On October 7, 2023, Hamas unleashed chaos in a meticulously planned assault on Israel, sending shockwaves through the world. Watch the full story of this game-changing event now!

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    At 6:30 in the morning local time on October the 7th 2023 the Palestinian Sunny Islamic fundamentalist group known as Hamas made announcement the start of operation alasa flood de M tell it over 5,000 Rockets were on their way to Israel at that very moment with potential to wak Havoc all across the

    World’s only Jewish State minutes later Israeli media reported the arrival of thousands of rockets on Israeli territory and then the real attacks began Palestinian militants would steam into Israel by air Land and Sea killing civilians taking hostage and raising the neighborhoods that they attacked dozens of battles and skirmishes have broken

    Out across the Israeli landscape as both Israeli and Palestinian civilians Run for Cover at the time of writing this invasion is just ours old but given the sheer size and scale of hamas’s attack it’s safe to say that this is not just any other day in Palestine so today or

    More of Graphics we’re presenting our first special episode on Israel’s rapidly unfolding crisis but almost certainly not our last we’ll be covering the first few hours of the attack the critical context to explain what’s going on now and the early analysis both on the present and on the future of this

    Newest Global flash point and in the days weeks and possibly months to come we’ll be returning to this topic as often as is necessary in order to cover a conflict that could do more than just turn Israel upside down Pandora’s Box has just been blown apart and depending

    On where this emerging War goes it may well rewrite the balance of power across the entire Middle East now the predominantly Jewish Sovereign Nation of Israel boasts a military capability that is among the best in the world protected by a combined active and Reserve force of over 600,000 troops in the Israel Defense Force better known as the IDF watched over by an advanced missile

    Defense system known as the Iron Dome guarded by the elite intelligence agen mad and believed to be in possession of anywhere between 70 and several hundred nuclear warheads Israel is a strategic jugut with the potential to punch way above its weight locked into a Perpetual low-grade conflict with a wide range of

    Organizations based in the Palestinian territories dual stretches of land hosting an Arab Muslim population that Israel has occupied for decades Israel is always ready for war and when War visited itself upon Israel in the past that same small nation has proven itself consistent up for the task beating back

    The combined forces of the Arab world on several occasions so it was a surprise not just to the people of Israel but to the entire world when in the early morning hours of October the 7th 2023 Israel’s entire defense apparatus got sucker punched we’ve already described

    The basics but we’ll recap them now at 6:30 a.m. Israeli time a flood of over 5,000 Rockets was fired from one of the two territories that Israel occupies situated on the Mediterranean Sea the stretch of land called the Gaza Strip is dominated by a political and military organization known as Hamas with close

    To 2 and A2 million Palestinians living under their Authority within moments Israeli radar was lit up with a barrage of thousands of incoming projectiles leaving almost no time for the nation to spring into action Israel’s Iron Dome is built to deal with exactly this sort of threat it’s a missile defense system

    Meant to defend against short range Rockets catching them in midair before they plow into their targets on the grounds and the reason that it exists is in order to deal with attacks just like this one Hamas launching Rockets into Israel it’s nothing new and it’s an

    Issue that the iron doome has dealt with thousands of times now but it’s not built to intercept thousands of missiles all at once and although it’s unclear just how high a percentage of hamas’s alleged 5,000 Rockets were able to break through the Iron Dome couldn’t stop them

    All in the cities of Tel Aviv herzlia Ash Kellon and elsewhere numerous explosions were reported and communities closer to the Gaza Strip withstood attacks of their own but these Rockets were just the first wave at the same time as hamas’s Rockets took to the air the organization’s military commander in

    Gaza Muhammad da announced that operation alasa flood had commenced and the initial attack was only the first stage of what Hamas had planned Dave issu a call to Palestinians not just in Gaza but in the West Bank the other stretch of territory that Israel occupied as well as Palestinians living

    In Israel proper and Muslims around the world to take up arms and attack Israel together as the Rockets began to touch down as Dave’s statement hit the airwaves pal Ian Fighters opened fire on Israeli vessels off the coast of Gaza in gaza’s eastern section IDF soldiers were

