Glentress is known for offering epic MTB trails however they recently built a new BLACK JUMP TRAIL so whilst I was in the area there was no way I could pass and not check it out…

    The thing that impressed me the most was the fact that these trails are suitable for everyone to ride weather your a complete beginner just starting out all the way through to pro riders looking for black free ride jump lines making this BikePark a perfect place to progress your MTB skills.

    In this video I am riding my Haibike LYKE11 fully custom electric mountain bike upgraded with Halo Wheels & Gusset components.

    I hope that your enjoy this video!

    Welcome to my YouTube channel giving you an insight into my life as a Professional mountain bike rider. I upload videos 3 times per week covering all disciplines of riding and topics including Full speed downhill, Huge free ride and dirt jump tricks, XC rides, EMTB adventure riding, trail build series and general bike vlog’s, challenges How to video’s and MTB games.

    Weather you are a beginner MTB rider or Advanced there is something for everyone on my channel so sit back and enjoy!

    Halo Wheels :
    Gusset Components:
    Image Design Custom:

    #mtb #bikes #biking #crash #emtb

    Here we go then we’re dropping in get it Lads all of you in oh no woo what’s going on guys welcome back to another video where today we are at Glen tress our road trip continues and the reason that we’ve stopped here is because they’ve just opened up a new

    Section of Trail which we’ve been filming all day and it is so so sick let’s get to the top and drop in once your arrive the parking is really really simple you don’t have to pay to ride here you just turn up at the end of the day pay your parking ticket

    There’s a little bit of a ride up luckily for us we’re on the ebike so it’s pretty easy but I think car has got one of a new favorite place haven’t you I really enjoy it here and that new Trail which we’re about to see in this

    Vlog is honestly unreal it’s flows so well there’s a few jumps it’s a perfect beginner one actually if you want to learn how to jump and flow and and actually experienced a fast moving trout as well you just sold us a dream KJ let’s get there up to the top and then

    Shred we’re only on the first bit of the climb and car is like hold up you’re going too fast she’s got it in Turbo I’m in like one of the L mode oh she’s an ultra turbo now how are you finding the uh like Cara you’ve been on it a few

    Days now I’m actually getting way more used to it which is which is good it usually takes me a little bit longer to adapt to different bikes but I’m really loving this bike like it’s it’s got everything you need like it’s got the motor which yeah okay it’s less power

    Than my old mountain but it’s still really powerful and it’s lovely to jump it’s got the stability of a heavyweight ebike it’s literally perfect and I’m loving it here we go then we’re in to some funsies these burms are Steep and quick they feel so good when you can just like

    Go up high and drop right into them it’s like dropping into a quarter pipe on the jumps oh so good you go massive there the gForce in the turns is so sick off the drop ni windy oh keep the speed head wind wow that trail can’t do anything other

    Than leave a big smile on your face it’s actually incredible isn’t it yeah so much fun so good it’s just like a big downhill pump track it’s insane and it drops now into a blue and that is exactly the same just full speed incredible I’m going to let car go in

    Front try to pop a bit of an overtake so watch out for it this is it KJ yeah I’m going to go quite quick okay get it I’ll follow you let’s see your skills yeah let’s see how fast you can go down this Trail droping what you weren’t lying are you

    Going to clear the jump this time that’s the question yeah yo a whip KJ you’re flying down there that was really good drop it in go go go I’m going to come past you on your right slow overtake you more track yes that is the

    Best yes how was that that was good I must have my mouth open sorry I must have my mouth open the whole way down because my lungs hurt from the cold air oh really and my mouth is so dry it’s unreal what a track though them two

    Linking together is the best isn’t it yeah there’s I think there’s some more jumps up here though shall we go check out we’ve actually just found a bit we didn’t even know it was here it’s cool called black taste the trail lower so black severe car has made our way up for

    Is she but anyway there’s only one no you’ll be fine it’s fine just roll basic there’s a drop do you want to go first I’ll follow you no all right you’re going to follow me I I might just quickly have a look car is starting from

    After the drop cuz she’s worried it goes straight into a sharp left corner that she’s going to miss it that looks more sketchy KJ here we go then right you can check out what Cara does over on her Channel I’m on that now by the way

    Woo oh my God this track is so good wow that was actually incredible what a trail right that was the black taser I just hit but there’s a load of other Riders up here and they’re going to do we’re going to do a massive train it’s going to be insane because these jumps

    Are good these guys are shredding let’s get on with it all right here we go then we’re dropping in get it Lads all of you in everyone you shreddage oh nice W woo that was so close nice one boys that was sick I thought I was going to

    Go underneath you at one point there yeah nice one Squad sick that was sick I am going to do this ret TR so Tom demonstrate did you just demonstrated yeah a big train oh really everyone oh wow yeah so Tom demonstrated the black line but there’s also so a red line

    Which is kind of similar just a bit of a smaller scale and I’ve been practicing it there’s a few like different changes of Direction with jumps on the out on the exit which makes it difficult cuz I can’t really carry speed very good round BMS but I’ve been practicing it I’m

    Getting better so I think we should do it here we go then KJ so this is a red red option slightly easier but it’s still quite techy because you’ve got to carry your speed around these turns let’s see how she getting on Wow steaming go go go go yo

    Nice yeah KJ there we go then we finished the day with a perfect Sunset and we are actually moving on from Scotland now because we’ve got to get all the way down to Land’s End eventually we’re heading to the lake District so I’m so stoked that we came

    To check out Glenn tress because them new trails are in incredible and either get yourself up here and try it out because you won’t be disappointed and if you’re in the area then you need to come I don’t know why you haven’t been already it’s absolutely incredible did

    You enjoy it yeah I really liked it I really love what they’ve done here I really enjoyed it I think they’ve done a smashing job with the trails haven’t they yeah they have yeah and I really think it’s fun to ride on that note that is the end of the

    Video If you enjoyed this one please give us a thumbs up leave your comments down below and we will both see you guys in the next video got to grab it fuse like a magnet L won’t have it till I’m doomed in a casket I ain’t playing got a weird mind

    If you work eight hours I’m a work nine if the shoot tastes sour you should taste mine I’mma stay in power for a long time get up now I A A


    1. The new trails are good, but the best trails are the dark side of Glentress – next time head to the mast (all the best trails start at a mast) and have at it.

    2. My wife and I started riding at Glentress back in 2001, then we moved to Sweden and stopped biking. Now we are back into biking, and will definitely be re-visiting Glentress in the spring.

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