If you’re looking to balance lifting and running training, then join us as we break down how you can exactly that!

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    #hybridathlete #running #hybridtraining

    00:00 – Intro
    01:55 – Programme Breakdown (Part 1)
    06:14 – Programme Breakdown (Part 2)
    08:03 – Hybrid Training Mistake 1
    9:43 – Hybrid Training Mistake 2
    10:42 – Hybrid Training Mistake 3
    12:12 – Hybrid Training Mistake 4
    13:58 – Hybrid Training Mistake 5
    15:06 – Hybrid Training Mistake 6
    16:36 – Programming Priorities
    21:03 – Conclusion

    Combining running and lifting is very popular at the moment and rightly so it’s a fun rewarding and challenging set of training goals that being said it’s easy to get the balance wrong so today we are going to run you through how to get it Right for context I focus on balancing strength and endurance working currently since 2018 having completed a a 500lb back squat and sub 5 minute mile in the same day a 600 kg powerlifting total and sub6 hour 60 km ultramarathon in the same day 500b deadlift and 5 km all

    Under 20 minutes and most recently went 1811 in the 5K at 27 and this summer I actually fell just short of the goal of a 500b deadlift and mile all within a 5 minute time cap as well as this I ran plenty of other distances all the way up

    To 100 miles and I’m currently training to run 250 km in one go at the end of March at the core of all this has been my coach and business partner Johnny Payne who has taken me from over 100 kilograms in body weight as a pure power

    Lifter to the hybrid athlete that you see before you today we’ve helped over 5,000 athletes all over the world better balance their strength and endurance goals so we really do understand all of the challenges that you might be facing with that being said let’s head through

    To the office to break things down okay Welcome to our newly installed whiteboard which we’re going to be using for purposes of breaking everything down today and we have Johnny in the wild welcome back me nice to be back inside your YouTubes welcome back me I should

    Have said welcome I just introduced you welcome Johnny everybody comment welcome back Johnny in the comments down below to make him feel more welcome than I did anyway what we’re going to do is we are going to use an example of our most popular training plan from omnia’s

    Website which is the strength and half marathon to frame a lot of the stuff that we talk about and the methodology that underpins how we balance strength and running training or weightlifting and running training concurrently so against that background we are going to give you an introduction which we’re

    Kind of loosely doing now we are going to give you an overview of the programming itself and the core principles that run through it we’re going to talk you through the mistakes that we see people make most often and then we’re going to break down how you

    Can set up your programming with a bit of a hierarchy of things to consider if you would foolishly not like to in fact grab one from ourselves whilst we’re on the topic if you want to sign up for 15 resilience hacks delivered straight to your inbox

    Then join the mailing list down below in the description okay so for context this is week four of the strength and half marathon training plan that has been our most popular over the years we first launch them in February 2021 and since then we’ve had yeah thousands and

    Thousands and thousands of people all over the world go through many iterations of them and this is the most popular so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use week four and then use week eight as an example of how we break things down and give you context

    As to why we’ve done it that way so first of all I’m just going to break down what the week looks like Monday we’ve got low body session with squats lunges hip thrusts and rdl’s Tuesday we have an interval session on the track of

    The road coming to the end of a sort of progressive block with 8×2 200 M some 50 m reps and some running either side Wednesday upper body bench row overhead press row lateral raise face pull Thursday easy aerobic development work for 30 minutes Friday some full body

    Sort of mon structural stuff into a metcom with a lunge sled run strength endurance dominant session into sort of the main session of the week really for the specificity of half marathon but a week four is still quite generalized aerobically speaking and then Sunday we are a huge fan of giving people an

    Allocated rest day every single week so not to fall into the Trap of thinking more is always better as we will come on to later on so Johnny do you just want to talk through a little bit of the principles that really sit beneath this structure at week four in the program

    Yeah as Fergus has described this is the way the structure set out over the course of the the the program more or less these days are allocated throughout and as we get further into the program things change what doesn’t change is at the beginning of the week is uh

    Predominantly high intensity low volume and as the week continues you’ll see this a little bit more as we go into week eight week nine the volume itself increases and the intensity drops and what we’re doing is consolidating stressors so that we can allow for optimal recovery throughout the course

