Let’s chat while my dogs are having fun in the snow! I’ll answer all your questions, but if you have more, please fell free to write them in the comments below!

    #q&a #leofucarev #germanshepherd #goldenretriever

    Any technical issues again but um if you’re here please drop a message letting us know how’s the video and audio quality okay so meanwhile more people get to join our live let me quickly introduce you our little friend let me introduce you this beautiful and super socialable Kitty

    That really likes to hang out with us lately so hey oh goodness got that in life hey I just said you’re friendly and sociable and you’re proving it wrong okay so as I was saying um we have a new visitor a new uh neighboring cat that really likes to

    Hang out with us apparently yes she likes big dogs hello how’s Tiger hi Andrew hi everyone tiger is doing great he’s right here chewing on his FV ball and uh Leo is uh doing a quick training session cuz he’s a good boy of course he wants to play

    Ball and here is the the cat so um NE without his ball yes that’s right it says uh emotional support ball how we like to call [Laughter] it okay I’ll be following the live chat here from another phone so uh I’m going to be updated with u the comments and

    Everything guys write down hopefully uh you get a good audio yes baby what do you want you want another a treat I think you want another a treat well yes probably okay okay very good do you want do spin spin baby very good very okay so uh we thought that while we

    Uh still have this beautiful snowy winter weather we’re going to hang out with the boys outside more and um do this little life but you another onee okay yeah good boy you ready to catch it okay we really have to work on that one so as I was saying while we have

    This beautiful uh snowy winter we thought would’ uh hang out more with the pups outside cuz apparently according to the weather forecast next week we’re going to get a muddy weather again which is so sad um yeah what is oh goodness he’s obsessed with this

    Ball and he has two uh balls that are perfectly fine over there but he seems to enjoy this one more right buddy like the Deep h b better that’s a Beau okay here you go hey come come here here they were so happy and excited when we exited the house now they’re so

    Chill look the the cat is watching us from over there I’m going to go grab more treats for Leah what you started the trees really happy okay now it’s much better oh looks like I’ve missed a lot of your comments hi hi Andrew hi Adora hi I hope I got it right hi

    Peter um okay so uh hi from Paras okay guys come here come here we’re all over we’re all over oh good boy good job good job look tiger is finally chill hi from Breeze oh my goodness so many people in this life every budy are you happy

    So um I wanted to address a few questions um that we really get in the comments lately um I know many of you have noticed that oh my goodness look what I’ve done oh no no no no no oh no no no I need help he

    Stop oh my goodness oh my goodness Leo stop oh I’m so clumsy lately stop what did I do oh wow I’m really sorry buddy you really doesn’t mind treats please you can grab them to hurry up buddy okay I think it’s fair enough if I leave

    Rest to Leo with different types of dogs yeah two different types of dogs exactly one is obsessed with food and the other one with balls okay let me play a with him hey buddy Dr come here got to drop it drop it he’ll do anything for this ball right buddy

    Speak speak speak speak buddy okay so uh while the pubs are here let’s address a few topics that uh are really popular lately in our comment section um so as many of you noticed uh we’re missing n so we are currently having just two out of our free pups and the reason being

    For that is that uh she’s in heat so she had to be separated for a while uh from the boys while she’s on her uh heit cycle so that’s why uh she’s not here with us but hopefully she’s going to be back in a couple of weeks cuz we’re really missing

    Her we are missing her badly okay let me check the uh the life chat Yas has his little treat Joy over here oh my goodness are you done you ate all of them good for you buddy you want more oh I bet you do but you’ll have to earn

    Them so yeah earlier this week I made a post about Nella but uh apparently not many of you saw it which is okay so I thought that uh address this um question this frequent question uh in today’s life so yeah so um I hope you have more

    Clarity about where Nal is and when she’s coming back and what why she’s not here with us right buddy are you are you missing Nella as well as much as I do tiger is having fun in the background why do you got why do you look so serious buddy you want more

