Croatia, from the insane crowds of Dubrovnik to the amazing palace in Split to the Krka Falls, to the capital Zagreb, there are a lot of things a tourist should do when they visit Croatia. This video focuses on what tourists and travelers shouldn’t do when they go to Croatia. From the food, to safety, to culture shock some things you should know about Croatia so you can have a great time in Croatia.
    Filmed in Hvar, Croatia
    Copyright Mark Wolters 2018

    10 Things That SHOCK Tourists about Croatia

    10 Words of Croatian for Tourists

    Top 10 Places to Visit in Croatia

    5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Croatia

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    Hey there fellow travelers mark here with Walters room today, we’re in hvar Croatia One of the beautiful islands here in Croatia on the Dalmatian coast and today we have for you are the don’ts of Visiting Croatia because there’s some things you’re obviously gonna do like you’re gonna go to split and co2 emissions

    Palace and you’re gonna go to Dubrovnik and walk the walls and you’re gonna go up to Poole and see the Coliseum up there But there are things, you know general cultural things You probably don’t want to do when you do come here so you can have a better time

    Okay, so let’s get started now My first don’t for you is don’t get freaked out when you hear Croatians talking to each other Well Croatians kind of a brusque loud language, and and and since we’re by the scene You know when we’re by the city people get loud and boisterous

    I kind of look at Croatian kind of like it the sound is the brusqueness of German like that. Rah rah, rah but then it has the they have the emphasis and the energy of the Italians when they go so sometimes it seems like they’re Kennedy into a little bit of a spat when

    It is just two friends mean like hey, how you doing? I’m great. How are you? So it is one of those things I’ve seen a few tourists You know give that like what the hell was that look when the Croatians started talking So I usually give you a heads up for that

    Now my second don’t for you is if you do get to talk to the Croatians try to avoid talking about the war with Serbia And the early nineties did the war for independence or the last war depending on how they they they call it because it still is really

    It still touched a lot of people’s lives here in Croatia some families more than others so you don’t know how you know a touch of a subject it is so I just kind of Suggest avoiding it if they bring it up to talk about it. That’s fine

    But just one of those things you probably better to wait and maybe not talk about too much when you are here. Okay? Also that leads into the third thing I want to tell you not to do say don’t call Croatia

    Yugoslavia Yugoslavia, it’s been gone for a long time now and it’s time to let it go Okay, this is Croatia. They like Croatia. They want to be conquer Asians stick with it. That way don’t say Yugoslavia

    I know my younger crowd watching this now as much of an issue because we’re used to saying Croatian for 20 years now But for a lot of people it’s to it so it’s Yugoslavia. No, it’s not. Don’t call them that go say here Yugoslavia

    It will not go over well and going along kind of with that is realize that crazy are very proud So my next stone is don’t diss Anything Croatian when you are here because people really are super proud of Croatia of their football teams of the UNESCO World Heritage

    Sizes of their Islands of their food other a cappella singing all these kind of things and here’s a beautiful country Well, we’re checking out lots of cool stuff cheap prices things like that but you’re gonna probably find some stuff that might annoy you when you are here like the rocky beaches and and

    Sometimes the service isn’t super but it’s fine. You know, you might have some issues but do not bring that up to the crow It’s okay because the locals don’t really like that but that’s kind of like anywhere you go people don’t appreciate the constructive criticism

    Might might be out there and so here is no different now me v don’t for you I just saw out here on the beach behind me Don’t expect a comfy lie down on the beaches here in Croatia. Now, the beaches are beautiful the water. Look at its crystal clear

    That’s somebody it’s a little bay with boats in and it’s just gorgeous But the thing is the beaches here a lot of times our ston beaches or they have a lot of pebbles and rocks on them which makes it a little

    Difficult to get down to I was down here watching the this couple trying to get into the Into the water down here and the poor girl It took her like five minutes to get down to the beach because the stones were hurting your feet so much

    So if you are gonna come especially with little kids bring water shoes, so you can walk on the rocks and enjoy it Because it can get quite painful. I know with my boys when we were here together. There are a few years ago

    I mean it was a lot of tiptoeing and ow, ow Ow, it’s though so don’t expect a comfy lie on the beach. Make sure you bring those comfy shoes Okay now since you’ll be going to the beach one thing

    I guess I shouldn’t have to mention but it is important is don’t forget your sunblock and your sun protection and some bug spray Okay, because the Sun here is very intense and it gets very hot here in the summer

    Okay, like 35 4 degrees Celsius so over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and it can’t be kind of dangerous for travelers So stay hydrated, but also lather up on your SPF on your sunblock. I have 70 on Okay, so maybe bring a hat too, but also the bug spray