    Of a week so as Johnny’s mentioned at the core of all our programming whether it’s strength and half whether it’s hypertrophy and Triathlon or anything between or whether it’s hypers specific to the individual working in BJJ or anything else intensity Peaks at the start of the week volume Peaks at the

    End and that inverts as the week goes on and that’s why the heavier squats and the harder effort running are here and the higher rep lower intensity lifting and low intensity steady state aerobic stuff is here we have found that to be the most effective way with our methodology to balance generally

    Speaking important to mention at this point that hybrid training is hyper specific and Hyper individual which means that we are we actually don’t want to generalize too much we want this to be a framework for you to consider your own training with today rather than say

    This is how things should be done so against that background that’s the one thing that we really want to set out our store with is that we are trying to find the minimum effective dose of training for the maximum effective return turning up certain dials turning down certain

    Dials so that we can optimize the suboptimal effectively and one of the core ways that we found to be able to do that is by Peak intensity at the start of the week volume at the end so against that background let’s progress from week four to week that’s not going to work I

    Don’t have enough fingers for that yes you do not with not to not to do what I’ve got planned love to do what I’ve got planned I love what so against that background let’s progress forwards to week number eight I clicked at the wrong time it needs to change so against that

    Background let’s progress forward to week number eight so week eight of the strength and half marathon training plan and we have some adjustments so lower and intervals have been Consolidated in the same day going back to that theme of consolidating stressors high intensity peaking at the start of the week lower

    Intensity peaking at the end of the week fits into that category in the same vein we have higher intensity more specific upper body work on Tuesday and then we’ve just got some additional aerobic volume so that we’re increasing our weekly mileage not a metric that we’re

    Actually too dominant on we are a bigger fan of time in specific zones as things progress given the specific demand of hybrid training Wednesday becomes a more half marathon specific fatle session about 60 Minutes in week a Thursday we add some rest because the intensity and specificity of this has increased which

    Means that the demand physically has increased and thus recovery becomes Paramount Friday deadlift row some arm workor and a different metcom it’s a horrible one this one squat lunges overhead press and some running just a bad time in general terms but playing into a idea around pref fatigue so that

    Through essentially localizing fatigue in the areas that we’re going to be mimicking motor patter wires from running the following day getting comfortable having a lot of Doms in your legs for these sessions means that when you go into a marathon half marathon rather tapered you’re going to feel like

    A million dollars so we are consolidating our assistance work for lifting and for running into a similar sort of session here whil also just generally building some resilience because this is horrible then we have a increase in demand in the Saturday low intensity steady state work 90 minutes

    This time with some slow easy stuff at the start and the end and a more zone three rather than Zone 2 Focus session in the middle so the filling of that sandwich is more half marath than specific but the slices of bread are purely aerobic and again we have a rest

    On Sunday because recovery is Paramount what we’re going to do at this point against the context and the background of breaking this down is play a game of pingpong on the mistakes that are most often made and the ones that we’ve seen with over 5,000 athletes from all over

    The world training for different disciplines in terms of where they can often go wrong so I’m going to kick things off with a ping which is over striding which can often be a significant cause of shin splints which is probably in terms of SEO the most relevant search term on the internet for

    Heavier Runners those bouncing lifting and running in terms of the stumbling block potentially quite literally for them with their running development and overriding can be a hugely significant cause for this especially given that the conventional advice is the more cushioned shoes the better given how

    Heavy you are and that can allow you to basically throw your leg out in front of you and disguise the fact that you’re actually slamming your heel into the ground which means the transient impact is going directly up rather than through your body which over time can piss off

    Your knees your hips and be a cause of shinsplints it’s not the only cause of shinsplints but it’s a very common one when it comes to this equation that we’re talking about today so it’s worth looking at your gate it’s worth not being complacent because you come from a

    Competent gym background and assuming that running is just something that we do because it’s a basic motor pattern it is a skill if you were a what they called Tepanyaki if you worked at a Tepanyaki you wouldn’t just go and start juggling Sushi knives and flipping onions into your top pocket you’d

    Probably do years of training and developing that skill so treat running with the respect it deserves work on your gate focus on your Technique look at your Cadence so that you are not falling into the Trap of overriding and potentially causing your shin splints which can be a prevailing issue in this

