We take the Lankeleisei x3000 Max out for a proper review in our local park. This thing has big power and big range for not that many spondulees! Check out the latest price and the different colours in the range below:

    LANKELEISI X3000 MAX 2000W Dual Motor Foldable Electric Mountain Bike(New Arrivals)

    #ebike #foldingbike #camping
    [0:00] Intro
    [0:53] Price and key features
    [10:30] Bike walkaround
    [11:20] Lights
    [11:55] Suspension
    [12:30] Controls and handlebars
    [13:15] Display
    [16:15] Rider height
    [18:00] Drone shots
    [19:29] Test ride
    [24:18] Roundup and verdict

    H there welcome to Camping Secrets it’s 2024 happy New Year and look what I’ve had from Father Christmas it’s the lanal Lei x3000 Max electric bike this thing takes it to a new level it’s got a 1,000 watt motor in the front hub and 1,000 W Motor

    In the rear hub that’s 2,000 wats of power let’s dig into This okay let’s dig into the key specs of this and firstly the price it’s in the UK at the moment it’s £ 1,999 which you know I think is a reasonable value bike my Tre rail s bike cost me £55,000 um a few years ago yes that’s a high-end

    Electric mountain bike but and this is a sort of different proposition but £2,000 for what you’re getting on here in my mind is a very good price uh some recent bikes I reviewed are cheaper the enu engine Pro and other bikes from lanco lessi uh you can get cheaper bikes but

    Less power less invigorating still really good so you got to make your mind up really what you want so what has the x3000 max got that makes it worth the £2,000 basically well as I mentioned in the intro it’s got 1,000 W Motor in the

    Front and 1,000 W Motor in the back you can operate the bike as either front-wheel drive rear wheel drive or duel that’s all accessible on the front panel using the controls here on the handlebars it’s a folding bike we tested one recently the enu engine Pro and I

    Really liked it it had quite considerable noise from the motor though from the bearings and that put me off a little bit it was still really good bike this thing is whisper quiet I’ve been very very impressed with Lan clesi’s motor and the weight is 37 kg uh which

    You know it’s a lot and actually the front of the bike does feel heavy with that motor in there but you can lift it up and it is reasonably manageable but please bear in mind these bikes are heavy it’s got a huge battery with Samsung cells uh 960 W hours so it’s 20

    Amp hours 48 volts and that battery is stored in here and basically I’ll show you later you can unfold the bike and take the battery out but you can also charge it in situ so that’s nice you can just plug in here and charging up and that takes around 7 hours the charger

    You get is a 3 amp charger this is 20 amp hours so 3 into 20 is just under 7 hours to fully charge that battery um you know and that and that’s fairly typical for these bikes it is a big battery and a big battery means lots of

    Capacity and what does capacity mean range on your ebike this can go up to 150 km which is about about what is it which is about 93 Mi 93 mile range I live in Birmingham that means I could cycle on this thing all the way down to

    Bristol on one charge which is pretty incredible I think in terms of colors we’ve gone for the gray one here but they do do a quite fetching orange uh sort of color scheme as well if you want and this one Blends into the background well but the orange does look nice I’ve

    Got to say so check out the link in the description below and check out those two colors see which one you prefer right let’s take you through the bike and I’ll take you through the key specs and then we’ll take it around the park

    Get the Drone up and uh show you what it can do it’s a very bright day today so I hope you can see this bike in all its Glory you get a kickstand and you get this lovely rack it does come in the box and it does take a little bit of

    Assembly um let me show you a little clip now of us putting the bike Together [Applause] so I hope that was useful and you can see that as long as you’re handy with you know an allen key and a screwdriver you shouldn’t have too much problems putting it together but I do like what you get with this bike you’ve got the rack and this is really useful and

    Actually if you buy the bike now you get you can get a free bag and a lock and other accessories and I think that’s really worthwhile I haven’t got the saddle bag unfortunately but I have got a saddle bag you know from another bike which should go on here quite nicely but

    Yeah really nice touch having that rack and it means you can put some luggage on the back you don’t have to just use a rock sack uh like I am today um but just makes it a little bit more practical I think obviously it’s a Chinese made bike

    Lan lessi um but they’re getting more and more common over here now in shipping direct to your house I I often wonder you know if something goes wrong how are these companies going to deal with warranty schemes and I haven’t been in that position so I can’t really offer

    Any advice people often ask in the comments what happens if it goes wrong I I think that’s one of the reasons these bikes are quite cheap because the probably isn’t that after care service that you might expect from a cycle shop or something like that but uh if anyone

