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    Newsroom from 9:30 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel have a great Saturday night with me Leo Carson this Saturday night Showdown it’s a crazy world out there so come and make fun of it with me my panel of Comedians and a couple of people who

    Actually know what they’re talking about this Saturday night Showdown is your front row ticket to the clown show every Saturday only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till online on GB news big stories big

    Guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8il 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free now then Lee Anderson here join me on GB news on my show the real world

    Every Friday at 700 p.m. I’m not eating bloody cat you your mouth okay here comes here comes a train reminds me of the scene in Singing in the Rain Adam is that a good one wo w w join me at 7 on GB news Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain

    Join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you GB

    News Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday

    Nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with

    Bulletin on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before you’ve even had your kippers M

    Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that matter across the land join me on state

    Of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should Too hello good evening it’s me Jacob reog on state of the nation tonight prince Andrew has denied any wrong wrongdoing after court documents alleged sex tapes were taken of him by Jeffrey Epstein what has since ensued is a trial by public opinion what has happened to innocent until proved guilty we might be

    In the midst of winter but we can’t excuse the snowflake actions of the government when it comes to our Asylum system an illegal cannabis farmer is allowed to stay in the UK because he forgot his native language and a murderer who was supposed to be deported in 2019 killed his girlfriend 3 years

    Later it seems we need to turn up the heat Christmas spirit has finally dissipated after pumps and shops hike the price of non-alcoholic beverages as thousands start dry January complete contradiction to plans laid out by the Prime Minister which would discourage some element of alcohol consumption plus breaking news reog standard from 1916

    According to a report it seems the British accidentally gave the Germans a 10-minute warning in the battle of the S state of the nation Starts Now I’ll also be joined by particularly punctious panel this evening journalist and broadcaster Michael cek and the barister and former Chief of Staff to David Cameron Alex Dean as always as you know I want to hear from you it’s a crucial part of the program email me maog Jacob thank you and good evening to you well the top story from the GB news room tonight is that the leader of the liberal Democrats Ed Davy has told GB news today he won’t be handing back his Knighthood over the post office Scandal despite being the minister in charge at

    The time it follows the former post office boss Paula venel handing back her CBE with immediate effect today there were widespread calls for her to return the honor after the Horizon it Scandal more than than 700 post office staff were convicted jailed bankrupted even some taking their own lives after the

    Faulty software meant they were wrongly accused of theft meanwhile Fujitsu the parent company of horizon has been called to answer MP’s questions next week over its role in the Scandal the Prime Minister says Fujitsu will be held accountable legally or financially if it’s founder have made mistakes business

    Minister Kevin Hollen rake says he plans to speed up compensating victim very shortly the Rwanda Bill returns to the House of Commons next week for its third reading the legislation is later to be discussed at the House of Commons on the 16th and 17th of January however the

    Shadow Commons leader Lucy Powell says the government it’s just making it up as it goes along more than 110 flood warnings remain in place tonight just as the UK prepares for an Arctic blast to strike the country next week the Met Office says there’s another a cold night in

    Store tonight with temperatures widely dropping close to or below freezing the health Security Agency issued a an Amber cold Health alert as well triggering help responses for vulnerable people in parts of Southern England it follows storm Hank which left large areas of the UK flooded with livestock trapped and thousands of properties

    Damaged former US president Donald Trump says he shouldn’t be punished for trying to overturn the 2020 us election his lawyers argue that allowing a former president to be charged would set a dangerous precedent Paving the way for politically motivated indictments nominating the Republican candidate for president begins on Monday with Mr Trump

    Widely expected to win the state of Iowa but he’ll still need to overcome a series of legal challenges if he’s to retake the White House and UK scientists who help create technology for the latest moon mission are working to gather d data from the latest spacecraft before it loses power

    The paragan mission one blasted into Spate yesterday but encountered a fuel leak shortly after launch the probe aimed to land on the lunar Surface by the end of February but now it has less than 30 hours of fuel left before the spacecraft comes tumbling back to

    Earth that’s the news on GB news across the UK on TV in your car on Digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying play GB news this is Britain’s News Channel Our Royal Jukes entitled to Justice the country has a long tradition of Innocence until proved guilty but the Juke of York has been deemed Guilty By Any trial in the court of public opinion it’s not to say he didn’t do a very unwise interview with newsight that left him looking unsympathetic and not

    Realizing how serious the situation was but nonetheless he’s been found guilty in no court and of no crime and this has left the prince in a tricky situation at the beginning of the year as a selection of US court documents were published which made further allegations about his

    Friendship with the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein the recent string of court documents alleges that sex tapes were taken of prince Andrew by Jeffrey Epstein now obviously the Juke of York has strenuously denied any wrongdoings but that hasn’t stopped the trial by public opinion in any ways it

    Hasn’t helped his reputation and this is not to say that the Duke of York’s friendship was wise it clearly wasn’t it clearly was a foolish friendship it was flawed judgment bad judgment he was taken in by Epstein along it has to be said with other public figures and he

    Then settled a civil sexual assault case with Virginia gy in 2022 which accused him of having sexual relations with her whilst she was 177 but he refused this and the settlement does not impute guilt especially in the US with its notoriously unpredictable legal system and I think interestingly