    Set upon in a Hamas attack and striking outward into Israel came at least a thousand Palestinian fighters in a large scale coordinated assault that Israel was utterly unprepared for coming predominantly by land on pickup trucks and motorcycles but also by air in paragliders and by sea in speedboats

    Hamas breached Israel’s blockade of Gaza and marched on the surrounding communities within a few hours heavy fighting was underway at several Israeli military installations with Palestinians able to capture several Israeli military vehicles over the course of their attack the Border Town of stot was raided while

    The town of araim and a kibutz and onclave Community called Bari were both set upon by Hammer Fighters caught off guard Israel urged its citizens to shelter in place relying on bomb shelters and fortified sections of their homes that were built decades ago in case of such a crisis not long after

    Israel’s police chief reported that firefights were ongoing in at least 21 locations with later announcements confirming that several communities have been completely overrun in the first few hours of hostilities while all of this was going on Israelis and Palestinians alike took to social media to document what was happening around them on the

    Israeli side pictures and videos circulated of Hamas and other militants driving through city streets trying to break into homes and shooting indiscriminately at any Israelis they saw at a music festival in the desert thousands of young Israelis were forced to flee for their lives as terrorists on motorcycles massacred their fellow

    Parters and in communities and towns across the affected areas civilians were forced to watch Power powerless as their neighbors friends and even their family members were taken hostage and driven away back in the direction of Gaza soldiers were taken captive too and even the civilians who were able to avoid the

    Crossfire were forced to wait hours upon hours for the IDF to reach them Israeli media began to circulate phone recordings made by civilians trapped inside their homes while photos emerged depicting the wholesale Slaughter of civilians including children and the elderly on the Palestinian side the first retaliatory attacks began to

    Arrive VI air strikes on purported toas targets while checkpoints and IDF bases were locked down tragedy struck on that side of the conflict too at least two hospitals in Gaza were bombed by Israeli fighter aircraft claiming the lives of at least one nurse and an ambulance driver all right so to understand this

    Assaulting context we first got to understand the organization known as Hamas tracing his history to the founding of the Sunni islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1920s in Egypt Hamas is a substantially newer organization and one that ties itself explicitly to Palestine rather than the broader Muslim world this name is

    Actually an acronym for a lot longer title that tells us a lot about its Mission the Islamic resistance movement its core beliefs mirror those of many Palestinian organizations that Israel is an occupying power an illegitimate State and an Overlord from which the people of Palestine must be liberated unlike other

    Palestinian State structures most prominently the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank Hamas boasts a robust and effective military Wing it’s designated as a foreign terrorist organization in the United States and the European Union as well as in Israel and functionally speaking it controls the land known as the Gaza Strip that same Palestinian

    Enclave from which the attacks of October the 7th were launched in a situation like this understanding the scope and scale of the resulting casualties is vital in order to understand precisely what we’re dealing with but at the time of writing that’s information that we simply don’t have

    Yet early estimates place the dead at some 300 Israelis with nearly 1,600 injured 53 captured and on the Palestinian side 232 people are believed to be dead with nearly 1,800 injured but in all areas these numbers are almost certainly a drastic undercount Ida forces still struggle to reach some

    Areas that have been overrun while those trying to count the dead are still hard at work doing just that already these numbers Place October the 7th 2023 as one of the deadliest days for Jewish civilians in the nation’s history but if the numbers swell as high as some

    Experts believe then we may be looking at thousand thousand dead and tens of thousands wounded when all signs are combined and that tragically is just day one by the evening hours of October the 7th Israel’s long time on again off again prime minister Benjamin Biby Netanyahu was ready to make a statement

    It was something that by now the world had been waiting for all day knowing that whatever Netanyahu said would set expectations for what came next and did it ever described Israel had set its priorities first clear the affected areas of Hamas terrorists then mobilize Israel’s substantial Reserve forces in order to

