Go to https://drinkag1.com/julietelliott to get started on your first purchase and receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 travel packs. Thanks to AG1 for sponsoring today’s video!

    AG1 is a Foundational Nutrition supplement engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and support your body’s nutritional needs across four pillars of health: Immune support,Focus, Energy and Recovery! It’s packed with over 70 vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced ingredients and combines the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe.

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    Morning I hope you’re doing really really well welcome to my home today I’m going to invite you inside and I’m going to show you around it’s something that I’ve been meaning to do for ages I know that a bunch of you are Keen to have a little little look around and see some

    Of my bikes gear my pain cave my gym all that sort of thing it’s something that I really love looking at when um there’s someone else that I follow I just like to have a little insight into their life and how they live so I totally get it

    And finally I’m making that video so come on In so I live in this Victorian house by the sea with my partner and our four children also are four cats this of course is the living room you’ve probably seen it before if you’ve watched some of my other videos I sit on that couch bit of a big room this one

    Because my part partner knocked through a dividing wall before I moved in here he’s basically done all the work on this house I just moved in and get to enjoy It huge we got a nice wood wounding stove just down here we sometimes drag these chairs over and sit by the fire play B gam or whatever this is the kitchen I mean obviously it’s pretty spacious and nice it’s not normally this clean I’ve

    Got to say this used to be a kind of plasticky conservatory and it’s been all replaced with this beautiful wood these doors open out onto our garden and um that kind of wraps around the house and then we got some pretty nice sea views we’ve got a big table for when we eat

    Together as family but then also over here there’s a a few stools it’s quite nice if you got friends over you can be like cooking over there and they sit there have a glass of wine and you can all kind of hang out and stuff whilst you get the dinner Ready so this is just like another kind of chill out room living room sort of thing so we’ve got decks and Records we’ve got um a dartboard the piano decent speakers surround sound and projector so it is a nice place to Cozy up in right upstairs not going to show you the kids

    Bedrooms obviously cuz that would be weird here is my Bedroom look how cold my fingers are it is very cold in this house okay so up here my partner again has knocked through the adjoining walls so we have got this quite large bedroom with a bath at one end and underfloor heating underneath so that’s pretty nice at the

    Other side we’ve got all the cats quite unusual only one cat on the bed this is not normal I don’t know where the others are so yeah this is my bedroom I’ve got my guitar over there my yoga mat this cupboard it’s got a couple of hanging

    Rails I’ve got a bunch of Road and gravel kit assorted stuff here and and at the top I’ve got my mountain bike stuff various different types of shoes for different types of cycling hand warmers and glove warmers a must for me in Winter souvenir caps from races that

    I’ve done this is the other cupboard um it’s got a very small amount of normal clothes and an absolute ton of like sports stuff so I’ve got all my swimming stuff here I’ve got quite a lot of sunglasses from my sponsor Smith they’re a very generous sponsor I have got

    Drawers down the bottom one with all my base layers one with Long Winter bib tights one with short bib shorts um another with mountain white trousers Christ and then I’ve got motorbik stuff in another cupboard but uh let’s move on to the pain cave okay moving upstairs past the bookshelves and some old

    Snowboarding trophies and bike trophies and stuff there’s another bathroom up here and another kids bedroom obviously not going to show you that but I am going to to show you the uh pain cave turbo room gym whatever you want to call it thanks to ag1 for supporting me and

    Sponsoring this video I only work with brands that I believe in and ag1 are one of those I first started using ag1 um a bit over a year ago but I did run out recently and so this collaboration has come at a good time ag1 is a comprehensive and convenient daily

    Supplement that helps support your physical and mental health it’s got over 70 high quality ingredients you’ve got vitamins minerals um bacterial cultures Botanicals and that helps support my nutritional needs in tandem with the high quality healthy diet that I aim for I’m really into supporting my immune

