In this Saturday session video, Arlene will discuss the different components related to the study of novels for Junior Cycle Irish. She will use examples of Daideo by Áine Ní Ghlinn and Cúpla by Ógie Ó Céilleachair as areas of study and discuss how to answer previous exam questions in line with marking schemes.

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    So welcome everybody today to this session about the novel for the junior cycle is Misha AUST by Maya you so talking about a few different novels that are on the course character on session okay so so You can pick your novel grou okay no WR as a group or as a class so so So skull egg F on wor scale usually when students are picking orale so you’re usually chatting to your teacher you’ll have a look at different blurbs blur p p he on or scale so they’re the little blurs they on the back of the novel Su Spade your Li sheet so

    Just so what’s the right spelling of is it an with an A or is an with an i in grammar Corner the novel so is so that’s our noun it’s an so it is a masculine noun why you have our small little T there on T

    So it’s a masculine noun and we have on TS Le when we have the alt with ites so put our little T and her Dash before it if we put another noun before it so okay because we have our two nouns coming together and that’s an example

    Of you know loads of examples of up but maybe you just might not know the term okay for example the word for room is shra the word for class is wrong both when we put the two of them together we get shra ra another one that you know the word

    For weak is shock then the word for end is Dera but when we put the two of them together we get Dera shocked enough so okay so we can see our different spellings okay okay so so it’s an example of the author when we put another with it on

    The name of the author so so that’s another example of our or no on so that’s beginning the middle or the end of the novel say so that means then that ourish is happening okay so BR which one you use depends on what you’re writing okay normally the spelling would Beale with I

    Or a l if the is happening we b b on as we take out the A and on I and we put in I okay so on so for so he wants to try and Escape so well okay so so sh sh So so they have this kind of similar grounding or similar thing this common theme between them ont so both of them are escaping Jane and Liam he makes a new friend train okay and they make this friendship Train F meet on who on train so we see the

    Relationship between them Aon train a character Ty of characters that they are so again majority of the story air on train what happens on the train Sharon so is okay who so character is character is character so is character Shar five F so character character a character So E okay sh on so you mention TR and then Dan to F and then you’ll develop it a little bit more on five a very common mistake that people make okay no e that’s fine when we leave it like that but nor when we have that means that is

    There we’ll have to change into our kind in into our indirect speech so Aran is go g so is changes to G there in it’s indirect speech okay so gank e no a whoever okay depending on the person and then in my Opinion okay so it really depends okay but if you’re not sure about changing is then I’d say maybe leave out the piece with Chapa if you think it’s going to confuse you a little bit much okay so Dar according to me so Dar is

    A so IM is a d so he’s Sly and he’s gr he’s like ugly as in the sense that he didn’t do something right buok so he tried re he tried to kidnap a young innocent boy called so he tried to do that monus with help from his friend Manus

    K Li okay so he kind of like pulled the wool over Liam’s eyes or was kind of deive so he confuses LI or tricks him and he pretends to him that he was looking out for him H or to H dry Do Liam and he gave drugs to Liam also

    So this shows that D is not a nice person at all he tries to pull the W over Liam’s eyes tries to drug him okay takes full advantage of Li okay aist we still have all our our lists of our traes there with Shaw Sharon my character so let’s have a

    Look at Sharon as a character there’s loads of different things we could say about Sharon as a character but I picked out one here so Sharon so I think that Sharon she is a wild character okay well Shin sort Rous so that is a statement that I’ve made actually cre on father

    Isin and shin Roes so that’s what I’m stating it but then I must explain it so I must come back and explain why I think this and how do I believe this so Kashi her skull so she spends her time she spends her time so she spends her

    Time so she has more of an interest in fashion and makeup but so like so she likes to go out with boys Kashi Al so she wears a lot of makeup and she has a color in her hair okay maybe something not typical for teenagers

    Maybe it is okay BR air on dinner it depends on the person so on pizza M best piece of recommendation I would have here is to make sure you have a list list your list of adjectives to use for any of these okay very very helpful very very useful so

    Few maybe different ones that we might be sure of okay powerful so is this person a powerful character depending on your novel a so are honest cap KLA so Ellie definitely will be honest in theale KLA n okay n you Think poisonous is there any poisonous characters well the Grandad or the old man d k we could definitely say that about the old man in the story he tried to kidnap Li she’s hardw workking absolutely so a false character kind is dinner break okay Tre just tree he’s definitely um false character false person is there any that’s clever okay let’s have a look at the different themes in each of our stories or each of our novels so is a or is E on

    Dal onale so the team of deception absolutely so sh Li so absolutely the old man he enjoys trying to trick the ticket man and Liam arish fake me on to absolutely we see this evil in him when he pushed Liam into the car and when he gave him drugs Kea

    Dara there is team that can be seen here and Onan and that’s the team of again domestic violence fan is violence Ty coming from the word Ty is family so Family Violence domestic violence problems at home talk and that is the reason why he left the house so Shin for on talk the