    Fight back on a scale and intensity that the enemy has so far not experienced Netanyahu referring to Hamas said oh in follow-up statements netanyahu’s sentiments were echoed across the Israeli leadership and the response was clear after the initial Hamas attack was dealt with there would be no focus on

    Deescalation and no time spent working towards reconciliation with the people of Palestine instead the thing that came next would be retribution Swift uncompromising and utterly overwhelming now to understand the context behind Israel’s current crisis we got to go back in time to a period 50 years and one day exactly before

    Operation Alaska flood kicked off that date was October the 6th 1973 and it was the start of the yam kapore War also known as the Ramadan war or the October war in this conflict which lasted just under 3 weeks in total a combined Army of Egyptian and Syrian forces attacked

    The then fledgling nation of Israel on two fronts using the element of surprise Israel and Syria were initially able to devastate the outer Israeli Countryside before the IDF was able to respond the conflict quickly grew into to a cold war major power standoff between the United

    States and the Soviet Union but a much larger crisis was averted when Israel was able to rally and push back the Egyptian and the Syrian Advance it was this war that led to the eventual normalization of relations between Egypt and Israel the first time that Israel had been recognized as a legitimate

    State by an Arab Nation it’s no coincidence that this attack by Hamas came just one day after the 50th anniversary of the Y kapore War nor that it happens on the day of a Jewish holiday as well as on the Jewish sabbath day Shabbat which happens every Saturday although Hamas has not confirmed

    Directly it’s widely understood that this timing for an attack was meant to both catch Israel off guard in a lesser state of Readiness and to evoke the historical significance of the most recent instance of pan Arab hostilities against the Israeli State the yapor war like this engagement began with a

    Surprise attack and both leveraged the coinciding dates of significant Jewish holidays in order to cause broader Devastation hamas’s calls to Arms have echoed across the Arab world and though it’s far too early to know all of the geopolitical ramifications it’s not lost on anyone that not just Israel but Egypt

    Syria and the broader Arab world are watching this unfold as they reflect on the Old Wounds of the Y kapore War I but this one piece of context doesn’t tell anything close to the full story look we won’t go in depth through the entire history of Israel Palestine relations in

    This video although if you feel that you want us to inform you about that let us know in the comments section that will be a big video what will strand instead is that the Sovereign Nation of Israel and the two nominally Arab Palestinian territories that it occupies

    The Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the georan river have an incredibly painful past the local Palestinian population have protested violently on numerous occasions in uprisings called inada It’s a situation that’s led many around the world to condemn Israel as an apartheid state while many others condemn Palestinian occupied territories as

    Havens for terrorist organizations or even a budding terrorist state it’s an issue where any person who has an opinion at all probably has a very forceful one and an issue where common ground is found about as often as rainstorms sweep across the sunbaked Gaza landscape the current growing

    Conflict is not the first large scale outbreak of hostilities here in recent years in the summer of 2014 the abduction and death of three Jewish teenagers and suspected Revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager set off a round of violence in which AAS would fire almost 3,000 rockets in Israel’s

    Direction those attacks and the resulting Israeli military push into Gaza resulted in the deaths of 73 Israelis and 2,251 Palestinians in 2018 a protest at the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip led to the deaths of 183 demonstrators and parallel hostilities that saw over a 100 rocket launchers

    Into Israel and some 50 Israeli strikes on Gaza in May of 2021 protests devolves into violence yet again with Israeli bombardment killing hundreds more Palestinians and attacking non-military infrastructure from residential buildings to healthcare facilities while sustaining the loss of 13 Israeli lives this recent history of conflict has led

    Many in the west to avoid letting their guard down around Israel and Palestine instead fearing that a third inada a successor to the ones that have happened before could break out in the near future by definition this would consist of an attack or large-scale retaliation by Palestinian forces which would then

    Continue into a long-term resistance movement that description of course Bears an eerie resemblance to the violence that we’re seeing today in the two interf past Palestine continued resistance for several years before eventually being pushed back with the deaths of around 200 Israelis and around 2,000 Palestinians over the course of

