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    Random stuff that happens while cycling in Lisbon.
    March 2018
    Lisbon, Portugal

    I personally never found this and well I’m or an urban cyclist and it’s more difficult to happen in the city some weeks ago it was said that in some parts of Spain and Portugal several traps were found in biking trails by cyclists the traps are made using wires tied across

    The wide of the track at a level of the riders neck they can cause serious injury or death to those who hit at high speed against the wire since 13% of my viewers are from the Iberia Peninsula I asked the others how often it happens in your countries and

    What do the authorities do concerning this issue


    1. Here in Brasil is fucked up, they have a type of line called "Cerol" that is illegally made for Kites, but people have been using this to put on the roads, so when a motorcycle passes through, it cuts their throat. Those motherfuckers deserve to be beaten up naked in public.

    2. The same thing happens in Belarus. It is dangerous to ride fast in forests and not crowded parks. I hear that police catch some kids that put fishing lines… (this was like 2-3 years ago)

    3. We have them here in Latvia too, people that don't own the property but want to have it to themself (for example a part of a forest) put these up, I have seen like 5 or 6 of them. I just call the police and cut them off. So far nobody has died or been injured by them but they're still dangerous. Also, the authorities do nothing, when I call the police they come, go to the closest house that somebody lives in (because that's usually who puts them there) and give them a warning.

    4. I had that problem back in 1996, when i was riding in Sintra Mountains. Had lucky cause i saw it in time to get my shoulder in front and push the wire with them, and the wire broke. I could be death or serious injured, since if i crash i will end into the road….

    5. In Germany, we sporadically have boards with nails, single nails, tree logs across the trail, chains, thin wires across or on the bike trails. The goal is to cause heavy injuries on bikers, hikers and animals sometimes on the face. The police has an eye on it, but it is difficult to find the people who do this because it is mostly in forests.

    6. I ride with an upright and a splitter attached to the end to avoid such things when riding unfamiliar trails and routes to avoid such things. but not always fool proof that it will happen on common trails too.

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