Plain-speaking, straight-talking – Michelle Dewberry delivers her individual take on the day’s news.

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    But I’m asking crucially how on Earth do you think we turn towns such as this around what does it take also a new poll shows that Ral verter seem to be switching to labor what’s causing that and is the blue wall crumbling and last but not least sadique Khan he has just

    Confirmed is going to roll out free School meals for all primary school children in London the chef Jamie Oliver he’s jumped on board and said that that should be extended across the whole country should it do you want to pay for the meals for the wealthy parents is

    That your job to feed their kids at school you tell Me indeed we’ll get stuck into all of that in just a few minutes but before we do Let’s cross live to poly middle hair for tonight’s latest news Headlines Michelle thank you good evening to you well the top story from the GB Newsroom tonight is that post office work workers caught up in the Horizon it Scandal could have their names cleared by the end of this year Postal Services Minister Kevin Hollen R said today new legislation to exonerate

    Sub postmasters and Mistresses in England and Wales will be introduced within weeks there’ll also be an upfront payment of £75,000 to compensate those who were jailed or bankrupted as a result of flawed computer software which wrongly showed money was missing Mr Hollen rake also said victim will get

    The Justice they deserve intend to bring forward legislation as soon as we can to overturn the convictions of all those convicted in England or Wales on the basis of post office evidence given during the Horizon Scandal the government will in the coming days consider whether to include

    The small number of cases that have already been considered by the appeal courts and the convictions upheld well Lord Arnot who is an MP at the the time of the Scandal says he’s pleased with the result very pleased indeed the government has moved very quickly and the drama has had a

    Galvanizing effect I am delighted both because it means that convictions are going to be overturned which otherwise uh simply wouldn’t have been and because it looks as though there’s going to be a usefully speeded up uh way of dealing with uh compensation or as was Now call it redress um so I’m

    Delighted but one of the victims of the post office Scandal VJ parck told GB news more should be done all the people who are involved in this get the same treatment we have had all this uh convicted uh postmasters and let them feel how we felt we’ve done nothing and we’ve been

    Imprisoned they have done something so they need to be imprisoned for the reason what they’ve done well in other news today a joint ukus military operation has fought off the biggest ever Maritime attack on International Shipping in the Red Sea the defense secretary said the Royal Navy’s HMS Diamond along with us support

    Successfully destroyed multiple attack drones deployed by hooti rebels attacking commercial shipping in support of Hamas Grant shaps described the attacks as completely unacceptable and warned their would be further consequences HMS Diamond amongst a number of other us ships were involved in shooting down a whole barrage of missiles and drones H HMS Diamond

    Herself shot down seven drones uh remember this is not usual it was over three decades until a couple of weeks ago uh that the Royal Navy had not fired anything down in Anger um and we cannot have a situation where a major sea rout a major ability to move Goods around the

    World is being cut off by terrorists and Thugs and we therefore must act now if you find working a bit tough you’re not on your own the pressure of returning to the office after working from home is proving just too much for some with around six working days lost each year

    Per worker due to stress a survey of a thousand people found that noise distractions and worries about being on show were the main causes of anxiety in the office respondents also said that anxiety has become worse in recent months after the trend to work from home during the pandemic came to an

    End the estimated cost of building the hs2 rail link between London and Birmingham has soared to 66.6 billion pound the chairman of the project Sir John Thompson told MPS the increase is due to the original budget estimates being too low poor standards of delivery and he said inflation in

    2013 hs2 was estimated to cost 37.5 billion and that’s for the entire planned Network that included the now scrapped sections from Birmingham to Manchester and leads let’s bring you now’s news from the royal family and the Princess Royal has been abroad she’s been welcomed to Sri Lanka with a traditional dance

    Display as well as meeting members of the public as she landed in the South Asian country there with her husband uh she was marking 75 years of British Sri Lankan diplomatic relations during her planned three-day visit the princess is due to meet the country’s president as

    Well as his first lady she’ll also be meeting local community leaders and Faith groups in the capital Colombo that’s the news on GB news across the UK on TV on your digital Radio and on your smart speaker this is Britain’s News Channel thanks for that Polly I Michelle juie and I’m with you till 7 o’ tonight uh this is jubes and c I always listen to these headlines and sometimes I think I just need to make a show on its own just reaction we could do like goggle box reaction to the news headlines

    Because I don’t mean to undermine mental health issues or anything like that I certainly do not I do indeed take them seriously but when I hear things like we’re going off with stress because we’ve got anx xiety about being on show in the office honestly it makes me

    Cringe inside and I can’t help I sit here and think how pathetic are we becoming as a nation honestly try and answer that question for me fascinated to what you think about that anyway I’m with you till 7 o’cl alongside me we’ve got a new face to this show we like

    Those don’t we former brexit party me anunciata Rees MOG and alongside of the political commentator Matthew stadin good evening good evening it’s really interesting that story about stress I think it’s pathetic different things trigger different people I can come on these sorts of shows I don’t feel any

    Stress or anxiety but during the pandemic I just had this thing where I was worried I was going to Catch Co and give it to someone else and that made going into the studio where I was working really difficult yeah but that’s not this though is it this is people now