    The first inter the second one was about a th000 Israelis and 3,000 Palestinians so even before the outbreak of this current conflict International observers have been long concerned that a potential third inter farer could be even worse now tensions in Israel began bubbling towards an explosion in the

    Waning days of 2022 when Netanyahu claimed his seat at the top of Israel’s canessa for the third time in his career when he did it was with the help of a coalition between bib’s own right-wing political party lud a generally conservative party called Shas a farri right anti-arab party called odma

    Yehudit or Jewish power and several other parties that are either far right or represent Ultra Orthodox Jews taken together netanyahu’s Coalition is the most far-right and the most overtly religious in Israel’s history and they’ve got a number of policies that the people of Palestine really aren’t into Netanyahu has pledged to to

    Prioritize the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank as well as the development of new settlements and his national security minister itamar benir has been convicted of racist incitement against Arabs in years past even before the establishment of netanyahu’s Coalition 2022 had been especially deadly for Israel and Palestine with repeated Palestinian

    Attacks on Israeli military personnel and Israeli operations in the West Bank including almost nightly raids on Palestinian Targets in response in 2023 things only got worse with Israel’s raids becoming increasingly deadly and resulting in skirmishes more and more often on the other side of the conflict Palestinian attacks against civilians

    Have left many Israelis dead despite their having little to no affiliation with their nation’s military actions Israel has long held palestine’s governing bodies responsible for individual Palestinians attacks even on occasions where the perpetrators believed to have been lone wolves and Palestinians similarly condemn Israeli military operators for the deaths of

    Civilians caught in the crossfire when those operations devolve into gun battles in refugee camps and thickly settled areas so too to many Palestinians believe their own Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is complicit in Israeli operations even as those operations increasingly involve the demolition of Palestinian homes to

    Make way for Jewish settlers for the Palestinian population 36% of whom are estimated by the UN to live below the poverty line This sort of heightened strain and pressure within their territory has bred a violent animus while in Israel the rise of far-right populist nationalism has led to increase

    And more virulent polarization and a political interest in justifying continued conflict according to surveys done in early 2023 support for an armed resistance in Palestine was as high as 68% made worse by national security minister Ben gav’s recent insistence that Jews should be allowed to pray at

    And visit at will a mutually venerated holy side that’s critical in both Jewish and Muslim understanding of the city of Jerusalem as most Israelis it’s known as Temple Mount as most Palestinians and it’s the Alaska mosque and this is where the source of these new hostilities becomes exceptionally clear and that’s

    In its name operation alasa flood according to Hamas the attack was set off by the events of the weeks immediately prior specifically the choice by a number of Israeli settlers to enter the Alaskan mosque and pray there according to Hamas as well as many unaffiliated religious leaders in Palestine this constituted desecration

    Of the mosque even as from the perspective of those settlers it represented a proper fulfillment of religious obligation now for the those of our viewers who don’t have a horse in this Judaism versus Islam debate we’ve got to emphasize this distinction matters to people on both sides of this

    Conflict to the point that Bloodshed in some people’s eyes could be justified also inflaming tensions have been a series of clashes along the fence that separates Israel and Gaza for which the two sides very recently negotiated a truce but at the same time we’ve got to acknowledge the scale and scope of a

    Mass’s attack this is not an impromptu effort to organize a retaliatory strike after an affront that happened just a few days ago it is a coordinated large scale attack that was almost certainly planned over the course of months whether the recent developments at our ASA mosque were an accelerance plans

    That were scheduled for a later date or a convenient pretext for an operation that was already supposed to go down on October 7th it’s impossible to say but it is transparently obvious that the resources and strategic planning involved in this assault go far beyond just one week’s work and if indeed that

    Is the case then Israel must reckon with yet another dangerous truth Hamas understands that this fight is only just getting started now after the first few hours of confusion the events of October the 7th came into sharp relief as the evening in Israel wore on but with Clarity came

