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    SYNOPSIS : A must watch nollywood blockbuster movie you must not miss, Sonia Uche, Sammylee, Stephen Odimgbe And Knechukwu Ezeh nailed this one.
    Marriage is a Journey not a destination..You are expected to work every day to make your marriage work.. Don’t compare your marriage with others. Your calling is different.. your marriage is different, before you call for Divorce. Make sure you are not the problem. Make your marriage work.

    Stand up there stand up from there Jesus Christ is Lord Ed Ed so this sleep they try make I sleep now you come wake me from now e you know how long going take me before I try sleep have you seen what I want you

    About H what you want me that you should stop eating like an animal and sleeping this way me animal Ed me animal repeat after me bye-bye to sleep what repeat what I talk bye-bye to sleep you must be joking okay you must be joking don’t allow let me

    That nonsense you’re looking for you will get it soon okay just sleep sleep rubbish won’t sleep AB don’t disturb me do not disturb me down okay now sleep I Stella stop this now Stella Stella what is it Stella don’t start this don’t start stop stop stop this nonsense what is it stop it stop it I don’t like this nonsense stop sleep you go sleep stop this now stop this now oh yeah come come come

    Inside if I get you get out of Here get out get get [Applause] Up What is going on hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey stand up there please what are you doing there H I say you should stand stand up stand up what is all this hey hey hey my friend stand up there stand up there so you cannot sleep in the bedroom

    HH you now sleep in sleep in my in my sitting room I don’t stand up now I don’t like this what sort of embarrassment is this hey stand up there stand up there stand up now the one been the J before sleep go take this out take this out I don’t like this

    Please you have to stop behaving like a village girl here okay you in the city I just see chop if IOP I I said you should go inside take this thing inside my friend take it inside I don’t want to be shouting to all the time you’re my wife

    Behave yourself respect yourself live like a good woman no problem I walk now so you’re not getting me you’ve not been hearing me right is that what you’re saying I don’t need your your food respect yourself coordinate yourself dress well if you need money tell me if you need anything I tell me

    I’ll take care of you place why now you know see person like that for GR your body will stretch out go out there meet friends learn how to behave like a city wife I don’t like this I hear you hear with him so make can go inside now if

    You want to sleep use the bed the bed is serves a purpose use the bedroom sleep There I just give you your own food you even see make you wait for me eh which what’s that what are you trying to do I want CH food now my friend go to the din if you want to eat I said you should go to the now

    Waiting that I don’t relax for my husband say make I CH food make it digest for my body again you want us to fight do you want us to fight oh go to to the dining and eat go to the dining if you want to eat coordinate yourself package

    Yourself no I want you to leave por I want you to one be which one be every I I chop food enter my body make I that you every time you know the time of the day this is morning what what should do is English breakfast let me teach you how

    To do that hey God what kind of this is too much city girls problem Village girls problem Promax what is this problem I don’t Understand stand up there stand up from there Jesus Christ is Lord Ed so this sleep try make I sleep now you come wake me from now e you know how long take me before I try sleep have you seen what I want you about H what you want me that you should

    Stop eating like an animal and sleeping this way me anim Ed me animal repeat after me bye-bye to sleep what repeat what I talk bye-bye to sleep you must be joking okay you must be joking don’t allow let me that nonsense you’re looking for you will get it soon okay just s

    Sleep one sleep don’t disturb me do not disturb me can I sleep I Stella stop this now Stella Stella what is it Stella don’t start don’t start stop stop stop this nonsense what is it stop it you not sleep stop it I don’t like this nonsense stop it you know go stop this now stop this now oh yeah

    Come come come inside if I get you get out of here get out get get out this is too much this is hey babe hi babe just like that hi babe what’s the problem this time are you are you normal like I’ve been sited here waiting

    For you to get home since and you’re not even taking my calls and you’re coming in to tell me hi bab hi bab you should have just slept you know I should have just slept mhm when I know you’re still out there I should have just slept Alex I’m not a kid

    Remember this is the third time you’re coming back to this house by this time of the night okay and what does that tell you it shows that you’re irresponsible wow that’s a really stupid way to interpret this it shows that I’ve been busy God Georgina mhm did you just call me

    Stupid you left me with no choice I mean you behaved stupidly and I only pointed it out you called me stupid okay this is the he of it you see you see you see is it today you it today today will be the last day you will ever

    Come back to this house by this time of the night let it happen again okay no no no let it happen again then you know if I’m stupid or not I’m stupid I’m stupid for staying up late waiting for you to get home and and all you pay me back is

    To call me stupid no problem Alex I’m really not in for this madness Okay I’ll use the guest room good night what you’re using the guest room so you answer calls there yeah whatever so you answer calls there no no no I’m coming to join you let’s stay in the guest room Together yeah Leah’s with the secretary in connection to that I’ll be there soon okay okay you canate them I’ll call you back later okay good morning yeah good morning you tell your wife good morning yeah good morning even a baby or sweetheart you see the V yes I’m still angry

    You did not allow me sleep last night and know yeah baby more fine fine this your traa is overbearing and you need to stop it sleep because if you now I my own I don’t sleep now I sleep do I blame you you are jobless so you don’t know

    What it takes to go out toil day and night to put food on our table all you do is eat squander my money the way you like it do I blame you you do nothing you don’t even go out you don’t even you don’t even care to go and

    Walk do I Blame You excuse Me come come out the little Comments Okay Oh Stella Stella Hey don’t come back where are you coming from why you not picking your calls good evening you’ve not answered my question you know say for morning that time you come out FX excuse me flexing MH how that’s um for that Junction since we talk laugh and you left my house this

    Way to go out for casual discussions n now forget I forget I know that you’re stupid but I don’t know you are this stupid h me they stupid only me they stupid stupid when my mama never call me before now you say me they stupid me only me they stupid me they Stupid why are you staring at me like that can we get going get get get going with who you and who is going is going somewhere with with this nonsense you’re wearing I don’t understand what are you talking about what what is what why is

    It hard for you to understand that as a married woman you should dress responsibly Alex you cannot detect what I wear moreover you’re just going to drop me off you don’t know where I’m going and so what wherever you think you’re going it’s not right for you to

    Wear the just look at your skin what is wrong with you go upstairs and change the I’m not doing it as a woman I should know what’s good for me this is what I’m wearing if you don’t like it you keep off okay I’m out Georgina What’s going on here hone name welcome what is going on here H I did for house now nothing for me to do now come this one they sing this one for now remember this ice enjoy myself and what is this nonsense you’re putting on you know know for just like this get

    This type of um cloths so as they take the time for our vage if you want dance cult dance so if I had walked in with my friends this is how they would see my wife but nothing do my cloth now not naked oh don’t you think it would have been

    Great if I had walked in with my friends and see you looking amazing but I look amazing now I don’t like this nonsense you’re putting on I don’t like it I don’t like how you behave in this house I don’t like it welcome make I go bring your food make

    You chop eat that your poison I’m not interested poison me they cook poison yes stop behaving this way sorry now sorry I try hard to make sure that you look good to make sure that you come out well I brought you from the village I try hard

    To to clean you up I try everything I try hard to make sure that you look P look at how you’re looking stop putting on that nonsense in my house stop it no now sorry I bring the poison here sorry I said stop wearing this nonsense clean yourself up and and

