Sorry for the many tangents πŸ˜€ Missed this channel. Hope you guys are doing good πŸ™‚

    Subscribe to my ASMR channel where I like to study in german to help you sleep/relax:

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    The camera gear I used to film this video:
    *(Germany amazon)*
    The sony 6400 with kit lens:​
    The Zhiyun M2 gimbal:​
    The Rode videomic pro:​

    *(US amazon)*
    The sony 6400 with kit lens:​
    The Rode videomic pro:​
    The Zhiyun M2 gimbal:​

    Some of the links above are affiliate links so I will earn a small amount from any purchase but I will never recommend a product that I haven’t bought myself or like myself.

    Hi lambik here or Leela here welcome back to my YouTube channel it’s been a year hello hi again um I have new hair that’s one difference I live in Southern California no longer Germany um I lived in total in Germany for 4 years I was there for a 6mon study abroad in Hamburg

    And then I was there for 2 years in oldenberg the first year in Olden in oldenberg I was studying a master’s degree in Psychology then I quit and then I just studied German the university in oldenberg for a year till I got hit by a car was a bit you know

    Not all there for a little bit and decided to go home recover from just the Whirlwind that was my life at that time but I had a great time even like leading up to the car accident I even had tickets to my first soccer game in

    Germany which I never got to go to a socer game still sad about that but anyways um yeah one day uh so and then I met a German guy in Southern California right before the pandemic began three months before the pandemic began and um decided spontaneously to move with him

    To Germany when the pandemic began in um June of 2020 then I moved back to Hamburg where he’s from and then found a job working in a working in a social media marketing agency good experience my time in Germany it was I miss it really bad just on my dog walk earlier I

    Was thinking of the things I missed from Germany and I almost started crying cuz it’s like such a every part of my time in Germany there’s like different chapters of my life so it’s like I look back at different times of my life so it’s not really Germany anymore it’s like parts

    Of my life so like the first bit was like the study abroad exciting just so exciting that time where it’s like you know everything was organized by the university all these social events so um I met like my best friend there who was also American and we just had a

    Blast all over Germany just traveling we like traveled to different countries and so I think um that’s my first point probably on the list of what I miss from Germany is the times of my life that um cuz now I’m 30 when I first went to Germany very first time was just

    Traveling while I was studying in London I traveled to Berlin for a week and then Frankfurt for a week where I went to a techno party big city beats in Frankfurt and before that was in Berlin doing couch surfing and hosts so this was a time of my life but I was really

    Spontaneous Really Brave now at 30 I don’t think I’m going to be hopping to different hostels um but I had a blast the couch Surfers who were German I met that was like a big part of why I fell in love with Germany cuz they showed me their

    City they gave me tours bike tours around Berlin and then anyways also I’m back on ADD medicine which is why I’m able to make a video again there was a shortage for a year and coffee just stopped working for me dating not the right guys when I got back from uh from

    Germany anyhoo uh that’s for another video I’m going to make a mental health video cuz uh I’ve been figuring a lot of that stuff out lately and I hope to help people in the future okay on with this video I know you guys clicked for a typical German versus American cultural

    Difference video but that’s probably not what you’re getting right now a little background of my whole life I miss Germany I miss that exciting of Germany the the tours like you can go so easily go to every single major city in Germany and go on a free tour um and then of

    Course you give them a tip after but I mean that’s what I did before the pandemic I don’t know if they they probably still have it now and I miss public transport public transportation just being able to get on a train a bus easy peasy go visit another like I

    Remember I was just not in the right like I was going through I’m always going through stuff which I’m going to talk about in a different video but um at the time I was needing to get my mind off stuff when I was living in Hamburg

    It was like right around finals week and um I couldn’t study like it was just too distracting what was going on in the city and I needed just get out so I booked myself a flicks bus went to um Castle Germany which is like little known cities that you don’t hear about

    When you’re like touring around Germany Castle was beautiful so beautiful oh my gosh such a tiny town but like surrounded by Forest and just the coolest literal Castle on the top of the hill I wasn’t even fit enough to walk up the giant fountain that was there when

    The kings and queens used it so the history of Germany definitely missed that that was awesome I did a solo World War II trip while I was there Norberg um left Germany went to Normandy and that’s another great thing about Germany it’s like so Central from

    Everything so you can go to which I did I went to Amsterdam um Copenhagen France um didn’t get to go to Austria yet really would like to I went to Poland really liked Poland yeah okay and then oldenberg the bikes like that’s a point on my list is I loved that the

