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    Right good morning my friends going to be an interesting one today because we’re off to meet Jeff buys cars in Stratford up aen at a place called caffeine and machine now lots and lots of people have told me to go there uh because apparently it’s really really good especially if you love cars

    Motorbikes and things like that it mentions on the website cars bikes all things like that it doesn’t mention electric cars though anyway Jeff bu cars is on his way there as well it’s about 103 miles exactly uh to get to caffeine and machine from here in Mansfield and he’s going from his

    House as well he’s going to head there in his got a ranger over there hope he didn’t catch fire and he’s going to go in his 1969 Rena apparently that’s going to be interesting by the way if he does because it’s freezing this morning and I

    I wouldn’t want to do that journey in fact I’d rather do it in an EV it’s going to be less painful in an EV there we go I’ve admitted it anyway what is caffeine and machine well caffeine and machine exist this I’m reading this off their website by the way first and

    Foremost as a brand that caters to everyone with a love for things that move it’s probably why they haven’t included electric cars because they tend not to move they’re always sort of like hooked up to charges aren’t they well that’s controversial uh from first cars to hypercars spotless Classics to Super

    Bikes micro cars to trucks there’s a place for it at caffeine and machine we seek to break down barriers encourage conversation and Discovery got a van coming now get arly noisy these uh internal combustion engines uh we seek to break down barriers encourage conversation and Discovery and above all

    Else worship at the altar of the cult of the machine so I’m looking forward to this they’ve also got a restaurant there which I’m going to do a video on we’re going to have something to eat but that’s going to be on a separate video

    This video is all going to be about the journey there and also showing you around caffeine and machine and seeing Jeff and see whether he’s still alive when he gets there I can’t believe he’s driving down or driving up I think he’s driving up driving across I’m not sure

    He’ll tell you anyway but he’s driving in his 1969 Renault I don’t even think there’s a heater in it so that’s going to be fun for him if you’re new to the channel by the way please do hit the Subscribe button lots and lots of content coming

    Your way also give it a thumbs up and share it on social media now without further ad do my friends let’s Go Right so I’m actually fully charged fully charged fully charged there we go let’s get this put back you see I think you’ll find most people who have an electric car charge at home so it cost us very little especially when we’re on octopus energy sound like Morag now don’t know or an

    Evangelist come on you see I really do not envy Jeff if he is in his Rena because my car you see warmed it up with the app this morning my steering wheel’s warm my seats are warm everything’s at the right temperature all defrosted Etc so it’s all good here come

    On might have to charge that I have to say cuz I think it’s about just over 100 miles to caffeine and machine and then I’ve got to get back as well and because it’s winter my range has gone down to just over 200 miles whatever so I may

    Have to charge that’s going to be the downside but not until on the way back so on the way back not looking forward to quite as warmth coming from in there come on right okay so we have got 103 miles to our destination it says arrival time of

    10:22 supposed to meet him at 10: so I’m going to be a little bit late however I think he’s going to be late also in his Renault if he even gets there at all in that thing I’ve been in it lovely car but um it needs a little bit of work

    Doing to it and it needs heaters Etc and it needs be modernized I told him maybe even make it into an electric car now that would be interesting 99% of battery 234 miles of range do you know what I might actually make it back however I’m

    Going to have to charge up I think because later on tonight I’ve got to get to Manchester as well to the airport cuz we’re going overseas uh at a later video so um I’m going to have to charge up with some point but we’ll do it on the

    Way back I think unless I have a coffee on the way down then I’ll charge up because we’ve remember ABC always be charging Anyway come on onwards oh that steering wheel’s warm I’ve going to tell you I do not envy Jeff this morning if he is in that Renault because it is

    0° centigrade is it Centigrade 0 degre centigrade and it is icy outside so it’s going to be painful for once I am glad I’m in an EV and that takes some saying I’ve got to say by the way EV oh bling neck pool EV um manufacturers you need to make more

    Coffee cup holders uh for us EV evangelists because we drink that much coffee but there’s not enough places to put the coffee cups there’s a coffee cup there look McDonald’s empty coffee cup there Starbucks I need to empty them out because you end up having that many