    Behave like a a beautiful girls I don’t like this nonsense stop it in my house what is all this I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired I thought I I’ve got the best from the village no i i i knowy they do that come up food and the

    Only don’t another woman food for outside I don’t fit Okay bye so you think it’s all about a woman who she be h H who are you talking about I think I know think now I know I talk I know you know what say another woman food they chop for

    Outside you need to grow up yeah you need to grow up what she it’s not all about a woman what she they give you okay if you need the information I at English breakfast and let I did brunch before coming back so I’m filed okay okay English yeah English breast what the was

    Put inside give you chop oh you think it’s that poison that you cook and serve me right every morning ever in the afternoon ever at night ever you know they chop before my duty is to provide the funds and yours is to cook good food

    For me you need to know what I want inquire from me what I want and then go for it you will not die yeah no you chop before you they ch tired of Fai I don’t like it you need to you need to grow up

    You need to go out and learn you need to watch YouTube you need to go to Google browse get a good menu I want to eat healthy right I want to eat healthy you do more of vegetables you do more of pasta Continental InterContinental dishes some things that that will give

    Me good way of thinking you know they chop before no they they give you chop before now now you start to complain I’m tired of it you never talk I tired of of it I will send you to school so that you learn I be like need to learn how to you

    Need to not to cook good food cook which good food me cook good food I talk right are you going to make that learn it you will not die learn it nonsense I not kill myself with a b and rice all the time I need to eat health I

    Need to eat vegetables to eat things that that will give me good retentive memories and good dispositions look at it yeah can you see that your elegance is perfect well turn around let me see turn around okay oh really wow my baby I don’t know you gather like this

    No this time where you from B see it’s an English wear okay I want you to look Hur English yes the babies maybe babies from collect no no let me tell you something I want you to look porsh I want you to look classy I want you to be

    Presentable let me tell you life you see is a competition so you DRS to impress whenever you’re out just make sure that you’re dressing to impress whoever that sees you okay you can even bring it up small they bring something up they you say the you reach bring it up this way

    Make I my no no bring your tight up no I you want my squeeze squeeze squeeze so that CL make I naked for Road what is your problem the clo be my size I want you to know that I’m brushing you up come up from that Village lifestyle just for

    Outside see get one you buy for me if I wear that one for you even if they see me they say try please I don’t want you to embarrass me okay embarrassing yes I’m going out with my friends and I want you to look better than his wife only if I read that

    Even if your wife see me cat make you see please I beg you I beg you wear this for me okay I I I I have I bought you hair and shoes so we the hair where are the shoes you makeup if you don’t know how to handle the makeup I’ll call

    Someone to do that for you okay please do not embarrass me I my size I’m wear this thing now this cloth be my size I am your husband do as I say wear this for me it’s not up for debates and I don’t want us to argue on this wear this for me

    Please are you okay I want to see you there dressed to impress right I don’t understand I’m tired of this HH please do not embarrass me oh I beg you Hi what’s up I’m good the beautiful georgin hello Eddie oh you’re such a lucky man you know right what did I do to deserve this sou crown on my head look at how lovely B of you looking oh that’s yeah oh yes she looks more of a

    Queen come on you can say that again thanks Eddie where is Stella oh she will soon join us hey so baby how are you now Stella H where your bag i b now don’t give my husband something CH oh yes we just this is the height of it this is

    The height of it I’m not going to take this anymore this is the height of it if you like maybe make you be the short of Feit you not go kill me he me you you not go Feit kill me what have I not done this is 2 years of our marriage what

    Have I done wrong to you you never why can’t you change why can’t you live well I tell you I not tell you say this thing where you buy for me you carry your now don’t carry Co wear the you I don’t wear the same clo you buy for me I I change

    Them I change them why are you H bent on disgracing and embarrassing me all the time why what did I do to you I wear the cloth I I don’t wear them I wear I wear AB I know wear I am done I’m done with this nonsense again yes I’m done I’m done

    With you done again since where you they done they done they even know C by now don’t done chop you make you rest what is your problem now you get problem didn’t you see her didn’t you see how she dressed so matly so classy so elegant I beg since another person

    Wife your go carry now what you wait for leave me go carry her we hear word I’ve been brushing you up brushing you up trying for you see clo when you buy finish I tell you I say okay I carry this thing well even that woman come do

    Me this makeup she tell me say the clo fine because T watch people they wearen they wear you know no fashion but every time you say you know everything you you know fashion you know fashion you know fashion you this thing you fashion you they go somewhere you wear

    Coat like they go office off blame I don’t blame you you don’t blame blame how spotless and classy she was looking you see you see what the husband they do the husband they walk carry her back she everything what the woman do switch the husband but you not talk for you I don’t

    Understand what this that I will carry is this nonsense bag that I will this bag no be bag with this you never talkung so why didn’t you go with the bag that I bought for you I bought bag for you left it and you came with this F

    You want fashion I give you fashion you see the she never talk you want you not go kill you’re sick see me you’re very sick I’m done with you you’re very sick you’re you’re stupid who stupid yes you you’re sick for the first time I disob my M he I you see you

    Take come back come back come back Ed what it be that my cloth Jesus now this you have seen it eh you have seen it you BM my clothes yes I’m putting an end to this madness you call fashion which madness he say you do anything hey hey hey you say do anything

    Stop it you B my cloth take your F hands off me now come out which hand choose your color which color and choose your color choose your coffee color because me and you one person go die to that don’t choose green I will be the one to

    Kill you first you going kill me yes you kill me I will kill you come on get out of here hey don’t do nonsense because I’m not Jing with you in this house let me see what you want to do your M you’re very stupid I hey is that myo stop it

    Stop it give me are you m oh you carry you car belt car belt come you car belt come you me col see my hand you hear what you you leave come your hand your hand your hand give it to me give it to me give it give it give it give itop

    Give me that knifey stop it stop it give me that knife Now give me that knife Now give me that knife now get i p you this and I this come here me give me give me that give it I you let me I you see you see you you

    Got B see you your own B my own B you see you you B my cloth i b your own clothes in this I don’t buy from Village come now vage people I you vage people Village People people He and why is my dinner not served am I not talking to someone oh din now sorry I can’t go into the kitchen right now to make food for you so please pass for the night excuse me I should pass for the night night when I specifically told you that I’m starving

    Posh Posh what kind of girl are you I’m the type of girl that want her peace of mind you’re stressing me Edy I am not in this relationship to be your slave or whatever if you can’t go into the kitchen to make your food you

    Can as well place an order eh you can as well go to help P don’t worry once you send me the money I’m going to send itous okay B I’m coming hey hey hey who that you’re talking to a friend he’s my best friend your best friend yeah of course so you want to send your best friend your pictures for money

    Right B it doesn’t mean anything let me see that phone I said let me see that phone why would I give you my phone I said give me that phone give give me that phone give me that phone now don’t drag my phone what I said give me that

    Phone now I’m not talking with you give me that phone give it to me now I am not married to you why will I give you my phone give it to me give it give give me give me give me give me give me that phone Eddie what has come over you what

    Has come over you you not hit ladies no but I must see who she’s speaking with give me that phone now give my phone give it to me now give it to me I’m serious give me that phone I can’t give you my phone I’m not married to you oh

    Really oh really then I’ll go down with you here and now I will cancel this relationship this idiot is speaking with someone I do not know speaking with a man right in front of me are are you stupid are you mad you cannot cook you cannot do home chice you cannot do