    Bike lane in oldenberg was a lot of times on the sidewalk it was just so convenient and I miss bike riding I don’t really bike ride now that I’m back home I just drive my car everywhere and I didn’t have a car in Germany and I

    Don’t know if I would have driven if I had a car cuz it’s just so convenient not to have a car in so many places in Germany I mean I’m dog walking every day and stuff and I’m going to the gym but yeah kind of miss the whole bike riding

    Culture Hamburg I was also riding my bike but that was way scarier for me to ride my bike in Hamburg versus oldenberg cuz it’s just such a bigger city way more cars and bigger streets and although that was post accident cuz I developed PTSD from getting hit by that

    Car in oldenberg didn’t realize that till uh I got home from Germany actually how bad that had gotten I think the pandemic kind of exasperated any little issue I had um which I think it did that for a lot of people I heard but uh Lake culture a

    Oldenberg lake culture um yeah I I I don’t know that’s weird to miss that like well of course you’re going to go to your next nature place people do that here too we have like the beach which I could go to and I don’t go to but I

    Think it’s because I just need more friends which I’m working on um I miss out about Germany since I lived there for so long I developed a friend group and it’s way harder to me to friend group back in your hometown home state because you no longer have something so

    Specific to identify with people like in Germany I could just go to Americans in Germany Americans in Hamburg or whatever enter City here Facebook page and boom post hey uh anyone want to go XYZ and then all of a sudden you get like 20 comments from people who are really

    Awesome living abroad cuz uh I think people who are willing to travel abroad or like we have like kind of similar mindsets probably we’re like really curious about other cultures and so we already have that in common so so yeah I miss that about living in Germany how

    Easy it was to make friends um here it’s trickier definitely trickier in oldenberg I I miss the shocking cultural differences like watching people change into their bathing suits at the lake like the Germans who don’t care at all here we’re like so shy about nudity and

    Stuff um that we would never change and get naked on a public beach or public Lake I just can’t picture that happening um I wouldn’t do that uh yeah but I like Miss that like just the people just they don’t care so much about all these

    Little things uh what they do care about which is a point on my list it’s going to be on the things I don’t miss about Germany and on the things I do miss so I miss having someone to uh demand that I lock eyes with them when we cheers when we’re having

    Shots I realized every time I’m taking a shot with an American I don’t go out that much but when I do I’ve noticed that that is such a giant missing piece of my German soul is having a German there to to uh say ah no you need to

    Have eye contact otherwise and then whatever phrase they say which it just like I don’t know it annoys me a lot which is why it’s also one things I don’t miss about Germany but it’s like it makes me miss it oh I’m going to cry woo okay I didn’t expect to get

    Emotional when such a large part of your life is from a different culture in place you just tie so many good memories like on New Year’s I had all my like a couple German friends like they’re so cute Germans are so cute they send like Happy New Year’s

    Text like I don’t have American like that’s not common for Americans to do that and they’re so cute the Fest noest yard Texs adorable just freaking adorable so yeah I miss that culture stuff where like the people are just so nice and um the friendships are deep anyhoo okay try

    Not to get too emotional or weird in this video I had that’s why I’ve been avoiding uploading cuz it’s like such a touchy subject moving away from Germany moving back home and knowing I’m not going back to Germany at least I have dogs so um at least not for the next 7

    Years cuz they should be alive at least for the next s years and I love them so much which is why I struggled in my last two years in Germany actually no in oldenberg I also had the dog so that’s why I was very much struggling in

    Oldenberg I never talked about it on YouTube because I just didn’t want to be personal that much at the time but now I’m going to try not to be like too scared of being too personal cigarette smell that um I noticed that just last week I was walk oh yeah I was driving

    With the windows down and there was someone like on the sidewalk who is smoking a cigarette and I got a whiff of it and it’s so disgusting so gross like the cigarette smile to me um but for whatever reason in like my ex-boyfriend when I had arrived D in Hamburg um

    During 2020 to live with him when I got out of the airport and we walked out into the out of the sliding doors out of the airport I was like it smells like Hamburg it smells like Germany and he’s like what do you mean I was like that

    Cigarette smell like it’s this weird Pleasant cigarette smell it’s like I wouldn’t say pleasant but it it’s not like repulsive like the one from California I don’t know what cigarettes you guys are smoking look over there but uh they’re different they’re nicer and it just I only smell that smell when I

    Go to Germany so I missed that cigarette smell it’s so weird dancing and techno so I get the urge to dance so often and I don’t have anywhere around here not if I want to drive more than an hour I don’t live in a big city so um I

