Turn number two I don’t think head to the head to the tech scales and make sure everything’s good on the 16 car before she heads back to

    The pit PAD as we await the next qualifying heat race for the night works hot rod Jrs auctions heat races leading them off the 86 machine out of teas water the John Towing Mount Forest bucks Hydraulics greedy con photography Ford Mustang that is Nick Clark the 6w machine former petero Speedway track

    Champion the 1972 AMC jav the brought the autol race cars machine two time autum colors classic Champion hits the upgrade Rick Spencer Walt 66 machine is r k the 1966 Ford gallon SE for Todd Del racing Co eating and Cooling and Moes Excavating aboard that beautiful 66 Car

    Mak it his debut this weekend 87 machine that is John Laval of Trout Creek the 1956 Fort Fairlane the dance flash bear on cin and Junior’s Tire North Bay 87 ride 17 machine is the one man gang mat fry atable the 1800 drywall. CA Genco equipment Fosters Motorsports ride 47

    Machine former Series champion at of Branford the 1960 St Baker Hawk for the farra service in APC Auto Part Center 2019 winner of the bot col classic for the hot rods that’s the Bookman Steve book and 17 machine making uh the first truck start in the hot rod series first Truck

    Body to roll out and that is Kenny McNichol Jr aboard the 17m the 1969 Chevy C10 he’s called sweet PE for nichel welding and F Maverick real estate Jennifer hatch on board the board the pickup and round out the field the 09 machine out of ponti pool The

    Original Hot Rod the 1957 Chev cut mile industry service G to Farms Inside Out Landscaping fast as while High Hope Farms and Central Ontario spray foam it is Cowboy Dan price we told the story last night about Dan price pulling that car out of the

    Weeds in the last month or so getting it piece together to come out here and compete car was pretty loose yesterday so we’ll see if he’s been able to tighten it up make it a little bit more drivable I mean not only is it a car he’s pulled out after sitting in the

    Field for 5 years but that that’s a true Thunder car so that is you know the same car that Dan ran Cora mport Peter BR got his first Peter bro Speedway win his first ever feature win here with that car so really a true thundercar and you

    Know Kenny McNichols the same that’s a super stock a little more updated you know Lea spring car but uh you know a lot of these cars ahead of them these are all limited late models so you know might not be bringing the best equipment but Cowboy Dan price is here for good

    Time and he’s got the old car back out of the weeds and set to do battle here Nick Clark on the inside Rick Spencer Walt the outside green flag in the air off of Turn number four racing once again with the night work designs hot rods and JIS auction see race action

    Ball rolls that J Around the high side the racet trck Shoot To The Top spot little bit action deeper in the field two and three wide John Lal way up the race track Ste both the room to work Kenny nichel Jr and the 197 for 69 C10

    Looking to the inside of the onean game mat sty back for the fourth spot round the back stra we go C folds on to the second spot Koo runs in third Pig nichels through now to the fourth spot TR to run down the 6620 Steve book in a shuffle Matt scry

    Outside the top five now who’s no closing in on the 86 of Nick Clark but out front is all Rick Spencer Walt so far on the r the automotive 6w machine been fast all we can long ran a lot out of laps last night qualifying heat racer try to get past Steve

    Buck but this time St on the front row is running away with this one might be want to watch tomorrow after come feuture race action had a great run at Del Speedway contact late relegated to a third place finish Ken MC niichel giving that car

    That truck a good ride here yeah I mean for a superstock the landed limited L models he’s getting that car W truck wound up looking to the inside of kzo that time not able to make it happen down the back straight away Koso longtime campaigner here at peterb

    Speedway knows how to defend the bottom of the racetrack and right now up the hill goes mcle that’s an open door for book down the bottom M got to be careful up the high R District down into three and four that foro awful wide running down the racetrack on the front straightaway

    All over the rear bumper the Ford Mustang and Nick Clark into three for the final time off of four checker flag is going to be in the air for br Spencer wol is on for second into three Nick Clark has it hook into kzo here comes

    Kenny mcnick on the high side going to scoop through to the third spot contact round goes to 17 kzo caught the outside wall Matt spry for fourth and Steve book will round out the top five kzo G on the loud pedal coming off but if kzo thought

    He was getting payback it was not to be on the 17m it was the 47 a book that got the 66 so as we have a celebration coming down to Victory Lane I’d love to have another look at what Transpired so here we have a look down into three and four definitely contact and just hangs the right he just seen it there he just he had the wheel and got it straight and then right there driving yourself to the wall it’s a very video gamees move I got to say

    Like just yeah I just and I’m not sure if it was poor judgment or mistaken identity Or oh that’s fabulous just just Rolling On by Haley McNichol I believe that was Haley with the year number one and cruise on by oh man I’m excited to have that TCH shot all weekend oh dear I mean they like forgetting forgetting a Shan in the left G you

    Wouldn’t know it very from this camera view it looks like very little damage on that ride but I mean Koo like just drove himself into the wall so a lot of damage on the right side of that car you you question if that was the the issue did

    He did he lose the steering wheel for a second I mean chances are yeah I mean tried to give a poke but you can never be too certain but that was an Abrupt journey into the concrete yeah all right here we go I believe this will be the final qualifying heat race

    Jrs Jrs auctions qualifying heat races for the night we design Tom ride leamont the 7 machine that’s Nathan de while driving the stud Baker for the pal turn one sim Lounge GF entry six machine the 1971 Dodge Challenger out of ear the Bromley Automotive peterb race cars ride

    That is Rob Bramley going to be the 93 machine that is Jerry broom out of exor the 1969 Camaro for Camaro Depot L Dr Jones Sun SM Landscaping Dwayne stump grinding H and PT kmh cranes Premium Transport John burnson farm equipment repair Wilds printing luck now Auto Parts and Murray’s Auto Center aboard

    That ride going to be the 47 machine of Stomp at Tom Walters 31 time Champion across proar active member of the Canadian Motorsports Hall of Fame the B&B Towing Lim line cart Trucking signs Peril 1966 ramler Ambassador 2008 winner of the autom colors classic in The Limited late Mel division 20 machine out

    Of port McNiel it’s hot rod driver extraordinaire big Luke janak the 1964 Dodge po the B Construction Fox F green Deli ride 71 machine 2023 Sunset Speedway super stock track Champion 2023 Ontario Sportsman Series champion that of Handover the 1972 Dodge start the strike Energy Systems two speed Motorsports elevated workpl safety C

    Precision machine and welding calot M Services coming race nickel insurance broker race products H drai and Dave onab body aboard the 71 machine AAR McAllister two machine multi-time Series champion points that are coming into the weekend out of orod 1966 Pon B the fox B Green Deli Tire Depot Han motor and

    Chassis Works ride of the Kodiak Tyler Han and rounding out the field the 31 machine out of Hawkins Corner p in double dut this weekend with the modified as well the brown the automotive feed bolt race cars ride of ajm former winner in the modified division here of the autumn colors

    Classic they’ll come to the white flight This Time by just a quick reminder for any of the drivers in the pit area there is a uh a special booth there right beside the tire Shack for uh it’s got hot chili hot soups hot dogs I thought

    You’re going to say it’s a boxing ring boxing well no we we could do that right beside that just next to the tech shed yeah you there’s I if they’re not using the tech shed they could use it there too got concession you just need a grand

    Stand for the fight in ring and we’re good all right here we go coming to the great K RV green flag the stud Baker on the inside Dodge Challenger on the outside BR put the big bu motor going to work on the high side and deweer sideways sideways

    Sideways that’s going to hold up St Tom Walters Walters chapped on the high side what a save that Wilder showed up last year with that car uh for feature day only and didn’t make it out of turn three so doing a little better getting through uh both heat race action but

    That’s going to hurt stop Tom Walters got held up by the 1 now he is falling back in fifth spot lukak getting passed by Tyler Hong getting Shuffle back to Fourth on trying to work his way forward trying to close in on Jerry broom that Chevrolet Camaro broom up the racetrack

    One and two here comes Han the Tire Depot number two machine to the bottom side of the racetrack now going to try to run down Rob bronley bronley way up high on his own trying different lines I guess while he’s out by himself but the peterb race cars number six machine

    Going to have company with Tyler Han and these two do not like each other they’ve had issues all season long both on the road and at Sunset Speedway so these two not going to play nice at the front of the field got to keep your eyes on the

    Six and the two H all over the rear bumper the six down into turn number one see if he puts book to him move him up the hill on taking a look high and low now going flight up to the high side maybe try to make the run with the

    Crossover Bry trying to protect the bottom H sideways trying to get the car to rotate to br’s inside off of Turn number four now looking to the bottom side off of two and down the back straightaway bring with the big built motor under the hood able to make it

    Work on six and0 is in there Bromley slams the door shut little bit of contact Pops the stick in the air two laps to go foule is on at the front of the field crawling the out in front but Han all over the rear B for the six car

    He wants it in a bad way these two not liking one another have had many run-ins this year Han going off the front end of the six car a Full Throttle Motor Speedway earlier this year and H has let him know many times that they are not friends and right now

    Not able to do anything here in the qualifying heat race one last shot in the middle of three and four coming to the checkered flag rley with the win Han for second Brom in third AJ M’s fourth and Walters rounds out the top five Han takes a a little motion there on the

    Cool down lap but a failed mission for Han he will not be happy with that second place result no I think Han will settle for second to anybody at this point but Rob Bromley so uh were anybody else he’ been a little Kinder but um you know they they’ve

    Mixed up several times on the road this year um with the Oscar tour they’ve had issues at Sunset getting into one another I think it was bra me turn Han around one night there so you just watch it here but right now down in vict playing the six machine oo got parts

    Coming off the six and Han running them over very lucky not to cut a tire there but down to Victory Lane the Bromley Automotive P race cars number six machine put your hands together for Rob Bramley officials down there by the tech shed I see Peter chanis down there Peter Built

    Race cars for bronley [Applause] team I love this camera angle so much it’s like the things you never get to see from up here no 100% And our crew is learning very well cuz a lot of people The Checkered Flag comes out okay you rest until the next race no no

    There’s a lot happening you got to watch the cool down lap if stuff’s going on Abby we need the Drone in the air he’s and it’s just a matter of hearsay is is a terrible thing right you hear stories they get filtered through and they get blown out of proportion sometimes they

    Don’t get told to the true extent that of the excitement that was there but when you’ve got eyes on them we get to live it all it’s fantastic feature time for The Outlaw mended by nville Canadian [Applause] Tire lead them off that’ll be the 64 machine of Jason simple the Finish Line

    Spray foam JDS Contracting with S car interlock drywall blade Cutters are assemble Solutions Georgia wi Services mcon drywall aboard the 64 machine going to be the 46 and2 of Kayla Temple the me finish line spray foam JDS Contracting our Solutions georan Waste Services Redline signs and design 46.5 15 machine

    Is Dave Bradley Atron the ambian air hbac Deco belts Ryan’s machine shop ride 53 53 machine out of Thorton that is Mike Bradley your 2023 Outlaw M Series champion foro ambient air hbac and Ryan’s machine shot then we have the 77 machine that will be Nick spe looking for the hatrick

    Here after both qualifying heat races heat machine it’s Larry Lawson the bw2 MC automation Hypertech lubricant ride then we go with the 17 machine of Mike Homewood out of Branford the mosaics feder family quality Pro printing throneberry Pools and Spas Best Western sponsor 17 ride 55

    Machine or that would be the 62 machine then Rob Mcall L climate care Brier’s Motorsports Tirecraft aora creature designs Casey’s Motorsports HB cycle MDB race cars and TSS top shops then we have the 78 machine of Glen Raymond the Falcon fire and services Raymond cont Contracting Andy 24-hour towing 46

