#Pointless #pointlessuk #richardosman #alexanderarmstrong

    Brid Songs | Pointless UK | Season 23 Episode 21 | Full Episode

    Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman host this unique quiz show as contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no-one else can think of.

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    [Applause] thank you very much indeed hello I’m Alexander Armstrong and a very warm welcome to pointless the show where obvious answers mean nothing and obscure answers mean everything let’s meet today’s Players and couple number one hi I’m Josie this is my best friend Nia and we’re from Swansea couple number two hi my name is Anthony from L of Garden City and this is my youngest brother Patrick from Berry St Edmonds couple number three hi my name is Toby this is my wife

    Fiona and we’re from Somerset and finally couple number four I’m Margaret and this is my daughter Natasha and we’re from Brighton and Hope and these are today’s contestants thank you very much all of you very warm welcome to point it’s wonderful to have you with us uh we’ll

    Chat a bit more of course throughout the show as it goes along so that just leaves one more person for me to introduce both supportive and attractive it’s like the perfect bra my pointless friend it’s Richard thank you hey everybody hi everyone how lovely um what a lovely

    Gang we’ve got here today we know some of them already Natasha and Margaret got through to round two last time welcome back Fiona and Toby got through to the Head to Head they got knocked out by one letter they one letter wrong on one answer which means they didn’t go

    Through to the the jackpot round it was very very close so best of luck again uh today and podin one and two seem delightful don’t they to me don’t they just don’t they we Tred very nice indeed I’ve got really good news to give them as well okay

    Which is this Emily and Alex didn’t win the jackpot last time so we’re adding another 1,000 to it so today’s jackpot starts off at £4,000 there we are that’s what we’re paying for right if everyone’s ready let’s play Pointless it will always be the pair with the highest score at the end of each round that gets eliminated best of luck to all four pairs our first category this afternoon is UK hit singles there we are can you decide in your pairs who’s going to go

    First who’s going to go second and whoever’s going first please step up to the podium Okay and the question concerns bird songs Richard we are going to show you seven UK Top 40 hit singles on each board each of them contains the uh the name of a bird in its title but we’ve left that name out we’ll keep the initial in there so what are the birds

    Seven Birds on the first board seven Birds on the second board very best of luck at home um okay let’s reveal our first Board of seven bird songs and here they are stool p Kid Creole and the Coconuts 1982 wings of a d Madness 1983 Fly Like an e seal

    1997 I’m a c b and Sebastian 2004 B on The Wire beautiful South 1997 M &m 2005 and pretty F Manfred man 1966 I’ll read those song titles again stool P Kid Creole and the Coconuts wings of a d Madness fly like an e seal

    I’m a c b and Sebastian B on The Wire beautiful South M &m and pretty F Manfred man there we are Josie welcome lovely to have you here from Swansea yes Sun Swansea tell us all about yourself Josie um so I’m a bank manager um I work

    For a bank um deal with people’s finances um and in my spare time I’ve just become a new mother congratulations to a dog congratulations yes what what kind of dog is it he’s a little black pug um he’s beautiful yeah his name is Wilfred so we named him after Wilfred bony the

    Swans player okay so when you’re when you’re at work dealing with people’s finances yeah um is he going to be allowed to come with you I wish he could but I don’t think I’d get much work done if he was there oh no yeah oh but that’d

    Be so nice the atmosphere in the bank would be lovely you know and even if you bring someone in and tell them they’ve got to pay off their overdraft yes there a little black bug there they’re not going to mind how can they be angry with

    Me exactly uh Josie what are you going to go for on our first board um so I wish I knew the M&M one but I really can’t think of it so I’m going to go for Fly Like an Eagle for seal okay Fly Like an Eagle let’s see how many of our 100

    People went with eagle it’s right down that that’s a high one 83 83 for Fly Like an Eagle yeah and that was a followup to fly like a seal by The Eagles thank you very much indeed Richard um Anthony welcome hi good have you here tell us all about yourself

    Anthony okay um I was a civil servant for 29 years so I was a contract manager for the mod and the home office um I’m now working as a retail store operator of the two of the two which do you prefer I mean you are you missing the uh

