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    I Took the Cheapest Flight and Ended up in…

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    Morning I am in Manchester Airport and I was wondering shall I fit a Quick Trip in before Christmas one thing I’ve realized after being to the Arctic and America is how expensive travel is getting because it is getting more expensive so I woke up this morning and

    I thought why don’t I do an experiment I’ll come to the airport I’ll book a flight at the airport the cheapest one so I don’t know where I’m going yet and then see how cheaply I can get food wherever I go and get a cheap hotel and

    Just see how much a trip would actually cost me so that’s exactly what I’m going to do so I’m literally walking through the car park to Terminal 1 we’re going to try Terminal 1 first go to the ticket office there and see what cheap flight they’ve got going out in the next few

    Hours there might not even be one for all I know they might be fully bucked but we’re going to find out how CH reckon I can get a flight this is going to be an interesting one I just want to thank revolute for supporting my travels and for sponsoring this video if you

    Sign up with my link in description you get20 after use your card and entered into the chance of winning £1,000 I’ll tell you more about that later because I need to get this flight light book right here we go Manchester terminal one right we’re in arrivals at the minute so we

    Need to get to the parches the parches are upstairs let’s jump in this left this airport is Ram today I just need to find the ticket office from memory the ticket office is opposite the checking desks right here we go ticket sales Turkish Airlines well I think if

    We get it through Turkish Airlines we’ll be going to Turkey Egypt eh it’s got to be just like a generic ticket is it let’s ask the Turkish Airlines dude hey how are you mate you’re good do you just deal with tickets for Turkish Airlines or everyone just Turkish airlin just T

    Is is there a ticket office here that deals with tickets for everyone there is no Airline offices made literally there’s no where do you want to fight I’m not too sure I was just going to book a cheap flight going somewhere in this season I don’t think you’re can get anything

    Cheaper time of the year nothing at all no worries mate cheers mate thanks very much appreciate it EXC excuse me mate is there a ticket office that sells generic tickets for flights around here there’s no generic one you just have to go to a to the airlines so there’s not one that

    Sort of does it for all of them who would you be willing to fly with that’s a very good I haven’t got a clue to be honest with I was just going to book a random flight going out a cheap flight to go where I’ve not got a clue anywhere

    What’s your best suggestion and I’ll go with that best suggestion easy jet the end of the hall yeah and how many countries they fly to do they do a lot they do a lot of countries are they probably the biggest are they yeah but then you’ve got the cheaper one could

    Probably be right in there okay T3 okay sweet that’s terminal three is it terminal and how far is that from here how are you again terminal three the end of the hole in the lift down to the ground floor turn straight down 5 okay cool I’ll go to EasyJet then and I’ll go

    To terminal three if not nice one appreciate that mate have a good one right that was quite helpful to be fair I’m going to go to EasyJet first and see what we’re looking at price rise for this have you got a ticket office here at all a ticket desk can you buy a

    Ticket here at all Buy on online you have to buy it online how are you you good good how are you yeah nice to meet you mate I want to get the cheapest flight out of Manchester Airport in the next few hours how do I find out which

    Is the cheapest flight probably r now really yeah R now will be cheaper do they have a ticket office I don’t think so do they not it’s all online now is it times have changed so Manchester Water like everywhere to wherever you want to

    Go I’ve not got a clue just wherever I I don’t even know where I want to go you going I don’t know yet I’m trying to book a cheap ticket and I can’t get one I don’t know come to we watch you all the time no way that s

    Wilson it’s not yeah of course course I’m going to ring toet really I don’t even know I’m trying to get the cheapest flight out of Manchester Airport and there’s no ticket offices well trying to get I have this time actually so Lio mate there’s only one club in this world there’s only one

    Club someone with good te up the villet he you’re smashing it at the minute so nice to meet you anyway do you know what I’m going to try Ryan a and if that doesn’t work I’ll come back nice to meet you anyway you too nice to meet you

    Thanks so much see you later can I jump in there with you mate cheers do Ryan there have a ticket office here at all you go look at T3 I’m not sure is on T3 I’ve not got a clue to be hon it’s it’s

    Teral 3 far from here no no no the two minute 2 minute one perfect just walking to Terminal 3 now this is quite hard this I suppose not many people come to the airport not knowing where they’re going to go though that’s why everything’s online these days Manchester Terminal 3 all right