    Laundry you cannot do you practically do nothing in this house I put your bills I make sure that you’re comfortable then what are you giving me nothing what do you bring to the table nothing fire let me tell you something you must give me that phone else I will cancel this

    Relationship and I’m serious about it it’s fine you better ccel it because I’m tired seriously mik you’re just my best friend if you want me to leave your house fine I will leave oh really yes I’ll qu my tee I it’s fine oh really you see that you you have to calm

    Down no no no all right if you allow this ladies push you you commit murder no I’m tired of this one bro I’m tired I’m done she cannot do anything I pay her food abills I do everything for her practically do everything in this house she cannot cook she cannot do home shots

    She cannot do laundry then why is she my girlfriend I’m done I’m tired all the girls they don’t they have nothing mommy water displaying nonsense in my house I am done with her I am done how did how did you start the relationship leave me I’m done with this

    I’m going down to the Village tomorrow I will tell my mother that I don’t want to end up with any City girl I want to marry from the village they have nothing to offer every day you be spending money yet at the end of the day they will do

    Nothing practically doing everything in this house I am done I am done to see that hey what do I do now I’m seriously confused I thought if I go for Village girls that they will be the best they will be homely then I will put one or

    Two efforts to Tush her up then she will come up to the standard I want and social status and give me that pretty girl that is so hardworking that classy girl that girl with poor eyes and still do all the home chores and everything now I’m getting the opposite what hey what’s

    This was what I went shopping you went shopping with my card mhm cha you you went shopping with my card without my consent come on you’re my husband I wanted to shop so I went shopping are you mad meaning what why would you why would you go out with my C without my

    Without my consent do I need to tell you Jesus Christ Am I Dreaming Am I Dreaming Am I Dreaming what is wrong with you deit aler uh-huh see if you if you know what is good for you if you don’t want if you don’t want me to be mad eh just return

    On all this nonsense now and send the money back to my account wait what are you talking about send what I don’t understand what’s wrong with you you took my card for shopping without my content oh yes I did it and so do do you

    Know if I have enough money for that for for that nonsense most husbands will be so happy that their wife spend their money you two should come back here I’m talking to you I’m PR talking to you wait is it that is is it that I’m not

    Doing enough do you know what I do every now and then to keep this family going I take care of you I take care of your mother I take care of your brother even my own family and all you do is to Lavish my money have you forgotten where

    You come from how dare you how dare you insult me Alex I’m insulting you J I’m insulting you for shopping for this nonsense that you already have Alex you dare bring my family into this madness you’re mad you’re you’re you’re mad go and return this things and bring

    Back my money make me take this nonsense out of this house now wickling of a man make it we both know Alex oh my God Alex get turn it get your FY hands off me get your FY hands Alex Alex Alex shame on you wiling wiling

    Alex Alex let me have my clothes Alex let me have my clothes your all of you are M I will destroy your clothes now Alex Alex Alex come back here I’ve been waiting for you man yeah sorry sorry about that okay my Dex is out of control you know you’ve been talking me

    Out of my decision but I’m fed up I’ve tried my best and I’m done trying so what now you want to walk away you just come to that try harder man make your wife what you want her to be you can take an elephant to the

    River but you cannot force her to drink you know it right yes that is the problem forcing the elephant I don’t get you are we on the same page please bring me up to your speed can you make your narrative more clearer Eddie your wife is not an

    Animal is she you know what I’m talking about man you know what I’m talking about this is 2 years of our marriage and this is what I’m getting from it embarrassment she’s so local I tried my best to bring her up to my St standard

    And social status yet all to no avail I am done trying don’t you think you need to Cal down Cal down Stella that I know is not is not too bad right she’s a sweet person someone you can talk to oh so I am the difficult one here your W not

    Mine this um Georgina Le is she the kind of woman that you want yes she’s the kind of woman every man wants she’s very beautiful very intelligent very composed and what she talks calmly and collected she’s the kind of woman every man wants you know her too well I know her

    Enough to know that she’s the kind of woman every man wants can you believe that that my wife fought me can you believe that she burnt my clothes what your wife did what I I I’m serious she burnt my clothes though I was the one that started it started what

    Is I bur her rags yes I BN her clothes because I wasn’t comfortable with them you’re joking it’s no jokes man if I buy clothes for her she will reject them then if I give her money to go and get clothes she will go and buy Rags so I’m not comfortable with

    Them I had to arrange them and bunch them I put it to you that you’re the Jonah in this ship on who sides are you I don’t care I don’t freaking care care I’m on the side of a happy marriage whoever needs to bend to accommodate peace should do so Fast Is that all I get which one be is that all you get now they do for the village now so they carry something they throw like dog I’m sorry I I would have bored your clothes reason I bought this one for You O Junction this one fine f this one now go church on Sunday look Try the best I thought you don’t like them I tou your cloth how about they will look good on you I not send you message I don’t send no because I just make I know inside the back no say I want anything really what do women really want Gracious what is what is going on here stand honey mother what’s the meaning of this no d you don’t tell how are you now I my brother you just leave us welome than you don’t come welcome welcome thank you thank you and which you drink juice you chop food juice juice

    Juice just small sleep I see make I sleep small the thing just carry me you know plenty work stop it stop it stop it so this is funny to you right this is funny to you there there’s nothing funny here actually with someone trying to have a good sleep in our

    House a good sleep yes she’s having a good sleep relax you know I should be the one apologizing for interrupting her very sweet sleep now here is the bedroom right my sitting room does it matter she owns everywhere you can see what I’m putting up with every day yeah it doesn’t matter

    She can sleep everywhere well my decision is Final I’m at my last so what do you mean by that so when as I come now who will now offer me juice see don’t even deprive me of our sweet dishes come on look at your house your house is always a a breath of fresh air see the way she’s she’s keeping

    Everywhere clean con to that your wife I cannot continue putting up with her excesses because of a pot of soup I will not try it serious [Laughter] my my and see this one now this i s t it’s sweet oh I do I give you this one you be drink

    The morning before you come out now I you w’t get long drink again I bring make you drink yes yes she actually t you drink First honey mother stop it will get out of here get out get out get out you can take a girl out of the village but you can never take that Village out of her h why you like this now I don’t tell you say make you calm

    Down I should Cal down this is me coming down Stella this is me coming down like this wait first I come this one this your don’t turn something else it say we go see father may pray for you because me I not understand again now oh really I’m

    Done I’m done putting up with this nonsense I’m done putting up with you embarrassing me all the time constant embarrassment you see this one where you they talk now now that one me too I go use take V you go V me I go V now wait

    Now e if to say I know say you get this um um inside shrinking of heart I for not marry you I for no marry what be this you for no marry me I marry you too if I not say you are unchangeable you do like this I marry you you don’t you

    This every this you if you like this they fight I like this way he speak stop it stop it please this is not funny you are too stubbor and you don’t even put up put up efforts to to change me change name youself if to say you every

    Time you want talk something or maybe I want tell you something I shout shout shout the the youself now you know say you know listen small small put a heart down talk here now okay MH I’ve heard you yeah I’ve heard you you can have it

