KUKA iiQoT is a central platform that leverages the advantages of the Industrial Internet of Things and bundles the data of a complete robot fleet transparently and clearly in one dashboard. This webinar discusses how to easily accessing condition data and asset management with KUKA iiQoT.

Learn more about KUKA iiQoT here: https://www.kuka.com/en-us/company/press/news/2021/07/iiqot

Welcome. From my side, my name is Julian Krebs. I am right now in KUKA Germany Augsburg. And I will show you a little bit about our new product KUKA iiQoT. Just at the beginning, iiQoT, the product itself, is a play on words. In the direction of IoT. So, this is a strict KUKA robotic IoT solution where we gather information.

In order to digitalize your robots on a shop floor for increasing or boosting your own efficiency working with them. My agenda for today covers these five points. First, I want to show you a little bit about a target application. Then I go into the product.

Then we have two sections where I basically show you a product demo of the different contents this product will come. And at the end, I will show you how to install, how to get iiQoT for yourself in order to use it. For the target application. I want to start with the point or with the question:  

Why do we actually digitalize our shop floor? We do have all various amounts of machines in the shop floor. Which are basically required in order to produce and have robot-based automation running. And these machines produce information and data. This data needs to be extracted and transferred and stored at a specific spot in order to be analyzed.

With this analytics, we then create useful insight, and this useful insight also needs to be visualized for the users in order to consume, in order to use this insight. So, the overall objective about digitalization is, first of all, increased production output with machine transparency. You act better, you act before something happens, and the other side is staff efficiency.

So, in order, or if you have useful insight, you basically reduce time waste, troubleshoot finding different root causes, stuff like that.   Both of these objectives are being covered with this product from us, from KUKA iiQoT. The next point is where does KUKA actually digitalize the shop floor. So, this picture right here shows, I would say, a path or a customer journey.

With digital products from KUKA all the way down here and then basically goes into this cycle here. iiQoT itself focuses on these two phases. Which are interact and operate and support and maintain. So, interact and operate are daily tasks, whatever you have to do on these robots. Support and maintain, of course, troubleshooting, maintenance recommendations, and so on and so forth.

What I want to highlight here is that both of these phases are the longest phases in a robot automated production, and that’s why iiQoT working in these two phases creates such a huge benefit and impact of these modules. How does KUKA digitalize the shop floor?

Well, we do have the robots on the shop floor where they do their work, the purpose they’re being bought and installed for, and they all work on premise. We do need to have a physical connection and combine it with an edge gateway. That edge gateway basically creates the bridge into the internet, why?

Because it needs to be transferred to a specific cloud tenant. That cloud tenant is assigned to each customer individually and basically being shared or transferred this information up to the cloud in order to be analyzed and visualized. Visualization will be shared then, of course, again back on the shop floor where the users consume iiQoT and then using this insight.

So what we do is we monitor assets and we create value. So, how does KUKA digitalize the shop floor in three simple steps? We need a connection between the CER robots and a gateway.

The edge gateway itself needs to be configured in order to communicate to the cloud tenant, to the customer cloud tenant, and the cloud tenant itself needs to be requested by our customer in order to paralyze and assign them to our customers. And here we do have minimal effort in order to connect these robots and use it for iiQoT.

So, what do we digitalize and what is the purpose for it? As I said earlier, we do have robots on the shop floor. They basically, or their data will be extracted, will be visualized, and iiQoT will put focus on transparency of these assets you have on a shop floor.

It will create insight for faster troubleshooting, reducing time waste, maintenance planning, test will be more visualized and being can be planned better and convert unplanned downtime into planned downtime. Right, those are the big four focus points.

If we have that insight, if we get that information, of course, we increase robot uptime, reduce waste, increase staff efficiency, and the customers who will use this product will basically increase efficiency. If we get to my second point of the agenda, KUKA iiQoT, we do have this picture. We have seen it if the customer uses iiQoT.

Couple of things where transparency is really useful is that we now, with iiQoT, have the easiest KUKA diagnosis file pull and submit to KUKA ever. You will see in a second when I show you the product demo. We can prove if this inside root causes with the existing change log of each robot.

We do send out notifications personalized for specific anonym detected for specific   messages and conditions, and we could check the robot time anytime, anywhere. And last but not least, this troubleshooting time will be reduced with this insert and some other or some more benefits, but later more, of course.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a cloud solution we’re talking about, so data security is really important to us. And let me show you some short information about that. We host our product on Microsoft Azure. We are TAC certified. We run the ISO 271. We run, of course, the latest Microsoft Azure security and compliance standards.