    I remember we were here in July and I me and I my youngest son We got eaten alive by the mosquitoes and other bugs So do be careful with that now my seventh don’t for you is don’t expect to get places quickly in Croatia

    She’s got this kind of interesting shape because you got the long coastline and there’s a big continental part in there And the thing is you’re gonna take buses and ferries to get around like to the islands and buses to go between towns

    There’s some train lines but not for everywhere and they’re not always that great But you’re good to take buses and it may look like it’s closed But with all the mountainous terrain and islands and stuff like that It will take you longer to get to certain spots than you expect

    Like you look at the map say oh there should be like a three-hour drive and it turns out to be a five-hour drive You know Oh I can get over that island and the ferry systems especially don’t expect the ferries to go all the time in the winter months

    Okay in the summer months you’ll be able to get anywhere fine If you’re coming off season that can be an issue now Another thing I want to tell you is don’t skip the local museums now. I know there’s World Heritage Sites here. There’s amazing

    History here you walk you through these towns with the stonework and the little winding streets that it’s just gorgeous. UNESCO We’re at Heritage Sites seven of them in Croatia you can go see natural beauty like the Kirk falls in the Lake District and and walking the walls to Dubrovnik and Pula with the

    Cathedral or not the Cathedral with the Colosseum there’s tons of amazing stuff that’s here However, what I really like is well aside from that is the small local museums because the people are so proud I mean you get great guys

    Like I’m from afar my family’s from afar and I will tell you how great hvar is and not I don’t tell you splits the Best city because I’m from split split is the best city So I’m not saying anything They have this pride here

    And you see that a lot in some of the smaller museums a lot of the city Museums we were in Šibenik and oh my goodness their city museum was fantastic It’s showing the history and the pride of the people. So don’t just hit the beach and the UNESCO sites

    Also go explore some of those smaller museums when you are here because I’ve felt them I found them to be really worthwhile And kind of going along with that local kind of feels Don’t skip the local food

    Now you’ll see a lot of pizza and pasta and stuff like that all over the place because there’s a lot about Italian influence and things like that, but there’s a lot of really great food here in Croatia. Yes. We’re on this sea

    So the sea food is fantastic the prawns the mussels getting this the black risotto and stuff like that Oh It’s so good Getting the what we always like to get was the the look all the fish plate and you get all kinds of different stuff sea

    Bass and prawns and and oh my god is so good. It’s so good. You have that animates here as well So if you like seafood, it’s great. If you like meat, it’s great They have these things and there’s tons of salads here as well

    So there’s some nice variety so you can mix it up So don’t just think I’m going to buy same things every day Now do explore the local cuisines because there are some pretty good stuff here Also, they you tend to drink the wine here the beers

    Okay But wines one of their things are very proud of here now kind of falling off that Restaurant feel you may think as oh, how am I gonna pay when I’m here. Well, don’t think you can pay in Euros

    Okay, they have the Cunha here in Croatia. And they prefer the Kuna you’ll actually see sign saying we do not accept euros Yes, Quraish is in the European Union, but they don’t use the euro So don’t think you can use it Now some places like Dubrovnik you might be able to pay a

    Taxi or you might be able to pay fat a restaurant but walking the walls in Dubrovnik at the most Tourist town the entire country is still gotta pay in Kuna Okay, so don’t think you can pay in Euros when you’re here

    Another don’t I have for you is when you do go to those restaurants Don’t forget to tip you tip 10% on the bill here in Croatia Just so you know that now bite width on for you is don’t worry if you don’t speak Croatian

    Tourists have been coming through Croatia for hundreds of years because let’s be honest. This place is gorgeous Okay, and the thing is is the tour for the tourist infrastructure is very good for hotels restaurants things like that But also in terms of speaking English

    Look, they are dead. This place has developed for tourism They’ve really there for the tourists, you know, all the guides are saying look even you speak German or Spanish We’re just speaking English with us It’s fine because most people do speak it a lot less especially younger people

    Really do speak it and that’s gonna be your language getting around. So your waiter and things like that. They’ll have English menus No problem that you won’t even ask they’ll bring it to you know speaks. They’ll speak English pretty well

    And so that’s really nice thing to do and my last don’t for you when you come to Croatia is don’t pass up a chance if someone offers you some dried figs in some rakia the homemade liqueur here don’t pass that up because that’s a sign of

    Welcome and hey, come on in have a drink. Let’s chat and talk about Croatia and your I’m here Anyway, those are kind of my don’ts of Croatia. I hear the boats are getting ready to go So I prize should get ready to take off myself if you like videos like this

    We put out new videos every Wednesday and Saturday from all over the world So if you want stuff about Croatia or Canada or China we got stuff for you there Anyway, we’re also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate your like subscription

    So we hope you have a good time here in Avar or wherever you go in Croatia But don’t worry you will. This place is beautiful Bye from hvar Croatia


    1. During ww2:
      – Croats forced Jewish and Serbian children to eat bread mixed with glass, in Croatian children concentration camps……..

