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    as much as this is a messy first week vlog, I still quite like the way it turned out, I hope that this is interesting to some degree.

    Instagram: Amelia Moreton
    Tiktok: AmeliaMoreton
    Pinterest: AmeliaMoreton
    Spotify: Amelia Moreton
    Lemon8: Amelia Moreton
    Vinted: Amelia Moreton

    Let me know any videos you’d like to see in the foreseeable future

    where are you from? England
    how old are you? 18
    what do you film on? currently my iPhone XR
    what do you use to edit? iMovie on Mac and Phonto for my thumbnails
    what year are you in? finished yr 13, going on to uni
    what do you study at uni? interior design
    what levels did you do? geography, business, photography

    Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: HVVH5NE3XCIIXE3M
    Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by Indie Anthony – Tell me where to go –
    all music rights to original owners.

    Hey guys welcome back to my channel so for today’s video I’m giving you week in my life at Bristol like my first week um which is my freshest week uni it is a very like all over the place video like I haven’t even started editing it but

    Like I already know it’s going to be all over the place but I still want to post it more for like Memories instead of like just as an actual kind of video for you all so I hope that it’s somewhat interesting but yeah I just thought I

    Didn’t really want to discard all of the content that I did get like all the videos and stuff because it’s kind of like Memories in a way so I thought I’m going to post it it’s going to be very messy but obviously this week has been a

    Very messy week so I guess it’s very realistic of like my first week at Uni and like freshest week and stuff so yeah I really hope you’re going to like this video just done some makeup I you can’t see what I’m doing I’ve got like a little

    Ring light miror thing and I lit can’t tell what my makeup looks like in it like I literally it but yeah I’m just going to try and finish this off and I’m get changed and then hopefully we’ll go out and get some like black stuff we

    Still think wash up Liquid I don’t think any of us cook last night I make some P later so I need some tomato sauce get some like mins or something and we need like wash up and stuff because See hey guys so I’m now back in my room I’ve actually done quite a bit today a lot of shopping I say a lot I’ve just gone and like got some proper like meals s but I just need to track my spending obviously my loan hasn’t come in yet and

    My goal is to just live off my loan because then I actually know like how much money I have and so I need to sort out all of my clothes but I’ve got so many that I literally do not even want to but I’ve got loads of like storage um

    In my room but I can’t reach that storage I’m tempted to buy clothing up there this is what I mean I can’t really reach those ones and obviously the bit above and then there’s also up there I’m literally so confused what this Vlog is because like I have obviously my moving

    To um I don’t that’s going to have my packing in or my packing is a different video hey guys so I have no idea what this video is so I’m just going to put this little clip in here to kind of just explain what’s been going on but it’s

    Currently Monday just had my first two like induction lectures I’m also really sorry about the noise outside my window is open so you can basically hear lots of traffic and stuff basically my room is actually a lot brighter in the sun which has made me feel a lot happier I

    Think because obviously it was so gloomy when I first got here I was like is it going to be like this all the time like is because I literally have a building opposite me that there’s barely any light that can come in but actually it’s quite a decent amount of light like even

    My bed’s pretty light yeah I had my first two like induction lectures and basically met pretty much all the people on my course I mean I didn’t meet them as then talk everything SLE B them but I SP to quite a few people and they all really really nice so that’s obviously

    Really really good honestly the bus to my campus is literally so pretty you see the whole like Clift and Bridge and all the pretty houses like honestly it could not be a better Journey so yeah I’m very happy about that and it’s only about 10

    15 minutes as well I think go out last night just cuz I wanted to really kind of chill night because I’m not even like a big going out person I might be going out tonight I don’t really know I know I’m definitely going out tomorrow cuz

    It’s like an abber night um which I’m going to cuz I book that so obviously I’m going to go and get my moneyy worth um and I think Wednesday I’ve got like a boat trip thing um which I’m really excited about to be fa but I don’t know

    How to get there and then Thursday I have another event in the evening Friday like an outdoor Cinema of brides maze even though I’ve watched it before but I was like that looks really cute so I’m going to go to that and then I got like

    Another event that night I have no idea what’s about like my bus pass because I don’t want to pay like 400 my £500 for a b b which I’m going to use three times a week but yeah so far so good I’m having quite a good experience touchwood and

    Honestly I don’t actually feel too pressured to go out every day I’ve just been trying to work out my spending turns out I’ve spent £10 of food this week not including the food that my mom PID for which was only about like 10 quids wor to be fair from aie um I might