We do authenticate our edge gateways with symmetric keys and certifications. Data we’re collecting are solely robot system robot information. The reason why we do that, we want to improve our own KUKA robots products services and reaction time, of course. The data insurance we will give you is there’s no back tracing of any user or product quality with this information.

We don’t share with any other third parties, and there will be no value for external parties if they would get a hand on that. Data storage rule, we, of course, we run under GDPR compliances. We only store robot variables. No sense of production data will be stored on our cloud.

On top of the certification part, we also did a self-assessment on Star level one. We basically submitted our questionnaire. We were certified by Star level one for our solution. iiQoT is an easy entrance for digitalization. Why? First of all, we have no cost from KUKA for our customers.

A little mark here is, of course, you have you’re only using the cost-free content you will see in a second and you run our virtual gateway. But we offer the option no cost for our customer. Next point is that our free content we offer with iiQoT runs for all KUKA robots.

Here we are again, number two that requires our operating system KSS 8.3 or newer. This covers robots all the way back  to, I don’t know, 2012, 2013,. So it’s going, it’s going almost back for around about 10 years. So this covers a lot of brownfield robots but also every new robot is already under that point.

We do have an easy on-board process once the commissioning is done. So once we set up that gateway,  every physically reachable robot can be on-boarded within two clicks. And this is a KUKA refined solution. I want to make it clear that is our people develop that product and it will run under continuous development for that product.

Some limitations I want to get out of the way from the get-go, from the start, because I encountered them several times with customers. This solution, KUKA iiQoT, will only run KUKA robots, no periphery, no other robot manufacturers. There will be no full integration of iiQoT in customer clouds or customer IoT solutions.

There might be some exceptions, but overall the baseline is no full integration. We will offer no on-premise solution, and customer customization is not possible. There’s some minor stuff we will offer you on the product side itself, but there is no adjustment on enhancement on your part. The product itself comes with a cost-free and a fee-based article.

On the one side we have the cost free content. All of these modules are for free. So when you onboard your robots you can use these six modules for your robots and you’re good to go. The accessibility to onboard these robots with iiQoT is all written on this on this homepage.

It’s our homepage on our product landing page. Where you will guide it through every step you have to do in order to get that right.

If you have trouble on the way to set up the Gateway or have other other concerns then of course you can reach out to KUKA and we will get in contact with you in order to help that. But it is all there for you to use consume and install.

On the fee-based article we do have some modules which are fee based so we have a fee per robot per year. So we have to repurchase that if you want to continue consuming that article.

Of course this article has number and you just order it from KUKA as any other product and as as any other article. What’s next, as I said this is a KUKA printed solution. We will run continuous development on it and we launch right now on a quarterly basis.

New features and then of course once you use iiQoT basically cost-free information you will also get notified what’s going on on the on the fee based side right . So this is all in there. Alright, next point I want to cover is the product demo. Probably most most interesting part of that.

I want to start first with some three general functions on iiQoT. Which are really useful and really important to understand in selection navigation. So if we start from the top here on the header of the display.

We have an we have a filter button so we can fold that out and we have an area for filters. And these filters, whatever we set in there, determine what kind of robots we’re focus on to our modules.

If we look at these filters, we have the site filter where we can basically select specific robot clusters in a specific hierarchy level. These hierarchy levels are meant to set up your organizational structure however it is run on your in your company.

If you’re a global company then, of course, you probably decide by countries or by areas and then you basically go deeper and deeper down into specific clusters. So we as we have it here we have different KUKA facilities then we have different halls or buildings.

Then we have specific cells or robot clusters, and sometimes we can go even one step down from that. For these site filters, we can also attach more and more sites in order to get a specific point- to look at a specific group of robots depending on what we’re looking for.

Besides those site filters we also have specific properties we can throw on top. So in this case here I added the property I want to look for specific technology Package, KUKA CNC, and I installed “yes” and I basically look for a set of robots here.

One more thing I want to add is: there are some other properties which are basically just regular tags, hashtags. So whatever is not being or cannot be selected by KUKA by software you can create with your tag.

So if you want to have specific applications, you have specific names for specific robots, it’s all possible with these filter functions. If you have a specific set of filters they seem really important to you then you can save these favorites or these filters.

