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    Hello my friends and happy Friday to you you’ve made it past this week it’s Friday so you’re going to have a party tonight right cuz that’s what most people do at Friday you know what Putin did he did address the air crisis in Russia if you don’t know then Russia has

    Had a very tough time with eggs yes chicken eggs in the past month they have a huge shortage if you ask me how such a huge country like Russia which has huge fields for agricultural production and they have huge chicken farms also how can they lack eggs I don’t know how but

    They do egg prices have risen many times people don’t like it because eggs are one of the most vital part of Russian Cuisine Putin has addressed the issue and according to him the reason why there are no eggs for Russian people in the stores is because Russian people

    Have been getting more money the wages have increased in Russia the living quality has increased so people buy more food and they have bought all the the eggs so Putin is basically saying no it’s your fault because we pay you so much more money as a country you have

    Bought so much more food and we cannot keep up so yeah this is not a new thing to do the Soviet Union did this all the time there was lack of everything in the Soviet Union and every time the official explanation was that the living quality

    Is so high that people are consuming all of this stuff and they’re buying everything in reality they didn’t have the means to make anything people know this people remember from the Soviet times and this rhetoric right here from the president is uh very offending to the people who actually suffer because

    Of it and it really damages Putin’s image in the eyes of the people Putin is trying to fix it by importing eggs massively now from turkey and azerbajan and now the first patch has dispatched but there’s an issue 20% of the eggs from the first patch of imports of the

    Russian Federation from turkey and azerbajan may be infected with bird flu salmonella and bism a recommendation has been set out to everyone who used these eggs to immediately donate their bloods for uh appropriate tests if they got sick or not the entire batch of edible eggs which was important on January

    Third through the yarak kazalar checkpoint from Turkey in the amount of 19.36% jeed to seizure because it’s possibly infected with salmonella or bird flu so Russians are really not doing great with eggs now my friend we watched a video brought To Us by Dimitri translated by him uh kamikazi hit a

    Russian let’s call it just a regular Jeep and this is the aftermath we’ve been owned a kamikaza hit us and I’m surprised to see all of the men standing and walking around the vehicle because a kamikaza drone small one is still makes such a big of a bang that that men are

    Discombobulated or how do you say this word I don’t know they look flashbanged and some of them are injured here the Kami H us this is what the scum are doing watch out so you’re occupying another country’s land another people’s land and they call them scum for defending themselves this is beyond my

    Understanding BL kamik hit us prick bro turn the keys someone stop the ignition if you know the Russian language then this is spicy they are um very spicy quiet the gas cylinder was near your door would have been a proper blast look look the kamaz see bro

    Look and you can see the comic the whole car is screwed and you know what I actually want to point out they’re all walking around the car filming doing stuff breathing in and out and being like all panics around the car the thing is if you know these kamikazi videos one

    Goes in there’s another one ready right there and if there’s a kamic drone there is a Recon drone up there watching everything you do so if the first one didn’t kill you it killed the car the second one will so I don’t know if those Russian troops don’t know this but there

    Will be another hit there will be another explosion in the area I would run the hell out of there my friends Twitter account Clement Molen brings us a thread analyzing a Ukrainian defensive line now it could be called the Ukrainian surovik in line uh but actually it’s the donbas line from 2014

    To 2022 and even more recently in 2023 Ukraine has been building a huge defensive system the multi-layer donbas line composed of many trench networks it’s quite similar to Russian suran line when we talk of the defensive drench Network the huge Rik line is the first thing that comes to mind drenches

    Bonkers mines Dragon Teeth well I don’t think the ukrainians are employing dragons teeth cuz honestly seeing the Russian armored convoys attacking Ukrainian Alliance right now they don’t even reach close enough for Dragon St to be able to top stop them usually these uh armored vehicles destroyed before

    Donbas line is quite different and more complex than the Russian sovan line it is composed of Highly defended fortified system separated by Fields if we take the example of Ukraine’s muraka line facing south near kurakova we see that the Sentinel 2 imagery that each system

    Is separated by a Kil at least each Fort can defend itself from every direction you have to take all of them to advance you can see these forts right here this is a trench system trench system trench system all of these fields forts here it’s basically a kilometer of open field

    So striking these force is very difficult with infantry or armored vehicles and if you take one you have to take another one and if you bypass and try to hit them from behind you still have face the similar issue because it’s fields on every side plus they can

    Defend from every side so taking this network is extremely difficult with armored vehicles if you don’t have Air Supremacy which Russia doesn’t have are is contested contrary to the Russian line Ukrainian one is composed of many forts that are defending each other the 2014 to 2015 Bas Lans line is a good

    Example to break through you have to assure that no other Fort has fire control on you the line zero this was the 2014 2022 line it was composed of two systems NE Mar opol but it was overrun since it was undermanned let me remind you Ukrainian armed forces and armed capabilities before Russian