    Health over winter I feel like when I slow down I’m more susceptible to bugs and what with having four children between my partner and I I swear to God they’re bringing all the bugs home with the amount of training I do I I need to

    Give my body all the support that I can 81 is my daily dose of vitamin C zinc functional mushrooms and other micronutrients and phytonutrients so that I can help keep my body nourished all day every day I really like the taste it’s kind of hard to Define sort of a little bit

    Fruity it’s kind of sweet but it hasn’t got added sugar maybe a little bit of a taste of pineapple honestly it’s just super easy and convenient thing to add to your daily routine I have mine in the morning before I have my breakfast I like a scoop of ag1 mixed with water and

    With ice and then I just shake it all up down it job done go to drink ag1 Juliet Elliot to get started on your order you can get a free one-ear supply of AG vitamin D3 and K2 and five ag1 travel packs with your first purchase thanks to

    Ag1 for sponsoring this video so this is one of my favorite spaces in the house um it’s obviously a gym it is a turbo room I’ve got all my workout gear I’ll show you all of that and then we’ve recently moved things around a little bit so I’ve got a little

    Corner here which I can use for shooting YouTube videos and stuff like that I’ve got um computer over there let me show you everything that’s in here over here in the corner we’ve got a little weights rack just picked that up really cheap off Facebook Marketplace TRX style

    Straps that we got from Aldi and um also from Aldi or was it little um this these sort of elasticated bands which I use for uh Cor kind of strength and stability work like that um some of the weights are also from little little or Aldi little I think um we’ve tried to

    Put together this whole setup as cheaply as possible um because there’s quite a lot in it so obviously it would have been fairly expensive otherwise this is a kind of pullup bar and um tricep dip sort of thing we did have one of those bars that just clipped on over your

    Doorway but it started really destroying ing um the door frame and everything so we had to get this which I don’t really like cuz it takes up loads of room and you have to have it in this corner of the room where there’s high ceiling anyway whatever it’s fine uh Swiss ball

    Some rehab tools like foam rollers and stuff here’s one of my favorites the peanut this is great for rolling out your back like that so we recently picked up this squat rack kind of thing to replace one that I got off Facebook Marketplace which had two separate kind

    Of stands and it was just super precarious I didn’t really like using it so this one is attached all the way around at the bottom it’s not bolted to the floor but it means it’s less likely to tip and then we’ve got a few of these plate weights although not enough that

    Is something I do need to order um a few different sizes so I can start building up the weight that I can Squat and deadlift and stuff um Sam’s got this bench for doing upper body stuff I don’t do a massive amount of upper body stuff not like chest presses and stuff like

    That when I do upper body stuff it tends to be pull-ups and the free weights so this is the uh turbo side of the room we’ve done a few tweaks with this and it’s just super nice it’s really nice to have everything just right and set up

    Perfectly so that when I finally have a little bit of time to come up here I can jump straight on and it’s like as nice and experience as it can be so um I’ve got the elite dto xrt which they sent me recently they also sent my daughter a

    Little turbo trainer so often I’ve got her set up here as well but at the moment Sam’s got the old W bike my old C stuff um and then we’ve done a few other little things to make it even nicer so we have got um remote control fans Sam

    Recently bought these remote control plug so whatever device you want to be remote controlled you plug that into the remote control plug and then you put that into the wall socket and then when you press the button you can turn them on so we’ve got one on each side so

    One two so that’s pretty cool cuz it means that you can um do your warm up without being freezing and as you warm up gradually you turn on the fan I really like this they were quite cheap and it’s such a nice little luxury another nice touch is the LED lighting

    Again this was Sam he is really on it with making this a nice place to be so I’ve got a remote control and you can change the lights the way they cycle through colors and stuff like that so it’s just a bit of fun totally unnecessary but why not e works best

    When I’ve got the lights off let’s try that blue is the best I’ve got some other nice bits and Bobs in here such as this which came from my old house I used to have this in the background of all my videos I think I need something like that in the