And then they basically show up on the top of your header all the time you click on that on that star and then you basically select your favorite filter function in order to look at these robots. If we now look at the view of iiQoT. Two important things. I want to first look at as group view.

So every time on the top left you see amount of robot and these robots are basically being represented in all these modules. So right now we look at data  from 241 robots. If we select our just mentioned filter favorite, the KUKA CNC robots.

Then all a sudden this cluster in this filter favorite only three robots being being included. So now my visibility the data iiQoT will show me now changed to this set of crew of of robots.

If I want to see single assets then I have to go on these robot lists which I can find in my in my group view. And if I click one specific robot then I see single asset information.

And how can I see that is up here to the left where the amount of robots were standing a second ago, you find a fleet button. So it is important you will see later in a lot of modules there are different ways to look look at information. So it is important to check.

Do I have an asset group view or do I have an asset signal view about certain information. All right that out of the way, I want to show you now the iiQoT basic cost-free content as I mentioned those are the six modules I would show you here in detail.

As we start from the from the top at the asset manager. As you can as you have seen already we do have information here but what I want to focus on is the dashboard tab. So these dashboards basically show you specific set of information.

On the top right side we have the settings and on these settings you can edit your personal dashboard. So whatever it is which is of  interest to you, you can add it yourself. You have different possibilities of selecting existing dashboards or create new ones. Name or rename your dashboards.

Edit whatever is there, rearrange, add new widgets, and of course, saving it. With that being said there are different tabs where we can have specific information about it. However that is the personal dashboard.

So whenever whatever I set up maybe my colleague, maybe some other people who also have to use with that with that tool might not see it. That’s why we implemented managed shared dashboards. So with that is possibility to create it again a dashboard but it is under the cluster of shared dashboards.

Here’s the same thing I gave the whole thing a name and a description, added rearrange, add widgets, and save it. After I saved it every person basically selects when they added the personal dashboard they basically find a catalog for standard dashboards.

If they click on that this list here will hold every standard created dashboard from your admins. The people who are admin on that dashboard- on that on that iiQoT product will be possible we have the the rights to to create these shared dashboards.

These shared dashboards of course if I select it and save it of course then I have it for good on my on my screen. The next module I want to cover is condition monitoring.

Condition monitoring basically word it says is collects information and basically visualizes them and we also have a list of U notifications where the system will trigger me as user in order to do something. As I can see here on the top left.

I look again on three robots that means I’m in the asset group view. If I click on the top right then there are the different notification rules where I will find all my different notification rules and which one I am subscribed to.

Subscribing means that whenever this condition is being triggered I will get a notification when that happens   Those have different different use cases. One example would be that I wanted I want to see how often was operating mode T1 being triggered.

A simple condition and basically my system will track me how often that happens and then of course I can say if that’s an anomaly or not.    These root subscriptions I can I can subscribe or unsubscribe on them. Of course on the top left I have also the possibility to create new ones.

Depending on if whatever I need is already there if not and I created myself.

If I am looking at condition monitoring on the single asset feed, and it looks a little bit different because now I do have this visualization of my   conditions on my variables, and I do have a certain amount of specific data points I can select from.

For example, operating mode program override motor temperatures if I change parts on the cabinet and on and so on and so forth. So I do have that and as you saw earlier on all these conditions. I can set myself notification rules in order to be triggered for specific thresholds.

One thing I want to point out is that all these data will be tracked for three months. So we do cover the last three months from the current day. Whenever this day moves forward of course we basically can only grant you the last three months that’s it.

If we continue to the next module the change log. Change log is basically just tracks all the changes of my robots. As we can see here is we do have a set of changes right here. Here we look again on my three robots we have tab for general changes.

That includes any changes on mass strings or load data. Part replacement, technology packages, changes, robot configurations, safety checks, some break tests and so on. These change log groups can be selected here. And one more thing, one thing to point out is that we do cover time frame selection.

Where basically we tell not only the system to give me all the change logs from three robots, but we also tell them from the last three months. So if we adjust that of course the system will swap and will visualize the information just the way we requested to. 

Here we see one specific group for example mastering if I select that one. Of course and it will basically filter everything out and will show me only the ones which are running under the point mastering. And that’s how I basically can check proactively whenever something happened.

What was actually going on on the machine in order to find some root causes and get also some certainty in the in the production. On the other side we have the second tab called robot program changes. That’s change logs for program changes.

