Ultimate Fighting Arena – Mortal Kombat 1 Pro Kompetition | Top 8

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    #MK1 #MortalKombat #KombatKast

    [Applause] He He [Applause] Oh Oh For He He [Laughter] Oh he all right welcome everybody you are currently watching UFA 2023 the one European major stop in the Mortal Kombat 1 Pro competition you are currently watching The One and Only talented rizer before you introducing this show to the wonderful French crowd but my name is catch up and I’m joined

    By the Eternal mustard I am so happy to be back commentating a top eight of this scale for major tournaments in EU for Mortal Kombat 1 this has been a fantastic event so far of course we are here in Paris France where many a player has taken the trip overseas for many

    Over a smaller sea for some and sometimes a bus who knows whatever loads of players have gathered together and we have now the top eight ready to go and this is our first player Hometown French real representation here in the top eight AAR with that Reiko now we’ve been

    Talking to a lot of people over the weekend and the general consensus is right this is the French player to watch you know he’s he’s doing the most success online in the French leagues that Reiko looking strong and here he is Winners top eight with a commanding performance to give absolute you know

    History in that though I believe axar from Lebanon but U really being part of the French scene if you’re there long enough and you grind with him you’re one of the boys he he is the guy the French players have been really really like just just just just beefing up this

    Weekend and after the game play I’m really beginning to see why B be facing off against MK Havier from Spain making his offline major debut with scorpion who many have been saying recently quite a bottom tier character but in the hands of someone like Javier longtime scorpion loyalist making him look positively fantastic

    And if he has the ability to get scorpion all the way to that number one spot the teer lists I can see them already but we are moments away from reaching that point two players we have six left to go and this winner side on its own is unbelievably Savage because

    If I’m thinking of the next player I don’t have it in my head we’ll wait and see who steps up but I’m not going to spoil it in case you’re unsure we’re going to have a look number three Canam Mani this Prodigy like player who from even a young age was just grinding

    Grinding grinding and has reached again I believe an offline major debut winners side top eight was able to defeat King Gambler off stream 32 close last round I mean it was unbelievable yeah and a true Prodigy of the online realm but coming here to the first offline major and looking really

    Strong but I’ll tell you what immediately who is not a newcomer to the fly in space and just I suppose inperson tournaments in general none other than the man himself Tekken master from B rain Middle East I mean he is a household name in the nether room scene

    By now we haven’t had the chance to see Tekken Master compete for a few years hasn’t really been able to make the the travel in general but back to full strength here Winner’s top eight looking pretty much Unstoppable along the way I’m going to say this is a very

    Difficult top eight to call and just so you know as well uh this is the order in which players we playing so Tekken Master versus Canon Manny will be our second match MK Javier and a will be our first but Tekken Master just looking so so good and even in this Stacks top

    Eight is I think personally maybe my pick to win the whole thing I think Tekken Master is the player to watch in this top eight the most right it’s time to talk about the rest of this top eight because video games yo was already off to a pretty

    Good start here in the Pro securing a top eight finish at the first major event East Coast Throwdown and has been able to get backto back top eight placements looking to take it all the way here mostly General sha I believe is going to be the game plan but there’s a

    Lot of good players to get through vgy absolutely one of them but not just sha things like sha Darius like really looking to just I think go with what his gut is telling him is the right team and Darius not a traditional Cameo but in the hands of egy looking very dangerous

    Now question is are we going to see that more here or are we going to see the more traditional picks but is a traditional pick for him the weird stuff you know it’s hard to know now we have got to talk about our next player boki The Man Without Fear he has developed

    Kung Lao from the MKX days through to 11 now to MK1 if you want to look at a player that doesn’t give a damn you’re looking at bokei boki is a certified party animal when it comes to gameplay with he’s playing the right team that La

    Goro it lets you go if there’s space to armor you’ve got to respect it and boki thrives with that cuz he’s the perfect kind of chaotic player where he you know he did the homework he understands the rules he gets the game but he knows how to disrespect and that’s what we’re

    Going to be seeing but we’ll also be seeing G from the United States East Coast making that trip over Amer players and I’m going to be honest G is definitely looking the best of the bunch this weekend I would like to use this opportunity to welcome and

    Thank everyone from the the East Coast that’s woking up really early for this because I know Good Morning America it’s the early shift for supporting G The Monster the master the gearus M who has innovated this there are a lot of viewers from America with a big pot of

    Coffee right now just uh trying to wake up making sure they can support G cuz my goodness has he been a force to be reckoned with with that gearus would it be anything else but it leaves us one final player to introduce uhoh the one the only the common

    Player the cheap man the thrower of fans the dirty spammer foxy continuing his streak of top eight at major tournaments I believe foxy went pretty much the entirety of MK1 111’s main kind of like tournament life uh not missing a single top eight but before we get into that we have a

    Trailer hello everyone and welcome back again to ultimate fighting arena 2023 with your top 24 finally determined going into top eight tomorrow we have a ton of amazing matches I’m history behind the warrior once again joined by Razer on commentary right now what I can tell you bros that the fight is starting

    And the winner of this game is getting top eight winner side old Readjustment but oh this is a lot oh CR and there’s the a down four and up wake up down on crazy going to get the back bro that’s death this is like chip death territory

    Ter probably crush it he’s waiting for the SP yep there it is fishing for the speci yeah FL loed again enough get down get off me situation cash at least as much damage as possible needed but yep there it is got it hey jump

    In oh yeah that will be it for the big head punches did he jum gu to guess the 50/50 great blocks from Gambler oh get 3 Right beautiful how did he block that crazy how did he block that man so well played I want to have to deal that s perfectly crushing the hat and that is going to be it that’s it yeah girl made ity making to the top eight and is going to be the only

    American player left for tomorrow and a fantastic reminder of what we have already seen building up to this point of course competition began yesterday we did have our exhibition on Friday but yesterday is where the real tournament really kicked up in speed and now today top eight is left and we were

    Just you know saying before foxy Grandpa to finish our point uh just one of those reliable players right getting that top eight at the very end last I think it may have been one of the last matches of the day but regardless one hell of a top

    Eight ready to go we’re of course going to be starting on the winner side I believe our first game is axar and Javier so most likely going to be Rao scorpion I mean we can say that scorpion has made it to winner side top eight in a pro competition major how fantastic is

    That if it was going to be any player it was going to be MK Javier this guy has been on it with scorpion since the absolute beginning and before we even get even more into this and we talk about the first match I’d like to thank everyone for stopping by thank you for

    Watching the show this is the number one European tournament for most fighting games out there if not all of them completely the space has been fantastic the attendance has been through the back there can you see the size of the venue the hall like all the stages everywhere

    But at the same time many people will be restreaming this tournament watching it with with their own communities shout outs to every single one of you whether you had to get up early in the day for it whether you had to stay up late at

    Night or maybe it just fell right in the middle maybe you’re one of the lucky ones but shout outs to everybody we’re about to kick off this first match MK Javier on your right the Scorpion God and then axar on the left the number one representative for this French Community

    I honestly don’t know how to call this one cuz AAR we first saw gameplay on stream in the exhibition but I think anyone on team world was kind of on the receiving end of G with Team Battle momentum so obviously that’s not the greatest demonstration but yesterday absolutely

    Was we saw axar just plowing through Players a decisive victory for players like video games yo for for instance primarily with that Reiko Striker now I have heard he does play a few other characters but I believe he is kind of really going into uh pretty much just

    Riko in this tournament um but just looks so comfortable and if we’re talking kind of character Comfort I mean we have to talk about MK jaier again right this guy is a scorpion loyalist through and through scorpion a character that has the community quite divided currently some say he’s awful some say

    He’s underrated but MK Havier all he knows is hey that’s my favorite character and I’m going to do whatever I got to do to make this character work and you can see right there Striker Cameo for both players right now now the striker Cameo does allow for some pretty

    Chaotic play you know it’s one of those cameos that really exists around the ability to use those Ambush assists make yourself unsafe or do some kind of risky way in and cover yourself with those grenades which hit as mids and they you know you can get combos from them or the

    Very least they just keep you safe and we’ll be seeing a lot of that as we get started with our first game here in top eight at UFA Pro competition let’s go so Reiko versus scorpion you got two unusual to fight characters you know the striker Cameo is going to allow Reiko to

    Be a little bit more neutral focused covering the unsafe slide with a grenade to make it punishable and hit if you press the wrong button Javier the striker almost exclusively built around both the death Spin and the back three both of which death on block unless

    There’s a striker ready to go to save your skin however axar with a phenomenal start and importantly Javier with no meter we haven’t got to worry about the teleport right now it’s not going to result in anything but these Stars combined with grenades that isn’t a

    Great way to start off on the opposing end unless your axar of course taking a c in round one now normally scorpion a very reactionary character so you are looking to kind of react those Fireballs kind of easier said than done when it comes to the Stars they are such a

    Strong projectile option but Javier so good at that hit and run style okay there’s a grab scorpion will be getting a lot that’s strike throw offense very important now you look at someone like scorpion though and you think why is this character considered relatively low tier you know various reasons I won’t

    Get into now but he’s unusual to fight he’s got an amazing jump kick his down three low profiles and pairs perfectly with death spin but that’s a punish a drop though from axar who would have had a lot more damage however keeping Corner positioning the range of that 21 makes

    The jump kick a dangerous tool and Javier is going to thrive with that big damage and we’re starting off strong down three death spin the Flawless block is going to be Paramount for not getting just annihilated by chip oh the oh my goodness the confirm

    We going to see that work oh go for the air version perfect play from AAR finds the hit that actually has a potential to maybe do enough it’s 950 and it’s riko fatal blow hang on you are dead and that is game one what a way to start things

    Off and wait fatality game one oh come on look away it’s top eight baby we’re seeing fatalities up here and this one’s particularly um vicious oh God do it there it is oh and what’s left on the face drooping down that’s minging that is absolutely disgusting and I want to

    Say the crowd calling for that fatality made that so much better hey there’s a lot of French supports here axar you know plays with the French crew all the time I’m not surprised and that is an element of axar that is not as easy as it looks the back

    Three runs single hit confirm that’s a tight confirm hey if your aars another day in the office he’s done it a million times and he’ll do it a million times more there you go that is why when scorpion gets meter his neutral does become better instant air ex wow ex beer it

    Wouldn’t be a scorpion match with at least one of them that’s one thing we’ll see about Javier though that execution is so good I don’t think I’ve seen Javier drop a combo the entire like at least not an important one at the very least I promise how do you keep a life

    Lead against Reiko though I imagine that’s going to be difficult it will be for Scorpion you can’t trade spear because those throwing stars are going to do so much more to you you need to have meter to be able to ex teleport to maybe shut down the threat of the spear

    But even then the teleport got punished by Striker grenades into fatal blow game win in the first one now again you see Javier trying to play that longer range Style just looking for the hit finds it and to be honest this is probably the round I think that’s that’s one thing scorpion

    Isn’t lacking it damage look at that 365 for what no resources especially when your opponent’s using the striker Cameo let’s not forget the Cameo does change health value Striker taking away 50 of them and we’re going to try and keep it even for forward three the only mid that

    Scorpion has and it’s a single hit the followup is Crouch therefore pairing with the Cameo to make it safe is very important if you’re playing scorpion oh good Flo block on the Stars a you really playing the longer range game a lot better in this match to be

    Honest has a life Leed and is actually able to sit on it I think the way he’s playing is kind of just if you’re going to get anything from a distance it has to be ex stars but not going to find time as axar gets a crucial duck

    Underneath that high gets a full punish to how much damage and now it’s offense time Reiko he has got that good neutral but let’s not forget very scary up close options as well but javat once again just finds the mid launcher so confident is that enough no not quite but how do

    You avoid the chip Flawless block that’s oh but he knows he knows Havier called it out perfectly you got a Flawless block and expect the spin here’s the unblockable hell fire that scorpion 101 jaier tying things up now perfect that was such a Smart Choice committing

    Expecting you to wait for the death Spin and speaking of death spin that’s actually something that hindered scorpion quite a lot in the latest Balan patch if you Flawless block something now and you’re protected from Chip for the duration of the block string now the opponent’s meter build is also prevented

    What that was like frame one I think it was legitimately well the point I was trying to make there is that Scorpion’s death spin when you Flawless block it he doesn’t build any meter for it which means that Javier has to be very careful with with how he spends it however the

    Forward 32s almost become free so many of them are death spin Striker if you’re going to crouch that you risk a decent chunk of damage plus frames on the overhead it’s not just grenades that Striker gives it’s that overhead bat it’s safe it’s plus you can party hard

    And it’s a mixer oh the confirm and that’s probably the round if we don’t see a drop oh we do see a drop oh but the wake up uppercut from Javier that could not have been what he wanted or maybe it was a read of something that

    Axar just did not do regardless that’s going to be a good for AAR always good when you get that kind of crucial combo drop and then you you just still win the round it’s almost like an accident that you just don’t have to worry about you can forget about it straight away go

    Straight into the next round O not sure about that whatever that was meant to be it got completely I think it was a start up of a run I think maybe AAR was just going for ex slide perhaps all right that pressure 21 back

    Off wait for a poke it’s going to be a sweet Breo often called a Grappler but I must say not really quite one maybe with Darius but at the moment uh he’s more of like a strike character that’s going to be huge damage we’re talking High 300s incoming and that’s just for no

    Resources is that going to be it no not at all but it’s going to lead to a situation you got to Flawless block that death spin oh the C fol spin oh my goodness this what I mean Javier taking what scorpion can do and just really optimizing it you know we’re seeing so

    Much of that forward three one of Scorpion’s main drawbacks right is not really having a long confirmable mid you that kind of forward three that knee attack that’s the only mid he’s really got so you kind of have to enforce 43 into spin and then make the spin safe

    With a right there right then you make it safe with Striker but you do have the launcher followup but the launcher can be ducked so you need to do something to deter them from doing that and that’s where the spin comes in and Javier is just so good at just enforcing that at

    Every given opportunity lovely throw tech there midscreen it’s very hard to tell which direction we would have gone for so axar just making a good call catching the catch the big pick up actually and we’re going to end with the side switch into Corner positioning the Stars into the

    Grenades into whatever else comes next scorpion all of these highs they are going to be vulnerable to the sweep of riko the down four of riko oh the mid wait want to keep it safe want to keep it safe jaier definely doesn’t want to overextend here there’s a lot of

    Resources here but you don’t want to spend it if you don’t need to oh hang on have to have to break Javier that’s his Lifeline gone now no Flawless block on those ex stars and you have to worry about them more Striker activity both of them going to be down

    With punish fatal blow 950 Health this might actually be enough standing for fatal blow it all comes down to the mash strikker coming in he’s blasting but we have one half of the Fatal blow left 9950 Health characters this might do it surely not surely not Striker has

    Regenerated on both sides both sides the back three blows up the slide there from Reiko and it’s a 2 to one for MK Havier one more and scorpion gets at least top three at one of the most important majors of this game that would be a fantastic result for just the

    Overall I mean for the poster boy remember it’s a scorpion IM Mortal Kombat but you know the tragic thing about that though when axar so the final play that Javier found the Fatal blow confirm from was axar went for a a down four into the stars that jails if you do

    Ex Stars so if you do 4X Stars they have to deal with it it’s mids they’re forced to deal with it with the amount of Health that Javier had a lot more of an option AAR had the bar for ex stars but didn’t do it so because he threw the

    High version Javier just ducked underneath it and got a full with punish axar could have prevented that I know hindsight but axar being greedy with that final bar he had is actually what cost him that game and now MK jaier two to one up again scorpion this is a pro

    Competition major tournament the level of play at this event has been staggering for all things International Mortal Kombat this is quite the result I mean Javier has had a wild Journey anyway his very first match in this entire tournament round one of pools was against Fabs and who do you have to beat

    To win pools foxy Grandpa he has had a gauntlet in his own right already massive opportunity here good damage take quite a healthy lead oh look at that 400 for the two bar no Flawless block there though that is going to lead to a meaty amount of Chip

    Over half lifee already gone thanks to Striker once again this this Cameo gives you great stuff but he does take Health away from you so that chip damage that hit and run style it’s going to be a lot more effective with that extra 50 that you would normally really want to have I

    Guess at least they’ve both got 950 so it is you know even in that right but they more volatile though have you has been really letting it go with them ex armor moves and they’ve been working out every time and Javier now one round away from winners finals with scorpion are we

    Going to see that I got to tell you jaier he plays very slippery he is hard to pin down he’s hard to lock into any kind of position there we go DDT is that going to give riko something we commit a punished the grenades did not save you

    This time REO the breaker is forced now and with the damage output of Scorpion this is a two touch again will commit to the launch if you’re going to crouch that another mid finds it way and we have meia to spend but he’s going to

    Keep it keep it and use it later the restand oh that would have been plus even if he blocked it the grab it’s just getting better and better for jaier one more significant hit and it will be scorpion top three it will be winers finals for Mk Havier bringing scorpion

    To the highest level and how far he can go from here who knows but what an insane result is Scorpion going to win this tournament I I know I am thinking way too early perhaps but it genuinely is Scorpion going to win a pro competition major in the hands of MK Javier the

    Scorpion loyalist for many years now oh I hope that’s a reality that we see oh that would be fantastic but of course axar going to drop down to the losers bracket now definitely still a player to watch for the remainder of this top eight but my goodness is this top eight

    Stacked I think every single match we’re going to see in this top eight is going to be a total banger it’s just a wild outcome it’s a wild outcome to see scorpion get this far because there’s a lot of people out there that do consider scorpion to be on the weaker side myself

    Included you know you look at what this character has and he’s very dependent on most cameos to do anything but even outside of that when you remove the Cameo from the equation scorpion one of the weakest mids normally he’s got that’s what I want to kind of interject

    And say it’s a well and good saying maybe the character is not as bad as everyone thinks but we can cannot take anything away from MK jaier I feel like Javier is the one making this work he is The Specialist of specialist which is it’s it’s a difficult conversation isn’t

    It because whenever we talk like tears especially early on the game’s only been out for a few months and there’s you know there’s already been one patch who knows what other patches may be following uh if at all but like there’s always an argument of well the character

    Is genuinely really hard to play or maybe they are quite a struggle to use but if the player is using them properly you can make things happen and I feel like with scorpion that kind of is the casee we’ve got here where you’ve got Javier you were saying before right you

    Were looking at the way he was playing right that kind of Hit and Run style so good at finding the slippery movement and and not being able to be pinned down I just hear the way scorpion is always meant to be played and someone who has