    Equation Johnny pong another consideration is the the overall expectation that just throwing in a morning session and an evening session and pinging that backwards and forwards between running and lifting running and lifting running lifting over the course of the week is going to cover all your

    Bases and I think it’s safe to say our experience tells us that that is actually going to be something that perhaps leads into uh overtraining and certainly doesn’t allow you to consolidate the stressors in the manner that we have found optimizes rest if we can take some running sessions and some

    Intensity high-intensity squats put it back to back some high intensity intervals what we’re looking at is some overall uh biomechanical consolidation as well as an intensity consolidation over here if we look at the same kind of equation we’re looking at the same knee extension and hip extension but through

    A longer session that feeds into pref fatigue that allows us to work a little bit more of the list here in a high volume scenario so rather than just flip flocking between an am. p.m run and lift we’re consolidating the stresses over the course of the week to manage the

    Recovery that we need ping so feeding into that is the assumption that more is always better I’m going to point fingers especially at the CrossFit functional fitness Community because you love working hard all the time and whilst there’s absolutely a place for that Ergo bursting yourself on the track here

    Bursting yourself in a chip style workout here you can’t do that all the time you can’t just red line all the time and hope for the best cuz that’s going to inhibit recovery it’s going to mask Fitness by essentially increasing your layer of fatigue which means that

    You’re not going to be able to hit 100% of your bat squat you’re not going to be able to perform your best when it comes to your 5K best effort you’re going to be carrying fatigue with you that’s going to prevent you from hitting the specific times and weights that go into

    Strength and half marathon training in this context but that applies to all distance time specific goals so more is not always better what hybd training is about is not doing more it’s about turning up certain dials turning down certain dials to optimize the suboptimal and find the minimum effective dose for

    The maximum effective return if you’ve got 100% to give you can’t then give 200% and expect to net the same result it’s not as simple as that it’s a case of making the most of that 100% stripping out the junk volume stripping out the rubbish being intentional with

    Your training which is why this is laid out the way that it is again we can’t be too specific in general in this video today because your goals might be different to this and we’re trying to appeal to sort of all lifting and running goals but it’s something that

    Has to be considered more is not always better less can often be more pong Fu so capitalizing on what Fergus has just said one of the key things that we see or one of the biggest mistakes that we see uh when people come to us asking for

    A little bit of advice or help is that they have tried to splice together two programs we’ve got people maybe doing a a wler 531 who think well no I’ll do a coach to 5K on top of that or they’re doing the cube method and they think

    Well now I’m going to I’m going to start training for a half marathon does Runner’s World give me that program can I put the two of them together and ultimately each one of these programs has been built in isolation and has a volume accountability inside it if you

    Put two of them together as you’ve already said you’re looking at 200% of programming intention trying to splice that into one program and force it to be 100% of your volume capacity means something’s going to leak out the side whether that comes in the form of the

    Shin splints or whether that comes in the form of the overtraining or whether it comes in the form of the whole thing breaking down motivation drifting we don’t know because it’s going to spill out in in a manner that’s probably personal to you but we do know that’s

    Not going to work 100% of one program 100% of another equals 200% if you continue at 200% output for too long you’re going to feel beaten up and the absolute core at all of this is that 99.999% of you watching SL trining on a recreational basis do this because you

    Enjoy it and want to be better as an individual on a day-to-day basis and just doing more all the time is likely going to leave you beaten up undercovered cognitively ruined and wondering where it all went wrong or you might fall into the Trap of the old myth

    That you can’t lift weights and run because conventionally people just put two things together rather than finding a balance between them if you go three four five six weeks of doing way too much volume and suddenly you can’t squat what you used to be able to squat for a

    Double easily then you’re going to fall into the Trap of thinking oh well it’s the running that’s made me weaker not the fact I’ve just been doing way too much volume I’d say so I know I’ve spoken and stolen your thing there but you still need to return the you need to

    Return the ball to me p so big one huge one in fact very much following on from what I’ve just said which is as your running volume increases especially if you come from understanding your maintenance calorie intake from just a lifting background you are going to increase your

    Expenditure which means that if you add expenditure in the form of 60 minutes here 45 minutes there 90 minutes there with some demand here as well you’re going to increase your overall caloric expenditure within the context of a week and if you don’t account for that in