    Coffees when you’ve got an electric car you need coffee cup holders everywhere anyway uh we’ve got 99 miles to go we are in Rush Hour really at Half 8 so it’s going to take a couple of hours to get down there but uh I’m warm I’m cozy

    I’m comfy and uh I’m just for once glad that I’m not Jeff I’ll give him a ring in a minute and see how he is if you can actually hear him in that there’s no hands free there’s nothing it’s if he’s gone in that car I do not en I I can’t

    Imagine he’s done it I can’t imagine that it’s actually he said he was going to go in the 1969 Renault but I can’t imagine it I can’t see it I wouldn’t do it I think I think he’s going to have backed out I think he’s going to have

    Backed out at last minute but we shall See back Master now you don’t sound like you’re in your Renault you’re on camera at the moment I reckon you’ve backed out it’s it’s freezing out there you’re not going to take that Rena well you have to wait and see I have to wait and see have you left yet no you

    You can’t be in that Rena how long how many miles is it to caffeine and machine from your Destin from your it’s an hour and four minutes an hour and four living in the Rena I need to be leaving in the next five minutes right uh well let me

    Just tell you this okay on camera all right I’m for once if you’re going in that Reno for once I’m glad I’m in an EV cuz my hands are warm the toes in fact my steering wheels my steering wheels are getting almost getting too hot my

    Backside is on fire and the car’s just at the perfect temperature and I’m fully charged so well these things may have impacted my decision on which car I was going to take this morning but the other thing that impacted my decision and has made me slightly late is the fact that

    This morning I had to go out and put petol in the wife’s car because she’s rubbish at getting that car fully charged and it didn’t have enough miles in it this morning to get to school to take the kids now if we had an electric car there’s just no way her car would

    Ever have any charg in it oh so um because you’d charge overnight while you’re asleep no I mean come on she doesn’t even remember to take the keys out of the car there’s no way she’s going to remember to take the keys out of the car

    And then go plug it in it’s just not going to happen you you just basically you just plug it in overnight got another car coming and you plug it in overnight while you’re asleep and then you get up in the morning and your car’s fully charged it’s warm it’s toasty and

    You’re on your way you you once you’ve had EV you never look back well we’ll have a chat about this in a minute but we’ll see I mean the REO basically it’s got no heaters at all and um we shall say I mean the the sky is

    Looking pretty nice it looks like it could be warm enough today but if the Renault starts then I’ll take the Renault because I’ve still got time but if the Rena doesn’t start uh then I’m going to arrive in something else if you don’t arrive in the Renault I’m just

    Putting this out there on camera you’ve lost this one I win I I win what about if I try to arrive in the Rena and then don’t arrive though then I win it’s you’ve got to turn up in that Renault I’ve got to go I’ve got to get

    My re started see a bit bye bye bye there is no way that he is turning up in that Ren out none whatsoever this was the challenge today was for me to drive down to caffeine machine and uh people are turning around there it’s really bad traffic jams there there’s no

    Way that he’s ever going to turn up in that Renault that was the challenge I’m saying he’s going to lose he’s not going to turn up in that it’s too cold he’ll be scraping ice off the inside of the windscreen while he’s driving along anyway come on onwards my Friends Oh dear traffic jams I’m just looking at the mini there there’s there was a uh on the last clip there there was a Tesla in the right hand lane to the right of me and the lane to the right of me and there’s a mini uh Petrol in front of me

    A Mini Cooper in front of me and I’ve got to say the design of stuff at the moment I just and I am a graphic designer so I know what I like and I know what’s good design and what’s bad design and the Tesla is not good design

    At all it looks like it’s been designed by a computer you can tell the mini is obviously designed on the original design it’s based on the original design that was designed years ago but as it’s gone on and it’s progressed the Min got worse that mini there looks fantastic the new mini which

    Is the all electric mini which I believe now I’m not sure correct me in the comment section down below if I’m wrong is made in China and I saw the back end of it put it on one of my other videos and the back end of it wow that Sun’s