    Your way then but very soon you will know how much damage your bad behavior has cost you damage you know damage you and nothing damage AB See everything that you know Damage Everything nothing d H Story I don’t need do CH this this one can you stop I said I don’t want let me be please I said I’m Busy come see see baby you smile this you SM because I just like this leave me please what is all this stop it so you didn’t hear what I Said you want chop for you want chop I make I give you again I hold on let’s let’s go to the room go to the room let’s go and eat the biscuit you know walk your walk again he you like stressing why you like B you don’t want do work again I’m busy

    You not busy to go biscuit let’s get to the room just the Press laptop you want go room let’s go to the room car to go do waiting waen for wait first now for cook you sorry sorry now wow you don’t want walk again Maybe whatever that brought you here must be serious ah this not really serious I just stopped by to see my friend so how are you how is work I’m great trying to fix things and go for a short break so how is your wife and how is everyone

    Everyone is fine just that I’ve been up and about since today you know Gathering document for our relocation for real yeah we’re relocating relocating to where Canada oh you want to leave us and Jaa I should use that word e wow it’s great it’s great it’s

    Great so but it would have been better if we do one or two Hangouts before leaving oh yes yes we actually discussed that but I really don’t know how you’re going to take it Oh you mean you’re inviting us to your house oh yes sure okay very well then I will have to

    Discuss that with my wife if she’s comfortable then we will come my house is way big so you guys can come around and it’s holidays a few days from now so we can spend the holidays together oh that’s great okay let’s go to the lounge

    So that we can have a drink oh yeah sure all right Great Alex came to the office H that F man yeah that’s the fine wife you know say those two people they be like full battery I too like them yeah my five friend I love him and his wife especially his wife the way fine the way she carries herself she’s F

    She’s classy mhm yeah I want you to emulate from her I want you to behave like her you don’t start that one now that one make me that one you don’t start now what’s your problem you like fight every time I be my friend can you stop this stop ping

    Heyy that spoon what is this stop it please I can do the will rest you stop it every time I said you should stop keep that spoon now now you see what I’ve been saying HH the way you carry yourself I don’t I I I don’t like this

    So stop it you need to go to her learn see the way she carries herself the way she lives she’s classy she’s um very presentable she dresses very well your own is eating my food all the time and and talking rubbish classy don’t St people in The

    Classy you’re married to a classy man you’re married to a polished man now you CL yeah you not class yeah I’m very classy and very polished stop it please The Classy well I I just wanted to let you know that you’ll be traveling soon out of the country yeah

    Ja the everybody come up for this country me you that if you change if you live well if you live like a classy lady car me want even I like I like this P well if they want us to come stay with them for a while before they

    Travel M it’s like 2 3 days oh that one good though one good mhm I just told you about it now so you have to calm down I just asked when since Cal down are you know okay here calm down and learn from the master when I’m satify that you’re cool then

    I’ll take you out but likely we might go Tomorrow things now you blue blue blue now just to talk tomorrow h in the class I want you to be in your best behaviors when we get there tomorrow right you he I side did you hear me be in your best behaviors when you get there tomorrow I

    Don’t want all this your trauma and embarrassment I’ll get you clothes I’ll get you stuff so that um you dress well and look good and be classy classy that’s the watch word okay right okay I Want where do Finish open that open your bag now open my bag for w I want to check what you have in there can you open it now open my bag make you I don’t want you to get there and disgrace me so I want to see what you have there before

    We get there now because of this I tell you say I know one go make I stay for house you can’t say make I go now you don’t start you don’t don’t start can I tell you something I’m not ready for all this drama or whatever nonsense you’re

    Talking about open your back let me see what you’re going die with open I don’t get you open Che open them me you give that kind work CL the CL the CL which up your cloths tell me you know how to disg someone I don’t

    Trust you you see you see you see what are you doing what are you doing with this what did they do with that so you want to go there with this what would you do with it now now your own they have air conditioned rooms and sitting

    Room what are you doing with this in their house anything I like now my own so all my efforts to bring you out of that Village Life has not really done anything to you why me no bring me out from any Village I like Village make I

    They do village Village that’s why I like her you still see it you come Village you must be careful with me I don’t like this you’re not going with this no problem let me check other things check when you check take this because you’re not going with it come

    Back here I said come back Here honestly I’m so happy to see you guys I thought you people would Turner on the Invitation once I say it I will do it my man Stella Alex Alex I don’t come now oh thank you so much for having us of course you’re always welcome my home is your home um thank you for the food you’re wel the beautiful one thank you you’re welcome once Again eat up baby thank you thank you thank you thank you say you and my husband same place everywhere they shine you yourself you they shine thank you but you look good yourself this you talk you see my you haven’t changed the beat but I’ll tell

    You so welcome once again thank you and when my husband back now oh um it’s in his room in his room mhm EDD get room for house oh no um he has his room and you have yours like you got guys will be staying differently as he should be for privacy privacy

    Uhhuh um sorry is there any problem no problem not there okay problem not there okay that’s fine thank you um I’ll give you a minute so you can fres up or whatever then you come down for brunch okay right okay I beg if you reach tell

    My husband to make him come sure thank you you’re welcome once Again come sleep Get sit down face what is it where your bag my bag where your bag I don’t get it where did you keep my bagh my bag should be here all right what happened you know I don’t want to talk because next you tell me say I

    Don’t embarrass you I say make I keep quiet I don’t get it can you speak so I understand you carry me enter here tell me say here I stay I can’t say where your own now she said no say this room now my own room say no be your own

    Room oh I don’t get it why husband and wife for different room I don’t know if any of us get lepos um don’t worry I’ll speak with them to get clarification right right yeah maybe they want us to in different rooms like uh English people you understand you know you’re

    Not used to this kind of Lifestyle I know that right so they’re doing the right thing you be in a separate room I’ll be in a separate room then we will deal with our issues separately and there will not be issues not staying with you every day you be giving me

    Troubles I know you miss me if I go to the now let me here now when you enter say you will miss me say you will miss me yeah don’t worry I’ll start it out but um still remember you remember the key word right be on your best behavior best behavior make

    Me if best behavior I ask some husband and wife stay for which kind yourself here okay package yourself classes right um how well are you guys settling in il Legos it’s been what two 3 months um let’s say four months of course you should be used to Legos life

    By now the traffic and all of that used to can someone really get used to the craziness of this city well it’s been 10 years here in Lagos and I would say a very big no the moment you think you’ve understood Lagos it hits you with a very big surprise

    Yeah going to work is like hell yeah talk about walk how how is work are you coping with a system we are trying our best God has my faithful of course of course so why are you living well um we would want to raise our kids outside the country we’re actually ready

    To start having children so I wouldn’t want to I mean we wouldn’t want to raise our kids down here moreover it’s not really cool down here there are more opportunities over there if you would agree with me right wow that’s lovely so no one born for here you want to the um

    Securities and poor educational system is nothing to write home about we all hear it every day right but now the same thing for everyone same thing what do you mean by same thing the bad thing they happen for here they I’ll disagree with you it’s not comparable say person di by knife the

    Other one mat but now the same die then die in other words all die and die yes you’re correct for that side if you talk P make you shut up you slap say you crazy go call police you Bor boy say boy kind well that all depends on how

    You raise your kids yeah yeah I I I love it here though I love Nigeria you do yeah oh heck no no I don’t we don’t I can travel for vacation or maybe for shopping but I love it here I always come back to base here no place like

    Home yes he’s right but we love it here right home is home anytime any day yes but we love it here no place like home that’s no place like home but we love it here here no place like home anywhere anywhere any yes we love it

