Diana Roma and Friends Take on the 100 Presents Challenge!
    To receive their gift, they need to complete a task. From luxury Presents to funny surprises, this challenge is sure to be a lot of fun! Watch and see if they can complete tasks оn time!

    This Christmas challenge is a great way to get your friends together, have some fun, and celebrate the holidays in a unique way.

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    Hello my name is Roman and these are my friends and today we have 100 presents challenge yeah you choose a present you do a challenge for the present and you get the present I’m choosing this to together the prize I need to go through an obstacle course Oh another skip oh really oh my God excellent [Applause] balance goom come on Soldier what’s your sole purpose in this Army J yes come on try not to break you could have go here roma roma roma you could have go under or here I did it broken I didn’t win but let’s check what’s inside open it open it it’s an iPhone this one oh Ry catch Ry catch Ry catch throw it

    To me oh thank you I just saved your life you have to get a bucket of popcorn in a minute Blindfolded okay 59 seconds do it do it do it just do it come on win win win win win you got this bro far almost almost 10 come on second 4 3 2 1 last spoon done yes she did it one second I’ll help you one look yes a butter knife Amazon Besides H this one okay oh there’s something inflate the balloon with the pumps so that it bursts let’s go you have 1 minute until um the B pops three 2 1 do not put it out yeah make it like really low go go go go go oh you’re fast really fast right now

    Oh my God how big are you 30 seconds left 30 seconds 20 I’m so scared actually it’s going to pop so Loud good job you did it Ry okay you won so you get the present I actually need the new phone case bro bring your phone and change the phone case right now I already put my phone inside but it’s too big I need a new IPhone oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry I have to spoon all the pieces of us from one plate to another and the spoon has to be in my mouth what what when where and why at least six pieces and you have 1 minute 3 2 [Applause]

    1 two yeah three come on four come on 5 6 come on four 23 15 seconds left come on 10 9 8 7 6 4 yay let’s see what’s in the present it’s a burger this is a tasty burger wow oh my God I got these socks Burger

    Socks so far Burger sock burger sock that’s a good present I love it bye-bye choose the present you want this one looks I mean r roll the Christmas tree balls into all five cups we’re good to go no absolutely amazing at this yes no let’s go yes please please no

    No go yes yes one compx no she had to roll these five balls in each and she got two in one and the other three so I think that counts she still got five thank you well done any help no Ry when I ask you I mean do you need help no I

    Don’t do look me look oh she got the best half point I’m just too lucky it’s your turn I think I’ll pick huh this one Ramy let’s see what this okay give us the challenge spinning the hoop to hit a ball into a yellow cup what let’s do

    This 3 2 1 go don’t mistak no no so close this bow is not even okay okay out doesn’t work it’s so hard you can still check what’s in this box oh you can get Ulus Ulus Quest too but you didn’t get it so say goodbye I choose [Applause]

    This oh no find a balloon of paint in the water to make the water colored you have only three attempts let’s go I think it could be the dark blue because it’s like so dark yes what I got it from the frge first time what [Applause]

    What oh it’s a drinking I’m going to drink while walking guys this is so sick that’s actually really yummy I’m choosing this one because first of all it’s big and second of all it’s at the bottom so everything will fall oh a few moments later is that like a PlayStation 5 oh my

    God um I don’t know eat handsfree a Christmas biscuit that rests on your forehead without dropping it okay do it do it do it come on close your tongue use your tongue use your tongue use your tongue that’s actually hard last’s try to bits catch it with your

    Tongue it was too hard but we can check what’s inside oh I AMAC iMac you could get an iMac Monitor and you didn’t get it this one’s look good this one looks good I think I’ll choose this one just push it all up and they’re going to fly on

    Top blow out the candles with the bottle bottle you have to blow them with this bottle okay four three 2 did It let’s go I’m sorry standing a plank over the cake for a minute Easy 3 2 1 let’s get it it’s actually very hard in this mat seriously oh my God look at how good the cake looks 2 more seconds 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 yes no way it’s a PS5 it is it Is yes well I thought you have one don’t you have one you won from another Channel okay so this one goes to Ry thank you you’re [Applause] welcome if you like this video like And subscribe and Merry Christmas Yay oh

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