    Machine the Blake Cutters ride is the hooligan Rob Harrison then we have the 846 of Dave engas out of Barry 55 machine that is Fred homood Thornberry bulls and Spa Best Western ride seven machine is Derrik Mill and the B&B steel BB detail group retail Design Group Mike Russell

    Real estate 98 machine is Kevin speed 29 machine is Jason meop the Flyn spirly Pickering proon Building Supplies TSR d Mangin ala shirts team Compton real estate and Raymond construction aboard the 29 and rounding out the field with the 48 machine Richard with the BW Towing MCI automation [Applause] ride and that’ll be your lineup for the final feature of the year for the Outlaw mided by Nal Canadian Tire Mike broley able to clinch the championship just by taking the Green in the qualifying heat races this afternoon we LIF to hopefully put up an explanation point on his his

    Season with a another feature [Applause] win drivers being instructed to scrub their tires get them warmed up I mean but by no means are these temperatures by Autumn color standards no we comfortable night it’s a comfortable night I mean we have had weekends where we had people suffering

    Heat stroke because of you know 30s you know mid3 temperatures and we’ve had you know the the opposite you know fles FL well we’ve had to plow snow off the track this should be a fun one Jason SLE and Kayla simple on the front row Dave Bradley and Mike Bradley on row number

    Two Nick [Applause] spies father father and daughter Jason zle Kaya simple’s dad Dave and Mike Bradley are brothers and I I misspoke earlier on saying that Dave does no work on those race cars that part wasn’t false Dave does no work on the race cars I neglected to mention his mom does

    Plenty of work so Mike does a lot of work and his dad does a lot of work so does his mom but let’s keep in mind Dave does not Dave’s Dave drives Dave drives and he keeps a busy schedule I mean he’s a morning newsman in Toronto so his days start about 2:00

    In the morning not a lot of energy left to go at night and work on a race car and he’s he’s been on the podium here at Peter B Speedway at AR col before so he’s no stranger to racing but it’s always fun to see Dave behind the wheel

    Of something and and not you know uh doing doing his onair duties one of the best announcers there is but we’re about to go racing with the outlaw midgets green flag in the Air [Applause] so Kayla simple is going to be drop told to drop back two spots for jumping the start so that’ll put Dave Bradley on the outside pole K La SLE back to the outside of row number two Mike Bradley on the inside of row

    Two we’ll have a look at the replay the pole sitter has to cross the line first that’s the inside of of row number [Applause] one and that they they called that to the letter of the law it wasn’t by much it was it for me

    It was too close to call by visually but according to the automated clock system you know it it it scheduled her is crossing the line first in that yeah in the world of black and white data line [Applause] Mr Simple still controlling this field he’s got to cross the line first Dave Bradley on the outside of rad number one in the 15 will hesitate and he gives him plenty of space to get on the throttle and we’re underway once again good clean start couple of Bradley side by side

    Dave Bradley up high Mike Bradley on the inside down into turn number three all over the back end of SLE it’ll be SLE leading lap one here goes Dave Bradley to the high side he has struggled in the middle of one and two but boy oh boy he

    Nailed it that time great exit to turn two there for Dave Bradley Dave Bradley trying that high side and not everybody can make that work but Dave Bradley still racing wheel tohe oh he goes way high in one and that bit of a dour bit a

    But yet in three and four he seems to make up ground he pulls up alongside the leader simple as they cross the line he’s he’s got to enter turn number one a little bit lower did a better job that time has a nice run down the back straight away

    If he can cut three and four the way he has been he could get all the way up alongside doesn’t look like it’s going to happen this time Nick spies he’s gone from the back of the pack up to third spot [Applause] oh we got one upside down in turn number

    Two that will call it call for a red flag red flag as the safety crew is headed out to tend to the driver of the number seven the dark heating and air conditioning uh safety crew have earned the name Dart very well they dart out there very quickly to get

    To the uh the rate the drivers as quickly as possible as the vehicle has overturned it is an automatic red flag an automatic checkout by the uh the paramedics Derek milman milman the driver of the number seven safety crew has arrived on the scene and what the protocol is they will

    Generally leave the car as it sits whether it’s upside down on its side right side up while they assess the driver once they’ve made that assessment they can decide they either want to get the driver out with the car remaining where it is or gently put the car back

    On its Wheels if that’s a possibility so we’ll wait and let the safety crew do their work Jason SLE leads the way in the 64 Mike actually the scoring is a little goofy cuz I don’t see Dave Bradley in the timing and scoring he’s up on the

    Scoreboard in the second spot I think his uh transponder is not working properly CU it’s showing him his four laps down and and I know he’s not four laps down well it’s also showing Derek milman is not completing any laps at all and he obviously has cuz that’s him

    Sitting on his side up there in one and two it’s a red flag displayed the cars have scattered all over the track with a number of them stopping down in turn number one we see the crowd moving away so I believe that means that either the car’s back on its wheels and the

    Driver’s getting out or that’s about to happen so they’re going to bring the tow truck back and that’s probably the easiest way to get the car back up right is to lift it up get some of the weight off it and then ease it back dri is fine

    So the driver the assessment is the driver is all right they’re going to get the car back upright and give the driver easier opportunity to climb out let’s take a quick break when we come back on GeForce TV it’ll be the remainder of the outlawed midgets feature event early man discovered fire but

    Quick quick perfected fire quick quick is the only Fire Starter that guarantees to start your campfire wood stove or fireplace without the need for kindling or paper find your nearest quiwi retailer at quick.com Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory pastides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a

    Maine or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste when your dream car becomes a nightmare leaving you frustrated stranded and broke you say goodbye you piece of let’s take it to tkc what you got a p tkc let’s take this piece of to tkc metal

    Recycling they pay cash for scrap carso tkc will recycle your piece of car got a piece of car visit tkc metal recycling 20 kushman Road St Catherine’s well good evening everybody Welcome to our weekly race chat Adam Ross and Clinton Jeffrey are live and interactive every Tuesday night Rivals

    Race chat is your home for race discussion debate News interviews and more they’ll even take your questions and comments live on the air and talk to some of the newsmakers each week tune in every Tuesday night at 8:00 pm on GeForce TV Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory

    Potato sides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a main or as a side Tiffany gate fresh G May create your way to Great Taste you’re tasty dve me crazy crazy crazy pin nothing I can do graev up your engines and get ready

    For some high octane action GeForce TV is your One-Stop destination for all the best racing action across Ontario with free live coverage of the APC series bu ween Speedway southern Ontario Sprints and much more you won’t miss a single moment of the excitement whether you’re a Die Hard fan or a casual viewer

    GeForce TV has everything you need to stay up to date on the latest racing news and events head to our website at GeForce tv.net and start watching today welcome back to Peterborough Speedway where the good news is Derek milman has been checked over and assessed and be deemed to be all right

    We’re going to clear out that race car sitting in the middle of one and two and we’ll resume this feature event my race monitor shows three laps complete 22 laps to go the scoreboard showing four laps complete but I believe that’ll be reset yeah I think we’re showing three

    Uh laps complete on the uh on the scoring system scoreboard is already changed back to three amazing how quickly things can happen so early in the going we’ve seen this is going to be a great battle at the front of this one it is tough to

    Run that second Groove one and two a real challenge up on the outside but you know what I Dave Bradley has been pretty strong on that outside it just if he can master that turn to exit he can definitely do something there or turn one really I should say

    Turn one turn one is the trouble spot if you can figure out turn one he’s going to be all right but I don’t think it’s going to be a unique problem to Dave Bradley I think anybody who tries to go up there is going to have their

    Challenge well the other challenge is if you get if you get squeeze down too low in turn one as well there’s a there’s a rougher section down below closer to the curb there’s rough all over the place you just have to look for it just watch the car in front of you

    But if you’re the car in front then that kind of defeats the purpose Exactly so the ambulance has almost cleared the scene I think the ambulance wants to get involved in this resar no he’s going to head back to the it’s going to head back to the pits there is no gen to the ambulance and you know we get we have an

    At least we lost one member of our online audience because he’s decided to join us here at the track and thank goodness Mr herard was was listening and heard our our wo with the generators and came to the rescue and thank goodness he doesn’t live in you know London or

    Something like that he was able to load up the generator and get over here to help us out well as he was loading up the generator he could probably hear the cars going around the track and he’s nodding his head yes so he could hear the cars but he couldn’t hear the

    Broadcast so but those are the things that you don’t see the things that happen in the background well our team is down in the production truck I always picture it like something out of Dr Seuss you know they’re pedaling a machine their AR are going as

    Well and there’s steam coming out of the machine and steam coming out of their ears and they make magic happen and we just stand up here and Yammer on we’re we’re getting more we’re getting more requests of the Delaware Tech shed Fiasco which will live on in infamy

    Absolutely I I and I was watching it when it happened too and it was just like you got to be kidding me and I I was truly thinking I you know okay this will pass some time but all of a sudden it was some of the best TV we’ve ever

    Produced the look on Clinton’s [Applause] face okay the field being assembled and it looks like we’re just about sorted out everybody getting to where they need to get we’ll be able to step back them up thanks again [Applause] Doug and everybody is ref fired so we’ll stack them up we probably get the one to go signal next time by all right so we just been notified that we’re into the time limit for this class so cautions will count on the next caution if there’s an ex caution that’s

    The way I would look at that it’s definitely an if situation so Jason simple and Dave Bradley make up row number one Nick Spees and Mike Bradley make up row number two and Rob Mcall and uh it looks like Kayla simple making row number three and again on the re

    Restart drivers being told that the pole sitter has to cross the line first so Dave Bradley’s going to have to be cautious you want to get on the throttle but not faster than the race leader so got to have pretty quick timing out There look like a clean start to me simple leads them down the back straightaway side byid will be Spees and Dave Bradley spe’s going to take that second spot then get loose off of turn four allowing Bradley to close in Bradley Al tuck in line the top three

    With a bit of a gap back to a side by side battle between believe that’s well it’s definitely Mike [Applause] Bradley and the 46 of Kay [Applause] sen speed wobbled there in turn number two Dave Bradley drives to the inside he’ll have to lift down into three and

    Four speed with a big run off of turn four now spe’s up the racetrack too far up the racetrack he had to roll out of the throttle in turn number two Bradley again going to try on the inside and he has to check up get down down on the

    Rumble strips to avoid contact as we’ve got one around in turn four and that’ll bring out a caution again caution laps will [Applause] [Applause] count that’s why my timing and scoring wasn’t making sense it’s still stuck on lap three hey that’s better so caution laps are counting as we’ve mentioned at this point The Field’s been reassembled Jason SLE doing a good job out in front in that

    64 so we’ll have a look at the replay of the spin it’s towards the back end of the field innocent spin that could have been a whole lot worse everyone was able to avoid contact fortunately Nick spe in that 77 he’s had some exciting moments in this feature event

    That car’s been sideways a couple of times it’s been way up out of the groove and the only thing he hasn’t done Charlie is lifted out of the throttle yeah keep the hammer down and drive through it with the wings on the top of these cars there’s so much incredible

    Down force on these cars that they literally stick to the track it’s just those bumps all of a sudden lift the car just high enough that it instead of going forward it literally goes it shifts sideways on you and when it moves about 5T sideways going into a corner that is a disconcerting

    Feeling oh it is so especially when there’s a field of cars at full speed all around you you the only thing you hope for is that the other cars around you also shifted 5 ft sideways at the same time exactly as long as everyone’s moving in lock step it’s going to be

    Okay simple again to the inside this time it’ll be Nick spe on the high side in the 77 the Bradley Brothers make up row number two Dave Bradley in the 15 and Series champion Mike Bradley in that 53 on the outside and Mike Bradley secured that Championship just by taking