    The mod work no I think I’ve done it’s a long stint and I think I’ve done my are you undercover um what do your interest Anthony um music for football um walking keeping fit excellent how do you like our our bird songs here I like it I know

    Four of the answers but I I’m being strategic I’m going to play it safe and Kid Creole and coconuts stool pigeon stool pigeon says Anthony let’s see how many of our 100 people went for stool pigeon it is Du pigeon there there you are 43 well played Anthony that takes me

    Back St pigeon by literally everybody our age has just gone a at and everybody younger than us is going what Earth are you doing thank you okay Toby um welcome back by the way remind us all about yourself Toby I’m a collection technician that’s right yes if you

    Didn’t see the last show uh Toby has the fabulous job well describe to us what you have to do you have to I test for drugs and alcohol using a certain bodily fluid yes he well urine he collects urine he harvests urine from people day

    In day out day in the how many how many people a day uh it can be up to 15 people a day and on average what percentage of them are thrilled to see you not many of them that’s tough quite often on this show when people have got

    Interesting jobs they bring us samples of what they do I would like to thank you Toby for uh for not doing that the postal service is very good I can send a few up okay very very good um Toby I mean there’s just so

    Much to ask on this but I guess I guess we’ll have to get on with the show um what are you going to go for on our board here there’s a bird missing from each of those song titles what is it well when I saw the topic my heart kind

    Of sagged but I know a couple that are left but I’m going to go for the Manfred man one I think it’s pretty Flamingo pretty Flamingo says Toby let’s see how many of our 100 people went for pretty Flamingo pretty Flamingo is right well

    83 is the high score 43 the low 51 for pry Flamingo not bad at time of recording the only song ever with the word flamingo in it to be in the UK Top 40 the flamingo really they used to eat flamingo’s tongues in Rome that’s just that’s just to show off

    It’s not because they’re nice it was just to you find out oh I don’t no thank you very much indeed Richard now then Natasha welcome back remind us all about yourself Natasha um I live in Brighton and um I run a small charity with my friend um it’s all about mental health I

    Also enjoy cooking trying to put together a family cookbook my family dotted around the world so do favorite recipes that you remember from childhood and things like that been a long time coming but have there been any ones that you remember think what was that amazing

    Thing that we had it had something in it and you’re going no I can’t remember have you tracked any of them down my dad was Iraqi and luckily my mom knows a lot about Iraqi cooking so that quite a few recipes are going to go in it very tasty

    Yeah very nice now Natasha this board is all yours do you feel like filling it in right well I’m really relieved because there’s one left that I’m sure of so I won’t take a risk I go for wings of a dove Madness wings of a dove okay

    Let’s see how many of our 100 people went for wings of a dove there we are 66 not bad wings of a do 66 well played Natasha let’s fill the rest of this board in shall we do you know the bed and Sebastian one a lovely song I’m a cuckoo yeah

    Would have scored you eight points the best answer on the board uh it’s not simply bird on the wire Blackbird on The Wire beautiful South uh would have scored you one uh and that M song you were thinking about Mocking Bird and that scores 16 so the best answer on the

    Board there is black bird well done if you said that thank you very much indeed Richard while we’re halfway through the round let’s have a quick look at those scores 43 best score of the past Anthony very well done indeed putting yourself and Patrick right at the top of the

    Board there then we travel up to 51 where we find Toby and Fiona 66 where we find Natasha and Margaret and then up to 83 Josie and nia nia it’s not the end of the world but let’s hope there’s a nice low-scoring one on the next fingers

    Tightly crossed good luck with that uh we’re going to come back down the line now will the second players please step up to the Podium okay let’s put seven more song titles up on the board and here they are we have got Rockin R Michael Jackson 1972 Jenny W Paul McCartney 2005 s rainbow Cottage 1976 do the funky C Rufus Thomas 1970 rocking G Johnny and the hurricanes 1960

    The bitterest pill I ever had to S the jam 1982 and R coaster Justin Bieber 2013 I’ll read those all again Rockin R Michael Jackson Jenny W PA McCartney s rainbow Cottage do the funky C Rufus Thomas rocking G Johnny and the hurricans the bitterest pill I ever had