    What you eat and consume back to balance the books so to speak You’re going to inadvertently putting yourself into a deficit which means you’re more likely to be under recovered you’re more likely to sleep badly you’re more likely to feel a bit hungry groggy and miserable again going back to the enjoyment Factor

    Again and you’re probably not going to perform as best as you would like in your races your events your training sessions and that’s where things can start to fall apart so be mindful of your nutrition I’ve done a video that’s on the screen for you here that breaks

    It down in a PowerPoint presentation to equip you with all that you need to balance the book so to speak but one of the biggest mistakes that people often make which leads them to the conclusion that you can’t balance balance running and lifting is inadvertently under eating and therefore putting themselves

    In a deficit which will leave you feeling beaten up so straight off the back of that nutrition isn’t part of the it isn’t the only part of that particular pyramid we’ve got training and the recovery process for training is going to be nutrition it’s going to be sleep it’s

    Going to be an optimal lifestyle we’re looking really in amongst these programs and something you’ve referred to a few times is that this is a framework you’re an individual you need to understand what your external stresses are and you’re going to need to manage those external stresses so a hard day at work

    Or an argument with a postman or the dog’s escape and done something it shouldn’t have done is extra stress within this program which you’re going to have to account for it might not sound like much but just like the nutrition if these things build up and they’re not accounted for then the whole

    Thing’s going to start breaking down I was going to say slowly but actually quite fast it can happen quickly and the main thing is it will affect your sleep and again recovery is a big buzzword and it’s one that we really don’t spend too much time on talking about in this

    Context or on this channel 99.9% of us do not nail the basics we don’t sleep as as much as we need to we don’t sleep with the high quality we don’t nail our food we don’t nail our hydration we don’t have perfect lives therefore all

    Of the tiny 1% a grain of sand at the top of the pyramid stuff isn’t what we’re going to focus about within the context of recovery what we focus on is being mindful of external stressors being mindful of the increas in intensity increase in demand increase in demand in skill physicality and

    Cognitive ability across the spectrum of heavy lifting and slow running and everything in between you need to be mindful of that and you can’t just grit your way through adaptation that is not the way adaptation Works otherwise Kenyan Runners would just be always running they do a lot of running but

    They do stop running occasionally and you should too trying to tell me that’s a pyramid so I think we can all agree that I’d make an awful Egyptian because this was my attempt at drawing a hierarchy pyramid which is more of a prism is it a

    Prism yeah masab be turning in his grave right now this is not what I meant bad Egyptian bad secondary school teacher and you can tell I didn’t do very well in trigonometry in school myself but nonetheless there is a hierarchy here that is very important as to as to bad

    At speaking now this is awful as to how you generally speaking the viewer can program around your goals and that is the absolute top of the pyramid this that is the grain of sound at the top that we work downwards from which is most importantly goals I also now

    Realize that actually in this hierarchy the goal should be at the bottom and I should work upwards within all of the metaphors that I’ve been referring to but we’re all friends here you know what I’m thinking most important least important just ignore the the pyramid

    Entirely is how it works is it yeah no because surely like if you were talking about nutrition stuff nutrition sleep anyway you know what I mean you know what I mean so goals are most important and with hybrid training with concurrent training that is why having specific

    Goals like I would like to develop my strength across W bench and deadlift or Olympic lifting and the Half Marathon is so important because if you don’t have a clear Direction you can’t be specific if you can’t be specific then you actually don’t fall into the category of hybrid

    Training as coined by Alex barder in 2015 in his book the hybrid athlete which is the concurrent B balancing of disciplines that do not inherently support one another and whose disperate components are not essential to success at anyone’s sport which in simple terms means committing to progression in two

    Sports that do not inherently make you better at either or strength work at a top end level with squats bench and deadlift do not make you a better Runner disperate components yeah disperate components there you are exactly so by focusing on progression and both of these things separately equals hybrid

    Training random messes of stuff is just kind of playing around with training that’s equally good good but for the purpose of argument within this this context today you need to set clear goals so that you can set a clear plan and be intentional with that 100% turning up certain dials turning down

    Certain dials that we discussed earlier then it’s a case of optimizing the suboptimal which is looking at where you’re strong where you’re weak where you’ve got progress to make where you’ve got progress to lose sometimes where can you take a little bit of a loss can you