    Used scorpion this long is going to be the guy to do it in this kind of event but what impresses me even further this is Javier’s first offline major tournament first offline major tournament and this is what doing top three debut not bad it’s a great way to

    Go that’s a lot of points that’s some prize money in the pocket and that’s just for top three who knows we could be talking MK jaier Grand finals MK jaier winning with scorpion who knows we’re a few hours away from that don’t worry but maybe who knows it is time for us to

    Talk about our second match however as oh how do you call this one if you’re looking at experience levels in this setting you have one of the absolute prime examples and the totally opposite end Canam Manny an online God and has been doing incredibly well in online tournaments online

    Leagues but this is new to Canam Manny you know was able to get top eight winners side so clearly isn’t buckling under the pressure you’re going up against Tekken master who has been all over the world been there done that won that tournament qualified for that World

    Finals etc etc this is going to be a very interesting match up I mean this is the classic story of the young prod versus the experienced successful veteran right it really is just a match made in heaven Tekken master I mean what is there to say about Tekken master that

    We I even us in particular haven’t said a million times over the years you know uh a Powerhouse participant in in just nether Ro game tournaments whether it’s MK and Justice since 2015 to now you know has been has been around since the MKX days right on top of tournaments

    Pretty much from the debut all the way until now uh is just a a player you cannot count out in just about any event you see him in and character-wise impossible to prepare for he plays so many characters dare I say the entire roster and then kind of settles on that

    Core team of very strong picks that he’s going to kind of cycle between as to to what could work so right now for Tekken Master it’s been a lot of um you know Raiden with Kano Baraka with Striker we’ve also seen the Reiko from him as

    Well at times um and I mean I wouldn’t put it past him to a Johnny to be honest Johnny Cage most likely whereas Canam Mani character selection wise definitely again you know a top tier Enthusiast but mainly the Johnny Cage with Raiden if it’s necessary so it was Johnny Cage

    Almost exclusively against the king Gambler uh it was 21 to King Gambler which made Canam Mani swap to Raiden Kano and that was the character that ultimately resulted in the win the thing is if you want to fight someone that has ran the Raiden Kano mirror hundreds of

    Times and I mean hundreds because Tekken Master himself has said that he’s run Raiden Kano against facil countless times I mean facil has been his kind of like real go-to training partner for a while now and fael plays all those characters too so you know he’s

    Definitely not going to be caught out by the unknown but um I don’t think Canam Manny really needs to rely on the unknown to get games uh a lot of the time but this is a pick I’m hoping to see I’m I’m a Baraka fan in this game

    But Baraka Striker is very similar to what Baraka was doing vanilla with cyrex only instead of the damage you get you now just get a much easier way in which to be honest was always a drawback of Bara but it actually looks like are we

    Seeing Oh it’s hard to know we have this really cool technology here at U UFA you can kind of see it on the stage of almost like real time you know character selection but is it going to be the Bara yes it is okay cool this is what I

    Wanted to see I love that you can even see the cameos shout outs to UFA that’s sick yeah whoever was responsible for that at the production crew well done that is cool Raiden Kano is something you’re going to see a lot in this part of the world like I would say it’s

    Probably the most common team when it comes to when it comes to EU or maybe even slightly outside of EU those that would compete in maybe the rips Arena shout outs to you uh or other things there’s a lot of Raiden Kano and there’s been a lot of it this weekend

    Actually yeah for sure this part of the world just really believes in that team I would say it’s been the most common streamed character which actually is kind of weird to think because at ECT there was more Raiden Cyrax than anything else by like by a mile and then

    Here I would say Raiden Kano has definitely been the most common so I think there’s just something about Raiden being the most kind of consistent and reliable tournament character for a lot of players as it currently stands but uh right here looks like Canam Manny starting off with the Raiden Koo now

    There was a I think you were kind of touching on this before there was a certain point yesterday that canaman was running all Johnny Cage and then against Gambler when there was like one game left to take canaman banked it on a swap to Raiden Kano and I believe has been

    Playing Raiden ever since I haven’t seen him off the character since then however if there is someone that knows all of these matchups it will be Tekken master and Tekken Master Baraka will fit his style like a glove because he is fundamentally almost perfect but isn’t

    Afraid to just let loose every now and then if you want to go swinging you want to stick this button out let’s not forget the cotal KH days of old in Mortal Kombat X Baraka gives you a very similar amount now of course obviously the health bars aren’t lowered so I

    Don’t know how that’s going to work for the rest of it sorry for that I’m sure they’ll uh either do it now or after that’s that’s the go-to like hard problem isn’t it haven’t load the health bars but we’ll get it sorted out don’t worry now Baraka Striker such a good

    Pick for Teek Master as you were saying so aggressive really lets you kind of party you do what you want nice catch into the corner here oh obster you know I like that choice to go for the uh the reverse out of the corner but that that

    Was done to make sure that Striker was there cuz Striker grenades you have to remember they hit as mid so you can throw them as the opponent gets off the ground and get like some pressure so throwing out the corn that Striker had space to do it never mind not going to

    Matter though as canaman now I think that Baraka down four going as far as it does and being pretty active compared to most down fours could be kind of good against shutting down the Kano like if it’s at close range you can kind of bypass and go through moves that can hit

    Both the base character and Cameo at the same time really really powerful however there’s a confirm there from Tekken Master looking for a button trying to bait something it was a back one just down for on its own hit confirmed there from Canam Mani forward 3 four forcing

    The breakout hey shouts to production we can see the health bars now yes now one thing about Bara Striker is it is as safe as it wants to be and Tekken Master he’s going to know that and there’s the down four because you know there’s a Kano yeah that’s the

    Benefit of Raiden Raiden’s moves that you would call in Kano or other Ambush assists they kind of move the screen you can’t actually see the character running smart punish but that knowledge goes both ways these characters right the KO does that work oh it does just in time

    Tekken Master gets the first game he sees those projectiles being charged and knows that although there’s many of them they’re pretty slow what isn’t slow Baraka fatal blow M fast it is one of the best reaction fatal blows in the game now if you are kind of channeling

    Those uh kind of channeling you know those kind of electric projectiles especially if you’re looking to charge them that is going to be reaction 100% but uh what I love about this match already is we’re seeing a lot of knowledge so one thing that’s kind of

    Similar for both kind of Kano knives and the striker grenades we see them all the time on characters don’t want to just get in right whether it’s Raiden teleport into knives electric fly into knives and then Baraka right blade charge into grenades or knives whatever it

    Is a lot of that strategy comes down to I’m going to do something unsafe cover myself with these projectiles my opponent will try and do a traditional punish they get hit by the projectile I now get a full combo we I I would say that’s the number one misplay we’ve seen

    All weekend for people playing against these teams that they’re still trying to go for normal punishes and they’re basically killing themselves for it whereas in this match we’re see not already for both players down to punish take that damage win the trade immediately deter that strategy and

    We’re seeing it from both players and it’s so important it’s super crucial match of knowledge even down to that I like that when these strings come out Tekken Master is Flawless blocking the string even before there’s a chance of a Down back three because the down back three is considerably harder to Flawless

    Block all right the me 4444444 times a million stri is going to eat that so no grenade here to make it punishable the inevitable Kano you know it’s coming that’s why you see in Tekken Master whenever there’s a threat of Kano following up those ways in we’re seeing

    That downfall keeping it safe nice confirm though from Canam Mani instant break though Tekken Master pretty much dead even on life here Canam man a little bit more bar nice was that a straight up with punish or was that just a call out whatever it was it took

    Striker a fair minute to run back off actually to start regenerating speaking of which this combo is going to do a lot of damage is that enough with the Koo knife no not quite there’s a little bit left but the down back three makes it almost completely guaranteed that’s a

    Round on the board here for Canam Mani second master it’s definitely one of the scari situations to be in uh when you’re like facing off against raid is like low on health chip territory and just hitting that storm cell mey so you have to deal with it immediately so scary there’s that down

    One backing off because you know that Raiden’s eventually going to do a electric fly or a Teleport you kind of have to almost just respect it more of that downfall that downfall has been really strong so far Flawless block on the back three again Tekken Master he’s committing to these options but always

    When there’s a striker behind expected the Stagger on the forward 43 there letting the whole thing go the flawless on the string before the storm cell even comes out I love Tekken Master’s use of Striker right now it’s not just like always being used in the same situation

    It’s any button on block Striker turn it into block strings denial of the Kano as well Tekken Master really has slowed this round down back to the wall but only needs one substantial hit to take it on Canam Manny even a normal will do it here yeah chip damage so you need the

    Counter poke comes through Tekken master ties us up one round a piece not just that but had to keep it relatively meter free looking at three of super meter here so we’re going to see either big damage on the combos we are going to let one rip already in case you try to

    Either Flawless block the back three after or maybe Crouch it good chance will build that right back lovely hit confirmed from canaman that forward 43 straight into the ex shocker and now it’s going to me good cool out and again the down Upp Canam man knows that there’s going

    To be grenades following so if you’re going to punish it do your single highest damage single normal you can but no tries to call the Cano too Koo takes the hit on downtime it’s going to make the combo do more damage as well let’s not forget and a big jump in the

    Grab you will survive this but fat will blow and one bar that’s enough Tekken Master can’t break yet oh goodness waking up with the armor but to be fair yes Striker grenades once again covering it second master so unlikely to go for these commitments if there isn’t some way of staying safe in

    The meantime but just look at the difference between them Canam Manny looking quite I mean very uncomfortable I would say visually whereas Tekken Master just right there yep there has been a uh possible rule being broken here there is one coach per player and you are only

    Allowed one we already had darted come up a second player not sure who it was did just try and come up and Coach Tekken Master quite rightly catching that immediately saying and the admin coming straight to the stage sh admin for sure that is not allowed that’s an element of

    Inexperience actually I think but but is that not what exactly what we were just talking about you know Tekken Master he’s this a his first rodeo as they say he’s been here before and he’s going to know but now two Z up this is quite an advantageous situation to be

    In now what do you do in this situation if you’re Canam Manny because we know he plays multiple characters if you swap to Johnny Cage you know that there’s a chance Teek Master will just change to someone else I thought we actually haven’t had a chance to say this in a

    While but yeah Tekken Master he plays the board so if you swap now knowing you’re one game away from the end you have to pick something that your confident Tekken Master can’t just pick something against and that’s what you’ve got to look for cuz we know he can uh he

    He has the team right if you go to Johnny and he’s like oh I’ve got a character for Johnny he has the opportunity to do it now unsure on what’s actually happening here we’ll get confirmation no doubt but for now Teek Master looking good as ever it looks like darted wants

    To come up and Coach it looks like what’s happening at the moment is that darted now wants to come up and Coach but admin is also chatting away I’m sure as soon as we know what’s happening we’ll see we’ll let you know as soon as

    We do but I’m being really nosy in just having a look I know that’s like really unprofessional but I’m just checking it out I want to know what’s happening yeah like like you were saying like you were saying yeah we haven’t had a chance to talk about this much at all but Tekken

    Master playing loads of different characters normally does give him that advantage and you have to think very carefully before you swap because it’s not going to be a matter of if I change character now I need to be able to beat this Baraka because it’s very unlikely

    Tekken Master will stick with it and it does look like we’re going straight into going straight back into the game so it’s Tek Master it looks like actually could be a straight up yeah staying on the same teams all right so as we start off here

    The Flawless block on the 21 nice anti air but not quite able to follow up with the rest of it and that is the pain of Raiden if you are too far away on for 34 sh does thing is Canam Mani has played a lot of this character Canam man knows

    That I think that’s an element of maybe again maybe just not playing 100% now you’re down against the wall but we have to remember Canam Mani has been playing phenomenally all weekend so the comeback I want to say it’s possible but Ian saying at the start of the stream Tekken

    Master I think if you’re if if you’re a betting man Tekken Master is the one to go for because Tekken Master just has that reliability and consistency right Tekken Master 20 up now bar Striker looking so good and just even here Raiden didn’t even have the

    Chance to get in the corner we trade with the down four and now that down back three coming out to play and that’s the Mind Game Tekken Master knows that match up so well he is forcing canaman to specifically Place Kano because depending on when you release Kano you

    Might trade there might be a gap it might not be plus and Tekken Master knows that and there’re forcing Canam Mani to release it early if he releases it early next time he’s not going to be plus no more right knock down here going in for the overhead trying to punish or get

    Some sort of button the striker punishes you for doing it and now that’s a punish yeah again knowing just take the down two Tekken Master quite the lead this is Match Point laying it Rock expecting the whole string not to go more of this releases it but uses it

    To enforce tries to armor the down two again smart stuff but Canam Manny there’s only less than 200 Health remaining lovely throw we’re going to need more than that but fatal blow pretty good Tek Master Three bar together say Teek Master he’s already got a breaker though you need two clean

    Hits and this he decides to use bar but he doesn’t really have any reason to you don’t need to ex ex The Barrage to kill here you don’t really need to go for blade charge and they really catch out but there’s the counter po launch and

    The combo to pick it up and Tekken Master with a clean 30-0 over Canam Manny secures a winnner finals position against m K jaier later on and I’ll be honest this is the Tekken master I was expecting to see this weekend it has been a while since we got the chance to

    See him play in an offline situation you know offline major EU style we haven’t had the chance to see it for quite some time and um now I mean it’s like he’s never left you know what I mean it’s like it’s like there hasn’t been that downtime at all he’s right back full

    Form ready to go and uh winners finals minimum third place is secured already now can can man is still in there you know he just knocked into the losers bracket so we’ll be seeing canaman a little bit later on uh we have to now get through our first round of the loser

    Side top eight and those two matches are going to be boki versus video games yo and after that G versus a foxy Grandpa and that’s just to move into the next part of the bracket cuz after these first few matches axar fell to jaier so

    Is now in that next round of losers as is now Canam Manning so I don’t know why I was acting surprised I know that the matches I’m just what wow you’re joking you’re joking but yeah no I’m serious I’m dead serious it’s going to be a

    Really sick set of games and this was just the first two yeah and we’ve already had some really wild stuff here Tekken Master versus Javier for the top three what a story that is already making and the story is yet to conclude that’s fantastic when did we inevitably

    Get to talking about that Winners finals in a little bit I feel like we’re going to be repeating ourselves quite a lot in terms of the new to offline you know first major appearance versus the experienced player all over again however the big difference is Javier has looked focused in and extremely

    Confident in that strategy all weekend long so I think this is definitely the best winners finals we could have seen at the tournament but again we’ll get into that a bit later on as we’re moving on to our first match of losers round one it is video games yo from the United

    Kingdom and boki from Austria this is is most likely going to be General sha versus Kung Lao the question is what Cameo is v y going to play cuz VG Y is the show of many cameos whereas boki we know it’s going to be that loud Goro and

    Almost nothing else you know what video game Joo has been a firm believer in sha Darius he has and used it to defeat King Gambler yesterday to make it into top eight I have a feeling we could see Shia Darius here in top eight but if there is

    No sha Darius there are other cameos the Kung Lao of course I’ve seen all manners of different cameos sector in the early days probably not so much these days however we saw Koo Cameo for sha quite a lot ECT like there’s just something about General sh that just has a lot of

    Cameo Synergy you know we’ve seen vgi for example at ECT the reverse 30 to make top eight uh with the Serena shout you know let’s not forget that and even though I think vgy played mainly Shang Su at ECT he still does have a Shang but

    VG y’s strategy with Shang is unique I haven’t seen anyone else do it he basically picks the Cameo that his opponent is picking and then just morphs the whole game but does the ex morph so you have the damage buff it’s a really peculiar strategy but it works for him

    He does it quite a lot but I don’t think we’ll see that here I think we’re very likely to see the Sha more than anything else he does have a Liu Kang he does have a Johnny Cage but I think when the chips are down for vgy he’s more of a

    Shell believer but boki I mean with we’ve talked about boki at length this weekend he’s such a a crowd pleaser party animal play style but it it fits him so good I was saying this before he’s he’s the scariest kind of chaotic player where he understands how the game

    Is played he has that in-depth high level high level uses that he’s just Fearless no but that’s the thing he has no fear he uses that knowledge to know exactly when he can bend the rules right when he can play and you know disrespect frame Advantage is there a Gap you have

    To respect my armor cool I’m not going to do the armor I’m going to do something weird instead like boki is so good at that style and I feel like La Goro is built for that strategy it’s so perfect for it it looks like while we get set up I’d

    Like to remind everyone you are watching UFA 2023 this is the European stop in the Mortal Kombat 1 Pro competition okay so turns out is he is this a button check or is he actually playing Johnny Cage into the LA that would be really surprising I was so

    Convinced would be seeing the Sha he does have a cage yeah button check button they’re button checking well we we know VG y does have a Johnny Cage he played quite a lot of Johnny in MK1 he has said for a long time Johnny is one of his favorite

    MK characters and uh he’s definitely the kind of player who will pick characters that he likes and if they happen to be top tier so be it you know it’s just there are some players that have that approach where you know and there are obviously players who will seek out

    Characters that are good but you know I think in in tournament all’s fair right it’s like you’re here to play you’re here to win pro competition points on the line prize money as well to be earned and this is all for that leaderboard spot you know you want to

    Make it to final combat which is the World Finals for Mortal Kombat later in 20124 so you definitely want to be uh making it work and making it count and he just goes to sh when he really needs to that seems to be his comfort character and we know he’s a big sha

    Enthusiast I do not know what to make of the specific match up like player to player cuz I feel like vgy is solid as a rock but bokei is so good at throwing you off your game even if you are like super like cool and collected with it it

    Looks to me we can’t see the character select yet on stream but it actually looks like he is going to play Johnny Cage I think so yeah okay this is the first time he’s pulled out Johnny Cage in tournament if this is in fact if this is in fact the match cuz it

    Actually looks like it might be what we doing another another check they did go back to the main menu are they just making sure or this actually the match yeah we’re doing the infamous second button check will we see the Forbidden third it kind of looks like once again the health bars aren’t

    Lowered unless I’m just completely blind so uh I have a feeling that that is what’s happening here this is a a thing that we’ve seen a fair amount you know in tournaments the button check goes into the button check goes into not only that but lowering the health bars and then

    They go in they check again they’re still not lower lower them health bars you must make it’ll be the Forbidden third we’re now going to see The Forbidden third button check will we see the fourth the fourth is we had better not tell I hope not we shouldn’t have

    Any reason to I mean four button checks at that point is just like just play the match just just sort out later although all jokes are sign you going make sure your buttons are working I understand it’s what button checks are there for but uh of course but still loses round