    To S the jam and R coaster Justin Bieber there we are Margaret welcome back lovely to have you with us once again remind us all about yourself Margaret well I’m retired now really yes I am retired but um I I was an English language teacher teacher trainer and

    Examiner and what what what do you do for fun Margaret what what I have an allotment and at the moment I’m overwhelmed with apples and blackberries do you juice your apples I don’t but I know people who do so I might this time because there’s so many yeah well you

    And the crops they quite weird because they you never get loads every year do you they sort of come in Cycles don’t they yeah okay now Margaret there you are you’re on 66 if you can score 16 or less you’re setting yourself up very well so what are the birds missing from

    These song titles not my best subject but I suppose the bitterest pill I ever had to swallow swallow says Margaret there we are here is your red line let’s see if you can get close to that with swallow down that goes to 59 not fast takes a total up to

    125 well played Margaret yeah there are over 90 species of swallow that seems like Overkill that’s what I don’t understand about things like that to me there’s just a swallow I know I’m I’m pleased if I can tell the difference between a swallow and a swift crazy that’s

    Crackers there it is thank you Richard uh Fiona welcome back thank you remind us all about yourself Fiona um I’m a housewife I’m married to Toby um who’s got that really interesting job mine isn’t so interesting does he bring his job home with him at all well we’ve

    Got all the pots and things in the garage but generally speaking no you never open the fridge and go oh uh no no no good no well done toia that is good um and what do you like getting up to if you um well I like doing cooking and

    Reading um I like watching films and uh I’ve just Rec recently got into my gardening in a big way and we’ve just recently um entered a local produce show in our area and I actually won first prize for one of my floral arrangements so very nice what what were the flowers

    In there what um just things from my garden so like hydranges and things like that very nice indeed and congratulations there you are you’re on 51 73 or less gets you into the next round okay so I’m going to go for do the funky and I’m going to go with what I

    Keep in my garden chicken do the funky chicken says Fiona there’s your red line let’s see how many of our 100 people said do the funky chicken very well done indeed just a perfect economy there as well not too much to spare takes your total up to 115

    Sees you through chickens it seems like there’s lots of different types endless different types yeah yeah there you go yeah there you are thank you very much indeed Richard now Patrick welcome hi Zander good to have you here tell us all about yourself Patrick um I’m a teacher

    I work in um schol School in suffk secondary school and what do you teach uh maths a maths teacher up to a level or gcsc up to gcsc yeah and when school is out and term is over what do you uh what do you like to get up to cycling

    Swimming writing chilling out and by writing does that mean writing stories writing yeah well I’ve written a novel and I’m S I should be really starting my second one but I haven’t gotten it yeah if you if you’ve got the story here though oh it’s there and it’s on paper

    Yeah it’s it’s ready to just oh it’s there yeah um what happened with the first one is it oh yeah I um independently published it’s out there in the EA okay yeah Patrick what are you going to go for uh I liked the previous SP better but I’m going to play SI and

    Go for rock and Robin Michael Jackson okay Robin for Rocking Robin uh here’s your red line if you can get below that round two awaits let’s see how many of our 100 people said Robin very well done youve done 71 again fabulous economy here nothing nothing

    Being wasted at all 114 is your total yeah now the American robin which I presume is what Michael was talking about there is different to the European Robin but it was just named after the European Robin really yeah does it have a red breast yeah that’s why it was

    Named after the European Robin oh wow but it’s not the same species mm I know thank you very much indeed okay Nia hello Nia welcome lovely to have you here so near yet so near um um now um tell us all about yourself um well I’m a civil servant and in my spare

    Time I write a travel blog called near and far but bum listen no I was all over that b before you were and I’m trying to travel to 30 countries before I turn 30 well that’s exciting that’s exciting any any more still on the list loads um I’ve

    Got 21 at the moment I did have 22 but then somebody told me I couldn’t actually count whales cuz we live there so also it’s not officially recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign state in its own right but listen that’s that’s by the um well good luck with

    That that’s very exciting um you’re on 83 which means 41 or less is your target that’s all right like the last board a lot better and you know what the worst thing is we actually listened to that Eminem song on the way up in the car yesterday do you