    Get a bit slower for a bit more strength can you get a bit weaker for a bit more strength Etc whilst developing across the board in in sort of blocks phases however you want to structure your own programming so look at where you’ve got wiggle room and then plan your

    Programming with that in mind and then it’s ultimately this applies to all programming nutrition training otherwise what’s practical what can you adhere to you can sit there and come up with the perfect most scientifically reinforced popm Med ID this pobm ID that and sit on the internet and be a miserable bastard

    About things like lots of people like to do and not actually do any of the things that you say you should be doing the ideal training program does not exist because life is not ideal and thus you need to look at what can you around job family commitments holidays actually

    Commit to over time because consistent execution is what matters so setting a plan that you can consistently execute over time is what’s going to lead to forward progress going back to the drawing board every four weeks because you feel a bit beaten up is not going to

    Get you to the goals that you desire and that that doesn’t just apply to this does it no mate the other part of this that we talk about with a lot of athletes that is makes it specific as suppos to the way that we approach things is that you set your goals and

    You may say strength and half but in amongst it we’ve got a a framework here that describes how we prefer to do things and and the the methodology that we’ve developed and and why we think it works but this is the key part isn’t it

    This is if you as you’ve said if you can’t do it and won’t do it it’s not going to work and what comes into that is things like uh exercise selection and all Stu you don’t like a uh kneeling overhead press but you’ve read it here

    Or you’ve looked in a program and bought the program and you think that’s good you’re not going to do it yeah you know you’re going to get to a certain point if you were to program overhead squat for me or or snatch work for me the show

    Don’t do that I’m going to try for about 2 3 weeks get disheartened and screw the whole thing so make sure if you’re setting up your own programming that you’re you’re you’re setting up with with exercises that are intelligently in there and that you can adhere to programming throughout and and the

    Selection within trial and error that’s it that’s all that’s all we do that’s all this this doesn’t it see what works be objective not subjective about it take the lessons from your recovery how you feel your progress your adaptation within a period of time as a context not

    A dayto day because you can look at the the details too much and hold hold yourself accountable to those things rather than constantly going back to the drawing board and hopefully with that information against the context you’re better equipped to at the very least program for yourself if you feel wow I’d

    Much rather offset that to somebody else then you know where to go and actually I have a discount code on my notes Here which is YT 40-25 just on the screen for you here is 40% which is the biggest discount we’ve ever done on training plans and because

    You’ve gone this far in the video it is here for you to take part in if you would like to select any one of the goal specific training plans that we have consider an apology for this pyramid yeah consider it an apology for yeah Tuton camon is rolling in his very large

    And very well-built grave as as a result of of of this blasphemy but nonetheless that is a pretty colloquial pretty non-ind depth breakdown of how we do things because the absolute key here is that we can’t generalize in this context too much for you as an individual

    Because you might be training for a marathon you might be training for a 5k a mile you might be focusing on hypertrophy you might be focusing on Olympic lifting and there’s different considerations that go throughout that but this is the context that we frame this within this is a popular distance

    And obviously 5K marathon either side of this there’s a lot of similarities but we have found this to be the most effective way of balancing things over the years we’ve got over 5,000 athletes that are Testament to that we’ve achieved a lot of things ourselves that

    We’re very proud of but at the end of the day hybrid training does not have a governing body but it does have a lot of reward Challenge and self-development on the other side of it and that’s why we really are passionate about it and why

    We would love to have you on board with Omnia but at the very least we just want more and more people trying new things and enjoying new things because things are fun and progress is very rewarding and the world’s pretty chaotic these days so why not look for the quick wins

    As on where they are and have fun where we can am I right you are right thank you that’s the reaffirmation reaffirmation that’s the validation I need to the end of this video the affirmation thank you very much for watching everyone see you next time and most importantly let us know if you

    Enjoyed this type of content because we can probably do more of it and be a bit more detailed bit more descript about certain things and make sure to check out the Omni performance podcast because the gous that you’ve witnessed today happens every week there so that’ll be linked in the description

    Down below double salute goodbye goodbye


    1. This type of content is much appreciated. Its help me identify some junk volume in my program and what I need to start to look at even with this snap shot. Trial and error as always but its pointed the needle in a better direction so thank you

    2. Well I've learned it's a lot easier to recover from deadlifting and go running then it is to go running and then recover enough to deadlift. I know the research has said to spread out cardio and strength training between 4 and 6 hours apart and to do the strength training first which I would agree with because again it's a lot easier to recover from deadlifting and go running and then it is to recover from running and deadlift

    3. Can you make a video about double sessions for athletes that have more time and training a slightly higher level. I’m training for an ultra and would love to know how to fit strength on the same days as my runs. AM + PM may need to be done for me.