    Pop down now and just get like a bit more veg so I got peppers and radishes and I want something like celery as well hey guys so it is now Tuesday honestly I’m losing track of these days and this video is pretty much me literally updating you what day is

    And then that’s it so I really do apologize I have no idea what this video is going to be I don’t have any plans today like 1:00 yeah um but I am going out for a coffee with one of my friends who actually went to my college I going

    Out later to like an event Thing Guys so it is now Wednesday honestly I’m losing tra these days I went out last night had a really good night got those are pictures and stuff it’s really cute pictures um and this morning I had like a work shop type thing for my course which was supposed to be 3 hours

    But it was only an hour so we left earlier but we got lost so we were like walking around bristle for like a good hour and I went to Prim Mar and I got these really cute little like lanter lights but I need some like CAD tape so

    I want to go out again just get some salad tape like pound cheat down the road this WEA is literally so bad it’s been raining literally every single day this week except for like one day which was like 3 hours or something um but yeah and I didn’t know how much it rain

    And was windy and Bristol like apparently it’s one of the worst places so obviously it’s near the sea and there’s obviously a lot of water in brist so I guess that does make sense but I thought nor was bad but it’s literally not even Close Hey guys so it is now Friday and I thought I would just kind of talk on this video whatever this video was going to be um just kind of about what my first week has all been about today has been a very scary day um I will tell you

    About it in a minute basically so a bit of a rundown of my day I went out with some of my friends so I actually woke up about 1:00 today which I never really wake up that late I don’t know if I vlogged last night either but I stayed

    Up till 5:00 in the morning which is quite bad but obviously it’s freshes so that’s my excuse anyway so I went out with some friends today we went out for lunch at this really cute little like Harbor Restaurant and then we went to little but um there was like a que

    Outside which is annoying and the little where where I live is actually like 5 minutes away then because of the queue we went to go find like another one so we went through um there’s a place in Bristol called the galleries it’s like an indoor kind of shopping mall

    Basically went into YMCA which is like a charity shop and whilst we were in there outside of the shop um we saw loads of people on bikes um coming in and I just kind of was like oh like there a bit strange people on bikes here and basically um

    There was those people B CLS on and before we knew we went to the back of the store and basically told the people in the store we were like can we come over like cuz obious it’s like a door where that tills on and stuff can we

    Like come past because we’re like kind of terrified because turns out these people were people with not knives they had machetes they had hammers you can just imagine what was kind of going on the people in the shop started to close the shutters and they were really slow

    So I was getting really panicky cuz like this is like my biggest nightmare like I’ve literally had stress dreams about this kind of stuff because it terrifies me because you don’t even have to like it could be anyone you know what I mean like it’s it’s so normalized now to be

    Walking around with like a knife and it’s it’s terrifying it actually is terrifying um and it’s like it happens all the time and it’s just like I just never thought I’d be in a situation where like it’s right in front of me but basically as the shutters were going

    Down one of the guys came under the shutters into the shop where we were and yeah you can just guess that I was myself like I never been more scared in my life I think it was more of like just a gang thing like they just

    Wanted to get at each other he was like very much like can you open the shirs again I want to get back out there kind of thing so he went quickly which is good anyway so that all kind of ended I don’t really know what happened after

    That cuz I was just stressed I was crying um I was Lally my leg was shaking like I was having like a p attack it was scary um anyway and then once I had all like kind of fizzled out a bit we went out the shop and there was like blood

    Splots everywhere um and it even came into the shop which means the guy that came in the shop he obviously got injured um and then when we went out there was just loads of like dots of blood everywhere and like I didn’t even really register at the time that like

    Someone did actually get like hurt like you know when people just like have like knives and stuff they just kind of want to do it as like a defense but no they were like proper like actually hurting each other and I think that’s kind of

    What like blew my mind a little bit is that like that actually happened right in front of me I don’t really know what actually happened as such other than what I saw because I tried to look online I can’t find anything but I was walking home the thing that’s scary

    About this this was 5 minutes away from where I live um in Bristol and I don’t know like I don’t know it’s was just the fact it was right there it’s terrifying but I tried to look on the news but I can’t find anything so I don’t really

    Know what happened but there was sirens everywhere ambulances like I could literally hear them like going down the street but there was so many why that it got obviously a lot bigger than what I had just seen like I know a lot of the shop people around like the area we were