    Want to do you want to talk us through this board so um I know one pretty I’m pretty sure I know the top one um which is probably what I’ll go for I’ve got a feeling that rainbow Cottage one is probably going to be something like sh

    Or something but I’m not certain at all and as much as I’d like to go for say Robin for that Justin Bieber one I really do not have any sort of clue so I’m going to go for Jenny Ren by Paul McCartney Jenny ren do you know the song

    Or is that a punt vaguely you know the expression I know the expression okay there is your red line let’s see if we can get below that red line with Jenny Ren it’s right you’ve done it and again with very little room to spare um perfect takes your total up to

    117 beautiful grouping I must say look 114 115 117 125 anyway there we are I mean literally we got 11 points between first and last which is incredibly close especially with those numbers that’s really unlucky well played everybody um now that bottom one much simpler than it seems you just

    Need to know that yeah roller roller bird so roller coaster is the answer but it only scores 36 I think a lot of people uh weren’t aware of that uh rocking tricky any bird begin with G Goose goose you’re mighty at Christmas goose rocking rocking goose is the

    Answer yeah what were you going to say then I rocking Grouse is really not is it’s not and also not Christmas either but you know um points for that and this one the rainbow Cottage You’ need to know the song really is just a bird beginning with s Sparrow um it’s it’s

    The sort of thing Natasha and Margaret that you see all the time in Brighton and ho yes seagull seagull is the answer there you would a song and would have score Five Points the best answer on the board SE okay thank you very much indeed

    Okay well we are at the end of our first round we have say goodbye to one of our Pairs and this really upsets me Natasha and Margaret I had different designs for you today I thought you were going right through to the final I just like anyway

    I’m sorry that’s not going to be we have to say goodbye to you na it’s been L you on the show thank you so much Margaret and natas but for the remaining three pairs it’s now time for round Two very well done everybody but particular praise to Nia who is our lowest individual scorer in that round and Patrick and Anthony who are our lowest combined scorers but it was so close so close barely get a cigarette paper between your scores all three of

    You um anyway so very well done best of luck to all three pairs for our next round and the category for round two today is politicians can you all decide in your pairs who’s going to go first who’s going to go second and whoever’s going first please step up to the Podium okay and the question concerns people who ran to be leader of a UK political party yep we’re going to show you 16 pictures now of people who’ve run to be a leader of a UK political party you just have to name the most obscure of these please thank

    You very much indeed so as rich just mentioned we’re going to put a picture up on the board with 16 faces on it each of whom has run to be the leader of some political party in the UK or other some of them will be well known some of them

    Less well known but anyway here they are you just have to shout out the name of one of these people there we go neara you will get to go first I’ll just give you a moment to absorb that Rogues Gallery there okay okay think I’m okay what what

    Are you going to go for um I will go for Diane Abbott please okay Diane Abbott says near let’s see how many of our 100 people went for Diane Abbott down to 38 38 for Diane Abbott uh yep that is Diane abber 2010 she uh ran for labor leader thank you

    Very much indeed Richard Now Toby you going to go for there’s one I’d like to take a punt on but I’m too close to my wife I’ll get hit I’m going to go for Michael hesseltine okay you’re going to go for Michael heslin let’s see how many of our 100 people said Michael

    HL down that goes to 28 very good yeah he ran for Tory leader in 1990 hle time beaten by John Major in the end thank you very much indeed Richard now then Anthony hello everyone on this board has run to be the leader of a UK political party who are you

    Going to go for here I am going to regret stepping forward here this is absolutely not my favorite subject I knew two and they have both gone so I’m going to have to take a wild punt I’m going to regret this I’m going to say Douglas heard

    Douglas herd says Anthony let’s see how many of our 100 people said Douglas herd is it right no bad luck Anthony I’m afraid not Douglas herd that scores you 100 points it may well not be the last 100 of the round yeah sorry Anthony not on that

    Board I’m afraid I’ll go through all the answers at the end of the round thank you very much indeed well we’re halfway through our second round let’s have a look at those scores uh 28 well done Toby and Fiona looking very good on that 38 where we find Nia and Josie and then