    Here we go where is the ticket terminal upstairs I think we’re going to find out right I’m just coming to the Ryan Air desk now hello anybody Here excuse me is anybody working on the um I think someone’s on the break I just call him one moment ah okay sweet cheers mate

    Please let me buy a cheap ticket from here hey how are you mate you’re good I just want to buy a a ticket if that’s okay thanks so much what is the cheapest ticket you’ve got leaving Manchester in the next sort of 2 to 3 hours and where

    You want to go um not a clue anywhere where’s the cheapest ticket you’ve got download the Riner app okay and uh then look for any destination ah you can do that on the app we basically charge £50 on top of for the actual price ah so if

    I Buck it here it’s £50 extra on top of it book my flight book my flight and any destination you want I’ll tell you which one can you like click all or anywhere I tell you what can you see what is the cheapest flight on your system is that

    Okay thanks so much for your help Copenhagen Copenhagen Okay cool so the Copenhagen is 151 is 151 and what time does that go out 130 okay Manchester Copenhagen I can book that on the app for £ 103 exactly with £50 I added up would you say this is the

    Cheapest one going out yeah definitely yeah and scopen is nice destination okay and it’s and it’s the cheapest one yeah perfect okay I’ll get this booked on the app then perfect they might not let you they might not let me on the app if you

    Try it they might say go at the ticket desk please let me book it has that worked yeah booking confirmed it’s gone through mate thanks so much for that really appreciate it cheers and we’re going to Copenhagen I’m buzzing I have not been to Copenhagen for years when

    Was last time probably before Co right so that flight with a booking fee has cost me 10465 in total with the revolute I can manage all my expenses in the app so so we’ll see how much I spend in total at the end 10465 for that flight it is a lot but I

    Suppose at the same time it is on the same day so it is always going to be a bit more either way the cheapest airline to fly out of Manchester Airport is ryion air and that is the cheapest ryion air flight so it is what it is right let’s get through

    Security security done from bucking the flight to the flight taking off I’ve got exactly 2 and 1/2 hours so plenty of time where am I going now I don’t even know what gate it is here we go Copenhagen gate 48 if I remember rightly I remember Copenhagen being super

    Expensive the last time I went so it’ll be interesting to see how cheap I can get a hotel cheers buddy thank you cheers than very much Dr thank you right here we go 1 hour 50 minute flight to Copenhagen I just sat on the plane next

    To Kyle mate are you a red or a blue I’m a red you’re a red Happy Days first time in Copenhagen mate yeah is it first time I can’t wait for it m I literally booked the flight when I got to the airport you pay pennies for it m guess how much for

    A flight to Copenhagen and I booked it when I got to the airport you are very welcome 104 quid that’s de that it yeah I suppose it is last minute though isn’t it how much did you pay for this flight 25 25 quid and how far along ago did you

    Book it today tring on a month ago ah so goes to show if you book it before you get to the airport it is cheaper that’s a problem with me though I never book the flights long enough to get them cheap enough yeah not really much of a

    Last minute person myself aren’t you like how long do you normally book the flights before you go to be honest this is as last minute as I go I’m like a 6 month before ah you 6 month so this is the earliest you’ve booked the flight a

    Month before mine are always like super last minute hence paying 104 quid genuinely I don’t even know what I’m doing next week at this right really man honestly next stop Copenhagen Denmark thanks very much have a nice night and we are in Copenhagen and I can tell you it is a lot more colder here than it is in Manchester what you reckon Kyle colder here than in Manchester mate freezing we made it though I can’t believe it’s pitch black here it’s only

    Are 4 4:30 and it’s pitch black nearly bed sir yeah exactly I need to find out where I’m sleeping tonight mate feel for you mate but I’ve got a nice warm bed waiting for me so right let’s get through this airport hopefully it’s not going to take too long the cheapest way

    I think I’m going to be able to get into Copenhagen from here is going to be the train Kyle’s heading to the train station as well we’ll try and figure it out together mate yeah it’s your first time here as well is it indeed mate and

    I’ve never been to the train station so we’re going to adventure together mate right here we go mate passport control just come through passport control just looking for the train station when’s your train 5:30 mate mate you’ve literally got 40 minutes I re will’ll be all right though just got to get out

    This airport first mate if you miss your train I’ll be booking a twin room tonight right we’re just exting through the airport now here we go mate we got the train or the Metro what you reckon you’re after the train you reckon I’m train or Metro I imagine Metro for you