    Only bad news first we’re going to focus on the Israeli side in the aftermath of Mar’s initial wave of attacks the IDF confirms that a number of civilians and soldiers have been captured after as had breached the fence separating Israel and Gaza a highly fortified and very expensive apparatus that had been

    Expected to hold against an assault of this type social media videos were confirmed to show Hamas Fighters dragging dead IDF soldiers on the ground in the aftermath of firefights that those videos implied Hamas had won and other videos were verified to display Hamas Fighters parading civilians through the streets of Gaza in

    Particularly shocking instances children elderly people and disabled people are confirmed to have been among the hostages taken while women were identified as having been stripped naked in some cases bound and displayed in trucks with Hamas Fighters according to Hamas initial estimates of some 50 odd Israelis taken hostage are badly out of

    Touch with reality with Hamas itself claiming that the number of Israeli captives is several times greater than the dozens that Israel describes in response to the growing hostage crisis Biby Netanyahu has vowed revenge against anyone who harms Israeli captives a sentiment that’s certainly well received in Israel but one that doesn’t account

    For the TR true magnitude of the hostage crisis that’s unfolding with these hostages most likely scattered across Gaza they’re likely to be used as collateral or even human shields in the hostilities that come however at least one Hamas spokesperson has indicated that the hostages might be intended for

    Use in a prisoner swap in order to secure the release of Palestinians detained by Israel in Palestine the situation is no better Israel has now landed significant retaliatory strikes against Targets in Gaza with hundreds of Palestinians confirmed dead at a minimum and that number expected to rise dramatically in the weeks to come

    Accumulative several hundred Israeli air strikes have destroyed large residential buildings including a 14-story tower that was home to dozens of families and will likely need to be dug out in order to count the debt Israel has warned residents of Gaza to seek shelter away from military targets all but confirming

    That a massive response is incoming and according to Israeli sources speaking to Western news outlets a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip is a strong possibility Hamas has reacted to the air strikes with continued rocket attacks which appear to be continuing to penetrate the Iron Dome at a significant

    Volume while the iron dome’s rate of interception remains unknown elsewhere in Gaza Israel has completely halted the flow of electricity and has pledged to stop supplying fuel food and other supplies as well on social media rors from all sides of the conflict have already begun to disseminate misinformation in just one example a

    Video circulated widely on the platform X formerly known as Twitter depicting air strikes that had occurred in May of this year but were described as having happened during the violence on October the 7th was shown other videos have showed footage that’s contextualized in similarly misleading ways both the

    Israeli government and Hamas have taken to social media to make their cases to the world and civilians distributed their own accounts of the day’s events as well as information misinformation and outright disinformation began to saturate the online space so did calls from Israelis desperately trying to find

    Their loved ones in hopes of figuring out who has simply gone missing who has been captured and who has been killed on the Palestinian side Hamas has begun to compile and disseminate videos depicting their operations including at least one that documents their successful attempt to storm a military base as the conflict

    Has continued to evolve in its early stages Hamas has found itself backed by multiple fellow Palestinian factions the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement a paramilitary organization active alongside Hamas and the Gaza Strip has pledged its support for the Hamas attacks in keeping with its broader goal the military destruction of the Israeli

    State the popular front for the liberation of Palestine and the Democratic fronts for the liberation of Palestine have also gotten in on the action throwing the might of each group’s Marxist Le militants behind the hamas’s banner further palestine’s National resistance brigades have shown their willingness to participate as well

    At the time of writing the major Palestinian organizations of the West Bank have yet to take up arms and moreover there’s little indication of just how many fighters Hamas might or might not have at their disposal certainly the 1,000 dis attackers who marched through Israel are not the only

    Fighters Hamas has but how substantial their military might is will demand time and probably violence in order to measure a present airlines that that serve Tel Aviv and other Israeli airports are canceling flights while citizens begin to move away from areas of Israel and Palestine alike that many

    Fear might turn into war zones in the coming weeks at the same time Israel has begun to circle the wagons taking up defensive positions and preparing to deal with the potential for Invasion by one or more of its many Arab Neighbors The most significant threat comes from Lebanon where the islamist movement