    The green flag on the first qualifying heat that’s been a great season for him for sure great season for the whole series as well as you can tell by the car Count floor coverings International Peter B Speedway pce truck dips down to the infield green flag in the air once again SLE leads the way across the line speed drives it deep into one and two good line through turn one able to keep it down in the black off of two and

    Maintain a good head of steam working his way into turn number Three SE again to the the high side Sorry Charlie in one and two I was just going to say sample setting the pace out there speed seems to be catching up to him as they come across the line he’s only about two car lengths behind [Applause] him here the 15 of Bradley Dave

    Bradley and Mike Bradley not too far behind those are your top Four and something we talked about earlier Dave Bradley in that 15 that car does seem to get better as a run goes on as he makes a move for the second spot gets a run to the inside of speed and he’s going to clear him this time in

    Turn number four let’s see if he can contend with simple out in front in that’s 64 sample up the racetrack on the exit of turn four Bradley down low he’s not going to be able to make a move this time he might have screwed himself up a little bit there entering turn one as low as he did he’ll go back to the racing groove on the backstretch he

    Going to try to cross over the leader simple down the front stretch he’s down to the inside going into one and two trying to complete the pass Bradley makes the pass he’s your new leader Dave Bradley down the backstretch right along behind him it looks like is that his

    Brother Mike Mike’s back in that fourth spot oh it’s the 77 spe yes Spees is second Jason SLE there in third the top three NOS detailed and a number of carlink back to Mike Bradley as laps are winding down we’re down to three laps to go in this

    One Bradley gets up out of the groove there in turn number two keeps his foot in it didn’t seem to lose any speed there speed though right behind that number 15 as we’ve got two laps to go go Bradley starting to extend his speed his lap or his uh distance ahead of the

    Second place cars Nick Spees and of course with no two-way radios no mirrors in these race cars there’s no way to know what kind of a gap he’s got as he closes in on a slower car has to back off in one and two go to the inside and Bradley is

    Clear just got to get through three and four and our autumn colors classic winner with the outlaw midgets is Dave Bradley Dave Bradley Nick speed the 77 coming up in second trouble that would looked like the 62 of Rob McCall went a little squirly in turn

    Number one after the finish line so I believe he still finishes in fourth Mike Bradley finished third and it looked like Richard Woodland round off the top [Applause] five did Mike get up to third spot I thought he was fourth on the track but he is our Series [Applause]

    Champion so it’s going to be uh Bradley’s in The Winner Circle our our champion Mike Bradley will be joining uh his brother Dave Bradley at the D heating air conditioning Victory Lane for the can the uh Outlaw midgets Racing Club sponsor by Canadian Tire innisville Deo power Falcon fire and service and ndgroup.com

    Dave Bradley doing some donuts down there in the grass well he is an autumn colors champion and to be joined with his brother as a Series champion it’s not a bad uh pair of trophies to take home no that’ll be a great celebration the two of them were both on the podium last

    Week at flambro Speedway as well so really hitting their stride late in the season and Ben is going to be conducting our Victory Lane interviews here tonight we finally get to put him to work Dave hops out of his 15 machine waves the checker flag an incredible run by that 15

    Machine an inside pass in the winding laps and he takes home the checkered flag at the ACC a spirited run a few different drivers had their opportunities to contend for the lead Bradley looking over to the right to see where his brother wound up going to first

    Dave kind of laughing to himself a little bit here as he’s in Victory Lane want to take us through that pass that you made in the winding laps it took a long time to set up let me tell you I tried the outside and tried the outside

    And then finally I figured this isn’t going to work so I had to get a little creative yeah baby yeah win the race and win the championship for bbr that’s an amazing day and it’s fall colors is the one that everybody wants to win but yeah

    Cut it down hard off of four and just got a run and Jason gave me ample room on the inside so yeah he he held his line and through the first half of that race and he was a tough man to pass but wow this feels good you were a fast car

    All night long was there any adjustments you had to make before the green flag dropped a little bit of air pressure here and there just to get it to sick I was hoping to settle it down through the bumps a little bit that didn’t really

    Work but that’s okay uh we we made it work with what we had you know I got to thank my my brother my mom my dad they worked tirelessly in the shop putting this car together and then maintaining it get all the time uh we got to thank

    Our sponsors uh we got RBM carriers ambient air HVAC design stickers and scufs on board uh fuel media lab Ryan’s custom machine we have a whole team helping us out so yeah it’s it’s a hoot to drive these things but man I’m out of breath p a r Get Loud for your Outlaw

    ACC feature winner it’s Dave Bradley we will we’re going to take a quick break on GeForce TV we’ll be right back as Ben heads over to talk to our second place finisher Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory potato sides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a

    Main or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste just so tasty have me crazy crazy crazy Ain nothing I can do grab up your engines and get ready for some high octane action GeForce TV is your One-Stop destination for all the best racing action across Ontario with

    Free live coverage of the APC series hen Speedway southern Ontario Sprints and much more you won’t miss a single moment of the excitement whether you’re a Die Hard fan or a casual viewer GeForce TV has everything you need to stay up to date on the latest racing news and

    Events head to our website at gfor tv.net and start watching welcome back to Peterborough Speedway where band is caught up with second place finisher now down here with Nick Nick you also had an amazing run tonight what made you guys successful oh it’s a little bit everything you know we get a

    Little bit of Courage from a lot of people talking to us and got a solid pit crew you know when when my car is ready they’re running around helping other people and you know that kind of attitude in this club is just so helpful and you know helps so many people place

    That was a good race man I’ll I tell you Dave I told him at the start of the night I said I’m just going to follow you and that’s what I did as soon as he got past me he was gone and you know I was fighting a loose car but you know

    Him SLE um Mike everybody ran awesome tonight and you know it’s it’s a good night so I’m glad glad I got a pod here at autumn colors you know i’ like to thank GeForce for everything that they do you know you guys awesome Peter bro for keeping this out here you know this

    Is amazing having this show crowd and everything and this club you know all my sponsors my team my wife and kids at home you know just awesome fast car all night he finishes runner up Jason simple led a lot of that race comes home with a

    Third place finish always good to be on the podium Ben let’s get with Jason SLE on his third place finish now down here Jason who picks up the final Podium spot what made you guys successful tonight in picking up that Podium uh driving hard having Tony and

    Richard and BW and Larry law and JJ everyone helping us with the car is there anybody you would like to thank sponsor wise that got you here tonight um blade Cutters Finish Line spray foam uh MCI BW to everyone’s a big help an impressive run by Jason simple he finishes in the third

    Spot to crowded place down there tonight but there’s a lot to celebrate the biggest celebration will be for Mike Bradley The Outlaw Champion 2023 also creie for the winning car tonight Mike Bradley turns a lot of wrenches and did a good job turning the wheel this season let’s see if Ben’s

    Caught up with Mike Bradley looks like they’re going to coordinate some of the Victory Lane photographs here sometimes like hting cats trying to get get these things together but it’s been a long season these teams have fought hard and battled hard got a kid Ruckus spotting down

    There shout out to Ryan simple down hanging out with Victory Lane a lot of smiles down there and that was a good race unfortunate to have a car upside down early on but some great racing in that one as you can see on the track now

    It’ll be our second round of Heats for the bone stocks do it Mike you’re a champion in this series what does that mean to you I mean it’s it’s a pretty privileged crew um there’s been a lot of good Champions here um I don’t know if there’s any still running

    But follow a long line of really good people really well-prepared cars and uh yeah I’m I’m super super thankful feels good who would you like to thank that got you here night in and night out every race weekend to be a champion yeah so I got to say my parents hands down mom

    I guess can just pictures mom helping me set up the car Friday nights and Dad just running for Stuff means a lot man Ali my daughter Emma my date my my brother’s family it’s just awesome an emotional Mike as he is a champion in the series enjoy this one pet Let’s Get

    Loud for your Champion Mike Bradley and and they do operate as a family affair if you go down in the pits there’s three generations of Bradley down there all cheering each other on having a good time that’s what it’s all about sometimes they even have a lemonade

    Stand yes I have seen that as well and down to the tracks charge them for like they should they’re selling lemonade making money the tracks better be getting a piece of this H I mean you know I I didn’t I didn’t I mean I bought lemonade I didn’t dime them out when

    They were at Sunset so you know I bought I bought my lemonade I did my part it was good lemonade too and we’ve got one more celebration going on down there cuz there is a collection of cars and I’m not sure if it’s rookie of the year so

    We might have to get Ben to find out what it is and see if we’re leading into another interview still the top three down in Victory Lane and then a alternate Victory Lane set up behind with Mike Bradley’s Championship celebration going on and then the mystery car behind Mike Bradley Lock

    Crowd dissipating down there people starting to make their way back to the stands and Brandon the bone stocks have been a lot of fun this weekend Oh been some great racing with the bone stocks big turnout for them it’s great to see and the idea of bone stock racing is

    Entry level keep the cost down go out and have a good time the way the world has gotten the last couple of years it’s expensive to to tow a car from London to Peterboro or here so you wouldn’t always expect people to travel but they do they love following

    This series you got the lawrences that that bring their equipment from London you’ve got team etel I’m actually not even sure they’re somewhere somewhere around the Hamilton area that the tow forever the these drivers travel well yeah I mean the bone socks they get around they support these events

    Uh you know a lot of them they’re just happy to race I mean they’re not racing for you know a million bucks they’re you know probably not covering their costs but you know they’re just happy to be out there happy to put on a show and and that they

    Do it was a lot of fun Clinton and I got got to race at flamb BR last week neither of us qualified so so we were we were sort of failures out there on the racetrack but there’s so much room with these cars you know you you’ve got to

    Take every opport opportunity that comes your [Applause] way we’ve just been told you might have heard by JP that all the mini stocks have qualified so there’s not going to be a mini Stock B main tonight so remaining on the program we’ve got our bone stock heats the junior late model

    Feature which I think is going to be a blast to watch The Legends feature and then the bone stock B main so I mean these heat races a lot of emphasis going on right now on where you’re going to finish to lock yourself in to avoid that

    B main lead them off be the 39 machine is Zachary chain Peter speed regular going to be the 95 machine that’s Pon Lewis just super eight Port elegant Elite Roofing KK long here ride then we have the 55 in the backup car uh looks like Craig

    Cole After blowing Poss be the motor in the first round of heat races yesterday afternoon the cisin Triple B racing ride has gone to get the backup car believe that the car he won the autumn colors class with last year so gone to get this backup Nissan Sentra 92 machine that is

    Cal new the artly welding J&D new Meister maintenance tall man promos number 92 machine believe that Matt Christina or Matthew abar board the 92 machine one of the two uh the Zen Tech Collision Center Chevrolet Cobalt 24 machine is Brady Cox the Marcus Del Stables Paris Medical Center Bob mcor

    Racing Pontiac G5 then we have Eric Stewart the driving with Haley London recreational racing 28 machine 23 machine that’s Tegan Stanley the Honda Civic Lakeside mobile Tower Roofing MD ncmc ride then the two- turn May the infield Chris Allard the junior holl East King limited hammer down apparel Chevrolet Cobalt 53

    X that is a late entry I don’t have on my list and the eight is Curtis Bernett so 53x it’s Joshua Monro that has come up on timing and scoring so that is good to know so Josh wro a late entry here this Weekend field taking shape 2 by two by two eight laps the distance in these heat races and next time out of turn number four we’re going to let these bone stocks loose so Allard picked up the win in the first round of qualifying with the invert now going to start deep in the