    100 for Anthony and Patrick now Patrick I hope you’ve got a nice low score that might just atone for that I W anyway good luck with it Whatever It Is we’re going to come back down the line now will the second players please step up to the Podium okay Patrick there you are high scorers yes how are you feeling about our board here yeah I’m not feeling good but um I recognize two one of them I’m not quite sure about the first name I’m wored I might get the the wrong first name so I’m going to go for Kenneth

    Clark Kenneth Clark says Patrick okay no red line for you as you’re the highest scorers but let’s see how many of our 100 people said Kenneth Clark it’s right very well done indeed that goes down to 21 well done 121 is your total lowest score yeah he ran three times got beaten

    Three times as well by William ha Ian Duncan Smith and David Cameron as well first became an MP in 1970 thank you very much indeed Richard okay now then Fiona on 28 you want to score 92 or less if you can I know quite a few on there

    But I’m going to go for Michael patillo Michael Portillo says Fiona here’s your red line can you get below that with Michael Portillo let’s find out it’s right and you’re through that goes down to 23 very well done 51 is your total well played Fiona beaten

    By Ian Duncan Smith as well but he had the last laugh cuz now he literally just goes around the world on really nice trains yeah in in pink trousers usually he has an unusual wardrobe yeah he’s very good at those shows he is is he I

    Quite like to do that be a nice show yeah just gone a train through Canada or something that’d be fun that’ll be right I’d wear normal trousers I think I think so yeah or no trousers like you like on the show like like I do on the show

    Thank you very much indeed Richard okay now then Josie there you are you’re on 38 if you can score 82 or less you’re in the head-to-head okay um I know a few of them um so I think that’s Rory Stewart um Ed Balls um and then I think the

    Bottom one is either Ed millerand or David millerand or I don’t know his name so I’m going to go for Ed Balls from Strictly go go what I know you’re going to go with Ed Balls here is your red line can you get below that with Ed Balls let’s find

    Out it’s right and you’re through very well done there we are 30 Brad balls taking your total up to 68 very well done well played Josie Year Ed bulls or as you gave him his full title Ed Bulls from Strictly um he was beaten by Ed Miller

    Band in uh in that leadership um contest now uh talking of Ed Balls uh top right is edet Cooper was beaten by Jeremy Corbin in 2015 she would have scored you eight points you absolutely right about Rory Stewart who lost to uh Boris Johnson he would have scored you 18 now

    This one very good answer to this one this he’s he was rmp for a very long time Alan be alen be yeah lost to Paddy Ashdown two points for Alan be um someone else who lost to Jeremy Corbin here Liz Kendall Liz Kendall yeah she would have scored you three points lost

    Twice this lady uh Andre ledson Andre ledson lost to Theresa May and Boris Johnson that’s some record 14 points for her another lib Dem this is Simon Hughes Simon Hughes he lost twice as well lost to Charles Kennedy and Ming Campbell I don’t if you said it would have scored

    You four points another lib Dem here but a pointless answer Norman lamb oh that’s what Norman lamb looks like to Tim faren that is what he looks like another pointless answer here for the SNP Rosanna Cunningham now we go uh nothing a all there now next to her David milleran

    David mban beaten by his brother I mean you know yes pretty bad isn’t it uh 15 for David mband next to him also beaten twice in labor leadership election Andy Burnham Andy Burnham Andy burner would have scored you nine uh and beaten by Boris Johnson at the end there eser

    McVey es McVey who would have scored you 13 uh thank you very much indeed Richard so at the end of our second round the people we have to say goodbye to oh I can’t bear it Patrick and Anthony that wasn’t your favorite round I’m guessing no no although Patrick I think I’m right

    In saying yours was the lowest individual score of the whole round I’ll take that yeah I think it’s sad you’ll have to take it away though because we’ll talk about it when you’re back next time we’ll look forward to that very much me time thank you so much

    Patrick and Anthony but for the remaining two pairs it is now time for the head to Head congratulations Toby and Fiona near and Josie you are now one step closer to the final and a chance to play for our jackpot which is currently standing at £4,000 yeah that’s really worth trying for I mean not that it isn’t always of course but that really is one you you would