    Treats come here sit sit Leo speak can you speak buddy come on speak you want to speak buddy but give me P yes yes good boy here’s your treat yeah Mrs Nal he yes he does for sure they’re really confused the first couple of days where Nal is but um yeah

    Hopefully she’s uh coming back in a few weeks you know puppy yes good boy what’s up buy are you tired come here come here by the way uh let me know if there are any questions okay drop it drop itop it by the way sorry for my boys guys I’m

    I’m still a bit sick so uh I might cough from time to time and my voice sounds a bit funny but that’s okay I’m already feeling much better buddy I can’t believe that just in a couple of days all this beautiful snow is going to

    Melt and we’re going to go back to the mudy weather and I really don’t look forward to it there there buddy you looking at hey buddy is it your friend are you ready okay so beautiful right now I’m get in enough of this winter view hey what are you going what are you

    Doing do that come here Tiger Come Tiger Come can you sit pleasey tiger sit looks like Leo left the the live himself a new friend hey bud don’t have to be jealous over here come here let’s play it’s okay come here drop the ball drop it drop it good boy good boy good

    Boy I don’t think Leo wants to come back it’s feeling really well there he found the bag of treats and she’s eating those can’t believe it what a as chei as Kitty look at that hey Kitty here spotted red-handed oh wow do you want more dog trads I don’t

    Think they’re good for you why do you say if we fed fed the cat right now okay let’s F the kitty she is here uh where’s her ball is it inside the house Here Kitty hey Kitty oh my goodness she went back to the bag of greas hey that’s something better for you hey don’t get scared come here that’s something better okay so just to clarify this is not our cat this is our neighbor’s cat but she really likes to hang out at our

    Place so to make sure she’s comfortable and she’s not freezing we got her our insulated exterior house for cats which you’re going to see in a minute and she really likes to stay there when she’s uh an explore mode and we really saw oh my goodness so

    Apparently my dogs are obsessed with cat food pups I’m sorry this is for the kitty hey Kitty come here hey do you want breakfast come here no tiger you’re not a kitty I’m pretty sure about that let’s give it to the kitty tiger you sit here and be ni boy okay come

    Here come here come here okay up and teach no don’t leave that that’s gross tiger going to become a cat or what so we have a very uh big flux of uh cats here a lot of cats come to hang out at our cabin apparently they’re absolutely not

    Um they’re okay with the dogs I suppose so for those who who like to come with our cabin we bought a little uh insulated home so they feel uh comfortable and cozy there especially now that the temperature um a droing and it’s freezing outside so yeah I look another there

    Oh good think everyone is super friendly over here okay let me throw it very quickly I feel like it’s unfair if the cat gets to enjoy her breakfast and the boys get to watch so I got them a little treat this for you and this for you why did you

    Go okay Ty going enjoy it now it’s all yours here you got this smaller part I’m sorry okay L down you can enjoy it go I’m really sorry you made your choice come here down no buddy down down youy to do down down B yes’s yours no he’s going back to his favorite

    Place oh yeah we got them into the Zoomies mode where’s your Tre buddy that’s treat get it otherwise the cat is going to have it you are you enjoying your little cheep guy no stop hey sit down down let me check the live real quick okay okay lots of snow beautiful dogs thank

    You so much hi Kimberly hi Mark hi Mike hi Gary hi Pim yeah you guys are right she’s in Hit And um she had to leave um for a while she’s at uh Grandma and Grandpa’s house uh she’s treated like a queen there uh no doubts about that but yeah she had to

    Leave uh for a while I mean um so um I’ve had this comment before about um um spaying dogs or like nuturing but uh I don’t know there are different opinions on that and we’re U not considering this option for the time being but we’ll think about that uh

    Later uh yeah lots of no snow you’re right so Rohan is U asking where we right now we’re in Romania um and the mountains a really beautiful place okay uh so yeah I hope I uh answered your question Jim says best looking dogs in the internet oh my goodness these pups are feeling