    One I don’t know what to make of this because VG y like I said before he’s really solid you know he he’s so at uh playing the way he is comfortable with and that is usually pretty by the book pretty you know as you would expect a

    High level player and boki is very much I don’t want to say the opposite cuz I don’t I don’t want to make it sound like I’m discrediting boki when I say that he plays know with very disrespectfully you know very chaotic I’m not saying he’s playing wrong or you know is anything

    Less than a solid player but you know he’ll tell you himself like he does what he wants you know he he goes with this gut feeling he plays from the heart you know if he feel feels like it’s going to work he’ll do it and I wonder how ready

    Vgy will be for that kind of play style in tournament especially I mean they’re both Combat League demons I imagine they’ve played online quite a lot but obviously offline major top eight stage it’s a different circumstance all together but um yeah bracket so far 3-1 to axar then 3-0 to Tekken Master over

    Canam Manny definitely been some pretty one-sided score lines so far I will say especially the Tekk Master versus Canam man I did kind of expect that to maybe go the distance but uh again Tekk Master the Eternal brother I strongly think that that matchup between Canam Manny and Tekken Master experience played a

    Pretty big role it looked like it because when Tekken Master really started to get momentum things were kind of falling apart for Canam Manny um and it almost felt a little bit like you know almost losing your call that that’s just what I gathered from the matches

    Especially in game three it did look like Canam man was after the sort of coaching mixup that happened in the second match and like you know you know been in that situation before and then admins there and then there are other people there and everything’s going on

    Like it’s so easy for that to just take you out of your element yeah you’ve pumped yourself up you’re playing the matches and before you know all this stuff’s happening uh and that’s just something that can come with the experience of an offline tournament a lot of players have made their debut

    This weekend at UFA you know look no further than Javier who is now sitting in top three at least winners finals versus Tekken master we’re currently still setting up our video gamees yo versus boki matchup and hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we’re jumping into that one and then

    Afterwards G versus a foxy grandpa so these next two matches are going to be superb that is I would say of all of these round one matches the one I’m definitely the most looking forward to seeing I mean it’s quite bias of me to say I suppose but the foxy go match

    Because it’s like Foxy much like Tekken master I feel we usually describe them in a similar way just longtime players super successful but G as well you know one of those players that you just can never count out and whether it’s the performance in the team tournament on Friday the amount

    Of you know running it back through losers we saw yesterday for G I mean G is here to play and and G plays gearus la which I think gearus is I’m going to say it I feel like gearus could be the most underrated character of the game

    Right now cuz when I look at someone specifically like G playing that character I genuinely feel like if you’re playing it like that how is this character anything less than just absolutely fantastic it’s so strong he’s got such weird utility right the kind of the the one bar breaks the full screen

    Stuns the damage output the combo extensions you get with LA now I understand obviously it’s gear or slow but again that’s the game it’s a team game you always pick a cameo so you have to factor in cameos you we set up this match we do need to kind of like address

    That talking point I think where when I see people talk about characters and matchups in general uh tier lists are forever an ongoing discussion aren’t they in any game Mortal Kombat is no exception people often say yeah well this character ain’t that great without that Cameo and my first thought is okay

    Great tell me what game mode in Mortal Kombat one allows you to not play with the Cameo then otherwise it’s always there you have about MKX without bringing up variations it’s like you can’t because that that is that is kind of uh you know the way the way the game

    Is balanced around and I think the sooner and this is obviously a very personal opinion the way we we think about it but I feel like the sooner we start talking about characters as teams as like you know character plus Cameo the sooner we can really start to crack

    Down on who is the strongest in this now unless vgy is playing Nara I think third button check happening third button check incoming it’s definitely a third button check right absolutely they’ve gone for a re yeah and the health bars are lowered the health bars have been lowered so uh okay triple

    Button checks now all we will not see the fourth I feel like we shouldn’t be allowed the fourth at this point don’t say it probably not right don’t say it I mean the health bars are lowered and the buttons I assume are working if you’ve checked three times yeah what’s what’s

    Left we go into the first match and one of them in that first match is like a my block button was bound to the wrong the wrong shoulder button I will sit I will cross my arms and I will just be like that’s your fault not not your

    Fault wait wa pointed at me you me you’re the only you’re the only human in my vicinity there we go you understand I do you understand I I did it’s General Shia we’re going in for sh all right just the one sh darus Shia Darius it’s sh and

    Darius something that vgy has been really sort of innovating I would say and has been doing it to great success in competitive are they being told that it’s another button check please don’t do your fourth button check I notic that V is not wearing the headset unless

    Maybe he wants the crowd noise cuz some players are like that it’s a four Buton fourth no no no no no no no it’s a stage stage it’s okay cool I was I was going to lose it I was going I think didn’t random stage I was going to lose my

    Composure yeah we saw four button checks like we should be like three matches Deep by now yo bokei with the pink pad that looks cool was that or was that more of a magenta what do you call that I think it’s more of a magenta true it’s like

    The color of Sha’s uh shoulder pads that’s true actually but here we go thank you for waiting time sorry for the delay folks it’s I missed I had to make sure those buttons were really Qui we had to like quadruple check that everything was in order and look it is

    We’re starting off strong with that armor versus Goro you’re going to see that a lot today it’s the story of boki now boki’s Corner pressure is so difficult to get out of he’s just so good at making it feel like you’re just doing the wrong thing every time even if

    You feel like it’s the right thing oh there’s the launch didn’t absorb a hit so it’s going to maintain the launching opportunity ooh all right inevitably waiting for it tries to arm it in between the side switching throw and that’s going to roughly equalize Health let’s not forget we’re looking at 950 LA

    Versus 1150 sh 200 Health difference that’s going to make a big impact into this matchup right the dash in there’s the immediate low profile boki will be looking for that Darius almost got a trade situation there however we have to play without now Shia on his own we’re

    Going to look for basic plus frames we might be able to enforce a staggered game you have to watch out for the armag Goro it’s an inevitability oh yeah that had to have been a wake up flawless block to survive that situation boki not going to M time that mey

    Now the the Sha Darius on paper it sounds really solid right you get the safe overhead safe low launching command grab like it all stems from The Roundhouse the the downside is the cool down on it right you really are waiting for Darius to come back but if you can

    Find it the offense gets kind of crazy and the extra Health obviously doesn’t hurt either and that’s the payoff for Darius very few characters can use all of darius’s moves to great effect most characters will just use that neutral Cameo the fact that it costs two and it

    Has a chunky cool down and the fact that they can only really use that move viably you have to wait oh gets the low though boki really has been rinsing that mixup oh the drop though instant punish from vgy forces the break now going for

    A break with LA the problem is no bar to armor for quite some time and no Goro either when kungla has no bar and no Goro he becomes a different experience so much less threatening yes you have to deal with you know still the back three mixups perhaps pooki just did empty jump

    Flawless block my goodness we do have darus we spend it and actually that’s 950 it’s it’s 950 you’re dead no way you’re dead oh the ex to make sure he and in between rounds cool down will be allowed so there’s by the time we start the next round halfa

    Darius will be ready it is actually quite a long combo yeah that makes sense you know I actually quite like that cuz obviously if if Darius gets hit he’s down for ages but if you do the combo to bring him back there isn’t a huge amount

    Of time you have to wait all right now the question is is VG y going to wait for the breaker before trying Darius again because Darius has locked and loaded however boki three bars of meter there’s the interruption because it absorbed a hit though no launch now

    There’s a break there for bokei again he just put it back nice overhead oh the mey no breaker another drop but this time boki recognizes doesn’t finish the string keeps it safe even on the drop so many of these buttons are working out at the moment

    Going to drop it this gives us mixups fast unreactable Mix-Ups plus frames as well answered back with the armor vgy tries to armor instead or get the button out I guess I should say didn’t get to break in time and boki manages to secure game number one now you can see the

    Patience that vgi is having to show right cuz this is like frame one armor and at Armor again we have to remember on hit it’s a combo a full launch and on Block it’s block Advantage CU of Goro so VG there are so so many situations that

    You just you have to respect it you have to hold it and boki knows when to do it and when to know that you know and do something else let’s not forget as well boki had to make some impressive reverse sweeps yesterday like the composure of this man is unbelievable and when you

    Pair it with Kung Lao who is all about momentum we’re going to enforce the low now even more of it the overhead blocks there by bokei lovely throw Tech with punish though from vgy and that’s going to open up big damage boki from this point we’re going to cash out oh no

    Ended up behind I think he went for the overhead flip but ended up behind bokei in the air cuz that was the um that was the back plus Cameo input I think he maybe just ended up on the wrong side unfortunate input error but vui still in the lead unfortunate drop that would

    Have ended the round oh punish no no punish quite surprised actually there are a few weird interactions in the corner where if you dash too far forward for a split second you might be the other side I think that exactly what happened oh we get the axe buff though

    We see does that mean we see the overhead into darus weit ouch now there is Darius ready again with no axe though it depends on what kind of Mix-Ups vgy wants to apply here there’s the armed interrupt for yet another time Goro always a threat here the extra last minute

    Overhead now bokei has to be careful probably will build a break before the end of the round but oh there is the perfect time to not only did he hit Sha but Darius got clipped as well so he’s going to be out of the count for pretty much the rest of

    The round I would say now boki bringing it back Darius has only just started to regenerate by the way it takes that long which means that cool down is going to be even more Savage vgi has to be careful anything that has a gap interruptions that’s it that actually is

    It that’s the round fatal blow oh there it is just making absolutely sure and Darius comes back in we see him again anyway he would have th anything that has a gap in it you you have got to be so careful when your opponent is Kung

    Lao and there is a Goro locked and loaded because that becomes a full combo that you have to worry about and now equalizing things one game a piece and it’s a game of momentum as is Mortal Kombat 1 this game is all about whoever has the momentum the nature of assist

    Based it is such a snowball game especially with these kind of more aggressive teams L Goro especially but I think the main thing though is that that life difference like we start the match and BG y’s got the life lead yeah even without having Darius Darius gives you

    More HP so that alone is useful now Goro does get clipped here he’s going to be on cool down for a bit so he haven’t got to worry as much about armor however now Goro should come back the bait there from boki waiting for the wake up and is

    Now ready to punish can apply Mix-Ups now we’ve got good meter we’ve got good positioning we’ve got Goro oh long range overhead oh nice damage too not too shabby I actually love that choice well from Boi I think boki did the overhead into the the like the armored move so if

    You went for the interrupt you’d still get hit and obviously safe on block too all right we’re going to confirm Shia having way more Health than Lao means that he does have to hit you considerably less the defense there from vgy getting hit by absolutely nothing pretty impressive be careful though oh

    Gets the throw punish now Darius is there and boki doesn’t have a breaker this could be a one reset into death round unless there’s no Goro POI forced to deal with it but he’s still minus 7 is still safe that’s it it doesn’t even matter if there’s no Goro

    Because it is safe on Block versus most things you have to most of the time if you have Goro it’s plus r so at least it’s still your turn in that instance maybe not but good round for boki that was actually really clean from boki to

    Be honest now has the corner again boki has got so much mileage out of the corner all right reverse throw again vgy has to keep his offense on block extremely simple because there is always the threat of armor with Goro anything with a gap you’re taking a full combo

    And vgy knows it now the backup sweep catching a button press not a huge amount of damage though tries to interrupt and that adjustment because vgy did interrupt the overhead into the hat for the launch before and boki remembers it and is really trying to deter that option spending the bar on

    Offense just to stop it I will be I will say this is pretty much looking all bokei right now not not the most explosive round but boki in full control there’s just such a threat of the armor it has completely crippled VG y’s off def when’s the last time we saw

    Something into Darius for example just not finding the opportunity I think yeah maybe now there is asking you shall receive no didn’t get the pickup that’s an expensive drop that low does look like a rather demanding link sadly I’d seen vgy try one other time on stream

    And I don’t think got it there either that has to be considerably harder than the overhead I’m sure but now wait hit that’s it that’s enough fing a drop of course yes SP the Fatal blow making absolutely sure I to be honest that might might not have been 1,000%

    Necessary but Sha’s fatal blow is not the most universally helpful fatal blow in the game right a lot of startup it has decent range to it but outside of combos you’re not really going to hit it you know it’s too slow to be a Whi punish so if you can yeah and obviously

    It did build some some time for the Darius to come back too so to be honest I definitely agree with that fatal blow we’re going into the next round with almost three bars the armored Interruption and that is why the armor is so scary with punish though I think

    That’s like the third time that vgy has I think that’s the third time that vgy has called Darius and Darius has been hit out of the startup like that is so unfortunate for him that is a rather tragic drop for vgy though because that was so much damage and not only that but

    Being put into the corner by the rest of it from boki all right axe power up but not a lot of Health left you have to worry about those armored reversals boki letting it Rock just letting the axe disappear play carefully play safe the mixups one the Whi oh no Goro got hit

    Too that is some damage right there ouch but there’s three bars of meter and you know bokei is looking to spend it oh my God The Dashing grab but that’s cuz you know you have to respect the armor boki playing such a scary game does that kill 950 health I think it

    Might good Lord just enough damage can feel the PR on both sides here the anticipation when Lao has armor boki trying to stay out of range of things like standing two or whatever else there is so much waiting for the opponent to make that first move so I

    Can take advantage of it no one wants to overc commit oh a Miss spaced Goro there this time much better gets a full launch cash out that damage H decent actually is that yeah that is a life lead I about say as a 200 damage combo from round starts has that actually even

    Out boki barely has a life lead after hitting one combo isn’t that a little bit mad there a punish missed that before but vgy gets it this time all right this time we set up oh the good block there from the defense the tricky low overhead takes

    The armor at the first available moment that was actually a really good answer boki has I’ve seen him fight Darius before in various forms so he does know of the low overhead overhead though no breaker available for vgy and you know you actually no no you can’t you can’t the

    First hit I don’t think that kills I think it’s close you got too much health you got too much heal this would kill a lesser being but 1150 indeed literally in this case yeah if that was any other character that would have done enough even base sh on his

    Own oh the overhead bokei so good at enforcing that that back three mid you have to remember there’s a safe overhead safe low there’s a gap in between sure but on wake up good at timing it so you just have to take which one is it going

    To be overhead or low and forcing off the plus Goro so many times as well it’s a very effective style of offense and boki looking good so far round away from tying it up but vgi still two to one up Darius there as well do we see him where

    We get the chance I wonder and hand to hand I’m not sure he’s still going to have the overhead low somewhat then it go there’s the armor that’s why vgy wasn’t really letting it rock that being a consistent answer you’re going to take 300 damage every

    Time there’s a gap that’s why vgy has to be so cautious here because Goro is about to come back and we got two more BS counter hit though that’s going to be damage in the corner do we spend Darius here no we save it I mean vgi backs off

    So far and it’s still in range for the shaol and shimmy sweet watch out though because there’s armor there isn’t Gore over we are getting kind of tender in the HP P department down one sweet doesn’t want to overcommit to something into Darius though because if Darius gets clipped here you’re going to

    Take even more damage but you really are playing with fire everywhere we’re seeing these throws commit could have been armor on paper you have to always worry for it there it is again Goro making it plus there’s the throw again boki he can afford to take the throw he can afford

    To take another one 10 seconds on the clock time is ticking away another throw this one’s a counter hit this is suddenly wait who’s got the lead now definitely bokei and the back three once more to occupy and bring us to our first game five of this top eight the critical

    Mistake VG y made there was 10 seconds on the clock he went in he had enough of a life lead that he could have stressed you out he could have baited something he could have backed off the second he went in and ate that throw he was

    Immediately in a bad spot now sticking with the sh Darius all the way but bokei manages to find the launch with Goro immediately quite a lifely to be sitting on into that corner but armor on wake up immediately vgy wants nothing to do with it getting hit by so many of these

    Throws almost every single one bokei has done has been uned again doesn’t want to overcommit to the Gap that is where you die in forces are low that’s going to be fre axe power up but there’s the armored interrupt again no no too much health too much

    Health but it’s dangerous still 1150 is so much life oh but the dashing into the grab bokei has really found that next layer of discomfort for the opponent right dash up grab cuz you got to respect the armor and bokei now match point the low connects again immediate

    Break throw from vgy does not want to lose that 300 life needs to keep something that resembles Corner positioning but the threat of this armor is always there and the mixups being applied off that back three armor can’t punish it though even without Goro that’s safe against Shia rare footage though bokei

    Also have has no meter so the armor not a threat for now but going to build it up on this offense at this rate damn overhead another overhead but this one interrupted the launch immediately though this will give vgy not quite the lead very much a last chance scenario

    For vgy so he’s got to make this one count oh my goodness didn’t get the full launch from it though but that was a clean at here good block on the low from bokei the axe goes down that’s now going to introduce the overhead low game boki

    Is not getting hit by overhead nor low his blocks on them have been abolutely superb channeling that inner MKX standing two’s going to whip another throw boki’s grabs have just been so good all series long bgy has got to be very careful that could have been armor you have to respect

    It boki The Fearless Fearless Kung again the time is ticking away no way does that connect did he buffer that was that a buffer was that a buffera must have been stick it out at that distance whatever it was it worked and bgy secures the round and look at the meter we’re pretty

    Much neck and neck going into this final round losers side top eight but boki two bars a meter two goros that’s two armors to play with Darius is ready as well we are locked and loaded ready to go all right Goro one gone boki able to keep

    His first bar of meter on that one however the standing two is going to whiff looking for it another armor that’s going to force the breaker this has been a perfect start for Voki commitment vgy tried to get the confirmation but missed it and the crowd’s definitely back in

    Voki here the sweep the mixups and now you are in so much trouble the throw counter hang on bokei was pressing no last breath no meter for last breath and boki’s going to take it over VG y last game last round and staying alive here at UFA what a round that was

    A perfect boki round get that corner and it is time to mix Kung Lao so many overheads so many lows but you know what I love about it though is especially off of that back three right the back three overhead the back three L it’s a true

    50/50 but there’s normally a gap in between the first hit and the second you know so so the mixup Point there’s normally a gap for armor but he on mey he was so good making it so just the overhead or low would hit by itself so

    There was no option to to to find that armor like as a traditional block string just you have to make the call out of on wake up are you going to do it or not but then if he just does back three into nothing then obviously he gets to block

    In time that was a really just fantastic example of bokei showing why he is so successful in Mortal Kombat over the years right that kungla loyalty and now here moving on in this losers top eight secure a minimum fifth place and V y of course being eliminated