For example points added, deleted, points touched up, changed point properties, changes in source CAD files. So all of that is there yet again three months back we tracked it all down you can look it up if you want to. We do have a search bar.

Again the time frame is important if you want to specifically focus on a specific time window. If we filter a specific criteria for example I just typed in here touched and of course it will only show me the touched up changes from the change log for these three robots. The next module is messages.

Messages is of course all the messages which are being shown on a KUKA Smart Pad. But here in this dashboard, in this in this tab, being showed as messages KPI. So here we accumulate from three robots from the last three months a certain amount of messages.

These messages of course also can be filtered so we have a different different we have different filter options. In order to get more clearance out of this out of this presentation of the messages. As I said the time frame is here. And I can also set up some notification rules.

For the filter itself we could select this amount of we can we can select the type of message we want to look at. We can select the specific module we want to look at. If we do know the message ID of course we can also look for that.

And in my case here I basically put an active filter and I want to only see acknowledgement messages. And of course I look again on one robot in 3 months. And I basically used my filter function. If I want to save that then I click here on the star.

I basically press save current filter selections. And of course I do have that course saved under a specific name. And I do have that to my availability on that star button.

If you look look at this specific this specific message here for example this message was hit 32 times in the last last two days or this week. Now I want to set up a specific notification for that because this is what I want to track in particular. Set the notification rules.

This looks similar to the condition monitoring part it is exactly the same. The same layout, same functionality. I do have again a set of notification rules for messages. I can subscribe or unsubscribe If I don’t find what I’m looking for then I create new rules that looks fairly simple. I basically name my conditions.

Tell it what I want to look out for. Then I have to tell iiQoT what kind of robots I want to in particular focus on. If I don’t select anything I mean all robots.

If I click on notifications of course I have to sign in myself as the receiver and I also have the opportunity to add others if I want to set it up for a group of people. If I save that of course it being shown in my set of notification rules. Rules subscriptions is on.

And I instantly being subscribed because I know I called myself as the receiver for this rule. The second tab we do have here besides the KPIs is straight message list. That’s basically what you see on a Smart Pad basically top down newest on top older getting everything is getting getting pushed down.

Here again I have my filter functionality. I have again my time frame. And my notification rules. If I put another message filter in there, here for example, I basically only wanted to see the status messages. Well then it just shows me that.

If we look at here yet again I look at the asset group view. If I want to have specific information for one specific robot I have to click on the robot name itself. That throws me into the single robot view or list

So now as we can see here on the top left we do have a single robot view because it shows me the fleet it shows me no number. And I can look at these specific messages. I said earlier that we do have the easiest way to pull and submit KUKA diagnosis files Called KrcDiags.

If I click on fault diagnosis on the module it will show me that there are some KrcDiags available. If I look here, I look at right now as a group view. And I’ll look at the KrcDiag tab. With this information it will show me what is available of course.

In consideration of what kind of time frame I selected. And if I click on the specific robot name then it will throw me into the single robot view. And here I do have all existing KrcDiags and the possibility to pull a brand new KrcDiag.

If I do so and if I click that it will show me this note where it says watch out this can interrupt your workflow please be sure that you really need a KrcDiag right now or if that’s the right time If you still demand that KrcDiag you press it start.

Then it will be pulled it looks like that and once that’s done it will be stored as a brand new KrcDiag on the top because it’s the latest. And here you have the possibility with the KrcDiag to download it yourself.

If you do the analytics of that diagnosis file you have the possibility to add some remarks for specific people who we will use it later on. And you can submit it to KUKA.

If you submit it to KUKA it will basically request: what’s the subject, what’s the description and what kind of KrcDiag you want to use. Of course the latest one will be always being shown here automatically. These KrcDiags, when we save them they will be stored on the cloud. No SSD storage will be used.

And you your submitted KrcDiag when you press on send will be submitted to the nearest KUKA office. So it knows the location of the user and of course for the US it will go to Michigan to KUKA USA. The last module for the cost-free content is maintenance.

Maintenance covers all maintenance events which are upcoming for our robots or which are overdue. This is basically a list of all the events. Right now we look at all the do events which are in the future. We look again on an asset group view we look at three robots accumulated to this list here.

We have a status filter. So if we would have had some overdue and if we would click that yet again the list change it would only show me what kind of events are overdue. Maybe some people know that we have different amount or different kinds of maintenance events.