    Importantly today a senior lawyer Alan dersovitz very well known in America defended all sorts of people that said he believes that if prince Andrew had fought the case it would have been dismissed but it was obviously very difficult for prince Andrew to fight the case because it was the Queen’s Platinum

    Jubilee year it was um someone as a member of the royal family who was going to attract even more publicity by taking it through the courts and dovitz believes that prince Andrew was discouraged by the late Queen from carrying on with the case and pressured him into settling prematurely now as we

    Know prince Andrew has since stepped aside from public life and as a consequence has been cast out of the working monarchy but he has very little ability to defend himself whilst others can threaten lawsuits if their names come forth forward he is game for all forms of media social media particularly

    Which have deemed him guilty regardless and this seems to me in a sense un-british because one of the fundamentals of our constitution of all our rights is that we are innocent until proved guilty well I’m joined Now by uh my panel this evening journalist and broadcaster Michael Crick and the

    Political commentator Alex stean Michael I’m not trying to say that Prince Andrew uh is the greatest um poster boy for the royal family that we’ve ever had but isn’t it unfair for somebody to be found effectively guilty in the court of public opinion without any Court finding

    Against him and punished for it it is I agree with you um the uh and um I mean prince Andrew has suffered hugely even if he did do what he is suspected of doing or accused of doing the the amount of loss he’s had the way

    In which he’s been shunned uh by the rest of his family uh you know not not not welcome at all sorts of public events uh and uh regarded as a uh you know evil a figure of Fun by the press and the British public is way way over

    The top unfortunately he’s not the only case of this this frequently happens with people uh that they are judged uh and their reputations are destroyed without it ever going to court it’s one of the most you know it is one of the unfortunate aspects of human life and

    It’s not just about Britain here it it it goes on in in in all uh in all countries yeah I do feel sorry for him he and as you say he did show appalling misjudgment in befriending Epstein and keeping up that friendship and in and in

    Doing all sorts of things but you know I I can’t really say more than that it is unfair Fair um and I feel sorry for him on the other hand he has been a fool as well and the royal family the monarchy is more important than any individual and therefore it’s understandable that

    The royal family uh withdraws from him and that the king can’t allow him to have his patronages and things which he had um before this SC erupted yeah and of course in the case of the the late queen that you mentioned there uh pressurizing him to settle this case I

    Mean I think was also a financial element involved there wasn’t that she was actually funding uh P you know she was basically saying look there’s a limit to how much I’m willing to fund your legal case uh and if it’s involving American courts it would have been even

    More expensive uh than here so it it it it it is incredibly unfortunate for him on the other hand if you think of all the injustices that happen in this country you could come up with tens of thousands that are even worse and they would involve little people not big

    People like for instance and as we’ve seen for instance with the postm with the post office Scandal but it seems to me Alex that the principle of innocent until proed guilty is one that you have to defend when it’s difficult and when the person is not popular it’s actually

    Quite easy to do it for the post office people who have suffered everyone now accepts that that was wrong and that they were unfairly treated and they were deemed guilty pretty much straight away but prince Andrew hasn’t done himself any favors the newsight interview with Emily matless was was catastrophic for

    Him and it’s all the more important to defend constitutional principles with the hard cases it is specifically when things look worse and things could look a lot worse than even than they do for prince Andrew specifically when things look worse that the importance of the presumption of innocence is at the fall

    To the greatest degree if someone is palpably blameless then doesn’t the presumption of innocence doesn’t matter right It’s when um things look terrible for you in the court of law or in the court of public opinion that’s when you need that presumption the most and it

    Occurred to me actually the flip side of what Michael was saying um that there are lots of injustices done to people in this country all the time is reinforced not undermined by what’s might be said to be happening to prince Andrew because my point would be if it can happen to

    Him then it can happen to anybody if it can happen to someone the highest born in the land then we should believe and know that travesties of Justice or unfair allegations can be made against anybody and I would just say this about what you said I hadn’t real and I I

    Watched the news quite closely and I tried to stay well informed I hadn’t appreciated until she died that Camila bat manelich had been cleared of the charges that were very very widely reported against her yes it was concluded she didn’t run a charity very well but all of the much more serious

    Allegations uh towards her about neglect of children and so forth in care all of those things were found not to have any basis but the allegation is what sticks and that’s what a lot of people will have heard and the Press gives it a lot a lot less coverage when somebody is

    Clear P course that happens with the post Masters too uh and uh there are just the trouble is that in reality you can’t go around and overhear a couple of people on a bus discussing prince Andrew and interrupt and say well you know the constitutional principle is that there

    They’re innocent until prove guilty I mean this is this is high-minded stuff for discussions like this for Parliament for you know the gentleman’s clubs and so on in reality human beings do judge people condemn people and it’s very very difficult to restore reputation views viewers are very high minded so I’m

    Confident that they will think this through fairly um but Alex your point on the reporting is absolutely spot on because this sex tape staff even the person who made the allegation subsequently withdrew it and that is on paragraph 15 when they headline is prince Andrew in Sex Tape by Epstein

    It’s an an individual who made a set of allegations in the course I think of a 10-hour deposition accusing every man under the sun of doing something or other and then withdrew all of those allegations on block said that they weren’t the case now you would think given that you’re talking about one

    Person and that person’s evidence that if you say I didn’t mean it or I got it wrong you would give that the weight the same weight or even more weight as it came later and it was correcting what she’d said before then you gave to the initial allegation to say that’s not the