    At seventh but I will say vgy two pro competition major top eights in the bag that is a good amount of points on the leaderboard secured already going into final combat someway through 2024 when we inevitably get to that point that we start looking for the best of the best

    Fgy put himself in a good spot to get a nice tidy amount of points to make his life a lot easier as we move through to the rest of the pro comp events through the year there’s one thing boki was able to demonstrate there it is just that

    Composure and the ability to just constantly keep his cool and to remain just in good shape essentially and we saw that a lot actually from boki yesterday there were quite a few matches where boki was against the ropes and you can’t count him out was able to just

    Bring it all the way back and did not necessarily the same thing here because it was very back and forth but win that clutch final game that final round just made the right decisions every single time knows when you are worried about the armor and then just how many throws

    Worked how many just regular grabs connected because you’re so worried about the armor you’re not looking for throw he did like 10 of them but I feel like it’s going to be time very soon for us to talk about our next matchup I think you might be right this one this one is

    Absolutely ridiculous foxy Grand party left G to the right USA versus the United Kingdom two fan favorites but sadly only one of them can move on that is true tragic these are two players who I would love to see go as far as possible cuz G I mean G is a sweetheart

    To begin with you know one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and talk to in the fgc but plays like a total demon with that gearus right he has that effective strategy play for that rewind know you’ve got that safety net to fall

    Back on but also a true Master of the character I think is go you know a real gearus loyalist which to be honest is weird to say because I know geis was new to 11 which has only been like what four or five years but I mean G just collect

    With that character immediately and has been rocking geis exclusively in tournaments pretty much from 2019 all the way until now uh foxy Grandpa however really has kind of found his footing in MK1 in the way of mainly Katana kungla uh he is a very dry player very willing to spend the entire game

    You know at long range playing that kind of runaway keep out style uh but knows when it’s time to go in obviously you know can get the optimal damage on point Katana is is definitely not a character that does low damage especially if you have the execution to hit those optimals

    And we definitely do be seeing that from foxy Grandpa now matchup wise I predict we will be seeing geus versus Katana uh now one major thing that I am looking for is I do wonder how G will deal with the extreme keep away because gearus I’ll be honest his keep away in this

    Game it’s decent especially with like low Cameo if you have the lwh hat to work with but it’s not all that it certainly wasn’t it’s not what it once was in mk11 I’ll put it that way way he’s not going to spend the whole game zoning you out also if you are building

    A strategy around you know taking a lot of risks because you know you’re good at managing the rewind you can how do you rewind projectile hits you know what I mean G is used to getting opened up by significant like confirms from Combos and strings and then finding the right

    Point in the juggle to rewind how do you do that if you’re spending the whole game being kept out to projectiles and lwh hats and fans and all sorts that’s the thing the way rewind the way foxy plays and the way he’s going to obtain his damage before you close in the

    Distance is not time rewind friendly so we will see how far this one goes here both players will be rocking the uh kungla Cameo Fus and Katana it is their best pairing in competitive Katana has different cameos you can pair for different styles but for the way foxy

    Plays lwh hat makes the zoning some of the best in the game and gearus lwh hat allows him to establish a bit of range control it helps with his keep away but it also helps with combos pressure and importantly for G setting up the hourglasses now we definitely are

    Getting to a point though I know it’s only been a few months for MK1 but as it currently stands here especially since the patch we are getting to a point that is sort of calming down in terms of we know what cameos to expect from certain

    Characters you know what I mean and when you look at the top of the cameos right now you’re looking at the kungla the strike uh Goro for the characters that he makes work um so we’re we’re not being too thrown off by Cameo pick uh in tournament this weekend however we’ll

    See you know the notable exceptions probably vgy with that Darius because Darius in general just is not a cameo we see much at all to be honest andless watching you and rag that sub darus over the last no comment the experimentation but this is definitely going to be a kungla Kao

    Mirror cuz they’re two characters that really I mean they need it to to do the game plan that they’re enforcing you know geis with the allow allows him to set up those clocks so he can get them stocked and obviously get the utility of the snap or the rewind and then uh I

    Mean obviously helps for Combos and keeping those long range buttons safe or plus and Katana it is all about that neutral she is using lwh hat to just play a long range game build meter make her Mobility safer if she’s trying to do Square wave not really for damage at all

    It is complete neutral control and you know what I love we didn’t quite see it on camera cuz the way the camera was panning G started with held lwh hat into attempting to to to get the rewind ready foxy started with a round start ex rotating fan and it punished it

    Immediately that is Foxy watching G over the weekend and knowing what to look for but that right there is an element of the matchup that g has been so good at this weekend so many kungl Cameo players that overhead goes right over it at the right range G has been so phenomenal at

    Just calling out when you’re going to go for the low hat overhead right over it the zoning is something that G’s going to have to be a little bit worried about even with the kungla Cameo gearus is one of the characters that just naturally has less health so that’s one less fan

    You can take in a match that doesn’t sound like much but it adds up and for him quite important the trade of the lwh Hat there is still a possibility for G to bring this one back well it takes his one significant hit but the overhead

    Trades with the low hat you actually see what it did foxy held it so the overhead would be punished on hit that was actually really smart brick wo defense but you’re already seeing the difficulty G has been spending so many matches this weekend oh there it is the full screen

    Stun this is something that g will have to use I think we’re going to see less of the rewind after the hourglasses and more of just the the snap the freeze to punish a potential projectile it’s going to slightly slow down that defensive game from foxy one projectile too many

    Max range overhead very hard to punish some characters can’t even do it but that’s one thing though about G right G has been very used to just going for have full screen you know hold the low hat build up the stocks but he’s not you

    Know he’s not a fool if you show him that it’s hard for him to do it he’ll just change he’ll adapt his gear is Right fail adapt evolve and that’s exactly what G will need to do in this set if it’s not going to go his way but

    This has been a much better round for him foxy however looking good in this corner now but the overhead again both rounds ending almost the same way only this time G takes it you know that if it’s going to trade favorably and win for you another thing foxy has to worry

    About you got to keep a mental note of how many hourglasses gearus has built up because if he has the three it’s a very different story there’s the punish but there of course is that one bar combo breaker the problem is though now completely meter dry G going to have to

    Build them up the old fashioned way two already just needs one more oh a very good trade that did a lot of damage to hit low at the same time and there’s three G has it already and there’s the bar to spend and spend it g an interesting full screen game two of

    Them I mean look at the way G has already adjusted if you’re not going to get away with the ex1 now obviously no bar still finding the time looking for the sweep now foxy walking g into the corner how much that’s going to mean I guess we’ll have

    To wait and see whiff punished there with the sweep oh no low to follow up and there’s the third almost punished not quite expect some sort of backwards movement there foxy being respectful but the range of G and that geus again showing it respect plus frames this time we shut it down a

    Throw Tech from G oh no they got the rewind though it doesn’t matter 10 seconds on the clock by the way the punish hang on okay no that this is actually quite smart so foxy goes for the early fatal blow it’s going to freeze the timer now

    This is a good way of spending that time that’s left if you go for the Fatal blow now you have more time to get the life lead back when this is finished immediate oh no wait does foxy have the wait who wins no what wait foxy had the life lead so

    It didn’t look it on the health bar foxy had the lead like numerically until that connected and I think that was like 0 whatever to get that life lead at the very last second that was so close and I would like to remind you by the way this

    The the reason that went to such a timeout thing is cuz every time foxy hit G he had the one bar time rewind to undo all of that work the fact that geus has 950 Health doesn’t really mean much when he can constantly undo the damage you’ve done for one

    Meter oh went for the take throw no launch from foxy though yeah spend the bar on the Square wave but didn’t get the lift probably just an execution error and that full screen conversion of the projectile 180 damage o that’s going to add up oh now I don’t think that that

    Counts as the spend unless the snap has gone off so I think G might still have it I believe so I think he does still have it which is why Foxy’s a little bit anxious here to throw fans because again one snap and gearus is going to punish you

    Anywhere all right looking for it that’s going to punish you actually oh I love that choice pun the reactivation and this is the way foxy I think is going to be looking to play this match up oh technically unsafe there I guess but hard to know but this is the way that

    Foxy wants to play don’t go in unless it’s absolutely necessary death by 1,000 Cuts or in this case th000 projectiles and we’re going to go in for The Hour Glass we have once more a free combo breaker or an anti- projectile and in this matchup you’re going to benefit from both command grab

    Now for G oh no the emperor from G doesn’t matter he’s got the one bar breaker I laugh at your attempt to combo oh foxy punishes it he read it like a book I mean G still got the activation I think but I mean did it count G didn’t use it

    There so I guess maybe he just wanted to hold on to it Escape failed foxy doing the much smarter grab Direction prioritizing that mid screen instead now this life even chip damage is a threat cuz also the bar you build in the process foxy already has another breaker

    Oh no commitment but at this time again you don’t really need to you need to a very non-committal game plan but it means you stay as safe as possible I mean how does g bring this back G needs something big and Foxy is not leaving up opportunities unless we see that full

    Snap and now fatal blow becomes a threat break yep has to be done that is going to open things up now oh that was scary games to play one finger snap and that fatal blow was getting you know it was I was saying before G needed something big to make it

    Back into that round and thereare I say very very nearly found it but foxy once again the use that breaker good meter management saving it for a rainy day this match is going exactly how I expected 100% every round is going to take a long time because of just the two

    Characters you see and how they’re going to play G fighting for the tournament life as is Foxy G traveling all the way from the states for this foxy in rare occasions only had to fly an hour or so the shoe is on the other foot oh that little juicy

    Two-piece but you can see how just how much patience has to be displayed in this match up from both players I mean G obviously needing to get something off the off the ground but the the main downside G is going to find is there is just no freedom in this neutral to get

    Stocks up for free if G can find the stocks he has to be so careful with where he builds them and where he spends them cuz look too far away that’s going to trade favorably for foxy however there we go finds a little bit of time gets it stocked hourglass means finger

    Snap is dangerous foxy showing it respect and G knowing that Foxy’s worried about it still didn’t chase it down I thought for sure that would catch but not Square wave that’s one thing that foxy does with katana is just a real good awareness of when to get away with that square wave

    Movement all right that sand pillar on the jump back something that g is going to be using quite a lot throughout the course of this match to be honest it really is his only real full screen option and the damage is okay that was a mistake there’s no chance that was

    Intentional and the reason that’s extra bad for foxy is look at the cool down of kungl compared to so smart there for G yeah you’re right look at that Cameo meter Foxy’s having to weit out that entire cool down bar before being able to use low hat again unless he’s going

    To keep the slow cool down for the remainder of the round he yeah he he’s definitely waiting for it now it’s back there it is immediately yeah foxy showing awareness of that cool down all right those three bars have been stocked with the hour glasses I

    Guess I should say here that’s going to be a whiff punish on the escape attempt I absolutely love those sweeps that g is going for though cuz G keeps doing it every time foxy leaves himself zero g is going for just the sweep cuz if you’re

    Going to go for that little micro back down or you know maybe a fast button that sweep is so disjointed it keeps G very safe when going for a with punish not sure about that square wave that might have been unintentional seeing as he just tried to do a whiff punish

    Beforehand but either way now Even Stevens one round a piece in this next game another input error foxy getting Cameo moves he definitely does not want and again it’s just going to make the cool down so much longer whereas the low hat really is all foxy after that’s happened twice in this match

    All right G establishing again just playing carefully playing patient the Flawless blocks are going to be really important I really have no idea how to call this round it feels like we’re so dead even but say can we get anything substantial oh that would have been such a nice

    Pickup blocks to deny even more of the meter build the chip damage oh wow okay jumps into it and Foxy again the second he see that he’s getting even close to that corner gets away cour trying to set up the wind bomb a little bit greedy with that because that’s an easy snap

    For G oh wow punish on the fan but we are again entering fatal blow territory and now G is going to have to build up those hourglasses once more uses that free time all three locked in that’s going to force the break forces the break theine left but nothing left now 8

    Seconds on the clock foxy doesn’t need to overcommit now that’s okay I oh he knew he knew he knew he knew I was about to say I don’t know if foxy can take 5 Seconds of command grabs left but knew at the very last minute that girl was

    Going to go for it foxy with the immediate jump out now this match really is Going the Distance but was it going to be anything else now this is a very this ain’t a character change this is a tactical timeout G has been known for this you

    Just need that moment sip some water control your breathing go back into the character select and just use this time to think that last match what happened you know why did it not quite go how I wanted it to what can I really focus on there one thing he’s probably focusing

    On he might be remembering that one time he used the finger snap when foxy tried to escape and it was a free punish but the problem is if you use that and you leave yourself like I mean how much damage you going to get for that instance and also

    How long is it going to take you to build it back up again and there is also one major thing in this matchup this is the first time all tournament that g has been forced to play at this pace I feel like most people are used to chasing

    After geas right you you want to Barrel into him to not let him build these stocks and get that clock ready to go but this is someone who wants no part of going into you at all but can also stop you building it from a distance I think

    This of all the matchups we’ve seen G have to play this is one that it looks like it is the most out of his comfort zone but you know G was known to being much more of like the patient play as gearus uh in MK1 so I definitely know

    He’s used to the PACE but in this matchup will he be able to adjust before it’s too late as this could be the last match of this round one of top eight and unfortunately again the loser of this match eliminated from the tournament and when there’s Pro competition leaderboard

    Points on the line that is not something you want to be dealing with with foxy has to be kind of careful with how he approaches here but there is going to be a chance for break if G wants to spend it might be just holding on to it and

    Then may use it a second time has he not used it already the hourglasses the he has The Hourglass built he has it built but now may not have the chance a trade combo from the full screen lwh cheeky catch from G Staying Alive in

    This set and I’m pretty sure no he must have spent it okay I was totally Mis counting that then it’s good thing I’m not playing I I lost it’s a difficult element of the character to keep up with it right CU there’s no on screen indicator or

    Anything on gearus you just have to know that he’s got it on the flip side you know the gearus player doesn’t have that information either so it’s just one of those elements of the matchup that both players have to keep tabs on looking for a punish with the

    Reappear the throw text of G have been fantastic all weekend but of course there will be a combo breaker opening up gearus for big damage just looks so rare and unlikely again and when the hourglasses are built and a break is ready oh no too early yeah I actually

    Think that maybe surprised foxy as well just went for a quick little improv Ender there there’s two we just need one more and there’s the third the bar gets SP buten second time o but the combo drop from foxy leaves imp punishable on landing and go is ready lwh hat of

    Course expects the down button G’s going to capitalize and punish foxy with the Instant Button just in case that was the round risk the whole round on that overhead another grab foxy not afraid to establish but only 50 Health left how does foxy bring this round back oh

    Cannot do so as G takes the next game and another game five we are going into for this last round one games who’s getting eliminated who’s going to move forward is it going to be G or foxy Grandpa oh I will say though I’m happy this set

    Is Going the Distance because these are two players who I’ve definitely been looking forward to watching in this top eight It’s just sad that only one of them can move forward but I’ll tell you if you are in the chat right now if you are a g supporter if you’re woken up

    Nice and early in the USA he needs your support now could be the last game of the tournament back to this range now there is no breaker on tap so this will be free damage G still has it though so that’s either going to be oh surely

    That’s a combo breaker but because it was the last 3 seconds oh wow okay no I thought he might have stayed in the corner you know was quite a surprised to me as well now yeah that Dynamic of that that two4 from Katana is zero on block so every

    Time foxy has been doing that it’s been sweeps from G exclusively that that the disjointed sweep you know safe for that range now he’s going for overheads so getting tricky now we’re getting later into this set it’s a really good start here for foxy Grandpa there is the possibility of

    A comeback here but it’s going to be expensive G is going to have to spend all resources to obtain and that was off to a pretty perfect start now fo this is best case scenario full cameo full bar a round up to work with this is comfort zone for foxy

    However I’m always looking at what G’s going to build overhead trade a trade that’s not too bad for foxy at the moment with punish and there of course is the breaker got be so careful going for any pokes when you’re in back two range with katana such a good button

    What a trade can you still get the combo yeah immediate oh that is not good for G yeah g got out of it but he just spent a bar to get that that’s two bars gone it’s better than three I guess but still immediately caught by another mid foxy

    Grandpa seizes the life lead and with a lot of bar to spend again foxy breaker territory again G gets the break has to use it immediately Again by the way that so much meter being spent for no benefit other than to just keep yourself alive

    However this is G he has been on fire all weekend when it’s time to clutch he can clutch he just has to do it one last time but if you’ve got a clutch it’s so difficult in this scenario so much meter for Katana chip damage a threat kungla

    Ready to go plus frames and forced by foxy once again the Poke and the throw comes through to finish off game number five here as Foxy grandpa is going to be taking it over G here in the loser side of course all good sports all around but

    My goodness was that go in the distance that was a hard to cool match all the way up until the very end foxy just choosing those select few couple of times as the right moment to go in even though G had the rewind had the free Breakers not necessarily free Breakers

    But the one bar version he was spending so much meter on those that he was using it for nothing else and that was just unfortunate timing his end of course massive shout outs to was the last North American standing and now sadly that does mean the only players left in this bracket are

    International but I’ve got to say though you know huge shouts to all the Americans that made the trip out here anyone that’s attended an event or has done that longdistance trip knows it’s not easy right you got to adjust to the time the jet lag if for a lot of these

    Players I’ve been saying you is it your first time in France now yep sometimes it’s like first time on uh you know just a long long haul flight in general so uh of course nice to see you make the tri out and of course not bad at all

    Especially go getting that top eight getting those leader leaderboard points I should say he’s definitely going to be happy with securing something for the time here even though I’m sure he would have liked to have gone further everyone always would prefer to get further in the tournament it’s just a nature of

    Competition I suppose but G just continuing to be this clear clear clear fan favorite and doesn’t surprise me playing a specialist character in such a way that I’ve never really seen any other gearus play like this which gives you both both a tactical advantage in tournament and then

    Also man you’re just learning the game at your own pace you’re learning the game your own way take the character you want to play we’re seeing a lot of Specialists do quite well here even in top eight we had GGY we had Javier foxy we got ger those that are just they they

    Pick the character they want the same thing with boki you know people that just they Thrive with their favorite character and they Rock no matter what with that foxy a little bit different because he’s more about a gameplay side however if he believes in something like

    This Katana for example uh he’s going to go as far as he can with it but either way I want to give a shout out to Mountain Dew for supporting this Pro competition powered by of course you can see here in the instant replay uh a massive amount of support for