    Bright the back end of it looks absolutely Dreadful who’s designed it they must they’ve obviously got they’ve obvious they’re obviously visually impaired because the new mini looks absolutely terrible thought I’ll get rid of that son that is just iconic can you imagine The Italian Job being filmed

    Well it they remade it didn’t they was it in Los Angeles actually the less said about the remake of The Italian Job the better but can you can you imagine now remaking the Italian job with Minis that are electric it just wouldn’t work would it it’s just oh no we’re losing

    Something we really are anyway I need a coffee come On Jeff buys cars good morning oh you don’t sound like you’re in that Renault I’m just navigating lots of closed roads it’s been a nightmare Journey terrible terrible drive over it well I’m hoping that I’ve actually plumbed in the right place because this is taking me down towards Milton ke and

    It’s then it’s bringing me off there I’m presuming that’s right then it’s bringing me back up a little bit because of the roads so hopefully it does say caffeine and the Machine wow that’s really bright sunshine so uh where have you put in the right place caffeine and machine yeah

    Statford it says caffeine and machine it’s it’s coming down near Northampton well yeah but also no um let me zoom out on my map what’s the post code I’m hoping I’ve got the right place Al I’m going to have failed again you’re going to W WS Northampton yeah caffeine and

    Machine you what’s your ETA you should have been there already half half 10 oh yeah maybe you’re right then CA a machine stord but when you go Milton Kings you’ve got wrong right okay uh I’m currently trying to navigate strapford City Center because every road is close

    It says caffeine and machine the bowl ampton Hill how end Hang on let this out I’m leaving I’m leaving this in yeah that is right tington it does come up the hill ampton hill ampton Hills b530 ampton Hill how end uh yeah cv37 is that right ampton Hill I don’t know why you get maybe that’s you’re using W aren’t you that’s the

    Thing it C misson the Hill ampton Road how end I think I might have got the wrong one what’s the uh I’m going to have to pull Over right it’s really bright so uh you probably my face looks a mess and the picture’s terrible but I’m going to let Jeff call me a name now Jeff I’ve I’ve gone to the wrong caffeine in the machine what am I you are you are a b

    That’s so funny I’m going to Milt and get how many caffeine in the machines can there be I plumbed it in I’m looking I’m thinking I’m sure Stratford and Haven’s not there I’m going the wrong way so now I’m going to be by an hour I’m not going to have enough

    Charge oh this is all going wrong this is just and I’m like I’m going to just delete all this but out but I’m not I’m going to leave it in what a knob what an I’ll go I’ll I I’m now six minutes away so I’ll go ahead to the

    Correct caffina machine while I’m there I’m I even try and buy a new car I could probably I could probably find a car get a taxi to it pick it up and bring it the caffeine and machine before you get there it’s now telling me to pull pull off at Melton Newport or

    Something I have no idea I’m going to have to pull in I’m thirsty I’ve gone the wrong way oh this is just this is this is I don’t believe this and I’m literally flying tomorrow this is wrong what a b to be day I’m supposed to be at

    Manchester airport right I’m I’m getting a boot on I can’t believe this I’ve gone the wrong way so oh man fancy having two caffeine in the machines it shouldn’t be allowed no it shouldn’t that should be a copyright strike right I’ll speak you in a bit bye bye

    Bye this is insane I’ve gone I’m looking I’m thinking where is it taking me it’s taking me down to come back right let’s get off at the next Junction turn around and then get back up the only problem is now it’s going to leave me quite short

    It’s now 68 miles away I’ve got 123 M of range so this is not good this is not good at all this is very bad what a bell end mikm you are a bell End Right well back on the M1 fancy to being that two caffeine in machines honestly I don’t know a catastrophic drama in my EV well it’s all makes for good content I guess I’m back on the M1 North I’ve got 61 miles to my destination and I lose again but

    This time it’s user error I can’t believe it they shouldn’t be allow if the other caffeine and machines watching that shouldn’t be allowed you shouldn’t have two names that’s that’s really weird right so we’ve got 61 miles to go now back up to Stratford upon aen and