    That are sat at home in the pajamas having a fantastic time that have now realized they’ve got to get dressed brush their hair go out they’re now getting anxiety I’m sure I’m quoting what Polly said correctly about being unsure in an office I think are we just

    Much more stressful to get ready for a zoom call than I do coming out in person where you can see a human being and interact like a normal person we are creating a nation of wet wipes mark my words on that one ladies and gents honestly if you can’t handle people

    Looking at you in an office how on Earth do you think you’re going to get on in the world anyway I’ve got so much I need to talk to uh you guys about you are so in touch with me already about the post office Scandal big news of the day GB

    Views at GB get hold of me that way email me if you want uh or tweet me GB news but anyway big news person office Scandal riches sunak first PM qes of the Year let’s get stuck straight in what did he have to say today I can

    Announce that we will introduce new primary legislation to make sure that those convicted as a result of the Horizon Scandal are swiftly exonerated and compensated we will also introduce a new upfront payment of £75,000 for the vital Glo group of postmasters we will make sure that the truth comes to light we

    Write the wrongs of the past and the victim get the Justice they deserve yeah fascinating stuff but let’s go live to our political edor Christopher her then because the devil in this stuff is always in the detail Christopher good evening to you I love the view that you’ve got there

    Absolutely lovely uh let’s get straight into this Horizon one then how is this what Rishi sunak uh has said been received and then I want you to try and explain exactly what it is that is proposing it’s a rare bit of good news for this prime minister he’s got a head

    Of where this story was going and he’s dealt with it pretty quickly of course this the issue of the sub postmasters was put into some uh relief uh and Stark relief at that um by this this docu this drama on ITV last week Mr Bates versus the post office the big problem the

    Government had is they were hoping to respond uh to the to this Scandal once this inquiry ongoing for many years now had concluded but Michelle he was meant to conclude back in 2022 and now it’s 2024 and I think frankly our outrage about what happened to subst master just

    Bubbled up and has just gone straight through the front door and out out the back door and out the front door of this inquiry and almost left that back back in the sidings so what’s happening now is the government’s going to put forward a bill a law in coming weeks which will

    Expunge the convictions of of 980 sub postmasters um currently they’ve been going through individually each one and just one 10 of those 93 had been overturned so far the government’s coughing up more money £75,000 each so far 148 million has been paid out but I would add to that 150 million more has

    Been paid out to lawyers not to the victims that’s a different conversation but that is shocking to me but for me this is a plague on all all the all the houses of politicians and officials labor government brought in the Horizon uh computer system with fet fij Jitsu itself has questions to answer

    The Tory government the lib Dems who were the post office ministers back in 2012 to 2010 2012 sir Ed Davy got a night at a course for services to politics and public service I haven’t seen the anger about this in the emails we’re receiving at GB news it’s a kin

    It’s similar to the expenses Scandal which I worked for worked on for the telegraph back in 2009 people are Furious about it they see officials min ministers ignoring people believing computers over um upstanding members of local community sub poost Masters it’s appalling I think it’s a plague in all

    Our houses and what you’re seeing is politicians desperately claing over the way towards some form of life raft before they get overtaken by events just I just want to be clear on some of these numbers right so this 775,000 um is this just kind of an inm

    You know we’re going to pass this to you because the other figure that’s been banded around a lot is £600,000 and I also saw uh one of the reactions the lady called Jer hair carees of course featured quite heavily in the drama she was basically getting in touch saying

    That 75 grand W even cover the interest on the money that uh basically people have paid out to the post office so she wasn’t very happy about it so just give us a bit of clarity if you can on those figures these are starting payments and what will happen when they work out

    Individual how much each individual gets if you’re able to work if you’re a younger person Michelle and you found your career prospects wrecked by a conviction that shouldn’t have been given out then you can claim lot of earnings which can quickly multiply up to a big number if you’re an older

    Person you might get less in terms of compensation so I think £600,000 is an average of what might go out and 75,000 is a down payment on a bigger number in the future yeah cuz I mean you know very quickly whilst I’m talking listening uh

    Just trying to do a brief set of maths uh and if you’re seeing about 900 people 75 grand that’s going to be about almost 68 million quid isn’t it unless I’ve really hashed those figures which is always uh plausible on National Television but we of course uh the

    Taxpayers it’s us on the hook for this isn’t it well it is it is presently now there’s calls for fij Jitsu which is a very rich company an IT company to Bear some of some of this and in certainly if this inquiry finds out the fij Jitsu was

    At fault and should have dealt with this earlier and supported ministers in dealing with it earlier it may be that they are held to account now I’ve asked number 10 this week for GB News why they can’t just ban fetu from getting any further government contracts until this

    Is all sorted out they said the problem they’ve got is that fij Jitsu is heavily involved in other parts of government and to remove them from infrastructure in public public life would damage other public services so they’re on the hook slightly with fij Jitsu that the government is hooked together with them

    But I think there will be a reckoning for people there for post office Stu and the rest and also for ministers and officials one this inquiry reports but the first instance is deal with these people have their lives ruined unfairly wrongly by this Scandal fascinating stuff isn’t it but for now Christopher