    Want to get into the final for uh Toby and Fiona we’ve had you here before didn’t really help being the golden couple on that occasion um Nia and josy have played a Blinder this time and uh it’s been uh yeah no surprise to see you in this final what do you think

    Rich yeah F and Toby knocked out by one letter last time so uh so pointless does owe you but pointless doesn’t always pay its debts I would say it can be a mistress oh yeah there’s no Lannister yeah well obviously it’s the head-to-head which means from here on in

    You can play as a pair which is nice um and in this round the first pair to win two questions we’ll be playing for that jackpot best of luck to both pairs let’s play the head-to Head here is your first question and it concerns mirrors Richard yeah five Clues now to facts with the word mirror in it somewhere or some some way relating to mirrors thank you very much indeed so let’s reveal our five mirror Clues and here they come the principal residents of several

    French Kings which contains the Hall of Mirrors the war room and the peace room former editor of the Mirror newspaper who became a co-presenter on Good Morning Britain in 2015 author of The 1962 novel The Mirror cracked from side to side which is set in the village of

    St Mary Me artist whose Sky mirror sculpture was displayed at the Rockefeller Center in 2006 and the creator of the TV series Black Mirror who’s also written and presented shows called screen wipe and news wipe I’m going to read those all again the principal residence of several French

    Kings which contains the Hall of Mirrors the war room and the peace room former editor of the Mirror newspaper who became a co-presenter on Good Morning Britain in 2015 author of The 1962 novel The Mirror cracked from side to side which is set in the village of St Mary

    Me artist whose Sky mirror sculpture was displayed at the Rockefeller Center in 2006 and the creator of the TV series Black Mirror who who also written and presented shows called screen wipe and newswipe there we are Toby and Fiona you’ll go first top three we’re going for the top one yes

    And that will be the Principal residence of several French King Kings and that will be Versa Versa say Toby and Fiona now then near and Josie do you want to talk us through the rest of that board um so I think it’s p m is on Good

    Morning Britain um we don’t know the novel um artist Sky mirror sculpture we’re not sure of but um for the last one yeah we’ll go for the last um one please creator of the TV series Black Mirror and that’s Charlie Brooker Charlie Brooker so we have the Versi and

    We have Charlie Brooker um in the order they were given Toby and Fiona named versailes as the principal residence of several French Kings let’s see how many of our 100 people said versailes thei is right and it’s a good score down he goes to 32 meanwhile Nia and Josie have gone for

    Charlie Brooker the creator of Black Mirror let’s see how many of our 100 people went for Charlie Brooker Charlie Brooker is right he’s up against the Palace of verai who’s going to win this one Charlie Brooker is there it is down he goes to 23 which means Nia

    And Josie very well done indeed after one question you’re up 1 nil well done Nia and Josie yeah created it with the wonderful Annabelle Jones another daughter of Wales uh that series Black Mirror let’s fill the rest of these in shall we you’re right about Piers Morgan

    Uh as so often you were right to avoid him though would have scored you 54 points I’m joking Piers uh the author of that novel Agatha chrisy a Christie would have scored you 38 and the best answer on the board is the artist it’s Anish kapor Anish kapor is the right

    Answer and that would have scored you four points while if you said that thank you very much indeed okay now here comes your second question n and Josie you get to answer it first but Toby and Fiona it’s you who have to win this one best

    Of luck our second question today is all about International treats Richard yeah we’re going to see five images now of treats and snacks from around the world we’ll give you alterate letters of their names as well but what are they okay thank you very much let’s reveal our

    Five International treats and here they come a jlb s b c e e c d n o d c u r s and e c n o i now then n and Josie you will go first this time definitely oky do okay big fan of

    Treats so we’re going to uh go for E yes canoli please canoli canoli say near and Josey now then Fiona and Toby do you want to talk us through those treats no me apart from B that’s Crips Crips um not the not a or C we’re going for D we think it’s churos

    Churos so we have canoli and we have churos Nia and Josie have gone for canoli for E let’s see if that’s right let’s see how many of our 100 people said canoli canoli is absolutely right canoli down to 42 meanwhile Toby and Fiona have gone for D