    Has got experience dealing with warranties and things like that with these Chinese bikes please leave a comment below because I’d love to know what happens in those circumstances but the bikes I’ve had have been Fairly reliable so uh touchwood uh no problems are going to happen for mine comes with mud guards

    And I love that uh got these lovely mud guards so riding around in the mud in a British winter it’s not going to splatter up all over you it’s pretty practical the tires are 20 INX 4 in fat tires and they got really nice grips on them um and I’ve been like driving

    Around here today and absolutely good with grip um and then you got those Motors as I said in each of the wheels frankly I was Finding in the mud that having 2,000 Watts on tap if you’re in dual mode was a little bit too much I

    Was finding it the front wheel was like spinning a little bit and um there was a lot of people walking there dogs and kids and push chairs and I felt a little bit like I was in charge of a lethal weapon and actually these bikes are not

    Strictly legal in the UK on public land like the roads or even this park probably I don’t think it’s strictly legal um it has got a throttle a Twist throttle here and I know that the amount of power this is putting through that is just not uh legal so please bear that in

    Mind when you’re buying this um I don’t know really what would happen in terms of the police if they caught you on this bike but if you are watching please please again leave leave a comment below um so I would say do your own research on these things it’s a bit like electric

    Scooters uh you’re not strictly meant to ride those but people do so I think you take your you pay your money you take your choice I guess there’s a risk it will get confiscated if the police stop you um so yeah so so I’ve taken to

    Running it in rear wheel mode uh in in fairly low powers and that seems to suit me fine I don’t want to be rocketing around so I’m actually using the gears here we it’s seven-speed Shimano Altus gears fairly standard on these ebikes you either get the Dior or the Altus

    This is the Altus and it shifts gears nicely so if you’re going up a steep hill in a lowish power mode not using the full power of the bike then I use the gears here down into a low gear and then use some good oldfashioned leg power to supplement the power of the

    Bike and in that way you get a bit of exercise sorry I hit my mic then and in that way you get a bit of exercise uh and you’re just not being super lazy so I recommend you do that but of course that power is on tap if you want it and

    Once I get on an open stretch I like to whack up the power mode here so there’s five power modes to choose from and I’ll take you through the screen and how you do that but it’s literally a plus or minus on this control panel to go up

    From 1 to two to three up to five where you’re getting that full 1,000 Watts if you’re in single motor mode or the 2,000 WTS if you’re in the jeel and honestly the the 2,000 WS is nippy and if you got a really Steep Hill it’s quite nice to

    Have that dual motor but I don’t think most Marios require it really it’s probably Overkill and the previous bikes I’ve been reviewing were at 750 watts and I found that quite a nice power level really just a single motor so I you know I’ll take it out for

    A ride and show you what I mean uh in terms of that but just bear it in mind it it is a lot now of course this bike is folding it’s got this big hinge here and a clamp on this side which you can pull and then it does does fold so you

    Could in principle take it on the train or fold it away and put it in your car so here we have the Hub motor and then you’ve got a disc brake here and the brakes are quite nice as I say it is disc brakes on the front and back and

    Frankly you need disc brakes when you’ve got this much power and I would tend to say they’re a little underwhelming on the other bikes the 750 WS I thought the brakes were just about about bearable I would say on this you might want to look at swapping into stronger brakes for

    Better stopping I find the a little spongy and maybe they just need some adjustment but at this stage it is one weak area of the bike I think one thing I really like is this front headlight you got front and rear lights all controllable from the little panel up

    Here the little control deck and just look at this I love the grill on it and it just looks really nice so let’s put that on let’s turn the bike on really nice like that motorcycle look with this little shroud here it’s a stunning looking ebike Lanes has done a

    Great job in the design I think and then the rear light nice so what about suspension well it has got front forks and a rear suspension here they’re not air shocks it’s a coil sort of sprung system at the front and it works quite nicely same at

    The back now you can lock out this front one there’s a little dial here on the right on the front fork and you can if you want to use it on the road lock out that suspension and then ride it without the Upp and down movement but I I

    Recommend keeping it on it just increases the comfort and makes it a joy to ride especially with those fat tires let’s take you through the handlebars the grips are quite nice but they’re very smooth so you sort of need gloves to get a good grip but they’re very

    Stable and a nice position and we’ve got the control deck for the electric motor and settings Etc and the screen is a very nicely placed color screen down in the v of these nice handlebars sort of of BMX sort of style handlebars sort of got that lovely down indent so