    Her thank you very much n as I’ll start with you on this one I mean I’ve been doing this job for two years whatever I don’t think I’ve ever remembered a story that has captured I mean literally my inbox before I’ve even gone on a it is

    Full of people getting in touch about this topic it has been literally every day since this program aired but why do you think it’s taken like a a docu drama in order to bring this to this level of interest because people have known about this for years the media I mean the

    Media the the media have uh and even local communities have I remember one of my local Villages the sub postmaster is one of the people who was convicted um he pled guilty because he was told he would with a a legal aid lawyer have no chance of going up against such

    Respected organization as the post office so he just fessed up although he had done nothing wrong and was left tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket and it was in lockdown or part of the way through covid that it came out that he was completely exonerated he was one of

    The first of the groups to be to be found uh not to be at fault and his conviction has been overturned and the local Facebook pages were full of outpourings of how bad a we that we judged him we had no knowledge that he was innocent we assumed that the court

    Process had been fair and that he had swindled people’s pensions and the village turned against him and they feel that guilt as well this touches communities up and down the country well the mistrust went everywhere cuz a lot of sub post Masters someone got in touch

    With my show the other day and he worked in the shop and he was telling us uh this show that the sub uh Pur Master basically took it out on all the staff that sub postmaster believed that it must have been one of those staff members that was nicking uh money from

    The tail or wherever so this distrust was everywhere that you looked and why would it not be because you’ve been Gast lit all the time you’re the only one you’re the only one and it’s just that’s the bit that I don’t understand so many people involved in this Mt everybody

    Knew that that w’t the only one so how did that message continuously get reinforced to these people over and over again that points about gaslighting which is a word we use a lot these days days is a really good one I think it’s a tragic story but it’s also a scandalous

    Story and it’s a cruel story partly for the reason you just highlighted I think it is really important your question about why it’s taken an ITV drama really to capture the imagination of the public I mean that’s obvious in a sense because so many people have watched a drama but

    Why has it taken a drama to get Rishi sunak and the government and I’d say the same if k d was currently prime minister why has it taken a drama to get this sort of primary legislation up and about and I think it’s so key that because we

    Know how our media Cycle Works next week it will probably be a different story we’ll have moved on it is essential that journalists follow this up so that this primary legislation that has been promised actually happens and happens swiftly so that soon that doesn’t just get away with a headline if that’s what

    It is yeah you see after the Breck I want to just pick back up briefly on this story because I want to just ask you guys at home do you think this is the right solution then this emergency law basically to exonerate everybody including in there I hate to say it but

    There will be perhaps some people actually uh were fiddling the books very small number amount of people I’m sure but basically everyone off the hook is that the right blanket approach this is very unprecedented um will we see perhaps this kind of approach now becoming common place there’s loads of

    Um scandals on the horizon aren’t they paron the pun uh and if you want to do uh docky dramas uh perhaps you might want to look into vaccine injured or waspy women I can come up with quite a few topics if there’s any documentary uh makers watching this program after the

    Break I will bring in lots of your thoughts you really are getting in touch on this one but I want to also speak to you about the top 10 most depressing towns or cities that you live in in the UK a list is out now showing that top 10

    We’ll share it with you see if your place is on there should it be on there and it isn’t and more importantly how on Earth do we fix these towns and cities I’ll see you in two Good afternoon Breton good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear

    From you GB news Britain’s News Channel wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else seven days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before you’ve even had your kippers M

    Headliners every morning at 5: a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that matter across the land join me on state

    Of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should too in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks

    We’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel big news big debates big opinion Patrick chrisy tonight is the week’s biggest Che every weekday 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we

    Will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick Ry tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News

    Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 889 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8 till 9 on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions

    Free of the usual Focus tested pre-prepared Westminster runaround well so am I so you want higher taxes is your department to blame for this are you rethinking this policy every Sunday at 9:30 I’ll be sitting down with those in power to get the truth about the issues affecting you let’s be honest we’ve

    Known about the cost pressures of this project for years not months that’s the Camila Tomy show a politics show with personality on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the

    Week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel hi there I’m Michelle jubber with you till 7 here on jubes and CER with me tonight the former brexit party me anunciata Reese MOG and the political commentator Matt stadlin uh are alongside me we opened the program talking about the post office Horizon uh system Matt you said you want to come

    Back and make a point about the it elements yeah just Christopher Hope was saying and I think it was a really important an point that he was making that politicians and people in Authority cannot simply just believe a computer system over human beings that’s one of

    The things that has been asked of Sir Ed Davey leader of the liberal Democrats because he had correspondence didn’t he with Mr Bates Mr Bates doesn’t actually seem to be angry does he with Ed Davey because that he feels that there was a lot of people who were responsible at

    The time but this is moving forward essential because if you think about reform of the NHS that’s going to likely involve huge changes with computer systems and if computer systems mess up as they can do that could cost lives in in in their droves I think you’re absolutely right the biggest question

    Facing Ed Davey is why did he actually believe that suddenly 700 of the most upstanding members of communities across the country had turned into criminals overnight and it was the unlikeliness of that happening that should have made him ask the questions about the reliability

    Of the it but as you say as we’re moving into an AI world and the medical influence that will have this could have really M and you remember the Little Britain sketch you know the computer says no you do don’t put me on you brought it up get your back I can’t

