Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan clashed with The Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens regarding the cause of the Ukraine-Russia war and how the conflict could end.

    Mr Morgan questioned Mr Hitchens on how the war could end with both Russia and Ukraine refusing to give up territory.

    “I would have thought the position the Ukrainians find themselves in now is very strong if they go through negotiations,” Mr Hitchens said.

    “I don’t know what would take place in negotiations.”

    The columnist complained to the Sky News Australia host that he was being interrupted as Mr Morgan told him to “stop whining and answer the question”.

    “There has never been any suggestion from me … that Ukraine should give up territory,” Mr Hitchens said.

    The Kremlin issued a chilling morning of retaliatory actions today after prime minister Rishi sunai plays more support for Ukraine president zielinski made a short visit to the UK as he attempts to secure more military support for Ukraine in his fight against Russia after a two-hour meeting in checkers which he

    Soon act announced he’ll send hundreds of long-range missiles and armed drones but zielinski wants fighter jets and the UK won’t at the moment commit to that today we spoke about the Jets very important topic for us because we can’t control the sky we want to create these

    Jets Coalition we are going to be a key part of the Coalition of countries that provides that support to Vladimir and Ukraine now it is not a straightforward thing as vlona and I have been discussing to make build up that fighter combat aircraft capability it’s not just

    The provision of planes it’s also the training of pilots and all the logistics that go alongside that well the UK has gone further than any other European country providing weapons but is it enough to help Ukraine defeat Putin once and for all in a moment are we getting an expert view from the

    Format of the British army Lord Dannon first I’m joined by the man on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens Peter welcomed appears Morgan uncensored so look what is your view of the Ukraine war how do you think this now ends what should the UK be doing well I think it’s all civilization

    Sensible people should be making every receivable effort to bring it to an end a huge numbers of happy innocent persons of the internal corpses and refugees cities have been blasted into pieces uh houses turn to ruins and economy is smashed and the the whole of Ukraine now

    Faces A continuing destruction I do not see what interest serves the world to continue with this with the absolutely interested in the Ukrainian people for there to be peace talks which would bring those awfulness to them hang on but how would the peace talks go I mean

    Are you suggesting that Ukraine well are you suggesting Ukraine should give up territory that has been illegally seized by Russia if I was saying that I would say that I’m sorry I’m asking the question I know I’m saying I’m not saying that so there you are that’s that’s that one’s sold

    Good any any other questions I’ve got a lot of questions yes I mean what do you think these peace talk would lead to because he wants to Vladimir Putin wants to keep control of the territory he’s taken and probably some more uh Ukraine is absolutely adamant they shouldn’t be

    Seeding any territory they even want Crimea back for reasons which are perfectly obvious if you spend time with ukrainians so my question for you is you think you can end with peace talks how does that end if the ukrainians won’t give up any territory I won’t be there

    At these thoughts the people who will be involved would be the governments and the two farmers and countries and they will decide but it seems to me do you do you must I must ask you by giving the same of your questions do you like War

    Have you seen War do you know what a human body looks like after a boy just passed away okay well I would say I would I would answer that I would answer that Peter by saying because I think you know because that’s your brother uh Christopher wrote for me at the time I

    Uh and he opposed my position on this I opposed vociferously instead of the mirror the war in Iraq which is sadly was unsuccessful in trying to get that stopped however my brother was a British army colonel and served for 37 years in the Army and he served in places like

    Iraq and Afghanistan so yeah I got an indirect uh feedback on what a war is like and no nobody likes War you’ll never meet a soldier who says they like War however as in 1939 when the world and I say the world not just Ukraine but the world is confronted with an evil

    Dictator who thinks he can just March into neighboring countries and Destroy them and kill thousands if tens of thousands of people and then take their land the world has a duty in my opinion as it did in 39 to stand up to that person and that person right now is

    Vladimir Putin so that would be my position but the world has stood up to him his his offensive was being bullied his intentions as far as we know what they were have not been achieved and we’re not likely to be achieved so now we have a position where the the the two