    4. I am wondering about the comment on combining wendler 531 with running. His books generally state that outside of the heavier challenge templates conditioning should be added, often at around 2 intense heavy sessions and multiple light sessions. Have you found that this does not work for the athletes you have coached?

    5. Last year, I got your Hill Strong plan because I wanted to get into hybrid training after starting running and building up to being comfortable doing a 10k in the hills while lifting some days. And no joke, after 6 weeks of this plan, I wanted to test my limits and signed up for a mountain marathon I had eyed for a month. I dreamed about doing the ultra dictance(69k 3000m elevation), but the risk of injuring myself and the enormous amount of elevation (for that time) was to much for me to handle. So I did my "own-tiny-ultra" by adding 8k after the marathon finish because I wanted my first marathon to be an ultra so bad. Well, I got through it (fair enough, it took a long time, but I got everywhere before the cut ofs) and found my love for long trail running. This year, I am training for a 105k race and planning a self-supported alps crossing. So thanks for your great training plans and providing so much knowledge here!

    6. great video, it's awesome to hear some of the "technical" bit of hybrid training. I wish this was put up about a week or two ago cause I've just hit the wall from too much volume

    7. This came right on time for a half marathon I have planned later this year. I'm currently going through another iteration of your 5K + Strength program and will likely hop onto the Half + Strength program afterwards. Love your content and programs.

    8. I'm looking at doing hypertrophy work and an Iron Man – there is a perfect programme on the Ultima Performance website but I was wondering how you prescribe the cardio sessions, ie are they HR zone based or is it less prescriptive? I'm currently following a (spliced together🙈) 80/20 programme and PPL….but also need to train for a marathon carrying a 50kg pack at the same time so feel I need some help and direction!!

    9. I have run multiple spartan 50ks on top of inordinate amounts of 5ks-21ks. I am working towards a 50 miler and trying to maintain strength. I run everyday 7-15 miles on top of PowerLifting and slight hypertrophy work. I can’t seem to nail
      Down exactly how much to eat or if I’m running too much

    10. love the channel and always great content! Does adding running volume mean that capacity for building strength decreases from wk2 -> wk8? Thanks!

    11. The fact that successfull "hybrid athletes" all have had years of focus on one single thing (bodybuilding for Nick Bare, powerlifting for you) shows that it is not a valid training methodology. It shows that you should get big and strong and then work hard to keep as much of it as possible while focusing on endurance. I have yet to see someone improving signficantly in both disciplines at the same time, say start from a 225 squat and 7 minute mile and go to even a 405 squat/5:30 minute mile. If some of you in the comment section have done it, I'm happy to hear it and change my mind

    12. Unfortunately when doing hybrid training, a person has to create their own routine that aligns with their skill level and goals… there is no one size fits all program. Another consideration is carbohydrate intake and the timing thereof as well as a very good mobility, stretching and foam rolling routine a few times a week (ideally everyday)

    13. This was good information. I'm a mountain biker and im the head mechanic at a bicycle shop but i also like to powerlift. Im definitely one of the bigger guys at a bicycle shop 😅. Im also in the US army reserves and have to run 2 miles in a certain time for our physical test. Trying to balance all of my physical goals is definitely tough

    14. Notes:
      Running form >
      Consolidate stressors instead of randomly moving back and forth between lifting and running (put high intensity work together at the beginning of the week)
      Rest adequately
      Program intentionally (two individual programs combined isn’t the move, find a balance)
      Fuel appropriately (eat enough calories, see Fergus’ other video about this)
      Nail the basics, be mindful of the controllables like sleep, increase in physiological demand, fueling…

      Thanks guys!! Great content as always

    15. I've got a body building split (push pull legs x 2, 6 days a week) – can I do cardio training after a training session instead of having it on it's own day? If I had cardio on it's own day with non strength training, I would lose muscle training frequency (trying to hit each muscle group twice a week).

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