    And have offered us churos let’s see if that’s right let’s see how many of our 100 people said churos churos Is Right 67 for churos which means ni and Josie after only two questions you’re straight through to the final 2 N oh I love churos oh my goodness they’re the best um oh anyway listen I’m I need to focus um let’s put in the rest of these shall

    We a is the uh the wonderful Indian treat jalas oh yeah jalis all right sorry Jus um 11 points for that well then if you said that at home you were quite right about Crepes as well wouldn’t have seen you through because would have scored you 65 points fewer

    Than churas and the best answer on the board in fact pointless answer is a Japanese dumpling you know these Dango is the answer well done if you said that Dango oh they look so good and as you pull off the first the one on the end there’ll be quite a lot

    Of of sort of syrup that then stretches and goes down your chin like like like sweet mozzarella you have to do that and wipe it up it’s delicious okay thank you very much indeed so the pair leaving us at the end of the head-to-head round I am so sorry

    Twice you’ve been bridesmaid never the bride I’m sorry Toby and fion you’ve been absolutely wonderful it’s been lovely having on the show um and I’m sorry I’m not taking it one step further and going home with a trophy at the very least but thanks so much for playing Toby and

    Fiona and jie it is now time for our Point final congratulations Nia and Josie you’ve seen off all the competition and you’ve won our coveted pointless Trophy you now have a chance to win our pointless jackpot and at the end of today’s show the jackpot is standing at £4,000 how lovely would that be to take that back to Swansea be amazing very very nice indeed what’s going to help you do that what do you want to see come

    Up um book for you yeah but then it’s so it’s so Niche you just can’t har Potter for her would be great um I take Sports Premier League football maybe um swans City Football Club maybe horror films horror films horror films oh fingers crossed okay well let’s just see you

    Know what it’s like there’ll be a whole hodg podge of Usual Suspects yeah just got to hope there’s something up there that you w fancy having her go at let’s have a look today’s selection reads like this we’ve got Eurovision snooker the year 1964 and 2010’s Oscar

    Winners what do we think oh my god um we were revised on the way up in the car like every awardwinning thing and we didn’t do the Oscars no I can tell you who’s won a ba who’s w a mobo I can’t tell you who’s on

    Oscar we have to go for the Oscars when we we’re going to have to I don’t know anything I only know like abor and like a Cheeky Girls VI verion and snooper completely out so no let’s go for the Oscar winners we’ll give it a goal isn’t

    It okay Oscar winners okay very best of luck nice broad category this we’re looking for any other the following please we’re looking for anyone who’s been nominated as best director in the 2010s that’s from the 2010 ceremony up to the 2019 ceremony anyone who’s won best actor or best supporting actor in

    That decade or anyone who has one best actress or best supporting actress in that decade so from the 2010 to the 2019 ceremony Best Director nominees and best actor supporting actor best actress supporting actress winners very best of luck thank you very much indeed now as

    Always you got up to a minute to come up with three answers and all you need to win that jackpot of £4,000 is for just one of your answers to be pointless you don’t have to answer all three categories just focus on whichever ones you like the look of are you ready yeah

    Let’s put 60 seconds up on the clock your time starts now okay go for direct you director I go through them well directors we can go for like some Horrors and go for obscure ones but they very rarely come through in obar the ACT think actors and

    Actresses what was that lady that was in the help she won an Oscar um oh my God I can’t remember actresses you know lady Gara for Star is Born um for um Jang not Jango no not Jango who was in there Jamie fo did he get J fo I

    Don’t think he got one um um non winners I know oh this is so hard um I can’t think of any we lady oh yeah okay well did she win it I don’t know if she won it I don’t think she won it um it’s who

    Was the director that did 50 Shades of Grease um that woman the woman director she didn’t do it for something else no um um oh my God 12 seconds like countdown um we’re just going to have to go for the ones we’re just going to have

    To hope the ones you just said they not going to be well we’ll try okay okay there we are our minute is up what what are you going to give me so we’ll go forong okay Lupita nongo that’s probably the best one for best actress and support and actress winners what about