    Remember computer says no that sort of thing and and it’s scary it is scary though and and as you say we’re in an AI world and computer systems are integral to the way government is run make sure we get it right you all know this I’m like a stu

    Record my background is it I did use to deploy large systems and I would say and I think we’ll see this I think it will all come out in the wash as people say that actually it was people people knew that that system was doing things in a

    Certain way people will have been burnest up to the eyeballs incentiv uh up to the eyeballs to say that Horizon was delivered successfully so that they themselves personally benefited from it I think we’ll see a lot of that and also what I found fascinating when it comes

    To it when you look at the track record of the public sector in delivering and deploying new it systems is fical and when you’re bored go and Google the NHS uh one of the biggest if not the biggest uh it failure when it comes to it rollouts was the NHS last uh

    Calculations it was 10 billion pound plus that it’s cost you me and every I’m not saying the human beings weren’t lying about this I’m just saying that computer systems are not infallible this is very true um many people highlighting Paula venel we spoking about her she’s

    Handing her back a CBE um they’re saying she was connected to the church well she’s connected to the church many people saying how could she have gone for so long uh holding on to that CBE uh given the values of the church many people rais that he did the same

    Yesterday as well and Darren says the people that knew about the software books should stand trial for their defe deceits and severe uh incompetence one of those system Architects you might be familiar with he’s asked for immunity from prosecution before uh he gives any evidence to the public inquiry what do

    You make to that one uh let me talk to you about the place where you live um is it it’s one of the most depressing towns or cities because there’s a poll uh it’s a live poll running as we speak that is listing those top 10 places let’s have a

    Little look um at those places shall we uh see whether or not you live there or whether or not actually you’re sitting there thinking yeah my place is really depressing and it’s not on the list why is it not on the list let’s bring that

    List up and have a little look at it uh the top place that is apparently really depressing in the UK is Peter BR uh number two and okay I do confess I don’t quite know how to pronounce this one properly but I’ll have a bash I think

    It’s medy hamste is it in the aisle of whites if you live there I’m sure you’ll tell me if I’ve got it wrong uh three abedine uh four uh painon when I looked at the painton um website the tourist website it describes itself as one of the brightest jewels in English rivieras

    Crown make of that what you will Swindon eing me yville tivon uh basing stok and wells in Somerset is your place on there do you think it should be on there and not uh my key Point here is how do we fix these kind of places

    I’m not going to get involved in whether or not they’re depressing you know I’ll let you guys fight that out but if a town is run down depressing and all the rest of it how do we fix it I I I think there are huge challenges I do dispute

    That Wells is one of the most depressing places I think it’s one of the most beautiful very small cities in the country uh being a a Somerset born girl but I think we need to reinvigorate our town centers that there has been a complete depletion for a huge sthe of

    Reasons from from deterring cars and parking to um a lot of rebuilding and works to change of uses to people having out of town centers to go to to the incredibly High business rates that are related to the value of the property and obviously a central location is worth

    More the whole system needs reforming because in from my perspective at the end of the day we are humans we rely on social interaction and if you are doing all your shopping all your uh goods and services purely online you are not meeting other people and that is hugely

    Dam damaging particularly for the youngest and the oldest Generations who are isolated yeah and for older people meeting people in a town square or the The Village Square is I would have thought really really important I give you one example of a very small town on the Welsh borders where I’ve been going

    For holidays since I was a little boy and it really has changed over the years they used to be a blacksmith you know they used used to be a Sho Smith a cobbler there used to be two butchers in the middle of this town SL Village a

    Post office a farm everything there are still one or two businesses in the town center but because the local supermarket which is a good Supermarket moved just to the fringes it dragged business away from that Center and I think that’s really difficult for people living there

    I mean in my area in London we’ve got a thriving High Street after thriving High Street but we’ve also got a massive Westfield around the corner and I would far rather be in a thriving High Street moving from shop to shop meeting people recognizing people than crammed together

    In this massive sort of Mecca of shopping let me show you if I can whilst we’re talking one of our panelists Aaron bastani he put um a video on his uh Twitter I think it was the other day um and I’m just going to play it for you

    Whilst we are talking I’m showing it now this is in uh water louville in Hampshire I mean I don’t mean to be rude to anyone that loves that lives there but look at the state of this if you’re listening not watching I’ll describe it it’s absolutely decimated it’s like a

    Precinct type thing I would call it it looks like it’s uh in the city center it is just boarded up shop after boarded up shop after empty shop you got a charity shop bmed in the middle of that it’s absolutely dead why would anyone go

    There so I think I looked at that thread when you’re producer sent it to me and I think an explanation is that there is this big shopping mall just around the corner or not far from there and that has dragged custom away from that particular Center which are for many

    People far more convenient that a lot of our towns now barely have a bus service you can’t park in my local town you get to free parking for half an hour well if you want to go to the green gross of the butcher that we’re lucky enough to still

    Have you can’t actually do your shopping before your car is due and they do have people checking and you will get done and I think we’ve really got to reinvigorate by letting people get there to spend time in them to not feel rushed so councils have a role then councils