    Field to this one keep your eyes on the 55 going to try to charge through the Field lights extinguish on the floor coverings International Peter bro Speedway Pace truck sakri Chang on the inside pton Lewis the outside leading the field to Green off of Turn number four coming to the Great Canadian RV green flag to kickoff callif ifying heat race number four for the bone

    Stocks green flag in the air Le getting pushed by new M down turn number one clear chank Zachary Chang going to fire back on the bottom side of the RAC track 9 for the 39 machine But Here Comes Craig P looking to make it three wide down to the bottom side of

    The racet trck little agriculture racing 55 down over the curb to the grass in three and four round goes the eight of Brandon Bernett off the nose of the 53x of Joshua Monroe and that looks like it will draw the caution down the back straight away Craig Cole on his second

    Car of the weekend remember he went up and smoked last night with a blue 55 that he did so I believe this is the 55 C that he campaigned last year to win the autumn colors classic so um Long Haul back home believe had like one Delaware speed reg

    So that way either that or he changed the engine and painted the car overnight I’m leaning towards he went home and got a backup but actually cold when he did it last year so the Pumpkin Smasher was the Saturday of uh this weekend so he actually I think he won the Pumpkin

    Smasher loaded up and hauled here caught the B main finished second at the B main to transfer to the A and then went on to Whit fabulous let’s have a quick look at this replay we’re going to see a couple of cars at the back of the pack little

    Bit of contact looks like Brandon Bernett maybe on his own there I cut the tail end that but look like just kind of evasive Maneuvers to avoid the spending eight machine so one lap complete so we will looks like we have to get the 95 back ahead of the

    92 as new me out in front so scoreboard says it should be the 95 pton Lewis out in front and put back there now by officials we need so getting them sorted out where they need to be here new Meister a former autumn colors Champion back in 2019 with that 92 Machine and I see believe Michael newme was supposed to be in this heat in the 76 he missed the call last night he was here for practice this afternoon but uh not making the call for the heat race it’s a little usual isn’t it yeah cuz I think he was supposed to start

    Poll oring last night and that’s what moved Chris Allard to the poll was the 76 not making the call so must have broke something in practice but wasn’t on the property yesterday but on the property today but not making the call for the heat race

    39 trying to get the 39 as Zachary Chang into the third spot ahead of cole looks like we’ve achieved that Now they just need to get the 55 of Chris Allard two spots back mayor’s going to give a couple spots Here you said you did say that too doesn’t go back to Yellow 55 coming hold two spots Backwards message delivered okay coming at 283 and then they just need to swap the 28 of Eric Stewart with the 23 a Tean Stanley little bit of Leap Frog now we’re going to double him up and give him the one to go signal all right got

    Some work to do here for some of these drivers already lost one life so Chris Allard he’s going to have a chance to sweep the heat race he got a lot of work to do a lot of cars to pass here seven laps stting deep in the field Field looks good the one to go signal being given one lap complete seven laps remain think many so field doubled up P Le on the inside got the push last time from Kyle new Meister on the start see if new Meister able to use the horsepower that

    92 machine and jump lead but going to have to be careful got to let the 95 lead it back to the line if not they’ll call it back he’ll get penalized so going to have to be very careful if he’s got a horsepower advantage over that 95

    Car as they come to the restart Zone looking for the Great Canadian RV green flag once again easy does it come to the restart Zone new me lay backer gets the big jump the 95 not going up to speed but looks like we’ll be good to go 95 struggling coming up through the gear box GRE Cole though on a mission Chasing down the 92 at the front of the field sacur chain to the high side of the racetrack look the outside of Payton Lewis Brady Cox looking for room to work here comes Chris Allard looking to make

    It three wide down the front straight with the inside of Eric Stewart and Matthew asbar the 92x machine he’s up the RAC trck and contact around goes the 55 down the back straight away off the nose of the 28 machine that will draw the caution Allard had to check up for the

    Cars ahead of him and the 28 was on the loud pedal round went the 55 so the 92 of as far not getting the memo finally gets it bowed up once the caution came [Applause] out We are 92 5 have Eric Stewart stomping on the front straightway 92 55 C yes 95 24 C 39 28 so so to explain If a driver claims responsibility for the accident they go to the back the car that spun goes back to their original spot y it’s called the

    Gentleman’s rule so if they uh they purposefully stop and talk to uh the race official to accept full responsibility shall we say uh that allows the uh the other party to go back to their 55c right now timing and scoring shows Craig Cole in the 55c in the second spot

    Was he was he up that far uh cig Co was into second yeah he uh he got that’s what he got spun out of okay no it was uh the other 55 Chris Aller got spun yeah Chris all Chris yellow 55 the 55 got got you Goa too many

    55s too many 88s and Mini S we got go to the back which he was going to go to the back anyway I’ll tell you I’ll I’ll give you some inside baseball I should not be in the same room as officials I when I listen to officials talk I get less

    Intelligent by the second like if I’m separated I can understand things when I hear them talk the official language I just I start to melt a little bit oh sorry this guy’s in ninth then my bad yes the yellow is 55 okay 55 C is to be okay so then we have the

    95 yes 55 is going to go behind the 53x by the way Johnny sorry about that how’s the rest of the lineup alard going to get slotted in line find the 53x of Josh Monroe and there we go even was a Tap Out you go back to the

    Last completed lap not a lot of uh not a lot of ground gain there 92x needs to be third last9 bab BL one so now I believe the 92 Matthew Asar going to get moved out of line he goes behind the yellow car behind the yellow car there we go lineup’s now good everyone is whereing they need to be slaughtered in everybody has their assigned dance Partners seemingly do we go I haven’t called a square dance in a

    Long time all right feel giv the sign a double up down the back straightway behind the Peter Speedway Pace track floor coverings International Peter Speedway Pace truck only need to be extinguished This Time by we’ll try this one again three laps now on the board five laps remain qualifying heat race number four

    For the bone Stocks special shout out to our series sponsor Battlefield Equipment they been sponsor of the bone stocks for many many seasons it’s good to have long-term sponsors is like that here we go try this one again new Meister on the inside crate Co the outside coming the Great Canadian RV

    Green flag once again Co like a shot atan of the 55 machine trying to Edge out in front new Meister pulls back gets the not out in front through one and two great P slides back in line hean Stanley making quite the charge from will back along with the 55 of Chris Allard

    They move up into the top five from well back in the pack got around the 95 pton Lewis shuffling him outside the top five Saker Chen going to come around to the six spot now T Stanley trying to close in on the 24 of Brady Cox Cox sideways that time

    Down to three and four Stanley trying to close in with that Honda Civic for the third spot in the running order Chris Allard all over the re for Stanley that time through 1 and two Brady Cox very loose turn number one and two right in front of Keegan

    Stanley does again this time in three and four gets up the RAC trck almost opens the door Stanley not able to get the nose in that time off of Turn number four goalt really got the rear end Boose on them trying to pitch them into the

    Corner and here comes Stanley now with a run to the inside of Cox Allard going to try to follow suit in the 55 machine down the 24 Cox pinned up on the high side of the racetrack down to one and two here comes the hammer down 55 machine and there Chris Allard looking

    To move up to the fourth spot checker flag in the air and it’s going to be new Meister with the win Craig Cole with issues slows p and Stanley going to get the spot I think it Allard going to nip out Craig Cole at the line Cole going to

    Come Coast across line in fourth and Brady Cox will round out the top five Eric Stewart in the 28 finishes off six Zachary Chang finishes off seventh Joshua Monro in the 53 X in eighth Payton Lewis in the 95 finishing ninth and Brandon Bernett rounding off the top

    10 92x of Matt Christina looks like a did not finish give a quick shout out to everybody cheering on the Merit friends giving at home watch Along on GeForce cheering on the mayor I know they big mayor supporters there the friends giving Invitational shout out to them also want

    To give a birthday shout out to castar and camon mcglashan who’s hanging out this weekend multi-time minock track Champion up at Sunset Speedway hanging out watching the races this weekend we’re pulling down into Rick Jan the Bartley welding j& d new meister’s maintenance tall man promo 92 machine

    Put your hands together for Kyle new Meister So this we qualifying heat race number five for the bone stocks taken to the track looks like it’ll be the 22 of Jordan Wills the NM heing and AC Tammy Ridge nag dong food division General Contracting Ryan lead the field to Green believe to his outside to be

    The late entry 98 at Connor Parks wasn’t here yesterday with us so he’ll start outside the front row this one 17 that’ll be Spencer Vidal the Jones at Solutions Mega truck limited injury Rehabilitation Center 177 machine 10t is tler Beats on board that ride then we have

    The 28 BT of Chris Lawrence Cowboy Chris driving the 2018 BT machine the Cory tonado BT racing entry then we have the 72 Alexis and fast one to you mou mouch mouch sounds in the Ducks Automotive sponsored number 72 uh Johnny McIntyre in the 53 machine had issues last night with that right

    Front tire and to get that car prepared and back out here the N Scrap Metals slm Recycling up pick ride going to be the 02 of Kyle Johnson that’s the barnon DJ Services 1250 a graphics zero Machin is Phil given former Auto color classic champion of the bone socks Wellington perforated

    Cal m r service two speet Motorsports enville garage ride then we will have on track let’s get to be the 06 of Christian Laval the Dan’s appliance repair out of Calin Norwood Auto recers Mr Transmission Peter bro and Kingsway Auto Center sponsored ride 16 Alex Stewart

    Out of Arthur the hammer C cot Mill R Services 16 machine and rounding out the field be the 14s of Glenn Schmidt another late entry here this weekend Schmidt has uh had some interesting autum colors Classics with that Mazda and I love how he has his sponsor listed as

    Myself there’s quite a few Racers out there that sponsor Themselves all right so here we go Heat number five for the bone stop socks lined up behind the floor coverings International Peter Speedway Pace truck come to one to go this time Bight to be extinguished on the pace trunck getting set to fire off got to love the bright

    Blue light there on the back of uh the Will Williams Car floor coverings International Peter Ro Speedway P truck down to the infield going to bring him around for a Great Canadian irvy green flag as they come out of turn Four and here we go spenc Rell looking to take over second from Conor Parks but contact car get Jing up up the hill Chris Lawrence going to slip through to the third TR down into the infield 72 car down through the grass and avoid the

    Pylon grab a gear get back on the racing surface no caution needed that’s Alex uh M Phill given on the Move looking at the inside of Conor Parks Parks just slams the door shut and runs given down over the curb into the grass warning flag from the starter on Conor Parks the 98

    Car GI one of the fastest car in the property last night going to make the run of the inside of the 98 off of two and down the back straight away get clear the 98 and here comes Chris Lawrence now looking to the inside at 17 is Spencer

    Rell Rell able to stand door shut into turn number one Rell up the racetrack though Lawrence trying to find a way by down the bottom pair of fast cars but out in front it is all the 22 machine of Jordan Wills the NM heing AC ride a flamb br Speedway

    Regular rolling that car through one and two a little bit sideways brell trying to get a little bit of breathing room over Chris Lawrence Lawrence trying to fire back off of two and down the back straightway Rell really getting that car close to the outside wall down the back

    Straightway off of two using all the real estate available to him to get that car arked into the corner trying to run down Jordan Wells out in front but well smooth sailing so far given now able to get past Chris Lawrence with the number zero machine the calot mill R

    Services in garage number zero car picking up where he left off last night working his way towards the front he’s going to run out lap pops sticks at the line that time by for Jordan Willams given’s only hope is to try to run down spenc Rell for second here he’s

    Only have one lap to the time he gets there now to the rear bumper to try to make something Happen down the back straight we go final time Jordan Wilms looking to pick up the heat wi sideways way up the racetrack in three and four able to hold on to it and pick up the win Rell going to come home in second GI in third Lawrence in fourth and Parks will hold