    Competitive Mortal Kombat we thank them very much for doing that and we have more of this top eight to get through but that’s just it for round one games right we’ve still got plenty left to go we have that Winners finals to get through couple of losers matches first

    But uh we’re definitely getting through it and this has definitely been an event that I’ve enjoyed watching and definitely been looking forward to over the last few months right ever since they first announced that UFA was going to be a pro competition event I think a

    Lot of us European players were kind of assuming that if there was Pro Comp this would probably be you know OB with venality being so soon after the game’s launch we like if anything was going to get the Pro Comp spot after the announcement it was most likely going to

    Be uh UFA so you know it definitely has been an event that’s been exciting so far we still have a good bunch of matches to go and of course just the best players left in the tournament right but I really am particularly looking forward to that Winners finals

    That Javier versus master that is going to be the match to watch for sure and uh yeah that is one piece of today’s top eight but before we go to our first break of the day let’s talk a little bit about merchandise that you the lovely

    Folks at home can pick up for yourselves as part of the pro competition we do have a sale going on for Black Friday 30% off Mortal Kombat 1 the actual game itself across all platforms so Playstation Xbox Steam and switch and of course that is 30% off standard and

    Deluxe edition so so definitely if you’re liking what you see and you want to get stuck into the action and get playing the game yourself good time to do it is right now but outside of the Black Friday sale there is also merchandise you can buy as part of

    Mortal Kombat 1 and the pro competition you can pick it up for yourself at wbshop.com and rep your favorite characters in whatever kind of merchandise that you want and remember the Black Friday sale is temporary it will not last forever so if you want to

    Make the most of it now is the time however it’s been a really really sick tournament so so far I’m liking the variety we’ve seen sadly we have had to say goodbye to both video game Joe and G as is the way and when we return from

    Our next break we’re going to have to say goodbye to a few more because we’re going into that next round of losers I don’t quite have the bracket in my head but obviously we’ll bring into it and you’ll see the matches that we’re going to be playing um there’s four more

    Players that have a potential to leave us but we’ll see how that one’s going to go we’re going to go for a quick break throw you over to the very talented history behind the warrior and Vulcan we’ll see you very soon The Realms are mine think what good would your death accomplish inspiring future generations to oppose You Fight highly doubt a blind swordsman can kill me sento and I are more than you the Eye The cocky one you’re about to be humbled by a man in a cape I do not think So Yeah finish Him fatality omn man wins flawless [Applause] Victory I’m alive and I see things I’m alive I’m alive Brea I am He Hello everyone and welcome back to UFA this time at the analyst table I’m history behind the warrior join none other than Falcon as we go over some of the highlights of this top eight so far it has been crazy I think is the best way to describe it from start to finish

    We’ve had nothing but some insane games going on and this has been a really stacked top eight it really has and talking about the top eight itself I think the real tone Setter that really got things going was actually Oar versus MK H that was just an amazing way to

    Start things off I think that’s the best thing to really say so as we’re going to go over the replays over here between AAR and Javier now axar uh what I would say is new to the to the competitive scene this is the first time we’re

    Seeing him in any kind of Pro Comp event uh does a lot of performances online and everything we’ve talked about him during the USA versus the world exhibition and Javier this is his first offline but that right there now we’re going to talk about some of these things cuz he had

    Some insane presence of mind to confirm this and then get the kill for how much damage was it probably like close to 50% and let’s not also forget when it comes to playing a character like Striker you do have a smaller health because of the 50 Health that is taken

    Away plus it was a really bsy read and jumping onto our next clip here was actually the second really big one which was bgy against now the reason why this was super big is because this went neck and neck to the very end and when you

    Thought that bgy was kind of out in death door stand to fatal blow into the round he was a robot for that I mean I don’t think any of us could have really expected that the crowd over here has been getting loud as well when the

    Moment we see VG y ping off like that it was insane however boki completely stole back momentum everyone was at a loss for words at this point I I mean bgy over here 0.1 Health it was a wrap at that point because of the chip damage and

    Then in the last match that we had before we cut over to the break we had G and a foxy grandpa I wouldn’t have expected anything else from either of these players both being extremely experienced in their own right so was great to have them here great see this

    And good to have them honestly the there was a situation as well when G and Foxy were playing and in the first game game it went to a timeout situation we saw foxy running away uh pretty much you know both players Health were relatively the same foxy looked at it thought he

    Had the Health Advantage and started to run away but G won I don’t think even G realized that he won that the moment it’s it came up with the Garis wins he was like and and just happy about it because 950 Health the health percentage for G was higher exactly and at that

    Point I think foxy really just made a big miscalculation on his part and wasn’t prepared for that to be the case yes but that was the clutch fact from G even if foxy did one well played on both sides but we’re going to send things back over to our wonderful commentators

    Ketchup and mustard to continue this top eight enjoy thank you so much jent great job welcome back of course we are ketchup and mustard and we are ready to continue this top eight commentary for what should be some pretty fantastic matches I think we’ve already seen how things

    Are shaping up so far we have a good reason to be super optimistic who’s stepping up oh this is so we’re cheating cuz we can like we can see we got the monitors we can see the next match and it’s boki versus can so I want to immediately say in this match

    Canam Mani is very again he’s one of those players who and I thought we saying this about so many people this weekend new to offline major level competition there’s like there’s so many players here it’s their first tournament it’s their first time traveling their first time attending a major their first

    Time time playing on stage playing on stream in person whatever boki is not one of those first timers but one thing I will say is Canam Manny as he is so successful in the online space a very once again by the book player you know he kind of like understands the game and

    What he should be doing I know he plays a lot of online but in this kind of sense we saw Canam Manny look kind of uncomfortable in that first set against Tekken master and boki could not be Karma you know what I mean like he is absolutely calm collected unfazed by the

    Stage the and all the crowd noise that comes with it I don’t know if I can say the same thing about Canam Manny I wonder if that is going to be the real enemy in this match honestly I just hope that Canam Manny has had and I’m I’m

    Sure he does have a good amount of players around him keeping him in the right frame of mind you know if if I’m if I’m with someone uh at a tournament and they’re super talented but they’re new to this stuff you got to have people around you

    To just constantly reassure to say mate don’t sweat it you know just keep yourself calm don’t get uncomfortable by this stuff you can get really overwhelming but don’t let anything take you away I’ll be honest no we even saw that in pool play from just a little bit

    Of reassurance goes a long way when you’re new to this stuff but I guess sometimes you can go the opposite way where we saw there was a bit of a confusion in the first match where there was you know one too many coaches they admin know right they had done this

    Before but I feel like that in a sense almost achieved the opposite where you’re not getting that relief it’s like oh no what’s going on what have I done wrong kind of thing you know and you know it’s uh it’s it’s it’s why they say offline is a different Beast entirely

    Now you know not to completely discredit canaman more than capable of taking the set for sure absolutely but I mean boki is just unfaced now canaman looks like going back to the Johnny Cage which we’ve seen from canaman the last handful of matches it’s mainly the Raiden but he

    Was playing Johnny as the main up until that kind of like King Gambler offre stream match so now it looks like maybe going back to the Johnny Cage which to be honest considering how popular Johnny Cage is in EU there has been a surprising lack of Johnny in the later

    Stages of it because a lot of the Johnny Cage players later were then playing Raiden instead yeah I I think that’s the case I think it’s a lot of the Johnny players they have other characters and they’re just going to the Raiden as a preference I suppose cuz we definitely

    Saw a lot of Johnny Cage in the pool play like a lot a lot of Johnny Cage as is to be expected you know we are in an era of the community where a lot of players will just play what they think is good and at the moment Johnny K just

    Kind of seem to be that number one for a lot of players but what we seen him again here as canaman versus bokei again lose a side action but we are at Fifth Place territory but looking to see who can secure that fourth place match oh and boki starting off strong

    With an immediate actually think he did the exact same thing against VG y just round start back three low in tooro wake up into the instant Shadow kick by the way canaman kind of testing the waters with what we can get away with and a great reward to start off that first

    Round Escape failed reinforcing those grabs already I feel like boki had such a great start but it so massively down on life being able to catch out that Parry though with punish it with the sweep oh wait hang on is that it that is that is absolutely enough the one to1 gave Goro

    Enough time to leave the screen smart stuff there from boki and that will be the first round that is scaling pretty heavily but definitely is going to finish off here oh yeah it’s 950 Health you’re dead this it just me was that round a bit of a roller coaster well I

    Feel like bokei started off strong and then suddenly wasn’t and then just won the round I feel that is just the the snowball momentum game that you play with L and Johnny Cage such an aggressive character armor into launch instant break y going to come through

    That’s why I like the armor there though because even if you go like Shadow kick and then the low hack comes through against kungl that doesn’t mean you’re getting a button he’s going to challenge that he’s going to make you sweat all right low poke delayed overhead he

    Doesn’t do the overhead straight away he always slightly delays it ends it in the one 121 to keep the close positioning Goro’s gone for a hot minute but again without Goro the one 121 on its own ending you closer introduces grabs introduces stuff up close oh that’s

    Going to be good damage oh yeah the break wasn’t sure fi cuz I don’t I don’t think that would have killed maybe not but looks like boki trying to play it safe and hold around anyway but gets opened up almost immediately and loses the round regardless the taunt and hype

    Mode activated this is now round three Johnny Cage with hype R to go could be quite dangerous and there’s that mid whatever it was for boki to challenge we’re getting this Johnny Cage action on Deck nice little knockdown Escape failed goes for the less obvious throw Direction

    Smart stuff there from canaman the Block on the armor to ready to accept it and just wait low pokes all day the staggers the low catches is that’s a hard situation to deal with good down BL block counter hit though oh the grab and another Escape failed yeah Canam man’s throw game has

    Been so tricky armor no Goro I mean goros are available but you chose not to spend it yeah boki just held on to the Goro in that instance maybe just wasn’t confident it was going to connect I guess regardless Canam Manny manages to swing things around secures that first

    Game bring it now Canam Manny we have to remember inexperienced in the offline space but in the online realm a true young Prodigy basically wins everything that that’s the only way I can put it Canam Manny is one of those players in the online tournament scene especially

    For EU that if Canam Manny enters is an instant favorite so it really is going to be a question of how Canam Manny can adjust this offline environment and I’ll say so far it hasn’t been like you know without some issues but Canam Manny by and large is looking good especially as

    You get further on in this tournament keeping that composure and that’s a big part of playing offline right when it doesn’t go your way how to recover from it you know how to deal with it and get back to your usual self still though bokei looking good again nice damage to

    Start things off juicy damage oh sweep into Goro okay tricky shout to Splash that’s I’m telling you man an MKX player is boki oh the expensive wake up but one that did work wasn’t that thing in MKX it was like sweep into orbiting hat and

    It would just launch it was if you timed it just right the shades of that with Goro I swear speaking of which there he is again Goro the return the big boss M K1 end our combo once more yeah I mean seeing Goro do a fatal blow to Johnny

    Cage just makes me nostalgic for the movie you know what I’m saying I just I just said MK1 but I meant like MK1 from 92 otherwise known as Mortal Kombat but not Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 9 I made a video about the original Mortal Kombat

    The other day and I was like wait I’m I’m messing myself up now I’m messing myself up but you know who’s also get messed up right here the armor Oh No goo though and no fatal blow either the armor break almost gets out I feel like oh that nut punch though that was

    Definitely a risk from Canam Manny to put it politely definitely called out by boki as well I actually think boki had it cuz that overhead could it have been fatal blown or was Goro still I believe Goro was on cool down I think Goro was on cool down very unlike Boi to miss

    Distinct head shake there from Canam Mani acknowledges that it was just a silly mistake easy think hey look I just got to not do that again righted starting off strong in this next match is canman scoring First Blood getting big damage forcing towards the corner now staggers back to back

    It’s going to be another mid is it just me or does that root do so much damage it do that is why they do it mustard you see Pro players will take the combo that does the highest damage we call that optimal damage I I I hear and don’t

    Appreciate the sarcasm but I get it don’t worry I understand oh There He Go Again so many times now that Parry twice in that round alone I actually think that is a very Canam Manny thing to do though of all the Johnny’s I’ve seen Canam Manny like has more successful paries than a

    Lot of Johnny players and there are a lot of Johnny players to compare to we call that commentator curse you see that clean whiff punish there’s the throws being introduced once more again we’re throwing boki out of the corner throw Direction so can to held lwh hat into a

    Whff jump kick I wonder what that was looking for more of these pares that I think was definitely a bait on Armor I think from that range the fact that boki’s got three bars locked in looking for it again boki has to make something happen but canaman really in control

    Right now there’s armor number one just to create a situation the interruption yo that was so bold from Canam Mani that Goro is so plus but he called it out and boki did go for the overhead oh Goro got hit by the lwh hat which made the dive kick punishable and that’s

    Going to be another game here for Canon Manny one more and will eliminate boki from this tournament the patience I liked the patience I saw there from Canam Mani boki had all that meter bokei had Goro ready to go I’m going to sit a full screen I’m going to throw the

    Occasional low hat but I’m going to allow you to make the first move it’s probably going to cost you some sort of resource Johnny Cage let’s not forget with a six frame down one that could have been a huge punish for bokei got the armor break wasn’t too much more never

    Mind all right okay an opening oh that was just a hard read from Cy Manny that didn’t work and now we’re going to meet he with even more the two bar wake up wait this oh hang on a minute that was that was expensive wake up from camman that two bar but the

    Parry oh didn’t get the punish too slow oh the right decision but the wrong timing I mean if Canam Mani got that wake up nut punch there would have been confidence to make that full comeback and we were seeing Canam Mani Full Speed Ahead after so I think the confidence

    Was there just not the right timing I guess pooki now has the round could potentially tie this up Escape failed again Canam Manny consistently going for the less obvious direction of a throw yeah that’s scary especially with can man you know he’s got the execution for those oh absolutely okay there’s the

    Activation use it to get in I respect that oh armor break with the double Shadow kick you think you’ve got armor mate think again oh baby right in the nuts with the last scraps of the hype meter take this nut punch to go through and that is going to bring

    Canaman into match point that mid is going to connect pure and force the breaker overhead into Goro now combo breaker La no Goro no meter this is bad for bokei okay another throw they have just been on point punish teleport we’re going for damage here oh maybe

    Not bokei this is the last chance the good block on the low fantastic block on the low low overhead jumping a low poke to force a turn fatal blow is in the equation now no confirm Escape failed canaman had the game there just did not hit confirm Goro just trying and stop

    Something from range maybe AOW low hat or something they get no there’s no break for canaman and there’s only 440 to go oh ah any hit could do it there’s no gor yeah there’s no Goro this has to be all kungo boki I’m so scared I’m so

    Scared oh can man decided enough of this this I’ve had enough and Shadow kicks right in the last moment can you imagine if foki blocked that shadow kick can you imagine if he did but I I feel like genuinely there are quite a few rounds

    For boki in this top eight where we saw that where it was kind of just everything boki was pressing was just connecting but it wasn’t anything substantial it was just enough to add up right it was a lot of the back three the overhead the low just a standing

    Overhead just down ones right standing two ones like you’re not really getting mad massive things from them but they all connect and before you know your health is just going like down down down down down and then nothing left so Canam Mani found the answer found at least a

    Temporary solution in the moment but advances through in the bracket on the loser side to get at least fourth place today as that fourth place match can and Manny will await the winner of our next game in losers which we will be getting ready very soon we hav’t on stage yet

    But we will but it will be axar versus foxy Grandpa as jaier was able to defeat AAR in the winnner bracket foxy was able to defeat G in the losers bracket and that’s just naturally where they’ve now landed in our next match which should be

    Reiko versus Katana but I want to give a huge shout out one final time to boki for making it as far as he managed to go boki he did a kungla legend in Europe and really just when it comes to game plan one of people’s favorites just just

    A great treat to watch it’s very rare that a player goes into a bracket just that Fearless but also confident to just go with what you tells you and that’s what bokei has refined over the years Kung Lao all the way three games but kungla stays the same for him and not a

    Bad result at all you know still very impressive in its own right this is still UFA 2023 this is Europe’s one major offline Pro competition stop and with thatan everyone’s hereone is here all the European SL kind of like you know this part of the world international players they made the trip

    For the most part I I can’t think of many players who aren’t with the exception of a couple here here and there which is inevitable you’re not literally going to have everyone at every tournament we missed you roor I wish you signed up on time yeah all like

    Gotham City goon as well right you know like players of that caliber who you know wanted to come but you know couldn’t make it work unfortunately uh but most people are and it’s the highest level of international competition so to get you know fifth place not bad at all

    With the level of play that has been here but enough of that it is time to talk about our next match which as you so correct in saying going to be axar versus foxy grandpa so France versus UK a staple in the nether home scene of course and Foxy grandpa again bringing

    Back that Katana most likely I do Wonder because Reiko Striker is quite a strong longer range character in its own right and typically Reiko I think can fight Katana quite well it’s when Katana has lwh hat he has a harder time but when he’s got Striker I don’t know no I

    Actually think this matchup wise might be pretty damn even I’m having to think about how this matchup could go because ultimately Reiko has a lot more ranged options with the striker and higher damaging as well remember combined with the utility of making his slide a lot more threatening that’s a huge one for

    This I think you have a much better time navigating the Minefield that is Katana Lao however lwh hat and the straight fan combined could still maybe mess that up a throwing stars with the lwh hat and the sort of uh vertical fan that she can throw it’s still going to trade better

    For foxy in this and Reiko is going to have less Health too I think 100% it’s just going to come down to how how is axar going to navigate around loha because it’s not just low hat it’s like um it’s lwh hat with whatever follows it

    It’s the rest it’s lwh hat with the rot ating fan covering the air it’s low hat with straight fan covering right in front is that the name of the move that falls down rotating fan that’s what I call it yeah cuz I I don’t know the name

    Of it and I always confus myself thinking about what I should call it has an actual name but air I can’t remember what it is I just call it Ro you can’t call it air fan cuz she has fans she can throw in the air yeah but foxy rarely

    Uses that yeah but I mean like literally air fan is taken but here we go axar versus a foxy Grandpa our next round here in the losers bracket top eight loser is out winner moves on to fight Canam Mani in the next stage and already axar kind of forcing

    Foxy out a little bit forcing him to retreat no significant projectiles have landed yet the Flawless block on the ex Stars crucial part of the match up and Foxy not taking as much damage from those Stars cuz kungla absorbed the hit now we will be seeing axar go for a