    Then that’s an hour and 4 minutes and I’m going to be there at half 11 so Jeff’s beat me yet again but this time by default I mean uh oh my word my my electric car had a a major malfunction and the malfunction being the guy behind the wheel unbelievable right come on Onwards right I’ve got my mate J B on the phone here Dave the Lorry driver and earlier on I said to him oh this is where I’m going it’s taking me down to Milton ke what did you say Dave what do you want to go to Milton ke

    For that’s the long way I said I’m going to Stratford on a you went that’s uh not not that way not that way and I went no that’s the way it must be taking me back up so uh I’m going back up the M1 Now Dave well I couldn’t honestly comment um

    But Panka Springs to mind blonker hey it makes for a good headline though doesn’t it this little accident cuz I obviously accidentally plumbed it in the satav this little accident has caused me irreparable damage to my reputation hang on a a travel a travel vlogger that can’t read maps I didn’t

    Read M I just I just put in caffeine in machine and it gave me that mean good job I don’t know some people should stay well aare from technology well I tell you what it’s not clickbait it has actually cost me time and Al and Al and also my reputation so I’m going

    Back up the M1 now to statford on a that’ll be all right bit of fun in it yeah all ads for Content doesn’t it what a PL so if anybody if anybody is going northbound on the M1 between Milton keing and the M45 turn off watch out for

    A blue Porsche and Shout Wally as you go by I don’t know onwards my Friends I’m I’m still go for smash I can’t believe it I’m look honestly I can’t believe it I tell you what that’s it it’s game over the contest is lost this little accident in my electric car has cost me big time it’s a right off the whole contest is a write off

    Unbelievable you can’t have two caffeine in the machines I’m not taking responsibility for that I’m not taking responsibility for that Right almost there now another 0.2 Mile in fact 850 ft I feel I’m not going to live this down there we go anyway uh I think this is it here we are oh dear here we Go right well I can’t see a charger I can see a def defi defibrillator defibrillator I don’t think that’ll work um right where’s Jeff no charger though and I’ve only got 54 miles of range left 25% of battery uh so let’s find Jeff and

    Then go and get a cup of coffee oh my word can’t believe it what to pic right milk floats off let’s go and find Jeff and uh loose face I can’t believe this come on actually think I might put my coat on it’s freezing pluming neck hey over here look

    I was getting excited I thought oh they’ve got a charger but it is it’s the defibrillator look there we go I wonder whether I could plug my car into that whether it would work I mean that’s got Electric now I can’t see his Renault here however there is a really filthy BMW here I reckon this is is because only a guy with no number plate on the front here a front number plate missing there being this filthy this has got to be this has got to be J BMW isn’t

    It it is I think this is Jess he’s coming to BMW does that make it so that I’ve won though because he didn’t come in the Renault or does it mean that I’ve lost cuz I got here an hour and a half late because I went the wrong way that is

    Filthy anyway let’s go and find him he’s definitely here that’s got to be his Car Here he is all right I got here in the end I got here in the end you’re an hour late yeah but I’m just come around in the light come around here I need to speak to you right so good morning morning I got you in the end right caffeine and the

    Machine no caffeine and machine caffeine and machine you went to caffeine and boom machine right well let me just tell you that let me just tell you this this make I’m going to keep this in because this little accident cost me big time right it’s a write off the whole contest

    Is a right off because I got here an hour and a half late and You’ come in the wrong car I have yeah because I know that that is you cuz nobody else would drive around with a car that filthy and no number plate on the front they fell

    Off in a flood officer um how do I known that you were going to go to the wrong destination I probably would have spent longer trying to get the ren started this moment yeah it’s just gone wrong so it’s a whole right it’s a right off yeah

    But to be fair I I I lose points for buing the wrong car you lose points we go to the wrong destination so we both start at zero anyway so it is at yeah I need I need a coffee the coffee is all right here is the coffee good it should

    Be good it yeah it should be right there should be some interesting cars well I’m going to buy us lunch in a bit right well we’ve missed breakfast so we’ve missed breakfast it is a right off it’s not click bait a total right off check out

    These apps look right so you you’ve got oh let’s have a look at these if I have a look Around Down right I feel a bit better I’ve got my coffee but I do feel a bit better because there are two caffeine and the Machine and the other one that I went to that I put in my satav is actually part of the same group so that means that it