    On to fifth to round out the top five Alex Stewart will finish in six in the 16x Johnny McIntyre in the 53 finishes seventh Christian lval in the 06 in eighth Kyle Johnson in ninth in the 02 the 14s comes in in 10th Tyler buts can I my showing the 10t in 11th

    According to scoring and the 72 of Alexis mou she finishes in 12 down a lap pulling down in the NM heting AC Tammy’s re ra dog F division general contract put your hands together your heat fine winner Jordan willms it’s almost like that blue light

    Was like warp speed for him when he get out in front yeah and very loose race car though he was he was holding on fighting that thing had the rear end sliding out on that car most laps especially the last lap big moment into three really

    Had to hold on to that 22 car but able to hold on and bring home the Heat win looks like the final qualifying heat race of the night for the bone stocks as we look forward to seeing them again for the B main a little later

    On leading them off the comic alley toys 89 machine that’ll be Victoria mclennon that’ll be the 52 Brandon Bernett sorry Curtis Bernett BN Bernett was up earlier Curtis Bernett with the new mount for the weekend 90 machine is great Duncan the allo Wheel and Tire Bradford VY Works Richmond Hill Missy

    Creations Harmony connections for the 90 car 50 machine is wave Thorn the BT racing entry two speed mors also board that ride 40 machine is for the pug that is Mark Allen 42 machine is Leo la lababa for the 42 car 3 6 is Nathan Mitchell the Ila local Mazda

    Then we have the 48 that is Dustin Johnson the Luna sign Street McNichol welding ride then we have the other 48 that is Connor Alice the Precision specialized Wilds printing Tracy Ellis PC 275 realy CTE repair MCN welding fabrication RFK paralal and red line Shel Parts have board the 48

    Machine be the 01 of Scott Simpson the B&R joral services and rounding out the field leave another late entry here this weekend the 85 re time their wheel the inol automotive race division Foundation Brothers aim recycling statford nerd Cafe WCS image professionals APC inol rental White Law automotive performance Division and PSG

    Tunes now I wonder if they brought both of their cars they have a mini stock and a bone stock they ran last week at flambro if I remember correctly well we’ve seen the second round of mini stocks and he wasn’t up for those so true but a late entry here for the bone

    Stock so for sure one driver that would be headed to the B main with missing an entire round of qualifying last night and that that brings out one of those stories where they might just barely get in through the B main or whatever but if they’re in the main show

    You never know they can come from the back of the pack and win they’ve got enough time to do it so you’re saying there’s a chance always a chance all right here we go floor coverings International Peter bro Speedway Pace truck hit and Pit Road Victoria McAn the

    Inside Curtis Brett the outside looking for the Great Canadian RV green flag to kick off the final qualifying heat race for the bone stocks here at the 30th in with the autumn colors classic presented by APC and Toronto Motorama berand able to get a jump there goes Greg Duncan through the infield

    Little agriculture racing gets that car wed up from making contact with the inside retaining wall andette way up the high rent district that’s open the door for w Thorn down low I was watching Bernett during practice and he was doing that he was practicing that High Line and scaring

    The crap out of me when he was doing it well continuing uh on that Trend making that real high entry and the way those Cobalts are they just want to kick the rear end out not helping you when you’re making a real late entry into the corner

    That high and where did you say Curtis races weekly so he normally races a Sunset Speedway this is his first time behind the wheel this Cobalt he’s had a hindai Elantra that I think just about every week has found some sort of issue uh so he’s upgraded and got himself a

    New car but uh still trying to figure that one out especially through three and four you definitely have to slow down to go faster here at petero you ease into the corners and power out of the corners and Allen way up the hill in the Pug number 40 machine able slide down in

    Line ahead of Tyler wheel wheel from the tail of the field showing some speed marching his way forward in that 85 up Fifth spot already looking for more trying to make another run at Allen and the number 40 as they head down the back straight away Allan looking to the inside of Leo

    Laara didn’t really have the line there scrubbed off a bit of speed still protect at the bottom though Leo La going to move up the racet track down in one and two Cobble for C Bernett the 52 car slows down the back straight away and that’s going to make this now a

    Battle for second instead of for third Here Comes Allen to the inside going to take over the spot in the Pug he’s going to go to second with two laps to go Leo lab trying to hold on to the high side of the racetrack Tyler wheel trying to

    Make something happen he gets loot down in one and two going to lose some ground to the battle for second now trying to hold off the 48 of Dustin Johnson Johnson working his outside Tyler wheel has lost a whole pile of speed that he had in that car in the early going of

    This race just trying to hold on to bring home a top five here as we close out the heat race little bit of contact down the back straight away between Ellis and Hawkins Curtis Bernett back at to speed making a shot there on the back of Mitchells but

    It’s going to be way thorn out by a country mile winning that one Allen going to come home second Leo labera in the third spot Dustin Johnson fourth and believe it was put him en tither wheel round possibly at the top five not having a transponder

    On that 85 machine there’s the 36 of Nathan Mitchell in sixth in seventh is Curtis brunett in the 52 Connor Ellis in the 48e in eighth in ninth is Victoria mclenon Gregory Duncan finishing off in the top 10 and Scott Simpson running off the field Chris Lawrence going down to give

    Thumbs up to Wade Thorne in Victory Lane I think trying to get into the pit picture is what they they just photo bombed Victory Lane nicely done town of Victory Lane the two-speed Motorsport BT racing makes a noise for Wade Thorn Miss Penny and Chris Lawrence Captain

    Crisp I mean he was just in the race before so that’s get your helmet off get your gear off and you got to hustle down there yeah especially like from the field mhm like it’s not like you’re just coming from a regular pet like I would

    Call I would hook up Uber yeah to go that far like I’m I’m not doing that on foot it is feature time race fans the junior late models I’ve been looking forward to this all day a great field of cars and here they come looks like leading to M the 14

    Machine the M yella ride of Cole k his outside to be the 26th machine the cour outdoor toor Farm Bros racing who Farm Ride of Lucas finegan inside roow number two the 77 machine the SMS Central Ontario spray for ride of Chase Stevenson 51 machine out of all for the

    Wonder wonder Recreation racing IM D out rence pet center Next Level Automotive am exteriors Mad Rock Barber simple spray foam Solutions k andk pass control it’s Cole camra fifth place starting position that’ll be the 20 machine of lla s man of Peter AR air conditioning premium portable toilet

    Rentals Bounty Roofing ride then we have the 52 of Keegan Moe out of venville the Sunco bar break ton One Stop Tower Drive autom D autoare Canadian car f Road Roofing a cheat metal Tonto installation classic car c pal group from Red Line signs perel ride 92 machine Rocket Man W

    Sprung at a Shallow Lake the OK Tower own sound Johnny B sprung transport sou moris meat Pioneer masonry vill industry strike Energy Systems maal fuel shelling Mill and Su and sound realy ride then we have the 86 machine that is Kaden Bey the Farm Bros racing full stream ahead

    Who’s Farm Ride that’ll be the 30 machine out of allenford is Josh downport the downport B Farm shepher doc Richard Auto Service Auto design bar KK long care Dukes performance number 30 machine 88 machine that is Ethan M the green view Graphics ride 12 machine is Lucas kzo the Trent L Contracting falson

    Lake Outfitters entry then we have these believe that’s the 08 of Chase kzo the co home meeting AC rain racing T racing ride 13 machine a K Pat the crow gr Castle Building Supplies 27 machine is land and sellers the SE patter equipment here Marsh Motorsports entry 11 ride

    Is Carson K devel Towing Cozy home heating AC ton racing ride then it is the 09 machine for the 49 Amaya 4 the Bay View boats entry then the 11 the captain morg Mor Homeland Auto Service Theo Home Comfort RR Auto Repair rest Pizza Maco tools music Pro PR Resturant Car Quest

    To B Advanced Property Solutions per epic racer Jeff’s AO body tration suppliers Uncle red at Ag and Canadian sanitation the 11 machine and then I’m trying to believe that would be the eight machine graceon mckin the Edwards Property Maintenance highpot Farms Thomas Contracting wallet art entry and running out the field will

    Be the two machine of Lakeland junan the NK nor stard and insurance inmore automotive repair number two ride that is your lineup for the junior late models and they are racing for over $6,000 in purse money overall purse for $6,000 for the junior late models curtesy of all the businesses with Peter

    Bro Speedway wants to thank everybody that stepped up to support this event as well as their pair of stands on the line jite modal stands courtesy of two-speed Motorsports so thank you to each and every business every individual that has stepped up to support these young kids

    $6,000 in the purse for the junior late models incredible to see so it’s worth it just to be a kid and go [Applause] racing these will be the best times I mean you go back talk to anybody who started racing in carts or quarter midgets or it’s the best racing you’ll

    Ever have it’s the most fun you’ll ever have and you spend the rest of your life chasing that high yeah so where it all starts where do we get them hooked we’re being sure the future is good exactly Kelly ballon would say the future is now so getting them all lined up getting

    The field tightened up here 19 cars in the uh in the field this is the largest field of Junior late models that this track has ever seen I think it’s the largest uh group of uh junior late models I’ve seen in Ontario but I could be wrong on that I

    Know Sunset has a great crew it’s hard to say you know that Delaware has had long running series and I don’t know how many they were getting in their Heyday Grand Ben Full Throttle full throttle’s got a lot they they do very well with the junior l and mini trucks out

    There that’s the the nice thing is all of these tracks are running programs and I mean a few years ago a lot of them weren’t I mean Peter bro didn’t have it sunset didn’t have it um you know they’ve been added to frost over Fest of flambro to get to Showcase

    Out there so a lot of good things for the junior late model field picking up the pace kzo down over the curb in three and four trying to come up to speed fin going to get the jump on the high side of the racetrack that her on the 14 machine

    Trying to get up to speed that’s get out front 51 machine a camera slides to Second Here Comes Mo looking at the outside of the 14 down the back straight away heading towards turn number three three cars wide down wide everyone able to come through there the 12 machine

    Luo lots of the ins of be and uh Ethan all there everyone able to get it going straight everyone give a little bit of room in they need be 20 laps the distance in this one there’s going to be a lot of traffic a lot of opportunity

    For these drivers to close up ground and a lot of decisions that the race leader going to have to make and that’s ultimately what settled last year and allowed Adam Cory to pass Jake Spencer wall to score the win was lap traffic it was a deciding factor last year so we’ll

    Have to see what happen happens here finigan out in front but cath not too far behind but three four car links back off the rear bumper the cor outdoor to cor 26 machine they work through lap traffic with me and for a lap down Bing in very smooth though run around the

    Bottom of the racetrack vegan’s able to make a ton of speed running right around the bottom watch cam from from the wall down to the bottom of the track he’ll come off at turn number four come right back out to the wall again it should be a faster line than what fegan’s running

    Finnegan’s able to keep that car really efficient finegan has a lot more laps oh no hard one up in turn number two big contact that’s going to bring out a red flag Cole keno and then Chase Stevenson came along and cleaned him out the safety crew is on their

    Way couple of hard impacts there as they go and check on these drivers and that was Cole kzo lost it the car whipped back around on him and just nowhere for Chase Stevenson to go in that 77 a lot of evasive driving by everybody else to avoid him avoid both prone race

    Cars on the track report that drivers are okay I did hear that from uh the race direct one of the race directors down front look at the torn up race car of Cole kusno who’d been running in the third position just get over those bumps and once these cars no suspension it’s like

    A basketball just with momentum though like I always compare it to a basketball you know you basketball you dribble it you stop dribbling and it’s eventually going to stop but you know when you’re on the gas getting those rear wheel spin and once they start bouncing you’re just