    Lot of these Stars remember when if we’re talking damage I think I going go on record and say that I believe reiko’s projectile is the highest damage meatless projectile in the game if you hit all the stars together it’s about 80 I’m not sure if it’s 85 or if it’s 87

    Damage 50 but it’s definitely more than anything Katana is throwing you her straight fan is 80 rotating fan is 80 so if they’re just straight up trading AAR will come off better the problem is the star is a high and she’s got all these mid options at the same time especially

    When lwh hat is kind of piecing it all together and that’s one thing rotating fans going to do here is cover the came Striker comes in he may be wearing his cool backwards cap but he’s not safe and protected from Air fans to hit him how the backwards cat protect him from

    Projectiles would look if you’re going to get hit in the head with a throwing fan would you at least forward no but the would you rather have a hat or no hat right that’s my point hat forwards hat or no hat though that’s my question

    I mean yeah I guess so exactly by the way time out now what I wanted to bring attention here round this real zoning game style is something that foxy is refined you know like he is so comfortable it’s forcing the match up to be played in this fashion and that

    That is what the katana loud team does it absolutely slows things down to a halt because that’s what Katana I mean especially this team particularly is able to really make the most of you know Katana she has long range buttons they’re very confirmable they’re not the fastest she doesn’t have a huge amount

    Of Advantage know your overhead low Mix-Ups whatever this is what she’s good at especially when Lao is there to kind of again you know keep the play style together but when you’re axile and you find the opportunity to get a big hit you take it even if it just gets the

    Breaker that’s three bars that foxy now doesn’t have to play with but I have to say you know it does become some motiva and that’s the third time we’ve seen that happen by the way Striker I Striker is just being removed from this game he’s just getting hit by

    All the anything that foxy throwing Striker is just eating and is not play he’s not in the game we’re not seeing the grenades be able to get used he’s never there quite rightly so though AAR used used that one instance to enforce you know getting some sort of plus

    Frames from a projectile that is now what I call Striker cuz Foxy’s not going to have time to enforce that uh rotating fan anymore oh guess high or low oh he made the read is a 50/50 if riko for those that don’t know if Reiko does fatal blow

    Point Blank like that it is a 50/50 of ground version or air version and ground version is unblockable mid foxy guessed right that is all there is to that but again just to bring us back this ranged style of play there’s probably some people out there that you know are

    Frustrated watching it it can be frustrating to play because you’re against the character that is forcing you to change your game and slow the pace foxy on the other hand is such a master of the slow game he is comfortable playing 100 games in a row like this and that’s a huge Advantage

    Axar has got to keep his call to stay on the Level Playing Field and he’s doing well it’s not likeo doesn’t have the answers you know it was a a slow two rounds but it wasn’t like a commanding win for foxy axar is keeping up the

    Problem is just not having the life lead although I say that in this round axar is sitting on a slight lead indeed but he needs to be able to hold it cuz even if you have a lead against Katana she’s got their mids to just chip you out a

    Lot right you have to be either really on it with the Flawless blocks or accept the fact there’s only so much chip damage you can take Flawless block on the ex a critical part of this match up understanding to neutral duck the regular Stars oh oh that would have been actually quite a

    Disaster axar got hit by that beautiful throw te from axar right Striker coming in the good blocks there from the sweep the back to back oh tries to enforce that plus on block back hand instant jump no punish AAR playing it as safe as possible it looks like does not want to

    Overcommit decent lead now now axar backs off with it but can you the problem is can you keep that lead with the 15 seconds left I feel like you might just get chipped out if you’re not careful and once again foxy grandpa has already taken the life lead back last

    Minute Square wave cannot ch chase down axar so desperately trying to find it fighting back gets the throw does that anti a no he landed in time he landed in time the whole crowd was ready for that and there was a collective oh you know what’s crazy if axar went for the

    Grounded one actually would have caught him on the ground but that was 100% done to anti air right why would you do the grounded version in that instance I know hindsight is 2020 but I can’t fault axar at all there that’s a big jump kick though mustard and that’s a big of

    Damage to take the lead with foxy now Advantage from Health looking to continue we trade even though all five ninja stars hit it really not that bad for Katana no not particularly not at the moment I mean yeah 7750 that is a lot of damage for just a default

    Meterless projectile to do but again because it’s all high and then the second you get a hit break just you have so much work to do you were saying this before I think you saying it yesterday it’s it’s so much shades of seeing foxy playing piercing Molina and KX right

    Yeah where you take this character with those tools and it’s okay I’m going to use these to stay away and then by the time you get in break it’s pretty much the same approach it’s an interesting matchup here because axar is able to compete and keep up with the ranged game

    Albeit struggling a little bit from a damage side Foxy’s still winning the range battle but it’s not hopeless the moment foxy lands even a single full combo that axar cannot match in some way that life lead is sign ific enough that he spends the rest of the round trying

    To catch well I’m going to say it I think as well in this variation uh or in this team I should say I think Katana outdamages him I think like hit for hit Reiko has the higher damage projectile uh the high damage projectile damage but

    Katana has more of a means of hitting it for the chip right because she has the mid ones the low hat to make you respect reiko’s combo damage can be high with Striker H kind of he’s hitting anywhere between like high 200’s to like at most

    Mid 300 Striker is not going to improve riko’s damage but he’s going to give you a few more Avenues to obtain it so like slide meterless combos for example whereas Katana hits you with basically what we’re seeing open up whether it’s the jump kicks or standing strings it’s

    Like mid 300 near enough every time nice down two there from Maxa there is a real element here of almost a striker in return where you block something you just take the damage where you can you might trade but it’s more than you get so it’s a win oh there

    It is again the rotating fan Ducks down going underneath the high we’ve seen that so many times and Foxy is seeing so much mileage out of it the sheer existence of that move cuz that move didn’t always used to be here this was a new move to Katana with the

    Launch of the game if she didn’t have that she would struggle a lot more in some of these matches but the existence of a low profiling projectile is a game changer especially in a game with a lot of highs right a lot of the projectiles

    Are just high in this game so being able to just go under them even if you’re not going to hit them with a rotating fan if you do it the right time at least they’re forced to block it okay there it is not going for the single hit confirm I think here

    Favorable trade for foxy that down to again oh that must have been a last minute Flawless block perhaps I mean he was already blocking low either way it’s going to be match point to Foxy Grandpa looking to advance 3-0 of axar remember when if this match fight against Canam

    Manny and the loser side there’s a mid uhoh you’re navigating this finefield of katana projectiles then out of nowhere this mid one of the most confirmable mids in the game just appears and you get clipped axar fighting back to the best he can but no meter all you got is

    Striker a few Stars you got to throw down big jump in way from that okay yeah I thought from that far surely we don’t get the lift this is really hard for AAR it’s going to be a difficult comeback Striker got hit to but he got a breaker again

    Every time you finally find the hit and the break says no you did not away with you and where do you go full screen again 40 seconds on the clock enough to oh and again Striker comes in takes it on the head and AAR oh just by the final

    Round just looked a bit lost you know I mean I’ve got so much work to do this fatality is disgusting Look Away you squeamish look away from this one oh dear oh dear it’s apple juice don’t worry it’s Apple juice he’s turning into leather and now I don’t know what he

    Is he’s something it’s just a an indistinguishable Mass but foxy Grandpa advances forward now to fight to be honest I think foxy versus Canam Manny should be quite the match I think so Canam Mani no canaman is a very aggressive player Johnny Cage is a character I think I think both Johnny

    And Raiden can fight Katana well so chances are we’ll see one of them characters so I definitely think that’s a match that we should see be most likely a bit more competitive but to me in that it just looked like Foxy was much more prepared to play at that pace

    Cuz you get that a lot when you see foxy play against people in tournament I don’t think it’s a far cry to say most players don’t play at that speed you know what I mean most people will be aggressive they’ll look to go in hit combos do whatever right because a

    Lot of characters are built around there but every now and then you do just get a team or a player who just prefers to slow it down as much as possible you know every fighting game has characters that allow you to do that and there are always players who really Thrive with

    With that strategy um but every now and then you find someone who is just built for it and you need to be able to match playing at that pace and I my my I’m not calling anyone out because my biggest problem as players I’ve got no patience

    You know I’m I’m awful at fighting characters like that but there are some players out there that just they cannot deal with that much slower Pace they want to speed things up their opponent is just not letting them and before you know it it’s over you know and of course

    We have seen AAR I’m sure he’s very capable of doing so but you need to always be able to match the pace but the pace is really slow it’s not like normally when we say you know that kind of point of matching the pace it’s speed

    Right they play a million miles an hour you got to keep up this is the exact opposite and you see that a lot and and Foxy is so good at pouncing on players that sometimes that can be harder for players to adapt to yeah I think because way more players play hyper aggressive

    And in your face than the opposite end so your access to that style of play is a lot simpler however we’ve talked about that match enough because you can clearly see we got two players in front of us ready for winners finals MK Javier in my opinion the best

    Scorpion in the world right now bringing this character to new heights versus Tekken Master a living legend the man that single-handedly back in the day put the Middle East on the map with Mortal Kombat this was the MKX days Tekken Master doing so much work to give that community

    In the nether realm scene a spotlight for once and so many years later now we have so many other players from the Middle East that are amazing even here you know fael for example who was many people’s pick to yeah I’m very surprised that fael didn’t make top eight but just

    Just didn’t managed to because there’s just so many amazing players here that it was an upset in my opinion but it is what it is Tekken Master here to try and take it all the way we have the newcomer MK jaier and I mean newcomer to offline

    This is his first offline Mortal Kombat tournament his first big Mortal Kombat event Tekken Master couldn’t be further from the truth for him this guy’s been there done that all around the world and it should be a absolute killer of a matchup but one thing that I think

    Always separates Tekken Master is the preparation is his Readiness for just about anything you can throw at him I feel genuinely if you haven’t really grinded against Javier you’re not really going to be ready for a scorpion of this caliber you know because it’s like it’s hard enough to find a a dedicated

    Scorpion player to train against in general but he is just so with it with the character it’s almost like when you you know when you talk about the kind of like natara effect where the character can be played so differently by a lot of people um but for Javier I mean how

    Ready do you reckon Tek Master is going to be for Scorpion the only time they would have really experienced this is if they just so happened to bump into each other in combat which probably has happened I do think has happened before but this is a different ball game this

    Is a very very different experience and an experience that really benefits Tekken master from an experienced standpoint but Javier has clearly shown by being at winners finals that just because this is his first major event he ain’t nervous or if he is Hees it well but there’s the immediate change Tekken

    Master going in with Baraka straight away looking to score that first Blood oh but the duck on the throw straight away but no commitment off the mid so Javier with the right play but didn’t follow through the highest damage option oh I love that punish option from

    Tekken Master going for the ex Chop Chop just to make sure that grenades don’t stop the punish that does mean that Javier has quite a significant meter Advantage though have to be careful Striker on the way ex ooh Flawless block on that teleport either way Striker coming in

    Now just to make it a bit more more safe a lead for Tekken master that he can really build from that’s why Javier is looking for things like instant air teleport these little elements that can steal a couple of hits a trade oh wow just did not happen

    But look at the damage you get for this if it does connect of course we have the Spanish players in attendance cheer on and jaier with each hereit you love to see it no breaker Javier holding on to it did something on wake up that wasn’t

    Block oh that’s going to the work oh the knowledge for the punish standing one into fatal blow was that even a combo I think it was I was I was keeping an eye on the counter I think it was we’re going to come in with that isuna drop we

    Go boom round one for Mk Havier yeah Tekken Master trying to keep it safe with the grenades behind but fatal blow has that armor and grenades aren’t going to punch through it I like that choice if Tekken Master covers that Advance with Striker button into Striker on the receiving end

    Both of them get hit doesn’t matter you’re going to get an even bigger punish defensive Striker this one doesn’t quite work however Striker didn’t get hit oh no he did he absolutely did what am I talking about he has only just started regenerating the counter poke attemp patience y Tek

    Master I think the first player in the top eight we’ve seen to block that that flame charge from scorpion his armored reversal but very unsafe on block and Teek Master with the patience to Simply wait for it and punish accordingly oh big jump kick hit Striker as well

    This is bad for Tekken Master cuz he’s not going to come back for quite some time there we go oh just enough and immediately spends it tell this is a game of momentum and Tekken Master does not want to let Javier keep his at all Let It Rock on its own there’s the

    Counter pokeemon again Striker the down one the turn stealer keeps a restand situation actually early Flawless blocks that really good for Tekken Master to stay alive whiffs the 21 and a 21 in return actually now these are two characters with very good standing twos that you do not want to

    Mess around with and Tekk master I think might be able to take this just enough yes it is game number one going to Tekken Master y I’m so happy to see Tekken Master still playing the Baraka cuz I know he plays a bunch of characters but I know he was definitely

    Playing a lot of Baraka early in the game and you know with with the adjustments the character received in the the first major patch you know SX not being as common of a pair these days baraka’s damage going down a lot of Baraka players kind of immediately jump

    Ship and Tekken Master is not one of them you know still believes in this character still wants to bring him to tournaments and with Striker definitely looking worth it well that wake up didn’t hit anything besides Striker but it did get Javier out of a bad spot so as long as you’re

    Still alive that’s certainly better than nothing in this kind of encounter especially with Bara this character we’ve been talking about characters that party hard the whole time Baraka striker hard but thing is Tekken Master isn’t even going totally ballistic he’s just using Striker to cover everything he’s

    Using him for like safe jumps basically he’s getting a knockdown making it so the grenades blow up on wake up and then he’s you know timing a jump in with it and that’s like very fundamental play he’s just looking to catch you out and confirm nice catch again very very much

    Been willing to go for that a challenge if you miss time Striker or get greedy with his grenade timing I’m still punishing you yeah forc him to do it earlier that time plus frames good defense from Tekken Master he’s not biting ex teleport does a fair amount of jailing

    Oh my goodness jump kick ex teleport another jump attack jails completely so you’ve got to show so much respect to it however the big fours looking for it plus frames now a back three a counter poke it’s a matter of time until the down one down forward two come out it’s

    A matter of time inevitable must but I love the way that Teek Master is building this offense around that standing for string you know it hits so many times it gives you ages to confirm Striker lots of meter build lots of Chip damage and when it comes to Flawless

    Blocking most people Flawless block the special move not the string so you actually get a lot of mileage from it and we’re seeing Javier he’s getting clipped while blocking the standing Force so I actually wonder if he’s trying to Flawless block and he just getting P out Striker coming in do we

    Get a safe jump off the throw yes we do there it is again good reaction onto the overhead from Javier and a Flawless BL once more Tekken Master finds the Gap Tekken Master is not letting Javier get away with anything here a big read on that grab though and

    That’s a full combo for Javier in return we’re going to end that into impressive damage the down one on wake up just challenging and one thing Tekken master has been using loads of in this match up low profile the down four for example Scorpion’s only mid is point

    Blank he has range on things like 21 or whatever else everything else is going to get disrespected by pokes and Tekken Master is so wise to it two to zero here on MK jaier jaier no point no choice now but to make a reverse sweep one really

    Cool thing that Teek Master is doing as well so baraka’s best mid is his back three that kind of double hitting goes low but the options from it are all technically unsafe a lot of the time but he’s just going for like mey back three into like just a launch and always

    Covering it or even just the stab at the end and just always covering it with Striker he is playing such a fundamental game that is being completely just I mean just just bodyguard Striker just covering everything along this like very fundamental style of offense that is working so well for Tekk

    Master the delayed wake up to get around a throw a gamble at that Health anything on a punish would have done it and Tekken Master still massive life lead the re no you don’t and the Readiness for the Scorpion matchup 3-0 maybe Grand finals for Tekken Master on the horizon

    And let jaier can make something work here doing a little dance look at him go almost wonder if Teek Master is just trying to like fake out a fireball or if that is just you know getting a bit comfortable oh my goodness that is three separate answers he has done for ex

    Teleport the first one was an up block the second one was a down two and the third there was just a 21 this teleport isn’t allowed to do anything here Flawless block to shot it down and reversal punish yo take a master lab the hell out of this match up he must have

    Done I he must have done I was saying I I wonder how how ready for Scorpion Tekken Master is going to be clearly the answer is extremely ready as ready as I think he needed to be cuz he is looking completely in control of this match up

    Javier finds a reversal but what can do another Flawless block he Flawless blocks every single spin off down three every single one and the dash oh F the Char Tekken Master almost looks like he was toying with Javier at the end and finds the cleanest 30-0 and a grand finals position complete and

    Utter denial of not only a character but a players’s tendency he stopped everything from working you can tell that Tekken Master must have at some point looked at all of these Javier matches and just picked apart the key details of what are the things that Javier does a lot a lots

    Of teleports right ex tele report B more importantly down three into death spin death spin into Striker grenade there are some really key aspects of how he plays this matchup that has worked so well Tekken Master had an answer for every s but think about it but what does

    That leave him with Javier I feel like Javier was was going through the Scorpion Playbook the entire time you know like death spin into strike a grenade uh teleport to try and find something to get some advantage with punishing with standing two you know just anything anything you normally

    See scorpion Thrive off the’re down three really looking for those long range pokes and everything was being denied by Tekken Master he was ready for literally everything that Javier was going to throw at him and that’s WIS him Grand finals win aside and that does mean that Tekken Master is our first

    Grand finalist of this tournament and there’s only four players left we’re going to find out which of the other three is going to join him but before we do so and we set up our next final set of matches I’d like to remind you all about some official Mortal Kombat stuff

    You can get your hands on first of all Mortal Kombat 1 the game itself the game itself across all versions standard or deluxe edition and the platform can be purchased for 30% off this is part of the Black Friday sale you can check it out here and just get hands on if you

    Want to learn this game it’s a great time to do so there is DLC on the way we’ve just had omn man we’ve just had Tremor we have more DLC to come I’m very excited for Quon cannot wait to put sector and Quan together of course but

    It’s not just that you can get your hands on some official merchandise go to wbshop.com get your hands on whatever tickles your fancy really you can find it all over there on the website have a look maybe you’ll find something you like pick it up you’ll have a good time

    But thank you so much for joining us so far we are going to go for another break set up our final stretch of matches is the highest caliber remains to be seen and it’s Killers only from here on Out the Realms are mine think what good would your death accomplish inspiring future generations to oppose You Fight highly doubt a blind swordsman can kill me sento and I are more than meet the eye The cocky one you’re about to be humbled by a man in a cape I do not think so The J [Applause] finish Him Fatality omn wins Flawless Victory I’m alive and I see things might clear I’m Alive alive Brea yes I Am On W Hello everyone and welcome back to ultimate fighting arena 2023 we’re back here at the analysis desk I’m history behind the warrior joined by none other than Falcon to talk about some of the highlights we’ve had over the last three games has been crazy this whole top