    2. SERBIAN concentration camp for children:
      – Rakovica manastir near belgrade

      SERBIAN rp camp for children during the 1990s:
      – Omarska camp
      – Prijedor
      – Visegrad
      – Foca
      – Trnopolje

      Not the Gestapo but the whole world was disgusted, of serbian "culture"

    3. Please google CROATIAN CHILDREN concentration camps:
      – Jastrebarsko children concentration camp
      – Sisak children concentration camp
      – Gradiska children concentration camp
      – ….
      Even Gestapo was disgusted…..

    4. During ww2:
      – Croats forced Jewish and Serbian children to eat bread mixed with glass, in Croatian children concentration camps……..

    5. SERBIAN concentration camp for children:
      – Rakovica manastir near belgrade

      SERBIAN rp camp for children during the 1990s:
      – Omarska camp
      – Prijedor
      – Visegrad
      – Foca
      – Trnopolje

      Not the Gestapo but the whole world was disgusted, of serbian "culture"

    6. Lets be honest: CROATIAN GRANDMOTHERS were GANG-BANED for 900 years by TURKISH, MONGOLIAN, HUNGARIAN, SERBIAN, AUSTRIAN, ITALIAN,…..and even before that, by FRANKIAN and AVARS

    7. During ww2:
      – Croats forced Jewish and Serbian children to eat bread mixed with glass, in Croatian children concentration camps……..

    8. Please google CROATIAN CHILDREN concentration camps:
      – Jastrebarsko children concentration camp
      – Sisak children concentration camp
      – Gradiska children concentration camp
      – ….
      Even Gestapo was disgusted…..

    9. LETS BE HONEST: SERBIAN GRANDMOTHERS were 500 years long under TURKISH, ARAB, AFRICAN and ALBANIAN pashas and before that under MONGOLS, BULGARIANS, BYZANTINES and AVARS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Serbian Genetics dont lie: E1b1b (berber) + J (turkish)

      – Rakovica manastir near belgrade 1943

      SERBIAN RP CAMPS for children during the 1990s:
      – Omarska camp
      – Trnopolje
      – Visegrad
      – Foca
      – Prijedor

      Not the Gestapo but the whole world was disgusted…of serbian "culture"

    11. I am almost granpa today but as a kid we challange eachother to count days when pain goes away from rocky or stone beach. In 3 days of constant walk with pain on rocky or stone beach you become not just resiliant to pain or winner of challange .you litteraly as kid become little Tarzan and you enchant with your resilience young "Janes" who came to the sea, shores or beach from continental Croatia just "today". Make a challange and I bet in 3 days your kids will run over stones with double layed skin on foot proud on the achivment

    12. On the money side, ATMs seem to have different fees for foreign card holders in Croatia…some charge ZERO fees and some charge high fees. Prob worth using the ATM Fee Saver and finding the fee-free and lower-fee ATMs there with withdrawal limits… save up on unnecessary bank fees!

    13. Croatia is absolutely beautiful. We sailed from Monfalcone to Pula with several port calls along the way, and it was the best vacation I've ever had. If you've ever thought about visiting, do it, you won't be disappointed.

    14. Well, I Fit Right IN – I live here in Seattle, WA – I talk like I am fighting – when I am ONLY TALKING. 2) I didn't know they were former Yugoslavia. LOL. So, I won't dare to Call them "Yugoslavia" Even I dated a man that was former Yugoslavia but in New York!!! I still didn't know that Croatia was part of the former Yugoslavia. 3) I also didn't know about their war; So I would never bring it Up! 4) I always wear Beach Sandals!!! LOL. 5) I love the WINE.

    15. 1. For travelers coming into Croatia after 2023 there is a major difference. Cause from 2023 we use the euro. So no more kuna.

      2. The sad part about this tourism is that restaurants and museums will ask questions first IN ENGLISH. This problem is mostly at the sea. This is really bad for Croats cause when they are
      on vacation, it gets really awkward and funny.

      If there are any grammatical errors its cause English is my second language.

    16. I still call Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia Yugoslavia. In the worst Case I call it Ex-Yugoslavia. And no one is complaining and is always nice to me 🙂

    17. My mom came here in the early 90s from Komiza. My grandparents and such stayed so id love to go there and see my family there. Grandma was a Fadich and grandpa was a Bozanich 🙂

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