    Essentially you just hold down this power button here for a few seconds it goes through a little bootup procedure takes about 2 or 3 seconds before you’re on on the right hand side we’ve got the gear shifters so it’s just if you want to shift down a gear you use this one

    Here and if you want to go up a gear you push this one here again you got a similar grip here and then you’ve got this twist throttle here which moves the bike so that will work even when you’re in the lowest mode if you just turn that

    The bike will move not going to do it here so let’s look at the screen at the moment you know this gives you your battery level at the top fully charged so as I said that’s 960 W hours of capacity with about a 90 Mi range pretty impressive then you got your

    Speedo here you can change it from kilm per hour which I use these days uh or switch it to miles per hour no problem and what’s quite nice here you got the power mode and you can then use the plus and minus here to scale up and down and

    It sort of gives you a visual indication of the amount of boost you’re going to get with that blue line there and then it calls sports mode four and five and there you get in close close to the full power of the bike below we have this Li

    Indicator so you can see here it says single B that means B for the back motor but single means I’ve only got one motor engaged then we have odometer here which logs the distance of your rides so how do we change the mode of the bike basically come over to the

    Control panel here and you long press this plus button so at the moment it’s in single rear mode if I long press that button it’s moved now to duel I don’t know if you can see that so that is both the front and the rear motor is now activated when you ride and

    Pedal you get and I’ll show that when we go out to test the bike and if I the plus again now it’s on single F so now it’s in front wheeel drive mode and also with this you can turn on your headlights and your rear lights you just hold on the

    Button here and the light comes on so that’s nice if you want to see different things on the control panel here you can go just cycle through them with this IE button so if you want average speed for instance which it’s on now as you’re

    Riding or you click ey so that is nice and then you got a max speed indicator as well so really useful information on the screen and it’s nicely visible as well even in pretty bright sunlight so I’m quite impressed with the screen of this bike so what about Rider height

    Well lessi say that this can support Riders from 170 cm up to 190 cm now actually I’m a little above that I’m about 193 CM so I’d say the bike is a tiny bit small for me obviously it’s a quick release saddle you just undo this little seat clamp

    Here then the seat can come out so I’m using it right at the top of this seat post just about here of course it will go down really low so let’s just look at riding position it’s an interesting riding position because of the sort of handlebars they’re quite low down if I get

    On you can see my this is as high as the saddle goes and my feet are sort of flat on the floor so I would like a little bit more length wouldn’t we all but on the pedals it’s good good position but you can see my arms are quite

    Outstretched so you’re sort of sat down and your arms are sort of forward and I’d call that sort of a Harley Davidson kind of feel there’s some more of a sort of get your motor running kind of Born to Be Wild feel so it does feel

    Different to the engu engine Pro that I reviewed about a month or two ago but it it’s you quickly get used to the riding position and I do like it and you can even find yourself doing little jumps off curbs and off you know roots and things like that and you feel pretty

    Safe doing it so I think now it’s time to take it out for a bit of a ride around and uh give you my my thoughts on It Yeah let’s look at the bike from different angles this is at the front side see now that my leg is fully extended at the bottom of the pedal stroke but my knee is still bent so I would say the bike is a little bit small for me

    Com in handy mud everywhere on this grass really the bike is just effortless over this sort of terrain power mode three soon as you’ve done one full turn of the cycle the power kicks in now if I stop using the rear brake there it does stop satisfactorily but the brakes feel

    Spongy so I don’t know if they need some adjustment there are some little screws here and I think they need a bit of work on them just to tighten up that action and maybe they’ll work a bit better then but it’s a lovely looking bike as I

    Was saying if I just want to get going just from pedaling you’ve got to Pedal round and that’s quite hard before the power comes in so one alternative way of doing that is when you especially if you’re on a hill start is just twist the throttle and pedal at the same time and

    Then the throttle puts in the power gradually it’s not if you just turn the throttle you know slightly it does move but you get going quite easy and then just move on to Pedal P if you want to on a day like this nothing better than taking the bike

    Out and I do like having that power on to go for a little bit of offroad in it see what that says big log there I’m not going to risk jumping over that onehanded now remember this is only in single motor operation and I’m only in

    Power mode three so this the rear wheel drive mode we could also try the Dual mode motor mode with the 2,000 W max power and when you do that you can get up to 30 mph top speed is about 31 1/2 and that’s in limited by the gear ratio really I