    Eight like we were saying before in the previous segment things have been Wild and the last few matches have been nothing short of bringing forth just some great content for all of us yes it really has and we have some fantastic Clips here as you are going to see with

    One of them showing the clutch nature of boki here now boki quite a bit of a surprise here had a little bit of a life deficit but brought things back immediately from Kanani’s Relentless offense during this tournament he was an Unstoppable machine at boki just kind of

    Brought it back during this time while did go on to win and boki’s clutch Factor was just incredible and Immaculate but now at the end of the Dayman so claim saying this is his era I mean bokei is had an insane path this entire tournament and has taken out some

    Incredibly strong Heavy Hitters whether they’re from the international scene or have performed in such but speaking of international scene Javier at his first offline performance have been doing amazing but Tekken Master is showing why he and the rest of the Middle East scene believe Barack a striker to be

    Incredibly strong this guy has pretty much been wiping the floor with everyone he’s played against 3 against kanmani 3 against MK Havier and he has himself in an exceptional position in Grand finals winner side and really hasn’t been pushed to a point where he looks like he

    Can be stopped yes he is without a doubt arguably the favorites are probably win this right now cuz he’s been doing he he has has been running a trained R Rio Relentless non-stop machine I expect anything less from him that said I think we wrapped up here so I’m going to pass

    It back over to our wonderful commentators so we can continue with our matches thank you very much guys of course welcome back we are ready to get our final few matches underway here at the pro competition top eight here at UFA 2023 and there really aren’t that

    Many players left we have Whitted down to our final four I mean we’re looking at our next matchup which should be to get into losers finals so foxy Grandpa and Canam Manny are about to go head to-head whoever wins this matchup will then face off against MK Javier in the losers final

    And that will of course decide our final Grand Final well especially after that Winners finals I I genuinely believe that Tekken Master is now like the player to beat now I know that sounds obvious but I just mean in terms of how prepared he has looked the entire

    Tournament and how good he is looking in this top eight specifically it’s a question of who’s going to be able to get up to him and match that level of quality because I think all the four players would got left of looking good but the question is how good can they

    Bring it in the face of someone like Tekken Master who’s looking so clean however for now we have to focus on the match that’s about to happen which is Canam Mani versus foxy grandpa I feel we could kind of rinse repeat a lot of the points we’re making when it was Canam

    Manny versus teeker Master to be honest you have that young Prodigy of the online realm winning everything in the online space foxy Grandpa been around for years the nether R scene with massive success the slight difference here will be in the matchup a big thing is that I think a lot of players

    Unanimously agree that Johnny Cage has like a slight advantage over Katana but I feel like at this level it doesn’t mean a huge amount because when you’re playing at the highest level you’re going to know these matchups and it just comes down to how dry foxy can keep

    Because eventually cage is going to get in and it’s how you defend against that while in between that do as much range damage and hit and run as you can so there’s the immediate I’m going to get in low hat Shadow kick that re reac reaction to the straight toss young man

    Reactions as they call it oh all right just dashed in and throw that’s how we’re doing it that’s how we’re starting this round but there’s going to be a low hat and there it is waiting for the parry and Foxy I mean a punish on the Square wave but you

    Still get out of the corner and that’s mainly what foxy wants into a big punish now we’re going for the optimal you know what I like that recognizes that it’s not going to be the full optimal and just goes for like the setup instead down one a little bit more waits

    For the inevitable low poke Johnny CES down one is the fastest in the game so you have to show a lot of respect lwh hat and that is going to be the first round here very uncertain I would say I do wonder if canaman is going to start kind of

    Trying to squeeze out a few attacks some reaction Shadow kicks a little bit more not sure if that was intentional it’s always hard to know with the loud teleport right because most players if that like loud teleport is usable like it could give you some really cool combo

    Routes it’s good fre positioning but most players will be looking to use it in a very obvious sense right CU you don’t want to lose that lwh Haack cool down as Foxy Grandpa runs away with another round but right there canaman if that was an accidental teleport meant

    You’re on teleport coold down until it comes back fully which means no low hat or if you do use a lwh hat you’re going to be without it for quite some time because you just lose that fast cool down it is one very unfortunate input mistake to have and I’m very to be

    Honest it definitely look like an input error unfortunate for sure question is game one already the question is how does Canam Manny fight back against this because obviously you know Court trying to whiff a button trying to press that’s where the mids just blow you up Foxy’s

    Going to take a favorable trade there a lot of the meter is being spent on these shadow kicks tried to definitely punish that I think with another Shadow kick but very uncomfortable canaman does not look comfortable in this match up yeah jump back fan the late one so much

    Me is being spent on these shadow kicks that when you get hit you’ve got nothing to break now the plus three of the one one foxy knows that back up into the mid tries to challenge it with a button but a well placed mid there from canaman

    Couldn’t quite pick up from that low hat however didn’t commit to that one either a throw looking pretty good here okay just a little bit more oh counter here foxy tried something cheeky there and Canam Manny says absolutely not round round the board get it it’s always a question of

    How long can you keep Katana in the corner though even if you have her here so only matter of time before they’re going to look for that square wave out foxy again always been prone to go for like if that forward throws quote unquote the wrong direction right

    Normally the throws in that instance will be trying to throw you towards the corner it leaves you full screen so he’s very okay with that also big down two there that was an MK1 down two if I ever good a combo from that that was really cheeky was 100% intentional cuz I was

    Trying to make the Parry a bit safer on recovery Parry into low teleport into the best jump kick in the game is disgusting and oh the dash underneath foxy used to do that all the time in MK1 at Nightwolf Tech no that’s not going to work that’s going to lose I’m actually

    Surprised that didn’t combo actually you probably have to hold it just a little bit oh that shadow kick again canaman has been consistently that’s still not going to beat it that’s still not going to work another par still going for it Canam Manny will not be deterred from

    These Parry attempts and there’s the rotating fan to cover the jump I will say it didn’t work out for Canam Manny but very very insistent on going for the Parry re which to be fair that’s a lot of information to send your opponent I’m going to confirm that’s a full combo almost Coast

    To Coast 2/3 there’s that low foxy clip by it maybe expecting a stagger perhaps either way the throw counter creating a bit of space but this is kage and La were talking about it’s only a matter of time until he closes that distance himself advancing mid that mid has just

    Been such a wonderful tool drops the combo not a drop but never mind manages to salvage and that is the round Canam Manny ties us up one game a piece that drop could have been a disaster but instantly rectified and Canam man looking good still a much better game that time to be

    Sure able to just cement himself a little bit more make the most out of the up close pressure that’s two games in a row foxy has stolen the first hit bonus away with a fan before the lwh Hat can do it and the Parry has been such a

    Constant answer for so many of this all tournament long another throw keeping it less likely so many players were try and throw you into the corner there it’s almost a free Tech another one the Parry is just never ending but again it’s just that raw confidence to know you are going to

    Press here and I’m going to punish you for it cuz remember if you’re correct your reward is basically a full combo on most buttons punish Shadow Kick’s going to give you that another free way in the charge low hat Rush down City wh the down

    Two Foxy the Parry has just put the fear of pushing in you know a huge risk to take even pressing a single button because of the parry and the full combo that will definitely win the round with this health that’s why foxy just wanted to take the opportunity just to reset

    Instead build some space work with that can’t get hit though anything into a confirm the delayed low you have to worry about the teleport on top of that oh the big read all that defense thrown out of the window I think that was the first time we’ve seen foxy go

    For a reversal armor in the entire top eight and it was instantly scouted by Canam Manny all right so much patience being shown it’s because the Parry has put the absolute respect 212 there’s the up block foxy finds an opening and a full combo here respectable damage setting up the fan

    Bomb but going to lose there’s that shadow kick again yeah could use the shadow kick to try and make it safe with the low hat just take the upper cut but there’s a hit do you break no foxy knows he’ll live he knows he’ll survive this touch saving the break for what follows

    But what follows could be something as simple as a as a shadow kick so foxy might not actually have a chance to use the actually wait is that dead anyway actually did it 550 excuse me all right I’ll hold my hands up not for a million years as I

    Expected to do that much and by the sound things needed foxy actually could foxy have broken I don’t think he got cam hit did he I’m pretty sure I could see I’m sure he could have I’m pretty sure Kung Lao was available either way that’s a lot of

    Damage my goodness 550 that does put Canam Manny in the lead in the set now officially up on Games 2 to one remember winner of this goes to losers finals to fight MK Javier no doubt the Scorpion lies in weight Tekken Master man what a coach and this could be Foxy’s last

    Chance here it was a really convincing first game but after that point it’s been all Canam Manny cuz it’s been more about the up close very very much so it’s been less about not being able to get in because you’re going to get in cannot be zoned out especially if you’re

    Playing Johnny la like it’s just a matter of time of when he gets in especially in the hands of someone like Canam Mani reactions again Shadow kick fast enough to do so and that’s a full pickup now Canam Mani gets the knock down on foxy waits for the down one that was a

    Good choice there but lots more work to do oh having with that up block gave canaman no time to do Shadow kicks so that one’s free the rest won’t be takes the favorable trade once again but again the low hat and neutral it’s just as long as there’s meter you’re

    Going to get hit by a shadow kick another Parry wait tries to go for a launch but no punish from Canam Manny either could have been worse plus frames a little bit of patience there from Canam Manny it’s a matter of time delayed throw another one but again

    Johnny Cage a low hat and a dream the combo and made the hard call all on the breaker but you have to be careful anything will do it it the low hat being reacted to every time foxy has got to stop but the problem is if you don’t

    Throw lwh hat Johnny Cage is just going to walk his way in instead at no cut as what we’re saying before Johnny Cage is definitely a character that can fight Katana right especially if you got that low ver just that shadow kick it’s so fast the EX version armored if you have

    The reactions and you have the meter management takes those plus frames plus frames into a launching mid thanks to the nice little hit confirm there from Canam mani and this is looking like the last sequence for Foxy the delay the walk up I mean to take that throw there

    Is a scary game to play and it’s looking like Canam man is going to move all the way through there’s a hit confirmed and that is going to be it foxy Grandpa out at Fourth canaman taking it moving on now to fight MK Javier in the losers

    Finals and that is Canam Manny as we were hoping to see in this top eight you we have to remember even though he isn’t inexperienced in the offline tournament realm online tells a very different story you know Canam Manny season champ for rip Arena and various Community tournaments over the years is always

    Looking to compete and is always doing well that of course States back to the kind of like real kind of online era I suppose of like MK1 onward so it’s only been a couple of years of regular competition but it has been more than enough for Canam Manny to establish that

    Reputation and that’s why Canam Mani is going into his first offline major appearance with so much expectations going in right like he is still seen by quite a few to be a favorite to win the entire tournament despite not having that offline pedigree because of the

    Sheer level of success he’s found uh in the online and now of course taking out a player like Foxy grandpa that is quite the name to add to your tournament resume and Canon Manny now moving to minimum third place where losers finals MK Javier Waits now I’ve

    Got to say it not to be you know kind of bringing the mood down or anything but Tekken Master awaits in Grand finals both the players in losers finals currently are players who have been looking absolutely Unstoppable in this tournament until they fought Tekken master and that’s both the same for Mk

    Javier and Canam Manny they both were looking fantastic they fought Tekken Master Swift 30-0 you know for both of them so they’re both going to be hungry for that run back they’re definitely going to want to get that rematch against Tekken Master but you’ve got to you got to wonder if you’re Tekken

    Master and you’re watching In This Crowd you’re probably feeling pretty good right now Tekken Master is going to be confident that there’s no two ways about it decisively defeating both of the players on stage right now however always a chance that that next gear shift could activate but they don’t have

    A lot of time to do that and they don’t even have time to consider that because right now they got to focus on this match right here this is to get into Grand finals uh a considerable amount of change you know the financial side of it you know between third and second second

    It’s going to be more than third that’s just the way it is we have to remember and then the points as well yeah this is a pro competition event and you know for those of you watching that might not be aware that is the MK pro league pretty

    Much it is the the world tour as as they say where there’s a leaderboard of of points that you attend Pro competition events and as you place in the higher end of things you win points and the highest point earning players are invited to the World Finals later in the

    Season where we then obviously Crown a champion so prize money on on the line is there is a prize part given to all the EO competition events so far but again if you’re talking early season it is those points that these players are wanting to obtain especially the players

    Who know they’re going to end the online events they maybe will be able to go to combo breaker later in the year the you know perhaps the the Latin America tournament when we eventually find out what that is any points you can get now will only serve to make your job a lot

    Easier as you move through closer towards that final combat well we’re just closing up our button checks here very soon we’ll be jumping into this losers finals I’d like to thank everyone that’s tuned in thank you for sticking around hopefully you have enjoyed the show so far has been

    Quite the story you know we have two new players and certainly not new to Mortal Kombat but new to this environment and the veteran lying in Waiting Grand finals you know ultimately is it going to be the new blood or the seasoned veteran it’s a story as old as time in

    Competitive games isn’t it especially with uh new installments of games I think there’s a reason we we’re talking about it so much here at this tournament because I feel like half the bracket is like firsttime players genuinely there’s so many online EU players that made the

    Trip out to UFA they wanted to get their first opportunity to compete in a serious Tournament of course UFA has been exactly that and uh you know it’s a new game MK1 is still only a couple of months old um which means plenty of time players to discover their kind of

    Competitive drive and desire to play in tournaments and and and do exactly that and we’ve seen it so much here at UFA here in France and I’ve got to say shout out to UFA all the staff that have been running the brackets keeping things good of course production crew keeping a good

    Show to watch and of course all you lovely Folks at home for watching and I hope you’re enjoying yourselves as this has been a really good top eight so far and a great demonstration of what international Mortal Kombat one is currently looking like even though we’re only a few months in I’m definitely

    Feeling good about how the community is just developing the game but here we go we have started the losers finals and the question is who’s going to meet Tekken master in the final match of the day Canam Mani going in once more for that Johnny

    Cage and as you can clearly see we do not again have the health bars lowered however I do think that’s why there’s no overlay uh you you know at this point Who’s Who Canam manise Johnny Cage Javier scorpion it would be shocking sure how the players are undoing the

    Load out pass I don’t know how they’re managing that regardless the important thing is losers finals begins Javier off to a pretty decent start here o letting the 214 Rock canaman not ready for that final hit I guess most of the time you are going to

    Be so ready for anything into death Spin and breaking conf the round was going to win but then you just eat a back three you’ve lost all that meter and now Javier is one round up in this first match good inter the interruption yeah Point Blank that down three I don’t

    Think is a block string into spin longer range it’s probably harder to deal with I do wonder how hard though cuz Johnny Cage has got that six frame down one might want something a bit more than that I suppose if you can defensive Striker there’s going to be a tradeoff

    Though both cameos down and now here comes Striker for another time it’s going to actually Javier forced into this corner just really trying to escape the counter poke of the Armor All Right Striker grenades once more it’s going to be that low flame cheeky little bit of extra damage right

    Now but a significant comeback required the question is how do you obtain it the 21 didn’t believe the 21 if that was overc committed to the spear whiffs and you’re dead the problem with spear is that it’s such a good combo tool for consistency but if it whiffs it’s

    Whiffing for a while oh no still just went into the lwh hat but Javier finds the standing 2 one doesn’t confirm but doesn’t matter as Javier finds a throw and that’s going to be a game number one already on the board chose not to confirm it looked like to me because

    Canaman had breaker and a throw would do it I think Javier let the 2-1 go and was happy to just take the plus frames and enforce that strike throw mixup the throw was going to land give Javier that first match the Scorpion off to a good

    Start here all right the mid here we go they advancing the so good so much damage so much block pressure and let not forget that as we’re already back to the wall for Mk Javier there’s a grab beautiful throw tech there from Canam Mani no Tech to be had on the opposite

    End though Javier is going to take that 120 damage hit confirm full combo on the way it’s definitely not a terrible button to throw out on wake up especially if your opponent’s not point blank as Javier gets a nice amount of damage on the table go block on the low

    EX now that’s definitely shades of what Tekk master was doing in the winners finals if there is a gap you can just punish with armor just to make sure the punish goes to we see again but I’m sure Javier would rather take oh no where you going no where you

    Going come back here oh get greedy sitting there saying don’t you dare ever try that again not against me I have my spear it’s a long rope you see there’s the one two pickup we’re going to get one la oh we’re going to extend it even fur yeah to do the1 that’s unfortunate

    That’s a lot of damage on the table and a punish you did not have to deal with yeah dropped then into committed unsafe teleport Javier had quite the lead but that’s quickly gone all right a breaker from Javier confident there might still be a chance to win this round but it is

    Scary defensive Striker isn’t going to work out though we’re simply going to trade it and with no other options that was such a good read you’re going to go for it and I’m going to Crouch I think that was the first time we’ve seen that that launch ducked underneath you have

    To remember that forward three launch you know the knee into the launch that is a high launching portion so if you do read it you can duck underneath and get a full punish cam man’s been doing that quite a few times this top eight actually just a raw uppercut may just

    Want to get some decent damage you not have to worry about cameos Striker is on the cards of course another break from Javier not what he wanted to break that lwh hat but I think if anything just to build some space but still back to the

    Wall he is oh that was cheeky Canam Manny tried to get away with hype on block but Javier is not letting him with punish massive with punish okay comeback no resources for bar but Striker is there there’s one Striker ready the oh my goodness in mid wake up forward Dash

    Absolute fearlessness from Canam Mani that was crazy so Javier had massive Advantage after so if you do a second spear in a combo to end you just get massive samide knockdown Advantage Javier used that time time to build so much space like three back dashes and Canon Manny just woke up with three

    Forward dashes into a button that was a hard call out and it paid off really good Flawless block there and there it is again the revers will punish and that’s going to be a really good answer to start things off I mean the speed of that shadow kick just makes

    It so reliable as a reversal and the forward Dash well I guess the command Dash into an anti-air for Canam Mani starting things off pretty well here waiting for the low poke the down three is going to totally whiff that’s just going to be Advantage Johnny Cage

    Because he’s going to be able to work his way back in neutral duck making a hard cool out but one that’s just going to pay off because now again full combo trying to do something risky on wake up maybe even try to jump out I mean in

    That situation every time jaier is doing well we have neutral to play with cage puts you in the corner it’s a nightmare no matter what your character is cage puts you in cor optimal this time standing for into launch there it is again individual advancing button here the grabs just to add a