    There okay so please uh let’s let’s save ourselves this we love it here we love it there you know I think we should go over to the pool side and Cher what do you think po yeah iwim I go drink water M okay you can just watch us s then mhm

    Okay let’s go let’s Okay this way please all right Jesus Eddie Eddie wake up wake up wake up Eddie wake up which kind sleep you sleep like this what’s this this this wake up wake up I get bad dream sorry I get bad wake up why you disturbing me you he I talk I say I get

    Badroom wake up make we pray please de with your bad Dre and leave me alone make I de with my bad dream I Dre when me and you bust fight for this people household so just do now we pray fight yes better fight so come now pray

    S I begged you I begged you not to bring your drama to this house right in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus why are you shouting so you didn’t even shame to pray to God it’s not what I said I said you should just keep it low make I keep it

    Low if God keep your answers low you go like them no if God low your blessings they drop them like full stop like you don’t have to distur the entire house because you want to pray hm do whatever you want to do go ahead and

    Do it make you come prayer in Jesus name I don’t get you I don’t understand what is wrong with me ordering breakfast for our guest everything is wrong with it can can you even listen to yourself can you even listen to yourself I think it’s an argument argument who they

    Argue my friend and his wife your friend and wife you sure you sure be me that it’s an argument then they argue perfect people then they argue H hold on first so don’t I don’t think so she she’s a perfect woman she’s she’s a good woman she’s not like you perfect women

    They don’t argue they don’t shout don’t make noise she’s a good woman I’m very CL break my leg don’t sh take things easy now you what is wrong with you going in there to make breakfast for guest oh what’s so wrong in you bundling yourself

    Into the kitchen to cook for the for the guest what’s so wrong because I am your hos I have the right to tell you what to do your hands are not shrivel your hands are not shut you you’re not lame so why can’t you do it go what the hell is you

    Know what I won’t say nothing okay I’ve said that you’re so Shameless so it’s better you show them how we are living in this house you are very Shameless I’ve made my point that I’m going to order that breakfast right now and that’s fine no no that’s fine just just

    Do whatever you want to do show them how we live in this house oh yes show shess and La I will show even do nothing breakfast you cannot make for your guest for your you cook I’m not your slave I’m your wife what do you want to do hit me what silly

    Silly big cow silly I’m doing is I’m ordering this food I need to where is my phone order from Happy breakfast let it not be that what we saw is real ah ahhh or is this just a one time thing better see the other breakfast but me I use my

    Hand wake up in the morning cook fresh food for you go open mop like from three stop what is all this stop it stop maybe it’s just a one time like I said Jina is a perfect woman you know it you don’t know who be bestest man forward nice man man

    Fresh take care of woman hey hey hey stop it sweet man now get my phone stop all these things collect your phone Al is best best woman RK him to fake Everywhere Al like soop F man no pimple good morning good morning Stella how was your night I sleep well if person sleep say don’t sleep spiritual problem with that I sleep well well you’re lucky but me I I couldn’t sleep why now I don’t know I I barely sleep going CA that

    One my dear you know hey bro yeah good morning morning my brother you good yeah how was your night now great bro and yours GRE you yeah yeah okay so you know I was thinking um there’s a lounge close to me maybe we’ll go there later later

    In the day to go chill out what do you think oh sounds great okay we’ll try it out then yeah what you go with us now you won’t make all right I’ll get day good good morning everyone your CL I go check your wardr now the my husband like you like this one

    Have you like him Stella can you please stop all right we’ll do that when I’m back okay I just want to quickly pick breakfast I’ll be back like this Alex it’s just breakfast just I’ll be back okay oh really did oh okay so uh she ordered food from the food

    Vendors yeah food ordered her okay sorry she yes she she ordered that food that food freshly made food for the for everybody oh oh okay okay okay they could something special for Kit oh oh yes of course we do you know the utensils we are meant to we cook we

    Cook uh she cooks but I just you know sometimes it’s good you know chop from my side exactly you get a point special food that’s the point special food so you know 4 4 is fine yeah 400 p.m. okay okay that’s great oh yeah I I

    I I’ll come down soon M okay we’ll be upstairs right okay okay all right thanks you’re welcome Alex yeah enjoy your special meal Alex you Alex you fresh food fresh food fresh the freshest you can say that again enough [Laughter] Please so what were you trying to do are you trying to ca more drama CA drama now you want something like that yeah she she she was looking sexy not be something like that but I don’t want you to talk to me the way she was talking to him you

    Know take one leave one you collect the whole package everything car so you know Fe me fear me if I I’m not her husband though if you try something like that I I will skill you Life hey I was thinking they were so Perfect yeah yo bro what Stella she will soon join us okay cuz I don’t want us to take much time I just want us to maybe 2 hours or something oh yeah wow wow you’re looking so good in that outfit oh thank you so much oh I like it thanks thanks

    You where’s s isn’t she down yet should we join us our wife I love it so what is it that you’re wearing clo now I I love your outfit something thank you what what how e okay no no nothing wow you look breathtaken in that outfit I must confess

    And say this give me 50,000 one woman I carry the money enter Market you know how much 35 huh yes now yeah are serious are you joking 3,5 for this 3,500 NAA wow I must be some hard negotiation skills out there not unlike some people that buy skiy we very expensive let’s up

    What happened why Z why did you put on this so now because of this thing why we now make you drag me from that place come here eh do you look yourself in the mirror to see how you looking you’re looking like an old woman now you now you look like

    Old woman not be me waitting take that off now please I I I want you to wear something sexy you see this place when I go I know again can can you stop this Dr I say another go I go wa sh stop this drama stop this drama

    Put on something where’s your bag where is your bag I want you to put up something you go bring police call Army call Navy join I know they go again hey hey please I beg you I want you to wear something sexy do you see how she’s she’s looking

    Please please help me now help me now I not go stop now it’s everything that you be doing this help me out I don’t I tell you when you brought out this dress to wear didn’t I tell you not to wear it why would you tell me not to wear it

    Because I do not because I do not like it but I like it and I will wear it as your husband I told you not to wear it and you disobeyed me my husband not my father how can you wear this irresponsible dress out Alex excuse me

    How well will you the find a responsible wife a responsible wife is Stella up there didn’t you see what she’s wearing oh hold on you expect me to tie a rapper huh just to look responsible well I wouldn’t do it and and you wearing a hany out is is responsible is that is

    That you call responsible I am going to wear this dress out no you will not wear it out if you do not like it you can as well put on a dark shade to cover your shame no you must change this dress I won’t IR responsible human being you

    Call your you’re so shame what do you just what do you just say what are you are you mad are you are you crazy he hey he yes and I’ll slap you again and again hit me you want to hit me stop it stop it hey my what is he very foolish stop

    It your generation is foolish you are your family is foolish oh no oh my God are you mad are you mad my God sorry sorry sorry bro I’m I’m so sorry are you bleeding too much let me bring tissue Eddie I’m I’m L what you it’s all

    Your fault L what you just a devil I’m sorry so sorry bro you inil sorry marot slug what what happen I I receive low which one be what happen this house is a war zone reive don’t pleas help help me PR here ordinary Coco they for you Blood

    Please please can you get hot water hot water please do hot water was the one thatf wife I thought she’s perfect thought you thought now no worry my life me perfect wife perfect wife make you come put car I I give you I give you move my C practice now this [Applause]