    Fullscale invasion of 2022 was compared to now extremely weak two lines near basna ukrainians retreated to the city and one line between marinka and harka some parts of the line are still standing now let’s talk about aiva on that line because Aviva is not on that

    Line the line is 17 kilm from ofka behind of divka so ukrainians are not even fighting on that line that is their um retreatment line how do you call it if if you’re fighting and the front is holding but if you do need to retreat you have a extremely well fortified

    Place to retreat to that is what that line is and ukrainians are very efficiently holding the front right now but they if they would have to retreat they would Retreat behind that line but we all know the massive Russian losses in a gka imagine in the loss as if they

    Would be charging against a well fortified line built for 10 years almost the final objective of the Russian offensive maybe to reach bakov the last City and industrial center of the Ukrainian donbas with kator the Ukrainian armed forces have built a two-layer trench system all around the

    City and we can see it right here Russians have done unfortunately the same for meito and dokm and all of these Southern occupied Ukrainian cities uh taking them is going to be very very difficult unless Ukraine gets big amounts of Western weaponry and the same goes to this Ukrainian City poov would

    Be a city that Russia would have to occupy if they want to occupy the whole of the donbas region which has been the goal for Putin for a long time publicly announced goal but I don’t think they will ever take this city so the front is standing Ukraine is not attacking

    Anywhere actively they are actively defending and Russia is pushing but the Ukrainian defenses hold very strong strong right now why I tell this is that ukrainians have not even retreated to their main defensive lines yet they are holding a frontal Aras right now and they are not stepping back at all

    They’re able to defend this front line which exists right now but there is a well fortified backup position my friends in Chia the headquarters of the 70th motorized rifle Brigade were destroyed in a fire there are many fires in Russia uh almost three four times

    More in 2023 than there was in 2022 and I showed you the statistics a few videos ago the thing is these fires are not reported anymore by the west or by Russian media because they’re so frequent nobody really reports them nobody talks but the thing is if you

    Burn down a factory it burns with one night you want to rebuild it you build it for 3 years 2 years let’s take this 70th motorized driver Brigade base that was uh destroyed by a fire Russia is currently experiencing a cold wave leading to more wildfires than usual why

    Would a cold wave lead to wild fires like that well because the cold most of the electrical and heating systems in any kind of Russian housing areas are 50 to 60 years old half a century old when cold and hot uh change very frequently materials behave strangely expand and

    Contract uh if we talk about electrical infrastructure that that can generate Sparks if Old Wire expands and contracts there’s moisture con condensating water sparks happen wiring bursts into flames it is all connected with the temperature changes but in this particular case of the 70th motorized rle Brigade in Chia

    The theft statistics of that unit I mean the entire Russian milit Ministry of defense and the Russian army it’s all a huge theft system everybody steals before passing the gear on but the gear and the money comes from above they steal 10 20% you get the 80% % you are

    The let’s say a major you steal 20% you pass it on to the officers all the ammunition all of the vehicles everything you get your Millions you pass it down they steal 20 so the front line only gets about 30 40 maybe 20 sometimes perc of the entire capacity of

    Of the Russian Ministry of defense the rest of it it’s stolen how is the theft covered up since most of the Russian data is still held in papers don’t ask me why they have not modernized then the easiest way to cover it up is by burning

    The papers so this is why we see so many military headquarters on fire because you burn it down oh it was an accident nobody ask questions because everybody is guilty of stealing nobody actually wants an investigation there not the top ones and not the low ones because all

    Steal so it burned down the papers are gone oh thank God I’m never going to jail and I’m rich so they build a new headquarters and start stealing again it’s it’s a never- ending cycle my friends now I’ll read you a thread from Chris o awii and the thread focuses on

    Criminals from the third world Russia is seeking out they’re creating systems to import these criminals as meat to the front lines because they need meat and these criminals they like money and they want to get away from their home countries well it’s a win-win situation I guess for Russia and for the criminals

    And increasing number of criminals and mercenaries from Africa are fighting with the Russian armed forces in Ukraine in the latest instances a convicted criminal from Cape verd appeared in propaganda video and a Somali was captured by Ukrainian forces the angry chuvashia telegram Channel reports on a video circulated over the Christmas

    Period by soldiers from Russia’s chuvash Republic in which they send greetings and victory messages from the luhansk region to the city of chuvashia one of them is a man called Pina Nelson a resident of the city of chokar who is originally Al from Cape Ro he has reportedly been prosecuted 10 times for

    Disorderly conduct twice tried for theft once each for a death threat robbery and insulting a police officer see if a guy is convicted 10 times of this kind of behavior and then he goes into the military what will happen he suddenly becomes an angel and never behaves like