    Case in the way this is being reported is to understate it yes in indeed and that um duritz who has now said he thinks um prince Andrew would have won was himself accused of things and completely cleared and won a court case yeah and probably managed to clear his

    Name a bit better than most because he is a huge name in America as you know and probably uh managed to clear his name a bit better than most people do but you know I’m just I go back to the postmasters there was one of one of them

    You know who who made this very point in in the documentary accompanying the drama that when she was cleared that wasn’t in the paper at all let’s let’s take a different a case and a different set of examples Lord McAlpine cleared his name after he was wrongly accused on

    Another and much less responsible Channel than this one where he wasn’t accused directly his name was VIs ible in documents being shown by a presenter heaven knows what he was thinking Lord McAlpine cleared his name because he was being unfairly accused of things and uh a number of people who repeated

    Allegations on Twitter learn very quickly that you shouldn’t repeat lials but Leon Britain went to his grave without having his name cleared and after his death sadly after his death and after his wife had had to paid for extra security at this funeral it it turned out that the person who’ accused

    Him was a palpable fantasist who went in turn to prison himself and the trouble is that people believe the most Outland the more outlandish the story the more people are inclined to recycle it and to believe it and it helped of course McAlpine that he was a

    Very rich man and was able to take the legal action that some ordinary person wouldn’t we we we’re going to have to move on but it is a reminder that we have to treat people’s inent until proved guilty but thank you to my panel coming up next what’s wrong with our

    Courts we will be discussing the latest in the Asylum Seeker Saga which is a tongue twister yes indeed well done Earlier on GB news good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox

    That’s right we want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel wake up to the headlines with headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before

    You’ve even had your kippers M Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that

    Matter across the land join me on state of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should too in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate

    Reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel big news big debates big opinion Patrick Christie tonight is the week’s biggest Che every weekday 9: to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp

    Takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick Christy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only

    On GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday night Night Live with me markk Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan

    Fridays 8il 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free tired of the usual Focus tested pre-prepared Westminster runaround well so am I so you want higher taxes is your department to blame for this are you rethinking this policy every Sunday at 9:30 I’ll be sitting down with those in

    Power to get the truth about the issues affecting you let’s be honest we’ve known about the cost pressures of this project for years not months that’s the Camila tomin show a politics show with personality on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00

    Every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests for Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back I’m still dracco Smog and this is state of the nation we’ve been discussing prince Andrew and what his future is looking like following the document accusations and you’ve been sending in your views um Tim says Tim this how I like male mogs to begin you are right innocent until

    Proved guilty however when part of such a family does this change things Susie says we got to know the Yorks and found them to be a kind generous and fun family but with a huge sense of Duty which shouldn’t be forgotten and David exactly if you are likable it is much

    Easier to follow innocent until proved guilty but I can’t say his reputation has always helped in this case well what is wrong with our courts in the latest Asylum Seeker Saga the reasons for lying people to remain are truly bewildering first a cannabis farmer who was born and raised in Serbia

    But smuggled himself in the UK 17 years ago clarim kadat was jailed over a cannabis farm that was worth half a million pounds but he’s now allowed to stay in the UK why because he successfully argued he could not be deported as he no longer speaks his

    Native language so what’s next oh yes the Tunisian migrant who killed his girlfriend Maha marui legally entered the UK some years ago but was served with a deportation notice in 2019 and has since applied for Asylum while awaiting his Deport deportation he brutally killed his girlfriend but a

    Cour has found that he was suffering from a major mental illness well joining me now uh to unpick this his immigration lawyer Ivan Samson and Barrister Philip Taylor uh thank you both very much for joining me it does seem to me that allowing people to stay because they

    They’ve forgotten that home language is ridiculous um Phillip how is this defended well it’s defended on on the basic principle of course that uh the people who are actually being uh considered for some form of Asylum uh they have effectively rights of certain sorts the problem you then have is to

    Try and decide what rights they do have and what level of Rights there should be um I think the the difficult ulty we’ve got at the moment is that the uh the the courts themselves have gone to an extreme and the extreme means that whenever there’s any possible likelihood

    That the person could be granted Asylum he should be he or she should be given it that doesn’t seem to me to be right I think we should be far more cautious in who we allow into this country Ian doesn’t it undermine confidence in the whole system when people are allowed to

    Stay for what appear to be frivolous reasons or even worse when people then commit really serious crimes when they are meant to have been deported undermines confidence in our court system no I think the laws are very strong on deporting those convicted of criminal offenses there’s adequate law

    The government has to deport people and with regard to appeals the government can certify these appeals under 94b Section I mean the borders act what it says is that the home secet must no discretion about it must Deport anyone convicted of a criminal offense which carries more than 12 months in prison

    That’s the Law so the home office can’t decide not to deport somebody that person would then face deportation they can challenge that by way on human rights ground for example if they if they’re in a relationship with someone who settled here it gets harder and harder the longer the sentence for serious crimes

    It’s very difficult to challenge on human right and Jacob you have to trust be on this the courts are not on the sides of the appellants simply not the case and remember part 13 let me finish part 13 of the immigration R before they’re released we can actually detain

    These people keep them in detention and remove them and certify any appeal rights even preventing them from having appeal right in country they can only appeal from outside the country the laws are there to do that so how do we get to a situation where somebody manages to have a