    Reason why he left his house um on V his idea was if he left the house by so he left because he thought he leaves his mom will also leave but in a he kind of understands in deep down that his mom won’t leave by and and

    She’s going to be crying all the time looking for so a five on no even if you want to kind of problems with teenagers pay okay why do I say that well the timy so he didn’t talk to for three months because he was in again a relationship with somebody

    Elsei Aus and KLA absolutely we see the tension between the parents and the twins again people trying to keep secrets G blackmail again absolutely mention them there’s loads that you could mention here and loads to add to these pointsa so okay Boer question again the tends Mo up

    On the paper a good bit is the hor of to express your opinion because sometimes people have problems with the tenses so on as we see onale sh so that is wrot our past tense so that means we can write our answer in past tense so

    Or on T so shom I liked it or near Shalom I didn’t like it another one then and do you like the no again I’m we have it vote here in our present tense again I liked it or okay depends what way the question is WR

    So again if the answerers wrote in past tense or the questions in the past tense I would answer in past tense and if the question is wrote In present tense well then I would answer the question in present tense another question the to come up on the exam papers a lot

    No so they’re focusing in here on emotions so onale so how did the story how did it affect you so what kind of emotions on a had you p no Brer make you feel happy sad surprised you need to again share write down your thoughts so on how did the story affect

    You did the story make you feel happy or did it make you feel sad so Orum on live ala so a few different themes that you could mention here so so I was really excited so I was really excited to read the next chapter marad Lally means between two lines or you

    Between two pieces of advice so you weren’t sure because on one hand it’s said X Y and Z but on the other hand then it’s said different so sh that’s a nice piece there you could use I was between two minds new so it wasn’t the praise of two

    People wasn’t the praise of two people character so I really like characters character on they were really realistic characters kasus in orale so there’s too much um twists and turns in the story maybe or maybe there wasn’t no you change it to suit you

    The so the theme um of the story it was kind of linked with your life they had a link with some part of your life maybe so maybe if you’re talking about because it’s based on two young girls and them going to secondary school could be like you

    Character on mans they’re going to Secondary School Host man skuller P you change it to suit youim so the novel it is interesting and inspiring and I learned about perro I learned something about whatever this F Arish you can fill in the blanks and so so important points for your with character character grave grave do you know where it’s situated where is it located on book po kind of main point Main highlight are you able to write another kind of ending for the scale Will

    Tam atmosphere a a do you know the beginning on the end of the novel AUST the and your personal opinion came up 2023 now this is a little bit different okay eron drama okay so that was an interesting change that they put in there you could answer this question on the novel or

    Theama So what is the main team the main so she C on so that’s really really nice question to have the main team SC so describe briefly One Main Event in the novel so what was a main event in the novel okay kind D you could talk about more H train

    No Li when he tried to to kidnap them kind we cunch if you’re talking you could say when there was the crash M Shin oin that’s a huge event or B talk about that either far so now describe briefly your favorite character in the story so that’s where you’re coming back and you

    Are talking about your characters so is Dina blank a no e whoever and then you’re going to develop it okay so would start off Mar is whatever a whoever sale no e BR it’s aen it’s an e and then L and then you’d fill in the rest of the pieces Lees on

    Otis with the information so we know exactly how do we know so always kind of state it first of all and then explain how we know what’s the evidence that we know that this person is whatever way they are or whatever tra you are sa and then So Satisfied or unsatisfied are you

    With the end of this story poor for warn Le R give one piece of information or give one reason for your answer so usually questions are like that you get marks by saying if you’re satisfied or if you’re unsatisfied and then n to F or the ragra when you develop your point B

    A little bit more you get the rest of marks so are you happy how satisfied unsatisfied are you so that’s basically the cre on or with the end of the novel okay so Hannah mentioned that before that you need to know your endings your beginning and your endings so T

    Sh okay that you know that River question that was in 2022 we’ve mentioned that before so describe event that shows the team that you have mentioned okay so how does the event that you’re talking about here how does that link with the team okay and then her Anda all has no

    BR did this team did it make you feel happy or sad so we they really were focusing on a team in this question here so did team make you feel happy or sad and then and then so you continue on then with your meaning saying why and then on Pandera is character to

    F you need to mention these points your H in the Novel so a positive is positive a positive trait you have and a negative trait that you have que AIS character Ella another point of information about a different character and then on is far is so your favorite thing and your least favorite thing about the novel Okay so so lots of writing inails

    Here we just look quickly at and then two marks there then for the team now to Mo to get these high marks let’s see what we need Lu Andor and so the applicant they mention the te and they describe event the CH te right so T Lucha team is mentioned play

    M octra so a good discussion of the event so good understanding shown so good references to the novel F that thoughts are well developed and then they’re going back to like things like grammar So always think good understanding good links or good references back to the so if you see here ft got marks and then so this is what the examiners had when they were doing their marking and then egg on Dera okay a okay Mah F f Okay so other questions exam rision Instagram OB or Twitter again get give me any questions on Instagram or Twitter on any of our accounts or socials it’s m arene so you can write it with the heading arene gu by Nash and I’ll be able to answer those questions

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