    Think if I’m living in a big city I’d have more like of like electronic clubs probably but I don’t um um and even oldenberg it’s like the same size city I think around where I’m currently living and oldenberg had techno nights or I’m I I think I’m pretty sure pretty sure I

    Mean oldenberg mostly had a lot of these disco places that mixed Rock and then hip-hop it was very strange uh I’m not used to that here we have usually just Dance music and they stick to that they don’t usually hop to different types of music anyways um but yeah I miss the

    German techno amazing German techno there’s on Tik Tok there’s um some Berliner techno people that are going viral and they’ve been showing me that on Tik Tok and then that gives me that like Nostalgia from being in the electronic clubs but yeah I think Germans are really good with their music skills I

    Miss choose when I’m in the grocery store I feel so awkward at the end when I’m cashing out here in California cuz I want to say like choose like I want to I still want to say something and you you just walk away there’s nothing to to have a nice

    Little finish to your session there um they usually say have a great day and then you say you too um or there’s nothing said and it’s those times when there’s nothing said I really would like to say something like Che uh so yeah miss that about gery and

    Then that and within that speaking German I miss using my German like I spent such a long time trying to to speak German and I don’t get to use it which is why I keep uploading to my ASMR Channel by the way uh lizaa is the name

    I’ll link it down below um I usually go a month or two uh without uploading but I I yeah minimum two months I upload to that channel and I usually study German cuz that’s what I enjoy doing but I hope to upload more now that I’m on ADD

    Medicine I can finally get stuff done I was really it was hard previously but getting hit on in bars I mean I I like in Germany how they don’t you can go out on a girl’s night and you’re not going to get creeped on like yeah I was my

    Friend and I we wanted to have a girls night we got all dressed got ready if we want to looked our best we go out and without fail someone comes up to us that we don’t want to talk to and I mean if there were people like within our age

    Okay fine like maybe like but they’re like you know in their 50s and I’m like okay I love the confidence but we were just trying to have a girls night and then they get like really offended when you don’t reciprocate and anyway so I miss like in Germany how

    The men just kind of leave you alone it’s kind of nice they care about what’s going on in the world that’s a big one um I’ve been doing a lot of dating since I’ve been single and uh yeah I notice there’s quite a few people that don’t

    Care what’s going on in the world which was like surprising to me like whoa they don’t like check news sites but then again I went to um a university here in Southern California and I’d never checked news sites until I was in my um like world studies class and she told us

    Like that’s something you should be doing is checking news sites I kind of wish I never did cuz it’s sometimes it’s you know ignorance is bliss so I’m not sure on that one I still obsessively check the news like at least a couple times a week but I just noticed a lot of

    Americans don’t really care too much what’s going on outside of our little bubble here at least the ones I I’ve been going on dates with I don’t have the best choice in men I should admit so don’t take my sample as representative of all Americans so especially Southern

    California men are yeah they’re special special breed I miss the men in Germany okay they’re just like the traditional is here oh oh that’s on the list too is the whole dating multiple people thing is like is uh the norm here and I don’t function that way so like my German X

    Was with for 2 years cuz I knew that’s like in Germany like you’re expected when you meet someone to have like you’re not talking to you’re not dating multiple people at the same time and cuz I had done that on accident when I was

    Like 22 with um a guy who was my like next door uh flat mate or whatever at the student dorms when I was studying abroad um he was anyways long story short he got mad at me because I was still like going on dates with other

    People and when we were also starting to get to know each other and and I was like oh sorry I I mean in America you uh you ask for exclusivity if you want only that person so if you in in the US if you don’t ask for exclusivity if you

    Don’t have that conversation it is expected that the other person is going to continue to be open-minded to dating someone else doesn’t mean they are guaranteed going to be dating someone else while they’re talking to you it’s just you can’t get mad at them because that’s expected so that’s the culture I

    Don’t like it because I love to focus all my attention on one person which I don’t think is also the healthiest you know um to like put all your eggs in one basket cuz then you go nuts you think too much so I think there’s like a balance

    And stuff to this whole thing but I can’t help it if I have feelings for someone I physically cannot give anyone else a time of day so anyhoo I miss that cuz it’s been tough to like be into someone and then them not like reciprocate it and cuz it takes like a

    Few months for someone to figure out if they like like you in in that kind of way to make it exclusive so it’s just like a lot of anxiety for me so I kind of and let me know if you’re German and around my age cuz I think every decade I