    Successful Appeal on the grounds that he can’t speak his own language anymore which doesn’t really sound very believable does it well you you’ve just taken a snippet of the determination whereas you really need to read the whole judgment and it I think the facts of the case would be far more complex

    Than just a about his language quite often people will say that I’m um in a relationship with someone settled here and human rights law has got what’s called composite rights what that means is they look at the family unit as a whole so it’s not about the person being

    Deported but also about their family and so forth look I’m dealing with a case live case at the moment who has been here for almost 45 years but was convicted for three years and the home office spent the last four or five years but he’s married to British national

    With a British national child served their sentence no longer a risk that’s the sort of case that would succeed under human rights okay well philli that sounds slightly more reasonable if somebody’s been here for 45 years they’ve become very established as British citizens but it needs to be a

    Very high bar doesn’t it and that actually the the the language issue seems a frivolous one it also doesn’t sound likely to to be true I thought that if you grew up learning a language knowing a language like riding bicycle you didn’t just suddenly forget it well there’s a good

    Point that you’re making I mean the problem that has been highlighted is that these cases are far more complex than the three or four minutes worth that we may see on the television screen because we spend a lot of time in court arguing the respective submissions however we’re getting into

    The dangerous Lefty lawyer language again here be and I’ve been accused of this myself just because I Haven to represent people in Immigration matters but what I do say is that we’ve now got to a position where with the civil procedure rules with the other types of

    Rules that we have we are getting so many rules and so many distinctions that the whole subject of of rules themselves are becoming a nonsense and that’s really what you’re highlighting with the example of this man oh we can’t speak the language anymore so so he uh therefore um his

    Human rights may be affected and he must stay here that is not what the public think about this the public I believe um think that that what we’re doing at the moment is really quite uh ludicrous and don’t we also think to some extent Phillip that if you are found guilty of

    An offense you naturally lose some of your rights going into prison is a loss of a human right and being deported you have lost your human rights because of the crime you’ve committed well that is the whole purpose of the concept of uh sentencing to custody uh it is obviously

    Uh aimed at a number of different areas punishment is one but it does mean that you have a restriction on your rights and I’ve argued in on your program before about various people who I feel they actually do things that are so scandalous and so disgraceful that they therefore actually resign from their

    Membership if you like of the United Kingdom and as a result I don’t think they should have rights in the future and they should be certainly not be allowed to use mechanisms to stay here when they shouldn’t be here well thank you very much to immigration lawyer Ivan

    Samson and Barrister Philip Taylor I only know two words of cocat which are star graack means old Bean you can drop it into conversation on every possible occasion anyway coming up is it time to stop listening to the ob and giving up alcohol in January might not be as

    Financially Savvy as you may have assumed earlier on GB news your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan

    Fridays 8 till 9 on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know

    Before you’ve even had your kippers M headline ERS every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel in the GB news room we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you

    Accurate reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel big news big debates big opinion Patrick Chris’s tonight is the week’s biggest show every weekday 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp

    Takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick Christy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only

    On GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and em to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the

    United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the

    Issues that matter across the land join me on state of the nation 8 to 9:00 Monday to Thursday on GB news Daisy’s listening and you should too I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in

    Politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news is Britain’s News Channel and now you can support report

    It all you have to do is scan that QR code that’s up on your screen right now or you can go to GB newws docomo and become a GB news member you’ll have fantastic benefits we’re also going to organize special events where you as GB news members can meet

    The presenters the onscreen faces scan the QR code or go to GB ssupport thank you so Much Welcome back I remain Jacob reog and this is state of the nation we were discussing how forgetting your native language is a good enough reason to avoid deportation and Susan says it’s impossible to lose a language once mastered he might not be as fluent but will pick it up again pretty sharpish

    Once back in his native country and Annie thousands of people arrive on our Shores unable to speak English and learn it in a matter of months people are allowed to stay because they’ve forgotten their native language twaddle twaddle is a lovely word there’s a good native English word uh they would soon

    Recollect it when they arrived home so a budget day one of the most momentous and Theatrical parliamentary events of the Year sens ification heightened as chancellors entitled to a small sniffer whilst they’re delivering their budget with the substance of the text is of the highest importance setting an economic

    Course for the year ahead so the um office of budget responsibility the OB set up in 2010 is supposed to provide independent economic forecasts before the statement to ensure his Majesty’s government has accurate advice on public finances yet it’s become clear that the ab is not up to the job a recent report

    By the conservative Way Forward group and signed by dozen of dozens of MPS including me revealed that since 2010 the OB has misjudged UK borrowing by 630 billion in the same period it’s also miscalculated economic growth by 558 billion consistently error strewn data provided by the institution jeopardizes

    The financial stability of the country and decision making the any clear solution now is to wean the government off the irresponsible influence of the ab the body which inent is unaccountable it must not be allowed to hold Britain back from economic growth and leading us to stagnation well I’m delighted to be

    Joined by Jonathan porz professor of Economics at King’s College London Jonathan the ab is useless and all it get always gets it wrong why are we spending Millions each year to keep it in operation um that’s exactly like saying that the Met Office always get it wrong if you

    Ask them whether it will be um 13° Centigrade or 11° Centigrade next week um so that in itself is um pretty meaningless and of course the numbers that you’ve uh you just read out about the billions of pounds most of those of course simply refect the fact that