    Hezbollah has its own long history of firing missiles into the northern reaches of Israel and where renewed attacks or even a ground Invasion by Hezbollah militants are now entirely within the realm of possibility Hezbollah has congratulated Hamas on its attack and added that they believe that the will of the Palestinian people and

    The rifle of the resistance is the only alternative to face occupation in the early hours of October the 8th Hezbollah officials claimed responsibility for attacking two radar sites within Israel as well as three Israeli settlements although whether this will ultimately be an isolated incident or set off a fresh

    Round of hostilities remains to be seen as an all but inevitable retaliation eventually goes down in Gaza there are no promises that other nations won’t hop into the conflict in defense of Palestine potentially even prompting direct involvement from the nation of Iran in fact according to the Council on

    Foreign Relations the head of Iran’s paramilitary cuds Force has met with Hamas Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad recently with a non-zero possibility that these attacks by Hamas are the direct result of those Talks now when trying to estimate the Fallout that will come from hamas’s Attack it’s IAL to emphasize one key point above all else regardless of what happens next Hamas has already won for an organization that relies on terrorism and indiscriminate attacks on civilians to disrupt the sense of normaly or

    Safety that ordinary Israelis feel at home there has been no greater cudar in their history than to pull off what they did on October 7th to provide incontrovertible proof that Hamas and Palestinians can threaten not just the occasional rocket attack but large scale mass casualty assaults on the Israeli

    State itself is from from their standpoint an accomplishment that will rewrite the balance of power between Israel and Palestine for a group operating from hamas’s position the simple Act of engaging Israel in this sort of conflict is already a major victory on its own and that’s been done

    It can never be taken back then there’s the Israeli side of the equation a military-industrial Powerhouse that is now forced to acknowledge that it was not nearly as prepared for this sort of attack as it had additionally believed we’ll start with the Iron Dome a missile defense system that was revered across

    The world for its Effectiveness but has now quite clearly been pushed past its Breaking Point the Iron Dome appears to be functioning normally but like all missile defense systems it can only deal with so many threats at once the number of incoming Rockets it intercepted is

    Not yet public knowledge but it was less than the 5,000 that Hamas launched across the border and so too does this attack represent a catastrophic failure of another Israeli strategy known colloquially as mowing the grass under this strategy Israel has long viewed Palestinian resistance as a sort of War

    Of Attrition in which intermittent crackdowns and raids are enough to deter Hamas from launching fulls scale assaults likened to the way that trimming grass on a lawn prevents it from becoming overgrown but a Mass’s attack flies directly in the face of that Doctrine proving its Effectiveness

    In the span of just a couple of hours worst of all is the question on the global intelligence world’s Collective mind how the hell did Israel miss this the buildup of over a thousand Fighters over 5,000 rockets and all the logistical infrastructure required for an operation of this size simply cannot

    Exist without leaving a trail in a zone so thoroughly surveilled by Israel’s Massad intelligence Network widely regarded as one of the most elite spy agencies in the world there are only two possibilities either mad learned about this attack in advance and didn’t notify the Israeli public or they somehow

    Completely missed the signs until it was too late considering the complete military unpreparedness of Israel in this case it seems more likely than not that this constitutes a complete intelligence failure and the former Chief of mad has even taken the extraordinary step of claiming that the organization indeed had zero Advanced

    Knowledge of an attack said arame Hal we had no warning of any kind and it was a total surprise that the war broke out this morning the United States which worked clearly with Israeli intelligence has confirmed that it had no idea that the Hamas attack was coming and as of

    Now it appears to be the US and Europe who will be picking up some of Israel’s slack for the response rather than Israel sharing Intel with the West said former CIA employee mark polyera polus this is Israel’s 9/11 not since 1973 has there been such a catastrophic intelligence failure in Israel it is

    Almost inconceivable how they missed this just as important as the military intelligence aspect is the political implication that Hamas chose this particular moment to attack for a reason as probably not one that so simply explained as just happening to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Yom