    Sides are at something like a cell mate we don’t know I I don’t make any pretense unlike everybody else in the trailer journalism to be a military expert I don’t know what the shape of the Ukrainian offensive which we’re told about so often will be or whether it

    Will succeed but even so it seems to me that the time has come but for us to make an effort to bring an answer War yeah but the way you bring it into it shortly it seems to me we’ve been very successful Europe and America in arming

    The ukrainians to to resist having their country taken by Putin and they’ve been incredibly successful in doing that and there’s now a real belief amongst ukrainians and president zielinski that if they get enough of the military hardware that they need they can launch a counter-offensive and actually drive

    Russia and the Russian forces out of the territory that’s been seized I don’t think they’ve got any intention of waging any kind of Peace anytime soon because as far as they’re concerned they’ve had a quarterback country taken well you’re right there is no pressure on them from the great pass to make peace

    There is no General pressure on them there’s no pressure from Western public opinion on us to make peace so you you may well be right it’s it’s astonishing it’s rememberable was actually elected as president of Ukraine on a peace ticket because he actually stood before his people said

    This there is a there is a great war going on in my country which as you’ve probably heard started in 2014 not 2022 it’s time it was over and we must take steps to do so but that was before Vladimir Putin invaded I know it was but

    Lots of things were before but I think it’s important for you to understand this episode has background and many many elements in it which are not much discussed in the in in the January rather um how should I say uh cursory coverage which the causes and nature rewards is given in this country

    But zielinski was a peace candidate he was frustrated in that by some certain country who preferred but as you know as you know the situation dramatically changed February last year when Putin invaded Ukraine and you gotta you’ve got to say that I just find I find him I

    Find it strange that somebody somebody in smart and perceptive as you Peter would look at the situation and I think the ukrainians have any desire to wage any form of Peace settlement which may involve them seeding territory why should they we wouldn’t would we we didn’t in 1940 1940s

    With every every bit of our strength to defy the Nazis don’t want me to be on your program all you need to do is not invite me if you invite me you should at least do the doing the cursive listen you’re what I say I’m never at any stage

    Suggested you’re the one who suggested would anybody should see it on your land I would have thought the position ukrainians found themselves in now is very strong if they go into negotiations why do you think the Russians would simply give back all the land they’ve taken I don’t know what would take

    Personal negotiations is playing I’m not fit Peter you don’t think for a moment Vladimir Putin would give up that territory of course he wouldn’t you know that you want me to ask do you want me to answer your questions or not I want to I want to I want you to explain why

    You think this could possibly get resolved unless the Ukraine just seeded their territory Vladimir Putin is not going to give any of the land back if you spent the last year and a half bombing them into submission to try and take it why would he give it back how do

    You know what is this war above this war is about Russia under under a dictator trying to take back territory that Vladimir Putin believes should never have been given away in the first place that’s what it’s about that’s your version noise and again I think that these I don’t think you’ve made any

    Secret of it well I’m sorry I it’s a very long and complicated story and one which you certainly all the people in broadcast before whom I might attempt to explain and argue this and not the person I choose because you’d interrupt me before I got one tenth of what I was

    Going to say out and you talk over me which is what you do the last time we met each other on television you shut me down and silence me because I was right about it because it’s not whining and just answer the question here you are

    Again do you want me to stop whining and answer the question or do not because I’ve got many other things I’m happy you’re filling all the time that I’m giving you by whining about not getting airtime say what you want to say thank you and and stop talking over me

    There’s never been any suggestion for me since this program began that Ukraine should give up territory that came from you I said there should be negotiations negotiations to do what there you go again the negotiations are it’s called an interview Peter I’m allowed to ask you supplementaries

    The viewers the viewers can decide to themselves whether you’re giving me a fair Shake on them all right look there’s we’re going around the houses here but I appreciate you joining the program thank you very much


    1. A sensationalist and a conversationalist it seems. One shouldn't disrespect himself by lowering his standards for civilized, mature and nuanced dialogue. Morgan seems infected by show business here.

    2. He's only somebody because of being the brother of someone who was a somebody. Beyond that, I see absolutely no redeeming qualities of this Peter Hitchens…certainly not enough to warrant the kind of media coverage he receives.

