Although at opposite ends of the country, the Swiss regions of Aargau and Engadine have one thing in common – an abundance of phenomenal cycling. The rolling hills and historical towns of Aargau offer countless rewards for the road rider, whilst the slopes of St. Moritz represent a mountain-biker’s mecca.

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    Good morning I’m care I’m Dave we’re here in the beautiful Argyle a region renowned for his produce and relaxed really and doing some road cycling through the rolling farmlands and forests of the region then I think it would be a wise move to hit the city of

    Arrow and grab some coffees deal hour ago one of the most northern Canton’s in Switzerland the surface of our cow is beautifully diverse with lush rolling hills as far as the eye can see the Canton showed us some awesome road cycling that caters to cyclists of all

    Skill levels during our time an hour ago we stayed in the bed-and-breakfast bergwerk silo which is an old iron ore silo that has been transformed into a unique architectural masterpiece we’re in the era cow in the northwest of Switzerland it’s not the high mountains but there’s some really challenging

    Terrain with steep hills through thick forests and rolling farmland it’s nice to get back on the road bike and get the mousie after our morning ride we headed into the german-speaking capital of the canton our ow we hopped off the bait to grab a cup of coffee from the store that

    Only sells local produce we then rolled through some beautiful forest before making our way to Baz burg to check out one of the oldest trees in Switzerland we’re just outside the village of Linn and this is the fame tree the Linda Linda tree it’s claimed

    To be over 800 years old the oldest in Switzerland and it’s got a ton of Legends attached to it they say was planted by the last surviving resident of the village during the Black Plague and who the few raindrops falling is given us a perfect place to hide Next up we hopped on one of the luxurious Swiss federal railway trains to make our way to angered in a high alpine region in the eastern Swiss out for high up in the Alps at 1,800 meters and sambar it we came on the train and we’re gonna go mountain bike in San

    Moritz a high alpine resort located in the Inga Deane with an elevation of about 1,800 meters above sea level the mountains surrounding the resort hope smooth the best mountain bike trails in Switzerland we sat below the leaning tower of San Moritz we rather coffee and it feels like the sun’s about to kick

    Into gear so I think we should hit the mountain I’ve been checking out the map and I’m deadly to hit the cordelia flo-jo Well Throughout our way of the Camellia of them particular will be up in two thousand four hundred and eighty six meters according to the map here you got the out the bikes are we going down the flow trail yeah so it looks like it’s gonna be a pretty chunky we’re a big

    Exciting time to get to the bottom The Cove Wiggly flow trail is a 3.7 kilometer long downhill pump truck which has been harmoniously integrated into the surrounding on the scale the small jumps and smooth corners are perfect for mountain bike riders of all skill levels

    You also get one of the best views of this swiss out so far this morning we’ve headed up the funicular to the top of the mountain roll down out of bags of foot on the way down might have not burned so many calories but when you find abouts made

    Out of no gondola fine food just as spectacular as a mountain biking it’s rude not to stop and have a bit of lunch to finish off our time on the mountain we wrote down the WN trail the flow trail starts at the coal figlia summit station and snakes its way along the

    High alpine track through stunning scenery for mountainside to lush forests all the way down to lake centner it’s a great way to finish our time in the anga d You


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