Could this be Cycle Technology bike mechanic Sam’s favourite mountain biking tool ever? Watch his review to see why the OneUp Components EDC tool and pump goes on all Sam’s cycling adventures…

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    What’s up guys it’s Sam again at psych technology in Wakefield back for another video today we’re going to be talking about the one-up components EDC tool and pump combo that I ride with on my bike so let’s have a look at this so this is the oneup component EDC

    Pump which you can buy from his in shop for £64.50 but um yeah what is really cool about this pump is that inside of it lives and this is a separate purchase which you can buy for $69.50 from us in store is the EDC tool I believe EDC stands for everyday carry

    Um I’m going to talk a little bit about this tool and I’m also going to talk a bit about the pump and its features as well so I’m just going to break the tool open so you can see what goes on here um it just sort of stress fits into itself

    There we open it up and we’ve got a tire lever here and attach to the end of the tire lever there are spoke key slots as well as a link breaker chain breaker chain tool whatever you want to call it there is a a little multitool here which has got a

    Bunch of different features on it I’ll just run through them now it’s got a 2 mm Allen key a 2.5 a 3 mil 4 mil 5 mil a 6 mil alen key a T25 Torx head and also which is a really cool feature if you put the 5 mil

    And this little bit next to one another that actually makes the profile of an 8 mm so say your crank came loose whilst you were out riding you’ve got the tool here to be able to nip it up enough to get you back home without destroying your crank set so that’s everything

    That’s packed into this neat little tool here the rest of the tool itself or this um the EDC sort of carry uh system allows you to stash a little chain link uh in here so I’ve got a spare link for my um sham Eagle T type chain in there

    Which is um very important for me to keep the bottom of this screws off now there’s a bunch of different features that you can use in this bottom piece one of them which is what I’ve opted for is to have a pricker here to insert bacon strips into your tubless tire if

    You get a hole that won’t seal uh I’ll show you what else is in this little stash but in a minute but you can also unscrew that and it’ll accept a 16 G um CO2 catch which you can have living on the bottom of there instead of the large

    Storage capule inside the storage capule itself I like to keep chain links because the new transmission type from uh transmission type drivetrain from SRAM requires the chain to be a specific length in order for it to function properly so if I did break a link M out

    I need to be able to replace the links themselves I give this a few Taps and I can see I’ve got my bacon strips in there in case I ever come across with my tubless setup and I got a little pair of Link pliers in there as well so when

    They say EDC everyday carry tool that’s exactly what this is I honestly feel like I can just grab hold of my bike set off out and and be riding and not have to worry about any eventuality that might come in if I need there a component that needs adjus in if I have

    A flat if I break my chain I’ve got everything in this one little tool which fits happily inside this pump I’ve got it with me um there’s a few other features I’d like to talk about around this pump so this is a 100cc volume pump which works just as a

    Normal pump uh for a pressor valve you can take the tool out of it you don’t need to put the tool back in for it to function properly it’s quite a high volume pump uh I’ve read other reviews on it which said it takes about 100

    Pumps to fill up a 29 in 2.4 Tire to around 25 30 PSI so you’re not going to be stood for you know hours and hours pumping pumping a tiny volume pump this is a high volume pump so it doesn’t take too long to uh to pump the tire up the

    End of the pump as well also doubles as another tool guys at oneup components man they’re amazing how they can uh they can innovate and pack all this stuff into such a small space so if we take the 8 mm adapter um adaptable 5 mm bit

    From the tool put that into the end of the pump nozzle and just loosen that off that becomes a valve on which you can screw your CO2 cartridge so you would screw that in there and then screw that on your valve or the other way around and

    Then you’ve got you’ve got the valve that you need to be able to use the CO2 cartridge that you may or may not carry you might carry this separately like I said I don’t carry one of these I carry my pump and I carry the rest of these um

    Tools inside the storage capture to you can also store this tool so pump aside you can also store the tool and all the bits that come in it in a threaded headset cap that you can get for oneup components they have an unthreaded version of it as well there’s a bunch of

    Different ways that you can choose to store and carry this stuff on your bike uh I’ve opted for the pump I do need a pump with me I have a spare tube strapped in my bike as well um yeah I think that’s about everything I can say

    About this pump I haven’t had to use it in Anger yet it comes with I think 15 strips all together there’s a little storage capsu if you just want to keep carry a few small bits in there there’s also a spare cap that you can use to

    Cover up if you were just using the pump as a pump without the tool in it and if you wanted to store that in your headset then your pump can just be be what it is on its own and uh I’ll show you where this Clips onto my bike and how sturdy

    That is on there too all right guys so couple more features I want to just tell you about this pump before we wrap it up first of all is this this Rubber seal here which you place up there and and then slide the pump handle down to it to

    Keep it nice and secure whilst you are riding you then close the little rubber bung on the end um this is how it Clips onto the bike like like you’ll see it’s really sturdy it really sits in there like I take this bike off drops and really

    Rough stuff and it doesn’t rattle around or I don’t even notice it’s there when I’m riding it’s got a little strap which comes over the top just for a little bit of extra security um and that is the oneup EDC tool and pump combo um that’s everything I have to say about

    It thanks again for watching the video give us a like And subscribe if you want to and we’ll catch you next time

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