    Flattered uh Eddie says love your videos my GSD would love the snow oh you’re in Australia right now and there’re are 35 degrees well I can imagine that hi from the radius Sarah hi how’s tiger’s eye oh thanks for asking um it’s actually nothing has uh really changed his steal on his

    Medication um but now the fat suggested that we use the ey drops twice a day instead of once a day because apparently during winter the um rays of sun are stronger so we have he needs more protection so yeah hi singer and KOB dancer hello um hi from

    Canada your dogs are adorable thank you so much that’s really sweet of you um okay so Cal is asking tiger plan on having puppies um well maybe we really didn’t think about that because he’s uh um too small for that anyways but maybe in the future we don’t know I really didn’t

    Think about that yet but on the other hand I’d really love to have puppies um from Nala I think that would be really cute so that’s why we don’t plan on uh uh spying her getting her Spade anytime soon let me know um if you have dogs did you spay them um did

    You consider other options what are the pros and cons and what are your thoughts on them because I’ve been uh reading different opinions on the internet I’ve been hearing different opinions from the that so I’m really curious to know what you guys think wait sit

    Down yes good boy put it in the ball luncher okay much better cuz my hands are picking freezing okay um so yeah Kimberly uh the medication is keeping his eyes stable for the moment it’s not getting any worse uh but yeah um I think this is uh this

    Medication he’s going to have to take it every day for the rest of his life because it’s uh nothing it’s not something that we can cure but it’s okay at least his um he’s all right he’s uh experiencing life is normal so everything is okay hi

    SAR uh okay uh so Sarah says I have a dog partially golden retriever how do you manage from their shredded fur um okay so um if you are asking about shedding um then well nothing can help except vacuuming twice a day and um using the um rake uh brush and uh

    Brushing them as much as possible other than that I careful You’re Gonna Knock it over do that um other than that uh make sure that you get your pup uh the needed supplements for him to have a healthy coat that can help with um um with with

    That but other than that you have to accept the fact that you’re not going to have um um fur free home for the rest of your life at least that’s what um we um you know accepted okay um so oh I really uh I’m really glad um got

    Mad um shared his uh well option and shared his uh thoughts on nuturing dogs I know it’s not a very popular opinion in the in in the us everyone um I mean at least it seems to me that everyone is jumping on this trend of nuturing their

    Dogs which uh well is okay if you discussed it with your vet and you considered this as the best option for your dog but um I’m still having doubts about that H yeah okay Rohan is asking what does nring dogs mean uh it’s basically operation where you are cutting their

    Um their uh I don’t want to say genitals but you’re nuturing them so they don’t they can’t have puppies anymore they can’t reproduce so you can definitely Google and get like all the medical terms there but yeah it’s an operation that uh makes them unable to have puppies and reproduce

    Anymore somebody wres that they have a GSD and never get tired well it’s the same thing here with tiger he’s a energy for ball and uh it seems to me no matter what we do no matter how much we play with him he’s going to get uh he’s going

    To have energy afterwards and he’s going to come um with a toy asking to play again Kimberly uh how long is Nella going to be in hit well uh usually it takes up to two weeks but um yeah so hopefully in a couple of weeks she’s going to be back what’s happening

    There look at this buddy I literally have two types of dogs here one is very chill just enjoying his treat being a really nice puppy and the other one is the other one is Tiger okay so uh somebody asked how do you train uh how do I train my dogs um

    To be honest uh right now we’re um currently uh trying a new app a new training app for dog which I’m going to tell you more about in the upcoming weeks we’re kind kind kind of seeing if you like it uh it has a lot of training

    Tips a lot of um you know um video helpful videos for pet owners like um food um recipes and you know all kind of treats that you can make for your dog so we’re um we’re kind of doing that also we’re using YouTube and all kind of