    Have a massive role and and definitely part of that is the business rates and I think there should be an encouragement for new businesses to start up that our green grossers only opened two weeks before Christmas young guy had an idea took on a shop um but it won’t be able

    To afford the rates ongoing you see that video that I just shared I think someone on the council needs to be uh on the hook for that because if I think about Hull you used to have this big well you’ve still got it you used to have this shopping center called Princess key

    Which is one end of town it’s kind of like more towards the old end of town then they opened this St Stevens shopping center right at the other side of town so already you’re dividing the footfall now literally between completely different ends of the town then you had this old thing called the

    Prospect Center which was kind of in the middle but not and I think me as a customer it’s like you’ve taken the feet you’ve taken the custom away whereas what you should have done is tried to centralize it around like this Hub that we’ve got on the screen now you should

    Have built your new center in and around that proximity and then you’ve got everything together together all the foot fall together and I used to grow up and we used to say we’re going down road and it was only a certain kind of Road and I guess we’d call it High Street

    Today and I went down said Road the other day in Hull and it’s completely nothing like I remember it it’s a Polish butcher a halal meat um thing uh like a God only knows what vegetable um kind of shop that it was just completely different to what I remember growing up

    In as a child and and that was sort of the point I was making about this Welsh town because you just take the spa shop 100 200 yards down the road and that tiny what we’ think of us a tiny difference has sucked something of the

    Soul out of the heart of that town still a great town but it’s diff different also people go for different experiences different things and if every High Street has exactly the same chains all national all Anonymous big companies they don’t have the attraction to go and find something unusual a nice present

    For someone you literally do your Basics and you find the nice stuff on Etsy and we haven’t talked about digital buying as part of this but that’s inevitably one of the causes isn’t it and we’re responsible all of us or a lot of us cuz I 35% of retail something like that of

    Our sort of shopping is done online and and if we’re going to if we’re going to go down that route and if we’re going to be lazy not not everyone can get out on about but those of us that can if we’re going to be lazy we are partly

    Culpable one of our local supermarkets they still have the tills open another one they’ve just reopened the tills they’ve got rid of self-service because there’s an older population and that might be the only person they speak to that day if we lose our town centers who

    Do those people talk to let me ask you this though um because we all kind of lament uh the demise of the High Street dirt we myself included sometimes uh but then if I ask you honestly when was the last time you actually did your shopping

    Or pass of it online um I don’t know if it’s just something simple like uh your Amazon do you still go to the the High Street do you are you one of those people that go to the High Street you almost use it as like a shop window so

    You’ll go you’ll check out your purchase or whatever it is and then you’ll go home and you’ll try and go online and find the best possible price for you to buy your stuff are you one of those get in touch and tell me uh lots of you guys

    Getting in touch again this sub Masters post sub Post Master story lots of you getting in touch on that stepen says Michelle in my mind there’s no difference between the mafia and the people responsible for essentially uh holding a gun to sub poost Master’s heads to confess something that they

    Didn’t do he says it’s absolutely unbelievable Heidi says well I live near yville Michelle um and like many towns in this area most of the Town centers are empty uh but you also tell me that you can’t even park at you’re staying for more than 30 minutes without paying

    An absolute Fortune so yes she says she does shop online um’s on this list by the way it is it is and this is a live list so you can go to I think it’s called I and you can vot if you want to vote um who’s this k K says

    I just want to say that if these are the top 10 depressing towns uh then all I can say is that whoever’s chosen these Town whenever whoever’s chosen these towns have clearly never been to Doncaster uh she says regards from care who is a depressed Don resident she says

    Was your town on that list uh are you like K think yours wasn’t but it should have been get in touch and tell me I’ll have more of your thoughts in just a second but I want to ask you do you think you should pay for the school

    Meals of all children irrespective of how wealthy their parents are that is a suggestion also I want to ask you as well is the blue wall crumbling lots of rural vers now apparently turning to labor why you tell Me your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8: till 9:00 on GB news bring your own

    Drinks the emissions free wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before you’ve even had your kippers M Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m.

    Only on GB news the people’s channel breton’s news channel in the GB news room we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s

    Channel Britain’s News Channel big news big debates big opinion Patrick chrisy tonight is the week’s biggest Che every week day 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow

    It and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick chrisy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good

    Afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we

    Want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that matter across the land join me on state of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to

    Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should too I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 11:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of

    Special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news is Britain’s News Channel and now you can support it all you have to do is scan that QR code that’s up on your screen right now or you can go to GB newws

    For SLS support and become a GB news member you’ll have fantastic benefits we’re also going to organize special events where you as GB news members can meet the presenters the onscreen faces scan the QR code or go to GB ssupport thank you so Much hi there I’m Michelle jub with you till 7:00 alongside me former brexit party MP anasa re M and the political commentator Matt stadlin uh Barry says Michelle please can you not stop talking about empty shops you’re going to give rishy sunak ideas he’ll have them full

    Of people crossing the channel in a in a nanc stop with the ideas that got tou from Matthew sty he didn’t like that one Barry I can tell you now and says Michelle please can you add Cambridge uh to the list of depressing cities really I think it’s really quite nice there uh