    Kipor War it’s no secret on the global stage that Israel’s Coalition is walking a tight RPP trying to Ram deeply unpopular reforms through the knesset and alienating large swaths of the Israeli population in the months preceding hamas’s Invasion hundreds of IDF reservists declined to participate in training sessions or pledge not to

    Report for Duty in protest of the Netanyahu coalition’s ongoing efforts to hobble the Israeli Supreme Court in fact netanyahu’s reputation and his ability to cling to power are more in doubt than ever with a real possibility that even without the invasion his Coalition may have collapsed sooner rather than later

    It’s in this moment of perceived weakness within the Israeli state that Hamas chose to strike and if their calculations are correct then Israel’s internal divisions might not be finished playing out internationally the attack has been met with a mixture of shock and dismay by Israel’s key allies many of

    Whom appear stunned that such a breach of Israel’s border with Gaza was even possible in the first place in the United States President Joe Biden has condemned the attack and offered support to Israel while the Department of Defense has offered its support in ensuring that Israelis are shielded from

    Harm United Nations officials have stressed the risk of further escalation and emphasized the danger to civilians Germany France Canada and the UK have thrown their support behind Israel While most of Israel’s neighbors in the Arab world have called for restraint and intense Focus towards immediate deescalation Iran for its part has

    Thrown its support behind her Mass while State TV made sure to circulate footage of Iranian parliamentarians chanting death to Israel but outside of the official statements made by each Nation the overwhelming consensus among both public servants and non-government analysts is one of astonishment to what’s happened but simply no one saw

    This coming continued escalation in general sure but not a full scale assault not right then and on the world stage it’s impossible to understand this issue without understanding normalization or that is an ongoing effort to establish peaceful relations between Israel and each member nation of the Arab world in the last few years

    Israel has normalized relations with Sudan Bahrain Morocco and the United Arab Emirates but there’s a far bigger prize just starting to come within Israel’s grasp a normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia along with Iran Saudi Arabia is one of the middle east’s biggest power players and while the normalization process has certainly

    Been complicated it’s been on track for months now for Hamas and all of Palestine that’s largely seen as bad news after all normalizing relations with Israel would be tan out of Saudi Arabia endorsing Israeli occupation of gazer and the West Bank thus turning its back on the people of Palestine in

    Totality Hamas has been shy about the connection here speaking to Al jazer the organization spokesman Ibrahim hammad stated that hamas’s attack on Israel is absolutely a message for Muslim countries who wish to normalize diplomatic relations with the country Hezbollah has voiced its own agreements with that statement urging Arab Nations

    To reconsider viewing Israel as a potential ally in both cases the subtext is clear Palestinians fellow Arabs fellow Muslims are making their great push against Israel are those other nations for Palestine or are they against it there’s a real chance that Saudi Arabia now faced with that key

    Question might turn its back on the normalization process and if that happens then all of Israel’s normalization efforts of the last few years could come toppling down what that means either for Israel’s diplomatic and geopolitical isolation or for the possibility that major Arab Powers might send material support to mass remains to

    Be seen as we conclude today’s video we’ve got to emphasize that we hope Beyond hope that both sides of this conflict will work towards a peaceful resolution but at the same time we have to acknowledge that peace is most likely a really long way off there’s no way

    Around it Hamas chose this fight and they chose this fight now with a full awareness of just how difficult such a conflict will be regardless of the winners and losers of each of Israel and palestine’s most recent flare-ups history shows that violence between the Israeli State and the Palestinian

    Resistance almost always concludes with a far greater loss of life on the Palestinian side side to accept those odds and provoke Israel with a Brazen attack of this magnitude inherently suggests that Hamas understands that this will be a difficult battle or perhaps even a long war and like any

    Other military on Earth if Hamas thinks it can win then it’s going to give everything it’s got understanding that Israel is going to respond in kind we’ll keep you a breast of the developments in Israel as best we can in the coming weeks for now though we’ve got to

    Conclude our explanation of what we know and of what we think we know in order to observe and learn from what happens next


    1. I appreciate the unbiased video, but I don't understand the title. Hasn't this been an ongoing conflict for decades now? Even with my limited knowledge on the history between Israel and Palestine, I wasn't surprised to learn that the conflicts escalated to all out war.