    Isn’t totally my fault however when my mate Dave the Lorry driver guided you away from the M25 when he’s probably advised that to get to statford you should go by Milton Kings yeah no he went you went you it’s a long way out that one I just dou check it and I went

    No no it’s fine I’ve put it in s now so I put it in my waves yeah so I’d gone the wrong way yeah but technically I went to the same right place I think that’s probably because you were uh distracted because you’re a YouTuber and you were always thinking right it maybe

    It was cuz you were in an electric car you were more worried about range you’re looking at your range check I got my heated on too high it’s cold outside and I’m going to lose range and you didn’t have time to concentrate on the fact that you were actually headed to the

    Wrong destination I’m now now just concerned because I’ve got about 50 m of range left or something right I’m thinking they replace that defibrillator in the back because it when was the last time that defibrillator was used has that defibrillator been used outside I guarantee it hasn’t right it has it all

    Right it has okay well maybe they nobody mentioned the V can we have a combined can we have a combined defibrillator and car charger yeah so would you plug that I see yeah so you can have the charger next to the defi yeah that work it’s all

    Electric it is all electric it’s all the same thing yeah it’s probably the same plug anyway we’re going to drink the coffee to write off this video is a total right yeah yeah I’m me I’m I’m in the wrong car and you went to the wrong

    Location so that’s that is it it’s great it’s a great I tell you what it’s great it’s a great title that isn’t it this this little mistake in my cost me dearly in my electric car cost me big time tell it’s a right you’re not doing yourself any favors with the evangelists though

    That say that you’re not taking it seriously like the fact that you’ve genuinely gone like most of the way to mil to get to strapford they’re all going to be like right that’s that’s the end of the challenges cuz it just he can’t do it I’ve gone down here yeah so

    We going back up here yeah honestly you phon me and you were like I’m just coming off nearon keing and I was like what cuz I had no idea there was a second one down there I was like what C the machine I’m thinking when it

    Said 2 hour two and a half hours I’m thinking it’s not that far from Mansfield this morning and you were like oh why why aren’t you in your car already I was near Watford Gap I I’m just getting in the shower what you want to should have left already know I

    Shouldn’t anyway um do you know what I reckon I reckon I’m going to wrap this video up because what we’re going to do is we’re actually going to I’m going to buy us lunch I’m looking forward to lunch yeah so on another video it would have been breakfast but he missed it I

    Missed breakfast and I bet breakfast is good here as well we’ll have to go to the one in mil and key I’ll come in a proper car and you go to the correct location yeah coffee is good though cheers this is Jeff by’s cars by the way

    If you don’t know who he is head over to his channel it’ll be on the end and down it will I was supposed to be here in my 1969 Renault 10 but unfortunately when I tried to start it I I didn’t try that hard to start it I got to admit right

    It’s freezing cold it’s got no eating it’s got no seat belts it’s barely got a wind screen uh it’s got no winders on the window so I can’t even undo the windows at the moment it’s got no interior it’s got no door cards so I made a half last attempt to start the

    Car and then got in the X5 do you know what though go on you would have still got here before me I know that’s yeah and had I known that I maybe would have done it because it would have been a nice drive over here but i’ I’ve got to

    Get the Renault finished and ready and safe cuz I’m looking forward to using it especially hopefully now the weather’s going to be getting better and then we will do more with the Renault we’re going to do we’re going to do a challenge where maybe we go to Milton

    Kings or somewhere you can drive the Renault 11 and I’ll drive the Renault 10 and we’ll have a Renault race A Renault race Rena race I like that Renault race we go somewhere French yeah the coffee is good here we’re gone the wrong way and the whole video has been a right off

    So uh probably get more views than it would have done if it if it had have gone the right way that that is that that is hilarious and I’m I’m flying to New York tomorrow why you going to New York uh I’m going to be going doing some videos

    I’m going to see my mate and I’m going to do some videos along the way that’s exciting that is well I used to live there so it’s all right it’s like I’m going home yeah not very good yeah hopefully I go to the right to Manchester Airport get on the right