    Anyway let’s talk politics shall we because AO apparently has put uh labor Four Points the head in the countryside after promises apparently to support farmers and Tackle sewage spills Etc uh let’s cut straight to the chase on this do you think kind of rural communities are indeed uh turning their backs on

    Tori I I think they might well be turning their backs on the conservative party uh I don’t think they’re moving to labor I have uh not had a conversation with anyone in the countryside where I live all the time where they’ve suddenly gone I think Karm as labor party are

    Amazing and I want to support them I think this pole is just a little bit suspect and it has been reported in in the National print press but it’s by a think tank founded by Rachel reees Wes streeting Lisa nandy John buus labor together uh who have decided to rescue

    The labor party post the 2019 election probably have a bit of an agenda and I think labor is trying to show themselves to be more attractive in the countryside than they actually necessarily are let’s just take the poll face value for a moment first of all I don’t think it

    Means that labor are popular in the countryside just less unpopular than the conservatives but it’s fascinating if true because we all remember don’t we that Tony Blair took on the countryside Alliance in the early days of his early years of his administration the fox hunting and all the rest of it so if

    People in the country are thinking of voting labor that is really bad news for the conservatives cuz this is part of their blue wall isn’t it it is the blue wall and Tony bled did win a majority in the countryside in both 97 and 2001 and

    It had changed by 2005 there is no feeling of that in the conservative constituency I live in or the one I’m moving to because they’re changing the boundaries around me um the people are really fed up with the Tories don’t feel they’re representing them but they’re

    Turning to reform which I think is a great shame because it’s going to split the vote on the right and possibly let labor sneak in without their vote growing let me challenge that though because I think this is really egotistical nuring right in politics that people’s vs somehow belong to

    Either labor or the Tory and if a new party has the audacity to pop up them what you always hear is oh they’re going to split the vert and hand labor these verts don’t belong to the Tories and therefore how dare you come in and likewise by the way for labor Michelle I

    Think you have raised a really important point I think one of the things that is happening is that the conservatives have fallen into to the same trap as labor did in the red wool and as the s SMP did in Scotland uh and labor before them in

    Scotland um whereby you ignore your core supporters you think you’re as a party more important than them and you know better than them and you get hollowed out from within and your core base deserts you and the conservatives need to listen to their membership and their

    Core vote more not less well if they if they did yeah but if they’ done that rich soon that wouldn’t be the Prime Minister would they but then I open up a whole different can of where on that one I’m sure Matt yeah just I think it’s worth remembering and whenever we talk

    About this upcoming election that the hill that labor has to climb just to get a majority of one it has to achieve a bigger swing than Tony Blair achieved in 1997 this is not a foregone conclusion every vote matters so I think you’re right Michelle both both main parties

    Have to scrap as hard as they can in the countryside and in in the towns it’s also important to say that I think voter apathy from the Tories could play a huge part as could reform I think I think Richard Tyson will take some votes away

    From the Tories and that could help K starma significantly but voter apathy is important because if Tories don’t turn out labor doesn’t have to be wildly popular in order to win and actually Blair achieved a great tranch of his success in that massive Landslide victory that we’re talking about in 1997

    Not necessarily so much because labor people were pouring out enthusiastically as might think of but actually because Tories were fed up with 18 years of conservative Administration and we’re now on 14 years and we hear it uh day in day out what have they done I think the

    Tories really need to uh turn things around very quickly to make sure that huge majority doesn’t go Labour’s way uh but I think the really positive thing about this is they really do have to fight for every vote both parties the MPS and the candidates are going to have

    To listen to the voters Carol says Michelle Tores are losing the farming votes as they’ve taken away our basic Farm payment and replaced it with far inferior payments which are doing nothing for wildlife she says how are we hill farmers supposed to live uh and basically how is the well it’s quite a

    Long email but long story short she is a farmer or she certainly has Farmers within her family and she’s saying that the Tories have uh lost their support and I perhaps suggest that there’s more that you know uh like yourself Carol get in touch and tell me more if you want

    After the brick on has talk to you about school children uh who should pay for their School meals and I’m not just talking about the people uh perhaps the lowest income in society I’m talking all children cuz now there’s proposals that all of them have free School meals should they or Not join us every night on GB news at 11:00 p.m. for Headliners which is three top comedians going through the next day news stories which is exactly what you need because when the establishment has gone crazy you need some craziness to make sense of it Headliners you don’t

    Have to bother reading the newspaper we’ve got it covered for you every night at 11:00 p.m. and repeated every morning at 5:00 a.m. we won’t send you to sleep like some of the other paper review shows out there so join us 11: p.m. every night on GB news the people’s

    Channel Britain’s News Channel tired of the usual Focus tested pre-prepared Westminster runaround well so am I so you want higher taxes this your department to blame for this are you rethinking this policy every Sunday at 9:30 I’ll be sitting down with those in power to get the truth about the issues

    Affecting you let’s be honest we’ve known about the cost pressures of this project for years not months that’s the Camila tomin show a politics show with personality on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people people who I

    Think are ignored Often by the major news channels we’re going to give news they want to hear there’s a voice there that needs to be heard I think there’s a chance here for a diversity of opinion to be Express which you don’t find elsewhere it’s really exciting we don’t

    Hold back we’re free to say how decisions that are taken here affect us all around the country only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of West Miner and why it matters

    To you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel every Sunday from 11: join Michael Portillo there will be topical discussion looking at the week before

    And the week to come so kick back and relax at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays on GB news with me Michael Portillo GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 9 on GB news big stories big guests and

    Big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8il 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free big news big debates big opinion C Christie tonight is the week’s biggest Che every weekday 9 until 11:00 p.m.