    One call Champion never BR this uh relocating plan do you want to go there with all these fights I I I I I mean no harm please um well this it’s never in my plan to relocate anyway so whose idea is that Jas and you’re comfortable with that of course I’m not

    I I’ve always loved to stay back here And do my business or work I well it’s never in my plan we only talked about going over there to give birth to our children and not a total relocation okay so why didn’t you communicate that to her you know communication is key in marriage say who of course I have

    Severally but she’s H bent on doing what she wants my opinion doesn’t matter and your final take is to do what she wants obviously for peace to rain Okay okay okay that’s fine that’s fine okay we can see then oh when are we looking at okay okay fair enough fair enough that’s fine oh yes oh yes oh yes who will you see later when please let me call you back okay thank you bye pardon who were

    You talking to a friend what do you take me for a fool is that what you really take me for are you out of your mind meaning what now it’s like you’ve lost it I’ve not lost it yet I need to see who you were talking to my friend go go inside and

    And and and and talking I don’t want to unleash the madness in me let me have the phone out of your mind Who Who Are You commanding are you commanding me you just a bloody cheat who were you talking to I’m a bloody cheat yes that’s who you

    Are you must be mentally unstable you are crazy so talking to someone means I’m cheating oh yes that’s what you do you think I don’t know let me have the phone now I need to see the the the the fool you were talking to come collect it

    Now give it to me collect the phone now Alex I don’t want to go crazy on you why are you wasting time collect the phone okay go we do no you go to hey go you and I fight but not to this extent if incre because as I I don’t Le all

    Those do I pick them Lear Le HB because set for I don’t get they learn what you learning what be you you say I learn everything I be like what you tell me I only said one thing pick address sense then if you need more how to be classy so

    You see this house we for carry helmet they break the person they go separate fights hold on hold on hey give it to me Alex I need to see the phone let me have it let go my let me I’m not letting go off let go no I

    Unleash my madness what will you do Al kill me you want kill me hit me H me what do you want to do hey guys what’s going on are you okay no nothing my my wife will let me rest we play too much really oh I see where is Stella um she’s

    Inside I I I I want us to go and um maybe sit out what do you think a you want to leave me this so rest but I need to okay that case let me go and come back soon yeah it’s it’s fine bab can I just do this please

    Please please miss you I miss you too in here where you Going my about to be honest I I love her I mean it’s the woman that I I married but sometimes the way she behaves the way the way she disrespects me she she pushes me to the wall like sometimes I just you would understand still and I we do fight as

    Well yeah we fight every day fight what do you call fight I’m serious we fight no I need to know now what do you call fight has she ever smashed your phone before no has she ever smashed your TV before no why would she do that no has

    She ever has she ever been to your office to insult you in public no has she ever slapped you no you call that fight my own wife has smashed four televisions in this house house you’re kidding me right M you’re kidding me this phone you’re seeing I’ve used eight phones in less

    Than 2 years every small thing she will smash my phone and say get out smash it even her own phone that I I end up replacing at the end of the day and you call that fight wow wow it because sometimes you just choose not to just say some kind

    Things cuz it’s not everything just come out and start saying I just decid to just keep my cool wow and it looks like everything is Rosy for real mhm and I was even thinking that your marriage is perfect M more reason we are here to learn from you

    People are you serious yes I’m not kidding bro I told Stella that these people their marriage seems so perfect we need to learn from them are you people learning now at least you’re learning how to throw punches huh oh geina joina that can insult my whole

    Generation she once told me that I have nothing that is it because of this this this H that I buil here I call house that you can’t see my mates outside I should go to my M Garage I will see Bentley I see Colin and is it this this

    This torist that I drive here that I call car that what do I have so if they call Big Man I will come out to show myself as she says things that sometimes you just feel like drinking poison to die your wife doesn’t have bad mouths now

    When you hear her speak you will wonder is this the Jina is this the Jina but it’s not everything that I will say if I start telling you so many things you get tired to listen but you know what do I do this is the life I

    Choose for myself I mean do I have to blame anybody this is this is my life So He never come back for the fight drop your phone Go break my Head I’m so sorry you’re going through all this I was even thinking that your marriage is perfect the way you guys carry yourself on social media the post on Instagram the post on Facebook the couple gos all that everything I was even thinking oh yeah look that is why

    You don’t need to Envy nobody because sometimes you don’t know what that marriage is passing through what do I do I mean 90% of my time I use it to inspire married couples as you see in our YouTube videos couple videos and stuff like that that’s what I

    Do but me I am not happy in my marriage as a counselor a marriage counselor I don’t even enjoy my marriage but every now and then people learn from my post from our post this our last um um video on YouTube this our Vlog people learn people learn from our post but we

    We are not happy in our marriage especially me that day we made that last post we F to I was smash so many things now it’s not even me she smashed a whole lot of things that day she broke my iPhone 14 but when you see all those videos the

    Way we are laughing the way we are posing different P you will never know except I tell you marriage is like should I call it like a blind a blindfold right when you open up what you see you take because you don’t even know what you’re prone to

    See leave this leave this thing what what what’s what have I not seen I was even thinking Stella is the worst I was thinking she’s a bad wife Stella your wife yeah that woman that is so respectful that is so funny that dresses responsib

    Stella why I see your wife I see her as someone that is ready to take correct like when you tell her don’t do this she it’s not my own wife if you tell my wife to stand here that’s when she will get angry and even run even when she comes back late you

    Ask her as a husband where are you coming from is a problem you have no right to ask her even to even call to say honey where are you she would even take calls is that bad is that bad that you stay away to wait for your

    Wife as a consigned husband but your wife will take offense why are you awake waiting for her who are you to ask her where she’s coming from I’m not supposed to be telling you this but I mean we are like family now that’s why I’m telling you all of this

    Left for me you not hear it from me I won’t even go to say this is what I’m passing through because at the end of the day I brought this upon myself I don’t have no one to blame but I’m seeing hell I’m saying Pete of Hell Stella does she satisfy you in

    Bed oh that part she’s a pro in that she’s a pro yeah God this guy you’re feeding the king’s meal to the swine my own we have timetable I be cenda you’re kidding right wasn’t kidding What’s kidding we have the calendar is not even like is maybe in a

    Week sometimes in a month nothing like husband and wife being together if I try to touch my wife my wife would tell don’t if you see the way she don’t touch me I had a long day we stay for sometimes mon without nothing without anything like intimacy for husband and

    Wife you’re telling me you have complain come are you trying to compare my marriage to yours now telling you my own is worse your telling me me this I’ve really messed up hey what happened I thought your marriage is so perfect I thought my wife is a bad wife I I was even

    Comparing no no my brother do you know I even fired for Divorce you’re joking I’m serious you fight for divorce yes why I don’t understand even me that is passing through hell I’ve not thought of filing for divorce why Ah no no no if if you actually mean this thing you’re saying that means you messed up big time for what reason because of these few things you just complained that’s why you fight for divorce no now no no no no no no this one is not acceptable divorce for

    What no marriage is not like that my brother marriage is something you need to be patient oh no if I can do this why why why why why can’t you do it marriage is something you need to it’s not Bed of Roses wait you think marriage is some

    Kind of robot if you just press it and say go and sleep the person will go and sleep say shut up the the Rob to shut up no now marriage is way bigger than that this is this is Constitution of two different people from nowhere joined together so you have to expect this