    Videos to kind of um learn we learn as we go um we also signed up for different uh training courses and uh yeah that’s why we uh that’s what we do uh we tried uh going to a puppy school with Tiger but that didn’t seem to be very helpful

    For for us uh cuz um you know uh you really have to like dig dip and uh uh try to find out more about your dog about his uh Behavior alone rather at a puy school cuz there there were literally so many people and each

    Dog is so different so uh you know every dog needs uh I don’t know needs a lot of time a lot of training to to get uh to the results that you want to get um okay um GSD are bundles of energy uh yes that’s true I love them for that but at

    The same time um it can kind of get overwhelming if this energy ball decides he wants to play at uh 12 a.m. or you know or or at 6:00 a.m. but it’s okay we love him for that um outside the breeds of your dog which one’s your favorite breed well um except

    German Shepherds and goldon retrievers there are a lot of breeds that I really love and one of which is um um uh the Beres Mountain Dog they’re really cute um and uh well I I generally love old breeds but um I find the big fluffy ones really cute and really awesome so

    Yeah uh by the way whatever breeds do you like except Golden Retriever and German Shepherds huh German Shepherds and golden that’s not an option your pups freezing my hands are kind of freezing how do you how do you feel what about English Bulldog a dog I mean come on they’re awesome all dogs

    Are awesome I love them all oh black cocker spels they’re so beautiful I love their F and how they look and their eyes everything is perfect about that dog you can definitely uh send a pick of your dog through our email so be are email so we can have a look but I’m

    Pretty sure he’s an AB do let me get closer to the mic because otherwise I feel like you don’t hear me and I can’t talk really loud since I’m a bit sick uh do you guys get snow often well Kenny the truth is uh it’s the fourth

    Time we got snow this season and it’s really sad because uh when moving here to the in the mountains we thought we’re going to have a WI a longer winter season but uh the weather is always changing so we’re enjoying what we have at the moment hopefully we’ll get more snow but we’ll

    See um any plans of adding a four dog into your family no definitely not anytime soon we’re uh feeling perfect as we are threee dogs are enough for us at the moment so yeah we don’t plan on U having uh another dog come what’s going on

    Here he took the we bought we had a previous cat I mean who really loved to come here and we got her a toy that is apparently really loved by Tiger he likes to play with that I like labradors as well oh I love Jimmy I love them because uh as a matter

    Of fact I my first dog was a Labrador um a female she is so cute still love dog and yeah as my childhood dog and I really love and miss her uh which code is Tiger well I assume you are asking if he’s a short coated or

    Long coated Jaz d uh he’s a long coated JZ D he’s so fluffy has a long beautiful coat and I hope that’s showing on the video labra Doodles yeah they’re awesome what are you doing B boy hurry out if your energy hey oh my goodness look what he’s doing hey

    Buddy what are you doing there he’s licking the cat’s ball that’s not okay I don’t know what’s going on with Leo lately but he’s really obsessed with cat food and he had his breakfast today right pups you had your breakfast come back come back you puppy okay I think tiger is finally out

    Of all his energy at least for a couple of hours what do you say if you go inside for a bit or you want to hang out more here cuz I’m freezing hey who’s there come here hey pups come on do you want to come inside do you want to come inside come

    On let’s go he’s like I don’t want to come inside do you want to hang out outside it’s freezing there a finally we’re getting some worth Kitty do you want to come inside too tiger oh my let me go get Tiger Come it looks like our pups have different plants Leo Tiger

    Come Oh my looks like got mad make a donation made ofation thank you so much that’s really generous we appreciate it tiger what are you doing there looks like he wants to stay outside that’s how he’s letting us know he’s not ready to get inside he’s been

    Begging us to go outside and now we’re having a hard time to to make him go inside come here drop itop come on are you coming in come on it’s freezing come on bud got Treats oh are you kidding me we’re not playing Chase here come on get inside finally it was breathing outside okay what do you give more treats and do a bit of training huh does it sound good to you come here forget about a ball for a moment come here to train