    Mate unfortunately let’s have a look ah yeah tickets for train Metro and bus it’s all in one is it the train or the Metro I need to get to Copenhagen Central Station yeah to the city center yeah then it will be train fact number two it’ll be the train is that the

    Cheapest option from the Metro or the bus or ticket is identical identical so it’s the same ticket whether you choose pass train on Metro okay and I can purchase the ticket here you P English then City perfect thank you right I’ve selected English choose area City Center Copenhagen Central one adult now stand

    Is that right continue insert card ticket printing no receipt right here we go right I’ve got my tickets 30 cronas see just over there am I over there am I sure where are yous I’m at 1 looks like it’s time to go our separate ways mate Kyle it’s been an absolute

    Pleasure mate lovely to meet you have a good one with you m mate he’s not seen his girlfriend for 5 months first time mate so nice to meet you mate look after yourself up the Reds see you later Kyle what a guy right I need to go to

    Platform 2 now which I believe is down here so this train has just cost me 30 Danish croners which is £347 so that’s pretty cheap is this the one I need to get on um I’m sure this might be it excuse me does this go to Copenhagen Central it does perfect thank

    You this has to be the busiest and quietest train I have ever been on we’re moving I’m just looking at the board and it says we get into the Central Station at 5:15 so it’s only 15 minutes direct into the center fair play that’s pretty cheap and quick right here we go we

    Coming into Central Station and I’ve arrived in Copenhagen Central it’s quite dull cold and people aren’t that friendly if I’m honest I don’t think I’ve seen one person smile since I’ve come out the airport yet we’re in the main train station out look at that massive Christmas tree fair play

    They’ve made an effort I tell you what though for a train station this is pretty Posh look at it how cool is that all the Denmark flags are along it’s like a medieval train station coming out the train station into the cold and we are in Copenhagen not a clue where we go

    From here though where’s the center from looking at the map on my phone we’re obviously in the center that’s why it’s called Central Station but look at it in the back the train station looks like a castle it’s definitely starting to liveen up now though I think I’m well

    And truly in the center live music restaurants you name it it is actually rammed in the center after having a quick little walk around the center this place is lovely so many people cycle in this city but the buildings everything just looks so nice

    Right the plan now I need to eat so far I have spent £182 so we’re going to try and get a cheap meal ideally something decent that’s local apparently Copenhagen is not cheap at all it’s super expensive so we’ll see how much we can get some food

    For before I do that though let me tell you about the giveaway thanks to revolute for supportting my travels and for sponsoring this video revolute is a Global Financial app that’s used by 35 million people worldwide including me it only takes a few minutes to sign up and

    It’s free to download revolute are giving away £1,000 to one of my subscribers who signs up using the link in description before the 31st of January if you win the th000 pound will be automatically deposited direct into your evolute account that’ll be nice one person watching this video has got to

    Win it so make sure you click the link below in description to be in with a chance good luck here we go it looks like I’m entering the Christmas Market here this looks pretty nice what’s that in the back oh you’ve got all sorts here Pizza over there oh yeah you’ve got a

    Burger van over there I think we might be able to do better than that what’s this here Swiss raclet what on Earth is Swiss Rock light how nice is this with being an American being the artist this is the first Christmas Market I’ve done this year oh look at these hot dogs how

    Good do they look right I’ve just walked through the start of the Christmas Market so there’s some Huts here but look at this across the road that looks ridiculous and there’s even fire on the top of it here we go I think we’re going to get into the thick of it now how

    Amazing is this this is like the main entrance not a lot oh this is the exit how’ you get in oh don’t tell me you need a ticket Excuse me yes do you have to buy a ticket for this um to get into um if you have a and this line is I

    Think if you already have if you already have one okay cool thank you so much right let’s try the other line but there is no way I am not making it into there tonight just in the queue to buy a ticket now this is going to be eaten

    Into the budget right here we go adult 155 Crona Hi how are you can I have one ticket yes of course 155 thank you so much welome you can tap on the left tap on the left that’s great thank you so much thank you so one ticket has worked out to

    £7.92 could have done without it but it’s not the end of the world cuz this place looks really cool this is like Santa’s Village look at it oh this is the real deal this is and this is where the proper food is what are you making here mate almonds with sugar and