    Layer to it just to make things even worse defensive Striker is going to result in a full combo but Javier quite low in the resource department that’s punishable o Canam Mani doesn’t take the risk looking for it again though that’s a hit confirm advancing me

    End it in the nut punch and there is a fully stocked kungla defensive Striker he misses that is unfortunate to say the least jaier can win anything in fatal blow kills now but Canam Manny will know that oh armor break it’s rare that you see someone standing at the sweet spot for the

    Grenades to armor Break by themselves the defense have with the patience punish the down one again good blocks and the down one again from Canam Manny chipping away at the tiny amount of Health left and now Canam Manny is up on games two to one one game away from that

    Run back against Tekken master and I will say when Canam Mani played against Tekken master in win side earlier on Canam Mani looked noticeably flustered that’s the only way for it now Canam Mani can get that run back and keep cool and stay calm we might be seeing a very

    Different match especially if kamam Mani is playing like this my goodness the cleanliness in this game play Canam Manny there’s been some pretty delicious whiff punishes didn’t want to commit though to that mid and Javier wanted to keep things a little bit safer forward three into the overhead we’re going to get

    Full hit confirm now full combo time for Scorpion keeping it meatless Striker is ready not bad damage at all there confirm that’s going to hurt wait what what is that turned into a reset it must do I mean if you cancel it you still have it speaking of can can Canam Manny

    Canceling into the ex Shadow kick to make sure that stays good damage and now Match Point against MK jaier you you can tell that canaman wants that run back didn’t get the combo from the nut punch but still all offense the triple kick the punish dashes through the grenade you serious that was

    Absolutely ridiculous but so smart as Canam Mani a big jump in did not believe it would work but really I mean the odds are stacked in the favor of Canam that Johnny Cage kungla lwh hat the 212 the turn stealing down one and the grab does it with canaman defeating MK Havier

    Minimum second place for Canam Manny a run back against Tekken Master lies in the weight and there’s one more match left to go of this whole tournament you you you know that he’s been looking for that you know that canaman has been ever since that first loss against Tekken

    Master has just wanted nothing more than to get it back and go for that round two which we are about to see very soon as that’s now our last match left in this top eight grand finals is locked in Tekken Master winner side Canam Mani loser side and for one final time today

    We must repeat the point and be broken records the young new Prodigy versus the experienced veteran can you get a better story to finish off this Pro competition event here at UFA I tell you what one fantastic story has been the story of Javier he has fallen short here now

    Third place is the Finish but taking scorpion of all characters and moving into the top three of a stacked Pro competition major event that is something that Javier can be proud of let alone the fact that this is his first entry into major offline Mortal Kombat so congratulations to you Javier

    It was wonderful seeing you we thank you for coming and we appreciate the fact that you took a character like scorpion of all things and took it almost all the way no super impressive there’s there’s no two ways about it I would say Javier has probably been like my favorite like

    Standout player to watch for the entirety of this tournament because again it’s it’s such a story right that scorpion loyalty paying off in droves of course third place but not bad at all for a for a performance like that but of course that now leaves us with one final

    Match of course we are catchup and mustard and we are going to be finishing off today as we have one match to go at UFA this Pro competition offline major it is so good to be back of course we’ve got the crowd here behind us as well we

    Are in Paris France and we have been playing fighting games all weekend long but for Mortal Kombat it comes down to this final match when we find out who’s going to get the line share of those points and the prize money I’ll be honest if I was forced to choose I’m

    Going to choose Tekken master I think Tekken Master he’s got the experience he’s got the consistency that’s the main thing that really separates him from a lot of competitive players is if he is in attendance you know he is one to watch he is probably getting top eight

    Minimum dare I say top four minimum he is one of the strongest players in the community and I believe we’re about to get his entrance to the stage right about now Tekken Master is one of the players to watch and has been for years and years and years I’m just so excited

    To see whether he can actually bring it all the way he was pick to win this tournament looking at this top eight you look at the level of play and you look at as you said the consistency Tekken Master is consistency personified it’s Baraka of all characters in this top eight is Baraka

    Going to win but but again we talk about it it’s it’s not okay so Baraka was nerfed in the patch right but Baraka was super good before but the only real change he got was damage scaling obviously Synergy with CX took quite the hit you know for the traditional way you

    Were playing now if you still play baraca cyx it’s you know I mean I still play him I do a lot of self-destruct but you’re not playing him the same way right he took the character Striker and still making it work Canam Manny on the other hand we’re looking at whatever

    Character he thinks will get the job done whether it’s going to be Johnny Cage with various cameos mainly La I think and then of course that Raiden with the Kano this is what it boils down to and remember canaman again I know repeating ourselves a lot a very young

    Player and inexperienced in the offline space this is his first ever offline major appearance and second place minimum Grand finals waiting to face off against Tekken master that is quite the debut I am expecting the Johnny Cage to come out this time because when Canam Mani last fought Tekken Master earlier

    Today it was Raiden and the Raiden just couldn’t get the job done uh I think it was just a combination of things the big one was that Tekken master was just so comfortable in that matchup has run hundreds of matches not only against it but in the mirror you know all kinds of

    Different things one Teek Master is his preparation his his preparedness to just be ready for everything you can throw at him and if you’re throwing at him a a top tier thing you know he’s done the homework you know he’s labbed it and you know he’s ran that match many a time but

    Of course he himself been playing the Baraka Striker almost exclusively I think in uh today’s top eight I think in fact yeah I think we’ve only seen the Baraka Striker but again like I was saying before Baraka got nerfed but if you like the style of just a lot of

    Commitment on block into making stuff safe you know helping you kind of plow your way in Striker is doing all of that you could do a similar thing with Kano but the striker grenades are mid explosions which really helps with the ability to get combos on here if they go

    For a trade or just kind of covering yourself and again the way Tekk Master is playing it he’s not kind of just doing whatever he’s playing a very fundamental game with Baraka taking risks when appropriate and covering those risks with cameos all the time and Striker is that Cameo it lets him play

    The way he is so even though Baraka worse than before yes unviable now definitely not especially when you’re playing him with the right Cameo and in this patch Striker with Baraka is that Cameo so we are just going to be doing a button check just to make sure a lowered

    Health bars and B I mean more importantly buttons right you got make sure everything’s good to go as we jump in Grand finals Absolutely I’ll always use this quick opportunity to explain this is a double elimination tournament right what does does that mean why does that mean that Tekken Master went

    Straight into Grands and now Canam Mani had to do it what does this mean for the finals basically long story short if Tekken Master wins this three out of five he wins the tournament if Canam Manny wins this three out of five we’re about to see he will essentially send

    Tekken Master to losers bracket and we have one final set so Canam Manny has double the work to do Master still has that Lifeline but that’s it it’s a Lifeline right Canam Manny lost earlier so he he’s got to put Tekken Master into losers that’s the way

    It works it’s why we get one one player from winner side one player from losers it helps and it’s the way it always is but Tekken master I definitely think Tekken Master is the one to watch and I know we’ve been saying it but I mean how how can

    You how can you bet against him in this kind of situation how can you do it and we’re starting our match I’m looking at the intros on my cheaty monitor we are getting our first match of grand finals underway as we’ve said many times the new blood versus the seasoned veteran

    It’s Tekken Master with the Baraka Striker and Canam Manny with the Johnny Cage and kungla Tekken Master starting off strong but instantly a full combo for Canam Mani now this is Grand finals this is the last match of the tournament it has all come down to this and by the

    Way Tekken Master literally started this this game with a blade charge into Striker we got got set theone for things set the pace but you are correct Canam Manny has gone to the Johnny Cage LA and the the Raiden is nowhere to be seen this time but a full

    Catch already this Johnny Cage is just looking more comfortable and the back three string Escaping The Wrath but the Wrath of the back three for Johnny Cage is still there looking like this round could go in the favor of Johnny Cage beautiful throw tech there from canaman

    The quick rise doesn’t want to extend for Striker now Johnny Cage I think quite I know you can say this about a lot of characters cuz Johnny Cage is so good right now oh ending in the taunt to get the hype meter ready to go but Johnny Cage is all right against Bara

    That’s six frame down one you’re going to be able to get a punish on the overhead punish on the back one two right there are a few things that you’re kind of used to just staying minus 7 at and even though it’s only a down one it

    Gives you enough Advantage for Johnny to really start his offense game and Canam man is going to be aware of that there it is hype mode is there the respect being forced Tekk master has to know the wh punish though we’re going into that bar Bara barage big damage going in

    Striker covering with the grenade safe jump in forced oh and there is the ex nut punch strike Invincible Canam Manny forces that turn back at the cost of two bars and there’s another Dash but the back three string does keep Tekken Master safe now I got to say you can see

    The difference in comfort from Canam Manny with this Johnny Cage you can just tell this is the character the majority of the time has come from really good in a lot of these matchups just all this Brave defensive options the parry’s out of nowhere who knows what else Tekken

    Master still in this round there’s a reactionary block on the overhead does it work no it does not and again Tekken Master backs off to the perfect range to punish the dash oh that is some matchup knowledge right there remember the Fatal blow it’s a Parry on Startup but he can

    Dash out of it that range that Tekken master was standing at covers all options perfect play and if he let it all the way Rock the unblockable would have whiffed as well that’s some knowledge if I’ve ever seen it and a first again the combo in this next round

    To open up the safe jump a free side switch we’ll see how long that lasts versus Johnny Cage though a really good choice the grenades and there’s the Parry letting it go tries to stay safe but that chase down of Johnny Cage can Manny tried that before but didn’t quite

    Get forward enough this time though different story dashing grab it’s not deterring Tekken Master he’s he knows the Parry threat is there but he’s not going to free up his again Striker there do we save jump no we don’t we save it now this is looking good for Tekken

    Master got the break at least had the break already spent with punish but the grenades that’s not good for Canam Manny cuz even chip damage here could be dangerous Tekken Master just looking for chip and the whiff punish Tekken Master playing it as safe as possible at the

    Very end there knowing all he needed was to slowly chip away at that last little bit of Health doing all these options covered by that Striker grenade perfect use of the Cameo game two now Tekken Master remember you got win the first three out of five a

    Good punish actually gave the first hit for Canam Mani as well it takes a lot of discipline it really does to look at that kind of move and know you have to punish with down two just to trade favorably a lot of players won’t because there’s almost a level of stubbornness

    You got to be disciplined enough to know it’s that or nothing I take that that safe jump really is no joke oh look for a whip punish no one home oh you don’t see that every game the back off there having to hold that mid canaman flipped surely has to

    Break yep there’s the breaker oh hello and again ready to cover it with Striker now te Marshall doesn’t have the Cameo backing off now you have no choice but to hold this looked for something that wasn’t the overhead break okay a break from Teek Master confident that he can still

    Seal the deal but can he he just walks up with back three are you serious and that is enough Tek Master he broke because he knew I’m going to find the hit don’t you worry about it I got this and got this he did my man Striker’s going to look after

    Me that down four has been quite the important button in not only this matchup but the entirety of the top eight the dash in now there’s the launch we’re going to have to cut it short Baraka was in the air so we’re not going to get the full gravity big wake

    Up if you’re back to the wall it’s kind of safe to do wakeups cuz Striker will throw those grenades at a range that you can’t really hit Striker out of them cuz he stands off screen when he does it Canam man backing off now this is

    What he wants have that life lead Force Bara to come in jump in instant down four yeah took the that was a punish down one on the overhead cuz it is minus 7 but Tekken Master gets it anyway this is going to be big damage we’re talking mid to high

    400s at least off of this this is why you have to be disciplined though because the one time canaman didn’t punish with just a down two look at how much damage he took oh my goodness and the Damage time afterward the chip damage debuff is applied Striker is

    There has to be careful those Shadow kicks an absolute nightmare if it gets blocked lets the back three go The Dashing grab Master gets another game two to Z on Canam Manny one more for both Tekken master and Baraka to win this latest Pro competition stop I mean

    Tekken Master it’s I was saying before looking absolutely Unstoppable how do you deal with a player who’s playing this good every time he makes his way in or does something dangerous Striker is covering it oh that one didn’t work oh that one did though but the ready oh

    Didn’t get the full punish but again Striker no couldn’t save him this time good start here for Canam Manny a little bit shaky here for Tekken Master uncharacteristic normally pretty on it with those combos especially baras there is the Eternal the back one you want to press something back one ex down forward

    Two mate give it to me all right there we go so much of it and the striker on the end keeping it gapless going for the stab stab instead Tekken Master really not wanting to give Canam Manny anywhere to squeeze out a way back into this set

    And again just slowly but surely always has the life lead there’s a crucial Escape though now we’ve seen the damage this is definitely kill territory for Canam Manny but that breaker always a problem I don’t know about this the patience again Tekken Master tournament point now

    Looking for a potential 30 to win UFA 2023 can he do it he will take that trade all day and he tried again to go for an uppercut in that instance but just too tight of a window the whff punish forcing the breaker this could very much be the last breaker canaman

    Will have in this match Tekken Master now about to build a second there’s one Striker locked and loaded all right an opportunity an opening for Canam Mani what are we going to get from this a sweep backing off charge low hat defensive Striker just a disengage any pressure we start again dashing grab

    Canam Mani those throws have been pretty Paramount this entire top eight oh oh footage of lwh hat actually getting punished o say I cannot stress enough how tight that reaction has to be to punish lwh hat that was instant from Tekken Master goes in for another safe jump dashing throw a gamechanging tech

    Striker getting hit by a down one and there Striker is hit you can’t break canaman is still alive okay let’s not get too ahead of ourselves Canam Mani stays alive that’s how carton in the background was like oh Striker no I saw him I saw him leave Bara you can’t break this still

    Comboed all right big damage on the way for what it was 360 could Striker hit a grenade that’s not good news if you’re in canaman shoes almost building up a full breaker letting it go gapless safe this one to confirm and you have to break this last chance for canaman

    Oh the back throw strike is there do we spend no we hold it Tekken master to play as safe as possible perhaps or at least have the opportunity and he finds it Tekken Master is your grand champion for Mortal Kombat 1 here at UFA 2023 with Baraka Baraka lives that is the story

    Being told the striker pairing working so well the whole time the veteran takes it today but of course we got to give shout outs to Canam Manny for a unbelievable second place and for an offline major debut that is one hell of a statement to make however the man of

    The hour the champion of Ufa Tekken Master a legacy that started in MKX is continuing not just in one game two games who knows how many at this point clearly as many games as he wants to play cuz remember it’s been a good few years since we saw Tekken Master play at

    An offline major tourn it has been quite a while since we got the chance to see him compete anywhere offline at that I’d say a good couple of years at least and know and it’s not through La a trying you know I know he’s wanted to compete

    Just hasn’t had the opportunity to but now with the rise of the new era MK1 Tekken Master back to full form to be honest as expected now I did say at the start of the top eight it’s a difficult selection to to to know what to even

    Think of it you know and and and who do you predict to win in this bracket absolutely ridiculous players but what one who did Shine above all eight of them in terms of well there’s one player who I’ll tell you never lets us down and is always consistent it was Tekken

    Master and here we are a few hours later Tekken Master is your first place winner and I got to say doing it for the Baraka boys Baraka lives through Tekken master I think Tweety’s out there somewhere probably restreaming this as we speak thinking yeah Baraka let’s go hey man

    But what’s cool about it though is again the Baraka Striker such good Synergy I imagine you could probably do similar things with like Baraka Koo maybe bagoro but problem is that you know again Striker has the mids right that’s the that’s the real the real thing the mid

    Grenades and that’s pretty much all we saw you know from from Tekken master was just the grenades weren’t seeing any of the Baton strikes weren’t seeing the handcuffs it was just the grenades to cover and that is it and that’s all he needed with all these players we see

    Though I see perfect representation of the international Mortal Kombat Community I want to give a huge shout outs to rizer of course for being a phenomenal stage host today and a phenomenal commentator yesterday the man of many talents and we shall one by one award those well earned Medals video games yo unbelievable Talent repping the UK doing a phenomenal job up next it’s this player is such a legend of innovation with that gearus and I’m sure there were plenty of people at home next that Kung I’m so happy boki made top eight I am so happy perect I

    Mean he’s a European legend for crying out loud for years and years the world’s hardest part inal combat oh AAR doing it for the French Community here in Paris and what a riko it was oh this top eight was so good in fourth place the man that needs

    No introduction of a foxy Grand man of many names the and it grows daily and the Katana Katana making top four a not too shabby oh but speaking of characters though scorpion the Scorpion of the game scorpion let’s go MK jaier what a legend loyalists through and through doing it

    For character loyalists everywhere but of course we got to talk about Canam Manny what a debut second place losing only to Tekken Master Canam Manny looking good no longer just an online god future is bright for the younger players in the scene Tekken Master however is the grand champion the man of

    The hour the baraca and just decided you know what it’s time for me to win again a such a deserve first place as well one of those players that always brings it no matter what you always know he’s going to be ready there we

    Go I’m so happy we got the chance to see him compete it’s been a good few years and it’s I don’t know I missed seeing him you know he’s always so reliable and you know he’s always going to play at the highest level of whatever he’s doing

    At the time whether it’s like new characters whether it’s characters he’s working on himself always so much to expect and of course doing the Middle East scene proud as always what top eight this has been I’ve had fun have you had fun I have had a very good time

    About you CH have you had fun you can’t tell me I assume you have it’s like I said before like this tournament was just a perfect representation of international Mortal Mortal Kombat and everyone grinded hard almost every single killer was here so even getting into top 24 was difficult let alone top

    Eight and then the top eight was a blood bath on its own right we’ve seen that proofs in the always the proofs in the pudding as we say but I’d like to use this opportunity to thank everyone involved you know I don’t know what happened to the light we’re gone

    October’s gone it’s not Halloween no more regardless we’ll continue and I’m going to pick up where you left off oh you can see us again I’m not going to lie I don’t even know if the show is still live no I I believe we’re going to keep going until someone in production

    Taps us on the shoulder and says you’re talking into a camera you idiots we’ve been offline for 10 minutes he’s got distracted so I’ll finish what I was saying thank you everyone for tuning in over the weekend thank you to all the players here at UFA thank you to the

    Produ star for putting on a good show behind the scenes thank you to Nether and WB Games of course for the pro competition as a whole and of course thank you all for watching at home we have been ketchup and mustard it has been a pleasure to commentate offline

    Mortal Kombat once again for you at home you take care of yourselves have a fantastic weekend and we will see you at the next tournament See He

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