    2. Curious to know the intent of the filtering media companies do when it comes to the topic of the hebrew people. You would think such a censored topic and people in power. Considering what hapen to kanye, how did these Hamas videos ever make it to light of such horrible acts? Why wrre these videos let threw thr filters? And the intentions of that?

    3. We don’t want Pandora’s box open we don’t want it open. because War we had keeps getting bigger and bigger and uglier and there’s only been too oh sht.

    4. This hatred will never end as long as Hamas keeps attacking Israel, and as long as Israel keeps pushing Palestinians out so they can build more settlements. Where do they expect those people to go? What does Hamas think they gain by murdering babies?

    5. Aaaaaagh shame, nothing approves what and how they did what they did. I hate seeing people suffer, but if you vote in something like HAMAS into power,…. Only yourself to blame.

    6. I am just gonna say it:
      It really ickes me to no end seeing a bunch of dudes, most likely from the west and most likely white going full circle jerk saying " Thanks Simon for the unbiased opinion" or "UwU it's such a complex situation" or "I can't either support Israel or Palestine".

      It is not a compkex issue, its very clear who is in the wrong side of history here. Also, why go head over heels for a white dude who is more likely to be biased than not?
      Palestinians and non-Zionist jewish people have been talking about this for ages but no one bats an eye.

    7. I know you're trying to remain objective, but can you describe what a "military" target looks like in Gaza. You said that hospitals and residential buildings are "non military", but you know most likely these were militarily occupied buildings. The two sides do in fact have very different definitions of a successful military strike.

    8. Netanyahu is as big as terrorist as Hamas. This attack didn't escape his attention. He let it happen for an excuse to finally invade Gaza. He has zero qualms with burning it completely to the ground after locking the doors with everyone inside.
      Sure, the world's a bit surprised this was the powder keg that blew, among any number of instabilities made worse by the Russia/Ukraine conflict. It was low on the list of possibilities, but I can't say 'no one saw this coming.' I'll be surprised if we don't all have to brace for worse as more regions boil over and/or more power hungry dictators see a shot among global unrest.

    9. Israel is an apartheid state. It occupied the lands, displaced the people of Palestine, and made Gaza besieged for more than 17 years, with control over water, electricity, and food, and inhumane treatment of the people of Gaza. Then what do you ask? Why are they attacking us, man? They have no choice. It’s like when an armed, killing person comes to your house and takes your house and kills.

    10. This recounting of events is highly biased. This conflict started in 1948 when isrell was accepted as a state on primarily and majority arab palestinian land and the Nakba happened (expulsion and killing of 100, 000s of palestinians).It has died down and been reignited many times by isrelli settler/idf violence. Currently it has been labeled by human rights organisations and the UN as a genocide and isrell is an apartheid state. Also Gaza (the worlds largest open air prison) has been blockaded with for almost 2 decades with no control of what food, water, and electricity. Palestinians including children are treated horribly, jailed with no court case, killed and forcibly expelled from their homes in the West Bank where there is no humus by isrell. Palestinians are resisting so as to not lose their homes and land which has been systematically taken from them since 1948 with America and its allies support.

    11. People here are saying "an unbiased video" which if you looked carefully, it isn't. He doesn't even understand that Hamas is and he called them terrorists while that label is only used by some nations in the west and by Israel. He purposely showed "massacres" which are more rumour than fact to have happened. Clearly quite biased.

    12. Rather than history, which can be summarized in 3 minutes, and duplicates hundreds of comparable videos, we need you to keep us current re the present war. You are the best in analysis and we need your analysis as to what occurs currently. This is urban warfare and we need you to compare and contrast with your other analyses of urban warfare. This would draw new subscribers to your channel, which I really love.

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