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    Good afternoon hello my name is Daniel this is the tri andan YouTube channel this is jonno from we by cycle and I’ve dragged you away from your desk with ringing phone pinging emails bikes everywhere so I appreciate your time J thank you very much now I’ve been here a

    Few weeks ago and we’ve done some videos on bikes haven’t we at we by cycle so I got a few different bikes I had to look at them different price points what I wanted to focus on today was the lower end the budget end the more budget

    Friendly end of the market and what does that get you so we’ve got four bikes to look at these are all around ,500 give or take a couple hundred quid and they’re different types of bikes now Jonah you’re a self-confessed bike geek so that’s why I’ve got you involved

    Because I’m not going to know too much about these and instead of me reading out a spec sheet I thought i’ just get you involved that’s okay right let me start off as I mean to go on the color on this is incredible it’s another flip

    Paint isn’t it yeah checks at it again I absolutely love it all the time they make a really nice looking bike awesome so this is an amonda SL five so where does this sit in the Mond range it’s yeah it’s entry level entry okay but it’s common frame isn’t it yeah common

    Frame yeah so so can Comon frame 105 mechanical 11speed yep uh compact crank with a 32 cassette is it 30 looks like it yeah that’s me all over that perfect 32 you could probably do with a 34 I could probably do with a 34 yeah

    Okay so I mean talk to me about this bik Joo what do you think you get for your money where are the where are people winning with this and where are the compromises so track always make a good uh good carbon frame they’re always wellmade nice frames to ride um you’re

    Getting the lower-end carbon with this so it’s the 500 ocv carbon but even so it’s at the price point is good enough so versus of the ones that’s going to be perhaps slightly heavier and slightly heavier yeah a little less stiff cuz the layup slightly different the level of

    Carbon they using is slightly different then you’ve got bont trer wheels now they’re the alloy bont trer sort of kind of entry level Wheels but they’re a decent wheel yeah you know they’re not they’re slightly heavy but you’re not going to notice too much it is the first

    Thing that you always upgrade with a bike if you want to make a bike faster better but these are great wheels for you know for the budget mhm sort of thing and then you’re getting a really reliable 105 Shimano group set that is

    Going to go and go and go as long as you look after it yeah you know I see people commenting on forums and Facebook all the time saying oh this didn’t last that didn’t last and you state of their bike and you think well that’s probably why

    On the drive clean your bike I’m going to start a campaign clean your bike got it I’m a big fan of that I always think if you’re buying a bike and if it’s your first bike or if you just want one bike and you know you’re thinking about

    Budget get the best frame that you can because you can change the bits as in when things pop up on Marketplace or you want to check discipline you’re doing and so on so I think this is a brilliant show okay now being a triathlete my eyes are immediately dra drawn to this

    Because this looks like there’s some sort of storage box in the in the bottom bracket on and they start sticking some malt Loaf in it or something absolutely talk to me about this bike I mean specialized seem to dominate the entry level Market range from what I see on

    Club rides I don’t know if that’s the same for what you see but specialized in this country dominate the market across the board you know the tarmac is we whenever we get a Tarmac in here it’s gone within a week wow um and they yeah they they’re good bikes some nice little

    Touches this is an older bike it’s their endurance road bike but they put things like Future Shock on it which is pretty cool I was trying look how that works you can you can change the springs on that so you get a blue a black and a

    Yellow I believe and different colors of different strength of spring so one of them will be absolutely stiff I think this has got the the bounciest should we say one of a better term in there so yeah you get that and then obviously you get a coupling system here which adds a

    Little bit of compliance at the back you’ve obviously got the Zephyr y or what was the ZR CGR on this model seat post which just gives a little bit there as well so is this a Tac no it’s a Ru Ru got it okay right this is like if you

    Ride on the rough British roads like this is this is pretty much bike like winter bike commu bike even a summer bike you know some of the pool that we get in this country and some of those country lanes if you like to go out into the lanes you know this

    Bike will do that again it’s got um it’s got quite nice Wheels much like the bontes they’re the RO roal alloy sort of entry level Wheels but decent Wheels decent enough for the level of bike so we’re taking a step up in terms of what the mechs and shifters are this

    Isra the crank isn’t Shar no is it so the crank is prais and Praxis is specialized in house right um they only really make cranks but they do some nice crank sets nice bottom brackets that’s how specialized keep the price point down by using their own in house house

    Stuff yeah it’s much like track and bont I know half made a joke about this but this is tool storage isn’t it spare storage which is perfect for if you don’t want to have sadle bag on your bike or you just pick your bike up you

    They don’t do it anymore though on the rub Bay nowadays it’s a pretty old thing air in the time Tri world people are all about that yeah Wicked all right nice one it’s actually a the camera probably not picking it up it’s a really nice Deep Purple this bike really metallicy

    Deep purple it’s got a little Fleck in it as well which is nice yeah it’s lovely okay see getting a lot of bike for Circ 15500 is it as an older bike like yeah you’re getting a lot of bik bike obviously it’s priced because it’s an older bike it’s an older model but

    It’s in really good condition for its age and yeah there is a lot of bike there really by today’s standards with the prices going up postco and things yeah look at right this is probably our size isn’t it yeah and an arrow bike if I’m wrong this is a Marita this is a

    Reactor and I take it is their Arrow model yeah got it okay so again CC 00 quid this group set looks brand new is that the case the bike is just Immaculate you know we have to take we have to take previous owners on their word but this chap has said less than

    100 miles and the condition would suggest that you know yeah um there some things like on the chain on the Chain ring teeth and the cassette like you can’t fake that can you you can and obviously that that usage that’s always a tail for us but when you look over the