    Don’t know if it changes but um is it still the same in Germany I don’t know cuz like Tik Tok and like we’re all so connected and there’s all these like dating coaches which I on Tik Tok I’ve been getting all the American dating coaches who are saying what to do what

    Not to do or whatever and then it’s starting to give me the German ones so I’m actually kind of curious at first I was annoyed cuz I was like oh no it thinks I’m in Germany cuz like my German’s good but it’s not good enough for me to understand the fast speaking

    German coaches on Tik Tok um but yeah I am kind of curious are they giving the same advice okay fine I’ll start watching them and make a video about it that does sound like a good YouTube video comparison my little research project I didn’t finish that the German guy I was

    With for 2 years he asked me to be his girlfriend after 2 weeks so that was like a huge shock to me cuz I had told him like that’s I was explaining to him when we first met that’s how it works here just letting you know I know you’re

    New here that um girls are expected to date other people until you unless you ask them for exclusivity and then 2 weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend I thought that was so cute yeah that’s not going to happen with an american guy nah I don’t know maybe I

    Mean in high school it happened to me but I haven’t experienced that since I was 16 so I like how Germany’s a lot more affordable groceries are more affordable traveling was more affordable although I heard that even ryion a is like expensive these days but I think the pandemic kind of Switched things

    Around so I don’t know I miss the bakeries I miss going into the bakeries and having reliably really good bread which I didn’t like German bread when I first got to Germany it was kind of an acquired taste I think after so many Germans pushing it down my my my brain

    Um that the American Bread’s bad quality blah blah blah it’s not it’s not supposed to be squishy bread like hard bread’s a good thing and stuff so I think and then like once I like learned how to like just enjoy the bread put the butter whatever on it like

    I started enjoying it so so yeah um I don’t eat bread these days uh I try to avoid bread because it kind of hurts my stomach but uh if I want to treat myself I want to have a German like kind of bread and one of the best presents I

    Ever got was um a German friend of mine shipped me uh a German like a package where you can make your own German bread it had like all of the ingredients in it you just had to like stir it it was like amazing wow and then my I had a German friend

    Visiting me at the time and he said it was like authentic yeah it was like good German bread the one we made in my oven so I miss my mozzarella tomato sandwiches I would always get the little capric sandwiches from the German bakeries like every single one had it

    Usually that’s all 10 points and then some I probably said a few more than 10 I don’t know but I hope you like this video and comment down below if there’s any questions you might have like I’m thinking of doing a question a question and answer video although I’m kind of a

    Stranger to you guys at this point so I I understand if there’s no questions um but yeah I think I’ll work on the things I don’t miss from Germany although I don’t like being negative on YouTube any okay I’ll see you guys later bye


    1. SchΓΆn, Dich nach sooo langer Zeit mal wieder zu sehen und zu hΓΆren! Du hast sehr interessante Punkte angesprochen. Zum Beispiel das mit dem Zigarettengeruch. Das verstehe ich gut. Es ist nicht schΓΆn, aber es ist ein β€žErkennungszeichenβ€œ (z.B. fΓΌr Hamburg).

      Liebe Grüße aus Ostfriesland / Oldenburg. Und Dir noch ein tolles 2024 mit schânen Erlebnissen. Grüße auch an Deine Hunde!

      Maybe you remembering the tiny elefant in Oldenburg?

    2. Iam Happy to see you again😁I've been following you some years ago. You seem to be suffering a lot from not being in Germany anymore, do yourself a favor and change that as soon as possible. You shouldn't put your life above that of your dogs, you only have this life! Because the older you get, the more difficult it becomes to cope with changes in your life
      , happy new year πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

    3. Welcome back. πŸŽ‰ First release the video about the 10 things you don’t like about Germany and then….. lean back to ponder the thought of returning here. And if it’s not Germany then maybe France, Austria, Czech Republic, all of them only a stone's throw away… from an American point of view.

    4. Go back to Germany, organise your life and let your dogs come after you.
      Don't waste your time, follow your heart❣
      Life is to short.
      My advice as an older person.βœŒπŸ˜‰

    5. WTF ist ein "dating coach"?!? Braucht man dazu neuerdings jemanden, der einem sagt, wie sowas geht? Oder ist das wieder son neumodischer Clickbait, um Werbeeinnahmen zu generieren? Verstehe nicht, worin da der Sinn liegt? Wenn man sich verstellen muss, damit ein date funktioniert, mΓΌsste man das dann doch auch in der Beziehung und ich kann mir selbst beim allerbesten Willen nicht vorstellen wie das gut gehen soll …

    6. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your positive shoutout to Kassel – one of the touristically most underrated cities in GER. I was born in Bremen (close to Oldenburg) and now domiciliate in Frankfurt (somewhat close to Kassel) in the state of Hesse. Sure hoping to welcoming you in GER again soon!

