Paris-based Journalist, David Chazan, explains the stabbing of a school teacher in France by a man who was known to the police as a terror suspect.

    #terrorism #schoolteacher #stabbing #frenchpolice

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    A teacher has been killed and another two people have been seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France according to Witnesses the attacker shouted Alo Akbar which means a God is greatest during the attack now French media Reports say that he was a former

    Pupil at the school H this does come in light of a former Hamas leader calling for a a day of jihad a day of global Jihad it’s worth noting that yesterday in France French authorities told any pro Palestine or pro- Hamas protesters that their protest would be illegal because it breached the peace

    When those protests took place anyway this is how the police responded if you’re watching us on TV or online they got the kind of smoke grenades out they got the water cannons out they got the riot police out straight away on the streets then of course today we end up

    With a situation where as a school a teacher is stabed to death by somebody beli to be a former pupil Somebody by the way who according to Reuters was on a state watch list of people known as a potential security risk that’s according to a police Source there and apparently

    They were being monitored apparently he’s 20 years old and had been in France since 2008 joining us now for more information is paris-based journalist David shazan David thank you very very much what are we aware of the situation involving a stabbing an individual shouting Alo abbar and then supposedly killing a teacher

    Yeah I mean we know that one teacher is dead two other people are seriously injured one of them has been identified as a PE teacher and the other one is a canteen worker who is critically injured they’re both in hospital um the attacker has been arrested and so has his brother

    Who was arrested near another school along with a third suspect uh near yet another school and all three uh were on the terror watch list so they were known to the authorities they’d been flagged up as potential terrorists and so a lot of questions are now going to be asked

    About how one of them was able to walk into a school armed with at least two knives when he was a known Terror suspect he would he had been on the terror watch list for 11 days so police really did suspect that this was somebody who was about to launch an

    Attack his phone had been tapped and he had been followed and it’s emerged from a source close to the investigation that police actually spoke to him yesterday but did not arrest him right I mean it is absolutely staggering then that we had three arrests at potentially three

    Schools from three people on a terror watch list in France as I understand it people are still being told to avoid the Aras City Center concerns that there may be other incidents at play and it’s impossible to ignore the fact David I think that this does come you know 24

    Hours after the former leader of Hamas was saying that there should be some kind of global day of of jihad I mean how how is France bearing up to this at the moment well France is uh on T to hooks as many many other people are and the government ordered stepped up security

    At all schools throughout France after this attack Jewish schools had already been given special protection but I think there’s something else very significant about this attack because it comes three days before the third anniversary of the beheading of a Paris teacher who had showed his pupils controversial caricatures of the Prophet

    Muhammad now his killer who was shot dead by police shortly after the attack was like the suspected attacker arrested today of Cen origin and both of their families had immigrated to France from Russia and so many people here in France are making that link between the anniversary of the beheading of the

    Teacher Samuel Pati and today’s attack and it’s revived terrible memories for a lot of people of the string of Terror attacks That Shook France starting in 2015 the worst of course was a terrible night of coordinated attacks on the batter claw music venue bars and restaurants and the National Stadium

    That left 130 people dead absolutely um David thank you very very much I know that you’re you’re in Paris I believe at the moment and potentially gearing up for another night of activity should we say in Paris I know that over here in the UK many people are fearful that

    We’re going to end up seeing potentially some unsavory scenes protest demonstrations and how our police respond to it tends to be very different to how the French police respond to it you guys were very quick over there to say that these protests would be banned because they are a threat to public

    Order and then the police tend to get the water cannons and the batons out and the smoke grenades out don’t they uh are you preparing for something similar to this evening do you think in Paris well we’ll have to see uh last night there was a pro Palestinian

    Demonstration flouting the ban that had been announced hours earlier and police charged in with tear gas and water cannon as you say uh the French tend to send in heavily uh uh armored Riot police and they don’t hesitate to use tear gas and water cannon to break up protest

    And they send the police in in very large numbers so we will see the police are on alert across the country tonight uh in case there are further Pro Palestinian demonstrations which have been banned on the grounds that the government considers their Potential Threat to public order absolutely look

    DAV will you make sure you take care


    1. This is what unvetted immigrants cause and bollocks to any saying I racist would you let a young man u know nothing about come and live with you and your family cause not so stop the bloody bjafs before this becomes a thing

    2. the funny part is they are in the terrorists watch list ..but they don't deport them ..😂😂😂 wake up France its time to deport those barbaric citizens

    3. What's the point of a "watch-list" if nobody actually watches the jihadi nutters?

      Have they let so many in that watching them all and keeping the west safe is now impossible?

      Where is the one good Muslim leader that publicly states Hamas is an evil terrorist organization without their usual "but they deserve it because they wouldn't move"? If there are Muslim leaders that believe in peace and, more importantly, coexistence… it's time to come forward.

    4. Hungary's PM Victor Orban is the smartest PM. He predicted this problem and saved Hungary. If you invite people of the Quran (Holy book of Islam) to your country, then be prepared to be converted or eliminated. The civilised world must demand that the Satanic verses in the Quran which encourages the killing of Jews and Non-Muslims (Kaffir) must be removed. Without reforming the Quran, there will be NO PEACE in the world.

    5. This peaceful individual will have the same ideology as all the lovely young illegal immigrants being welcomed into the UK, and unfortunately, this exact scenario will play out across the UK

    6. I pray the family take the government to court for failing in their duty of care.
      I'd happily donate if they started a gofund page for legal fees.
      Beyond appalling

    7. As the Woke Police Policies have shown over & over to be utterly useless at doing the job the majority of the public believe they are paid to do. Britain should allow guns for citizens to protect themselves as clearly the Police, because of inept Police policies, cannot!

    8. Condolences to the family. With the benefit of hindsight, I sincerely hope that lessons will be learnt this time and knife laws will be reviewed thoroughly and vigorously to ensure that this doesn't occur again on European soil. Prayers, vigils, resolve and meaningful dialogue, not the usual lip service given by opportunistic career politicians or useless Mayors

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