    Several hundred billion pounds of it um was the result of the pandemic and yes you’re quite right the obr failed to predict that a pandemic would lead to the UK’s GDP Falling by 25% in the first half of 2020 um and I’m sure they will accept full responsibility for that but

    I think you’re missing the point the point of the obr was that before George oorn and this frankly you know I’m not exactly George Osborn’s biggest fan but I think this was the single most the best thing that he did and the most important thing that he did in many ways

    Institutionally was to say we have a long history under both conservative and labor governments of chancellors telling the treasury your growth forecast is too low your borrowing forecast is too high can’t you just shade It Up by half a percent or a quarter percent I remember

    That happened when I was in the treasury working for Norman Lamont and of course it happened under Gordon Brown um and I don’t blame either Norman or Gordon for doing that perfectly reasonable thing for Chancellor to do but it meant that the treasury and the chancellor the

    Political party in power wrote at least in part the government’s forecast they can’t do that anymore but that’s perfectly reasonable because they’re accountable to the voters I actually Nigel Lawson told me that he did this when he cut the um highest rate of tax down to 40% he tweaked the figures and

    He was right and that there has to be political accountability for this decision making and the OB gives the appearance of a scientific approach to forecasting which is basically bogus and the OB has been much more wrong than the Met Office I mean it’s very much the

    Michael fish element uh of um the Met Office ra rather than the more accurate forecasts that they sometimes give um no I mean I don’t see why you would expect a Chancellor to be Pol you know to be accountable for the forecast of whether given the Chancellor’s policies and of course the chancellor

    The OB doesn’t tell the chancellor what to do chancellor has complete freedom on what to do the obr simply says if you do this then growth will be 2% and inflation will be 5% or perhaps the other way around but that assumes I’m sorry to interrupt but but this is

    Really important economic forecasting point it assumes that there is this mechanical relationship between decisions that you can show through modeling whereas actually modeling is never that accurate and it’s much more a matter of judgment and the judgment is political rather than functional um you’re absolutely right that modeling is not a physical science

    It involves um calculations and it can be done objectively and honestly but of course there are uncertainties and there are judgments that is absolutely correct um but um do you so the question is for example the obr has made some um assumptions based on its review of the

    Economic evidence um about the impact of brexit on UK growth um those are assumptions the government quite reasonably I think the government is broadly wrong and the obr is broadly right but the government is perfectly entitled to say we actually don’t believe that and we’re making our policy

    On a different basis but do you really want the government then to be able to say well and on the basis of our assumptions um we are going to cut tax and then claim that the government’s own selfin uh um self-imposed fiscal rules will be met because that is what it you

    Know abolishing the obr would allow to happen and it’s that that ultimately would not be taken seriously by by the markets by external economists and so on it would all as it has down in the path come down end in tears all right well thank you for that Jonathan I have think

    Robert choke was a very good uh head of the OB when he did it uh and it’s gone down hill since he left but enough of the ab because some people may want to make the month of January even more challenging than it needs to be by

    Giving up alcohol for a month well it appears that supermarkets are now cashing in on those who wish to opt for the alcohol-free campaign and are increasing the prices of alcohol free options according to research the cost of some low and no alcohol beers and ciders why it would want them I cannot

    Think is up by 50% in the last year with as many as one in six adults that 8.5 million people planning to take part this seems like quite a profitable turn for the supermarket Giants I didn’t want to be taken to the cleaners in this way

    So I should wait until lent my own period of abstinence anyway with me to discuss this my panel of journalist and broadcaster Michael cek the little commentator Alex Dean there’s Market forces isn’t it demand increases uh Supply Remains the Same prices go up one that correct and two of course the cost

    Of running a pub isn’t dictated first and foremost by by what you’re supplying the overheads of the place the staff and so forth isn’t just about the cost of the drinks you sell there’s a much bigger cost and if you’re selling a large proportion of non-alcoholic drinks

    Especially this month and uh the the costs are otherwise fixed you may need to bring up the prices of what was cheaper to meet those uh costs I would also say this though my my understanding of um alcohol-free beer as I don’t drink it may be imperfect but I think they

    Basically have to brew beer and then take the alcohol out so it’s more complicated process than it is just to produce beer right well I’ve never really understood the attraction of alcohol free drinks and you can just have a glass of water which is much nicer and much better for you than some

    Fake drink or orange juice or you know there are there are all sorts of soft drinks in this world sadly though lots of pubs don’t actually have a great deal of choice if you ask them I mean I occasionally have a month off uh drinking alcohol um and I’ve I’ve

    Decided listening to what you’re saying that actually January is about the worst time to do it for the very reasons you’ve given if we were to all spread our months throughout the year equally then this problem wouldn’t arise uh sorry where were we yes other other soft

    Drinks well the the the the tragedy is when you go to a restaurant or a pub and the the range of alcohol free drinks the range of soft drinks is so limited and it’s so depressing um and then you find they cost just as much as if you’d had a

    Pint and there’s been a whole new review of alcohol taxes to make it um proportionate to the alcohol content of drinks to encourage people to have lower alcohol content the supermarkets are slightly undermining that aren’t they by pushing up the prices they are and uh

    But I do think that it is right that we should be putting a lot more thought and emphasis on the problems of alcohol uh I mean alcohol does and I think that in the last 50 years we’ve put a massive amount of emphasis on nicotine and that