    You what do you say I barely F my hand goodness tiger that was the perfect timing let me quickly clean that it’s okay it’s not a big deal it was a a diffuser oh at least it’s going to smell nice TIG here now my hands like that diffuser sits down down wait

    Wa are you going to catch good catch good catch P well done usually they can’t catch but right now they did a pretty good job okay spin no spin you spin pretty good boy tiger come to pretty but he can do spin spin again yeah

    Sit yes good boy you ready to catch yeah all right okay I want to roll over down roll over TIG TIG we need some space I’m sorry buddy down roll over over Leo okay let’s try again you’re really in the way roll over roll over roll over yes well done good job that Ready finally oh someone got really first here TI okay great want to do legs let’s try again wait six PS okay sit wait here yeah sit wait o oh wow both at the same time good job here E’s your treat told you is that good to catching

    Did you get a treat you need help okay hopefully you got it keep cups sit sit tiger spit Spit down down Le down down yes sh okay you ready catch good job buddy okay let me hold the camera you could trade them a bit cuz they really like to listen to their daddy that wolf was personal I like it training dog is difficult right well

    Uh first of all you have to learn and teach yourself how to train dogs and then train them so uh it’s more uh getting the hang of it and like understanding uh the dog first uh then like it it’s not difficult to teach him the trick it’s difficult to understand

    His behavior and how to do it in the best possible way and the most effective way cuz every dog is different and um teaching a trick to different dogs is would imply a different uh strategy and technique Tiger’s coat is so shiny what shampoo do you use for that result I

    Believe uh it’s not about his shampoo it’s more about his diet uh and good genetics uh we like to add in our pups diet um uh a little um Salmon Oil every time we fit them and I think that gives that really beautiful shiny coat uh so a balanced diet and uh

    A bit of Salamon oil uh veggies and uh obviously a good shampoo is the result for a beautiful and shiny coat but uh it’s not a you know a really fancy shampoo it’s just you know shampoo that we got at our our that uh somebody’s asking how are your dogs

    Doing well they’re doing great they just came home to from uh having a blast in the snow had so much fun outside uh we definitely freezed a bit but I feel like they could hang out for at least a couple more hours they love snow a lot um

    Yeah as I mentioned earlier Nal um is currently in heat so she’s at my parents house uh we really miss her but she’s having a good time you know she’s uh she gets a lot of treats a lot of love cuddles and attention so she’s all right

    And um I look at this too aren’t they funny uh I got a bit lost in the live chat cuz it keeps disappearing and then I uh I lose the last messages again what you want to play here let me hold it oh my you want to be the tough guys here

    Yeah are you the tough guys come on P oh yeah of course you have to be very vocal about it I know oh yes got anything else to say come on tell me tell me all about it yeah so as you uh might see it’s one of their favorite games to

    Play the only one missing here is Nala and they they actually like to pull all three at the same time and you know it’s quite a SE to to see that here you can you can pull it low no you changed your mind it’s okay it’s fine tiger leave it okay good boy

    Sit good day to work absolutely hi everyone what oh no drop it what is it buddy what is that sad face about what happened want to play to here you want to have a tasering no I know so that of yours here will it youo yes yes hopefully that’s yes Trier you

    Wor one too tiger I have to do something for that spin sit down down okay good boy good boy tiger tiger got some big Jaws well of course he does he’s a German Shepherd hi Sarah hi Becky hi everyone Peg is crazy you think so love you so much from Arabia oh thank

    You really appreciate it that’s really sweet uh someone’s writing I want a German Shepherd someday your videos are inspiring me to get one they look like a good dog well all dogs are good and great but you have to really read about this breed and like be ready because