    Giving them all the momentum just to keep going looks like Chase is out of his car chase Stevenson give him a round of applause folks that they can hear from out there in turn number two okay guys you know this this race is 20 laps or 20 minutes this race is 20

    Laps or 20 minutes we just heard from JP what was your question have yet to see Cole no I think that’s Cole kzo walking around his car right now so he’s out of his car as well might have been your transponder anyway it was corrected by the by the manual score

    So they’ll remove one of the cars off the racing surface that’s the Stevens in 77 well the body the car is that just the body body the tow truck will do the rest of the work but it’s easier just to as I’ve learned this year it’s just easier to uh

    Remove the body off the car and then they can loop around the roll cage and just lift up the car I think it’s just four of those Hood pins and they can lift the body right off tough way to end their night these drivers have been doing battle all

    Evening two rounds of heat races let’s take a quick break here on GeForce TV when we come back it’ll be time to resume the junior late model feature event here at the autumn colors classic Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory potato sides can be prepared any way you like

    Serve warm or chilled as a main or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste grab up your engines and get ready for some high octane action GeForce TV is your One-Stop destination for all the best racing action across Ontario with free

    Live coverage of the APC series buen Speedway southern Ontario Sprints and much more you won’t miss a single moment of the excitement whether you’re a DI hard fan or a casual viewer G for TV has everything you need to stay up toate on the latest racing news and events head

    To our website at GeForce tv.net and start watching today get ready to experience the NASCAR pinty series Power Hour join your host and wingman cam K every Monday night at 700 p.m. on GeForce TV for an hour of non-stop excitement and in-depth analysis of the hottest racing series around from the

    Latest race highlights to expert analysis and Insider commentary you’ll get an exclusive look at everything thing you need to know about the NASCAR pinty series tune in for the NASCAR penty series Power Hour the ultimate destination for race fans everywhere you’re tasty dve me crazy crazy crazy Ain nothing I can do N Welcome back to Peterborough Speedway for the APC autumn colors classic presented by Toronto Motorama we’re into the junior late model feature 20 laps or 20 minutes whatever comes first we’ve just gotten through a red flag a scary one in turn number two both drivers climbed out of

    Their cars and are back in the pit area and now we’re sorting out the lineup to get ready to go back to green officials wisely just stoping them on the front straightway pulling them out as they need them and send them on their way those top three cars of Lucas

    Finegan Cole camra and Cole KZ been very very fast but finnean has found we were just talking about the path or the route that he was taking around the track seemed to be faster even though camra had the uh the strategy that would normally work on on

    Just about any track like this you want to take the shortest way around the track that doesn’t scrub off speed right so so whatever that works out to and in watching Cole Cam that looks like a faster line but Lucas finnean is turning faster laps and

    Not using as much real estate so it’s been a good one to watch and now with Co k out of the equation we’ll see what Keegan Mo can do here on the restart yeah I don’t think this is going to be a two-car battle as this race goes

    On no the Cole keno and Keegan Mo Chase Stevenson although Chase Stevenson I believe was one of the Cole and Chase are are gone they were involved in that accident so field double up down the back straight away we’ll tighten the field up like clean up is complete Dart

    Heating Cleanup Crew done all the work over in turn number two looking at some of the lap times of uh Cole cth and Lucas finegan down in the the high 18s that is some pretty impressive speed it really is put your put your foot to the floor FL and hang on tight

    But you can really see the nice thing about these cars they’re going to teach these Young Racers smooth as fast got a couple slow in turn three so we’ve had a couple stopped over there I think say one is probably stop one is just not knowing to go around him

    I’m going to guess looks like trouble Poss be on the 08 chase kzo the co home heating AC re racing to racing that somebody please buy that Cleanup Crew buy them all cheeseburgers they’ve earned it they all just stand on the truck to get there at the same time

    I mean chasing chasing the truck is a very interesting strategy it’s a pride Factor although they yeah it has it’s I think it’s a pride Factor because there have been a number of times when they’ve beat the truck to the accident actually most of tonight they have beat the TR

    Truck to the accident now that poor fell he needs to ride in the truck he’s late to the dance I I didn’t see him come out of the Johnny on the spot there I’m I’m speculating maybe he didn’t get the invitation in time looks like the tow Chu going to be

    Needed once again so headed over to the 08 of CH Chase kzo so something broke on the 08 machine and this is eating up minutes we are 11 minutes into a 20 lap or 20 minute or 20 lap feature event oh now they’ve got it seemingly

    Fired up so I I did the math the uh the race leaders have been doing averaging about uh 105 km an hour per lap that’s pretty wild and there’s no lift I can tell you uh listening to cameras in practice he was not lifting through the

    Corners it’s it’s kind of a mind melt when you watch them coming down in front of us a full field of them if if you pretend you’re in row 60 they could be fullsize stock cars but the pay truck kind of messes with you it’s like cars in the back straight away

    At Daytona and you’re on the front straight exactly oh my goodness Cole Keno back on track in the 14 minus some pieces how about that look at that that actually looks like Days of Thunder [Laughter] now and looks like more problems for the zero8 to Chase kzo he has stopped on the

    Front straight away oh Cole Keno going back off into the pits I was going to say don’t hit the pce track no matter what the crew Chase is you’re not wrong so they’re going to Pop the trunk lid off again and try to get this car

    Fired up and the slow pace lap could be causing some headaches someone’s going to wake up tomorrow I’m not sure why my right arm is sore not my left arm it’s just my right arm race fans give a round of applause for the safety crew that is above and beyond the Call of

    Duty helping these Young Racers get out there and perform so going to stay on the racetrack though so hope that car stays running I do think if if he’s able to put his foot to the floor see if he’s able to pick up a little bit of speed

    That carburator will keep sucking fuel up for from the fuel tank when they slow down to a certain speed it’s hard to keep the fuel running through these things well looks like the 14 of Co kuso has rejoin the field this is where you just pull the

    Just pull the pr truck off it does look it does look like a cold trickle car right now it’ll be the one to go signal all eyes are on young Mr Keno at the tail of the field keep that 08 running so far so good they’ll come to

    The white lights extinguish on the floor coverings International pet Speedway Pace truck Lucas finnean going to lead them back to green Cole camra on the outside of row number one couple of Kos at the very back I’ll be curious to see what the aerodynamic performance is like of Cole

    Keno’s 14 machine I don’t know if that’ll be an improvement or improved ventilation yeah that’s for sure I need a blanket when he’s done and be a little cold all right Great Canadian RV green flight back in the air side by side down into turn number one

    As the tail end of the field trying to get to this restart finigan out in front camra settles into second I believe that’s Mo in the third spot as they run single file off a turn four Lucas big wiggle for L sikma down through the grass L able to keep that car moving

    Come back on the racing surface down around the bottom no caution needed let come back up right in the racing line line and that will now draw the [Applause] caution and we got trouble Ethan Malin not getting the M of the caution without getting on The Brak sideways into the

    Back of Camas 51 machine so by the timer under four minutes remaining in this one of the 20 minute time limit after this I believe it’ll be the trailers plus Canadian legend cards for their first feature of the weekend and yeah all just coming in with

    A head of steam locking up the binders getting that car slid sideways into the back of the [Applause] 51 like no harm no foul though no real damage on the 88 machine I nor the 51 so that’s goody [Applause] and again this is your way to chase K now’s come to a stop 261 well In fairness they’ve all come to a stop finegan being brought out as the race leader Co camra running in the second spot then it’s Lucas Keno third in the number

    12 now the fourth place car is one that spun out up in turn number four after the yellow and that’ll be a decision of the officials whether he gets his spot back or not the 8 out after the [Applause] yellow officials working out the running order now they brought the 88 of Ethan

    Ma out to take up his fourth position now looks like he’s headed out off the RAC trck so even though he was getting the fourth position he’s now exiting the racetrack so they’ll give up a top five running spot so that’ll give that position to

    Carson Kau in the 11 then is the 92 of Wyatt sprung 86k of Kaden Bey next up the 30 Josh Davenport the 27 of land and sellers then the look for the 11 M of Morgan Moore then the 14o what’s left of the K kuo number

    14 77 is he still a with us no he’s up in this position then the 08 then the 13 of Avery she’s so I’m not sure how they how they do things with the time limit if they’ll restart the race and then go to the next flag ends the race or how they’ll

    Determine that but with only five laps complete I was hoping for more battles yeah I was looking to be good at the front of the field here so get one more shot at ITP how do we run the finish of this okay everyone is rolling third

    Third so there was an issue with the scoring the 52 if Keegan mod is going to be moved up to the third place which is where he was running prior to the yellow sorry that was because they spun out when all that stuff happen sorry guys and that should correct the running

    Order your lineup is good once you put the 52 there Pac trck rolls away on the back straight away well go one Keegan Mo will fall into place in that third spot they’re going to go one to go this time five laps complete of the scheduled 20 laap distance

    Joh looks like they’ll come to one to go this time and get going once again with the junior late models I mean with the impressive purse that’s been put up for this race you want to run as much race as you can yeah [Applause] there’s some conversations going on on

    What’s the how they want to handle this but what we do know is the lights are out on the Pace truck and we’re going back to [Applause] green looks like they’re going to count caution laps moving forward pce truck comes off and Lucas finigan has the

    Field along with Cole camer as they work back to the green flag Brandon starting to pick up the pace coming to the Great Canadian RV green flag off of Turn number four back racing with the junior late models Mo trying to work to the inside of camera side by side now for

    Second down to turn number one Mo will slide to the second spot ahead of camera camera trapped on the high side of the RAC trck two 12 machine look to stick his nose in there but everyone chasing lcas fin in 26 machine four out to the

    Cor ride out in front Mo trying to run him down here those two got into it heat race action earli this afternoon see what happens before he’s tiing on number two trying to run down the 26 again pting it so good down around the bottom side of the

    Racetrack camera trying to get wound up on the high side get clear of the 12 machine Lucas kzo he’ll do so in the three and four sliding into the third spot try to mark his way forward being the one in recreational racing nickason electric entry and that’s a big deal the

    Camer is able to get into some clean air there run his own line and they’re into some slower traffic and you can see whole Camerra really closing that gap on the top two trying and roll in on the 52 keeg mode everyone got to take a little

    Bit of evasive action BL Junction up off the bottom of the racet track little that time off of Turn number four fing had to move up so to ke mo cam has now caught the 52 machine as they race off two down the back straight away cam

    Looking good on the high side of the racetrack in the 51 machine nice and smooth so far trying to close in on the 52 everyone chasing finan out front 10 laps will be complete this time and they cross the stripe Keegan mod and Cole camra losing some ground to Lucas

    Finin right now but still a lot of laps oh picking up the pace just still not as quick as finnean at the front of the field again coming around to work their way into lap traffic once again think going to go to the high side of the RAC trck down through three and

    Four going past the 09 and M Mia Ford in the 09 machine and they’re almost turning identical lap times the top three so they’ve spread out this Gap I wasn’t sure if the draft would come into effect with Mo and Cole camra running second and third it’s got to be doing something for

    These little cars I mean it’s it’s any bit of there really good these cars in traffic I think they’d have to be locked together I think this the second car would really have to be pushing the lead car to get much Advantage but I’m sure they can feel it out

    There so 1865 spe for Lucas finnean turning his toic clot to the race two TS quicker than the second to third place drivers at this moment coming up on Cole KZ know who had that problem earlier on he’ll swing to the outside down into turn number one go know a lot

    Down five to go this time by for Lucas finnean Keegan moik Cole crath Lucas Kino and Carson kuso your top five no breathing room now over camra in that second spot coming to the outside of coo for him a la down Mo was faster than the leader that lap