    Were like all calling security so obviously that had something to do with it but it’s so much different seeing a story of it of someone like getting stabbed and then actually being there but yeah so that was obviously a very stressful part of my

    Day so I decided I’m not going to go out tonight I mean to be fair I don’t think I was going to go out again tonight anyway cuz I’ve been out like three four days in a row and then I had like I went out on Saturday night when I first got

    Here I then took Monday off and then Sunday I was going to go out no why do I keep going Saturday to Monday I keep doing that yes Sunday I had off but Monday I did PR but I didn’t go out and then Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I went out kind of like catch

    Up with some social media bits tonight CU I haven’t really been doing a lot like to be fair I have been posting because I’ve had like preone like ads and stuff that I’ve been needing to post um and that’s what obviously you’ve been seeing my Instagram and stuff but yeah I

    Just want to get like properly back into it and all of that um but yeah I just think I’ve not even been here a week and that’s already happened and that’s kind of like it’s really kind of like made me I don’t know hey guys so it is

    Now Saturday um I had to think about that for a second like the concept of time here is so weird I think I’m going to go out later I’m going to go to Primark going to try and get some more of these strip lights because I have

    These lanterns up here but this drawer these drawers here don’t get any light because these lights give me light on my desk I really don’t like the layout of it like I really just don’t like what that looks like I don’t know how to help

    It but yeah I’m going to see if they have any more strip in Primark I’m also getting my mom to send me a package that’s arrived at home because um I’ve got like it’s a collaboration package that I need to content on and then she’s also going to send me some other bits

    That I have forgotten such as a green zip up hoodie that I really wanted and some like pillow cases and Stuff Guys so it is now the end of Sunday and I’ve actually had such a productive day considering it’s Lally the weekend and a Sunday where like I would usually not do anything so we actually went to Ikea now I haven’t been to Ikea in honestly years because where

    I live the closest Ikea to me is milon Kings and that’s literally halfway like into the UK and I’m like right on like the east of England so it’s still like a good 2 and 1 half hours to get there and I got a few bits I think I spent about

    £4 and I didn’t get the one thing that I needed which was a des stamp but I’m going to get one from B&M because I think we’re going to try and go to B&M on Tuesday because we need some like flat things um it’s one of my Flat’s

    Birthdays tomorrow so we are prepping flat with some balloons cuz I actually bought some balloons from home I’m really about this ligh in my room I mean I don’t have a test lamp as I’ve just said but um yeah I got a few things for

    My kit I’m going to show you like on the other like the front camera I can’t to move everything but I did get like a little plant pot this is about £3 I got a hanging plant which actually looks really cute in my room because it’s like

    Next to some like other planty pictures and then I got a little little um real aloe vera which was £2 the hanging plant was about £6 or £7 and then I got this really really pretty bright blue vs honestly it’s so so nice it was £12 to

    Be honest I’m not too B for that I spent £2 on it cuz I think it’s going to be something that I’m going to literally use for like the rest of my life cuz it’s so so nice um but yeah I’m going to try and find like some flowers or

    Something to put in that cuz also have a vs on my window s where it’s like fairy lights in so I don’t actually have a v i can use for flowers and I am a big flower girl but the only issue is it is on my like like drawer kind of things

    Don’t what you call like my storage kind of boxes and I don’t think plans would fit so I’m might just get some fake ones or something so yeah that is the end of today’s video I’m really sorry it’s such a mess as I’ve mentioned in the start um

    I really hope that you did enjoy this video and I really hope that you’re going to stick around for more Bristol content because I have some really exciting videos coming up also really excited to actually like start uni like properly and actually get into like a routine because this week and this this

    Next week it’s going to be still very like unstructured because I haven’t actually been set any work like like I haven’t really started the course such I’ve just been having like induction lectures so yeah I’m really excited for that to all begin um but yeah there are some really exciting videos coming so

    Stay tuned so far honestly I’m really really happy with Bristol like there are a few like ups and downs obviously as you would seen this video but overall like it’s a really brilliant City and I honestly could not see myself being a unor any City like I just feel like this

    City is like a me City very very nice to feel like especially like the first week um but yeah I really hope you did enjoy this video if you did make sure to like comment subscribe comment down below any videos you want to see from me and also

    Go follow my social medias they’ll be on the screen and I’ll see you guys in my next video

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