    Was quite right too but I think that alcohol has got off lightly and so therefore if we can carry on hammering away making it clear that alcohol is bad for us I drink a lot I probably drink too much but I know it’s bad for us I

    Should drink less we should all drink less and it causes appalling effects in a way that Nicene doesn’t you know the amount of family disruption violence accidents on the road car crash and so on so therefore this attention and this self- denying of of people in January is

    All to be welcomed well so Michael KR has become the Nancy Aster TV news are you convinced by his I’m afraid not compelling I generally find Michael to be life expectancy in this country with the brief blip of course of Corona uh virus I think a single quarter um

    Otherwise life expectancy has been an onward March upwards um since records began and offenses caused by alcohol by anded offenses generally are down may feel like a less saf we’re not just talking about offenses we’re not just talking about offenses Alex we’re talking about uh well domestic violence

    Is an offense but frequently when it occurs in the home uh it’s difficult to prosecute men coming home from the pub beating up their wives or girlfriends or children or whatever all of that uh produced by alcohol uh the the the ramifications of somebody being drunk Michael in our courts being drunk isn’t

    An excuse or uh an alibi it’s not mitigation it’s an aggravating feature you are still responsible for yourself and your own behavior you put alcohol say that for a moment I would just make the point that the the greatest Generation to whom we owe our freedom that fought the War drank like

    Fishing including the Prime Minister it was exaggerated CH times when they weren’t raising a glass was when they were pulling a trigger so the notion that you know alcohol consumption is way down from our grandparents generation from where it was well um I believe nasta when persuading people to

    Give up alcohol would put worms in a glass of whiskey and some Heckler once called out when she said what does this show you as the worm shriveled up if you’ve got worms you should drink whiskey thank you to my panel um we’ll be back with you shortly coming up

    Exactly how much do University students cost taxpayer and we’ve got breaking news from 1916 join us every night on GB news at 11: p.m. for Headliners which is three top comedians going through the next day’s news stories which is exactly what you need because when they lishment has gone crazy you need some craziness to make sense of it Headliners you don’t

    Have to bother reading the newspaper we’ve got it covered for you every night at 11:00 p.m. and repeated every morning at 5:00 a.m. we won’t send you to sleep like some of the other paper review shows out there so join us 11 p.m. every night on GB news the people’s Channel

    Britain’s News Channel of the usual Focus tested pre-prepared Westminster runaround well so am I so you want higher taxes is your department to blame for this are you rethinking this policy every Sunday at 9:30 I’ll be sitting down with those in power to get the truth about the issues affecting you

    Let’s be honest we’ve known about the cost pressures of this project for years not months that’s the Camila tomin show a politics show with personality on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people people who I

    Think are ignored Often by the major news channels we’re going to give news they want want to hear there’s a voice there that needs to be heard I think there’s a chance here for a diversity of opinion to be expressed which you don’t find elsewhere it’s really exciting we

    Don’t hold back we’re free to say how decisions that are taken here affect us all around the country only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters

    To you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel every Sunday from 11: join Michael Portillo there will be topical discussion looking at the week before

    And the week to come so kick back and relax at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays on GB news with me Michael Portillo GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 889 on GB news big stories big guests and big

    Laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8il 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free big news big debate big opinion country Christie tonight is the week’s biggest show every weekday 9:00 to 11:00

    P.m. we’ve got the inside track on the today’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s

    This close to entertainment Patrick Christy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back I continue to identif Jacob re Smog and this is state of the nation now student Lanes everyone’s favorite topic the taxpayer cost of funding these Lanes is expected to Jump by more than 10 billion pounds per year because of increases in interest rates according to the

    Institute for fiscal studies the ifs the surgeon government borrowing costs means the taxpayers are expected to record a loss on loans that are fully repaid by students but also those that are not previously government boring costs on student loans were lower than the interest rate it charged allowing a

    Profit to be made on the debt but if inflation is continuing to rise then student student costs be in line with that now we want students to be able to continue their education into University but with student loans costs jumping suddenly is it fair that other taxpayers

    Pick up the bill and doesn’t it also lead to more foreign students coming because they’re getting charged more and that is creating part of the immigration problem that we’ve got in this country at the moment well back to my panel Michael Crick and Alex Dean um Michael

    This is a feral model isn’t it that student loans aren’t covering the costs of University the university is taking on more and more foreign students to subsidize the domestic students and now the increase in the interest rate the government is paying means that they’re losing a lot of money even on loans that

    Are repaid yeah it is it’s in it’s incredibly complicated both financially and as a as a a wider issue and I speak as someone who’s um been a member of a of a university governing body now for the last at two different universities for the last 11 years and it’s a

    Complete mess and you’re right we are we have become as universities much more dependent on foreign students foreign students can bring huge benefits and they bring huge fees I mean I did hear of one course at Oxford charging 49,000 or something uh the other day um and we’ve become incredibly Reliant and many

    Of our big city universities have become very reliant on Chinese students and that at the same time uh the government is making losing huge amounts of money on the whole scheme uh the student Fe the student fee of £9,250 a year has not gone up now since about 2016 I don’t

    Think and even then it only went up a little bit so the Stu the Stu the universities are in dire Financial uh Straits many of them um and the whole thing is a mess and nobody dares get a grip on it and certainly the labor party