    Person behaving the way you don’t want this person behaving the way you don’t want so it takes the both people the both parties to understand themselves and make it work commitment dedication it’s something you need to work on it takes time months years understanding to make it

    Work no if is this one you you did bad I don’t support this one no matter what you shouldn’t think of divorce it’s something you need to work as a man understand her turnup things she likes things that you know is left for you to make it

    Walk hey jie yeah if my husband can make gance from here what’s going on wait what’s going on can you talk what’s going on huh s to S she just walked in here packed and she didn’t alter a word oh really s what is the problem can you

    Talk to me divorce AB sorry divorce divorce what is she talking about Stella Stella Stella your phone okay Stella Stella He I’m so confused right now what’s actually happening ailed for a divorce that is what is happening wait does it mean that they’ve been having issues all this while and I didn’t see that coming mhm we’ve been having issues same way we’ve been having issues and they didn’t see it coming the force

    Why so so what what will happen now are you asking me why you sh no I need to know why you’re asking me what will happen now thank you so much for everything I’m so sorry for bringing this mess to you people come I’m sorry it’s nothing my brother it’s

    Nothing okay of course we are like one family I feel your pain I appreciate you let me go fix my home thank you for all you’ve done for us give you a call I’m so sorry and um just take it easy okay I I’ll give you a

    Call I feel for him I really do but what baffles me is how she she was able to find out about the divorce how did she find out the lawyer sent it to his phone so I think the wife saw it Oh that was why she gave me his phone

    Saying I should give it to him when he gets back oh so yes I’m so sad Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella Stella please please can you can you can you allow me to talk to you I leave me just leave me I beg you

    Find a place in your heart and forgive me please I’m so sorry waiting I do you I’m sorry I’m sorry for everything just allow me to explain I am work in progress I am wait you w explain you go for my back and you

    Won’t P me AB I’m sorry you won’t P me I’m sorry please please please please I beg you please forgive me pleas you see you don’t need to beg me want make I go you see this marriage I don’t regret nower at all at all just allow me allow

    Me I beg you I beg you I I will change I say you like me I be Village again I know I do punch I know do anything but you everything do me like now so you think I know they manage you okay all this time make you manage

    Me you go my back won’t you I said no I said I’m sorry please forgive me okay I’m ready to change I will take if you want to cook a in the afternoon I will take it in the morning I will take it I will take a I will take I will take

    Anything in the morning can you can you I said I will change I I said please down please she’s not taking her gos and now you see what I’ll be telling you huh you see what I have been telling you I know I messed up yes brother you messed up big

    Time did she say anything before she left she just said she knew I never liked her and she regrets getting married to me I don’t blame her if I was in her shoes I would do the same thing I say the same thing definitely yes I messed up by going about her

    Problems that way but the question now is what do I do now I first of all where could she be I don’t know does she have friends I don’t really know this man do you even know your wife do you know your wife this girl practically knew everybody that you know your

    Friends she does not keep friends that much what about the mother I call the M M she asked me after her so I believe she’s not there this is serious okay I I’ll give her a call let’s let’s pray she she picks give I call all right that’s a good idea thank

    You don’t will thank me we are in this mess because of you I’m sorry thank you where to I’m going over to a dis place I’m still in shock about everything that’s that’s life for you I never knew he was unhappy well sometimes men do not speak up until it gets out of

    Hand to the point of divorce why well I just pray as s your differences I can I ask you a question what if I say no you know you can’t are you happy well what is going on with my friend of course I’m not yes I know that but that’s not what

    I mean I mean are you happy in this marriage our marriage if I’m happy in this our marriage you’re such a comedian you asking me if I’m happy in this our marriage can’t you see how happy I am I’m joyous I’m excited please I just really need to know cuz

    I’m I’m very confused about everything that happening and I it’s best I know but all the fights C going on you still want to know if I’m happy in this Union with this wrestling we have every now and then you’re asking me if I’m happy wait am I am I missing something she knows I’m the one calling I’ve called her like a thousand times she’s not picking still bely gets angry but when she does it’s very

    Bad you won’t blame her you know you won’t blame her so sitting here now you don’t know any anyone she could probably be with I’ve not been very good to her I don’t even know who she speaks with Jesus what about this neighborhood you know Church anywhere you’re making this thing difficult

    Man what’s up I okay I think there are this lady from church that would know how we about okay you know we should get going that’s a good one let’s go okay this go now this man you have to do better what do you really want from

    Me an answer to my question to which question are you happy why are you asking silly question of course you know I’m noty happy this thing called marriage I am not happy in it and you know it why you asking me if I’m happy when you know that I’m not happy but but

    What you’re trying to defend yourself so deep down is this thing this thing we are doing now is is a marriage is this the promise we made to each other on the altar so you can proudly say that you’re married and you’re happy in your Mar even you that is asking this question

    Are you happy how did we get here you should be asking yourself you should be asking yourself how we got here because this is not the plan this is not this is not the promise this is not in any way what what we wished for we out there inspiring people

    They’re living their lives inspiring them to have a happy marriage but we we we don’t even have close to a happy marriage you asking me if I’m happy well if you must know I am not happy just praying to God every now and then to change it because this Union is

    Is I Target is selfish marriage because we haven’t taken time out to actually ask ourselves what do we really need what are we lacking what do you really want what do I want as a man in this marriage well something thing goes to me because I haven’t even asked or even

    Cared to know what you really want at least I’m doing my best doing my best as a man I’m sacrificing a whole lot for you I know how many times you’ve slapped me but I never for once hit you it kept on happening happening before I finally

    Said okay let me hit you one day for you to stop well I don’t want to go on and on in this I’m I’m off you going to ask yourself that question and answer yourself if you’re if you’re happy in this marriage let me go for my friend he meets me than

    Anything can we make this Work How far you said you have somewhere to check yeah but she wasn’t there could she be so have you hold on my wife yeah hello babe oh really okay okay that’s fine all right thanks my wife she has picked who Stella yeah oh really so we are see so

    That we can go and see her now that’s the problem you can’t see her she told my wife not to bring anyone else she can only come alone okay well I just wanted to be sure she’s fine well I think she’s fine I really messed up yeah but the question now

    Is what’s the plan I want to face this I am ready to face this but I don’t know how to go about it yeah a friend of mine said it’s better we see a counselor yes um fair enough okay does he have someone we could look up yeah he has Someone okay because you know your marriage working is is up to you my brother mean it’s obvious your marriage is trying to sleep of your finger so you have to do something maybe I will give him a call okay well when judina returns she will

    Tell us she’ll tell us the next plan I just pray she forgives you yeah I have sent him messages I hope uh she understands that I really want to fix this and make it work he’ll be fine what about you are you ready to fix things with your wife well my brother you

    Know this marriage thing is a collective effort it’s not just me I’m ready to make my marriage work if she’s ready yeah okay let’s hope to hear from your wife so that we know the next step I want to see her exactly I really want to see her exactly

    Call relax she promised to be here before the meeting commences that’s Right good I I have been worried I not come here because of you you hear now because of I come here so just be on your own sorry okay I’m so sorry you know they hear I talk I not come here because of you it’s all right Mrs Stella you are

    Welcome Madame I beg you call me Stella come on the Miss okay there no problem whatever you comfortable with all I know is that for both of you to have come here shows that you are still willing to make this marriage work and I’m sure it must surely work make me