If we click on these events of course also the list view will change depending on what we’re looking for. If we click in that list on one specific robot again we change that module into this single asset view. As we can see top here top here left.

Here we see the amount of due maintenance events are being reduced because now we’re looking instead of three robots to only to one robot. And I can use that in order to do a forecast what is happening in 2024. As we can see here two maintenance events are due.

We have here the 30th of March and the 30th of October. Then basically we plan that we can plan it in events if we have to call KUKA to come to do it or if you as a customer do your own maintenance on our robots. You can use that to your advantage.

Yes those are the modules right now from iiQoT basic cost-free content. Now I want to show you the fee-based content called iiQoT Advanced. Same kind of style we going to go through some slides here.

One thing I want to note here is that the modules cook a load analysis and Backup Manager they have a slight delay. KUKA load analysis will be launched in January so after Christmas after next year . And Backup Manager will be released in Quarter Two.

But I will show you previews and I will show you how it will look like. So if we start with anomaly detection we see here all existing anomalies. Right now it’s tells me there is no anomaly detected. Which is good but that’s not- that defeats the purpose for me to show it.

So we have to go out of my current selected asset group. I basically delete my my robot filter. And now I look at 241 robots now I look at all robots. And here here I could find two anomalies existing. These anomalies of course, I need to be notified in order to act on that.

So I click here on the top right to notification rules. And it will tell me here that it will show me here all possible anomalies. Right now there is only one because we launched it. But there will be more anomalies mechanically and on the cabinet side coming in the next quarter.

We’re already testing a lot of different- more anomalies for that. And you as a user you only click in and say like yes I want to be notified That’s it. And then the system will tell you what’s up. How does it recognize when there’s anomaly detected?

We do require minimum once a week a reference trajectory. That’s a small robot movement in order to baseline the robot in order to trigger anomalies. If we go back on these list of two anomalies. If we click on yet again the robot name then we swap from as a group view to single robot view.

And then it tells me this robot currently has an anomaly going on and here’s the anomaly history. If I click on that specific anomaly I can look into. And it looks like this and we do have here the proof of anomaly.

Where I can click on this condition monitor button. and it will show me that specific robot in condition monitoring on the specific timeline where it happened. Or I can use that little screenshot here. We provide screenshots for all of our anomalies. And it will look like this. So this is actually a good example here.

Where we do have six axises the temperatures of six axis we run them and we track them down through the reference trajectory. And we see here axis one basically has a spike compared to all the others. And it might not look so bad off. But with the reference trajectory we basically baseline all of our axises.

And we saw here for axis one reality versus calculated and violation. And this violation will be basically being detected as an anomaly. And this will trigger a notification to you as a subscriber of this module anomaly detection.

And this is basically how you will be triggered for something which will cause or which will lead to a most likely to an unplanned downtime and this is this gives you time in order to act before it actually happens. The second module for the fee-based content would be efficiency monitoring.

If you look at right now at our iiQoT I found now module which is called efficiency monitoring. The reason for that is we don’t have it on an asset group view. We do require single asset view. And if we do that, voila, we do have now module called efficiency monitoring.

I click on that it would show me for this specific robot because I’m in single robot view right now. It will show me all existing and called robot programs in that specific time frame. It will show me what was called and how often was it called.

Plus it would show me what was the the last duration time or the last cycle time. And it would show me consumed energy. The reason and I want to note that here. The reason why there is this “NA” is this robot I have to use here I have to use here for my presentation.

It’s an older model and it misses one specific robot variable for this energy consumption. We do cover of course every brand new robot of course requires all the the specs in order to have that already available.

But I just want to be want to be clear here is that there are some robots out there which do not have the specific robot variable in order to see the used energy. If I click on that efficiency monitoring on my on one specific program.

Then it will comb the call stack and yet again I will see cycle time and energy consumption same point here due to the age of robot of the robot I cannot show you. Or I cannot see the consumed energy. But it is like I said for every new robot it is being possible to see.

KUKA load analysis I noted here already this is just a markup but I want to show you how it will look like. We do have under asset manager another widget. Which is just called KUKA load analysis.

And this widget basically can be used in order to see what kind of load was assigned and configure for my robots. I am here in the robot group view. Where I see- where I look at a couple of robots. And if I click on the specific robot then I go in single robot view.

And I have more details on that, and if I click on these details then I get the full report on that. And there are some some important things to point out. We show overloaded when load data is higher than KUKA specs allow. So we basically like overloaded our robot whatever the purpose was for.