    I don’t think will be getting a grip on it any more than your party so Alex should the fee be put up is that part of the problem the failure to index link it I was very much in favor of the introduction of tuition fees in our country I believe that the university

    Environment should not be free of Market forces but I moreover believe that whilst there should be a bit of subsidy for people to go to university it’s wrong to charge people who don’t go to university basically the entire costs uh for those that do and and I think that

    Those who choose to go straight into an apprenticeship or go straight into the workplace shouldn’t have to pay for the entire fee cost of those people uh that do go to university so I was in favor of tuition fees being introduced but what was meant to happen was was meant to be

    A market amongst universities that would charge different rates because as Michael rightly says the fees have been set so low for so long everyone charges the maximum equals no Market well they did virtually from the start actually I mean when when they went up to 9,000

    Maximum people were s oh there was a sort of everybody said well it be a range 6 to 9,000 and every University charged 9,000 and so there was none of that uh that idea of of Market uh uh competition um but how we get out of

    This I think the first thing a labor government or any government should do is say okay we are going to commit from now on that that student the student uh fee the 9,250 goes up in line with inflation well I mean one of the interesting issues is how much of a

    Deterrent these fees are for uh for for students and people after they’ve left univers that the burden of their debt what is the effect of that on them as individuals and I think that’s more the burden of the debt is more important than the prospect of having the debt

    When they’re 18 the debt is one thing it was the rate of interest charged on the especially when rate when debt was so cheap in the country otherwise we had you know debt was so low in this country rates were so low on anything but student fees the only people paying

    Really chunky um interest rates were people who defaulted on their credit card systemically and students who are blameless and getting these very high rates on their interest and I thought it was very unfair although you know when you’re 50 then it’s uh it gets wiped off

    So if you haven’t if you know the debt you haven’t paid off but to to your point on disincentive yeah logically it shouldn’t be a disincentive because for the people who will be the high earners and will pay um they can’t get those jobs without a degree that so many jobs

    Now required get it people won’t be high earners will have it written off so anyone who works it through as a Financial Risk and reward carefully will come to the conclusion that it is worth taking the risk of the debt the trouble is whether people think like that is

    People don’t think like that they come out of University they’ve got this huge um big student loan that they owe 50,000 or whatever and they’re thinking well there’s no way I’m going to take a mortgage so long as I’ve got that to pay off first um and that they it will it

    Will change their thinking when it comes to what jobs they wish to do so they may well decide that certain jobs that are well you know vital to us as a society nursing or or teaching or whatever no we can’t do we got to get better pay jobs

    To pay this this huge debt off the the the ramifications of this are huge and haven’t really been properly thought through I think but in terms of actually people applying to universities there’s there’s no evidence really that it that that it’s acting as a deterrent in that

    Way it may have actually it may have changed the courses they apply for and there is then the knock on effect of migration that we’ve seen huge numbers of students coming in to this country as as legal migrants yes and the universities say that they would be bankrupt without that because they are

    Paying huge amounts that effectively subsidize the uncreased £9,250 and in this point I think you and I might disagree I certainly disagree with Teresa may who stuck to her guns as Home Secretary and said that we should keep counting foreign students in our migration figures as if they were

    Permanent migrants to the UK on block which is not the case they are in fact amongst the easiest group of people people to identify Monitor and ensure depart if we’re ever going to meaningfully have that in our system and make sure that people no longer the

    Right to be here leave because they come for a stated purpose they are accredited to a specific institution paying through the nose to be there by the way and their course comes to an end that they’ve registered in advance so we should be able to take students not

    Count them in our permanent migration figures and allow them to continue subsidizing our domestic students after all that’s what the Americans do they’ve got a different rate for instate students to out of state students that’s before you get to their foreign students up to a point Lord copper because um

    They have the two years they can stay on and work and you’ve seen increasing numbers of dependence coming uh with students and using a biow to justify the basic principle I give okay no on the basic principle I think you’re absolutely right but once you’ve got the dependence coming and you’ve got the

    Extra two years but if you don’t if you don’t say you can carry on for another two years or and that you can bring your dependence then you’re going it’s much harder to get the foreign students to come here and they may well go country that does let’s suck it and see right

    Now there’s been no diminution of foreign students coming to the UK and indeed when we we thought that charging EU students might have a calamitous effect on our universities certainly that’s what the rain campaign said but it’s been more than filled by students from the Middle East Asia and indeed

    From the European Union still and we mustn’t forget either that there is a value in having a huge range of international students in any University absolutely you know the range of intellectual discussion is so much greater if you’ve got people from China and Australia and South America yes but there’s something about the

    Quality of the University isn’t there that you want the best people coming to the best universities you don’t want people doing funny courses just to get in here You’ got to be careful there is an element of the latter and some of that is been exposed and the other thing

    You get it’s in some cases it’s very difficult to police that the people who have applied are the same people who actually turn up and um that some universities have had big problems with that well I said my panel would be particularly pers ious and they were anyway some breaking news now from

    1916 it seems the British accidentally gave the Germans a 10-minute warning in the battle of the S if we think back to July 1916 British forces had dug 19 mines under German positions and filled them with explosives which were intended to be detonated as cover for an infantry Advance however following an