    Cinnamon almonds with sugar and cinnamon sounds good thank you mate I think I’ll keep the nuts for later cuz I want to get some proper food this is so nice little pretzels here I’ve been to a fair few Christmas markets over the years and I you would see on first sight this is

    Up there look at this you’ve got a full light show on the building at the back Christmas tree windmills over here and then you’ve got that main walk which I just come down look at this this is impressive I’ve never seen so many Christmas trees in my life we got a fair

    Ride there Santa’s Grotto in the back I could really do with some food here though this place is so cool and there is so many places to visit here you got beer on tap over here where can I eat right this has got a big queue that’s

    Always a good sign but is that a beer yeah that’s for beer you’ve got like bars and restaurants all along there I’m not really looking for a restaurant meal though just want to get something from one of these Huts right I think we’ve hit the jackpot hot dog stand here we go

    We’ve got the hot dog heighten I think that’s how you say it right what have we got here classic Hot Dog Christmas hot dog French hot dog or sausage and bread I can’t say I’ve ever had a Christmas hot dog before and I think it would be

    Really rude food not to have the Christmas hot dog Hi how are you can I get one Christmas hot dog please yes thank you anything else uh no that’s everything thank you be 55 55 croner sure all good yes you like the receipt um no it’s fine it just comes out the

    Other side ises it yes perfect thank you you hot dog uh yeah christas hot dog yeah thank you how many hot dogs have you sold today too many a lot yeah too many you want everything on it right uh everything on it yeah thank you thank

    You so much that looks amazing thank you you too have a good one here we go verdict on the Christmas hot dog that’s really good the Christmas hot dog gets a solid 9 and 1/2 out of 10 the only way it could be a 10 is if it had

    Ketchup on it look at this place how nice is this place it doesn’t even look like a Christmas Market looks like a little village so that Christmas hot dog just cost me 55 Danish cronas which is £6 36 in Sterling and it was worth every penny with revolute you can get a great

    Exchange rate as I’ve proven in multiple videos in multiple countries so at least I’ve got the piece of Mind knowing I am not being screwed and I’m saving money the current spend for this trip so far is £ 13240 it’s a bit more than I thought at

    This point if I’m completely honest but the flight is what set us back I tell you what though this place is not a Christmas Market this is like a theme park this it’s massive what Christmas Market has one ride after another ride after another ride there is no way this

    Is a Christmas Market there’s a roller coaster here I think it’d be a pretty poor show for me if I come all this way and not going to ride I don’t know I’m going to film it but we’ll work that bit out in a minute right here we go I think this is

    The entrance for it I’ve not even booked a hotel yet my priorities are all wrong right which way are we going I haven’t even got a ticket can you buy like a single ticket to go on one ride from here yeah I can buy it I can buy it here

    Yeah perfect thank you how much is it for one ticket uh 90 90 croner perfect thank you here we go my first roller coaster in Denmark I don’t know if you can call it a roller coaster but let’s see how this goes it’s a bit concerning that everybody else riding this ride is

    About 10 years old can I buy one yeah you can buy one perfect thank you is that all good thank you my bag where does this go just put it opposite side right wish me luck oh my God there we go oh my God it is freezing oh my God it’s

    Actually pretty high when I got to Manchester Airport this morning I did not think I would be on a roller coaster in Denmark help that was not the best ideas after that hot dog that sent me back 90 Crona which is £10 40 so in total now we’ve spent £

    14280 could have probably done without the roller coaster time’s getting on now and I really need to book a hotel so I’m going to leave this Christmas Market SL theme park and then we’ll go from there I tell you what I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in here I’ve only just

    Realized the place is called the tiv and I highly recommend it if anybody’s here before Christmas because you could literally spend all day in there thank you so much thank you and there we have it the tiv I’m going to miss that it’s getting later and it’s getting colder so

    I need to look for a hotel where would I find the cheapest hotel I’m going to check I’m going to put in Copenhagen Center in and then I’m going to sort it out from the cheapest to the most expensive right the cheapest one is this one it’s called Dan hostel

    Copenhagen City and apartment and as you can see there for one night it’s £ 20 £20 for a night in a very expensive Ive city is not bad at all but obviously it depends on how many people are in a room cuz it is a hostile looking at the map

    It is saying it is a 14 minute walk from where I am now so say booking it online I’m just going to go straight there and bck it there oh it’s cold flipping he I tell you what from walking around this city since I’ve got here I have not