We do have faulty configurations which are faulty or incomplete. And pending is basically it- basically requests a refresh of load data for first time commissionings because it was not being given that information yet. One thing is if I do have an overloaded robot I can straight jump out of iiQoT to KUKA load.

And it will give me the right robot with the right settings. And it will show me what is going on right now according to KUKA load. And I would see okay I have a static overload analytics running here.

I see my percentages being overrun by for this robot being overloaded and I have to change that. And last but not least the Backup Manager yet again that’s also a mockup but it will look like that. It will be module which I just click on.

I see it again on the asset group view all existing backups. Backups being said that there’s a current robot projects, right? So we cover latest programs, latest point adjustments, configuration, changes etc. Of course like with all the other modules we also focusing on the time frame.

In order for the information to know what kind of backups we’re requesting on these robots in what kind of time window. If we click on one specific robot of course we go back into the single robot view. And like- same kind of layout as for the diagnosis fault diagnosis for the KrcDiag.

Same thing I have the possibility to call a brand new backup. It will be stored in my list here. If I basically have a backup being like I have a brand new backup I can download it to for myself or I can edit some remarks.

One more point I want to make clear is that there is also backup scheduler for this configuration. Unfortunately, I cannot show you right now and it’s not available at the mockup. But that’s what- what will come in quarter 2, 2024. Where we grant you also a complete scheduler for all of your onboarded robots.

And you basically adjust- you basically set up a scheduling rule for one robot, for a cluster of robots, for a group or for all of them to do backups at specific time. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. And yes that’s it for those modules.

My last point I want to cover today is how to install, how to get iiQoT. Fairly simple as I said. To get the free content it is all on our iiQoT product page, right the link down here. It will basically guide you through this page with some product information. Some saving calculators.

From that page you will find also let’s let’s start button. Where it basically leads you to the installation page. That’s how it tells you where to get the tenant request. How to get a Gateway. How to find the installation guide.

And it will go guide you through step by step in order to do everything on your own. As I mentioned earlier if you have questions, if you have problems with  doing so. Then you basically reach out for KUKA and we will guide you and we will help you to your questions.

What is needed to connect your robots to iiQoT? You require the KUKA iiQoT tenant. That’s a customer owned tenant, you will request that. That is being done by you. You basically go on my.KUKA and the installation page- the product page will tell you but you go on my.KUKA and you request your tenant.

You call. You give the tenant, a name, you say who should receive it and then you will basically grant, will receive your tenant The cloud Gateway also must be selected by the customer. You can run virtually. Which is the cost free solution. Or you can have KUKA hardware if that’s what you desire.

You basically can order that from us and it basically serves the same purpose. Yet again that’s also customer action. You are also guided through the KUKA product page through those steps. You basically request on my.KUKA that you want one and then you basically get a quotation or basically directly order it from KUKA Marketplace.

What is also required is the iiQoT infrastructure in order to get the connection from the robots to the gateway. We need internet access of course. And we need to connect these robots on the KUKA line interface or KUKA optional network interface.

And that’s of course that’s a customer action on the customer factory side we we do require that in order to give you the possibility to use iiQoT. And last but not least robot prerequisites is we need the operating system KSS 8.3 or higher. And you need the technology package called KUKA device connector pre-installed 2110.

Don’t worry about it if your robots have an older version or none at all. It is a complete cost-free software package from KUKA. You install it that’s it and it will be activated automatically once you set up your gateway. And yes of course that’s also on the customer side in order to set that up.

So you as a customer you have everything in order to start  iiQoT. If you have any trouble on the way you can reach out to us at any time and we will help you do the commissioning part. For the summary of three takeaways I want to give you.

First of all, that’s a KUKA product KUKA branded product for asset transparency for free. You have cost-free content you can consume until the end of time. No one is forcing you to purchase any fee-based licenses. With this- with this module, with this transparency you convert unplanned into planned downtown.

Whatever format shape that takes that’s, that’s the big focus that’s the big benefit the value of iiQoT. And last but not least the functions I mentioned earlier in the fee-based content are right now for free to use until 1st of May 2024.

So every robot which is online before the day will automatically be granted access to premium functions. And of course after the 1 of May happens we will withdraw these rights. And then of course then it’s the big question to purchase the fee-based article or leave it as it is and just run with their cost-free content.

And that’s it for my presentation.

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