    To now M tell me what did you see had that made you fall in love with her I had several bad experiences in my past relationships with women when I met her she was a breath of fresh air she was everything I wanted in a woman she was calm she was

    Responsible she was uh collected and uh caring and most of it she was very funny and interesting to be with are you still what why did you agree to marry him I do mistake I know you are still angry but for you both to have come to

    This place that shows that you are still willing to make this marriage work so talk to me okay before before in they good in say I make her happy if I talking will laugh but now my embarrassment I be so what would you have preferred her do differently I’m throwing the question at

    You because you’re the one that went for the divorce I wanted her to change the way she dresses I don’t like her dressing like an old woman yes and I want her to live classy por and uh expensive carry herself well so have you communicated that to her yes

    Yes when you both are having issues yes you see there’s one thing I want both of you to know see in marriage communication matters a lot the way you communicate with your partner goes a long way in building up the relationship you see we women we are

    Different from you men see at times she might not be in the position to respond well and when you approach her that that time maybe she will respond the way you will not like but when you talk to her in a low tone there’s no way she will not

    Understand what you are talking so it’s very important in Marriage [Applause] Why you acting strange what’s the meaning of this to be very honest I really don’t know what has happened to us I don’t know how we got here we used to be madly in love with each other I’m sorry Georgina is there a problem what the latest update now did

    They send you to bring me because I’ve never heard sorry from you ever since we got married because I’m truly sorry I’m so sorry babe I’m I’m really scared of losing us imagine Stella and Eddie they barely fight as much as we do but they are the

    Verge of losing their marriage and I really don’t want that for us I want this marriage to work please forgive me I’ve done a whole lot to you and I’m truly sorry please listen whatever you want if you don’t want the relocation anymore I am

    Happy with it I will take it I will stay here with you to to raise our kids this is serious judging y you’re really sorry this is serious juding I’m I’m I’m speechless this is coming from you you’re really sorry yes babe I am so sorry from the depths of my Heart okay I I have a request so M what do you have to say ah first of all I will say say thank you thank you for all you’ve done for us we appreciate you my wife will soon join us and she said I should tell you thank you I’ve

    Learned through all the You’ thoughts that marriage is a commitment and um marriage is intentional if if you want the best from marriage then you must give it more attention because the attention that you give to marriage determines the results that you get from it yeah right no one is a ruler in

    Marriage regardless of who you are or who you think or the status if you thinged in life no one is a ruler in marriage we are all working progress so you must Bend yourself to accommodate your partner exactly not like um bending to break no but some reasonable uh amount of um

    Considerations not bending to break but some reasonable amount of compromise and one of the mistakes that we make is that we do not um open up exctly we cover up our issues and we do not seek professional help and professional advice without knowing that there is no formula to

    Marriage marriage is a decision if you want your marriage to work you must work in line with your partner and make that decision that it would work work and to the youths the single ones that are not yet married some of them do not uh pay attention to the important issues why

    They are dating there are several factors that can cause divorce even before you get married yes uh number one is um divorce philosophical divorce divorce of ideologies when your ideas do not fall in place with that of your partner or your girlfriend or your supposed uh um f andc then that’s an

    Indication that divorce is closed so you must first of all sit her down you discuss it that’s right do you like this do you like that if he’s this kind of person that do not like Outdoors social events then you have to make sure that

    You take that boss will you be able to cope with a boring person will you be able to C with a social person will you be able to cope with an emotional person if you cannot cope it’s better to consider it before you say I do exactly even locational divorce some people love

    L distant relationship why some do not some have trust issues so if you cannot cope don’t go about loving someone that is in America someone that is in Europe and at the end of the day it you will shatter and be stranded when you get married and there are several other

    Factors like um Financial divorce some people they don’t discuss their finances if you know that you cannot manage this guy do not lead him on exactly do not commit to this marriage because when he opens up you must first of all say yes we’ve talked about it and

    I agree to it thank you so much M thank you I’m glad you Lear so fast amen thank you thank you you know what go and enjoy your marriage my wife will soon join us no problem thank you m we appreciate myate apprciate God Bless Yeah welcome my baby my baby which Oney maybe Stella again sit see uhuh well if I want you to be like them like those perfect trendy classy ladies I will start treating you like one that’s what is important so tell me what P name would you want me to call you my

    Baby my sweethe heart my love or my daugh this last you I like my I like you do me like my Tata too oh really mhm nice one yes my Tata so going forward and forth my Tata I love my t I like make you call me

    My T I just make you call do me like just small small small small don’t let anything I’ll be pampering you taking care of you yes now yes my hey you like tell me where you want me to take you today what you one you know I want tell me make you do

    Transfer you and money yes now everybody like it’s fine I will um make it transfer I will transfer to your account now transfer if you do your name be o o my that so my Tata you come them money to my Tata money to my open that now I’m doing it now Never honey you like wow this is you yes ma my baby my Tata come here wow you’re looking so good yes I like this m you like her yeah mhm I say F but disclose yourself yes now see I know the kind way you like I know where way thank

    You thank you for trying so hard to make me happy I really appreciate it now because see you you don’t try not to make me happy time you go shout shout shout shout if not continue make me happy so make me to try make you happy if we continue like this

    No more fight nothing and marriage will be beautiful my baby now yeah TW for me TW for me they wear this type of okay okay let me see your okay let me see your step let me see your step let me see your step take it take it take it come on

    Let’s go there wow wow wow wow wow just going going on here why does it look like you cooked because I did oh please be serious bab I’m serious thing is I I heard everything you said and I’m truly sorry okay the only thing I wish now

    Is is for a marriage to Blossom and I’m really ready I’m truly ready to put in work to be honest I’m I’m speechless but I know one thing a good marriage requires falling in love over again with the same person right now I can tell you I falling in

    Love again this time this minute a good marriage is that which allows for Change and growth in the individuals babe I’m truly ready to do whatever you want to give what you want to try this feels like a dream honestly I’m serious if it is a dream I I want to be

    Trapped in it I love You I love you more no I love you more all right guys let’s make a toast to happiness love family and to A New Beginning yes A New Beginning I like that part new beginning than all right Aha A N


    1. This was truly a well scripted and well thought out movie. The characters were brilliantly portrayed, especially our village girl – who stole the show with her performance! SammyLee, this is the kind of film people are hungry for. We love Nollywood, but want to engage with good content and production – well done… 👏🏾👏🏾All the best from London city…

    2. A man that can not be a man is not a man. Alex need to stand his ground, Georgina is a selfish woman and does not love Alex. No marriage is perfect but it can be good. Poor Alex truly love his wife but should he be living in an abusive marriage. Oh no, no person should live like they are in a marriage. Wow

    3. Truly enjoyed the movie🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤God bless all couples that are doing their best to keep their marriage strong.😊

    4. WOW, WOW,
      One of the best movie I've ever watche😂d in my entire life. When I saw the actors and actresses and the title, I just knew this is it!!!!! I am delighted to say I was not disappointed. I'll watch this over and over again and again 😊 and recommend it to all married people I know. Thank you so much. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

    5. This movie is so pertinent. I've seen couples who act so perfect. When they are home it's a different story. I dont agree on either. There is a balance, and couples need balance. But, there is maturity in finding it. Both have to step up.❤❤❤❤ Sonia is showing her talents, new to me. My eyes have opened to her… Funny and poignant😂😢😅😂😭🤣

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