Amazing Facts About Cycling in Denmark And Copenhagen

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    Hi guys and welcome to my amazing life this is Sean and I’m back with another video which from the title of the video I’m sure you already know I want to show you cycling which was a small part of my experience in the beautiful country of

    Denmark and the city of Copenhagen or as it’s pronounced in Danish Cuban town which I hope it gives you a new perspective and if not at least take you along with me to my experience before we begin I’d like to show you some clips of what you should expect this episode I

    Chase a man on a bike I drop my camera I complain to the camera I dropped my camera again I ride a bike in Copenhagen I dropped my camera again and I scare strangers before on the let’s start with some interesting facts about the cycling in Copenhagen no one

    Has the city of cyclists and about Denmark Denmark with over 4 million has more bikes than twice the number of cars astonishingly Copenhagen errs peril more than 1 million kilometer or 600,000 miles under bicycle each day and cycling is the preferred mode of transportation and 62% of Copenhagen errs choose to

    Bike to their destination within the city the city offers a variety of favorable cycling conditions dense urban proximities short distances and flat trains along with extensive and well-designed system of cycle tracks and because of that copenhagen has earned the reputation of being the most bicycle-friendly city in the world

    The Copenhagen Sun City heart study concluded that cycling at high or average speed increases the life expectancy of the participants by two to five years respectively cycling also lowers the risk of premature mortality with up to 30% while the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced by about 40% that information

    Made me wonder about how much more Danish people are in shape in comparison to my fellow Americans so I dug deeper the standard of measuring a person’s body type is through a measurement called BMI short for body mass index BMI is defined as a person’s weight in

    Kilograms divided by the square of the person’s height in metres commonly accept that BMI range for underweight is under 18 point 5 BMI normal weight is eighteen point five to 25 BMI overweight is 25 to 30 BMI and obese is over 30 BMI so after learning about that now we can

    Compare the two countries the United States in the ranking of BMI is the number 17th in the list with 28.8 BMI now Denmark ranks at hundred and twentieth on the list just point three more than the normal compared to the three point eight of the United States

    Thanks to science now we can even predict what we should expect in regards to how the locals of our destination may look like before even going there by looking at the BMI of that country for example the evil socialist government of Denmark which spends money on social programs produces healthy people or like

    This compared to the great United States which creates such a luxurious life for its citizens that you can expect to see this in almost any Walmart this was a fun research for me so I started to dig more and I found out cycling even improves productivity according to a

    British study published by cycle scheme I will get to that name in a second those who choose to write their back to work are more likely to progress and succeed in their career because they’re fitter more agile and more alert psychos scheme is a uk-based organization with a purpose of cultural

    Adaptation towards a more bicycle-friendly lifestyle now I admire the cause but I’d like to know who came up with the name of the organization really cycle scheme the scheme as the devious plan or with intent to do something illegal or wrong cycle venture or cycle prosperity would be more along

    With lines with the organization’s goal they should have consulted with the marketing department of tobacco companies do you ask why just watch this you know if you were to follow a busy doctor as he makes his daily round of calls you would find yourself having a mighty busy time keeping up with him

    Time out for many men of medicine usually means just long enough to enjoy a cigarette and because they know what a pleasure it is to smoke a mild good tasting cigarette their particular about the brand they choose in a repeated national surrey doctors in all branches

    Of medicine doctors in all parts of the country were asked what cigarette do you smoke doctor once again the brand named most was camel yes according to this repeated nationwide survey more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette why not change to camels for the next 30

    Days and see what a difference it makes in your smoking enjoyment see how camels agree with your throat see how mild and good tasting a cigarette can be if they could make smoking to seem like a healthy activity imagine what they could do to cycling according to researchers

    Cyclists often report that they feel less stressed at work while those who started cycling reported an improvement in their concentration capacity so it is less likely to see events such as these in Copenhagen Based on this video it is safe to assume even computers alongside with people have longer and more productive lives in Copenhagen the bicycle culture of Copenhagen even brings economic benefits to the city the city has estimated every kilometer recycled brings a net gain for the society of 1.2 – Danish crowns or in

    Danish dents Kaukauna which is the Danish currency or 21 US cents per mile compared to a net loss of 0.6 t9 Danish crowns for every kilometer driven in a car or 12 cents per mile by the way if you didn’t catch that here it is again I

    Choose to believe her reaction was due to my devilishly good looks and not to me filming although visitors may be surprised by the apparently large number of bicycle parking facilities in Copenhagen as I was there is in fact a severe lack of available cycle stands there are approximately five hundred sixty

    Thousand bicycles in the city of Copenhagen which is more bikes than people yet there are only forty eight thousand available bicycle stands by the way good luck biking like this in San Francisco what no mountains in Denmark biking is never uphill as I will explain in the main documentary about

    Copenhagen in more details the gentleman in front of me is a friend I found in Istanbul which I have attached the full documentary of Istanbul in the link above in the top right corner of the screen he invited me to Copenhagen and from Istanbul I went to Copenhagen and

    He was the most gracious host who I thanked immensely my poor camera on the other hand did not enjoy the ride as much as I did I was lucky to have used the GoPro since any other camera would have been destroyed I strongly recommend that camera for small projects there is

    A link in the description below which gives you more information on GoPro one subject I have plenty of footage due to its abundance is bikes and bicyclists and you find a wide range of variety of people on bikes from kids to beautiful moms professionals going or coming from

    Work bikes that are like taxis older folks and even people in suits so I decided to blend in and get back to the activity I used to partake decades ago when I was a kid after fun night of bar-hopping with some nice folks who I met at a bar while watching

    The World Cup I was heading home as the Sun began to rise I have to say I’m a bit proud of myself over here for being able to get back on a bike after more than 20 years holding a camera in one hand staring the bike with another hand

    Speaking to the camera while being cold and Buzz so I was coming back from the bar what I’m not proud of is my moaning people had complaining for what you came here please subscribe to my channel and share my videos and I would appreciate your comments suggestions and feedback if

    You’re interested in purchasing your GoPro there’s a link in the description below for more information thank you guys for watching and see you guys soon You


    1. Very beautiful and interesting presentation. I found out interesting things about Copenhagen and its inhabitants. 👍
      It was a pleasure to watch your video. I wish you a nice day!

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