    Plane get on the right plane hey you going to watch the doors don’t blow out theide of the plane there’s a lot of that going on at the moment is there controversial controversial we SE in the news there was that thing where the door blew out I didn’t really look at it I

    Just saw the thumbnail now should have planned the journey should have planned it should have got Tesla anyway I’ll see you guys in the next one don’t miss it cuz we’re going to be having a burger or something you have a burger probably have a burger I

    Always have a burger you just go for burgers all I won’t get the menu out now we’ll do that on your video in a minute actually you get the menu out and I’ll tell you what and then on the next menu this is a teaser it’s a teaser teaser

    Can you do that a teaser this is a teaser no closely do that go it’s a teaser I’m not feeling very YouTube today this is a teaser there we go so what have we got on there uh nachos BOS bacon BLT Brios Smash Burger Brien bacon smash buffalo chicken burger catsu

    Chicken burger the OG VG Burger uh that’s a CL then there’s a classic hot dog you got a margarita pizza got pizzas here as well Woodfired pizzas barbecue Beast the jerked Mediterranean vegetable and you can have dirty fries good menu won’t be as dirty as your car no I’ve

    Done that deliberately you know well I haven’t it was pretty dirty and then on the way here I thought what can I drive down to make it worse of course it’s all been very flooded near my house that X5 has been fantastic through the Christmas period and we’ve put on thousands of

    Miles on it it’s a great car I only bought it for that challenge and I thought after that challenge I’ll get rid of it straight away and I haven’t got out of it since I love it well I’ve put on lots of Miles this morning going

    The wrong way anyway we’ll see you guys in the next one don’t miss it cuz we’re going to be having a burger or something along lines of that anyway breath byebye


    1. You can achieve the same warmth with a car with auto start. Popular feature in North America.

      Part of why very few people who live in Northern States want EVs. They pull heat and motor(s) from the same power source.

      Gas or diesel few minutes idle time and you can have all the heat you want until you turn it off. Barely affects fuel efficiency.

    2. My 2004 E46 BMW M3 (proper car) had heated seats. A that, plus a heated steering wheel is an option on many ICE cars. My 1994 325i had a timer for heating and cooling the interior (although I think the heater option needed a heavy duty battery). I could organise cooling it before a hot day drive tho. My point is; EVs are not the only traction tech that can offer those features. So what really is the point of endlessly declaring how happy you are to be in an EV on a cold day?

    3. I do hope all your coffee cups are biodegradable, because I'm worried that all the EV owners are going to be polluting the planet with plastic cups.

    4. I live about 12 miles or so from Caffeine and Machine and went there a couple of times in May 2019 when I had my Maserati Levante S… on a nice summery evening it is heaving, can barely park….Some great cars there though!

    5. Live a stones throw from Caffeine and Machine, great venue for “Petrolheads” and “Evangelists” 😉 let’s face it we’re all drivers, it’s just a case of what floats your boat and what works for you 🤔 I was weaned on petrol and it’s not about to change before giving up my licence. Currently driving a hybrid and think I’ll be sticking to that for the foreseeable, best of both worlds

    6. It is my feeling that anyone who drinks coffee out of cardboard really doesn’t like coffee. It is so disrespectful, and frankly an unpleasant experience.

      I love coffee and only drink it out of ceramic. If I’m travelling, car or bike, I take a water bottle, sometimes flavoured up with a little lemon or lime.

    7. pre-heated car will be pretty useless with global warming – unless you can also do pre-cooling.

      Driving top tip — always have a clue where you are going before you set out and DO NOT just rely on sat nav 😉 Def wont be a rush to call you "MapMaster" 🤣🤣

    8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣by a map Lee brilliant but just watched MGUY Australia he was on about tesla cars they are not wot people think I'm not having a go just saying wot I watched so before ev lover's start watch the video I'm just saying

    9. When I learned to fly I was warned about gps systems – put rubbish in, get rubbish out ! 😂😂 Great entertainment as always. On a serious note, people do make errors and get lost, and then the pathetic range and questionable charging infrastructure take on a whole new meaning ! I’ll stick with petrol, thank you ! 👍👍

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