    That young deota Fanning you’re thinking about okay Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning um and well we know James Cameron James camon directing Jameson so we’ve got Lup yongo we’ve got Dakota Fanning and we’ve got James Cameron of those three which is your best shot at a pointless answer none of

    Them Lita L okay we’ll we’ll put her last least likely to be pointless James Cameron therefore Dakota F and goes in the middle okay well let’s put those answers up on the board in that order then and here they are we have got James Cameron Dakota Fanning and Lupita nongo

    Three good answers on the board there now if one of these turns out to be pointless and wins you that jackpot 4,000 quids what you’d be taking back to Swansea what would you like to do with it Nia I’m going to ask you first um I

    Was hoping that I might be able to use the money to publish a book I’ve been writing well that would be nice that’s what I’d like to do with the money excellent what about you Josie um so I’m actually saving for a Wen in Vegas so that’ll go towards there with

    Nia as my ma of Honor he hasn’t proposed he hasn’t proposed I’m not clarifi consider this consider this a nudge okay there we are wow wow how exciting um well good luck um your first answer is James Cameron in this case we were looking for any best directing

    Nominee from the the 2010s James Cameron if he is pointless we’ll win you £4,000 let’s see how many of our 100 people said James Cameron James Cameron is right we just have to see how far down the column we get with James Cameron there we are taking us down through the

    20s into the teens still going down with James Cameron into single figure still going down six look at that six better than I thought that’s a lower score than I think you were anticipating for James Cameron there not bad at all 99 not pointless though so let’s move on

    To Dakota Fanning your next answer in this case we were looking for any best actress or best supporting actress winner Dakota Fanning if she is pointless will win you 4,000 pants let’s see how many of our 100 people said Dakota Fanning okay let’s not dwell on that

    Let’s not dwell on that let’s turn to your third and final answer Lupita nongo now again we’re looking for best actress or best supporting actress since 2010 if Lup nyongo is pointless you leave here with 4,000 that book can get published that wedding that that knot

    Can be tied in Vegas let’s find out how many of our 100 people said Lup yongo is she pointless oh my God it’s right Pongo now just has to be pointless your first answer James Cameron surprisingly took us all the way down to six Dakota fing

    Was wrong but Pongo now taking this down passing Six still going down still going down still very well done very well done fantastic well what about that I can’t believe very well done indeed Lup yongo was app pointless answer which means you are taking home today’s jackpot of £4,000 very well [Applause]

    Done very well played yes you won best supporting actress for 12 Years a Slave congratulations it’s okay we can breathe there’s the one thing you know is there’s there’s some poor boyfriend in Swansea going what we’re going where now to do what now uh terrific work that is uh that’s

    Very very well played let’s take a look shall we at the pointless anwers in the other categories just in case you got one at home the best directing nominees Darren aronowski for Black Swan David Fincher social network great the Gog for ladybird Paul Thomas Anderson Phantom thread loads of other good pointless an

    Adam McKay Alexander Payne Barry Jenkins Moonlight as a pointless answer Dennis fer George Miller met Fury Road Jordan Peele was a pointless answer for get out loads of pointless answers there um we’ll move on to Best Actor and supporting actor winners only three points anwers here Kristoff FS won twice

    For Tarantino movies Jean Darda won best actor for the artist and JK Simmons best supporting actor for whiplash and best actress and supporting actress Melissa Leo for the fighter there’s Lupo and yongo just won you £4,000 Patricia arette for Boyhood and Regina King for if Bill Street could talk and Mo’Nique

    As well was a pointless answer there very well done if you got one of those at home and congratulations in the studio they seem happy about that hard to read but I think so yes I think so uh thank you very much indeed and thanks once again to Our Winning players Nia

    And Josie who take away today’s jackpot of £4,000 very well done join us next time when we’ll be putting more of Skool knowledge to the test on pointless meanwhile it’s goodbye from Richard goodbye D it’s goodbye from me goodbye [Applause] Yeah


    1. It's funny how people introduce themselves on this show, as if they're at a job interview, trying to tone down their narcissitic self promotion by a note of humility,…"and of course I run a charity in my spare time". I wonder if anyone will ever be honest on this show? I doubt it.

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