    That again I mean for a man it’s incredibly difficult to change its habits and behavior unless you’re a very intelligent man and can actually Focus down changing your habits I don’t think these guys can so Russian army consists more and more of these kind of people

    Who are convicted who have these kind of issues or have fallen through the cracks of life and an army is supposed to be connecting to people’s minds with the words like discipline uh training motivation but this is not the case in the Russian army because it’s filled in

    In huge numbers with criminals actually who have uh impulsive control issues let’s say like that and if you have let’s say 10,000 troops with habit of stealing with no issues in resulting things with violence with their own friends and surroundings also within Russian army ranks with impulsive control issues they have weapons weapon

    Finger trigger impulsive control issues you see where this is going it’s a disaster and that’s what’s going on in the Russian army now they can only be used as meat waves and this is what Putin is doing recently who the rebels hijacked they barded and hijacked a

    Whole tanker in the Red Sea now the Red Sea is a very vital logistical transportation area for United States for European countries for the whole world actually it’s one of the arteries of the world’s transportation and the United States is guarding that area they have an aircraft carrier in the area who

    These are Iranian backed Shia Muslim group in Yemen and they have the power there they’re called the hoodi rebels and they’re why is it connected to Ukrainian War well because they are Iranian back and Russia pays huge amount of money to Iran through which that money goes to

    The hoodi rebels who now attack the tankers now I’ll read you report from the United States we attacked about 10 hoodi Targets in Yemen drone production centers and weapons warehouses were hit a pentagon representative said confirming the attacks now this attack was done by a coalition of United States

    United Kingdom with a support of Netherlands foran Australia so it’s a joint assault this attack struck all who the held airports in Yemen and it was a a magnificent fire show it was a show of force by the United States and it was not only a show force it was h a very

    Effective and efficient attack and and a message to the hoodies and Iran also that we will escalate in the area if you continue taking the tankers or attacking that transportation and the United States also proved with this that within minutes they are able to launch devastating attack attacks on who the

    Held territory now it is connected with the bigger picture because what now is very popular expression the global South you know Russia Iran North Korea all of these countries that are against NATO and against the West the other side the global South they’re becoming more and

    More united and as I just explained how the Russian money within the billions goes to Iran and through that to who the rebels or to any militant groups that Iran is financing and there are many Russia is directly connected Ed to the issues in the Middle East to the issues

    In the Red Sea and to let let’s say the Taiwan trit for example which is one of the most important areas for the United States because of the chip production microchips which Taiwan is producing well then North Korea Russia is baying in insane amounts of money to North

    Korea and North Korea has any kind of possibility and potential to ignite tensions in the Taiwanese trade so this is all connected my friends now for the last time in this week I’ll be buttering the patreon names and if you want your name to be butchered in the most

    Freakish way possible with my Estonian pronunciation become a sergeant of the arur army link is in the description below kin Hill y paa Len H KN frin thank you to these people for supporting the channel and until my next video which will be on Monday so the

    Next week I’ll see you then my friends slav and bye-bye


    1. Here i'll help you understand. CIA overthrew Ukrainian government and put a bunch of nazis in power. Now these nazis are carrying out US orders for 10 years and continue to throw away ukrainian lives to the last soldier. Meanwhile white house speaker said it's ok if Ukraine losses because it's not a loss for US, they get to make money from selling weapons and they don't have to use their own troops, so it's a win-win. He openly said this 🙂 The truth is so transparent he decided WHY NOT!

    2. this guy is such an expert yet doesnt realize that the zelensky line was in place 9 years before the surovikin line was created but now that its smashed ukraine is desperately trying to buy time to build another on short notice…slaba cocaina!

    3. This is a strange question but I need to understand it. Ok, your MP Military Police, what do they do? Our MPs are only Military. That’s USA. Now, we can’t charge civilians unless it is a specific military crime or espionage. We must defer to FBI to charge crimes on civilians.

    4. The egg shortage came from the price of chicken getting too high about a year ago.

      The government order a lot of chiclens to be slaughtered to stablize the price of meat.

      Those chickens should have been laying the eggs that are missing.

      The Russians are also not getting any new chickens anytime soon because the cost of feed to raise a chicken to adulthood is too much right now.

      I don't think this is going to stablize anytime soon.

    5. Artur When you going to report with such enthusiasm about the torture and killing in the ucro nazi jail of a us citizen Gonzalo Lire shame you i hed some respect but now you lost it all thumbs down for you

    6. “Global South” refers only to Central and South America. It doesn’t have anything to do with Russia or any middle eastern countries. I’m currently taking a graduate degree in global development, and this is one of the terms we are taught right out of the gate. Taiwan and other SE Asian counties are referred to as ASEAN. They are not in any way the Global South, either. I hope this helps—there has been a lot of gatekeeping on what these phrases and acronyms mean, and I wouldn’t know, either, if I hadn’t decided to get this degree. There are only half a dozen graduate programs on it in the world and the one I’m taking is the only one in the United States. One is in England, and the other 4 are in Germany and Scandinavia. However, the first literature on this topic with these phrases first emerged in the late 1960s, and has really been “gate keeped” very rigorously until about 4-5 years ago. It really isn’t widely known right now, accurately.