    Archaeological investigation over 100 years later not only did early detonation of the blast give the Germans a 10-minute warning of the attack allowing them to take cover the crater formed a a result of the blast was then used to German Advantage as a new defensive position some four months in

    The creation of a new mine later the British forces were able to capture the crater and several months in some hor horrific costs later we ultimately saw Victory I’m glad to bring you upto-date news for anyone who thinks I’m sometimes out ofd and oldfashioned anyway that’s

    It from me up next it’s Mark Dolan Mark what have you got on your bill of fair this evening well a very busy show this evening let me tell you that last night we made headlines Jacob myself and Richard Ty the reform UK leader had a quite proper dingdong on air I’ll get

    Reaction live from Nigel farage Nigel’s not happy he’s on the show in the first hour uh plus lots of big Stories the latest on prince Andrew and the growing post office Scandal so uh it’s all happening we’re live at 9: well um ding- dong I suppose is what I ought to say to

    That we can’t have an unhappy Nigel fra one of our leading figures of politics in this country anyway that’s all it’ll be very exciting with Mark a bit later I’ll be back tomorrow at 8:00 but now you’re going to hear that the weather in Somerset is a wonderful Haven against

    This cold and misery that we’re having everywhere else a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news evening welcome to your latest weather update from the Mets office for GB news I’m Alex Deacon another cold one tonight and tomorrow quite a bit more Cloud tomorrow over Northeast England

    And Eastern Scotland sunny skies definitely in the south high pressure is still dominating our weather close to the center of this High we’ve seen some stubborn fog patches the breeze coming around the high bringing in a bit more Cloud over Northeast England and Eastern Scotland during the night maybe one or

    Two showers here and there as well they’ll be pretty light pretty well scattered and they will be of rain maybe a little bit of snow on the Hills further south it’s generally just dry and clear and cold temperatures down to minus1 min-2 even in towns and cities

    And feeling colder with that wind which will be a feature of the weather tomorrow as it will be over Northeast England and Eastern Scotland a cloudy day here as well so feeling even colder without any Sunshine with that breeze again Western Scotland should see quite a bit of sunshine some sunshine possible

    For Northern Ireland and plenty of sunshine across the South still one or two scattered showers coming in and where it is cloudi here with a stronger wind even though temperatures a little higher tomorrow it’ll probably feel colder mostly five or six Celsius so still below average for the time of year

    Another Frosty one in the south on Wednesday night and Thursday morning but again here generally fine and sunny for most again Thursdays looking dry again they’re quite a bit of cloud at times in Northeast England and Eastern Scotland temperatures at sixes and S so feeling cold once more particularly in the East

    With a Brisk chilly wind that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB News when the news happens it happens here and really important breaking news breaking news this morning on TV radio and online the news Starts Here on Britain’s Newsroom all the biggest stories and the answers that you need from across the UK and Beyond join Britain’s Newsroom from 9:30 on GB news

    The people’s Channel Britain’s news Channel have a great Saturday night with me Leo K on this Saturday night Showdown it’s a crazy world out there so come and make fun of it with me my panel of Comedians and a couple of people who actually know what they’re talking about

    This Saturday night Showdown is your front row ticket to the clown show every Saturday only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests

    And big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8: till 9: on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free now then it’s Lee Anderson here join me on GB news on my show the real

    World every Friday at 7:00 p.m. I’m not eating bloody cat you delicious open your mouth okay here comes here comes a train reminds me of the scene in Singing in the Rain Adam is that a good one join me at 7 on GB news Britain’s news new channel good afternoon Britain

    Good afternoon Britain join us Tom and Emily to find out what’s happening in the heart of Westminster and why it matters to you weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right

    We want to hear from you GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech

    Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks

    We’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel wake up to the headlines with Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. we treat you to the day’s biggest stories before anyone else 7 days a week you can catch up on everything you need to know before

    You’ve even had your kippers M Headliners every morning at 5:00 a.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news unlike other broadcasters isn’t obsessed with the London Westminster bubble we think there’s a nation beyond the M25 and that’s why we talk about the issues that

    Matter across the land join me on state of the nation


    1. Crick there's a lot of females coming out of bars / nightclubs totally stoned. Some, like men, become violent to their othrr halves and children! Its not just men who commit domestic abuse/ violence!🤦‍♀️

    2. I don’t like Prince Andrew but I think he was set up. Virginia Guiffre did this to a couple of millionaires/billionaires but they had nothing to do with Epstein. That apparently is on record. I think the judge in American was very biased against Andrew, the judge is a friend of Clinton and the way he spoke he would have Prince Andrew in prison without a trial. So this looked like a massive cover up. Trouble with Prince Andrew he is not a good speaker so if he’s telling the truth he would still sound guilty. Guiffre wasn’t the innocent party she’d have us believe and wasn’t underage. I think Prince Andrew is an idiot for befriending that wealthy man. Sharon Churcher is a Journalist who helped concoct sex assault claims against Andrew. I believe she thought her and Guiffre could make money. They thought he’d pay up and not say anything because he is part of the royal family. I’m wondering why no one is looking into Guiffre.

    3. I agree with every word the panel said about the Prince Andrew case. I really do think these allegations should have been challenged in court, but of course the Royal Family do not wish to appear in court, so hence the settlement. The lawyer Alan Dershowitz successfully won his own case against similar allegations. But Prince Andrew is being tried in the court of public opinion. He will never win.

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