    3. The only reason anyone listens to Peter Hitchens is because his brother who he is very similar too in body, mind, and voice doesn't exist anymore. Otherwise, as in the past, no one would give this man the time of day.

    4. I'm surprised Hitchens didn't storm out after talking about nothing but the Ukraine Russia war for 8 whole minutes, he probably thinks that Piers has no right to run this interview. This is a joke btw for those who will get it, I do believe this interview was not Piers best work.

    5. Hitchens mythical ‘negotiations’. In essence he’s still a lefty who believes that war against a dictator is less preferable to living under a dictatorship. The Germans negotiated a peace in 1918 and 20 years later they had regrouped and plunged us into an even greater war. The fact is that a war has to end in total defeat for one or, other side and it’s a terrible thing, but if one side hasn’t fully capitulated, then inevitably there will be a second round and more people will die.

    6. It should be recalled that the Ukrainians and Russians were engaged in Turkish brokered peace negotiations before one of your own, Boris Johnson, put the kibosh on that not unlike how the British cajoled Poland to take a hard line with the Germans during their negotiations prior to the outbreak of WW2. “We’ve got your back.”

      Sounds like the Poles have finally woken up and pulled out this time before betting obliterated. Germany soon to follow. Hungarians were never on board.

      Not to mention positioning 1/2 million British troops (“Expeditionary Force,” makes is sound like a field trip to hunt for exotic butterflies) along the side of 1.5 million French troops dispatched to the German border. German Army Intelligence couldn’t help but notice all the dust.

      I’m not a German apologist by any stretch, but I do like a bit of honest bloody context from time to time. Good Lord, the both of you are a bit more familiar with history than that; and both of you know all about NATO’s attempted encroachment up to the Russian border, “Orange Revolutions,” and all that, which neither the Brits nor the Yanks would have tolerated for one second had the situation be reversed. I take no sides other than that of a more balanced historic accounting, so please, gentlemen, for History’s sake…

      “Too many elephants in a room create an awful stench even when one chooses to ignore them for housekeeper’s sake.”

      – The Unknown Zen Master –

    7. So all that bluster and Kiev only got several kites instead of jets and ballistics. At this rate easyjet and ryanair will do a better job to control the sky. Britain usually excels at logistics and humanitarian help for refugees let USA handle hardware instead. Build extra affordable housing to move a chunk of Ukrainians to UK instead after they get bombed out of their own homes

    8. I don't know how anyone can think Peter did a good job. His only stance was war bad, peace good. Piers asked follow-ups, and Peter had nothing of substance. Peter also recently stormed out of a different interview. He's one of the worst interviews out there, idk why people still have him on.

    9. Makes a motherhood monologue about peace talks, and protests at being asked to mesh his ideals with reality. Tries to avoid it by asking the interviewer vacuous questions, and protests that the answers leave him no chance to explain himself. Basically has nothing to contribute, knows it, and lashes out when he gets caught out — again

    10. Having watched other interviews involving Peter Hitchens, I've come to the conclusion that this man's ego will not permit him to engage in fruitful debate.

    11. Only a matter of time before america and the uk and Europe run away from the ukriane. They won’t send aircraft because as soon as they do Russia will detect those launches from far off aircraft and the jets will be destroyed . It’s stupid to serve more weapons into this disaster. The ukriane had the opportunity to preserve its territory and denied peace talks a year ago when boris Johnson vetoed the Minsk peace talks and urged Ukraine to war. The Russians will never leave the Russian speaking territories now. Elections have been held and they are now Russia. Ukraine is out of men to fight . They’re resorting to forcing women, old men and boys, the average age of the Ukrainian soldier is 41. It’s time to cede borders. End this stupid war

    12. The British have given up a lot of land, a lot of Sovereign "possessions and territories" as the Monarchy would call them, and the world is okay and United Kingdom is okay.

      If America can redraw borders in the Balkans and give Northern Iraq to the Kurds, then Ukraine can give territory to the ethnic Russians and they can join the Russian Federation.

    13. Piers Morgan is not a journalist, he lacks the ability to listen and to understand other peoples perspective. He is a classic crybully…..

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