    By one/ 100th of a second going to take a lot more of those to run him down here with four lives to go and out in clean air Lucas finnean is a good 3/10 of a second faster than anybody else Lucas finnean posting an 18678 that time by he’s up in

    That 105 to 107 km an hour lap and running great smooth laps holding a pretty wheel out there as Lucas finnean in that yellow 26 two to go heavy lap TR ahead though cars running different Lanes the RAC trck and Cars Moving much quicker done the LA

    Traffic been used to a little play a factor and slowing them up going need a a bit of a helary for Keegan M about a half straightway back from the 26 of f White Flag in the air This Time by for Lucas finnean one more trip around the

    Park and run High there working the high side of the racetrack not knowing the leader is there P going to keep that 26 scarf to his outside down the back straightway being the turn number three off of four going to pick up an autumn colors classic win will be Lucas

    Finnegan in the 26 machine Mo for second camra in third and what a great drive for Lucas finnean I mean that last lap he had to go way up to the outside in one and two kep his foot in the throttle and pointed that car straight Lucas finegan is now an autumn colors

    Champion as he’s going to be heading to the D heating air conditioning Victory Lane a lot of family celebrations will be happening down there with him Keegan Mt finishing second Cole camra in the 51 finishing third Lucas Keno in fourth Carson Keno in fifth Landon sers finishing sixth Josh

    Davenport in the 30 finishing seventh Ethan melon in the 88 finishing eth Wyatt sprung finishing ninth Lyla Sigma finishing in the top 10 Kaden Bey in the 86 barely down one lap uh finishing 11th Co kuseno in 12th Morgan Moore in 13th Avery Kurt Patrick in 14th Gracin McKinnon in 15th in 16th

    Is Maya Ford Lakeland Junkin in 17th and Chase keno and Chase Stevenson uh both with a dnf unfortunately after that uh reckon coming out of turn two that farm brro racing number 26 works his way into Victory Lane Ben will be down to greet him and join him in the

    Celebration all finishes are unofficial they’ll be open for uh debate afterwards I guess for a certain amount of period of time Lucas jumps out of his 26 machine an absolute rocket all night long when he came across the line you could hear his family celebrating not the first time we you’ve

    Seen Lucas here in Victory Lane this season this time he Parks it in Victory Lane for the ACC Lucas come over here bud like we mentioned you’re an absolute rocket all night long in Heat number one you blew out the competition and you win the feature what does it mean to you to

    Race that autumn colors and win it really happy it’s my second year um I have a lot to thank um all my sponsors kroer environmental outdoor decor um uh silver icing Queens who’s farm farm bro racing GTA all the help so give it up Peter Get Loud for

    Your Junior Late Model winner it’s Lucas finigan coming home in the second spot it was a hardfought effort Keegan Mo had to hold off Cole cam wrath but he did just that came home with a second place finish Keegan finishes second and strong performance by you how much fun was that

    Oh that was pretty fun that’s our second year uh Podium uh last year I came third this year I came F or second you know we’ve worked our I’ve worked my ass off on this car all all year long and we did it in Victory Lane this year at Autumn College classic

    2023 who would you like to thank to get you here tonight you know we got all my sponsors we got done right autoare we got uh to Cory’s Ty andado uh Toronto instulation uh all my family uh Jake Spencer Walt uh jayen uh all my family and friends and

    Uh all the fans coming out this year and exciting keamo finishes second Cole camra with a good drive to come home in the third spot he hounded keeg and moat for most of that race comes home with a solid Podium finish rounding out our top three Cole you were also very fast all

    Night long you get the final Podium spot how much fun was racing these guys and all the competitors here at petero oh it was uh really fun uh so many cars showed up and um just grateful to be here and uh race with people like uh Keegan and

    Um the 26 car and um yeah it was super fun a strong run by the number 51 he grabs the final Podium spot quite a show got off to a rocky start but boy they finished strong let’s take a break here on GeForce TV and when

    We come back it’s going to be time to go feature racing with the legends Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory potato sides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a m or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste you’re so

    Tasty D me crazy I grab up your engines and get ready for some high octane action GeForce TV is your one-stock destination for all the best racing action across Ontario with free live coverage of the APC series push weeken Speedway southern Ontario Sprints and much more you won’t miss a

    Single moment of the excitement whether you’re a Die Hard fan or a casual viewer GeForce TV has everything you need to stay up to date on the latest racing news and events head to our website at geforce.now welcome back to Peterboro Speedway where celebrations continue in Victory Lane and we get

    Ready for our final feature event of the night we’ve still got a B main to go afterwards but our Legends cars will run their feature event up next Canadian Legend cars uh getting all queued up in the uh in the shoot bring them out as soon as we clear the uh junior late

    Models 30 laps is going to be the distance the Canadian Legends feature event and again these cars really perform here at Peterboro oh get a field shot I love that camera view down in turn one it gets it gets the tech line where everything happens it gets the

    Field we we deliver that’s our our goal we we want to bring you the action wherever it happens to be so that’s the auxiliary pit area that extends down off the end of turns one and two basically the field that goes out to Highway 7 about half of that field is is all Pits they come roaring out of the pit area they’ll take shape behind the Pace Truck are junior late models a top three will head down to Tech Lane just looking at the point standing for the Canadian Legend series uh coming into tonight Parker trades with a 962 points almost uh what 68o lead over uh Dawson dmy in the 66 yeah uh 60 68 68 Point yep there we go yeah that’s big lead now I mean two

    Features you got a feature today and a feature tomorrow so and I mean this is when you’re going to you know make or or lose your most amount of points right this is the the biggest um you know risk for loss that you’re going to have is

    With the feature right you know one dnf here is really going to shuffle the deck and uh can set you for tomorrow and it’s not like you have another shot tomorrow you know something goes aide tonight there’s no practice session tomorrow there’s no heat races you got to Hope

    You get the car right if you’ve got yourself into trouble and you’re good to go for tomorrow afternoon and there’s no uh there’s no lack of talent in this Canadian Legend series I mean some of these guys are are international winners and amazing teams yeah I mean a lot of

    Lot of quality drivers even just you know our own local drivers but I mean a lot of these drivers um you know Parker tray has gone down around the summer sh series at Charlotte Motor Speedway you got Josh hi here from Hampton Georgia winner through the South he picked up

    The Canadian lend Nationals win earlier this year over Sunset Speedway um Jord L has been going down he’s running New York a bit he’s got some feature wins down there I think he picked up like a I think it was like a $5,000 payday or something like that down uh down New

    York I remember seeing him in a big check at one point so all these drivers traveling around tour and trying different things they’ve been down in Birch Run Michigan a bit so the legend drivers a a very vast array of them very talented field so here we go lead machine that occurs B

    Recovery during fight Series J painting R that’ll be Mitch right next in line that will be the number 60 machine of Parker Traves your reigning Series champion and current points to the pick Peter Nikolai concrete finishing T I’m aik electri car K Automotive ride out of Graven Hurst then we’ll have the 57

    Machine that is Josh Hicks out of Hampton Georgia driver electric car 17z machine the Zack ler little Gambler out of cold water blood receiving service creature designs ICI heavy hollers tart bookkeeping entry F holding comp also board the 17z then we have the that should be the 97

    From the looks of it that’ll be West kerson like flying colors cor can rack storage systems ride 66 machine second points coming into this weekend St P Kos CL met car Entry then we will have the 70 the 300 machine of col mcfat and the brassing Grassroots racing entry had had some issues in qualifying last night able to get that car sorted out 51j that is Josh engas the Simco County Auto re sales Ry Automotive PA the motor AC plus

    Automo Sun car washing detailing ground level contract P Graphics wall and enerson trucking aboard that entry 77 machine the second most dri famous driver at Hampton on chair the I Canada Metal Factory W restoration Sosa har sville Choppers custom painting pet L Salvage buman Technologies and white

    Feather Farms is Glenn Morris 25 machine that is Keaton pipe out of whbe the element Canada hit Motorsports Safe Auto and transport storage number 25 machine next be Anthony n the rail met fabrication entry 36 machine then is Jason tolton the out of Alma the Jim Bowman Remax made well mortgages protex

    Sprinkler Services entry 31 machine is Connor James filling in for J uh Jade Franklin this weekend aboard the 31 driver out of Hamilton 78 Machin is Matt boys the green tractor Bramton DSi heavy equipment CDP diesel silver Landscaping Marshall race fuels Rob’s used rubber inra out an epic race

    Entry then it would be the 08 of Steve guu 02 of Andrew mcfaden 7 of Joe the tank Sherman 30 34 machine is Caleb dmy and rounding out the field be the 07 machine of Jeff McKim lights are extinguish on the floor coverings International pet Speedway pce truck we get set to

    Fire with the legend car feature race their first of two this weekend they’ll be backing action tomorrow afternoon part of the 30th annual APC autumn colors classic presented by Toronto monorama Great Canadian RV green flag in the air down into turn number one we go trayes with the advantage on

    The high side of the racetrack going to get out in front ahead of Mitch right C lric guards 1 2 three the teammates Here Comes Josh Hicks looking at the inside of the 21 down to three and four right moves up the hill let go open the door

    For Hicks down the bottom the driver to Hampton Georgia has three future wins at a Sunset Speedway this year part of the Canadian Legend car Nationals wants to win here at the autumn colors classic and run down the back straightaway trying to chase down Parker tray the Peter niai concrete finishing number 60

    Machine out in front cuton up to the four spot here comes fifth now and of Cole mcfaden in the brass Inc Grassroots racing 300 machine Jordan laimer on the move up to the sixth spot everyone finding some room to work Zack ladimer got real loose last time in turn four

    That cost him some spots out there in the 17 machine trying to hold his ground now and get his footing and trying to work his way back to Dawson Jeremy but just up on the high side of the RAC track that car very Twitchy unable to get down

    On the bottom side of the RAC track that’s an open the door now for the 79 of Adam cson trying to work his way forward cson your raining autumn colors classic Champion here last year and Josh Hicks slowly but surely closing the Gap lap after lap to the 60 Parker

    Traves not time B just to tick quicker about a half a 10 now almost to the rear Nerf Bar TR is going to have to find some speed Jeff McKim down do some agriculture racing down through the grass on to Pit Road looks like he’ll reenter the RAC trck down low in turn

    Number two stand to the very bottom side of the racetrack let the field streak pass Here Comes Dawson jimy to the inside of the 90 of Jordan L trying to work his way towards the top five doing what he needs to do and stay as close to

    Parker trades as he can and hopes trouble will fall Parker Traves his W but right now Traves out in front the only trouble he’s got is a very fast Josh Hicks all over his rear Nerf Bar and up the hill goes Parker Traves might have been a bit of a shot there from

    Hicks the driver at of Hampton Georgia now out to the top spot and starting to pull away from the 60 machine a Parker Trace Trace back to Second as they slowly come around to catch the tail of the field Traves able to keep Pace with Josh Hicks for now Hicks might be pulling

    Away a car length through to a lap but he goes up the racetrack look at how quickly Parker dves closes that Gap I mean Hicks uh maybe playing a little bit of an experiment there seeing what it was going to be like when he got to

    The lap car to go to the outside and that paid some dividends there because he got through one and two really well on the high side of the racetrack to get around toen in that 36 machine and back distancing himself from the 60 a Parker Traves so might have been a little bit

    Of strategy for Josh Hicks there just to make sure knew what he was dealing with when he actually got to those lap cars and would have the opportunity to uh slow the uh slam the door back on Parker Traves Josh Hicks making a lot of ground