    We’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close

    To entertainment Patrick Christie tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel hello I’m Michelle jub with you till 7 here on jubes and Co alongside me I’ve got the former brexit party MP andas re MOG and the political commentator Matthew stadlin uh let’s talk shall we free School meals for all pupils in the land uh in London Sadiq KH

    He has now confirmed that the policy that he created uh for all Primary School pupils in London to have free lunches that is now going to be extended to 2024 sl202 jery Oliver I mean I’ve got to say s cam celebrated this he put a nice tweet out celebrating it and

    Seconds later Jeremy Oliver uh got on board saying yes this is all great and all the rest of it but actually it should be extended Nationwide all school kids in the UK free SCH free School meals I got to say no such thing as a free launch so what we mean is taxpayers

    Paying for everyone else’s children uh to have their meals for free uh including the wealthy where are you on this Anda never before in my life have I found myself a agreeing with Jamie Oliver and sadique KH Wow first for everything quite quite a surprise to me

    But I don’t think it should be Secondary School pupils but Primary School pupils I think it should not be stigmatized it should not be means tested uh but one good meal a day should be provided the head teachers up and down the country have mentioned problems with children’s concentration because they’re not having

    Decent food before school and then if they don’t get it during school that get but is that a failure of parents if you can’t be bothered to give your own child breakfast before um he or she leaves the house then I mean come on there are huge

    Failures um from the parental side H but schools still have a duty to teach and they need the children to be teachable and I think it is it’s always costly to impose a means test that that’s an extra administrative burden on the school uh comes extra cost reduces the ability to

    Bulk by um my uh 5-year-old has free School meals because in her school the policy is any child under seven um so reception years one and two they get free School meals they get a hot meal in the middle of the day and I think that’s

    A a great start I think good for sque KH if we’re not going to invest in our children who are we going to invest in to my slight shame because I went to a private school I never really thought about this I just took my school meals

    For granted and actually the idea that you get lots and lots of kids outside of London not getting a free School Meal not getting that sort of nutritional boost which should be a basic thing to their school day I find rather horrifying and I hope that this is

    Extended much more broadly outside the capital on this issue of whether we whether we as taxpayers should be funding richer kids meals at State schools I have to say I agree with you and anata because you don’t want poorer kids to be stigmatized you don’t want

    Some kids to have to say yeah please can I have my free School Meal while the others don’t yeah but I mean and I think that’s much harder at the secondary school level where they tend to have canteen style and you can choose X or Y

    And if you’re on the free School meals that would be more limited but also don’t underestimate how poor how low income so many people are in this country in the cost of living scho meals I don’t want any just for the they don’t though they don’t lots of people here in

    This thing that Jamie Oliver released to qualify it in some areas your household income has to be £ 7,400 or less after tax and before benefits that means according to Oliver that there are about one or two million children whose families are in poverty or financially struggling who are

    Excluded from free school lunch I want to just play Devil’s Advocate a little bit if I may because when you start providing one free school lunch and and then you’re saying oh yeah we need to if we don’t invest in our children you know what are we going to do why draw the

    Line at a free lunch then why not give three Square meals a day why not convert the um PE Hall into a sleep area and let people sleep there why why are you drawing the line between what parents in intervention with the school is going to

    Do at one meal well I’ll explain why primarily because by the time of tea time you’ve left the school so then you go home and then it really is the parents responsibility at breakfast time similarly that’s prechool and parents should do their very best for their children lunch fits squarely in the

    Middle of the school day and I think it’s essential and and there are politicians who definitely want to take it too far um I I recall reading about teachers being asked to teach their pupils how to brush their teeth which personally I think should definitely come under the parents yeah but you know

    What I had an issue with that and I debated that on this show at the time and I was really against it and the reason I was against it is because I think so many parents currently are burn Idol I can’t stand it they burn idle they neglect their children and when you

    Start going no it’s all right we’ll brush their teeth we’ll feed them we’ll do this you are taking inch PCH but actually I listened to a lot of people a lot of teachers got in touch with me and they convinced me it it happens I do change my mind sometimes they convinced

    Me that actually what harm is it doing you can have um companies that will provide the products and two pairs and two push whatever sponsorship or whatever so the cost will be um negligible if any and actually if what you’re doing is you’re teaching those kids a life skill they’re all doing it

    Together it becomes like a good part of the hygiene and all the rest of it then why not and they did kind of convince me in lots of ways I must confess the more we can do to protect children from neglectful parents the better yes that might disincentive advise parents to get

    Their act together but we can’t punish children for the crimes of their parents you know what I would be doing and this is very controversial and we hav’t got time to get in this maybe it’s a debate for another day when you’ve got these neglectful parents because everyone

