Joey Barton has sparked further controversy over the weekend when he compared Eni Aluko and Lucy Ward “the Fred and Rose West of football”…

    This has sparked controversy with ITV Football and questions over whether his pivot to far right commentary is a deliberate ploy.

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    Oh it is a bit like that with the phone and looking at that that expression with this Joey Barton stuff at the moment Joey Barton the former footballer who’s always been a bit of a Yobo and he’s just gone on to social media and he’s just kind of been really vile about lots

    Of people so he posted on X last week about commentator Annie aluco female football commentator saying how’s she even talking about men’s football she can’t even kick a ball properly your coverage of the Everton game last night took it to a new low Annie and Lucy Ward

    The Fred and Rose west of football commentary he then he thinks okay I haven’t been obvious enough with a Fred and Rose West thing so he gets a Fred and Rose West these are the the M multiple murderers photo and replaces their faces with the two commentators and writes meritocracy rules Marina

    What’s going on something’s happening to him uh I I mean I I’ve never been a fan but like what he’s he’s lost it a little bit I actually think we should just be giving him a wide birth and not giving him this because I think he’s loving the attention he’s becoming increasingly

    Relevant which is quite dangerous so I think just I don’t know what’s going on in his life in his mind but it’s it’s grotesque quite frankly and just I think we just need to ignore him he’s in the process of cancelling himself yeah he is

    Well yeah may he gets canceled or not I don’t know you said actually to start off with that he was always a bit of a yob this sounds like a behavior of a sort of yob basically so I I thought I’d respond I put oil on Troubled Waters so

    I put this tweet up I said what’s going on with Joey Buton who follows me on Twitter we I just glanced at the Rose West thing then as a Gary Neville spat he’s attacked Philip scoffield then he’s attacked ITV genuinely is it possible we’re dealing with a brain injury here

    Unfortunately he then got cross about that of course he would and he says don’t let Jeremy Vine ever forget this he’s a fascist hold people down and Jab Jab I never said that just made up what how is he still employed the goal of the

    Man to say I Had a Brain Injury you cheeky blank very very rude word we’ve blanked out so I’m I’m now on the receiving end of well there’s a lesson there why did you even bother a putting something up why did I go on Twitter on a Saturday is the big question here

    Exact you go on I bet you go on it on a Saturday I go on every day he’s going after anyone with a platform so I know a few people who have just commented on him don’t really actually know who he is just but just commenting on what they’ve

    Seen and he’s gone for them uh and then what ends up happening he’s got quite a loyal following who then just have pylons on the people what’s the point Joey I I think he’s he’s increasingly an irrelevant and I think he’s trying to make himself relevant and I’ll be honest I wouldn’t

    Be surprising if he cropped up on GB news it wouldn’t be surpris okay but we made him relevant by having this conversation I didn’t choose the topics yeah yeah no it’s true but it may be he’s going in the Katy Hopkins Direction


    1. Not a fan of Barton, however these panelists are sitting there with the arrogance that they're better than him. Marina has a weird online following who are the most vile people who threaten others online yet she has the cheek to say Bartons followers cause pile-ons?!!
      The public are not stupid, we can see the smear campaign against him

    2. Jeremy,read the comments,people don't like you and you live in a echo chamber. You are not relevant. Also you need to realise you are a mortal and not a proper man who can survive in the jungle.

    3. Everyone knows that Joey Barton is right. So to then have some random woman of zero relevance (I have no idea who she is) with the dodgy barnet (what’s with that tuft of black hair beneath her dyed blonde fringe!!) has the audacity to call someone else irrelevant. She, being on the seldom watched Channel 5, then has the audacity to have a dig at GB News, a station that trounces them in the ratings at every juncture. Unbelievable, self entitled hypocrisy. How typical.

    4. “He has a loyal following” ?? No he doesn’t, the majority of people agree with him and are sick to the teeth of virtue signalling Leftists telling others what they can say and cancelling free speech because of hurty feelings. Man up Vine you are too sensitive it’s ridiculous.

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