    7. Question: Do you want the comments in English or German? I try it with German but let us know!
      Hey, wie schΓΆn, dass mir mal wieder ein Video von Dir in die timeline gespΓΌlt wurde. Hoffe du kommst noch mal wieder zurΓΌck, Hunde fΓΌhlen sich auch hier sehr wohl! Dating ist generell schwierig… aber ich noch nicht einen Dating coache gesehen, der mir geholfen hΓ€tte. Die Tipps sind meistens respektlos gegenΓΌber Frauen und auch wenn es vielleicht manchmal funktioniert, will ich das nicht.

    8. 6:39 Actually, some locals like me would also love to meet visitors from abroad who are just eploring. Meeting someone who is on vacation and sharing their wonder is almost as good as going on vacation yourself…and much less expensive πŸ™‚

    9. 15:20 Oh yeah, dating multiple people at the same time is a strange topic. I am aware that the nature of modern dating, especially with the online component, means that one should go a "multi pronged approach"…but I just can't. As soon as there is the slightest idea of romantic intentions, it feels fundamentally wrong not to focus on that person.

    10. SchΓΆn, dass du wieder da bist! Dein Wiederauftritt kommt ganz ΓΌberraschend vor.
      Du machst keinen Hehl draus, wie sehr du Deutschland vermisst. Also hΓΆr auf dein BauchgefΓΌhl, und betrachte: deine Hunde sollten kein Hindernis fΓΌr dich sein.

    11. Happy to see you again! Warm greetings from HAMBURG!
      To be frank … You belong to Germany. Hamburg is the place you belong. Find a job in Hamburg, get your dogs vaccinated, move to Hamburg, be happy for the rest of your life.
      And you know it.
      Sounds easy, is easy, the barriers are in your head…
      I know it, because I used to life and work as a German in Atlanta for nearly 8 years.
      Best wishes!!!

    12. I just repeat what all the others said before: come back. Hamburg is missing you too πŸ˜‰ All the best wishes aus deiner Perle ☺️

    13. Als erstes: Ich wΓΌnsche Dir ein schΓΆnes, erfolgreiches neues Jahr und viel Gesundheit.
      SchΓΆn mal wieder was von Dir zu hΓΆren!…wurde aber auch Zeit😁. Viele haben Dich vermisst!
      Jetzt habe ich noch eine Frage und auch gleichzeitig eine Empfehlung: Da Du Techno sehr schΓ€tzt, warst Du schon mal in Tomorrowland? Was da abgeht ist unglaublich!

      In der Hoffnung in Zukunft wieder mehr von Dir zu hΓΆren
      Bis bald

    14. You can always say TschΓΌss….the reaction(s) may be cool. So many English words used by Germans, but very few German words used by English….you can start a trend πŸ™‚ And, I'm sure you will make it back, if you miss Germany enough. There will always be a dog(s) sitter available or maybe new mode of transport where we can travel freely with our pets.

    15. Ein Herz für Deutschland ❀❀❀❀❀Volk ❀❀❀❀kinder ❀❀❀❀❀Arbeiter ❀❀❀❀❀Familien ❀❀❀❀Arme Alte Menschen ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀

    16. Find out quickly for yourself, what the main goals in your life are. Making bad choices with men back in the US, is not a good sign. If you want a family, your time is running out. You need to find a man you like and who likes you. You have to check for compability. So you have only two or three shots left before time for a family is running out. So look for a good man and avoid Chad, Tyrone and other players. Unless the "having fun life" is what you want for the rest of your life. Sorry, to be so rude but I think you should reflect your future. And a video like this is lowering your chance to find a good man. The "multiple dating" for men is only a thing for 0,1% of men and they will not change this and commit to you because they are successful and they can settle at an age of 45.
      Again: Sorry, but your options will decrease drastically in the next 4-5 years. Look for a good man. Hard working, nice, not perfect looking (maybe what you think is average – women think that 80% of men are below average, so probably he is above average), a man you like und who seems to like you too. And then take the initiative! If you hunt him down, you will be more happy in your life. And you will not hunt down Chad. Chad will give you the feeling you maybe can get him – but you won't. He will find the next fresh girl in line and not commit to you.
      Third time: I apologize to be so harsh.

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