    As he’s getting around a lot of these lap cars seems to be putting a lot of space between him and Parker traes as that battle continues for third for that second spot between traes and Mitch Wright and right now the battle is heating up for fourth Cole mcf struggling looking through LA traffic

    Dawon ding G him a shot there through traffic Jordan ler lurking in the we in that sedan on the number 90 machine those drivers getting spread out once again now that they are clear of lap traffic but Tres in some trouble there Mitch Wright closing the Gap that 21 car

    Looking strong this weekend starting oh trouble in turn four and we got tolton facing the wrong way and Steve gu taking the evasive action St P should held the break there and and uh let the field go around him but he didn’t and gu had to take the

    Evasive action down through the infield your instant is to do something you know i’ I’ve made this mistake I’ve spun out I’ve got a everybody else on the track wants you to hold the break if you stay still we’ll we’ll figure out a way around you yeah and I don’t think G too

    Happy with 36 and clearly showing it there you know GW not happy that he had to make the trip through the grass toon got his hand out the window like what was that for well and this this is what it is we look look at this spin from the speed shot

    Car’s going low around you you’re sitting sideways on the track and that is not a comfortable place to be but everyone knows there’s a car width below you okay we can get by until the car rolls it’s a teachable moment yeah it’s easier to avoid a still object than it

    Is a moving one yeah so Brew down Pit Road looks like just needs a wipe on the windshield possibly after going through the field there some fresh shorts clean windshield he’ll be good to go7 2582 boy the first half of that race went in a hurry 14 laps out of the 30 are

    Complete and Josh Hicks was picking them up and laying them down he was able to work through lap traffic at a torid pace all right so the uh choose rule in effect for the trailers plus Canadian Electric Car Series when they come off turn number four you move to the bottom

    Side of the racetrack and when you get to the start Finish Line that’s when you make your decision where you’re going to go one two going to stay to the inside looks like it be Cole mcfaden going to make the jump Jordan lmer jump to the

    Outside the 79 machine of Adam C going to jump out there as well Dawson JY with a late move to the outside I don’t know if that was a late move or an early move by somebody else and that’s the issue you can’t go halfway you’ve got to commit bottom or top

    Dawson dmy hesitated a little bit there and now I don’t know if that’s trouble for Mitch right but the 21 car slowed down well that doesn’t make any sense at all no oh I think they were trying to get jmmy ahead of right in the lineup since jmmy stayed to the inside maybe

    But wasn’t right right wasad right was ahead of him okay so now they’re arguing that one back makes that makes sense okay now we got it back little confusion but everyone’s back where they need to be green flight back in the Air and Hicks with the jump TR come 21 of yeah so right was having some issues there that car now shut off and traes had a big run to the inside up the 57 to Hicks down in three last time not able to make it work but

    Jordan lmer making some moves in the sedan up to the third spot try to run down the number six machine of Traves the 21 of Mitch Wright sitting on the Pit Road access now it’s going to bring a caution can’t leave him sitting there for too long so that will draw the

    Caution that restart did not go very well for that inside row I think that’s the 36 of tolton that’s down in the infield behind oh down on the down on Pit Road they told stay is done but M right they cre out to assist and now he fires

    Up and drives away so and the big hey man what’s up from the clean up crew wanting to know yeah they get all the way there and he takes off little Mouse going on although looking at over right sitting down there put himself a lot

    Down so if he was laying praying uh you know to try to hit Pit Road to get the issue fixed he has essentially ended his features he is one lap down now according to official timing and scoring so not really how that supposed to work out for him I don’t

    Think 316 so there’s windshields being cleared off I wonder if condensation is a okay yeah that’s kind of what I thought looking at some of the camera viws we’re not going to say that word out loud though we do not utter that word nope so team’s down away from Pit Road and drivers stopping to have a chat on the front Straightaway so what’s going to happen they’re going to put the car in their put the cars in their running order and then they’re going to allow these Crews to come out and wipe the windshields clean all right so I see there’s some there’s a little bit of speckle or uh

    Condensation or rain or condensation or something some liquid liquid water it’s a fluid situation very much so I don’t know how many of these teams have anybody on P Road I think oh it’s just going to be one it’s going to be our cleanup crew yeah they’re like

    They’re the balls of energy on that infield just got to communicate to them what they need to do you need to clean every windshield as fast as you can no big deal but yeah set all the wind Shields a single file on the front straightaway we can expect the the field

    To come to rest the 21 machine is dead again this time on the backstretch I don’t think the cleanup crew is going to fall for that one twice on your own yeah send the push truck I don’t think anyone’s communicated with the crew guys what the expectation is right

    Now so we’re going to take a break on GeForce TV when we come back it’ll be the exciting conclusion of the Legends car feature Event early man discovered fire but quiwi perfected fire quiwi is the only fire starter that guarantees to start your campfire wood stove or fireplace without the need for kindling or paper find your nearest Quick Wick retailer at quick.com Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory pastides can be prepared any way

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    Hard fan or a casual viewer GeForce TV has everything you need to stay up to date on the latest racing news and events head to our website at Geforce.now well good evening everybody Welcome to our weekly race chat Adam Ross and Clinton Jeffrey are live and interactive every Tuesday night Rivals race chat is your home for race discussion debate News interviews and more they’ll even take your questions and comments live on the air and talk to some of the

    Newsmakers each week tune in every Tuesday night at 8:00 P.M on GeForce TV Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet our Savory potato sides can be prepared any way you like serve warm or chilled as a m or as a side Tiffany gate fresh Gourmet create your way to Great Taste tasty D me

    Crazy crazy pain I can do grab up your engines and get ready for some high octane action GeForce TV is your One-Stop destination for all the best racing action across Ontario with free live coverage of the ABC series buican Speedway southern Ontario Sprints and much more you won’t miss a single

    Moment of the excitement whether you’re a Die Hard fan or a casual viewer GeForce TV has everything you need to stay up toate on the latest racing news and events head to our website at gfor tv.net and start watching today custom boat RV or camper mattresses made for

    Your comfort at Bestway betting odd shapes any size made in St Catherine’s with Canadian components best way betting mattresses for boats and RVs visit our showroom or see us online welcome back to Peterboro Speedway race fans the drivers have been pulled it wasn’t unanimous but there’s a

    Majority that think the track is just not race right now so this race is going to be checkered flag and we’re going to hold our Podium for race winner Josh Hicks in the 57 Parker trays finishing off in second on the podium along with Jordan ladimer in the

    90 and that’ll put Cole mcfaden in fourth Josh Engish in fifth Wes kerson finishing sixth Dawson dmy in seventh Adam kerson in eighth Zack Latimer in the seven Zed in ninth Conor James finishing off in the top 10 Dennis Jason lag in 11th Matt boy Glenn Morris in

    13th Keaton pipe in 14th Steve guaru the 08 in 15th Mitri in 16th Caleb jeny finishing 17th Andrew mcfaden in 18th Joe Sherman in 19th Z down a lap Anthony einerson in 20th position then it’s Todd tolton and Jeff MC mcgibbon rounding off off the field so actually want to give a

    Shout out to Matt boy we’ seen the big wreck he had last night this I just talking to Robin young uh with the Canadian Legend Car Series and he had mentioned that uh that front clip is about bent six or seven inches they got a tow truck over there this morning uh

    There was about 10 teams I talked to Matt Boyce before they unloaded the car and he was like I’m pretty sure we’re done but the team wants to unload it we’re going to take a look at it and uh they had all hands on deck just for my

    Boys to be able to take the green here so uh kudos to the to boys and everyone with the Canadian Legend cars assisting on getting that car and Parker tra and head straight to Victory Lane not going to waste any time for that second place finish I hope that’s what they told them

    To do So we might have some changes Che all right folks as well that’s the word so going to got some things to work on for the B main on the bone stock so we’re going to wash that tonight if it is still needed we will do that first

    Thing tomorrow so we will be posting the lineup the lineup will be posted so they’re going to work on that and get that up so Bone St B main will be up first tomorrow will not be run tonight and we will head down to Victory Lane to

    Wrap things up here on night number two of the APC autumn colors classic presented by Toronto Motorama one of those un ceremonious endings but we’ll take it another the L we still got a Victory Lane to do which is good uh Josh X scoring his fourth win

    North of the Border all the way from Hampton Georgia uh headed to Dart heating air conditioning Victory Lane makes the trip worthwhile yeah I mean hey he comes to Canada every time now he seems to win so he’s going to he’s going to rack up some traveler miles flying up here just to

    Collect checkered Flags so the group Gathering down there in Victory Lane we’ll send Ben in to talk to Josh Hicks Kevin hops out of his 57 machine little bit of a premature ending but he still gets the checkered flag gets the job done sure wasn’t in the

    Playing cards or the plan for tonight but you still get to park it in Victory Lane what does it mean to you to drive it out them colors and park it in Victory Lane uh it’s it’s a blast I can’t thank Kevin and everybody so much for the opportunity and it’s a blast

    Running with Parker we had a good little battle there but yeah I wasn’t expecting to get uh shorten because of the rain is there anyone you’d like to thank to get you here tonight I just Kevin and everybody up here that invited me the inex people from up here like all of

    Canada y’all are all great this is a blast Everybody Get Loud for your Legend winner Kevin Foy that’s Josh Hicks it was Josh Hicks but the car says Kevin fo on the roof Kevin’s going to celebrate anyways as the car winner abely you know he’s still he’s still a winner whether he

    Drove it or not so Kevin foise down there celebrating Victory with his driver Josh Hicks looks like uh Second Place Parker Tres ready for his interview all right Parker got your name right cool so in the 60 machine you had a good race you’re battling with your teammates and you bring home second

    Place was this his sex for you tonight yeah it’s good we’re honestly just points racing so we just need to finish the best we can Josh was a little bit better and got to the back bumper of me and I just let him go there’s no sense

    Racing we have a big pitcher to prove here so I just want to thank all my sponsors Canadian Legend cars Kevin Ryan Automotive Peter nicholet concrete finishing tnm Auto Body all my friends and family for coming um just good way to wrap up the end of the season Parker

    Will collect more points and finish in the second position Jordan ladimer took advantage of a great restart you know when the top three chose the inside he was Johnny on the spot and hey took advantage something went wrong on the inside and he was able to make that

    Outside work and uh now he’s got a Podium here at the autumn colors classic Jordan you finished third you made some crucial passes before the rain delay you pick up the final Podium spot how much fun is it to drive it out in colors ah it’s great I really uh really

    Wish it didn’t get rain short and I had something for the leaders there we scrubbed the wall down the front stretch just battling with everybody and uh I kind of got myself put back for a couple hours but the car is really coming in uh

    We had a really good long run car I just got to figure out uh for tomorrow how to how to tighten it up and get it going off the off the restart sooner the 90 machine finishes third and is ready for tomorrow to try to go for that Checkered

    Flag well it was a full day of activity gentlemen here at Peterborough Speedway the qualifying is mostly complete we’ve got a be feature to run tomorrow to set the final lineup for the bone stop box and lots of feature racing action so keep your eyes on social media

    On the website see what the lineups are what the time frame is for things going on but the first two days of autumn colors classic sorry APC autumn colors classic presented by Toronto Motorama is in the books we over two-thirds the way there it’s been great so far a lot of

    Great racing in all the divisions I mean uh everyone’s put on a good show you know a lot of clean racing a lot of respectful racing and uh you know hopefully that things cooperate for tomorrow and we get to see some great feature race action we’re going to find

    Out so on behalf of Clinton Ben Charley Brandon I’m Adam saying so long from Peter burough Speedway we’ll see you Tomorrow this copyrighted broadcast may not be reproduced retransmitted or used in any form without the authorized written consent of ge4 TV gForce TV would like to thank you for your support and for watching today’s Broadcast

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