    7. There is no egg shortage in Russia. In fact, every hen lays over 200 eggs per hour and all citizens can afford many eggs. There is no eggpocalypse in Russia.

    8. Your coverage of the war in Ukrainian country is superb. And your efforts to make a difference by donating towards the cause is exemplary. Good luck with all your efforts. Uk is behind you

    9. Things would be very different had the West fully supported Ukraine from day one… The notion of preventing escalation was a ridiculous one as things had already escalated the second Russia instigated a full scale invasion of Ukraine. Russia failed in a spectacular way due to numerous different problems from corruption to poor training and inadequate equipment. Even in the West various military's have huge problems with a lack of the proper equipment , but training at least considered to be good. But the politicians created the problems of the shortages of equipment by penny pinching. During the war in Iraq and later on in Afghanistan British troops often did not have what they needed.

    10. So, when a religious terror army attack a ship USA and UK send armed forces to strike back, but when a insane dictator invade Ukraine, block shipment of food and also attack civilian ships, then USA and the rest of the world is rather passive and Sweden even allow a gas shipment from Russia deliver to Nynäshamn in Sweden.
      Maybe that is why Chechenia do not involve to much, they are mostly muslims and if they had even farted towards an American boat they had been attacked by the US Army… well, the last part is absolutely not true, but it is strange that folk in America do not want a war in Ukraine before they isolated themself from Mexico, but to send a 10 times more expensive military aid to the Red see is okay even the shipment do not need to pass there and there is alternative routs that is longer, they spent almost more missiles there than Ukraine asked for, can not Ukraine get to rent that ship for a month?

      Edit: Sorry for this post, I'm still a bit drunk and the stroke I had over a year ago make me a bit more irrational.

    11. That's one thing I have always been concerned with since bakhmut is that Ukrainians don't seem to have any sort of bunkers, only trenches but to me it's obvious that the EU should send loads and loads of concrete and machines to help Ukrainians to fortify their positions, bunkers are not obsolete.

    12. Man! The Ukrainian Army! You were showing the army eating in what looked like a high school cafeteria, and man did they look tired, and they had more grat hair than me, I'm 65! I fully expect that in the next World War I will be on that stage whether I want to or not. Those guys looked they'd rather be some where else.

    13. Artur, love your channel, but just a thought, isn’t it time we stopped using the stolen name for this empire (largest identity theft in history) and start using its proper name? Muscovy, Muscovia or Muscovite empire?

    14. Ukraine must stop spreading all their intentions over social youtube channels,russians is just capitalizing on it where experts in Ukraine and abroad is just guessing and come up with assumptions from russia

    15. Technically speaking the description of the reason for the egg crisis in Russia could be true. If people actually were paid more money… Which they aren't.

      Egg production would take a while to increase if there was a sudden demand for more eggs and that would lead to shortages in the mean time.

      We saw it in the west most recently with Nvidia graphics cards and PlayStation 5 where people wanted more than were expected and production couldn't keep up with demand.

      It is ironic though because when we had a shortage of eggs last year in the UK the Russians said it was because we are poor or something lol 😂

    16. For chickens to lay eggs they must have a heated environment. Importantly, the floor must be heated with so the chickens have warm feet (free range layers). Without the warm environment egg production drops or even stops. With the social turmoil has the Russian poultry industry experienced problems?

    17. What happened with "Patriots" looks like AWOL this morning….. during the morning attack, the Russian military launched about 35 missiles of various types, including X-22, X-101 and X-555, as well as, most likely, X-55 used as decoys, several Kinzhal missiles, ballistic 9M723 from the Iskander-M missile defense system, S-300 anti-aircraft missiles converted for strikes on the ground targets, as well as X-59 and X-31P anti-radar missiles. Explosions were reported in the Dnipropetrovks, Kharkiv, Sumy, Kherson, Kiev, Poltava, Chernigiv, Kirovograd, Volyn, Iano-Frankivsk, Khelnitsk, Rivne.

      According to the local reports, some infrastructure facilities were damaged in the Poltava region.

      Russian strikes were reported at three Ukrainian airfields, including the airfield in Mirgorod (Poltava region), an airfield in the Rivne region as wall as the Starokonstantinov airfield in the Khmelnitsky region, which is coming under Russian attacks on a regular basis and where the Ukrainian military attempts to restore the infrastructure to welcome F-16 from NATO.

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