    Bike the bearings the cables and things like that brake pads yeah you you’d suggest it’s done less than 100 miles might done have touched more yeah okay so again so we’re got a bike monoy mechanical hydraulic discs wheel set what’s the wheel set like again just a merid own brand I

    Believe yeah marid expert uh again own brand decent enough alloy wheels yeah at the end of the day it depends what you want out of a bike obviously if you’re buying this bike to do your fastest Triathlon on your fastest time tral time on a road bike

    You’re probably going to want to upgrade the wheels to get something a little lighter a little bit more aerodynamic but really at the end of the day at the price point this is good enough if you’re starting off at A500 lb bike you you’re going to still be under

    Two grand with some decent Wheels in it aren you really yeah 100% especially on the second and Market yeah perfect now R the bars are feel ever so slightly shaped like they’re a bit Arrow on the top that’s quite nice is it quite comfy y this has got an internal internally

    Rooted stem so this is an FSA SMR stem um so I believe and I’m not a mechanic I believe the cables root through the bearing in there so it’s all fully internally rooted which is it again just looks clean it is more of a fuss when you got to take it into the

    Bike shop if you’re quite handy yourself it’s not massive job to do um but the bars the beauty with this is the bars aren’t actually internally rooted so the cables are NE recessed but you can just change the bars up quite easily so if you wanted to go a bit

    Narrower um as is the trend nowadays you could easily do that by just taking the Shi as I’ve put some new bars on and way you go that’s actually really useful because you you underestimate the I’ll just take it to a b shop and get to do

    That you it’s a long job isn’t it if it’s 2 or three hours worth if it’s fully internally you’re looking fully internally rooted you’re probably looking and particularly down in London like 250 quid straight off the bat from the job it’s half a day’s job it can be

    For you know for some bikes and that is that’s genuinely honest when you take into account coffee breaks and phone calls and things like that it can take half a day to get one of those bikes and that’s a proficient mechanic and again pretty sure someone will put in the

    Comments it doesn’t take me that long to do it I’ve been me panicking for 35 years but sure tell you what let’s do a YouTube video we’ll do a time lapse and we’ll see whoever comments in the video how fast they can do it we will put you to

    The test and the brakes need to work afterwards yeah now this is the Classic bian this is one bian do B in other colors was this it yeah but no one buys them or they shouldn’t what’s the official color F you know cel Celeste

    Got it okay so we have a biani I don’t know what the model is it’s a Sprint okay Sprint 105 again carbon frame yeah and again it’s one of their AO offerings yeah so not like the ultra the ultra is their like super AO bike but this one

    Yeah it’s got the area Touches at a budget price point yeah so 105 mechanical again this looks pretty new I think with this sort of price point there’s a lot of people that buy their first bike around the sort of price point and maybe cycling isn’t for them

    So do you see a lot of that they’re not Ed much 100% yeah or I got it on cycle to work CU it was a great deal and then actually I don’t want it anymore yeah which is fair enough cuz we’ll buy the M absolutely yeah perfect so externally

    Routed cable so not like the Merina it does look a little bit more messy doesn’t it but you’ve got to remember that price point and again if you’re coming in as a beginner things like that it’s much easier to service much easier to service um and to learn as well if

    You want to go and teach yourself which I think everybody who wants to ride seriously should teach themselves the basics so that if you’re out and you have a problem you can at least deal with it if you’ve got a bik like this you can probably deal with it a lot easy

    More easily than you would with say the merid if there was a big problem you haven’t got my mr’s phone number have you just make the call there we go okay wheel set then DT Swiss uh p800 I believe these are a very similar wheel set to what come on my Canyon G

    Yeah they’re kind of middle range sort of wheel set with DT decent spline wheel set bladed spokes actually that’s these are actually those wheels are an upgrade on on this bike so you’re getting a nice set of alloy wheels really um I’m not sure what the price

    Point is on these P 1800s but yeah they they’re a nice wheel and I think some of them these are spline just spline hubs some of them have 27 um is it 27 70 or 250 270 is the 270s but yeah so some of them have the spline 270s but

    There’s so many different offering years and things yeah and stuff massive DT swis geek I don’t really know too much about them apart from the the carbon stuff one fi mechanical speed you can’t really go wrong can you in terms of maintaining it as well chains are cheap

    Cassettes are cheap or cheaper chain sets are cheap so Workhorse yeah group set and basically 105 is I think personally what killed camp campano in this country it’s massive still in Europe don’t get me wrong but like the centur and that sort of level of campolo didn’t really match up when it

    Came to the 11 speed 105 is just so good so for circa 00 quid we’ve had a mix of airrow bikes and bikes all day bikes with some suspension in them and then maybe a little bit of both in this one I think there’s still plenty of options

    For that money and I know there’s other options you know people out there can do cycle to work and can buy things off Facebook Marketplace and so on but places like here where you get a warranty you’re getting somebody actually looked over it a mechanic has

    Said yes that’s not going to kill you like you know a lot of piece of mind with that isn’t there yeah 100% um I think that I don’t think cycling is that horrendously expensive some people make out providing you pick the right equipment you don’t need to you don’t

    Need the dra a group set you don’t need the 6 and when you go on Instagram just look at the pictures enjoy them you don’t need it you can have it if you can afford it and want it but it’s not a necessity you’ll still have as much fun

    On one of these you won’t notice when you’re getting dropped prise that’s to blame as well isn’t it got to got to have excuses already made perfect right jno thank you very much for your time see no problem


    1. Definitely some good bikes on offer there Dan ! Nice that you can go and see it before parting with your hard end cash. Canyons cheapest in stock TT bike is over £8k I’d find it hard to justify that spend without seeing it

    2. Nice video, but again the same than many other bike reviewers do. To get success I would improve or offer a different format. Be creative. But it’s your channel. I just think that another channel on the same format does not bring much value

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