Hey Guys, these are the 10 craziest moments in pro cycling history. Ranging from pets causing chaos to insane crashes to the weirdest moments! If you like cycle racing and tours, like the tour de France or the Tour of Omen then this video is for you, so sit back, relax and enjoy.

    These are the 10 craziest Pro cycling moments in history Pi my bike up and our number 10 spot will shock you because number 10y Wiggins the yet to be TOA France winner and Olympic champion was climbing the slopes of Sega D ala on stage four

    The 2013 jur of trentino when he got a mechanical so in the stress of the moment he threw his bike to the side but then this happened this guy’s a bike wizard I mean the bike literally lands perfectly on the wall anyone can do it but this wasn’t the

    Only time that Brad bought us some crazy entertaining moments in the world of professional cycling no he’s provided bucket loads of funny moments but this next moment may have just been a step too far because Brad was standing for the national anthem in the 2016 re Olympics and when the cameras had a

    Close up on him and his team he decides to pull the weirdest Face what the hell his teammates just couldn’t control themselves after that and he was a vegetarian now he’s a lady just like on next clip nobody saw it coming cuz for our number eight craziest cycling moment this cyclist does the unthinkable oh overall and over and out

    As you can see here pan was riding alongside riger Berto uran and vincenza Ne in the 2014 tur of omen the race was incredibly hot reaching temperatures of 43° but the course lacked any kind of technical sections so foran who’s used to using his technical skill and prowess

    To defeat his opponent decided to risk it all in there’s one swift but incredibly well timed bunny h and suddenly seeing that there’s a division in the road watch this whoa how’s about that for setting your stall out teing himself up for the Bunny Hop takes the short way this maneuver as

    Well as some incredible descending won him to stage and further solidified the young San as a legend in the Pro cycling world is good our number seven moment didn’t end his plan though for Jamal Adine Abdu jeffro no of Denmark for me as well on the final stretch of the 1991

    To of France trategy struck and a crash that would forever go down in time is one of the worst crashes in t France history nicknamed the Tash Ken Terror and in the green jersey the group Sprints with heads down and elbows out however an unsuspecting Coke ball

    Collided with him taking him off course and smashing into the barriers I mean damn just look at the crash from this angle the worst crash I’ve ever seen in a Sprint in a stage of the Tour of France as all of the Riders what makes it even crazier is that he

    Actually got up and crossed the line they were really built different back then this whole situation was extremely serious unlike our next clip which was just extremely weird coming in at number six the now retired Tom Duman was caught out in the 2017 jur Italia 32 km oh here

    We go here we go what’s happened here fight change real problems and he’s changing his jersey Tom oh no no no no no oh I mean that’s just gross I uh needed to [ __ ] but I guess when you got to go you you got to

    Go to be fair I’m kind of amazed that he managed to take a toilet break so fast and still ended up on the podium maybe this would be worthy of a new kind of brown Jersey who knows maybe maybe I’m better than I thought at least the cameraman gave him some dignity and

    Turned away because in our next clip the cameraman wasn’t so kind and number five we have a rider that was caught short in the T Britain as while riding down the country roads of barking and suffk the lotto sudal Rider had to answer the call of nature on live

    TV maybe this was some kind of new tactic or something to lose some weight before the clim but one thing for sure is that this was definitely worthy of our number five spot on our list at number four let’s take a break from looking at Riders because we’re going to

    Look at the world’s hardest dog take a look at one of the most random and unlikely crash in procycling history when Marcus perar was descending on the stage n of the tur to France a dog comes out of nowhere and ends up colliding with the German Rider have they made it

    Oh dear the crazy thing was though is that the dog was pretty much fine but Marcus’s bike was completely crushed I mean damn what was that dog made of the thing must have been as solid as a rock because the lightweight wheels that cost over $5,500 were completely snapped in half

    In all seriousness though bringing a a dog to a bike race is probably not a good idea as they’ve been known to cause a ton of problems in the past Spectators and staff should really be more careful as a wrong turn of events can lead to the life or death of riders and

    Naturally it can make them angry like our number three top craziest procycling moment when the well-known Alpha cyclist Mario chapini completely loses it in the 2003 Glen to waving Glen Mario chelini shows his disdain for a race referee by throwing two water bottles to make matters worse a couple

    Of caves down the road a driver and cameraman aboard a motorbike crash in front of Mario causing complete chaos on the road one of the one of the referees I think went down I think it was the one that just got caught the bottle to be

    Fair I know it’s not right that Riders lose their call like this but that was a pretty good shot if having a big ego was what shipolini was known for then in my eyes Chris FR was known for his insane ability to stay cool as a cucumber even

    In the most intense situations I mean the guy over his career literally had been pepper sprayed had human waste thrown on him and was smashed by a hit and run driver in France but there was one time where things just went way too far for crit because on our second most crazy

    Moment in procycling history is when Chris F the tur to France winner was defending his title at the tur of France and had the pressure of the world watching him he was on the way back to his team hotel when an on duty French police officer grabbed him and tried to

    Slam him to the ground you got to imagine these Riders are insane levels of body fat coming as low as 1 to 2% and on top of this they’re completely exhausted so the chance of serious injury is extremely high to have an officer grab you off your bike is going

    To make your blood completely boil and this is exactly what happened to Chris okay so let’s get on to our final and number one most crazy moment of procycling history and it includes none other than the four-time to of France winner Chris FR for more videos like

    This don’t forget to smash that like button and click subscribe stage 12 of the 2016 tour when Chris FR was forced to abandon his bike and run towards the finish on Mount venox runs on here Port is here as well and he’s on the radio

    Somebody pck my bike up due to the thick Crow the team car was way and the new bike was not coming anytime soon so FR did the only thing he could and he started Running okay guys thanks so much if you’re still watching to the end remember to smash that subscribe button and I’ll see you on the next one peace out

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