    It’s not the most uh easy dog to train and to like have around so you have to uh be aware of that but he’s a great dog he’s a great family dog he’s very loyal he’s very devoted so yeah definitely a great to consider Tony right Tiger has a lot of

    Energy to expand he needs a job yes I agree he really needs a job this Pap is restless he’s always on to something up to something he has so much energy a German Shepherd yes Becky he’s a German Shepherd he’s a long coed German shepherd and a very playful and a

    Restless one as you might see but they say that all almost all the German Shepherds are super playful and have this uh Labrador uh energy you know if you ever had a labrador you know this breed then you know what I’m talking about some puddles some

    Puddles I think Leo is so ready to take a nap he played outside he had some treats and right now he looks a bit sleepy to me you want to take me out oh look at that he’s so ready for his nap unlike tiger

    Tiger do you need naps do you nap at all I highly doubt that it seems to me like tiger had 100 cofes today right buddy how old are uh so Vick is asking how old are my dogs so tiger so Leo is free he’s the uh eldest kid in the

    Family tiger is two and Nal is one y hi Yan who’s a good dog everyone’s a good dog come on they could they’re all good dogs hi everyone Hi everyone by the way if you have any questions feel free to write them down in the comment section I’d love to answer them all

    Speak speak um so somebody’s asking when dead tigers stop biting um if you ever had a dog then you know that it’s definitely a phase as a puppy they’re all little dinosaurs shredders and you know just uh little destroyers so um once all their teeth are out the biting phase stops and

    Eventually it becomes um easier so yeah that’s definitely a phase you just have to accept it and um wait a bit for it to to finish speak speak so somebody’s asking um they have a three and a half M Soul GSD and they’re wondering when it’s going to be

    Better it it is going to get better uh you just have to wait for the puppy face to finish but at the same time I know it’s difficult but it’s also the most beautiful face so definitely enjoy every second of it they grow every and time F me good

    Job that was an adorable wolf baby do you want to woof again do you want a woof oh a horable hello from Philippines hi Mark Johnny all your dogs are gorgeous thank you so much I think all dogs in general are gorgeous so yeah but thank you that’s really adorable of

    You oh adorable wolf buddy oh yes tell us more about it good boy you definitely earned that treat tiger do you want a treat too sit yes po boy I really love the silent Parts yes poor boy she takes the treat so gently are you also a gentle boy good boy oh

    G GLE pups two GLE pups Bo okay you definitely had so many treats by now you had so much fun in the snow I think it’s snap time for you too tiger so on this beautiful note guys thank you so much for joining our live and I think we’re going to finish it

    Here so thanks again for joining if I haven’t answered all your questions so you can always write down in the comments and I’m going to write answer them there so thank you so much for being with us here today and we’re going to see you soon in our next slide

    Hopefully with Nala so yeah thanks everyone for joining and uh bye-bye bye-bye say bye-bye say bye-bye say byebye yeah good boy tiger are you going to say byebye come on tiger yeah good boy okay that’s your bye-bye bye guys


    1. Tiger and Leo having so much fun in the snow. Yes, we can see Tigers great coat….You are 100% correct. Don't neuter Ti or Leo. (And they will thank you). It can cause more problems that it helps. No reason to do it unless they had some health problem….My GSD HavoK is jealous (also a long coat), he loves the snow, but we have been getting hammered with rain instead. LOL if he hears Ti's bark, he comes running….

    2. Веселі ви хлопці . Колись був гарний мяч, а стала шляпа. А Тигрик все одно не розстается з мячем справжний форвард.

    3. When other people's cats come to visit you, this is a sign that they know your home is a warm and friendly place for animals, it's a blessing and a sign you are good people. Keep up this channel, it's lovely to see your animals and you two interacting.

    4. I missed the live😭😭, I had so many questions and super chats to share🥺. WiFi was down but, the replay was so nice. Your lives are so nice and relaxing with the pups🤩❤️🐶💛

    5. 💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾💋💋💋

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