    Knows who they are and I’m not talking about people that are so poor that they literally cannot provide for their children I’m not talking about those I’m talking about the parents that deliberately abuse and neglect their children if those people had to be sterilized after they’ve abused one

    Child or one set of siblings you would see a dramatic fall in the amount of children that would be abused in this country you’ve lost me there I mean you could just execute them couldn’t you I mean where did you stop with that come on that’s what I said it’s a debate for

    The other day I’ll tell you now you won like the debate I’m having tomorrow then because I’m I’m going to debate tomorrow whether or not people that look at uh child abuse images I refuse to use that horrendous term child por there no such thing as a crime scene thank you very

    Much if people that view those kind of images should be chemically castrated I absolutely think they shouldn’t I think this the state should be running out of policy on that regard but anyway that is perhaps uh for a different day prison for those people Michelle you say that

    Don’t get me started you wait guys till tomorrow the story that I’m going to share with you tomorrow it’s going to make your your hair K CU yeah you’ve got prison when people are actually putting that but the amount of people that are not put in prisons are wandering the

    Streets that seem to think it’s okay looking at children being abused is eye watering and it’s not for Life yeah anyway we shall get on to that one for tomorrow uh we started the program with paully middle has doing the news headlines talking about the amount of

    People now that have got Stress and Anxiety because they’ve had to stop working from home uh going into the workplace I don’t mean to undermine mental health conditions but when we’re at a level now when we’re saying that people have got genuine anxiety issues because I quote it was along the lines

    Of people looking at me in an office I mean you got to look you got to ask yourself what kind of society do we want I’m arguing that we are literally creating a nation of wet wipes and if you cannot have it within you to be in

    An office and interact with people how on if you’re going to get through life uh Jill says Michelle uh at my school we’ve got kids who are being conditioned into things and they can’t do normal day-to-day stuff because of anxiety uh she says we’ve got to normalize anxiety

    Feeling nervous for example before a big meeting or an exam or an interview is normal it shouldn’t be medicalized uh you’re arguing that parents are too quick to excuse their kids from everything she says I fear for the future uh being forced to go to the office is a terrible attack on the

    Rights of the work from home pajama classes by the evil toies uh says David I’ve got to say some of you guys you do make me laugh but some of your stuff which I read every night I can’t read it out on National Television at tea time

    Um Michelle why should I pay for free School meals I don’t even have any kids says tan Matt that’s all I’ve got time for n thank you for your time thank you for your company n for up next N Night a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on G

    News hi there it’s Aden mcgiven here from the Met Office with the GB news forecast clear skies in the South overnight cold and frosty in places but actually a lot of cloud is covering the UK and that Cloud’s being carried from the East and Northeast by an area of

    High pressure sitting to the north now the high pressure is generally keeping things settled at the moment although we have seen some drizzly showers in places where the cloud has been low enough especially for Eastern and Northeastern England we keep that going through the night the tend it tends to become dry

    For many however and with clear skies in the South as well as for Western Scotland there will be a frost in places so chilly start the day frost free for the North Sea Coast but here we’ve got that easterly or North easterly Wind so feeling cold there’ll be fewer showers

    Across Northern England Southern Scotland Wales compared with Wednesday actually plenty of dry weather best of any Sunshine will be limited to the southwest of England Southwest Wales and increasingly Central and Western Scotland otherwise a lot of cloud building through the day and that cloud by Friday morning is sitting across

    England and Wales predominantly so frost free but gray skies to begin things some fog around as well Scotland and Northern Ireland brighter Skies but a chilly start with the widespread Frost and then colder conditions arrive from the north on Saturday and into Sunday cold enough for frequent snow showers in the far

    North bye-bye looks like things are heating up boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB news when the news happens it happens here and really important breaking news breaking news this morning on TV radio and online the news Starts Here on Britain’s Newsroom all the biggest stories and the answers that you need

    From across the UK and Beyond join Britain’s News Room from 9:30 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel have a great Saturday night with me Leo K on this Saturday night Showdown it’s a crazy world out there so come and make fun of it with me my panel of

    Comedians and a couple of people who actually know what they’re talking about this Saturday night Showdown is your front row ticket to the clown show every Saturday only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8

    Till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a crack weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8: till 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free now then it’s Lee Anderson here

    Join me on GB news on my show the real world every Friday at 7:00 p.m. I’m not eating bloody cat are you delicious open your mouth okay here comes here comes a train reminds me of the scene in Singing in the Rain Adam is that a good

    One join me at 7 on GB news Britain’s News Channel good good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories

    From across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the

    Help of my two comedian panelists and of a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK

    We’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories

    Before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before you’ve even had your kippers M Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think

    There’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that matter across the landb join me on state of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should Too an offer from richy sunak at Prime Minister’s questions today but we asked tonight is it enough Rwanda back on the agenda amendments being put down but is the conservative party as divided as ever and really should we not just grasp the nettle of leaving the echr and the raw

    Navy back in Action again warning off multiple attempts at drone strikes yesterday and yet we can’t recruit enough Sailors what on Earth are we going to do but before all of that let’s get the news with Polly middlehurst now just thank you and good evening well post office workers caught

    Up in the Horizon it scandal

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