    Think it’s a 52 front Cog and then you got the seven speeds at the back and yeah it’ll top out at about 31 1/2 which is illegal on UK roads so don’t do it and honestly any over 20 M hour is does feel a little bit scary on these

    Ebikes you got no protection at all you’re not I’m not wearing levers or anything like that so this a dual motor Now power mode 3 it’s more skittish you get the front wheel slipping a little bit bit noisier cuz you got two Motors now the power just feel like a Superman riding

    Around in the Park S what do I make of the lanal Lei x3000 Max well for 1,000 999 I think it’s good value remember it’s got two Motors it’s the only bike I’ve ever tested with two 1,000 watt Motors it’s insanely powerful and we’ll I’ll get onto that in a little bit so is

    It portable I mean that’s what it’s trying to be it’s a fairly small bike with the 20 in Wheels 20 in by 4 in fat tires and it’s of course fold able you have this clamp here that just undo and then the bike just folds battery here and it’s easy to

    Remove but you can see I’m struggling here with the weight it’s not light at all and I question how portable it is you can’t lift it any distance be difficult to put it in a car I mean it is doable but I think the folding nature of it is not massively

    Important the power is insane and I as I said before I think it’s actually not legal on UK roads uh and you can go up to 31 1/2 M an hour it’s not restricted at all I think for sale in the UK it should be at 15 1/2 mil an

    Hour but I’m not complaining because it’s a lot of fun what I would say is I don’t really know why they’ve put the motor on the front H it’s a little Overkill in my mind I think 1,000 Watts on the rear is all you need I was

    Getting a lot of wheel spin when the front motor was engaged and that was in front wheeel drive or dual wheel drive I kept getting wheel spin with that front motor obviously because there’s less weight on it so it skids a bit it having dual motors did give it more pep more

    Speed but it felt plenty fast enough for me with just the rear wheeel drive and 1,000 Watts so I mean I do like the look of the bike I really love the headlight and the rear light and the rack and the mud guards I’ve been riding around in

    Mud all day and yeah I got a few Splats on me but it’s been pretty good and the bike has taken the brunt of it so I’ll be giving this a clean I’d say the brakes are a little squishy out of the box these disc brakes

    You know the levers at the moment how they setup or a little spongy takes a little while to slow down and especially if you are up over 20 M hour that could be a cause for concern uh maybe just an adjustment or new brake pads or something would help with that I really

    Like the display the controls are easy to use there’s actually a horn on the bike and um let’s just demonstrate that there’s a horn it’s got the lights controllable from here which I like here’s the horn quite useful uh so I guess if you’ve got a

    Battery you may as well use it um gears work well the alter Shimano and it has got that twist throttle um I I got on with it in the end especially with with gloves it was quite easier than I thought um and I mean you know I I I think it

    Compares favorably with a thumb thumb throttle I can’t say that very well and the suspension yeah a little bit rattly it’s a very nice and comfortable bike the tires obviously give a bit of suspension so you know is it worth 2,000 of your pound um I think if you really

    Do want that sort of power if you’re riding Offroad on your own land or something like that it’s nice to have it in the tank but you can get you know a single motor similar bike for you know about about 1,400 you know check out the review of

    The enu engine Pro and lanal lei have their own bikes in that sort of range we have a single 750 W Motor like the Cobra that I tested as well recently and I like that bike um so for me it’s a little bit Overkill but it does perform

    Well and we’re just seeing more and more of these bikes from Brands like lanese which are stonkingly good value aluminum frame good components great Motors lovely display you know what more can you want maybe a little bit lighter would be nice so lanese can you maybe do the same or a

    Single motor you know for about 24 kg or even 20 kg that would be nice anyway that’s my verdict for now uh I’ll probably revisit this after I’ve put more miles on it it’s a lot of fun and uh as we approach spring I think I’ll be

    Out on this thing a lot anyway check out my upcoming videos I’m going to compare this against the other bike I’ve got from lanal Lei the Cobra and then also we’ll do a comparison of a couple of these folding bikes as well so please like And subscribe check out the link in

    The description below if you’re interested in lanal Lei bikes and thanks for watching i’ be Marky Mark this was camping Secrets bye for now

    1 Comment

    1. Completely illegal, lose your driving license illegal, riding it anywhere other than private land. And the bike will be taken and crushed.

      This is basically a moped, needs tax, insurance, mot, licence plate, indicators, motorbike helmet.

      250w pedal assist is the max in the uk.

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