    Background of my new videos uh this is a work in progress the mini studio I’m kind of setting up over here so let me know if you have any ideas anyway this has got a load of old race numbers I mean some of these are really old I’ve

    Been racing all kinds of bikes for quite a while now now so what’s on here I’ve got um the London nocturn Thunder crit I’ve got Enduro races I’ve got Red Hook crit eroica that was fun what else can I see on here py Steel City downhill man

    That was really fun yeah some good ones on here but I do need to update it I think and then over there I’ve got the plaque that I got sent by YouTube when I reached 100,000 followers I was so so proud when I got that seems like quite a

    While ago now um so if you don’t sub then I would so appreciate it if you did it would just make a really big difference to me so please do it and then over here I’ve just got spare be Rons fresh towels and a bunch of sterker

    Nutrition products to get me through my Turbo workouts and this is the spot that could be my new little mini YouTube Studio I’ve got my rollers over there at the moment and my track bike which I’m going to be racing again in August I’m making return to fix gear racing so more

    On that later later but yeah this could be a place where I’m a lot more easily able to sit down and give you quick updates and make more videos more frequently more updates tell you more about product stuff and that sort of thing so um if you’re into that idea

    Then of course do let me know and give me tips for how I can style this room and make it YouTube worthy so there you go little look around my home here in England I hope you’ve enjoyed having a little nosy around uh if you want then I

    Could show you around like the lockup with um my bikes my workshop all that kind of thing I’ve got a very cool new bike sliding storage rack that I posted on Instagram and the real just went absolutely nuts everyone was like that is really cool so I could show you that

    And um what bikes I’m currently riding as well this year I’m going to be riding for Envy their road bikes and off-road sticking with Marin so I’ve got quite a nice collection to show you so let me know if you want to see all that

    And well just let me know what you want to see really always nice making videos for you I hope you enjoy them like I said earlier please sub if you don’t it is such a simple way of um helping me out really so that would be cool but

    Yeah otherwise hope you’re doing well catch you later bye


    1. Nice open spaces finely furnished! Very much to my liking even though that must be a nightmare to clean it all up; heating can be challenging too.
      At 1:15 I bet that is a Charnwood! "Cove 2" it looked like.
      What about the pain cave, just about perfect! Nice and cosy, I guess you are not going to freeze up there as it regularly happens to me down the basement; fans are useless, I basically pedal to keep warm 🔥

      We are very nosy and inquisitive people indeed but you have completely satisfied our need to know.
      Well, almost as we would like to see the bikes, the sliding storage rack and all the rest of it.
      You master of fun!! 😁😄😊
      Take care Juliet and all the rest of the crew; see you soon!

    2. Great vid Juliet! Now we need to see a little guitar performance 🎸

      Ignore those trolls getting on you for the ads. We understand that if we want good content from you that’s how you get to keep them coming. So thank you! Now let’s go for a ride 😊

    3. I'd like to see more of the turbo trainer setup – I don't see a screen – how do you use the setup without a screen? Or is it like a detachable tablet thing?

      Anyway, thanks for sharing! I think I may have even requested something like this in one of your other videos? So thanks for reading the comments – I know it's sometimes hard due to some negative comments!

    4. Nice!!!!

      Would love the gear and workshop video! And the other video's you mentioned. More updates. Maybe some news items you we interested in…?

      About the video corner: that is very nive already. Maybe change the cover of the couch, it's a bit all over the place with pattern and color. I'd say: don't dress the corner up too much, it will only distract from the content.

    5. Very nice house! Fixed gear racing? That’s how I found you on YouTube many years ago when I was searching for videos on Red Hook Crit. I subscribed to your channel as well as Kym Nonstop.

    6. Gorgeous home! You are so organized, well done. Yes plz show us bikes, work shop all that! Would like to know about your snowboarding history too, read you were quite the racer!

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