    Spotted one bit of rubbish on the floor not one and I still haven’t Copenhagen is a class place to be fair right I’m just coming to it now this is it it says dan hostel on the building and this is the building here it’s a big hostel that

    It’s the biggest hostel I’ve ever seen right let’s see what the situation is this is it here massive Hi how are you I have no booking but just looking for whatever option you’ve got thank you there’s an option on that says £20 I don’t know

    If that’s in a dorm or it’s probably in the D okay cool is for one night just for one night yeah thank you what is the cheapest option you have that would be a dormatory bed a dormatory bed would be the cheapest option okay cool it would

    Be 167 denish crowns for tonight would be around yeah 19 20 okay perfect I’ll take that if that’s okay how many beds are in the door probably going to be eight beds eight beds in the door is it busy tonight or so right now there are

    Four people in the four people in there and four empty spaces perfect this is like the biggest hostel I’ve seen it’s massive how many like beds do you have in the whole 1,20 beds 1,20 beds in the whole building wow it’s one of the biggest city hustles in uh Europe really biggest

    City hustle in Europe wow now I need some informations here no problem where are you from are you from Denmark or I grew up in Germany ah okay nice yeah so I’m actually from Germany but my parents are dennish what do you prefer Germany or Denmark to live I would say Denmark

    Really why is it better here than Germany or people more here really which part of how many were you cologne cologne okay nice so it would be 167 and for the perect thank you 33 is going to be your room number it’s on the third floor bed sheets and towels you need to

    Wbp over there from the trolley take one package out to your room make your bed then when you check that please return it here again okay perfect thanks so much for you really appreciate help thank you right let me get the bed sheet and towel elevator a here we

    Go right right here we go floor three I haven’t stayed in a hostel for ages what number did she say room 13313 so it’s down here so there are four other people in my room I have no clue whether they’re in the room now or whether they’re out partying but we’re

    Going to find out who are we going to be greeted with there we go right I’ve got two people sleeping in there so I need to be quiet but this is the bathroom we’ve got a shower there got a toilet and we’ve got a sink I tell

    You what let me go outside so I don’t wake anybody up I thought I’d come out because there’s two of the four people that are in my room sleeping and I definitely don’t fancy waking them up so the hostel ended up being £1 1987 which brings the grand total of the

    Trip to £ 16267 I don’t think that’s too bad considering the flight was4 of that can you imagine if I had a booked earlier it would have obviously been a lot cheaper and the whole trip would have been under £100 I don’t think that’s bad I’m going

    To go and grab a shower now and hit the deck if you want to see me do a new location from Denmark go to the airport and see where I go next let me know in the comments don’t forget to download revolute now with my link in description

    Below to get20 when you use your card and the chance to win £1,000 one person watching this video has to win it so make sure you click the link to be in with a Chance massive good luck with that cuz I’m going to head in for a

    Shower now and to snow my head off all night and annoy everybody in the room if I don’t see you before Christmas have an amazing Christmas and New Year with a family wishing everybody well again really appreciate the support this year it means so so much thank you and wish

    Me luck going back in here have a good one and I’ll see you soon


    1. Honestly think airlines are missing a trick! Having a lucky dip flight desk for people who just turn up and want to go anywhere. They get to fill their flights where they would elsewhere have empty seats! Having a £50 additional charge is crazy!

    2. OMG… where to start with this video! 😀 I went to Copenhagen last year as part of a Scandy trip including Stockholm and Gothenburg – it was actually about £100 RETURN (albeit booked several months in advance). The people are lovely and altogether more 'low-key', which probably doesn't fit into Simon's vibe of chatting at people endlessly needing help and being clueless – generally everyone's a bit more easygoing!

      I visited Copenhagen mainly for Tivoli Gardens, being a theme park fan. The ignorance to this landmark is just staggering, surely a bit of research helps but Simon loves being totally in the dark and 'winging it', that's the brand, I know! Things are more expensive but so is the quality of life, you don't have to be quite so astonished about a place being clean and pretty to look at!

      This was a real mismatch of person and destination, but nonetheless a fun watch as always! 😀

    3. Always remember to ask the locals. Even though the danes not smile spontaneously, they would always help you if you ask them. So Finding the cheapest food or bed could be easy if you ask someone. Buying a bag of bread and some topping could help you through a weekend very cheap.

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